Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template
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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
If you are reading this, you have been asked to prepare a Pollution Prevention Plan (Plan) for some activity, which your organization is involved with. The purpose of this piece is to provide you with some perspective on the origin of this request and how to satisfy the requirement for preparation of your Plan.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention is a key element of the University’s stormwater management program, which is defined in its stormwater permit (NCS000376). A cornerstone in meeting the pollution prevention requirements is met through activity-specific Plans.
In response to your first question; Why me? The activity, for which you are responsible, was identified as needing a Plan in a campus-wide stormwater pollution exposure assessment, as required by the Permit. The Stormwater Committee, which oversees the Stormwater Program, has endorsed the recommendations provided in the Exposure Assessment. The point of this is to say that if you believe that the activity, for which you are responsible, has been misidentified as requiring a Plan, then you can request a discussion with the Stormwater Committee during a regular Stormwater Committee meeting. Contact Duane Knudson, Stormwater Program Manager, to secure a place on the meeting agenda.
This Pollution Prevention Plan Template has been provided for your convenience.
Please download and save the template so you can update your plan as needed. Once you open the template, please insert your site specific information into the template. Highlighted links are provided that will direct you to the guidance document found at the back of template. The guidance document contains a description of what type of information should be provided for each topic in the template. Other highlighted links will direct you to informational websites that may be useful as you develop your plan.
For assistance in completing your plan, please contact Ellen Buckner:
Phone: 919-515-6850 Email: [email protected]
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Business Unit and Activity or Operation
SWPPP Contact(s): ______
SWPPP Preparation Date:
/ __ __ / ______
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Contents
1.1 General Description of Facility 1.2 Contact Information/Responsible Parties 1.3 General Location Map 1.4 Site Map
2.1 Industrial Activity and Associated Pollutants 2.2 Spills and Discharges 2.3 Non-Stormwater Discharge Evaluation
3.1 Structural Controls 3.2 Good Housekeeping 3.3 Operation and Maintenance 3.4 Spill Prevention and Response 3.5 Management of Runoff 3.6 Employee Training
Appendix A- General Location Map Appendix B- Site Maps Appendix C- Spills and Discharges Appendix D- Visual Assessment Form Appendix E- Routine Facility Inspection Form Appendix F- Comprehensive Site Inspection Form
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
1.1 General Description of Facility and/or Operations
Name of Facility:______
City:______State:______Zip Code:______
Latitude/Longitude (Use one of three possible formats, and specify method)
Latitude: Longitude:
1._ _°_ _’ _ _” N (degrees, minutes, seconds) 1. _ _°_ _’ _ _’’ W (degrees, minutes, seconds)
2. _ _° _ _. _ _’ N (degrees, minutes, seconds) 2. _ _° _ _. _ _’ W (degrees, minutes, decimal)
3. _ _. _ _ _ _° N (decimal) 3. _ _. _ _ _ _° W (decimal)
Stormwater runoff from the subject site or facility is/are received by:
1.2 Point of Responsibility
______name______and ___ title______is responsible for maintaining and implementing this SWPPP.
The responsible person listed above will identify the facility stormwater pollution prevention team, and assign responsibilities, as necessary, to accomplish the requirements of this plan. The Pollution Prevention Team is identified below.
Staff Names General Responsibilities
Each member of the stormwater pollution prevention team must have ready access to either an electronic or paper copy of applicable portions of the SWPPP.
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
1.3 General Location Map Appendix A provides a general location map( e.g., U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute quadrangle map) showing the location of the facility and all receiving waters for stormwater discharges.
1.4 Site Map
Appendix B provides a site map of the facility boundary and size of the property in acres and locations of the activities listed in Table 1 below.
2.1 Activity and Associated Pollutants
Table 1 below lists the activities and associated pollutants exposed to stormwater. These activities are shown on the site map in Appendix B.
Table 1
Industrial Activity Associated Pollutants Location on Site Map
2.2 Spills and Discharges
Appendix C provides a list of spills or leaks of pollutants that have occurred at the facility during the three (3) previous years and the corrective actions taken to mitigate spill impacts.
2.3 Non-Stormwater Discharge Documentation
Appendix D provides the visual assessment form used during the initial evaluation of non- stormwater discharges at the facility. Information gathered included: drainage point ID, drainage point type, and dry-weather flow. Outfalls identified with non-stormwater flow were evaluated further.
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name SECTION 3: STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES
3.1 Structural Controls
The structural controls shown on the Site Map (Appendix B) are described below. These controls are used to minimize the exposure of the activities identified in Section 2.1.
3.2 Good Housekeeping
Practices that are being implemented to keep exposed areas of the site clean are described below.
3.3 Operation and Maintenance
Operation and Maintenance procedures for this facility are listed below.
3.4 Spill Prevention and Response
Descriptions of any structural controls or procedures used to minimize the potential for leaks, spills, and other releases are listed below.
3.5 Management of Runoff
Description of controls used at this site to divert, infiltrate, reuse, contain, or otherwise reduce stormwater runoff are listed below.
3.6 Employee Training
Personnel at all levels of responsibility will be trained in the components of the SWPPP. At a minimum, training will be provided on an annual basis. New personnel will receive training promptly upon assignment. All training will be documented.
The facility will conduct the following inspections:
. Routine facility inspections; . Quarterly visual assessment of stormwater discharges; and . Comprehensive site inspections.
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Routine facility inspection
______Title, or specific designee will conduct routine facility inspections, using the form in Appendix E. Each structural control measure and activity area are visually inspected on a minimum annual basis, with more frequent inspections conducted as necessary to minimize the potential for a spill or release.
Quarterly visual assessment
______Title, or specific designee will conduct quarterly visual assessments, using the form in Appendix D. Each drainage point is visually inspected on a quarterly basis. At least one inspection each year will be conducted when a stormwater discharge is occurring.
Comprehensive facility inspection
______Title, or specific designee will conduct comprehensive facility inspections, using the form in Appendix F. Each structural control measure, activity area, and drainage point are visually inspected on an annual basis.
The following certification statement must be signed and dated by the responsible signing official.
This certification must be re-signed in the event of a SWPPP modification in response to a Part 3.1 trigger for corrective action.
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name: Title:
Signature: Date:
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name SECTION 6: SWPPP MODIFICATIONS
This SWPPP is a “living” document and will be modified and updated, as necessary. Actions which can trigger the need for a plan amendment include:
Facility modifications which may affect runoff quality or quantity New operations New materials New maintenance procedures
All SWPPP modifications, will be kept in the log (Table 2) with a description of the modification, the name of the person making it, and the date and signature of that person.
Table 2 Description of Name of person Date Signature modification making modification
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Appendix A: General Location MapAppendix B: Site MapAppendix C: Spills and Discharges
Period of coverage: Past 3 years
Date Location/ Caller Incident Material Quantity Cause Outfall
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
Appendix D: Quarterly Visual Assessment Form
Drainage Drainage Dry- Clarity Oil Solids Color Odor Other Source of Corrective Point ID Point weather sheen ( floating, obvious Discharge Actions (see site type flow settled, or indicator map) suspended s of ) pollution
Date:______Rainfall > 0.1 inch ______yes ______no
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Appendix E: Routine Facility Inspection Form
Structural control measure Corrective Actions Needed and Notes( identify needed maintenance and repairs, or any failed control measures that need replacement)
Area/ activity Corrective Actions Needed and Notes( identify needed maintenance and repairs, or any failed control measures that need replacement)
Describe any incidents of non-compliance observed and not described above (include any previously identified discharge of pollutants):
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Date:______Appendix F: Comprehensive Site Inspection
Structural control measure Corrective Actions Needed and Notes( identify needed maintenance and repairs, or any failed control measures that need replacement)
Area/ activity Corrective Actions Needed and Notes( identify needed maintenance and repairs, or any failed control measures that need replacement)
Describe any incidents of non-compliance observed and not described above (include any previously identified discharge of pollutants):
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
Appendix F: Comprehensive Site Inspection Continued
Drainage Drainage Dry- Clarity Oil Solids Color Odor Other Source of Corrective Point ID Point weather sheen (floating, obvious Discharge Actions (see site type flow settled, or indicator map) suspended s of ) pollution
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name
Guidance for completing your SWPPP
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name SECTION 1: FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND CONTACT INFORMATION
1.5 Site Map
Include the following information:
the facility boundary and size of the property in acres; . the location and extent of significant structures and impervious surfaces; . directions of stormwater flow (use arrows); . locations of all existing structural control measures; . locations of all receiving waters in the immediate vicinity of your facility; . locations of all stormwater conveyances including ditches, pipes, and swales; . locations of potential pollutant sources; . locations where significant spills or leaks have occurred; . locations of all stormwater monitoring points; . locations of stormwater drainage points(inlets, outfalls, and manholes), with a unique identification code for each outfall (e.g., Outfall No. 1, No. 2, etc), indicating if you are treating one or more outfalls as “substantially identical” , and an approximate outline of the areas draining to each outfall; . municipal separate storm sewer systems, where your stormwater discharges to them; . locations and descriptions of all non-stormwater discharges; . locations of the following activities where such activities are exposed to precipitation: o fueling stations; o vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning areas; o loading/unloading areas; o locations used for the treatment, storage, or disposal of wastes; o liquid storage tanks; o processing and storage areas; o immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility; o transfer areas for substances in bulk; o machinery; and . locations and sources of run-on to your site from adjacent property that contains significant quantities of pollutants. SECTION 2: POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES
2.2 Activity and Associated Pollutants
Examples of pollutants and associated activities:
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name _Sheet_March_05.pdf SECTION 3: STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES
3.1 Structural Controls
Include the following information in the description of structural controls:
The location and extent of grading, berms, or curbs used to contain contaminated stormwater or divert stormwater around areas of industrial activity; A description of the types of materials and equipment that are stored within secondary containment and the location of contained storage areas The use and location of spill/overflow protection equipment; The location of spill cleanup kits and a description and schedule for employee spill abatement and cleanup training; Proper procedures for leaky vehicles and equipment, such as drip pans; parking in a contained area, or parking indoors; Procedures for long-term storage or disposal of equipment and vehicles, such as draining all fluids; The location of covered and/or contained equipment cleaning areas; and The disposal method for all wash water, such as an on-site sump(if a sump is used, specify the pumping frequency) or sanitary sewer. The facility shall consider performing all operations indoors, covering the operation, ensuring that all waters drain to the sanitary sewer system (i.e., not the stormwater drainage system, unless permitted by another NPDES general or individual permit), collecting the stormwater runoff and providing treatment or recycling, or other equivalent measures.
3.6 Good Housekeeping
Include the following information in the description of good housekeeping practices:
Describe where each practice is being implemented at your site. Regular pickup and disposal of waste materials and scrap equipment; Dumpsters and recycling bins located throughout the campus areas shall be closed-top or sheltered or designed to minimize introduction of rainwater; Maintenance of clean work spaces; A schedule for sweeping paved areas and floors, including who will perform the sweeping(employee or contractor); Routine inspections for leaks and of the condition of drums, tanks, and containers; Routine inspections to make sure that industrial materials are properly stored and labeled; The individual or position responsible for emptying drip pans placed beneath leaking equipment, valves, and fill lines;
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Provide Good Housekeeping Practice inspections and regular cleaning schedules for each activity in Table 1.
3.7 Operation and Maintenance
Describe procedures: (1) to maintain industrial equipment so that spills/leaks are avoided, and (2) to maintain any of your sites’s control measures in effective operating condition. Include the schedule you will follow for such maintenance activities. Describe where each applicable procedure is being implemented at the site.
3.8 Spill Prevention and Response
You must implement the following at a minimum:
. Procedures for plainly labeling containers (e.g., “Used Oil,” “Spent Solvents,” “Fertilizers and Pesticides,” etc.) that could be susceptible to spillage or leakage to encourage proper handling and facilitate rapid response if spills or leaks occur; . Preventative measures such as barriers between material storage and traffic areas, secondary containment provisions, and procedures for material storage and handling; . Procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, and other releases; . Procedures for notification of appropriate facility personnel, emergency response agencies, and regulatory agencies; . Describe where each control is to be located or where applicable procedures will be implemented.
Note: Some facilities may be required to develop a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan under a separate regulatory program (40 CFR 112). If you are required to develop an SPCC plan, or you already have one, you should include references to the relevant requirements from your plan.
Additional information: s.pdf
3.9 Management of Runoff
Describe the location at your site where each control will be implemented.
Examples of stormwater controls include: vegetative swales, berms, collection and reuse of stormwater, inlet controls, snow management, infiltration devices, and wet retention measures.
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name Additional information:
3.6 Employee Training
Describe your plan for training the employees who work in areas where industrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater, including all members of your Pollution Prevention Team and employees involved in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices.
Included in your description must be the frequency of training (note: recommended at least one time per year), and the schedule you will follow.
Training must include a general stormwater education component, any new technologies, operations, or responsibilities that arise during the year, proper spill response, cleanup procedures, and preventative maintenance activities.
The University must maintain a description of the program, copies of the materials used, and topics covered.
Any contractors hired by the University to perform municipal maintenance activities must be contractually required to comply with all of the stormwater control measures, good housekeeping practices, and facility-specific stormwater management SOPs. The University must provide oversight of contractor activities to ensure that contractors are using appropriate stormwater control measures and SOPs.
Oversight procedures must be described in the SWPPP document.
Additional information can be found at: action=factsheet_results&view=specific&bmp=129 SECTION 4: INSPECTIONS
Describe your procedures for performing inspections, including:
For the routine and comprehensive facility inspections to be performed at your site, include a description of the following:
. The names of the person(s), or the positions of the person(s), responsible for inspection; . The schedules to be used for conducting inspections. Include here any tentative schedule that will be used for facilities in climates with irregular stormwater
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Facility or Operation Name runoff discharges; and . Specific areas of the facility to be inspected, including schedules for specific outfalls: . In reviewing each area, you should consider: . Industrial materials, residue, or trash that may have or could come into contact with stormwater; . Leaks or spills from industrial equipment, drums, tanks, and other containers; . Offsite tracking of industrial or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas; and . Tracking or blowing of raw, final, or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas.
For the quarterly visual assessments to be performed at your site, include a description of the following:
. The names of the person(s), or the positions of the person(s), responsible for inspection; . The schedules to be used for conducting inspections. Include here any tentative schedule that will be used for facilities in climates with irregular stormwater runoff discharges; . Specific areas of the facility to be inspected, including schedules for specific outfalls; and . At least one inspection each year be conducted when a stormwater discharge is occurring
Inactive and Unstaffed sites exception (if applicable) If you are invoking the exception for inactive and unstaffed sites for your routine facility inspections and quarterly visual assessments, include information to support this claim.
SWPPP Example
Examples of completed SWPPPs: %20SWPPP.pdf
SWPPP Guidance, April 2012