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Heritage Toronto

HERITAGE TORONTO MINUTES (approved August 28, 2013)

A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday June 26, 2013 at St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King St. E., 3rd Floor

PRESENT: Alexandria Pike, Chair John Belyea Jeffrey Clayman Ross Fair Tyler Greenleaf Andrew Jeanrie Paul Litt Donald Loucks Marta O'Brien Brent Pearlman Allan Penning Kevin Plummer Mark Warrack Darren Wasylucha Councillor Mike Layton

REGRETS: Patrick Forster Andrew Himel Deborah Lechter Kate Marshall Barbara McPhail Tanzeel Merchant Peter Ortved Councillor Gary Crawford Councillor Sarah Doucette Councillor Adam Vaughan

ABSENT: Elizabeth Philbert

ALSO PRESENT: Karen Carter, Executive Director Karen Czaniecki, Administrator Gary Miedema, Chief Historian and Associate Director Jessica Donaldson, Director of Marketing

Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm

CONFLICT OF INTEREST No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on June 26, 2013

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Board reviewed the minutes from the meeting on April 24, 2013. A correction was requested to be made to the brief written in the minutes of Ms McDonald's talk to the Board.

HT13-17 ADOPTION OF MINUTES Ross Fair moved, seconded by Marta O'Brien that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on April 24, 2013, be adopted, with a revision to the presentation notes. (carried)

CHAIR'S REPORT 1.1 New Heritage Toronto Board Member – Andrew Jeanrie Alexandria Pike welcomed Andrew Jeanrie as a new Heritage Toronto Board member. Mr. Jeanrie was appointed by Council at its meeting on May 7, 8,9,10.

COMMITTEE AND STAFF REPORTS 2 AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 2.1 Approval of 2012 Audited Statements, Grant Thornton, LLP The Board considered the 2012 audited statements prepared by Grant Thornton, LLB. John Belyea, Chair, Audit and Finance Committee, advised that the Audit and Finance Committee had fully reviewed the statements at their meeting on June 17th and recommend their approval.

HT13-18 APPROVAL OF HERITAGE TORONTO 2012 AUDITED STATEMENTS John Belyea moved, seconded by Jeffrey Clayman that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the 2012 audited statements, prepared by Grant Thornton LLP. (carried) 2

2.2 Financial Statements to May 31, 2013 Mr. Belyea presented the 2013 financial statements to May 31, 2013 to the Board for review and discussion. Mr. Belyea pointed out the changed format for the statements and thanked Andrew Himel for his work creating the format. The financial statements were received for information.

3 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3.1 Approval of Revisions to Human Resources Policy for Employees Alexandria Pike requested that the Board move In Camera for discussions on item 3.1 and that staff, with the exception of the Executive Director, be asked to leave.

HT13-19 IN CAMERA Don Loucks moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board move In Camera (closed) for the discussion the recommendations from the Executive Committee regarding revisions to the Human Resources Policy for staff as the report and discussions may contain personal information about identifiable individuals. (carried)

The Board came out of the In Camera session and invited staff back prior to approval of the motion.

HT13-20 APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES Alexandria Pike moved, seconded by Brent Pearlman that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the revisions to the Human Resources Policy for Employees as recommended by the Executive Committee. (carried)

4 PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE 4.1 2013 Special Achievement Award The Heritage Toronto Board received background material on the individuals being considered by the Programming Committee as possible recipients for the 2013 Special Achievement Award.

HT13-21 IN CAMERA Kevin Plummer moved, seconded by Tyler Greenleaf that the Heritage Toronto Board move In Camera (closed) for the discussion of Items 4.1 and 4.2 as the discussions may contain personal information about identifiable individuals. (carried)

The Board came out of the In Camera session to approve the motion for Item 4.1.

HT13-22 APPROVAL OF THE RECIPIENT OF THE 2013 SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Kevin Plummer moved, seconded by Marta O'Brien that the Heritage Toronto Board approved, in confidence, the recipient of the 2013 Special Achievement Award. The name of this individual will be released in conjunction with promotional material for the William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture and 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards event. (carried)

4.2 Future Candidates for William Kilbourn Memorial Lecturers The Heritage Toronto Board received the list of potential speakers for information and discussion In Camera (motion HT13-21).

Following the discussion the Board came out of In Camera. 3

4.3 Programming Committee Policies and Procedures Mr. Plummer presented the report on Programming Committee Policies and Procedures. Mr. Plummer recognized that this initiative was started by J. Alan Burton, former Chair of the Programs Committee and has been finalized and approved by the Committee. Included with the policies and procedures is a new program approval form (template) for submission of future initiatives. This report was received for information and discussion.

4.4 Minutes from Programming Committee meeting on June 11, 2013 Mr. Plummer presented the minutes from the Programming Committee meeting on June 11th . Some upcoming tours still need Board reps and a sign-up sheet was circulated. The Chair asked for an update on new walk initiatives. Mr. Plummer advised that the new registration system (Eventbrite) is working well. The registered boutique tours and paid tours have full or close to full registration, showing there is a market for these initiatives. Ms Pike informed the Board that the Executive Committee was asked to approve a report from the Programming Committee recommending a limit to the number of awards to be granted in each award category. As the recommendation was consistent with the discussion held by the Board, this approval was given. The minutes were received for information and discussion.

5 MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 Minutes from Marketing/Communications meetings on May 6 and June 12, 2013 Mark Warrack reported for Kate Marshall, who sent her regrets as she is leading a Heritage Toronto tour. Mr. Warrack presented minutes from the meetings on May 6th and June 12th. Mar/Com has now met with two other Committee chairs – Deborah Lechter, Membership and Kevin Plummer, Awards. Social media continues to grow. Mr. Warrack invited Board members to forward comments on the new e-news to the Committee or staff. An initial investigation has been made into rebranding. This will be part of the 2014 workplan for the Committee. The minutes were received for information and discussion.

6 PLAQUES AND MARKERS COMMITTEE 6.1 Approval of inclusion of Chronological Baseline in Criteria for the Selection of Commemorative and Historical Information Plaque Subjects Ross Fair, Chair, Plaques and Markers Committee presented the report requesting approval of a revision to the plaques policy.

HT13-23 APPROVAL OF THE INCLUSION OF A CHRONOLOGICAL BASELINE IN CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMEMORATIVE AND HISTORICAL INFORMATION PLAQUE SUBJECTS Ross Fair moved, seconded by Marta O'Brien that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the addition of the following text in the Criteria for the selection of Commemorative and Historical Information Plaque Subjects section of its Plaque Policy and Procedures document:

4.1.2. Plaque subjects that have occurred at least 40 years in the past will be considered. The Committee may approve plaque subjects that have occurred more recently under compelling circumstances. (carried)

6.2 Approval of Century House Plaque Initiative Dr. Fair presented the report recommending a new Century House Plaque Initiative. A pilot neighbourhood will be selected for this initiative. The success of the initiative will be evaluated after a year. The Board discussed this initiative with enthusiasm.


Ross Fair moved, seconded by John Belyea that the Heritage Toronto Board adopt the formal establishment of a Century House Number Plaque initiative as a way to increase visibility of heritage homes that are not on the Inventory of Heritage Properties and make the Plaques Program more accessible. (carried)

6.3 Legacy Plaque Subject Dr. Fair informed the Board of an individual who has been selected to be recognized by the Legacy Plaque Project: Erik Bruhn. The application for this subject was included in the Board package for information.

6.4 Minutes from Plaques and Markers Committee meeting, June 5, 2013 Dr. Fair presented the minutes from the Plaques and Markers Committee meeting on June 5th and advised of upcoming plaque presentations. The minutes were received for information and discussion.

7 FUND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 7.1 Notes from Fund Development Committee meeting on June 4, 2013 Allan Penning, Chair, Fund Development Committee presented the notes from their meeting on June 4th. Mr. Penning advised that sponsorship for the Kilbourn Memorial Lecture/Heritage Toronto Awards event is sitting at $61,000 and staff continue to work on renewing and engaging new sponsors for the event. Board members were reminded to forward sponsor ideas to the Committee or staff. Mr. Penning also advised that we have received a Canada Works Grant for a summer student this year. The notes were received for information and discussion.

8 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE 8.1 Notes from Membership Committee meeting, May 28, 2013 Jessica Donaldson reported for Deborah Lechter, presenting the notes from the May 28th meeting. Ms Donaldson advised of an upcoming members only event – Creating Toronto boutique tour on July 11th and plans for a special members only tour of Commerce Court North in the fall. Members are now being sent e- news newsletters biweekly. The notes were received for information and discussion.

9 CONSERVATION COMMITTEE 9.1 Notes from Conservation & Education Committee meeting on May 27, 2013 Paul Litt, Chair, Conservation & Education Committee presented the notes from the meeting on May 27th. The Committee is planning a symposium on natural heritage in mid-November and working on a lecture series for 2014. Mr. Litt also outlined plans for a State of Heritage 2014 report. The notes were received for information and discussion.

10 OTHER BUSINESS No other business was reported.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

Alexandria Pike, Chair KC/

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