Effects mass ownership of the automobile had on the US 1. Traffic jams 2. Speeding tickets 3. Auto accidents 4. Teenagers could escape the watchful eyes of their parents “Bedroom on wheels” 5. New age of social equality Average person could own a car, America’s most important status symbol 6. Stimulated extensive road construction 7. Congress enacted the Federal Highway Act providing federal money for states to build highways 8. Bureau of Public Roads began planning a national highway system 9. Motor hotel (or motel) was developed 10. Life Insurance Companies added auto insurance to their policy line 11. Oil industry shifted to production of gasoline Energy crisis occurred because enough gas could not be produced to keep up with demand 12. Urban residential patterns were altered People drove downtown rather than take a trolley Suburbs were created- “satellite cities” 13. Advertising became big and centered on Manhattan’s Madison Avenue Used psychology New consumerism was enhanced by advertising and fueled by credit Installment buying or time-payment plans flourished “Possess today and pay tomorrow” was the message directed at buyers Over 80% of the cars were bought on credit 14. National chain stores advanced rapidly at the expense of small, local business A&P and Safeway Woolworth’s “five and dime” and Rexall drugs JC Penney- clothing 15. Corporations continued to be a dominant economic force Bought stocks on margin Big business grew bigger- mergers occurred after WWI About 200 giant corporations owned half of the nation’s wealth Antitrust activities shrunk in the shadow of economic giants 16. Organizational activities flourished in the twenties 17. Thousands of new jobs were created by supporting industries, such as rubber, class, and fabrics plus highway construction