SCRIPTURES FOR MEDITATION AND PRAYER: Gen.1:26-28 ; Deut.33:20; Exo.34:22; Dt.12:20; Isa.54:1-3; Esther 4:14; Lk.5:1-6; Luke 19:13.

CONFESSION: 1CHRONICLE 4:9-10. 9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. 1 Chron 4:9-10 (KJV)


1. I praise You Father. You are the Possessor of the Heaven and the earth. The whole earth is yours and the fullness thereof. All things were made by You and for Your pleasure. 2. I give You glory and honour. The Heaven is Your Throne and the whole earth is Your footstool. 3. I thank You Lord for creating me with a mandate to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion over all the earth. 4. I repent from every ancestral or personal sin that has brought me to unpleasant spiritual state. Forgive me Lord and cleanse me completely from these sins. 5. I renounce and reject every acquired or self inflicted curse of stagnancy and limitation in the name of Jesus. 6. I break loose from every spirit of caged destiny in the name of Jesus. 7. Every power forcing me to operate below my God-given potential, your time is up, lose your hold on me in Jesus' name. 8. O Lord, position me in the centre of Your will and help me to do Your pleasure totally in Jesus' name. 9. Father, use me to possess Territories for You in Jesus' name. 10. By the power of Resurrection, I command every grave that has swallowed my star to vomit it now in Jesus name. 11. Every evil name, label or attachment to my destiny, be erased by the blood of Jesus. 12. Every gathering assigned to substitute my glory for pain, trouble and shame, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. 13. O Lord, make me a Territorial Intercessor in Jesus name. 14. O Lord, arise and enlarge my coast in the name of Jesus. 15. Father, make me a man/woman after Your own heart and let me delight in doing all of your will in the name of Jesus. 16. Power of the cage, break by fire in the name of Jesus. 17. Power of limitation, break by fire in the name of Jesus. 18. Power of Stagnation, break by fire in the name of Jesus. 19. Father, let Your Hand be upon me for good from now on in Jesus name. 20. Father, by Your mighty, valiant hand, deliver me from the enemy that is too strong for me in Jesus' mighty name. 21. Father, I refuse to be the best of the worst, make me the best of the best in the name of Jesus. 22. Every power assigned against my enlargement, die by fire in the name of Jesus. 23. O Lord, open my eyes to opportunities for my enlargement and order my steps to maximize them in Jesus' name. 24. Father, I rededicate myself to global evangelization. Use me as a vessel unto honour in this regard in Jesus name. 25. Thou Spirit of High favour, come upon me mightily in the name of Jesus. 26. Thank You Father for commanding divine enlargement to locate me from now on in the name of Jesus.