SHAPE America TOY Website Questionnaire

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SHAPE America TOY Website Questionnaire

SHAPE America TOY Website Questionnaire

Name: Margaret Hornbeck School Name: Cleveland Middle School Albuquerque, New Mexico School Address: 6910 Natalie St. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 School phone (only if you want me to post online with your profile): (505) 881-9227 ext. 43540 Your email address (only if you want me to post online with your profile): [email protected] Your website (if applicable, and only if you want me to post online with your profile): then look for my name Margaret Hornbeck for my web page.

Questions Describe one or two of the newest and/or most innovative activities that you do with your students in physical education? (i.e. instructional units, assessment strategies/techniques, development of personal/social skills, parent/family involvement, special events, etc) One of the newest and or most innovative activities that I do with my students is I try to incorporate technology in my classroom by using my iPad. I preview new activities for the students using you tube. I create video clips of students doing motor skills for students to see and analyze their movement of that motor skill. I also host several events for Parent/family to help motivate them move at home. One event was a family fitness fun night. One thing I do for assessment is with Fitness testing I have students graph their results and take them home for parents to see and sign. I also use rubrics anchored in concrete actions for my assessment of students and for self- assessment.

What is your particular expertise in regard to teaching physical education – what is the focus of your teaching? My expertise and or focus when it comes to teaching physical education is to motivate students, parents, and staff to move throughout the day. One way I do this is by leading warm-ups as part of the daily announcements. I also try to focus on exposing my students to a wide verity of activities and showing them how they can incorporate these activities in their lives.

What is your philosophy for physical education – what do you believe in? My philosophy for physical education is physical education should be a part of every child’s life and should give that child the tools to live a healthy and active life throughout their life span. This should be done through a quality and standards based program.

What does being a physical education Teacher of the Year mean to you? What being physical education Teacher of the Year means to me is that I get to help inspire others to keep moving and to stay active. I also get to learn from others and share wonderful ideas that will help move quality and standards based physical education into the future. What do you do to help other physical education teachers plan and implement exemplary programs? How I help other physical education teachers plan and implement exemplary programs is by leading by example and always showing what I’m doing in my program. I present at state conferences to help inform others of new ideas and new avenues of teaching. I also present at our own local school district. I also stay on top of what is going on in the physical education to help enhance my program.

Any quotes from students about you as a physical education teacher, or the classes taught by you? Mrs. Hornbeck, “is always giving us new ways to move outside the classroom and she is also always positive towards us, her students.”

List three of your “favorite” conference session titles that you have presented, with a brief description of each. How to use an iPad in Physical Education – an over view of apps that teachers can use to help them in the Physical Education classroom. Let’s Move Active Schools Family Night- an overview of different ways to get students, staff, and families moving before, during, and after school. How to get staff to give students activity breaks as part of learning – For Physical Education teachers to show their staff they can have movement in the classroom and not lose teaching time.

Any additional major teaching awards you have received: Staff Member of the month New Mexico Middle School PE Teacher of the year Southwest district Middle School PE teacher of the year 7 Questions for a TOY The questions below are meant to be light-hearted and fun; this is a chance to show a bit of your personality. Although there are 13 questions, we will choose seven to highlight on social media and other AAHPERD/SHAPE America periodicals.

1. If you could have a teaching super power what would it be and why? The

super power that I would have as a teacher is the power of stopping time.

The reason I would pick stopping time is there is never enough time in the

day to get everything done as a teacher and by having the power of

stopping time I would be able to give all students the well deserved time

they need for activity .

2. Share a funny or shocking story from your years of teaching. A funny

story that comes to mind about teaching Physical Education is when I was

giving students a written test over floor hockey. I had a student answer

each question with “well Mrs. Hornbeck says”. I found this so funny

because I thought this student had tuned me out during this unit and it

turned out that this students heard everything I said as they quoted my

every word on the test.

3. With teaching there can be good and bad days. What’s a moment in your

career that’s made it all seem worthwhile? One moment in my career that

has made teaching seem worthwhile is when a student whom I had taught

my first year of teaching told me that they still run because of me. I had

started a running club my first year of teaching and this student had joined

and ran their first race with me. This students was now in high school and

still running and buying a new pair of running shoes. No one in her family

had ever run before. 4. If you could go back in time to when you first started teaching what advice

would you give yourself? If I went back in time and was going to give

myself advice for when I first started teaching I would tell myself to

celebrate every small step, not just the big steps, when it comes to getting

students and staff to move more.

5. My students would think I’m crazy if they knew I ( I used to get up and sing

with a band when I lived in Italy) .

(Ex. My students would think I’m crazy if they knew I base jump off buildings on

the weekends.)

6. One of my unhealthy guilty pleasures is ____Chocolate ______.

7. If I wasn’t a PE teacher I would be a __Physical Therapist or an actress_____.

8. What’s the biggest challenge PE teachers face and how would you change

it? I think one of the biggest things Physical Educations teachers are

challenged with is families being more sedentary due to technology along

with families not cooking healthy meals at home.

9. Describe your teaching style in one word. My teaching style in one word

would be positive.

10. Compare your teaching to that of your own PE experience. I had such a

positive Physical Education experience growing up. I really try to keep this

aspect with my students now when I teach each day so they will also want

to pursue a healthy life style like I have so far throughout my life. 11. How or what made you become a PE teacher? I wanted to have a positive

impact on people’s lives. I really wanted to work on preventative health

care and people’s over all well being and happiness.

12. Ask your students to describe you in one word. Share a few responses.

I asked my students to describe me in one word and this is what they said, “ Positive”, “Determined”, “Inspirational,” “Fun”, “Athletic”, and


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