Ageing Populations and New Opportunities for Businesses in Europe and Japan

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Ageing Populations and New Opportunities for Businesses in Europe and Japan


European Economic and Social Committee Employers' Group

Conference “Ageing Populations and New Opportunities for Businesses in Europe and Japan” 15 March 2012, Room VM3 (Rue van Maerlant 2, Brussels)

Mr. Arnoldas ABRAMAVIČIUS Mayor of Zarasai and Chairman of the ECOS Commission, Committee of the Regions

Ms Mariann ALBERT Innova Észak-Alföld

Mr Satoshi ANZAKI Student, Kobe University

Mr Christian ARDHE Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee


Ms Eva BANINCOVA Advisor to the Management Office, EU Institute in Japan, Kansai; Associate Professor, Kobe University

Mr Paulo BARROS VALE Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Ms Dagmar BARTLOVA South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising - JAIP

Ms Laure BATUT Member, Employees' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Paolo BONARDI Project Assistant, Focus Europe Mr François-Xavier BOUTES Thales International

Mr Brendan BURNS Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Ms Blandine CASSOU-MOUNAT Junior project manager, Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM)

Mr Jean Marie CLAUZEL Laboratoires Phodé

Mr Peter CLEVER Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee, President of the EESC Follow-up Committee EU-China


Mr Daniele COLOMBO European Commission - DG Enterprise & Industry (ENTR)

Ms Bomard CORINE SAS Domaine de la valette - Groupe ACI

Ms Giulia COSTANTINO IDP European Consultants

Mr Lorenzo COSTANTINO IHF – Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires

Mr Simon CRAIG GRAY Deputy Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

Mr Enrico D'AMBROGIO Audiovisual Unit, Directorate General for Communication, European Parliament

Mr Philippe DE BUCK Director General, BUSINESSEUROPE and Member, Employers' Group, EESC

Mr Giorgio Dario DE MURO 2 / 14 Finaosta S.p.A.

Ms Aurélie DECKER European Federation for Services to Individuals (EFSI)

Ms Sarah DEKKICHE CSR Europe

Mr Javier DELGADO RIVERA Freelance Journalist, EU Asia Intelligence

Mr Sam DRABBLE Associate Analyst, RAND Europe

3 / 14 Ms Karolina DUTKIEWICZ Regional Office of Silesia in Brussels

Mr Wojciech DZIWORSKI Head of Sector "Innovation and healthy ageing", Unit 02 - Innovation for Health and Consumers, DG Health and Consumers, EC

Mr Francisco González-Riancho FERNANDEZ European Region-World Confederation for Physical Therapy

Mr Emanuel FUCHS Europabüro des Deutschen Städte-Und Gemeindebundes - German Association of Towns and Municipalities

Mr. Ryota FUJIMOTO Student, Kobe University

Ms Costanza F. GIANCOLA Patronato ACLI

Mr Mattia GIARDINI Euro Partners & Associés s.p.r.l.

Mr Alexandre GIRALDEZ REX Section, European Economic and Social Committee

Ms Lin GOETHALS European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS)

Ms Filipa GOMES Indice Consultores

Ms Sara HASEGAWA Student, Kobe University

Ms Renate HEINISCH Member, Various Interests' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Mathieu HOEBERIGS European Commission - DG Enterprise & Industry (ENTR)

Ms Karolina HORBACZEWSKA Information Office of Opolskie Region in Brussels

Ms Yuka IKUTA 4 / 14 Student, Kobe University

Mr JOSE RAMON IRACHETA Sca Hygiene Products Ltd.

5 / 14 Mr Jörg JANSSEN Policy & Communication Officer, European Movement

Ms Lidija JOVANOVIC SERDA -Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency

Mr Yuji KADO Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE)

Mr. Hiroyuki KAWAHIGASH Kobe University

Ms Ayako KAWAMURA Japan-side Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

Ms Rita KESSLER Project manager, Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM)

Dr. Peter-Paul KNOPS-GERRITS Vleva - Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe

Prof. Miki KOHARA Associate Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

Mr Jacek KRAWZCYK Vice President, European Economic and Social Committee

Prof. Hiromasa KUBO Special advisor to the Management Office, EU Institute in Japan, Kansai; Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

Ms Tanja KUTSCHKI German Bundestag - Liaison Office at the European Union

Mr Stijn LAMBRECHT Junior Researcher, European Institute for Asian Studies

Mr IUNG-YU LIN Taipei Representative Office to the EU

Mr Fabrice LORILLON Head of AXA Brussels Office

Mr Henri MALOSSE 6 / 14 President, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Ms Anna MANUNTA Patronato ACLI

H.E. Norio MARUYAMA Ambassador, Mission of Japan to the EU

7 / 14 Mr. Yuki MARUYAMA Student, Kobe University

Mr Milen MINCHEV Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Prof. Naoki MITANI Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

Ms Makiko MIYAGAWA Yakult Nederland B.V.

Ms Soummar NADJET SAS Domaine de la valette - Groupe ACI

Mr Yoshimasa NAGAO Student, Kobe University

Ms Sarah NDIAYE Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Prof. Tomo NISHIMURA Associate Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University

Mr Pasi NISSINEN CEO, ViWell Ltd

Ms Nozomi OGAWA Student, Kobe University

Mr Nobuo OHURA Nihonjinkai asbl

Ms Emilie ONO Knowledge4Innovation

Ms Eve PÄÄRENDSON Vice-President, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Viliam PÁLENÍK Member, Various Interests' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Krzysztof PATER Member, Various Interests' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Jorge PINTO ANTUNES 8 / 14 Innovation for Health and Consumers, DG Health and Consumers, EC

Mr Lukas PLENK Europabüro des Deutschen Städte-Und Gemeindebundes - German Association of Towns and Municipalities

9 / 14 Mr Fernando PUERTO Director, High Council of Chambers of Commerce of Spain, Brussels Office

Dr Michael REITERER Senior advisor/Coordinator political dialogue, Asia and Pacific Department, EEAS

Ms Maria-José SANCHEZ-HERRERO IMSERSO - Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales / CEAPAT - Centro de Referencia Estatal de Autonomía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas

Mr Piotr SARNECKI Director, Brussels Office, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan

Mr Yuji SATAKE Student, Kobe University

Ms Ilaria SAVOINI Senior Adviser, Social affairs, EuroCommerce

Mr Michael SCHMITZ Europabüro des Deutschen Städte-Und Gemeindebundes - German Association of Towns and Municipalities

Prof. Yuki SEKINE Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kobe University

Ms Mei SENDA Université Catholique de Louvain

Ms Nikki SIMPSON Marketing Manager, Care Innovations Ltd

Mr Aldo SIRAGUSA Council of the European Union

Ms Rebekah SMITH Senior Advisor, Social Affairs, BUSINESSEUROPE

Ms Michele SOUKIN European Banking Federation aisbl


Mr Georgi STOEV

10 / 14 Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Valentin STOYANOV Sola Ltd

Mr Gundars STRAUTMANIS Member, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

11 / 14 Ms Yukiko TAKAGOSHI Student, Kobe University

Mr Tasuku TAKAHAMA East Japan Railway Company, Brussels Office

Mr. Hajime TAKAMATSU Kobe University

Ms Hiromi TAKURA Kobe University

Mr Ishida TATSUI Acerta

Ms Sabrina TESOKA Deputy Head of Unit, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Ms Ezgi TOPRAK TUSIAD - Turkish Industry & Business Association

Ms Patricia TREJO Confédération des Employeurs Espagnols - CEOE Brussels office

Ms Christelle UMUGWANEZA Université Catholique de Louvain

Ms Diane VAN BOCKSTAL EU-side Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation


Mr Jasper VAN LOO CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Prof. Dr. Dimitri VANOVERBEKE Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Japanese Studies)

Mr Alan VELLA National Expert, Tourism Policy Development Unit, DG Enterprise and Industry, EC

Ms Giovanna VENTURA Confprofessioni - Confederation of Italian Liberal Professions - European Desk

12 / 14 Mr Xavier VERBOVEN Member, Employees' Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Thibault VEREECKE PA Europe NV

Mr Dimitri VERSCHUEREN Belgian Senior Consultants Vlaams Gewest vzw

13 / 14 Ms Christelle VIAUD-MOUCLIER SEGEFA - Université de Liege (ULg)

Ms Marina VIDOVIC Sarajevo Canton Representation Office

Mr Arie VOS Co-Founder, Intercultural Guidance

Mr Pawel WALENTYNOWICZ Managing Director, Transenter BV Amsterdam

Prof. Peter WEBER DSM Nutritional Products

Ms Elena WEBER German Federal Employment Agency - European Representation

Dr Mihaela WILLIAMS European Commission

Ms Judith WIND European Parliament

Prof. Masahiko YOSHII President of the EU Institute in Japan, Kansai, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

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