Mrs. Huntington, Grade 5 Science Class (50 Min Long Class Period)

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Mrs. Huntington, Grade 5 Science Class (50 Min Long Class Period)

Title:  The Great Marshmallow Challenge Teacher:  Mrs. Huntington, grade 5 science class (50 min long class period) o Classroom composition is very multicultural o 4 students receive ELL services o 1 student has an IEP stating that sections can be read aloud to her and visual organizers are needed to assist with writing assignment. Overview:  Students will work in groups to build the tallest structure using supplied materials. The structure they build must support one large marshmallow. Student Friendly Objective:  We will design and construct the tallest free-standing structure in 18 minutes by using a set of given materials. Instructional Approaches:  Experiential Learning  Interactive Instruction Prior Knowledge:  Students are just now being introduced to the STEM Centric way of thinking and the Engineering Design Process through this lesson. They have a little bit of prior knowledge of buildings and structures, but the Safari clip will give them more background. UDL Integration:  Safari clip on Architecture o Principle 1, Guideline 2, Checkpoint 2.5 . Students will be able to watch a clip instead of reading from a text. For students who struggle with any language related disabilities, this will be helpful.  PowerPoint with vocabulary depicted o Principle 1, Guideline 2, Checkpoint 2.1 . To ensure accessibility for all, key vocabulary will have pictures to ensure everyone understands.  Diagram on Engineering Design Process o Principle 1, Guideline 2, Checkpoint 2.1 . To ensure accessibility for all, key vocabulary will have pictures to ensure everyone understands.  Brainstorming individual and group illustration of structure prior to building o Principle 2, Guideline 6, Checkpoint 6.2 . All students will have strategic planning time to ensure they understand the problem they are solving.  Group work activity so that work can be scaffolded for each student within the group o Principle 3, Guideline 8, Checkpoint 8.3 . Working with peers will increase opportunities for support for students who need it.  Use of Edmodo for typing up exit ticket o Principle 2, Guideline 9, Checkpoint 9.3 o This will ensure that students have the chance to self- assess. In doing this, they will see how successful they were during the activity.  Activity is hands on, authentic, and relates to STEM careers o Principle 3, Guideline 7, Checkpoint 7.2 . Students will be engaged because the activity is relevant and valuable to a real life situation. STEM Standards of Practice:  1. Learn and Apply Rigorous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content o A. Demonstrate an understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content. o B. Apply science, technology, engineering, or mathematics content to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.  2. Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content o A. Analyze interdisciplinary connections that exist within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and other disciplines. o B. Apply integrated science, technology, engineering, mathematics content, and other content as appropriate to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.

 3. Interpret and Communicate Information from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics o A. Identify, analyze, and synthesize appropriate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information (text, visual, audio, etc.). o B. Apply appropriate domain-specific vocabulary when communicating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content. o C. Engage in critical reading and writing of technical information. o D. Evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia) presented in diverse formats. o E. Develop an evidence-based opinion or argument. o F. Communicate effectively and precisely with others.

 4. Engage in Inquiry o A. Ask questions to identify and define global issues, challenges, and real world problems. o B. Conduct research to refine questions and develop new questions.

 5. Engage in Logical Reasoning o A. Engage in critical thinking. o B. Evaluate, select, and apply appropriate systematic approaches (scientific and engineering practices, engineering design process, and/or mathematical practices). o C. Apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content to construct creative and innovative ideas. o D. Analyze the impact of global issues and real world problems at the local, state, national, and international levels.

 6. Collaborate as a STEM Team o A. Identify, analyze, and perform a STEM specific subject matter expert (SME) role. o B. Share ideas and work effectively with a STEM focused multidisciplinary team to achieve a common goal. o C. Listen and be receptive to ideas of others. o D. Analyze career opportunities that exist in a variety of STEM fields relevant to the STEM focused multidisciplinary team’s goal.

 7. Apply Technology Strategically o A. Identify and understand technologies needed to develop solutions to problems or construct answers to complex questions. o B. Analyze the limits, risks, and impacts of technology. o C. Engage in responsible/ethical use of technology. o D. Improve or create new technologies that extend human capability.

Real World Problem:  Stability of buildings  Shanghai building collapse Product/Prototype/Model:  Tall, free-standing structure, topped off with a marshmallow Transdisciplinary Connections & Content Standards:  Science: o Communicate the process of technological design. Students should review and describe any completed piece of work and identify the stages of problem identification, solution design, implementation, and evaluation. o Evaluate completed technological designs or products. o Technological designs have constraints.  Technology: o Standard 3.0 – Technology for Learning and Collaboration . A. Learning  c.) Assess the use of the selected technology for individual learning of the specific task . B. Encourage Collaboration

 Engineering Design Process: o Ask, imagine, plan, create, improve

 Mathematical Practices: o 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. o 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. o 4. Model with mathematics. o 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. o 6. Attend to precision.

 RLA: o Standard 4.0 Writing, Indicator 2d o Standard 6.0 Listening, Indicators 1 & 2 o Standard 7.0 Speaking, Indicators 1 & 2

Enduring Understanding:  Understand the importance of teamwork and failure in science and engineering  Understand that some shapes are stronger than others  Understand that even weak materials can be made stronger with good design techniques, and that distribution of mass is an important consideration when building a tower  Understand that compression and tension affect the stability of a structure  Compare their model to others to understand why some models are stronger than others  Understand why engineers consider tension and compression forces when designing a building or structure Essential Questions:  Did your group prototype as you built? Would that have helped or not?  What kind of base did you use for your structure? What would make a good base?  What about the supporting sides of the structure? What kind of shapes reinforce the structure? What shapes do not?  What building techniques make the tower stronger?  Does the placing of the marshmallows affect the strength of the tower?  Could you build a stronger tower with more of the same materials? What alternative materials would be better?  Does the size of the base alter the strength of the tower?  How do you think you worked as a group? Did you assume different roles? Did all groups work in the same way? Connection to STEM careers:  Architects  Contractors  Engineers  Structural Iron and Steel Workers Objective:  Students will design and construct the tallest free-standing structure in 18 minutes by using a set of given materials. Necessary Materials (per group):  20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti  3 ft. of string  Scissors  1 large marshmallow  3 ft. of masking tape  Paper bags (to hold materials for each group) Engage:  Quickly review the force of gravity.  Background information: We will view a short clip on structures to give kids more information on them. Explore:

 Students will work in teams of 4-5 students in order to build the tallest free-standing structure in just 18 minutes using no more than 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow.

 They will use the Engineering Design Process during this challenge.

 The marshmallow must be on top and cannot be deformed to hold it in place. The structure has to stand firmly on its own; it cannot be propped up, held, or suspended from the ceiling.



 What building techniques make the tower stronger?  Does the placing of the marshmallows affect the strength of the tower?  Could you build a stronger tower with more of the same materials? What alternative materials would be better?  Does the size of the base alter the strength of the tower?  How do you think you worked as a group? Did you assume different roles? Did all groups work in the same way? Extend:  How could we strengthen our structure to withstand the push of wind (from a fan) and the pull of gravity?  Redesign structure if time permits Evaluate:  Students will respond to 3 questions on their exit ticket on Edmodo.  Exit ticket will be graded out of 9 points (3 points per response)

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