DATE March 23, 2010

TIME: 10:25 a.m.

LOCATION: 500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor Conference Room Baltimore, Maryland 21202

PRESENT: Angela Cornish, Chairperson, Industry Member Frank Mancini, Vice Chairman, Industry Member Michael Berg, Secretary, Industry Member Michael Oles, Industry Member Dennis Thomas, Industry Member

ABSENT: Dudley Bostic, Consumer Member Peter Bowers, Industry Member Steven Smitson, Assistant Commissioner, Occupational And Professional Licensing

OTHERS PRESENT: Sloane Fried Kinstler, Assistant Attorney General Sheri Henderson, Supervisor Gae Herzberger, Administrative


Angela Cornish, Chair, called the regular meeting of the State Board of Master Electricians to order at 10:25 a.m.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the business meeting held February 23, 2010. Motion (I) was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Berg and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of the business meeting without corrections. Motion (II) was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Berg and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of the Executive Session as written.


Ms. Cornish, Chair, reminded the members to review the Title 6, Business Occupations and Professions Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and to bring any ideas, questions, or suggested regulatory changes they may have to the April meeting for discussion.

1 NEW BUSINESS: Legislative Updates

HB 87: State Fire Marshall – Non-Governmental Electrical Inspectors was requested to be introduced by the State Police. The Board previously sent recommendations to the Office of the Secretary.

HB 340: Cecil County Board of Electrical Examiners and Licensing of Electricians was introduced by the Cecil County Delegation. The Board requested additional information regarding this proposal.

HB 956: Electricians, Gas Fitters, HVAC Contractors, and Plumbers - Display of Licenses and License Numbers. Motion (III) was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Oles and unanimously carried by the Board to oppose this bill.

HB 1311: State Boards of Plumbing, Master Electricians, and Heating, Ventilation, Air- Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors – Membership. The Board previously submitted its comments to the Office of the Secretary.


Ms. Cornish reviewed with Board the statistics submitted by PSI for the month of February 2010: Below is the examination statistics summary for the month of February 2010.

Candidates Tested Passed Failed Pass % Master Electrician 27 9 18 33%


Motion (V) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Mancini and unanimously carried by the Board of Master Electricians to go into Executive Session at 11:10 a.m., in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, 500 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651. This meeting was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland § 10-508 (a) (8). The purpose of the session was to consult with Counsel concerning material pertaining to applicants for licensing.

Motion (VI) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Mancini and unanimously carried by the Board to return to the public meeting at 11:30 a.m.

Motion (VII) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Thomas and unanimously carried by the Board to accept the findings in the Executive Session.


The Board approved 5 applications to take the State Master Electrician’s license examination.

The Board denied 1 application to take the State Master Electrician’s license examination.

The Board placed in pending 1 application to take the State Master Electrician’s license examination.


Motion (VIII) was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Oles and unanimously carried by the Board to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 p.m.

Angela Cornish, Chair Date

_____Without Corrections

_____With Corrections