Professor, Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Professor, Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 1

VITA 2007

John L. Loth


Professor, Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering West Virginia University. RM G54 Eng. Science Bldg. Morgantown WV, 26506-6106, Tel: (304) 293-4111 ext: 2343 Fax:(304) 293-8823, e-mail: [email protected].


4919 Stone Mill Lane, Morgantown WV 26508, Mail: P. O. Box 18082 Morgantown, WV 26507, Tel:(304) 594-0290.


At the University of Toronto Canada, Mechanical Engineering PhD 1962 Dissertation: Plasma Generation and Radiation MASc'58 Thesis: Transient Heat Flow in Underground Reservoirs BASc 1957 Thesis: Continuous Casting of Aluminum ING 1955 at: H.T.S. Amsterdam, the Netherlands,


West Virginia University, since 1967. Morgantown WV. Professor (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) University of Illinois, 1962-1967. Champaign/Urbana Ill. Assistant Professor (Aeronautical and Astronautical Eng.) University of Toronto, 1961-1962, Toronto, Canada, Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering) Dynamic Flow Inc. Morgantown WV, President 1972-1995. (Machine Design and Engineering Consulting: METC, DOE, ONR, Rockwell, SERI, Sandia, Lockeed, Weirton Steel, Calspan and Expert Witness on Aircraft Crash Investigations) Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tenn. Svendrup Summers 1963, 1964 and 1965. As a consultant 1964-1968. Calspan consultant 1989- 1994. Arc heaters, Hypersonics, Staged Ejector Design/Optimization. Nozzle Heat Transfer. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Hartford Conn. summer 1967 Longuil Quebec Canada, summer 1958. Task: Combustor Design. Centre National de Recherge Scientifique (CNRS) Meudon France.1958-1959.Task: Design Electric Arc Plasma Generator. CANEFCO (Canadian Electric Furnace Co),1956 design engineer. 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE:

Aircraft Performance/Aerodynamics (MAE 215,331,335), V/STOL Aircraft (MAE 437), Compressible Flow (MAE 336,531), Hypersonic (MAE 439), Thermodynamics (MAE 320, 321, 521, 621), Combustion (MAE 721), Space Mechanics (MAE 479), Aircraft Design (MAE 475), Space System Design (MAE 477), Aircraft Propulsion (MAE 426), Flight Mechanics (MAE 365), Flight Testing (MAE 466), Aviation Ground School (MAE 370), Experimental Fluid Dynamics (MAE 415), AIAA Electric Airplane Design and Construction (MAE 469). Special courses upon request: Solar Energy Engineering, Mine Ventilation.


Exemplary Dedication to MAE 2005-2006, Donald Worrell Award Excellence in Teaching Award 1996-'97, MAE Academy of Distinguished Alumni Outstanding AIAA Faculty Advisor Award from the Student Activities Committee in, 1987, 1996 Inaugural member COE Academy of Outstanding Teachers, 1992 Associate Fellow AIAA, 1986 Outstanding WVU Teacher Awards: 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982 Outstanding WVU Research Award: 1983 AGARD Research Fellow at CNRS France 1958-'59 U. of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1959-'61 Listed in: Who's Who in Technology Today, 2nd Ed. Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 17th Ed. American Men and Women of Science, 12th Ed.


Member AIAA Academic Affairs Committee, 1991-1996 Chairman AIAA Allegheny/Pittsburgh Section, 1987-1993 Faculty Advisor AIAA WVU Student Branch, since 1981-1998 Reviewer Energy Related Inventions for the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Dept. of Commerce Reviewer AIAA J. of Energy, ASME Papers, DOE Contracts Sigma Gamma Tau, National Aerospace Engineering Honorary Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society Registered Professional Engineer WV, No:7660 and in the Province of Ontario, Canada Member: AIAA, ASEE, ASAE, AOPA, Combustion Institute Certified Pilot since 1962 (Commercial/Instrument rated and Ground School Instructor)


Pending: Airknife with Remotely Controlled Bow-Like Performance,Apr-'07 WVU#320 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 3 1) U.S. Patent No.: 7,134,631, "Vorticity Cancellation at Trailing Edge for Induced Drag Elimination," issued November 14, 2006. 2) U.S. Patent No.: 7,040,482, "Bearing Life Extender for Conveyor Type for Zinc-Pot Rollers," issued May 9, 2006 3) U.S. Patent No.: 6,994,057," Compression Ignition Engine by Air Injection from Air- only Cylinder to Adjacent Air-Fuel Cylinder" with Gary J. Morris, issued Feb. 7, 2006. 4) U.S. Patent No.: 6,899,061, "Compression Ignition by Air Injection Cycle and Engine," Issued May 31, 2005. 5) U.S. Patent No.: 6,724,687 "Characterizing oil, gas or geothermal wells, including fractures thereof," issued Apr. 20, 2004 6) U.S. Patent NO.: 6,425,553, "Piezoelectric Actuators for Circulation Controlled Rotorcraft", issued July 30, 2002. 7) U.S. Patent No.: 5,683,514, "Coating Control Apparatus", issued Nov. 4, 1997 8) U.S. Patent No.: 5,614,266 "Continuous Strip Coating Control methods", issued Mar. 25, 1997 9) U.S. Patent NO.: 5,401,317, "Coating Control Apparatus", issued Mar. 28, 1995 10) U.S. Patent NO.: 5,239,959, "Isolated Combustion and Diluted Expansion (ICADE) Piston Engine", issued Aug 31, '93 11) U.S. Patent No.: 4,600,172, "Retractable Rounded Trailing Edge for Circulation Control Wing". Issued July 15, 1986 12) U.S. Patent No.: 4,341,530, "Slurry Atomizer for a Coal-Feeder and Dryer Used to Provide Coal at Gasifier Pressure". Issued Jul. 27, 1982 13) U.S. Patent No.: 4,199,274, "Flow Measuring Flume of Adjustable Capacity". Issued Apr. 22, 1980 14) U.S. Patent No: 4,154,220, "Flat Plate Solar Collector with Air Flowing Through the Grooves in a Foam Absorber Surface". Issued May 15, 1979 15) U.S. Patent No: 4,105,363, "Over speed Control Arrangement for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines". Issued Aug. 8, 1978 16) U.S. Patent No: 4,045,144, "Wind Energy Concentrators". Issued Aug. 30, 1977


Designed, constructed and flight-tested in 1974, the 1st Circulation Control High Lift System Aircraft under contract with ONR. Named "WVU CC STOL Technology Demonstrator". The 2nd such CC Technology Demonstrator was a Navy A-6A Intruder, build by Grumman, and flight tested in 1979. CC control finds many applications in industry as has been summarized in the 2006 Ed. of Vol. 214 of AIAA Annual Edition of Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics. Chapter 1 is performance comparison between the WVU CC aircraft, tested in 1974, with the latest CC developments.

Published text book for the WVU MAE 215 "Introduction to Flight” course titled: "Engineering Approach to Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance", 193 pages 3rd Ed. 2005, McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-340881-6 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 4 In 2007 designed and delivered the first "on-line adjustable airknife" for zinc coating thickness control in a hot dip galvanizing line. It allows gradually adjusting both the spanwise outflow velocity and outflow angle. It uses only one turning shaft to accomplish this. A US patent was filed by WVU on March 07-2007, prior to delivery the first such airknife to Gregory Industries in April 2007. At the annual Oct. 2007 Galvanizer's Association Meeting, in Montreal, their Plant Manager Brian Lester presented test results on the WVU airknife performance. His calculations indicate that this new airknife improved coating thickness control, with a saving in zinc of $300,000 per year

In 2003, Loth designed and build the first small wear tester for new roller bearing materials made for hot-dip zinc galvanizing lines. Jay Snider received his PhD in 2005 for wear characterization of a large number of bearing materials. Those materials are currently in use in industrial liquid zinc galvanizing pots. This small wear tester is currently still used by WVU graduate students for research.

Equipped the WVU 1955 Cessna 150 with a dual-fuel system. One wing was filled with Av-gas while the other one was filled with ethanol. This Cessna was the first such aircraft certified by FAA to allow switching fuel type in flight. Its development contributed to the City of Morgantown's airport being designated "Clean Airport" on Aug. 28, 1996. This was the second city in the US bestowed this honor by the Department of Energy.

Designed the flywheels and the dilution tunnel, with critical flow control venturies and its blowers for the WVU Transportable Heavy Duty Engine Testing Lab. in '92-'94.

Guided the WVU team members in the design, construction and participation in the Bi- annual International Man Powered Submarine Race, held in West Palm Beach, 1991

Faculty Advisor for the AIAA Student Branch, 1981-1999. WVUhosted the AIAA Eastern Section Annual Student Paper Competition in 1983 and 1994.

Engineering Faculty Search Committee, since 1981

Aerospace Engineering Curriculum Committee, since 1967

Promotion and Tenure Committee, seven terms

Worked with the members of the Baja Car Design Team to design a water aft flow deflector to improve its propulsion characteristics when operating in water. Also helped them optimize their carburetor metering venturi, in 1981.

Designed and Constructed and Tested a 20 FT diameter "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Passive Overspeed Control," operational from 1981-1986 at the WVU Apple Orchard.

Hosted two Republic of China visiting scholars from 1981-1984 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 5

Designed and Constructed the City of Pittsburgh's First Solar collector. It was installed in 1980 on Police Station #2, on Center Av.

In July 1976, Co-taught "Flight Testing" with course director Sean C. Roberts.

In May 1975 attended a short course on "Flight Testing" at the University of Tennessee.


Principal Investigator on twenty WVU Research Contracts, total value $ 2,931,236

Gregory Industries "Designed and delivered a pair of Airknifes with on-line adjustable outflow velocity profile and outflow angle "2006-2007, WVU patent pending #320.

DOE “Acoustic Detecting and Locating Gas Pipeline Infringement” $515,048 Contract DE-FC26-02NT41324, July 5, ’02- Sept. 30 2004 with Co PI’s: G. Morris and G. Palmer.

Halliburton Energy Systems. "Hydraulic Rock Fracturing Dynamic Modeling" total: $276,732, July 1 1997-Feb. 2001, No:7481/093/4204/4205 and Task 2, Award 1000336.

Air Products Inc. "Gas Turbine Emission Testing on Methanol" total: $188,425 Aug 1 '97 to May 31, 2000. Co-PI Clark, No: 7481/093/4218 and task 1, Award 1000571.

NASA/Wright Paterson AFB: "NASP, National Aerospace Plane Base Drag Reduction", with Co-PI Morris, 1/1/1994-6/30/ 1996,OSP # 94-093, $239,995

MTCI, Manufacturing and Technology Conversion Int."Pulsed Combustor Aero- Valve" 1/8/1991-8/30/1995, Contract No:10050-01 and 10038-02, OSP 91-484, $165,862

Lockheed-Georgia, "Trends in Powered Lift for STOL Aircraft,"1/1/85-12/31/86, MDA-53 1084444630, $79,967

Department of Energy DOE-METC. "Coal Water Slurry Dispenser,"8/1/84 - 6/30/86, DE-AC-2184MC21071, $83,641

Department of Energy DOE-METC. "Forced and Induced Draft Fan Design for Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems," 1/1/84 - 6/1/84, DE-FG-21-84M21280, $14,500

Department of Energy, SERI. "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Tilting Wing Overspeed Control," 9/15/81 - 9/14/82, DE-FG-02-80CS89001, $63,500

Department of Energy, SERI. "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Tilting Wing 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 6 Overspeed Control," 8/1/80 - 7/31/81, DE-FG-02-80CS89001, $62,742

Department of Energy DOE-METC. "Non-Steady Fluidized Bed Injectors," 7/1/79 - 9/28/80, DE-AT21-79MC, $24,528

WV State. "Coal Gas Flame Speed Study," 7/1/79 - 6/30/80, contract No: 290-23-196, $16,272

ERDA. "Grooved Foamglas Solar Air Heaters," 9/30/77-12/31/78, EG-77-G-04-4087, $106,578

Department of Energy, DOE/METC. "Aerodynamic Coal-Water Slurry Atomizer/Dryer", 5/1/77-5/31/78, EY-77-C-21-8087, $23,681

Office of Naval Research."Inlet and Internal Aerodynamics of Thrust Augmenters," 1/1/75-1/31/76 N00014-75-C-0324, $56,000

Office of Naval Research. "Mathematical Modeling of Jets," 1/11/74 - 12/31/74, N00014-73-A-0417-0003, $54,000

North American Rockwell. "VTOL Thrust Augmentation Aircraft Flow Field in Flight Transition", 11/1/73 - 10/31/74, N00014-74-C-0324, $12,000

Office of Naval Research. "V/STOL Aerodynamics," 1/14/71 -12/21/73, N00014-68-A-0512, $466,700

Fairbanks Morse Inc. "Seawater Desalination Ejector Test," 10/15/70 - 7/1/71, subcontract to OSW 14-30-2679, $9,000

Office of Naval Research. "V/STOL Aerodynamics," 7/15/68 -7/14/71, N00014-68-A-0512, $416,000

Co-Principal Investigator on the following WVU contracts, Loth budget $1,252,044

DOE “Zinc-Pot Bearing Material Friction and Wear Testing” PI for the Task 2 $252,000 portion of the $7,500,000 DOE contract Apr ‘01-Dec ’04. “Develop Improved Materials for Continuous Hot Dipping Processes DE-FC07-01ID14042.

Halliburton Energy Systems. "Pumping Units for the 21st Century", PI Lyons. Co-PI’s Atkinson, Mucino, Means and Wayne Scott. 1997-1999 $250,000 total budget.

PPG Inc. Cooling Rate of a Drawn Glass Filament, (Co-PI with Morris) 1996-1997, Loth budget $21,400. 1998-1999, Loth Budget $52,500. 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 7 US DOE Contract BEFG60290CH10451, Alternate Fuels and Engine Mobile Testing Laboratory. PI Lyons, 1991-1996, Loth budget $350,000 for design of flywheels, dilution tunnels and conversion of a Cessna 150 Aircraft to Dual/Fuel capability.

NASA Langley/Aurora. A Low Cost In-Situ Correlation Measurement Project to validate Remotely Sensed Data. (PI R. Walters) 1/1/91 - 5/31/96. Loth budget $149,660 for Propulsion System Modeling.

Department of Energy, DOE/METC. Rocky Flats Radwaste Incinerator Analysis, (PI Johnson) 6/1/91 - 5/30/92. Loth budget $143,022. Analysis of a Recirculating Fluidized Bed.

Weirton Steel Corporation, Phase IV "Theoretical Design of an Advanced High Speed Metal Coating System", (PI Smith) 8/16/90-8/15/91. Loth budget $80,396.

Weirton Steel Corporation, Phase I and II "Thermochemical and Physical Analysis of the Hot Metal Coating Environment" (PI Smith) 8/16/89-8/15/90. Loth budget $84,206.

Weirton Steel Corporation, Phase I "Advanced Airknife Development Project", 1/12/88-1/30/89. Loth budget $73,360.


“Engineering Approach to Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance”, 1st ed in 2004, 3rdd Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2007 ISBN 0-07-340881-6

Book Chapter # 1: "Applications of Circulation Control Technology," AIAA Series: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol 214, June 2006, ISBN: 1-56347-789-0

Book Chapter: "Design Aspects of a New Material Wear Tester”, Materials Characterization” WIT Press 2004, ISBN: 1-85312-988-7

Book Chapter: "Rocket propulsion" in Encyclopedia of Flight, Salem Press Feb. 2002, ISBN: 1-58765-046-0

”Ground Effect Characteristics and Centerline Pressure Distribution for a Hypersonic Configuration”, with R.E. Bond and G.J. Morris, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 43 No. 6, Jan-Feb, 2006.

"Effects of Exhaust Ducting on Take-Off Lift Loss of a Two-Dimensional Hypersonic Configuration”, with R.E. Bond and G. J. Morris, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 38 No. 2 March-April, 2001

”Ground Effect Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Hypersonic Configuration”, with 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 8 R.E. Bond and G. J. Morris, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37 No. 3, May-June 2000.

"Emissions Comparison from Alternative Fuel Buses and Diesel Buses with a Chassis Dynamometer Testing Facility", with W.G. Wang, N. N. Clark, D. W. Lyons, R. M. Yang, M. Gautam, and R. M. Bata ,Environmental Science & Technology, 1997,31,3132-3137. Also paper presented at Future Transportation Technologies Vancouver Canada 1996.

Design and Operation of a New Transportable Laboratory for the Emissions Testing of Heavy Duty Trucks and Buses", with Clark & all. International J. of Vehicle Design, (Heavy Vehicle Systems) 1995, Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, pp 285-299

"Design Aspects for High Power Arc Heaters and Nozzle Throats" Arnold Engineering Center, AEDC-TMR-94-P3, Apr.’95

"Transportable Emission Testing," SAE Magazine Automotive Engineering, Vol 100, No. 1, Jan. 1992 pp. 31-35

"The First Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing, Laboratory", with Bata & all, Truck Engines Design and Emissions, SAE Special Publication 891, SAE Transactions, 1991

"An Analytical Two-Phase Flow Void Fraction Prediction Method", with R. Huq. J. Thermophysics, Jan. '92; AIAA paper 90-1738, AIAA/ASME 5th Heat Transfer Conf. June '90 Seattle.

"Aerodynamic Tower Shake Force Analysis for VAWT", J. of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol.107, Feb.'85 pp 45-49

"Circulation Control STOL Wing Optimization", with M. Boasson. J. of Aircraft, Vol. 21, No. 2 '84 pp. 128-134, AIAA paper 83-0082, '83.

"Optimization of Darrieus Turbines with an Upwind and Downwind Momentum Model", with H. McCoy, J.of Energy, Vol. 7, No. 4, July '83.

"Darrieus Rotor with Forward Tilting Blade Speed Control", ASME Solar Engineering Book #H00253 '83.

"Domestic Hot Water Heating Using Solar Hot Air Collectors", J. of Energy, Vol. 3, No. 6, Nov. 1979, pp 377-379, and AIAA Paper 79-0973.

"Wind Power Limitations Associated with Vortices", J. of Energy, Vol 2, Aug. '78 pp 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 9 216-222; AIAA paper 78-278 '78.

"Betz Type Limitation of Vortex Wind Machines", J. of Wind Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1977, pp 169-185, London ELT-IDJ England.

"Flight Performance of a Circulation Controlled STOL", with J.B. Fanucci and S.C. Roberts, J. of Aircraft, Vol. 13, No, 3, March '76; AIAA paper 74-944'74

"Minimum Ignition Energy with Unflanged Electrodes", with C.V. Ouseph, J. of Combustion and Flame, Vol. 19, pp 309-310, 1972.

"Navy V/STOL Aerodynamics", WVU-TR-40 ONR Report, AD786222, Feb. 1974.

"Bench Scale Study of the Vacuum Freezing Ejector Absorption Process", Office of Saline Water INT OSW - RDPR - 71 - 744 pp 18-55, Nov. 1971.

"Theoretical Optimization of Staged Ejectors", Arnold Engineering Development Center. Part II, AEDC TR - 68 - 80, March, 1968. Part I, AEDC TR - 66 - 2, AD 479213, March 1966.


"IC Engine with Compression Ignition by Air Injection," with Morris, G.L., Echavarria, F., and Browning, P., Paper No: 178 at the Mechanical Design Conference, MDP9 at the University of Cairo, Egypt. Jan. 15-17, 2008.

"WVU/Gregory Industries new Air Knife", with Brian Lester, Presented at the 98th and 99th,Galvanizer;'s Association Meeting October 2006 and 2007.

"Numerical Study to Minimize Induced Drag by Boundary Layer Control" with J. Alejandro Posada, AIAA Paper 2007-899, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 8-11 Jan, 2007, Reno Nevada.

"Experiments on Compression Ignition by Air Injection (CIBAI) in a Modified Single- Cylinder, Four Stroke, Spark Ignition, Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) Engine: A Novel Approach", with Fernando Echavarria and Gary J. Morris, SAE Technical Paper Series 2006-01-3357, Oct 16, '06, Powertrain and Fluid Systems Conf. Toronto, Canada.

"Advantages of Adding BLC Suction to Circulation Control by Blowing", with P. Browning and A. Posada, Session IPLC15, 2005 International Powered Lift Conference, Grapevine Texas, Oct 3-6, 2005.

"Three decades of Progress in Circulation Control high Lift Systems", 45th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Haifa, February 23-24, 2005. "Why Have Only Two Circulation-Controlled STOL Aircraft Been Built and Flown in 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 10 Years 1974-2004," NASA Proceedings of the 2004 Circulation Control Workshop, March 16-17, 2004.

"Instrumentation for Surveying Acoustic Signals in Natural Gas transmission Lines",with R. Guiler, G. Morris and G. Palmer, Natural Gas Technologies II Conference and Exhibition, Feb. 8-11, 2004, Phoenix, Arizona.

"Zinc-Pot Roll Bearing Design Modification for Increased Life" Galvatech, 2004 Conference, Chicago, Ill. April 4-7, 2004

"Emperical WearRate Modeling of Zinc Pot Bearing Materials Using the WVU Small- Scale Tester" with J. Snider. Galvatech, 2004 Conference, Chicago, Ill. April 4-7, 2004

"Response to an Induced Transient During Well Fracturing" with E. Echavarria and S. Stephenson. 2000 IMECE Symposium by ASME, Orlando Fl. Nov. 5, 2000.

"Lubricity Problems and Solutions for a Methanol Fueled Gas Turbine", with R.E. Bond, R.W.Guiler, N.N.Clark, E.C.Heydorn and P.J.A.Tijm. 2000 IMECE Symposium by ASME, Orlando Fl. Nov. 5, 2000.

"Staged Turbocharging for High Altitude IC Engines. with G. Morris G. and P. Metlapalli, AIAA Paper 97-3294, 33rd Joint Propulsion Conf. Seattle Wa. July 6,'97

"Fuel Injection @ Carburation for Dual Fuel Capability" with R. Bond and D. Lyons, AIAA Paper 97-3288, 33rd Joint Prop. Conf. Seattle,July'97

"Avgas/Ethanol Dual Fuel Aircraft Engine Conversion", with R. Bond and D. Lyons, SAE paper 971464, Wichita Kansas, April 29, '97.

"NASP Take Off Lift Loss Alleviation" with Smith, Bond and Morris. 35th Annual AIAA Meeting in Reno, AIAA Paper 97-0296, Jan. 10 1997.

"General Aviation Aircraft Retrofit to Dual Fuel Capability", with R. Bond and D. Lyons. Proceeding of "TRANSPORT 1996" pages 328-342, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, Queretaro, Mexico, Nov. 1996.

"A Cessna 150 with Dual Fuel Capability", with D. Lyons, The First International Conference on Alternate Fuels. Baylor U. Nov 2-4 1995

"A Novel Staged Internal Combustion Engine", with Y. Yacoub and E. Loth. AIAA Technical Paper 94-2723, 30th Joint Propulsion Conf. June 27-29, 1994 Indianapolis, IN.

"Isolated Combustion and Diluted Expansion (ICADE) Internal Combustion Engine Cycle Analysis", with E. Loth and F. Loth. Proceedings of the 1993 ASME Fall 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 11 Technical Conference on Alternate Fuels Engine Performance and Emissions, ICE-Vol. 20 p177, 1993 in Morgantown WV.

"Pulse Jet One-Way Valve Performance", with L. Montgomery and R. Chandran. AIAA Technical Paper 92-3169, 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, July 1992, Nashville , TN.

"High Efficiency I. C. Detonation Engine", with E. Loth. AIAA Technical Paper 92- 3171, 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, July 1992, Nashville TN.

"Emission Measurement System for a Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Transient Chassis Test Facility", with Lyons et all, ISATA Paper No 920456, 25th International Symposium on Automotive Technology @ Automation Florence, Italy June '92.

"A Transportable Heavy Duty Engine Emissions Testing Laboratory: A New Dimension in Vehicle Testing", with Lyons et all, ASME paper 92-ICE-21, Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, Jan.26-29, 1992

"Transportable Emission Testing", SAE Magazine Automotive Engineering, Vol 100, No. 1,pp. 31-35, Jan. 1992.

"Flywheel Design for the WVU Mobile Heavy Duty Truck Testing Facility", with Lyons et all, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Advanced Automotive Technologies", Atlanta, Dec. '91.

"Design Overview of a Heavy Duty Mobile Vehicle Emission Testing Laboratory"' ASME DE Vol.40, Advanced Automotive Technologies, pp 199-207, ASME Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1-6, 1991

"The First Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Laboratory", with Lyons et all, SAE Technical Paper 912668 SP-891, SAE 1991 Transactions, Vol 100, Journal of Commercial Vehicle, Section 2, pp 433-440, Truck Engine Design and Emissions, pp 37-44 and presented SAE meeting Chicago Ill. Nov. 1991.

"Design and Construction of a Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emission Testing Laboratory", SAE Paper-256. Proceedings of the Annual Automotive Technology Development Contractor's Coordination Meeting, Oct., 1991, pp 593-598.

"Detonation Kinetic Energy Vortex Storage Applied to Internal Combustion Engines", S.S. Khalid, E. Loth, AIAA paper 91-1882, AIAA/SAE/ASME 27th Joint Propulsion Conf. June '91, Sacramento Ca.

"An Analytical Two-Phase Flow Void Prediction Method", with R. Huq, AIAA Paper 90-1738, AIAA/ASME 5th Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Seattle, WA. June 19, '90 "Thrust Efficiency of Powered Lift Systems", with M.S. Funk, Paper 872327, 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 12 Proceedings of the ASAE and AIAA International Powered Lift Conf. and Expo., P-203 pp 253-262, Dec. 9, 1987.

"Thrust Savings Limitations with Blown High Lift Wings", with M.S. Funk, AIAA Paper 87-2884, Sept. 1987 St Louis.

"Atomization Techniques for Coal Water Slurry Fuel", with B.M. Kulkarni, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Pittsburgh Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, Apr. 23,'87.

"Circulation Control STOL Aircraft Design Aspects", NASA AMES Circulation Control Workshop, NASA CP 2432, pp 569-588, Feb. 19, 1986.

"Combination of Suction and Tangential Blowing in Boundary Layer Control", 27th Annual Conf. on Aviation and Astronautics, Haifi, Israel Feb. 1985

"Coal Water Slurry Dryer Dispenser" Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Heat Engines Contractors Meeting, DOE-DE-AC 2184MC 21071, Apr. 1985.

"Induced Drag Reduction with Wing Tip Mounted Propellers", with F. Loth, AIAA Paper 84-2149, 2nd Applied Aerodynamics Conf. Seattle, Aug.21,1984. and Aerospace America, Jan. 1985. pp 75,78.

"Darrieus Rotor with Forward Tilting Blade Speed Control", ASME 5th Annual Technology Conf. Orlando, Fl., April 1983.

"Circulation Controlled STOL Wing Optimization", with M. Boasson, AIAA Paper 83-0082, 21st Aerospace Meeting, Reno Nev. Jan. 1983.

"Up-Down-Wind Rotor Half Interference Model for VAWT", with H. McCoy, AIAA Paper 81-2579, 2nd Terrestrial Energy Systems Conf. Col. Springs, Dec.'81.

"Controlled Combustion of a Varying Low-BTU Coal Derived Gas", with L.K. Carpenter, C.V. Nakaishi, J.D. Bird, ASME Gas Turbine Conference Houston, 3-1981.

"Domestic Hot Water Heating Using Solar Air Heater Collectors", AIAA Paper 79-0973, Terrestrial Energy Conf. Orlando Fl. June 1979.

"Tilting Wing Overspeed Control for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines", AIAA Paper 79-0967, Terrestrial Energy Conf. Orlando Fl. June 1979.

Reply by Author to C.T. Hsu, J. of Energy, Vol. 3, No. 2, Mar.1979

"Hybrid Air to Water Solar Collector Design", with G. M. Palmer, Proceedings 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Conf. San Diego, Cal. Aug. 1978. "Wind Power Limitations Associated with Vortices", 16th Aerospace Meeting, 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 13 Huntsville, Alabama, Jan. 1978.

"Betz Type Limits for Vortex Wind Machines", ERDA 3rd Conf. on Wind Energy, Washington D.C. Sept.1977.

"A Grooved Foamglas Flat Plate Solar Collector", Proceedings of the Flat-Plate Solar Collector Conf. FSEC, Orlando Fl. Feb. 28, 1977.

"Innovative Wind Turbines", with J.B. Fanucci, W. Squire, P.G. Migliore and R. Huq, 3rd Annual UMR-MEC Conf. on Energy, Rolla Missouri, Oct. 12, 1976.

"WVU Wind Energy Concentrators", International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems, St John's College Cambridge, England, Sept. 1976.

"Wind Energy Concentrators", UMR-MEC Conf. on Energy, Vol. 2 PP 93-107, Rolla Missouri, Oct. 1975.

"Thrust Augmented Wing Sections in Transition Flight", with J.D. Wilson and S. Chandra, AIAA Paper 75-169, 13th Aerospace Science Meeting, Pasadena, Cal. Jan. 1975.

"Flight Performance of a Circulation Controlled STOL", with J.B. Fanucci and S.C. Roberts, AIAA Paper 74-944, 6th Aircraft Design Meeting, Los Angeles, Cal. Aug. 1974.

"Some Aspects of STOL Aircraft Aerodynamics", ASE Paper 730328, National Business Aircraft Meeting, Witchita, Kansas April, 1973.

"Navy V/STOL Aerodynamics at West Virginia University", Proceedings of the Symposium on Vehicular Dynamics, pp 437-440, Rock Island Arsenal, Ill. Nov. '71.

"Incipient Flame Growth", Paper II-8, Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Sept. 29, 1969.

"Theoretical Optimization of Staged Ejector Systems", Paper 68, AAS Symposium, Huntsville Alabama, Dec. 1966.

"Velocity and Density Probe for Steady Non-Equilibrium, Supersonic Flow", Paper SM-74/7, Int. Symposium on MHD Power Generation, Austria, July '66.

"A Technique for the Evaluation of Surface Absorptivity of Materials, Exposed to Plasma Radiation", with F.C. Hooper, C.H. Miller, Int. Symposium on MHD Power Generation, Paris, July, 1964.

Contract Final Reports: 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 14

Loth, J.L. July 31, 2005 Final Pot Hardware Contract Report DE-PS07-001D13964

Loth, J.L., Morris, G.J.,Palmer, G.M.,Guiler, R. and Browning, P "Acoustic Detecting and Locating Gas Pipe Line Infringement" Final Contract Report Dec. 31, 2004 for DOE Contract DE-FC26-12NT41324

Loth, J.L., Morris, G. J., Palmer, G. M., Guiler, R. and Mehra, D., "Technology Assessment of On-Line Acoustic Monitoring for Leaks/Infringements in Underground Natural Gas Transmission Lines," DOE Contract DE-FC26-02NT413424, January 5, 2003

Loth, J. L. Snider, Jay "Zinc Pot Bearing Material Wear Rate as a Function of Contact Pressure and Velocity," DOE Contract DE-FC07-01ID14042

Loth, J. L. Ware, Ryan "Design and Construction of a Zinc Pot Bearing Material Wear Tester," DOE Contract DE-FC07-01ID14042, March 31-02

Loth, J. L., Bond, R.E., Guiler, R. and Clark, N.N. "Methanol from Coal End Use Demonstration Project on Gas Turbine Emissions". Air Products and Chemicals Inc/DOE, July 2000.

Loth, J. L. and Echavarria E. "Hydraulic Rock fracturing Dynamic Modeling” Halliburton Contract #F.N. 1243.1443 Final Report, Dec. 1999.

Loth J. L. "Pulsed Combustor Aerovalve Aerodynamic Analysis" Final DOE/METC Contract 7626/229/2727, Grant 10038-03 July, 1997 and Appendix B of “Sonic- Enhanced Ash Agglomeration and Sulfur Capture Report MTCI #10038/ERSR-38F. June 1998.

"NASP Take Off Lift Loss Alleviation" with Smith, Bond and Morris. NASA Contract No: NAG1-1584 final report,July 1996.

"Three Staged Turbocharger Modeling with Passive Control System" with P. K. Metlapalli. NASA Langley/Aurora, July '96 "Conceptual Design of a Fluidized Bed Combustor For Volume Reduction of Waste", with E. Johnson et all, DOE/METC 6/'92.

"Impinging Jets Cooling on Continuous Upward Moving Steel Sheet", with E. Tong, and J.E. Smith, Weirton Steel Contract Phase II, Thermochemical and Physical Analysis of the Hot Metal Coating Environment, 1991.

"Sheet Cooling Model", with C.M. White, and J.E. Smith, Weirton Steel Contract Phase III, Thermochemical and Physical Analysis of the Hot Metal Coating 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 15 Environment, 1991.

"Accuracy Limitation Analysis for Volumetric Leak Detection of Underground Storage Tanks", with J.A. Wiegand, WVU Innovative Technology Utilization Center Contract with WV Fuel and Energy Office, 1990

"Coating Thickness Control by Air Jet Stripping", with T.L. Cox and J.E. Smith, Weirton Steel Contract, Phase I, Advanced Airknife Development Project, 1989

"Performance Limits and Comparison of V/STOL Powered High Lift Systems", with J.B. Fanucci, Lockheed Contract MDA-53 1084444630, WVU MAE Dec. 1987.

"Coal Water Slurry (CWS) Dispenser", with B.M. Kulkarni, Final Report METC Contract DOE/MC/21071-2378, Dec. 1986.

"Forced and Induced Draft Fan Design for Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion System, with Z. Yue " Final contract report: DOE-DE-FG21-84MC21280, May 1984.

"Vertical Axis Wind Turbine With Tilting Wing Overspeed Control," SERI, DOE Contract DE-FG82-80CS89001, May '83.

"Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Automatic Speed Control for Home Builders", with J.B. Fanucci, DOE Region III Contract DE-FG-43-80R302-438, Sept. 1981.

"Low Pressure Drop Fluidized Bed Distributor", with B. Mansouri, DOE-DE-AT21-79MC 11284 Task 20, Oct '80

"Low Power Frost Resistant Inexpensive Solar Hot Water Heater", DOE Region III, Contract DE-F6-43-79R306-121, Sept. 1980.

"Flammability Characteristics of Selected Low-BTU Gases form METC Producer and for Some Simulated Low BTU Gases to be Burned in the Ceramic Corrosion /Erosion Test Facility", DOE-METC DE-AP-2179MC10500, Book 4, Jul. 1980.

"Flammability Limits of Low-BTU Coal Derived Gas with Preheated Air", with P.Y. Wang, WVU TR-68, ERC, Contract ST80-2, Jul. 1980.

"Ejector Design for 60,000 gallon per day Seawater Desalination Pilot Plant Using Vacuum Freezing", Chicago Bridge & Iron Contract 91845, June 1980. "The Control Characteristics of the Ceramic Corrosion/Erosion Test Facility", Book 3 DOE-METC Contract DE-AP-2179MC10500, Sept. 1979.

"Thermodynamic Characteristics of Selected Low BTU Gases from the METC Producer when Burned in the Dynamic Ceramic Corrosion/Erosion Test Facility", Book 1 & 2, DOE-METC Contract DE-AP-2179MC10500 Feb, 1979. 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 16

"Grooved Foamglas Solar Air Heaters", with G.M. Palmer and R. Srivatsan, WVU MAE TR-65, ERDA Contract EG-77-G-04-4087, Feb. 1979.

"Design of a Fluid-Dynamic Injector for the Atomization of Coal-Water Slurry with Superheated Steam", with J.E. Smith and M. Leachnar, WVU MAE TR_63, DOE METC contract EY-77-C-21-8087, Task 3, Aug. 1978.

"Feasibility Study of a Small Low-BTU Producer Gas Combustor", DOE-METC Contract EY-77-X-21-1142,Aug.77.

"Innovative Wind Machines", with J.B. Fanucci et al., WVU MAE TR-50, ERDA/NSF Contract 00367-76/2, RANN Document NSF/RA-760131, June 1976.

"Inlet and Internal Aerodynamics of a VTOL Thrust Augmentor", with S. Chandra and E.H. Gibbs, WVU MAE TR-49, ONR Contract N00014-75-C-0324, ONR-CR215-227-3F, Jan.'76.

"Lifting Jet Flow Fields", with S. Chandra, WVU MAE TR-46, ONR Contract N00014-73-A-0417-0003, Aug. 1975.

"Navy V/STOL Aerodynamics", with J. B. Fanucci et al., WVU MAE TR-40, ONR Contract N00014-68-A-0512, AD786222, Feb. 1974.

"Bench Scale Study of the Vacuum Freezing Ejector Absorption Process", Office of Saline Water INT OSW-RDPR-71-744 pp 18-55, Nov. 1971.

"Ejector Development for Seawater Desalination", Colt Industries Subcontract of OSN 14-39-267, June 1971.

"Theoretical Optimization of Staged Ejectors, Part II", AEDC TR-68-80, USAF-AEDC Contract 40(600)67-C-009, March, 1968.

"Study of a Velocity and Density Probe for Non-Equilibrium Supersonic Flow", AEDC TR-67-157, USAF-AEDC Contract AF 40(600)1182, July 1967.

"Theoretical Optimization of Staged Ejector Systems, Part I ", AEDC TR-66-2, USAF-AEDC Contract AF 40(600)67-C-009, AD 479213, March 1966.

"The effect of Molecular Diffusion on the Similarity Parameter for Laminar Mixing" AEDC TR-65-270, USAF-AEDC Contract AF 40(600)1118, Dec. 1965.

Other Contract Research Reports:

"Diffuser Length Minimization by Suction Downstream of the Normal Shock. WVU TR- 4/3/2018 John L. Loth Page 17 101 Sept. 1984.

"Hot Water From a Solar Air Heater", WVU-TR-64, ERDA EG-77-G-04-4087, '79.

"Betz Type Limitation of Vortex Wind Machines" WVU-MAE TR-54, ERDA-SERI Contract E940-1-5135, April '77.

"Innovative Wind Machines", with J.B. Fanucci, N. Ness, R.E. Walters, G.M. Palmer and W. Squire, WVU-MAE TR-47, ERDA/NSF/00367-75/T1, Sept. 1975.

"Asymmetric Entrainment of 2-D Curved Jets", with S. Chandra, WVU-MAE TR-45, ONR Contract N00014-73-A-0417-0003, Aug. 1975.

"Thrust Augmented Wing Sections in Potential Flow", with J.D. Wilson and S. Chandra, WVU-MAE TR-25 ONR Contract N00014-68-A-0512, Feb. 1974.

"Theoretical Analysis of the Flow in External Aerodynamic Diffusers", with C.A. Lee, WVU-MAE TR-26. ONR Contract N00014-68-A-0512, Feb. 1974.

"Real Time Development of the Wake of a Finite Wing", with J.D. Wilson, WVU-MAE TR-23, ONR Contract N00014-68-A-0512, Feb. 1974.

"Lifting Surface Analysis Using Chordwise Load Segments", with S. Chandra, ONR Contract N00014-68-A-0512, Aug. 1973.

"Aerodynamics of Transit Vehicles Operating at Low Speeds within Closed Guideways", with G.W. Harbaugh, WVU-MAE TR-38 Aug. 1973.

"Experimental Investigation of an External Aerodynamic Diffuser", with R.E. Longhouse, WVU-MAE TR-29, ONR Contract N00014-A-68-0512, April 1970.

"Optimum Loading on Non-planar Wings at Minimum Induced Drag", with R.E. Boyle, WVU-MAE TR-19,AD 704502, ONR Contract N000014-A-68-0512, Aug. 1969.

"The Effect of Vibration and Dissociation Relaxation on the Flow of Nitrogen in a Hypersonic Nozzle", VKF Facility Report, AEDC 1963.

"Design, Construction and Operation of a Plasma Generator", Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris 1959.

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