Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy

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Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy



Date: Sunday, January 06, 2013, 11am

Title: “A New Thing!” Topic: 2013 New Year’s Message Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Thought 1: A Command to Forget the Past (18) A. Remembrances that Hinder B. Reservations that Halt

Thought 2: A Confidence in Future Providence (19a) A. Divine Intervention Assured B. Declared Intentions Announced

Thought 3: A Comfort via Fantastic Provision (19b) A. Security: A Road (Way) of Escape B. Sustenance: A River (Wealth) to Enjoy

Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013, 11am

Title: “Consider Your Ways!” Topic: Blessings via Obedience Text: Haggai 1:1-15

Thought 1: The Divine Priority Lost (1:1-5) A. A Sovereign Edict to Construct the Temple Forgotten B. A Somber Evaluation to Consider the Time Forced

Thought 2: The Difficult Problems Listed (1:6, 9-11) A. A Lot of Effort is Consumed B. A Little Effect is the Consequence

Thought 3: The Dutiful People Labor (1:7-8, 12-15) A. The Potentate’s Order Repeated B. The Populace’s Obedience Realized

Date: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 11am

Title: The Transformation of the Temple! Topic: Blessings via Obedience Text: Haggai 2:1-9

Thought 1: The Story of the Temple Assessed: The Figurative and the Literal Compared (2:1-3) A. The Past Legacy Remembered B. The Present Limitations Recognized

Thought 2: The Victory in the Temple Asserted: The Fear and the Loneliness Conquered (2:4-5) A. Christ’s Abiding Presence Comforts B. Christ’s Abundant Power Calms

Thought 3: The Glory for the Temple Assured: The Former and the Latter Completed (2:6-9) A. Solomon’s Temple: Memorable and Temporal B. Saints’ Temple: Magnificent and Timeless Date: Sunday, January 27, 2013, 11am Title: The Turning Point Text: Haggai 2:10-19 Topic: Blessings via Obedience

Thought 1: An Inquiry for the Priests (2:10-13) A. The Law Consulted. B. The Lessons Concluded.

Thought 2: An Indictment of the People (2:14) A. Their Work Incomplete. B. Their Worship Insincere.

Thought 3: An Invitation to the Penitent (2:15-19) A. Abandon the Frightful Blight of the Past. B. Abide in the Fruitful Blessings of the Promise.

Date: Sunday, February 03, 2013, 11am

Title: The Promises to Come Text: Haggai 2:20-23 Topic: Blessings via Obedience

Thought 1: A Divine Shaking Prophesied (2:20-22) A. Comprehensive in Scope. B. Conquering in Strategy.

Thought 2: A Devout Servant Procured (2:23a) A. A Faithful Choice. B. A Future Chronology.

Thought 3: A Davidic Signet Proclaimed (2:23b) A. The Guaranty of the Covenant Maintained. B. The Glory of the Coming Messiah.

Date: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 11am

Title: Encouragement via Practicing Stewardship Topic: Barnabas Models Five Ways to Encourage Others (Sermon 1 of 4) Text: Acts 4:32-37

Thought 1: A Prevalent Outlook (4:32) A. A United Alliance with Respect to Believers B. An Unselfish Attitude with Regard to Belongings

Thought 2: A Powerful Outcome (4:33) A. An Authoritative Declaration of the Gospel Collectively Heralded B. An Alluring Disposition of Grace Commonly Held

Thought 3: A Profuse Outpouring (4:34-35) A. Resources Sold by Prosperous and Funds Deposited into the Church B. Requests Submitted by Poor and Funds Distributed into the Community

Thought 4: A Person Outstanding (4:36-37) A. His Label Parakletos (Consolation) Received from his Apostolic Brethren B. His Lavish Philanthropy (Charity) Resulted from his Abundant Blessings Date: Sunday, February 17, 2013, 11am

Title: Encouragement via Extending Friendship Topic: Barnabas Models Five Ways to Encourage Others (Sermon 2 of 4) Text: Acts 9:26-31

Thought 1: The Setting: Paul’s Conversion (Lordship) (9:26a) A. His Sudden Arrival at Jerusalem from Damascus B. His Sincere Attempt to Join the Disciples

Thought 2: The Fretting: Paul’s Conversation (Lifestyle) (9:26b) A. The Disciples Fear of Paul B. Their Disbelief Forged by his Past

Thought 3: The Vetting: Paul’s Corroboration (Legitimacy) (9:27-28) A. The Affirmation of a Friend B. The Acceptance into the Fellowship

Thought 4: The Netting: Paul’s Contribution (Legacy) (9:29-31) A. The Expertise of the Convert Proves Beneficial B. The Expansion of the Church Promptly Burgeons

Date: Sunday, February 24, 2013, 11am

Title: Encouragement via Discipleship & Leadership Development Topic: Barnabas Models Five Ways to Encourage Others (Sermon 3 of 4) Text: Acts 11:19-26

Thought 1: The Reluctant Messengers Disperse from Jerusalem (11:19-21a) A. The Persecution of the Harassed Saints Abounds. B. The Preaching to the Hellenists & the Selective Abroad. C. The Presence of the Holy Spirit Abides.

Thought 2: The Repentant Multitudes Decide about Jesus (11:21b-22a, 24b) A. Their Heartfelt Contrition. B. Their Humble Conversion. C. This Happening Conspicuous.

Thought 3: The Representative Mentors Disciples on this Journey (11:22b-26) A. His Commission to Investigate. B. His Commendation to Inspire. C. His Commitment to Instruct.

Date: Sunday, March 03, 2013, 11am

Title: Encouragement amid Disagreement Topic: Barnabas Models Four Ways to Encourage Others (Sermon 4 of 4) Text: Acts 15:36-41

Thought 1: A Second Trip for Missions Requested (15:36, 41) A. An Excursion Planned to Bond the Churches B. An Examination Purposed to Brace the Churches

Thought 2: A Second Time with Mark Reviewed (15:37-38) A. The Determined Resolution to Include Him B. The Detailed Remonstration to Exclude Him

Thought 3: A Second Team of Ministers Resulted (15:39-40) A. An Irreconcilable Disputation Accentuated B. An Inevitable Division Accepted Date: Sunday, March 10, 2013, 11am

Title: How Deep is Your Love? Topic: The Believer’s Love for God Text: John 21:15-19

Thought 1: A Friendly Inquiry of Simon by the Messiah (21:15-16) A. A Probing Inquisition about Cephas’ Love B. A Persistent Instruction about Christ’s Lambs

Thought 2: A Focused Indictment of a Sorrowful Man (21:17) A. His Boastful Declaration Remembered (Mark 14:27-31) B. His Brutal Denial Revisited (Luke 22:54-62)

Thought 3: A Future Indication of a Sacrifice to be Made (21:18-19) A. The Crucifixion Foretold Speaks of a Maturing Love B. The Command to Follow in the Steps of the Messiah Lord

Thrust: How would you answer Christ’s question about your love for Him?

Date: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 11am

Title: A New Commandment Topic: A Maturing Love (Sermon 2 of 3) Text: John 13:34-35

Thought 1: The Mandate to Love (34a) A. Its Divine in Origin. B. Its Divisive with Orthodoxy.

Thought 2: The Manner for Love (34b) A. The Prototype is the Savior. B. The Protocol is to Sacrifice.

Thought 3: The Manifestation of Love (35) A. Conveys a Visible Public Confirmation for Christ. B. Confirms a Veritable Personal Connection with Christ.

Date: Sunday, March 31, 2013, 11am

Title: Saints Alive! Text: Matthew 27:50-53 Topic: Resurrection

Thought 1: Access Provided to the Creator (27:50-51a) A. The Voice of Triumph Sounds B. The Veil of the Temple Splits

Thought 2: Acknowledgment Proclaimed by Creation (27:51b-52) A. A Quaking of the Soil B. A Quickening of the Saints

Thought 3: Appearance of the Predeceased Church (27:53) A. Sequels the Messiah's B. Seen by Many

Thrust: All of humanity now has access to God via Christ our Savior and can now spiritually join those who are "saints alive." Like the saints who arose after Christ, we who believe in Him will one day be raised to eternal life in Christ Jesus!

Date: Sunday, April 07, 2013, 11am

Title: Is your love Perfect or Perfunctory? Topic: A Maturing Love (sermon 3 of 3) Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (key verse: 1 Corinthians 13:11)

Thought 1: Traits of a Perfunctory Love (13:1-3) A. It Has Pretty but Vacant Words (1) B. It Has Pious but Void Wisdom (2) C. It Has Philanthropic but Vain Works (3)

Thought 2: Traits of a Perfect Love (13:4-13) A. It Endows Compassion to Everyone (4a, 6b) B. It Endeavors Compatibility with Everyone (4b-6a) C. It Endures Completely for Everyone (7-13) Thrust: How would you categorize your love? as immature or mature? Date: Sunday, April 14, 2013, 11am

Title: The High Cost of Low Living! Text: Judges 6:1-10 Topic: The Story of Gideon (Sermon 1 of 7)

Thought 1: The Sin Embraced (1:1) A. Their Sins Revealed to God (1a) B. Their Security Revoked by God (1b)

Thought 2: The Suffering Endured (2a-6) A. The Invasion of the Midianites (2a) B. The Imprisonment in the Mountains (2b) C. The Impoverishment by the Multitudes (3-6)

Thought 3: The Seer Emerged (7-8a) A. The People Shout (7a) B. The Prophet Sent (7b) C. The Points Shared (8a) 1. God Delivers from Bondage and Oppression (8b-9a) 2. God Delights in Belief and Obedience (9b-10)

Thrust: Low living carries a high price! What will your disobedience cost you?

Date: Sunday, April 21, 2013, 11am

Title: Calling on Gideon Text: Judges 6:11-24 Topic: The Story of Gideon

Thought 1: His Dire Circumstances Explained (6:1-3, 11) A. There is Abundant Power in the Midst (6:11a) B. There is Abject Poverty from the Midianites (6:6) C. There is Absolute Powerlessness in Manasseh (6:1-2, 11b) D. There is Abhorrent Persecution from the Multitudes (6:3, 11c)

Thought 2: His Definite Commission Expressed (6:12, 14,16) A. God’s View of Gideon: A Man of Valor (6:12) B. God’s Vow to Gideon: A Marvelous Victory (6:14,16)

Thought 3: His Dense Confusion Exposed (6:13, 15) A. Why is this Onerous Menace Happening? (6:13a) B. Where are the Overt Miracles of History? (6:13b) C. Who is this One of Manasseh’s House? (6:15)

Thought 4: His Delightful Confirmation Experienced (6:17-24) A. A Sign Requested by Gideon (17) B. A Sacrifice Rendered from Gideon (18-21) C. A Serenity Received within Gideon (22-24)

Thrust: The Lord used Gideon just like he was and shaped him into what He wanted him to become. What about you? Are you ready to begin what the Lord wants you to do?

Date: Sunday, April 28, 2013, 11am

Guest Minister Gerald Shean Date: Sunday, May 05, 2013, 11am

Title: Gideon Destroys the Idolatrous Altar Text: Judges 6:25-32 Topic: The Story of Gideon

Thought 1: The Command from God (6:25-26) A. Its Delivered Speedily (6:25a) B. Its Described Specifically (6:25b) C. Its Derived Spiritually (6:26)

Thought 2: The Compliance of Gideon (6:27) A. A Forceful Collaborative Effort (6:27a) B. A Fearful Covert Effect (6:27b)

Thought 3: The Commotion by the Group (6:28-32) A. Their Incense at the Discovery (6:28) B. Their Inquiry about the Doer (6:29) C. Their Insistence for Death (6:30) D. Their Intentions Disarmed (6:31) E. Their Incitement by the Dad (6:32)

Thrust: Is there some idol in your life that needs to be torn down before God can use you like He wants to? Is there some fear that holds you back? Are you willing and available to the Lord for His use, regardless of the opinions of others?

Date: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 11am

Title: Who is My Mother? Text: Matthew 12:46-50; 13:1-2 Topic: Mother’s Day 2013

Thought 1: The Visit from the Family (12:46-47; 13:1-2) A. An Instruction to the Multitudes Rendered. B. An Interruption by the Mother Respected.

Thought 2: The Visual of the Followers (12:48-49) A. An Inquiry of the Moment Reversed. B. An Insightful Model Revealed.

Thought 3: The Volition towards the Father (12:50) A. An Instant Motivation Realized. B. An Intuitive Mystery Relished.

Thesis: Jesus’ perception of motherhood has to do with our being in relationship with Father God and our doing His will.

(Rescheduled Sermon) Date: Sunday, May 19, 2013, 6pm

Title: Gideon’s Seeks Assurance Text: Judges 6:33-40 Topic: The Story of Gideon Thought 1: Gideon Stands on Faith (6:33-34b)

A. In the Face of a Great Enemy (6:33) B. In the Fullness of God’s Energy (6:34a)

Thought 2: Gideon Summons a Following (6:34b-35) A. From the Forceful Clarion (6:34b) B. From the Familiar Clan (6:34c) C. From the Faithful Close-by (6:35)

Thought 3: Gideon Submits a Fleece (6:36-40) A. His Doubts Exposed (6:36) B. His Demands Expressed (6:37-40)

Thrust: Are you faithfully doing what the Lord has called you to do? Or, do you hold back out of a lack of faith in Him? Are you guilty of looking for signs instead of simply taking God at His Word? Date: Sunday, May 19, 2013, 11am

Title: Gideon’s Seek Assurance Text: Judges 6:33-40 Topic: The Story of Gideon

Thought 1: Gideon Stands on Faith (6:33-34b) A. In the Face of a Great Enemy (6:33) B. In the Fullness of God’s Energy (6:34a)

Thought 2: Gideon Summons a Following (6:34b-35) A. From the Forceful Clarion (6:34b) B. From the Familiar Clan (6:34c) C. From the Faithful Close-by (6:35)

Thought 3: Gideon Submits a Fleece (6:36-40) A. His Doubts Exposed (6:36) B. His Demands Expressed (6:37-40)

Thesis: Are you faithfully doing what the Lord has called you to do? Or, do you hold back out of a lack of faith in Him? Are you guilty of looking for signs instead of simply taking God at his word?

Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 11am

Title: God’s Perfect Plan Text: Judges 7:1-23 Topic: The Story of Gideon

Thought 1: The Communication of God’ Plan (7:1-8) A. The Reason Asserted the Exaltation to God B. The Reduction Assumed the Expectation from God C. The Remainder Assigned the Execution for God

Thought 2: The Comfort of God’s Plan (7:9-15) A. An Overall Conquest Assured by God B. An Overheard Conversation Ascertained by Gideon C. An Overjoyed Confirmation Ascribed by the Garrison

Thought 3: The Completion of God’s Plan (7:16-23) A. The Materials Faithfully Prepared and Discussed B. The Minimal Force Positioned and Discovered C. The Midianite Foes Panicked and Dispersed

Thesis: Like Gideon, we too make our best laid plans; however, may we also, like Gideon, learn that God’s plan is the best one for us, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

Date: Sunday, June 02, 2013, 11am

Title: Discerning God's Way for My Life Text: Proverbs 3:5-6

New King James Version (NKJV)

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Thought 1: An Abiding Dependence on His Lordship A. A Trust in Whom? - The Head B. A Trust in Whole! - The Heart

Thought 2: An Absolute Dedication to His Leaning A. A Release from Humble Preferences B. A Reliance on His Preeminence

Thought 3: An Abundant Devotion to His Leading A. A Pathfinder Accompanies Us B. A Passageway Appears to Us

Thesis: God has a perfect plan for us and wants us to find it, follow it, and fulfill it to His glory! Date: Sunday, June 09, 2013, 11am

Title: Profiles in Contrast Text: Judges 8:1-21

Thought 1: The Proud Critics (8:1-3) A Spiteful Condemnation Discharged upon Gideon A Self Control Displayed by Gideon

Thought 2: The Political Cowards (8:4-9) A Simple Request: That’s Food A Shameful Refusal: That’s Fear A Solemn Response: That’s Fatal

Thought 3: The Persistent Contributors (8:10-21) They Continued in Pursuit though Tired They Conquered by Perseverance and Tenacity They Concluded with Power and Triumph

Thesis: This passage allows us a glimpse at both sides of human character. We can see the conceit and self-centeredness of those who care for nothing but personal pride, self gain, and vain glory. Conversely, we see those who are motivated by the glory of God and persist in the face of opposition, criticism and overwhelming odds. Which profile reflects you presently?

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013, 11am

Title: Gideon’s Tragic End! Text: Judges 8:22-35 Topic: The Story of Gideon (Sermon 8 of 8)

Thought 1: The Reign over People Declined (8:22-23) A. The Request: Gideon is Offered the Kingdom B. The Response: God Only is the King

Thought 2: The Request for Plunder Declared (8:24-26) A. A Wish for Lots of Gold Earrings B. A Weighty Laden Garment Emerges

Thought 3: The Return to Paganism Decided (8:27) A. A Gold Statue – Idol, is Manufactured B. A Grave Situation – Idolatry, is Manifested

Thought 4: The Result of Peaceful Decadence (8:28-35) A. Routine Fornication Develops Widely: Polygamy & Promiscuity B. Recurring False Deities Worshiped: Baals & Baal-Berith

Thesis: Alarmingly, Gideon’s story reveals to us the poignant truth that it is possible to accomplish much for the Lord during our life and still end up a failure, if we turn our back on Him. How we finish the race is just as important, if not more so, than how we run the race. Be faithful to God all your days!


Date: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 11am

Title: “Called to a Spirit Filled Ministry” Topic: Empowered by the Spirit (Sermon 8 of 12) Text: Luke 5:1-11

Thought 1: The Teaching at the Shore (5:1-3) A. The Followers Desire the Word Now and the Lord Instructs B. The Fishermen Dutifully Wash their Nets and Listen Intently

Thought 2: The Tasking of the Ship (5:4-7) A. The Remarkable Command to Launch into the Deep B. The Reluctant Compliance to the Lord in Deference C. The Resulting Compensation of the Load is Delightful

Thought 3: The Tapping into Service (5:8-11) A. The Men Apparently are Fearful, Astonished, and Unworthy Forthrightly to be Called B. The Messiah Aptly is Faithful, Accepting, and Understanding Fully of the Chosen C. The Moment Arrives to Forsake All and Unwaveringly Follow the Christ Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013, 11am GUEST PASTOR

Date: Sunday, July 14, 2013, 11am

Title: “The Cleansing of the Leper” Topic: Empowered by the Spirit (Sermon 9 of 12). Text: Luke 5:12-16

Thought 1: The Request of the Invalid Person (5:12-13) A. The Plea for Healing from a Man with a Complex Illness B. The Power from the Hand of the Messiah Cures Immediately

Thought 2: The Report to the Inviting Priest (5:14-15a) A. A Private Testimony Required by the Rules of the Law B. A Public Tale Resulted by the Rumors from the Lips

Thought 3: The Retreat for Invigorating Prayer (5:15b-16) A. The Crowds Desire Healing from their Sicknesses and Infirmities B. The Christ Departs Himself for a Spiritual Infilling

Thesis: We can have an encounter with the Christ of God and receive our complete healing, if it is His will. However, we learn from Christ’s example that the prayer of faith that heals comes only after we are alone with God and infused with power from on High.

Date: Sunday, July 21, 2013, 11am

Title: “The Power to Heal” Topic: Empowered by the Spirit (Sermon 10 of 12). Text: Luke 5:17-26

Thought 1: Crowds Gather Around (5:17-19) A. The People Assemble to Discern and Hear B. The Power Arrives to Deliver and Heal C. The Paralytic Assisted by Determined Helpers

Thought 2: Christ’s Graces Astound (5:20, 25-26) A. A Working Faith and Immense Hearts Observed B. A Wondrous Forgiveness an Immediate Health Obtained C. A Waxing Fear and Immanuel, the Healer, Obeyed

Thought 3: Critics’ Grumbles Abound (5:21-24) A. The Doubts of Many Recurred B. The Discerning of the Minds Recited C. The Declaration of the Master Received

Thesis: When Christ is present, the healing and saving power is always present among us; however, how was it present that day to heal them – what made the difference? Faith that makes the difference! A living faith, a working faith, an active faith!

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013, 11am

Title: “The Power to Change” Topic: Empowered by the Spirit (Sermon 11 of 12). Text: Luke 5:27-32

Thought 1: A Pursuit of the Lord (5:27-28) A. The Obedience to an Abrupt Calling from the Lord B. The Obsessive Abandonment of a Career by Levi

Thought 2: A Protest to the Lord (5:29-30) A. A Meal with Associates & Company Held B. A Moan from Ascetic Complainers Heard

Thought 3: A Principle from the Lord (5:31-32) A. The Tale: The Sick, not the Healthy, Need a Doctor and Recuperation B. The Truth: The Sinners, not the Holy, Need a Deliverer and Repentance Date: Sunday, August 4, 2013, 11am

Title: “The Question of Fasting” Topic: Empowered by the Spirit (Sermon 12 of 12). Text: Luke 5:33-39

Thought 1: A Deliberate Protest to the Lord (5:33) A. A Comparison of Fasting B. A Complaint of Feasting

Thought 2: A Decisive Principle from the Lord (5:34-35) A. The Bridegroom’s Presence B. The Bridegroom’s Absence

Thought 3: A Detailed Parable from the Lord (5:36-39) A. The New Cloth versus the Old Clothing B. The New Content versus the Old Containers

Thesis: Jesus is in effect stating that there is now an empowerment to transform from doing things the old ways via the Old Testament to the new ways via the New Testament! Fasting and praying then, for example, are not done as traditionally practiced or expected by the pious – openly, dramatically, publicly, vainly, proudly; rather, it is done secretly, quietly, privately, sincerely, humbly (Matthew6:5-18). Whether fasting or praying or practicing any other spiritual discipline, allow Holy Spirit to empower you to do things the New Testament way!

Date: Sunday, August 11, 2013, 11am GUEST SPEAKER: DEACON JEFF POOLE

Title: Help with Life’s Hardships Text: Philippians 4:13 Truth: In times good and bad, Christians can trust in the goodness and care of God.

Thought 1: Facing Health Concerns Thought 2: Earning a Living Thought 3: Suffering Loss

Date: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 11am GUEST MINISTER: BISHOP KEITH RUSSELL

Date: Sunday, August 25, 2013, 11am GUEST MINISTER: BISHOP KENNY LEE

Date: Sunday, September 1, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness (Sermon 1 of 6) Title: A Blue Ribbon Reminder Text: Numbers 15:37-41

1: The Decorative Mandate (15:37-38) A Hued Azure Tassel to Display A Heed for All Times & Descendents

2: The Daily Memorial (15:39-40) A Helpful Abiding Token of the Decalogue A Hopeful Avoidance from a Tendency towards Depravity

3: The Divine Monarch (15:41) A Holy Adoration for the True Deity A Heartfelt Appreciation of a Tender Deliverance

Date: Sunday, September 8, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness (Sermon 2 of 6) Title: The Quest for Holiness Text: Matthew 5:48; 1 Peter 1:15-16; Matthew 22:36-40

1: The Call to Separation from Sin & Legalism (Matthew 5:48) A Personal Command to Embrace A Paternal Comparison to Emulate

2: The Call to Sanctification by the Spirit in Life (1 Peter 1:15-16) A Lifestyle to Observe A Law to Obey

3: The Call to Simplification and Sacrifice in Love (Matthew 22:36-40) A Love for our Father & Maker A Love for our Fellow Man Date: Sunday, September 15, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness Title: Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ Text: Romans 5:1, 18-21; 6:1-5, 11-14

1: The Channel of Grace Provided by the Divine Benefactor (5:1-21) The Shameful Loss Experienced through the First Adam The Shared Life Experienced through the Final Adam (Jesus Christ)

2: The Change by Grace Pictured in the Detailed Baptism (6:1-10) A Removal of the Nasty Life – A Death Required A Resurrection to the New Life – A Delight Received

3: The Choice for Grace Practiced by the Devoted Believer (6:11-23) A Slave to Vice – Waning to our Vulnerabilities A Servant to Virtue – Waxing in our Victories

Date: Sunday, September 22, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness (Sermon 4 of 6) Title: Light, Life, and Love in Sanctification Text: John 1:1-5, 9; 11:25-26; 15:9-14

1: Jesus is the Light that Sets Us Apart from Darkness (John 1:1-5, 9) The Divinity Expressed in Him (1:1-3) The Diversity Exposed by Him (1:4-5, 9)

2: Jesus is the Life that Sets Us Apart from Death (11:25-26) His Observable Power Declared to Everyone (11:25a) His Obtainable Promise Described for Anyone (11:25b-26)

3: Jesus is the Love that Sets Us Apart from Disgust (15:9-14) He Modeled an Abiding Love for His Father (15:9-11) He Manifested an Abundant Love for His Friends (15:12-18)

Date: Sunday, October 6, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness (Sermon 5 of 6) Title: Spiritual Maturity is Not Optional Text: Philippians 3:7-17

1: Shift Your Perspective (3:7-11) A. The Trouncing of Historical Rubbish (3:7-8) B. The Triumph of His Righteousness (3:9-11)

2: Seize Your Prize (3:12-14) A. Apprehending a Holy God (3:12-13a) B. Approaching a Holy Goal (3:13b-14)

3: See Your Progress (3:15-16) A. An Evaluation via Divine Revelation (3:15) B. An Evolution via Devoted Relationships (3:16-17)

Date: Sunday, October 13, 2013

Topic: A Quest for Holiness (Sermon 6 of 6) Title: Be Who You Are Text: Ephesians 1:3-14; 4:1-3

1: The Believer’s Characteristics Described Exquisitely (Ephesians 1:3-14) His Predestined Choice of Us (1:3-6) His Purposed Cleansing for Us (1:7-9) His Promised Christ with Us (1:10-14)

2: The Believer’s Conduct Detailed Expectantly (Ephesians 4:1-3) It is A Walk Requested by a Leader (4:1a) It is A Work Received from the Lord (4:1b) It is A Way Rooted in Love (4:2-3)

Date: Sunday, October 20, 2013 Guest Pastor J.E. Brisson Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013

Topic: Grace Title: Grace for the End Times Text: Titus 2:11-15

1: The Presence of Grace (3:11) It’s Emancipation of all It’s Emergence to all

2: The Product of Grace (3:12) A Rejection of Licentiousness A Righteous Lifestyle

3: The Promise of Grace (3:13) The Resurrection & Rapture of the Saints The Return & Reign of the Savior

4: The Price of Grace (3:14) His Sacrifice for Us His Sanctification of Us

5: The Proclamation of Grace (3:15) The Great Commission Articulated The Great Commandment Activated

Date: Sunday, November 3, 2013

Title: An Impromptu Baptism Text: Acts 8:34-40

1: The Priority of Baptism Discussed (8:34-36) A Personal Identity of Fellowship with Christ A Public Indication as a Follower of Christ

2: The Prerequisite of Baptism Discovered (8:37) An Inward Conversion to Jesus An Outward Confession of Jesus

3: The Practice of Baptism Displayed (8:38-40) A Figurative Picture of the Gospel A Faithful Proclamation of the Gospel

Date: Sunday, November 10, 2013

Topic: Church Ordinances Title: The Lord’s Supper Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Thesis: The Lord’s Supper should be observed by believers to remember Christ’s death for us that paid for all of our sins, thus making a way for believers to be in a right standing with God. It is to be practiced worthily, frequently, and respectfully.

1: The Indictment of Hurtful Conduct (17-22) Divisions, Rudeness, Factions, Selfishness, and the Proud Abhorrent Discernment, Reverence, Friendliness, Selflessness, and the Poor Abandoned

2: The Institution of Holy Communion (23-26) The Master Bequeathed His Directions The History of Passover Recalled The Holiday of Passover Revered The Holy One of Passover Revealed The Meal Bestowed to His Disciples The Bread (i.e., the body of Christ) The Cup (i.e., the blood of Christ) The Messiah Beloved by His Devotees When It is Practiced Frequently When It is Proclaimed Faithfully

3: The Instructions for Helpful Cooperation (27-34) A Fearful Admonition Recited to All A Faithful Examination Required by All Date: Sunday, November 17, 2013

Topic: Church Ordinances Title: Washing the Saints’ Feet Text: John 13:1-17 Thesis: Believers washing the feet of believers follows Christ’s example and symbolically reminds us to literally embrace both an attitude of selfless service towards others and to love and to forgive others as Christ loves and forgives us, as He humbly demonstrated by His spiritual cleansing of us.

1: Christ’s Confident Expression (1-3) The Control of His Father Assured The Conflict with His Foe Assuaged

2: Christ’s Compassionate Exposition (4-11) His Preparation Simply Made His Procedure Surprises Many

3: Christ’s Clarifying Explanation (12-17) A Mandate to Fulfill A Model to Follow A Message to Fathom A Meek and Selfless Personality A Memorial to our Spiritual Purification A Motive for our Sincere Pardon

Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013

Topic: Thanksgiving Title: Give Thanks to the LORD! Text: Psalm 107:21-22 Thesis: We who receive God’s blessings are to give heartfelt thanks to Him alone, as we count these blessings one by one, and celebrate them joyously!

1: The Attitude for Our Thanksgiving (21a) Its Origin to be from Mankind Sincerely Its Offering to be for the Maker Solely

2: The Latitude of Our Thanksgiving (21b) The Scale of His Abiding Goodness to Us The Scope of His Abundant Gifts for Us

3: The Gratitude in Our Thanksgiving (22) A Recounting of All by Expressive Sacrifice A Rejoicing for All with Exuberant Song

Date: Sunday, December 1, 2013

Topic: Advent Season (Hope) Title: Hoping Instead of Coping Text: John 5:1-15 Thesis: Sometimes, we accept that we are in a situation of a hopeless end; but, when Jesus comes, He brings to us the satisfaction of an endless hope!

1: The Expectation Provided (1-4) The Multitude of the Weary at the Pool Hoping The Moving of the Water and Permanent Healing

2: The Excuses Proffered (5-13) The Passage of Time Observed as Fixed The Practical & Tricky Obstacles Faced The Pious Tone of Objections Forced

3: The Existence Preferred (14-15) A Life Made Complete From Sin & Sickness A Loyal Man Complains to the Skeptical for Support

Date: Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Cantata and Children’s Presentation (Special Scriptures No Outline) Date: Sunday, December 15, 2013

Topic: Advent Season (Joy) Title: The Exceeding Joy of the Believer Text: Jude 24-25 Thesis: The believer has a great joy that will accompany him/her now and forever!

1: A Present Joy through God’s Emancipation (24a) 2: A Perfect Joy before God’s Examination (24b) 3: A Perpetual Joy with God’s Exaltation (25)

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2013 Special Christmas Banquet Sermon

Topic: Advent Season Title: A Closer Look at the Nativity of Christ Text: Matthew 2; Luke 2 (selected) Thesis: The Nativity of Christ in the Scriptures is truthful; however, the facts surrounding it are not always accurately portrayed.

1: The Single Myth of the Nativity Perpetuated by Us 2: The Several Mysteries of the Nativity Perplexing to Us 3: The Sacred Majesty of the Nativity Presented for Us Conclusion: “O Come, All Ye Faithful” sung by all.

Date: Sunday, December 22, 2013

Topic: Advent Season (Love) Title: Love’s Pure Light Gives Life! Text: John 1:1-14 Thesis: God is Love, Light, and Life to the believer!

1: He is Love (1 John 4:7-11; John 13:34-35) 2: He is Light (John 8:12; Matthew 5:14-16) 3: He is Life (John 11:25-26; 14:6, 19)

Date: Sunday, December 29, 2013

Title: “The Proclamation from the Temple” Text: Luke 2:25-38 Thesis: The prophets in the Temple (Simeon and Anna) foretell about the true meaning of the Messiah’s birth in that all humanity will rise or fall depending upon their reception or rejection of Him.

Thought 1: The Prophet’s Exultation (2:25-27) A. The Spirit’s Marvelous Rest upon Simeon B. The Spirit’s Messianic Revelation to Simeon C. The Spirit’s Meaningful Route for Simeon

Thought 2: The Prophetic Explanation (2:28-35) A. The Declaration of the Salvific Mystery B. The Destiny of the Souls of Mankind C. The Disputation of this Significant Miracle

Thought 3: The Prophetess’ Exposition (2:36-38) A. Her Loving Story Told B. Her Lifelong Service in the Temple C. Her Lauding Speech of Thanksgiving

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