International Association Programs

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International Association Programs

International Association Programs

Nguyen Thi Lan Huong (Ms.) Lecturer, Researcher Binh Duong University

– A Good Strategy for developing Thang Long University

[Before talking about TLU and their story about internationalization of programs and university, I would like to say thanks to Doctor, Professor and Chairwomen of TLU, Mrs. Hoang Xuan Sinh, who agreed to share with me TLU’s experiences. Also, I must say thanks to Professor Tran Hong Quan, Chairman of VIPUA about his sharing in respect of globalization of programs and universities in Vietnam]

I – Mile stones of TLU when having international association programs:

1 1990 ISG Paris – France:

2 1st co-operation program with TLU

1. Provide opportunity for Vietnamese students to study in France; 2. Exchange students and teachers programs, focusing on math and technical areas 3. Teaching methodology

Results: More than 200 Vietnamese students partly studied in France within 10 years and when they returned to Vietnam, almost of them work very well in different areas.

1990 Marseille – TLU Speech for fundraising establishment of TLU and for international association programs with TLU in Vietnam

Results: Financial Aid for TLU, the 1st non-public and non-profit university in Vietnam to survive during their 5 first years. And this activity helped to attract many universities/their professors over the world knew about TLU. They did support by many methods, for example, for sharing experiences of university management, student exchanges programs, giving technical supports or updating programs for mutual interesting topics…

1994 French Economic Programs for sharing their programs and delivering speeches for TLU’s students

Results: TLU students had so many chances to interchange or work/study with international students/professors from different universities of France.

1996 – Signing Co-operation Agreement with Japan – For exchange programs and students

Result: TLU students can have a chance to learn new language by qualified teachers of Japanese …….

2009 – present: Nice – Sophia Antipolis University (France) – Cooperation Program for MBA

Results: 4 year co-operation programs and 2 intake students graduated internationally and accredited by the 2nd university in Europe ranking for MBA

2010 – present: Japanese Teachers for programs in Japanese in co-operation with Japan organizations (Keieikai Medical – Meric Japanese Language)

Results: All nursing students who have an intention to study Japanese might have a chance to study “training on job” by Japanese service providers

3 2010 – present: Norway Co-operation for supporting TLU’s teachers, in respect of teaching methodology and teaching qualities

Results: Teachers of TLU have a very good chance to learn new teaching methodology and the measurement for teaching quality, exchanging teachers and studying in class in overseas

II – TLU’s experiences from strategic development to action:

International Association Programs and University, from starting strategic development:

1. Views for international association programs from TLU’s Mission since 1988:

On 15 December 1988, TLU was established by Ministry of Education

From 1988 to date, all activities TLU has taken are to build up “Open Study, Co- operating with overseas universities” strategy, with clear mission of TLU as follows:

(i) TLU commits to operate its university on non-profit base, for developing healthy education, honest respect, faithful and teamwork relations;

(ii) ….. Giving all efforts to students, in line with globalization of education, obtaining fundamental knowledge and skills at TLU, have the chance to work with high – advanced universities over the world to further study, or take internship or researching, through the co-operation agreements and students exchange programs or researching programs, etc…;

(iii) Execute the research programs at TLU … Heading to educate the youth leading capable researchers and scientists to TLU and for community, who can apply their study into social life, who can co-operate and work effectively with domestic and overseas institutes;

(iv) Build up TLU as an educational, cultural, science and technology center

In 1988, a concept “open” to co-operate with overseas universities over the world was established and afterwards, it has been strengthened TLU with more foreign partners, more international association programs by student exchanges.

With international association programs, TLU and their students was the 1st pioneer of non-public university to leverage their study with international requirements, in respect of:

 International Language: French, English, Japanese, Chinese;  Understanding the international requirements for higher education methodology, teaching quality and more important, the researches to be recognized internationally;  Research Center for applications to real life;

4 It is not easy for a new established university can set up their mission in 1988 to align with globalization system of higher education, while Vietnam, at that time, do not have clear strategy for private higher education.

Also, from time to time, over their difficulties, they still stick with their mission for globalization of their programs by co-operating with many famous international programs which can support TLU’s students to be familiarized with international academy and requirements.

2. Strategic thinking from leaders:

To build up the TLU and their mission referred above, it must mention about the TLU’s leaders. They are group of scientists who graduated from overseas and returning Vietnam to devote their heart for educating youth generation of Vietnam.

One of them, I must say thanks for having her in Vietnam and in TLU is Mrs. Hoang Xuan Sinh, the 1st Vietnamese women acting as Professor of Maths, Chairwomen of TLU.

Based on her broaden knowledge educated by French University, her mind-set for non-public university is for non-profit, following the concept of Europe and America Universities in 1980s.

Main ideas for mission and vision of TLU was driven by Mrs. Sinh. She understood that to build up a good youth generation for Vietnam, we must co- operate with foreign universities to:

- Get their sharing for education methodology; university module and management; exchange of students and teachers; and one of the most important to her university is how to communicate foreign language with partners; - Give all opportunities to students to interface with international students to leverage them up to international benchmarking;

It is always easy to talk, but always more than difficult to implement these in Vietnam in 1990s, and TLU is the 1st non-public university.

However, with clear strategic thinking from leaders who has well educated from international education, TLU has followed and executed well their mission more than 20 years.

All their success now is the proven evidence that international co-operation by association program, students and teacher’s exchange are very useful for students to work with employers and society, especially with foreign partners when they study further in overseas.

According to Mrs. Sinh, almost of TLU students, from 1988 to date, has been welcomed by employers and their satisfactory for quality of education, even they are non-public university. A lot of TLU students, who had a chance to study overseas,

5 now work at high ranking level in banking, auditing and people committees. Some of them are choosing to work as teacher, researchers and they highly appreciate all the programs which help them to be able to migrate with international requirements.

3. Strategic Commitment for non-profit and high quality teaching development

The secret of TLU success, from Mrs. Sinh, might be driven by 2 reasons:

3.1 TLU is non-profit university:

All leaders and teachers of TLU believe that education can not being “commercial deal”. And based on their personal relief, they decided and committed with their philosophy for “non-profit education” from the 1st day of TLU’s establishment.

With non-profit philosophy, all teachers, all leaders and all students understand well that they can not gain much money from education services, but they are also requested to devote hardly for their quality teaching, their learning and the student’s satisfactory. That is the reason why they can build up successfully the brand “Thang Long” for higher education in Vietnam.

3.2 TLU strictly follow the “high teaching quality development” for good students:

To develop “high teaching quality”, the most important at TLU are teachers and their annual training plan for teachers.

During the first 10 years of TLU, as all founders and teachers of TLU are teachers, they work and invite their people networking in Vietnam and overseas to work as teachers at TLU.

After that, TLU has built up their own teachers by their students and also, by inviting more youth qualified teachers from different areas to join their university. As the TLU’s mission is forwarding to “application to the real life”, almost invited teachers and their teachers must deliver the lectures with the skills how to apply in Vietnam, to help student can access or work with employers, even they are students.

By the annual training programs, every teacher should have their career plan when they enter into TLU. They can choose by attending the training to teacher programs, or teacher exchange programs, or might be they can study further (MA or PhD) during the time they teach at university. It is always opening to teachers when they wish to learn more for improving their knowledge and skills.

One thing to make TLU’s teachers being good teachers is they always have their student’s feedback about lecture. Meeting between teachers and students, through university activities, are proven their effectiveness to help both sides understanding the learning expectations.

All TLU students feel they are proud of TLU and their learning are obviously support their life better, at least to find out the relevant job when graduation.

6 4. Advances for TLU’s international association programs when they are the 1st non-profit and non-public university in Vietnam

4.1 They are well supported by relevant authorities and related people from scientists of Vietnam and overseas; 4.2 As they are non-profit university, more support from different international universities and professors around the world to TLU; 4.3 TLU is the trial test for non-public university, even it is good or not, experiences for the 1st trial non-public university obviously help them stronger to achieve their missions to become good university in Vietnam; 4.4 As the TLU is the pioneer in the higher education service providers in Vietnam, they must try the best efforts to keep their 1st flag for non-public university in the competitive global market for education through international association programs, supporting for TLU to improve their quality of teaching and internationalization of students.

To action:

1. Keep commitment for teaching quality and good students by association programs with overseas universities

More selective international programs, more students to attend the international association programs will help TLU students becoming closer to international standards.

It is noted from TLU International Association Programs is that it should be practical to Vietnam students from lectures and case study, as almost of TLU students will work and live in Vietnam, not overseas.

2. Flexibility to overcome all difficulties for enhancing international association programs

Selection of suitable international association programs is one of the keys for success.

It needs TLU’s understanding about market and the demands from students, how they can evaluate programs for their life….not NOW.

For developing one program to be successful, it will take times and efforts from TLU and their university partners.

3 most challenges for any international association program are:

(i) how relevant the international association program to current university and students?

(ii) how much margin the partner will get? And how long?

(iii) How to promote the “values” of programs to Vietnam students/market?

7 The higher education market of Vietnam is very competitive recently. The key for success is not only claiming “international programs”, but service providers must prove their honest about programs, their quality/accreditation and their commitment for teaching quality.

TLU’s success is because they never compromise their teaching quality, at any time, according to Mrs. Sinh, and because the programs they work with international partners, their partners must agree with this principal for mutual further co-operation later.

And lastly, to make the program successful, TLU need to know how to explain it with relevant officials and people.

3. Clear plan and target for developing the sustainable international association programs which can help TLU add “real values” to Vietnam students

One interesting question which Mrs. Sinh raised out “Whether TLU students can study Harvard’s programs now?”. She laughed and answered by herself “Not now”!

Surely, any people in higher education industry know about Harvard and Harvard reputation. But it is very clear to TLU strategy that they can stand with their current capability to select and develop the suitable programs for Vietnam students, which might add real values to them for their career life later.

The reason TLU must make clear plan and target for international association programs, not only for school, but also for the 1st priority of students’ benefits.

So many international programs in Vietnam now, if we search on google, but how many the students can identify and evaluate a good program for their life? It comes from the school and people who run the programs’s roles.

That is the reason why TLU choose 3 main directions with overseas university and organization partners:

One MBA for mastering business and management One for adding training on job for nursing programs; and One for training teachers

This is again proven record for TLU strategic leadership and management. They do not rush to push them into “hot water”, but by each program of co-operation agreement, within more than 20 years, they build up their platform and brand for further development.

III – What factors can influence the International Association Programs for Non-Public Universities like TLU and how to make it better?

1. Right Strategy and Legislation Framework

8 As far as people know, any international association program in Vietnam should be registered and approved by Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (“MOET”).

Therefore, one of the key factors can influence to development of international programs in Vietnam is legal requirements for programs.

From website of MOET, to March 2013, there are 212 international association programs had been approved by MOET, based on current 204 universities in the whole territory. This number shows that roughly 1 university might have 1 international association programs (but in fact so many universities do not have any programs).

Sharing experiences from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, our neighboring countries, there might have some different approaches.

For example from Malaysia, their vision of higher education is clearly stated in website ( “To develop Malaysian higher educational institutes as Centre of Academic Excellence of International Standards”. Accordingly, one of Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia’s functions is “To plan and ensure that the establishment of higher educational institutes and their facilities are conducive and of high quality which are at par with international best practices”.

With clear vision, mission and legislation to promote to force the quality of university of Malaysia must be of international standards, it helps Malaysia, within last 5 years to become a Centre of Educational Excellence in Asia.

To date, we might find out a lot of famous universities/programs from America, Canada, especially Australia (Monash University, Curtin of University of Technology, Swinburne University…) and UK (University of Nottingham, University of Southampton, University of London…) present their names and campuses in Malaysia, with high quality of international education services and very competitive tuition fees, by strong support from Government and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia []

When we review the Malaysian higher education situation, we can recognize the effective way they internationalize higher education by the right strategy and legislation. And in return, it should study further whether it can work for Vietnam non-public university like TLU or not? By strategy and legislation?

2. Open-minded for internationalization/globalization of programs by internet students

One biggest opportunity and also, most challenges for higher education now is e- learning by internet students. Like “World is Flat”, every student can learn from any where, any time, and any course they think it works for them.

Thus, in Vietnam, can we apply e-learning at universities, especially for international association programs?

9 To date, from MOET’s sources, it has not yet regulated e-learning programs in Vietnam and it is under trial test only.

Of course, the policy makers must clarify the pros and cons of any program by relevant legislation and management requirements. However, with the numbers of youth generation who can access and use internet at the highest rating in Asia countries, it is very optimistic for the Vietnamese students to study international association programs through internet. Otherwise, they still study by offering online from overseas universities and no one know what happen for them if every thing is on-line, without any management and legislation to protect Vietnamese students locating in Vietnam.

So, can we speed up to have a regulation on e-learning, might be applicable to “International Association Programs”?

3. Values for students, employers and society – from different perspectives

International Association Programs should vary, for different purposes and for different students. Accordingly, success of programs should be aligning with students’ evaluation, employers and society, not only based on documentation and approval from officials.

How we can set up the different views for examining programs after they have educated to students, it seems more suitable than we examine programs on paper, and then, it might have no result after that.

With this approaching way, can we think to review the current process for international programs or we might set up the registration process for international association programs at first with post-evaluation by students and teachers later? This is also a good start thinking for developing and attracting more qualified international association programs enter into Vietnam in future, the same way with Malaysia or Thailand, for internationalization of standard of Vietnam non- public universities.

How to make the International Association Programs better in Vietnam?

Every people, students, parent and school love to have good international association programs in Vietnam for their study. The values which these programs add into Vietnam are clear. The issue is how we can do it better?, in respect of quality of program, real values to students and more effective methodology of learning which should be regulated clearly by laws and legislation to make them properly in the master plan of higher education services in Vietnam.

My study at TLU might be not sufficient to present for all non-public universities in Vietnam. Therefore, in this speech, I would like to share that from TLU, all suggestions for International Association Programs in Vietnam for non-public universities need more time and more universities to study further.

IV – Questions and Answers

10 Please kindly contact: Nguyen Thi Lan Huong (Ms.) Lecturer, Researcher Binh Duong University Vietnam Association of Non-Public Universities Email: [email protected]; Cell Phone: (084) 903 000 140


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