PRESS RELEASE IULM with the Italy Pavilion towards Expo 2020 Dubai Memorandum of Understanding signed between Italy’s Commissioner's Office for next year's Universal Exposition and the Milanese University A multi-sectoral comparison between the world of academe, institutions and businesses where fostering international exchanges is central to the agreement Rome - Milan, 16 November 2020 The fostering of international exchanges and the multi-sectoral comparison between the world of academe, institutions and businesses are the qualifying aspects of the Memorandum of Understanding between Italy’s Commissioner's Office for Expo 2020 Dubai and the IULM University of Milan. The agreement focuses on training courses linked both to themes of the Universal Exposition and to Italy's participation in the event which, following the postponement of a year linked to the Covid -19 pandemic, will open its doors on 1 October 2021. The protocol launches a collaboration aimed at planning activities, initiatives and events to be carried out before and during Expo Dubai whose theme is "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future" and in which Italy takes part with the claim "Beauty connects People". Specifically, the protocol aims to foster, in the Mediterranean area and with nations participating in the Universal Exposition, international academic and cultural exchanges on new skills, including digital skills, in addition to Expo themes. The agreement between IULM and the Commissioner's Office aims to encourage the participation of the world of academe, research centres and stakeholders in Expo by organising seminars, workshops and forums on topics of common Italy’s Commissioner's Office for Expo 2020 Dubai For information: Communications Department Italy’s Commissioner's Office at Expo 2020 Dubai
[email protected] For IULM University: Press Office Elisa B.