Badger Region Volleyball Association s1

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Badger Region Volleyball Association s1

Badger Region Volleyball Association Board of Directors Meeting Region Office on Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Board Members In Attendance: Julie Voeck, BJ Bryant, Jim Momsen, BJ Leroy, Kim Wudi, Kelly Lehman Call in: Paul Schlomer Nancy Paulson, Scott Blackmon Ex-Officio Members Present: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Colleen Houk, Terry Paulson, Deb Stadick Absent: Chad Schrieber, Tom Gulak, Anne Denkert,

“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes reflect…”

I. Call to Order Voeck calls meeting to order at 7:12 pm

Approval of Minutes All in favor of approving minutes; none opposed, minutes approved. No conflict of interest revealed for the upcoming agenda

II. Financial a. Budget Review and Discussion i. Financial Chair reviewed current and upcoming 2014 budget 1. Showed last year’s actual expense. Through September 30 will be added. a. Income has not been broken out yet—to be worked on b. At this time a growth will not be shown. Discussion • Advertising Fees • Credit card fee that is paid to WebPoint • Increase of facilitator fee to $1000 • Gold Seal award in September in order to use the funds that were already budgeted for this program. • Adults and what the plan was to increase membership and tourneys **Leroy will bring more ideas to the next BOD meeting 1. The idea of having uniforms available at the site of the event is a great idea 2. Is a league membership a possibility? • CAP will be offered again this year—the budget is already in place Discussed hosting CAP every year • Impact Clinicians Suggestion made for Impact Clinician fee to be increased—the fee should be the same paid out for each clinic to the clinician regardless how many people are there.

**Leroy Motions: Change the fee structure for Impact Clinicians to be $450 for Impact Plus and $300 for Impact other than one on one. Wudi seconds Discussion **Leroy Amends Motion: Change the fee structure for Impact Clinicians to be $450 for Impact Plus, $300 for Impact and $200 for one on one. Wudi seconds Vote: Motions Passes (5 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstain (BJ Bryant) 

• Office Expenses • Wages • Officials/scorekeeping o N Paulson—polos requested for monitors and purpose • Currently PVL is sitting in with HP tab. They should be a tab of their own. • High Performance o 2013 costs -$650 for flight and hotel o Where should the HP fee for those kids that are paying off their expenses be coded? If it’s a beach event, should it come from the Beach budget? No resolution. This issue to be discussed again to resolve appropriate policy. o Suggestions that the HP group look into fundraising options. • Badger League/Qualifier & Badger Championships o Numbers were entered on correct lines o Bryant would like to meet with T Paulson about making a few changes to the BRC’s to make the event even more spectacular.

III. Region Office a. Office Report i. The staff reported on Region Memberships, High Performance Registrations & upcoming Junior Club Director Meeting options in May. b. Meritorious Service Awards i. At this time only one has been nominated ii. T Paulson would like to nominate Chuck McCraken (AES) c. Issues-Regional SafeSport Officer i. USAV is implementing a Safesport program (safety/abuse/harassment, etc issues) 1. Armson-Dyer has been asked to be part of the Safesport committee IV. Tournaments a. Championships-421 teams (increase of 63)/ 1st weekend can’t really take any more teams, 2nd weekend a bit more forgiving. Had to use WLC for Sat. b. Badger League-increased by 38 teams i. Trainer will be added for next year c. 2014 Event i. USA wants to partner with Badger for an event over Memorial weekend. Concerns were discussed 1. Does the region want to commit if we aren’t sure about the available resources? 2. USA has a relationship with Visit Milwaukee-asking for their help 3. Do Junior Clubs really want an event in late May when the majority in the Midwest are completed by that time? 4. Concerns over the team numbers that USA thinks would be interested. 5. At some point we have to either commit or not –date for commitment?? 6. Staff will continue to look at details. Board will consider after details are firmed up. d. Beach—Badger is now hosting two juniors beach events (qualifiers) along with Beach Junior National Tournament i. T Paulson would like to ask USA to commit to 3 years for the Jr Natl event e. AES—goals for the future i. It has proven to be a good tool for junior and adult events.

V. Officials & Scorekeeping a. Officials Updates i. Same numbers as last year (120 assignable officials). More college players are becoming certified as officials. Approximately 9 new provisional, 3 regional referees ii. Kudos to Larry Schoenick—the Badger Region assigner (whoop, whoop) iii. USA is developing additional curriculum. Would the region want to help with formatting? b. Scorekeeper Updates i. Pre-Read Materials were sent by N Paulson-ScoreKeeper Chair 

1. N Paulson asks for continued region support for training and monitoring

VI. Juniors a. Recruiting Policy & End of Season Release i. No matter what, this is a complex issue. 1. Current policy was written before camps, tune-ups, etc a. Suggestion that the BOD be the thinking body with implementing new policies and not send to the JCD’s for approval 2. Beach will be a whole other set of issues 3. Should release and recruiting policies be separated? a. A release empowers the athlete –are they in good standing? b. Current policy is not written as a protection for club, it was written for the athlete 4. Could this be a topic of discussion for the May JCD meetings? 5. This issue will be discussed at the next BOD meeting. a. Timeline is September 1st for updated policy b. Tryout/Commitment Dates i. Need discussion on 14 & under commitment dates for 2013 as this will be a topic at upcoming May JCD meetings

Bryant Motions: That the 2013 Commitment dates be as follows: **Previously registered players: A player will not be required to commit to a club for which they were a registered member the previous season until 9:01 pm on the second Tuesday (Oct 15, 2013) following October 1st. **All other players: For all other players, they are not required to commit until 9:01 pm on the 2nd Thursday (Oct 17, 2013) following October 1st. Momsen seconds Vote: Motion Passes (8 in favor, 0 opposed) 1. JCD’s will be informed at the upcoming meetings that these dates will be implemented. JCD feedback is encouraged.

VII. Executive Committee Actions a. Board of Director Elections i. Bryant was welcomed as Secretary 1. There are two open seats to be appointed a. Voeck has asked for names to be submitted within the next week b. The Director of Operations job will be posted in May with the goal to have a new hire in place by August 1st.

VIII. New Business a. BOD education issue—an individual has requested to see the region budget i. The IRS filing is available for public viewing (990) ii. Payment form— 1. Discussion **Referee Clinicians being paid for full mileage and not after 120 miles. **Referee Clinicians being paid same amount for each clinic ($100) **Referee Assigner being paid by stipend and not salary Wudi Motions: To make the adjustments to the payment form as stated Momsen seconds Vote: Motion Passes (5 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstain) a. Next BOD meeting will be scheduled in August b. Dates need to be set for BOD meetings for 2014—Colleen will look at dates

Adjourn c. Motion to adjourn: Voeck i. 2nd: Bryant Voeck adjorns meeting at 10:26 pm.

Motions ***Leroy Motions: Change the fee structure for Impact Clinicians to be $450 for Impact Plus, $300 for Impact and $200 for one on one. Wudi seconds Motion Passes (5 in favor, 1 against, 1 abstain)

***Bryant Motions: New commitment dates for 14 & Unders Momsen seconds Motion Passes (Unanimously)

***Wudi Motions: To make changes as stated to the Referee Clinicians and Referee Assigner Payment Form Momsen seconds Motion Passes (5 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstain)

Action Items * BJ Leroy will bring more Adult ideas to the next BOD meeting * N Paulson will order polos for scorekeeper monitors * BJ Bryant will meet with T Paulson with new ideas for making the 2014 BRC’s more spectacular *T Paulson will nominate Chuck McCraken for Meritorious award *Continued communications with USAV concerning 2014 Memorial Day event *T Paulson will request that USAV commit to 3 years for Jr National Beach event *Names will be submitted from BOD to Voeck for board vacancies *Director of Operations position will be posted in May *August BOD meeting to be set *Recruiting discussion will be included in the next BOD agenda *Payment schedule will be updated to reflect clinic fees and mileage corrections *Houk will look into setting the 2014 BOD meeting dates before the BOD meets again

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