At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Willistown Knoll on January 19, 2012, after a

Motion and second, the Board of Directors shall require the attached Code of Ethics be signed and submitted by every homeowner wishing to be considered for a position on the Board of

Directors. Further, the current elected Board is strongly encouraged but not required to sign the

Code of Ethics at this time.

By a majority vote of the Board of Directors, the above Motion is RESOLVED.


______President Date


WHEREAS, Article III, Section 3. of the first Amended Declaration of Restrictions, Covenants, and Easements for Willistown Woods, II, a community association commonly known as “Willistown Knoll” and Section 5302 Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act governing Willistown Knoll provide for an Executive Board charged with the management, operation and affairs of the Community; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Board stands in a fiduciary relationship to its members, requiring each to act with integrity, good faith and fairness; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Board has determined that it is prudent to specify standards to be imposed regarding the duties of the Executive Board; and

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the following Resolution containing the accepted Code of Ethics is hereby adopted:


Effective , 20 , Executive Board Members serving Willistown Knoll shall be required to abide by the following Code of Ethics. A copy of this Code of Ethics will be provided to and must be signed by each potential future candidate in order to run for or serve on the Executive Board.

In order to most effectively serve the interests of this Association, I agree to meet the following Code of Ethics and further acknowledge a violation of any of the standards below shall constitute sufficient reason for my resignation.

1. I will abide by all Association rules, regulations, policies, and pay all association fees or other association charges on time.

2. I will use my best efforts to support Association operations that protect the safety of the residents and enhance the value of the property.

3. My decisions will be made based upon what I believe to be best for the entire Association regardless of how it might affect me or my interests.

4. I will not use my Board or leadership position to obtain less expensive services (other than what a neighbor would pay for the same service) for myself from any contractor, vendor, or professional connected with the Association or to obtain preferential treatment for my home from the Association.

5. No gifts or other benefits of any value that could be perceived as “creating influence” from any individual or company that provides goods or services to the Association can be

Page 2 of 3 Willistown Knoll\Code of Ethics accepted by one or more Board members. The Board may vote to approve acceptance of a gift or other benefit for the Association but only when it cannot affect a current Board selection decision related to that individual or company.

6. There can be a situation where my business or personal contacts or past experience could represent a potential conflict of interest in my deliberations about a contract or proposal or service. If there is any conflict or event potential for a perceived conflict, I will promptly recuse myself.

7. I will not knowingly misrepresent facts or inappropriately divulge confidential information to any homeowner, management staff, contractor, or other individual or entity serving the Association.

8. Confidentiality of the personal lives of all homeowners (particularly Board members), management staff, and others who serve the Association, will be respected by me at all times.

9. I will come to Board and other Association meetings on time, prepared, and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

10. I will support efficient, effective meetings and not use inappropriate language or intimidation to try to affect other Board members, management staff, or others attending the meetings.

11. There will be situations where a consensus cannot be reached and a Board vote is not unanimous. One or more dissenting Board members may have those votes recorded in the minutes and can provide a brief written explanation to be attached to those minutes. However, I agree that once the Board has voted and reached a decision, it becomes the policy of the Board and is not to be criticized outside of the Board setting. Moreover, I will not use Association resources to perpetuate matters already decided.

12. Except in circumstances consistent with a Board decision, I will make no unauthorized Association related promise or assurance to any homeowner, contractor, or other person. I will not unilaterally make an Association related commitment without Board approval unless specifically authorized by the Board.

13. I will not interfere with the duties of the management staff, contractors, or others providing services to the Association except if the Board has specifically delegated to me a duty that permits such conduct.


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