World War 2 quiz fill in the blanks to make this accurate and informative Name______

The first example of the ______of Nations failing its mission of ______security came with Mussolini’s ______of Ethiopia. Hitler quickly followed by ______the Rhineland. The German leader’s ______continued with the Anschluss in which ______annexed Austria. Hitler followed at the ______meeting in Munich where ______and England appeased German ______for border lands in ______. The two fascist ______in Germany and ______considered the state more ______than the individual. Another ______government arose following the ______world war in Russia. The governmental system there was ______. In Asia, aggression by ______against China added to the ______of global war. When the war finally began, ______army had quick ______with the strategy of ______. Even before the Japanese ______attack on Hawaii, American ______Roosevelt set war ______with British leader ______. The two leaders agreed ______concentrate on Germany before ______in a document called ______Atlantic Charter. Despite having signed a ______pact, Germany invaded the ______Union in June, 1941. The ______point of this campaign was the ______of Stalingrad, a key ______city. Throughout the war, ______, the Russian leader, wanted the ______to open a second ______. They did so, advancing through North ______and the island of ______. Earlier, Britain had stopped ______goal of getting Middle Eastern ______at the battle of ______. A third turning point came in the ______when American planes disabled Japanese aircraft ______near the island of ______. In Europe the war ______in the months following ______invasion of Normandy in ______, 1944. Called D-Day, this ______assault was successful because ( write a phrase here please ______To avoid a ______invasion of Japan, the United States used ______weapons to bring the war to a ______end, destroying the cities of ______and Nagasaki World War 2 also ______domestic society greatly. The government ______in all aspects of ______life. This is the meaning of “______war”. As in WWI, governments ______goods, fixed prices and converted ______to production of war material. The ______stood atop the world ______only the rivaly of ______to contest our power.