Background of the Requirement
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2013 GWAR
Background of the Requirement In 1976 the Trustees of the California State University passed a resolution directing that, as a requirement for graduation, "all students entering the CSU system be required to demonstrate their competency with regard to writing skills." The resolution also specified that this Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) could not be met by a lower- division writing course or by students who had not yet gained upper-division status. The GWAR program at CSU Dominguez Hills is in full compliance with this resolution and with later modifications to it described in the “Revised CSU Policy Memorandum on Student Competency in Writing,” August 1, 1994, and the “Determination of Competence in English and Mathematics” (Executive Order 665), February 28, 1997.
CSU Dominguez Hills acknowledges its responsibility to prepare students for the demands they will encounter in professional life, including the ability to write effectively in a variety of situations. We encourage students to regard the writing requirement as a measure to ensure that they possess the writing skills necessary for the successful pursuit of their career goals and for full participation as citizens of their communities. On our campus, the writing requirement is implemented through a fully coordinated program that includes a competency examination and preparation presentations, counseling for students after the examination, and certifying courses as an alternative to the examination.
This booklet has been written to convey accurate information about the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement at CSU Dominguez Hills and to assist students who take the Graduation Writing Examination (GWE). The information contained here reflects official University policy and procedures as stated in the current University Catalog. Any questions or requests for clarification should be directed to the Testing Office, (310) 243-3635 or [email protected]. Information about GWAR is also available at
Administration of the Requirement The Director of GWAR and the Writing Competency Committee, which has faculty representation from all the academic colleges, are responsible for the administration of the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement at Dominguez Hills. Additional information about University policy regarding GWAR can be found in PM 94-05: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement. The GWE is administered by the CSU Dominguez Hills Testing Office: Welch Hall A-210, (310) 243-3635, [email protected].
2 OPTIONS FOR MEETING GWAR All students subject to degree requirements listed in the 1979-80 and all subsequent general catalogs must demonstrate competency in writing skills through one of the options (A-D) listed below.
A. Graduation Writing Examination (GWE). The Graduation Writing Examination, a voluntary test for which a $35 fee is charged, is available to students five times per academic year, in September, November, February, April, and June or July. Students may take the test only twice. After two attempts at the test, students must then take a certifying course. Information on test dates and registration procedures is available in each semester's Class Schedule, in the Testing Office, Welch Hall A-210, (310) 243-3635, [email protected], or at the GWAR website
Provisions are made for students majoring in distance learning programs and other off- campus programs. Although students majoring in these programs can take the GWE on- campus, students have the option of taking it via a proctor at a location of their choosing. There are three off-campus administrations per academic year, in the fall, spring, and summer. Students exercising this option should contact with their Program Advisors for information.
A provision is made for students who are not native speakers of English. The GWE registration form asks students to indicate whether or not English is their first language. Students who so declare and check "no" may elect to write their essay as an ESL student and receive two hours instead of one. There is no distinction made when scoring the essays, and all essays, whether ESL or not, are scored along with those of native speakers using the same criteria.
Provisions are made for students who are disabled. Arrangements are made on an individual basis by the Office of Disabled Students, Welch Hall 180, (310) 243-3660, in conjunction with the Testing Office. Students must contact the Office of Disabled Students at least 10 working days prior to the GWE test date and after registering for the GWE. Contact the Testing Office for details: (310) 243-3635, or [email protected].
Provisions are made for students who, for religious or other compelling reasons, cannot be tested on Saturdays, the usual day of the test. If students can demonstrate a legitimate reason (e.g., religious belief or travel associated with CSUDH intercollegiate sports programs) for inability to take the GWE on Saturday, an alternative day will be found. They should contact the Testing Office, (310) 243-3635, or [email protected].
3 B. Certifying Courses
Advanced Composition Course (offered by the English Department). The English Department regularly offers an advanced composition course (ENG 350, 3 units, A-C/NC). A Composition Cooperative exam is administered at the end of the course and counts for 25% of the grade.
Upper Division Writing Adjunct (offered by the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies). The Writing Adjunct (IDS 397, 2 units, and IDS 398, 2 units, CR/NC), provides individualized instruction in composition that is adjunctive to writing for other courses. Students must complete both IDS 397 and IDS 398. A Composition Cooperative exam is administered at the end of IDS 398 and counts for 50% of the grade.
C. Transfer Certification. Students who have satisfied the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) at another CSU campus in 1984 or later but prior to matriculation at CSU Dominguez Hills may petition for exemption from repeating the requirement at CSUDH. Students must complete Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR at the Testing Office.
D. Additional Options at the Graduate Level: See Graduate Writing Competency.
UNDERGRADUATE WRITING COMPETENCY Undergraduate students must first complete their lower division English composition courses in Area A, General Education, before attempting to complete this upper division requirement. Fulfillment of GWAR should be undertaken at the beginning of the junior year (or 60 units), and satisfied by the time 72 units are completed.
Undergraduates may satisfy the GWAR by meeting one of the following criteria:
1. A score of 8 or higher on the Graduation Writing Examination (GWE).
2. A grade of C or higher in English 350.
3. Credit in both IDS 397 and IDS 398.
4. Completion of the GWAR at another CSU campus in 1984 or later and prior to matriculation to CSUDH, along with granting of Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR through the Testing Office.
GRADUATE WRITING COMPETENCY Students working toward a master's degree should meet the GWAR requirement within the first nine units of graduate work. This requirement must be met before students can begin their culminating activity (thesis/project or comprehensive exam).
4 Graduate students may satisfy the GWAR by meeting one of the following criteria:
1. A score of 8 or higher on the Graduation Writing Examination (GWE).
2. A grade of B or higher in English 350.
3. Written acknowledgment from the instructor of IDS 398 that performance in coursework was commensurate with a grade of B.
4. An earned degree from one of the CSU campuses (other than CSUDH) with the GWAR having been satisfied in 1984 or later at the previous CSU campus, along with granting of Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR through the Testing Office.
5. A grade of B or higher in an accepted upper division composition course taken at another university prior to admission to CSUDH. Students who have taken the equivalent of our Advanced Composition course, ENG 350, may request a review of its equivalency. Students must complete a Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR at the Testing Office, attaching a copy of an official transcript and the catalog description of the pertinent coursework Lower division writing courses (e.g. Freshman English), literature or discipline-specific courses, and specialized courses in business, technical, report, or creative writing, among other courses, are not acceptable. Only the Director of GWAR is authorized to decide whether coursework done elsewhere satisfies the CSUDH writing requirement.
6. For graduate students in English Literature, satisfactory performance on the Graduate Exercise administered by the English Department.
7. A score of 4.0 or higher on the Analytical Writing section of the GMAT.
8. A score of 4.0 or higher on the Analytical Writing section of the GRE.
Note: Candidates enrolled to receive Teaching Credentials and not seeking a master’s degree are not required to satisfy the GWAR at this time.
ON THE DAY OF THE TEST Arrive at your reporting location at least one-half hour prior to the posted start time. The exam will begin promptly and late examinees will not be seated once the exam has begun. When you arrive, you will be instructed by the testing staff to line up in either the ESL or ENG line. Staff will escort students in counted groups to the assigned classrooms on campus. Please ensure that you have only the following items (all other items listed below are restricted and not allowed in the testing room):
5 Bring: Your current CSUDH Student ID. If you do not have a student ID, you may use a current government issued ID bearing your photograph and signature. Acceptable forms of government identification are a driver's license, passport, citizenship card (with photo), or a military ID. If you do not present one of these five forms of ID, you will not be seated for the exam
#2 pencils with erasers and 2 black or blue pens
Admission Ticket
Dictionary and/or Thesaurus (optional). Electronic dictionaries are permitted but may not have grammar or style check
Restricted Items: The following items are not allowed in the testing room unless accommodations have been made by the Testing Office prior to the registration deadline: Cell Phones
Recording or Photographic Devices (including cameras, PDAs, or wireless e-mail devices)
coffee, tea, or drinks of any kind
Food of any kind, including gum, candy, and lollipops [Note: Throat lozenges and cough suppressants are allowed.]
Books, including style guides, translators, etc.
Scratch paper, notebook paper, or electronic notepads
Computers, Palm Pilots, or any type of personal digital assistant or wireless device, including handheld games [Note: Electronic dictionaries are permitted.]
Radios or MP3 players
Lapboards/desk boards or any other similar aids
Hats, hooded sweatshirts with the hood up, headdresses (except for cultural or religious reasons), earplugs, or headphones
Any other items not listed on the "Bring" list above If you are concerned as to whether an item is restricted or not, it is recommended that you not attempt to bring it into the testing room. Any questions regarding a specific item or items should be addressed to the Testing Office prior to the test administration date. Special accommodations for disabilities or medical conditions must be requested 10 working days prior to the test administration date. Please note that failure to follow the directions of the testing staff may
6 result in dismissal from the test.
Admission: Be prepared to present your Photo ID at the time of admission. It will remain on your desk during the test administration. Once you are admitted to the testing room, you will not be allowed to leave the testing room unless you receive permission from the test administrator or until all examinees have been dismissed at the end of the exam. Only one student at a time will be allowed to leave the test room to use the restroom.
Exam: The timed portion of the exam is 60 minutes long (120 minutes for ESL students). After everyone has been admitted, the test administrator will begin with some general instructions and directions. The bluebooks and test prompts will then be distributed and you will have a final opportunity to ask questions, though not about the prompt. The timed portion of the test will then begin. You may make notes or an outline on the prompt sheet or the inside of the cover of the bluebook. Only the actual essay written in the bluebook will be scored. You will not be allowed to leave early, so plan to use all the time given to provide the best essay possible.
Dismissal: Upon completion of the timed portion of the exam, all test materials will be collected and accounted for before you will be dismissed from the testing room. The entire administration takes approximately 1-1/2 hours, (2-1/2 for ESL), so please plan accordingly.
PROMPTS Each administration of the GWE asks students to write an essay in response to one prompt. The prompt identifies a subject matter and specifies a task. The prompt might present two sides of an issue and ask writers to argue one perspective, providing relevant reasons and examples in support of their views, or it might present two perspectives on a specific topic and ask the writers to compare and contrast these perspectives. The prompt always requires writers to analyze the material in question, to evaluate and take into account what is put forth by the prompt and then, according to the specific instructions, construct an appropriate response in essay form. A competent response will have an introduction that clearly sets forth the main theme of the essay, body paragraphs that develop specifics relevant to the theme, and a conclusion. While personal narrative might be used for certain specifics should they be pertinent, a competent essay will not rely solely on personal narrative, but rather will use a more traditional academic approach.
7 Sample Prompts 1. There is no doubt that America is a melting pot; by the same token, there is no doubt that most members of specific races and nationalities strive their whole lives to maintain a link with their original ethnic identity and culture. The two impulses, blending into American society and maintaining ethnic identity, are not always compatible. Often, success is interpreted as total immersion in and assimilation by the new culture. Do you agree or disagree with this assumption? Argue for a lifestyle that emphasizes assimilation or a lifestyle that emphasizes the maintenance of cultural ties, and indicate which lifestyle better leads to success in the American culture.
------2. From infancy to adulthood, advertising is in the air Americans breathe, the information we absorb, almost without knowing it. It floods our mind with pictures of perfection and goals of happiness easy to attain. . . . We are feeding on foolery, of which a steady diet, for those who feed on little else, cannot help but leave a certain fuzziness of perception. Barbara Tuchman Write a well organized and fully developed essay in which you do the following:
Select and discuss some specific examples of advertising that illustrate what Tuchman calls “pictures of perfections and goals of happiness”; Explain how such advertisements can lead to a certain “fuzziness of perception,” a distorted picture of reality; Discuss what you consider to be some of the important effects of widespread and pervasive advertising on individuals here in America. ------3. We expect our ties with our immediate family to extend throughout the lifetimes of the people involved. This expectation is by no means always fulfilled, as rising divorce rates and family break-ups indicate. Nevertheless, we still theoretically marry “until death do us part” and the social ideal is a lifetime relationship. Whether this is a proper or realistic expectation of a society in high transience is debatable. The fact remains, however, that family links are expected to be long term if not lifelong, and considerable guilt attaches to the person who breaks off such a relationship. Future Shock, Alvin Toffler
Write a well organized and fully developed essay in which you do the following: Discuss how marriage as an institution in America is changing; Identify some of the signs that marriages are no longer expected to last a lifetime; Explain the possible social effects of viewing marriage as a less than permanent relationship.
8 ------4. A leading scientist noted that in attempting to solve major problems that confront our world today, we turn to those things that we do best, and our strength is science and technology. A noted philosopher, however, has observed that almost all our major problems involve human behavior; consequently, our major problems cannot be solved by science and technology, but rather we must change human behavior.
Write a well organized and fully developed essay in which you do the following:
Contrast the positions of the scientist and the philosopher by selecting a major societal problem (for example, world hunger, disease, AIDS, war, global warming, etc) and discussing the role of technology and then the role of changing human behavior in solving the problem.
Take a position about whether this problem is best solved through the use of technology or through the adjustment of human behavior, supporting your position with convincing details.
------5. It is generally agreed that a society benefits from the contributions of both artists and scientists.
Write a well organized and fully developed essay in which you do the following: Compare and contrast the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society; Identify which type of contribution you think is more valued by society. ------NOTE: The above prompts are retired and will not be used in any administration of the GWE. These prompts are intended to help guide readers with respect to the types of prompts used for the test. Students should not rehearse responses to any of the above prompts to be used on the day of the test. Rather, students should arrive at the test free of pre-conceived ideas as to subject matter, prepared to read and respond specifically to whatever prompt is presented on that day.
SCORING OF THE GWE Each essay is holistically scored independently and anonymously by two trained university faculty readers, using the GWE Scoring Rubric (printed below), on a scale of 0 to 6. Their individual scores are added together. Thus, the top possible score is 12; the lowest is 0, though a score of 0 is only given if the student’s essay does not address the assigned essay topic. The passing score is 8. If the scoring by the two readers differs by more than one point, the essay is read and adjudicated by the Chief Reader.
In holistic scoring, the essay is judged as a whole, and the readers do not separate the response into separate components, awarding a certain number of points for particular aspects of the essay such as focus, organization, language, development, or sentence structure. Rather, all
9 these characteristics are considered as an integrated whole. Readers judge an essay on both rhetoric and syntax. Rhetoric refers to how the content of an essay is communicated. It includes such issues as the writers' understanding of purpose and audience, their addressing all the tasks set by the prompt, their critical understanding of the prompt, their utilizing appropriate organization and development, and their using language effectively. Syntax refers to the arrangement of words in a sentence. It broadly includes such issues as grammar, sentence structure, usage and correctness, word choice (diction), and mechanics (e.g. appropriate capitalization and indentation, correct spelling, and the like). Essays that are individually scored 6, 5, or 4 demonstrate superior, clear, or at least minimal competence respectively in writing on both of these levels. Essays scored 3 or below are deemed not passing.
At each of the score points for on-topic papers, the descriptors of writing performance are lettered. The letters refer to:
a. response to the topic b. understanding and use of the material in the prompt c. quality and clarity of thought d. organization, development and support e. syntax and command of language f. grammar, usage, and mechanics
NOTE: A passing paper (6, 5, and 4) must demonstrate ability in all six (a-f) areas. A non- passing paper (3, 2, 1) reveals weaknesses in one or more of the six (a-f) areas. Papers that reject the assignment or fail to address the question must be given to the Chief Reader. A score of zero (0) may be assigned for essays written “off- topic.”
10 GWE SCORING GUIDE 6 Superior A 6 essay demonstrates superior writing, but may have minor flaws. A typical essay in this category: a. addresses the topic clearly and responds effectively to all aspects of the task b. demonstrates a thorough critical understanding of the prompt in developing an insightful response c. explores the issues thoughtfully and in depth d. is coherently organized and developed, with ideas supported by apt reasons and well-chosen examples e. has an effective, fluent style marked by syntactic variety and a clear command of language f. is generally free from errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics 5 Strong A 5 essay demonstrates clearly competent writing. It may have some errors, but they are not serious enough to distract or confuse the reader. A typical essay in this category: a. clearly addresses the topic, but may respond to some aspects of the task more effectively than others b. demonstrates a sound critical understanding of the prompt in developing a well-reasoned response c. shows some depth and complexity of thought d. is well-organized and developed, with ideas supported by appropriate reasons and examples e. displays some syntactic variety and facility in the use of language f. may have a few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics 4 Adequate A 4 essay demonstrates adequate writing. It may have some errors that distract the reader, but they do not significantly obscure meaning. A typical essay in this category: a. addresses the topic, but may slight some aspects of the task b. demonstrates a generally accurate understanding of the prompt in developing a sensible response c. may treat the topic simplistically or repetitively d. is adequately organized and developed, generally supporting ideas with reasons and examples e. demonstrates adequate use of syntax and language f. may have some errors, but generally demonstrates control of grammar, usage, and mechanics 3 Sub-Marginal A 3 essay demonstrates developing writing competence, but is flawed in some significant way(s). A typical essay in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses: a. distorts or neglects aspects of the task b. demonstrates some understanding of the prompt, but may misconstrue parts of it or make limited use of it in developing a weak response c. lacks focus, or demonstrates confused or simplistic thinking d. is poorly organized and developed, presenting generalizations without adequate and appropriate support or presenting details without generalizations e. has limited control of syntax and vocabulary f. has an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that sometimes interfere with meaning 2 Inadequate A 2 essay demonstrates seriously flawed writing. An essay in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses: a. indicates confusion about the topic or neglects important aspects of the task b. demonstrates very poor understanding of the main points of the prompt, does not use the prompt appropriately in developing a response, or may not use the prompt at all c. lacks focus and coherence, and often fails to communicate its ideas d. has very weak organization and development, providing simplistic generalizations without support e. has inadequate control of syntax and vocabulary f. is marred by numerous errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that frequently interfere with meaning 1 Incompetent A 1 essay demonstrates fundamental deficiencies in writing skills. A typical essay in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses: a. suggests an inability to comprehend the question or to respond meaningfully to the topic b. demonstrates little or no ability to understand the prompt or to use it in developing a response c. is unfocused, illogical, or incoherent d. is disorganized and undeveloped, providing little or no relevant support e. lacks basic control of syntax and vocabulary f. has serious and persistent errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that severely interfere with meaning
The following essays, reproduced exactly as they occurred in the original with each student's gracious permission, offer a sample of essays that fall within the various ranges of the GWE scoring guide. Two readers each assigned a score using the 6 point scale and then the two scores were added together to create the final score.
PROMPT: There is no doubt that America is a melting pot; by the same token, there is no doubt that most members of specific races and nationalities strive their whole lives to maintain a link with their original ethnic identity and culture. The two impulses, blending into American society and maintaining ethnic identity, are not always compatible. Often, success is interpreted as total immersion in and assimilation by the new culture. Do you agree or disagree with this assumption? Argue for a lifestyle that emphasizes assimilation or a lifestyle that emphasizes the maintenance of cultural ties, and indicate which lifestyle better leads to success in the American culture.
Range 6 Essay The American melting pot metaphor has of late shifted to images of stew, salad, or fruit salad. With our evolving cultural sensitivity, melting is no longer an accurate depiction of American society. When ingredients melt, they “assimilate” into one uniform substance. Interestingly, while those who concocted the image of the melting pot intended to demonstrate the Statue of Liberty-like open arms to anyone from anywhere in need, they unwittingly exposed the underbelly of our land of immigrants – success came to those who adapted and assimilated into the beliefs and traditions of the upper middle class WASP population. However, the original intent of this country was freedom, specifically political and religious freedom, and liberty to engage in free enterprise. In this American “salad,” preservation of ethnic identity and culture leads to success not only financially, but within social and familial units.
One could argue that a certain amount of assimilation to a new country is required for financial success. Learning the language, respecting common dress codes, learning acceptable and unacceptable phrases and gestures, and acquiring a taste for local foods will all facilitate the conducting of business. Someone can more easily communicate in a meeting, present an appearance conducive to success, and even attend power lunches. Nevertheless, to simply prescribe assimilation can be dangerous. The very foundation of America rests on freedom of expression. A Muslim-American woman should retain the right to cover her head in a business meeting and if a Scots-American man chooses to run his shop clad in a kilt, he should and could still have a good day in sales. There are many pocket communities in America where the entire business day is conducted in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, etc. It is rare to stand in the line at a supermarket in urban areas across the country and be surrounded only by people speaking English. Indeed, maintaining cultural traditions can even ameliorate the family’s finances. In many American sub-cultures, two or three families may share a home, each member working and contributing to the financial support of all, and adult children remain in the home until marriage (and sometimes after), adding their financial contributions. Immigrants have been coming to this country from all over the world for over 400 years to better their lives and they
12 have found financial success while still retaining their original language and culture.
Success encapsulates areas other than financial; many define their success by their quality of life and by what they feel matters the most. There are unhappy rich people who could be deemed ultimately unsuccessful in life. Happiness comes in various packages and often involves contentment with family, and family unity and support are often achieved through maintenance of ethnic customs. Many cultures have multi-generational households, refusing to give way to the American practice of putting the elderly in assisted living situations. Grandparents participate in the raising and loving of the children and also provide valuable contributions to the household by passing down stories and traditions. The children become bilingual, which enhances their opportunities and their abilities to communicate in cross-cultural settings. Oftentimes assimilation can lead to strife within a family as the generations argue over lifestyle choices. Maintaining and observing cultural traditions with regard to marriage practices, dress, and the role of education enhances success in family harmony.
Most importantly, immigrants who maintain their traditions enjoy the success that comes with freedom. They are free to practice their religions, enjoy ethnic meals and celebrate holidays important to their culture. No one who believes in America’s foundation would want to see mosques, temples and churches of a myriad of denominations removed from our streets. We can all share in the diversity bred of the multiple cuisines of Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, German, Middle Eastern, and on and on restaurants. Families derive joy from traditional holidays, traditions that may not include the typically Christian American holidays. These traditions can then be shared with people from other cultures and every American can experience a richness in life that would be destroyed by complete assimilation.
The American social landscape continually evolves as more and more people seek refuge in this country. Gone are the days when success was defined by a quiet life in the suburbs eating Wonder bread. We are a nation that has become more sensitive to and appreciative of differences, hence the change in metaphor from melting pot to salad bowl. Assimilation is no longer a prerequisite to success.
The above essay, scored a 12, falls within the 6 range of the GWE Scoring Guide: it demonstrates superior writing on both the rhetorical and syntactic levels. In the introductory paragraph the writer has demonstrated a clear understanding of the prompt and clearly stated a position. The essay effectively addresses the tasks identified in the prompt: it chooses a side and argues for a lifestyle that emphasizes maintenance of cultural ties and describes how said lifestyle better leads to success in the American culture. It is well organized, effectively using separate paragraphs to discuss financial success, success within the family and success in observing traditions. Each paragraph is developed with the use of clearly appropriate details to support ideas. It also has syntactic variety, displays a consistent facility in the use of language and is free of grammatical error. The writer brings the essay to an effective conclusion by drawing the reader back to the opening paragraph, clearly restating the position.
Range 5 Essay
13 “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” This is a quote I have heard throughout my life. I believe that it applies when discussing the issue of assimilation into American culture. This paper will discuss why I believe that immigrants to this country should make every effort to embrace our culture.
Learning about and adopting aspects of the American culture does not mean that an individual must shun all beliefs and traditions of their country of origin. In order to be successful in this country, one must be aware of and accepting of certain American traditions and practices and how they may differ from their country of origin. For example, in America it is expected that one will have eye contact with a person during a conversation. In Chinese culture eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect. If a Chinese person were to go to an interview with an American employer, who is unaware of their beliefs, they may be seen as sneaky or thought to be lying as a result of lack of eye contact. Other actions can be misinterpreted as well. Some cultures are very gregarious and loud in their style of communication. While that behavior may be understood within their culture and acceptable in their personal lives, it may not be well accepted in the business world. Having knowledge of the fact that American businessmen conduct themselves in a more reserved manner when conducting business would benefit the individual in the business world.
Symbols can also be misinterpreted. In the United States placing the thumb and index finger together to form a circle indicates “OK” or “way to go.” It is seen as a positive gesture. In some countries this same symbol is seen as a rude gesture. If an immigrant had no assimilation into our culture and found himself on the receiving end of this gesture, I believe he would have a difficult time forming a relationship with the person who made the gesture. If this person was his boss or one of his co-workers he would have a difficult time working with them and achieving success in the workplace.
Learning the English language is also of benefit to immigrants. Failure to learn the language greatly impacts their ability to obtain higher paying jobs and isolates them. This is seen frequently with immigrants in Southern California. Those who learn English have gone on to succeed in a multitude of areas. Those who have not the language find themselves working in lower paying positions and struggling to meet their daily needs. It is not uncommon for women in some immigrant cultures to stay home, never learning English and finding herself without resources if something happens to her husband.
In conclusion, while I believe people should treasure their heritage and hold onto it, they must also take in and welcome components of the American culture. By doing so they will be more likely to succeed and have a balanced life.
The above essay, scored a 10, falls within the 5 range of the GWE Scoring Guide: it demonstrates clear competence in writing on both the rhetorical and syntactic levels, though it has occasional errors with missing punctuation and subject/pronoun agreement. The writer clearly understands and addresses the prompt. The opening quote immediately signals that the writer is selecting assimilation as the better vehicle to success. While the introduction is brief, it
14 does orient the reader in terms of focus. The thesis statement is somewhat weakened by its announcement-like quality, “This essay will discuss why I believe …,” but it does then go ahead and state a claim that American culture should be embraced. If the writer had brought in the other dimension of the prompt, that of success, the claim would have been strengthened. The essay is well organized with separate paragraphs for American customs, American symbols and American language. A slight weakness in this essay is that the discussions of customs and symbols, while consistently segregated in the two paragraphs, are so similar that the points become repetitive. However, descriptive, specific examples are used quite effectively and strengthen the essay. Like the introduction, the conclusion is brief but nevertheless clear.
Range 4 Essay America is comprised of the most diverse population in the world today. It is diverse in terms of its ethnic makeup and religious practices. Because of its diversity, many refer to America as a melting pot, however to say so is a misconception. The concept of a melting pot implies that America is not compromised of one distinct or significant culture or ethnicity. Instead, it is made up of a variety of cultures that when combined, looses what has made it distinct and begins a metamorphosis into something that has lost its original qualities, turning into something unrecognizable instead. America should be likened to a fruit salad, one that retains the original quality of the culture and when mixed with other cultures becomes something even more flavorful. Success in America as individuals does not have to entail the abandonment of ones cultural and ethnic identity. Retaining ones culture can be achieved while meeting the expectations of “success” in America and in many cases is the foundation on which that success is built.
In America today, many people are leading successful lives as a result of maintaining their cultural beliefs and identities. And although the struggle to become a functioning individual in America may be difficult, holding on to beliefs rooted in culture have made it possible for many people to make it. When families have come from Vietnam or Mexico, language is an instant challenge for them. Although learning a new language is a challenge, it can be done. And when that happens, even more doors or possibilities are opened. Even though language can be an issue the values and benefits of such Mexican and Vietnamese families are what helps individuals to succeed in learning the language. Mexican and Vietnamese families work together to support one another to ensure that all members of the family succeed. Support can include money, housing, transportation and even food or help with translation. The families work together to become “successful” in America. This idea of family supporting one another without question is a deeply rooted belief in such cultures.
A specific example of how holding on to culture identity leads to success in America can be seen from the example of the Vietnamese family that comes to America in pursuit of a better life. When the family first arrives in America, they may live in a small apartment with another family. As children enter school and begin to learn the English language, parents are working at any job they can find to provide food, clothing and shelter for everyone in the household. The family continues to celebrate traditional Vietnamese holidays and eats traditional foods from their homeland. As work for parents increases, each family begins to move out on their own,
15 while still maintaining the support of the others. As families become even more financially independent, they help other family members who are still in need. As children grow, education is highly valued and as each child gets through college and becomes employed, they too, look back at other family members to offer support to them so that they too can achieve “success” in America. All the while, the family continues to celebrate their Vietnamese traditions, food and language.
The core beliefs of this such culture and many others in America are the backbone of the success of individuals. The idea that success in America is determined by the individuals loosing that sense of culture is unfounded. For many, maintaining the link to culture has helped them to become successful which involves knowing who you are and where you come from. Continuing to speak their language, dress and eat foods and maintain their belief rooted in their culture does not prevent success, and instead helps it.
The above essay, scored an 8, falls within the 4 range of the GWE Scoring Guide: it demonstrates adequate writing on both the rhetorical and syntactic levels. It addresses the writing task sufficiently, but without the detail and development of a range 5 essay. The essay also has a few syntactic errors, specifically with pronoun use, spelling and one verb error, but it has no consistent pattern of such errors. Sentence variety is adequate. The opening paragraph provides a thoughtful treatment of the melting pot image and clearly states the chosen side. The weakness in this essay lies in the body paragraphs. There are only two body paragraphs and there is no real distinction in subject matter between the two. The writer does insert specifics to support his points, but the specifics are repetitive. Since the writer limits himself to one main value in maintaining cultural identity, that of familial support, it is difficult to achieve an essay’s worth of specifics without becoming repetitive. Since one of the qualities of a 4 is that the essay “may treat the topic simplistically or repetitively,” the essay earned a 4.
Range 3 Essay Success in blending into the American society is by assimilation to the new culture. Maintaining cultural traditions and lifestyle here in America often causes conflict with the second generation and depression for the first generation.
For example, in 1972 my family who’s native to the Phillippine Islands arrived here in America with hopes and dreams of a “better life.” The family consisted of mom, dad, and seven children. The oldest child was 13 years old and the youngest was 6 months. I was the oldest of seven. Discipline, obedience and education was drilled and embedded to us children by our parents. This is true to our culture and most Asians. A report card that is less than excellent or an A is unacceptable. I remember a time when I was a freshman in High School and I received a B in advanced algebra class. I was afraid to go home. My school Counselor rehearsed a speech with me to explain to my parents that taking seven classes, working after school and then taking care of my younger brothers and sisters made it difficult to get an A in a very advanced class. The advise sounded reasonable. I was taught that teachers were always right. I went home and executed the advise that I received. My parents was so furious that I thought I would never see
16 tomorrow. To my parents, my defense was disrespectfulness and my grade was laziness.
Every teacher and parent conference my parents was grieved for the school was teaching us to be disrespectful by expressing our opinion in class to get a “satisfactory” grade in citizenship. They were disappointed and concerned everytime the teachers told them that a grade less than an A was “ok” as long as the student have done their very best.
As time passes, my parents continued to struggle with the Western culture of raising children that expresses their opinions and points of view. This became a conflict with us children with our parents. We, the children adapted the western ways, not only to be accepted by the society but to be able to understand others and coexist in harmony.
My parents suffered depression because of culture shock, homesickness in speaking their native tongue and isolation from their families and friends.
Another insult to my parent’s depression is that all of us children married outside our culture. Not one of us married a Filipino. My parents were viewed as “bad” parents by their relatives in Phillippines because they could not control their children.
Shame and guilt is what my parents carry with them today because of traditions and culture. Acceptance of the culture allows us children to adjust and enjoy the “better life” that my parents intended for us to have here in America.
The above essay, scored a 6, falls within the 3 range of the GWE Scoring Guide: it demonstrates some developing competence in writing, though it remains flawed on either the rhetorical or syntactic level, or both. The essay demonstrates a pattern of errors with grammar, usage and mechanics. There are numerous subject-verb errors, shifts in verb tense, spelling errors, problems with word choice and awkward sentencing. The essay is also weak rhetorically. The first sentence does state a position with regard to the prompt; the reader chooses assimilation as the best method for success in America. However, by the second sentence, the writer starts to veer off course, in essence re-writing the prompt by saying that maintaining cultural ties creates depression and generational conflict in the immigrant family, switching from what causes success to what causes stress. The rest of the essay then proves the premise of stress and/or depression through use of personal example. While students might use personal examples to prove a certain specific point in an analytical essay, an analytical essay should not rest solely on personal narrative. The essay further demonstrates weakness with organization, especially towards the end with the short, underdeveloped paragraphs. The writer does eventually come back to the prompt with the concluding sentence. This is perhaps a classic case of reading the prompt and taking off writing without first making a plan/outline and checking to make sure the plan is responsive to all parts of the prompt before actually writing. While this essay demonstrates all qualities (a-f) of a 3 on the scoring guide, it is important to remember that if any one of these qualities appears in an essay, the essay is scored a 3.
Range 2 Essay
17 There is different nationalities in America as well as many people from different culture that have different lifestyles. For example, there is many Latinos that are from the same race, but their religion is different. All of the people and there living condition is not the same eventhough they come from the same nationality.
I believe that most of the people want to blend into a society and feel welcome. I still do not understand why people care a lot about fiting into a society when we could all create our own. If the people would not care for religion or nationalities America would be a better place to live without discrimination instead of caring to fit in a better society, we all should care for better things.
I think that people feel more comfortable hanging or talking with people from their same culture because they have more things in common. For example, Latinos speak the language Spanish and most of them are Catholic; therefore, I feel each nationality feels a better communication between each other.
There is many nationalities that helps each other in many different ways and there is some that do not care but only for themselves. One good example of a nationality that creates a society in which they help each other is the Chinese and Koreans. When they all come to America they lend money to other people from their culture to buy or open a business. That’s why I agree that lifestyles have to do with culture but people choose the way they want to live.
The above essay, scored a 4, falls within the 2 range of the GWE Scoring Guide: it demonstrates inadequate writing. It is clear that the writer understood specific words of the prompt and tried to respond to ideas of culture and blending, but the essay “indicates confusion about the topic or neglects important aspects of the task.” The first problem here is actually with reading comprehension. Unless there is a clear understanding of the prompt, a clear response becomes a challenge. There is no clear focus or claim in the essay. In addition, there are verb errors in many of the sentences, demonstrating an inadequate control of syntax, and there are numerous punctuation and spelling errors. While the writer does attempt to put in specifics, their purpose is unclear, further adding to the confused focus. Finally, the essay contains rather random paragraphing, with no main idea stated and developed in each paragraph. Again, any one of the qualities exhibited in this essay would earn the essay a score of 2.
18 Range 1 Essay Range 1 essays are very rare; in a given year, there are only 2 or 3, less than one-half of one percent of all students taking the GWE. Although these essays demonstrate incompetence in writing, they often times reveal more about the writer’s frame of mind when taking the exam than about the actual level of writing competence. Students who score in this range have usually "frozen" at the prompt and have been unable to think of anything intelligible to write. Because of their rarity, we have not included a range 1 essay in this sample set of student essays.
We sincerely thank the students whose essays we have used. We hope our analysis of their strengths and weaknesses will help those taking the GWE to perform confidently and competently.
1. What is the GWE? The GWE is a one-hour examination in which students write an extemporaneous essay responding to a specified topic given to them when the test is administered. The topics are screened and pre-tested to ensure that they function well for the purposes of this examination.
2. What should students bring to the examination? Students should bring the GWE Admission Ticket and their student ID card. If they do not have a student ID card, then they should bring positive photo identification (e.g. valid driver's license, passport, citizenship card (with photo), or a military ID). Students should also bring two black or blue pens and/or pencils with dark lead. Students also may bring a dictionary and/or a thesaurus. Electronic dictionaries and thesauruses are acceptable as long as they do not plug into the wall, emit sounds or have a grammar/style-check. A blue book will be provided at the time of the test. Please note that you will not be admitted to the examination without your GWE Admission Ticket.
3. How many times can the test be taken? Twice. Students who do not pass after two times must take one of the certifying courses: ENG 350 or IDS 397 and 398. If a student attempts to take the test for a third time, the score for said third test cannot and will not be entered into the student’s records. A student who took the GWE twice in the past as an undergraduate may take the test twice again as a graduate student, if necessary.
4. Can one prepare for the test? Students cannot prepare for the GWE in the same manner that they prepare for an essay examination in a course. Writing skills are acquired and refined over a period of time through instruction and practice. To get a better understanding of the GWE itself and what is expected of a passing essay, students can sign up for the preparation presentations at the time they register for the exam. Presentations are given a week before each exam. Students also can benefit from a review of grammar and mechanics as found in any standard English handbook.
19 5. Is the student's attitude important in taking the test? Definitely. All tests cause anxiety to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the individual. Everyone, including seasoned professional writers, experiences a certain amount of "writing anxiety." However, with a constructive attitude, students can often channel this anxiety into creative energy. The worst thing to do is to "fight the test" or to resist the requirement. Our advice is to attend a presentation, get a good night's sleep before the day of the test, try not to worry about it or to anticipate its topic, and come with a positive outlook, confident of a successful performance.
6. When should the test be taken? Undergraduates who began their baccalaureate program at Dominguez Hills should take the test within two semesters after completing the English Composition section of the Basic Skills requirements of General Studies (or after completing 72 semester units total, whichever comes last). Upper-division transfer students should take the test within two semesters of their transfer to CSUDH. Graduate students should take the test within the first nine units. Candidates for Teaching Credentials who are not seeking graduate degrees are not required to satisfy the GWAR at this time and need not take the GWE. Candidates having met the GWAR at another CSU campus in 1984 or later before enrolling at CSUDH also are not required to take the GWE (see page 4, item 4), but must file and have approved a Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR with the Testing Office.
7. What does the GWE evaluate? The GWE Scoring Guide defines the standards or criteria that the readers use to evaluate each test. In general, the GWE is designed to measure the student's ability to follow directions and complete specified tasks of the assignment, to compose an organized essay, to support ideas with specific examples, to use correct grammar and mechanics, and to use language effectively. Since the essay is essentially a first draft written within a limited amount of time, perfection is not expected, even for the score of 12.
8. How are students notified of the results of the test? By mail, usually five (5) weeks following the examination. Students should not call for results. If students have not received their results after five (5) weeks, they should contact the Testing Office, Welch Hall A-210, (310) 243-3635 or at [email protected].
9. Is there counseling for students who do not pass the GWE? Students who do not pass the test may fill out a Request for Advising at the Testing Office, Welch Hall A-210, (310) 243-3635 or at [email protected]. The Director of GWAR will review the test and contact the student to explain why the essay did not pass. The student must submit a request for advising within one year of the writing of the essay because essays are destroyed after one year.
10. What happens if students have registered but miss the test date, or if students have paid for the test but do not need to take it?
20 Each administration of the GWE is standalone. Students who miss their scheduled administration may request a credit to be applied to the credit/debit card they used to purchase their tickets. Students will then need to register and purchase a ticket for the test date they intend to sit for. Credit requests should be emailed to the Testing Office and should include the student’s name, CSUDH ID number, test date and transaction confirmation number. Credits for a specific test date are not processed until after that test administration. Credits, in all instances, may have a processing fee deducted to cover administrative costs.
11. What is the Composition Cooperative (Comp Coop)? In each course that satisfies the GWAR, students write an essay on a common topic near the end of the course. The instructors in the course meet to score the essays in what is called the Composition Cooperative. Each essay is read independently by two scorers using a modified form of the GWE Scoring Guide. No instructor reads essays from his or her own class. Students who have questions about their scores should consult their course instructors.
12. When should the certifying course be taken? Undergraduate students who opt for a course should take it as early as possible, at least within two terms of reaching junior status and after completion of the lower-division composition requirement. Graduate students who opt for a course should take it in their first or second semester of graduate school. In this way, both undergraduate and graduate students will receive instruction that will help them with their writing assignments in upper-division or graduate courses and avoid delaying graduation.
13. Can certification of writing competency be transferred from another institution? Yes. If prior to being admitted to CSUDH a student has completed GWAR at another CSU campus in 1984 or later, he or she can submit a Petition for Fulfillment of GWAR through the Testing Office.
14. Are other kinds of exceptions to the requirement other than those listed in the handbook and/or University Catalogue ever granted? No. All undergraduate and graduate students at CSU Dominguez Hills are bound by the requirement. Portfolios of papers written at Dominguez Hills or elsewhere, or testimonials or letters of recommendation are not, by university policy, taken as evidence that an exception should be made. Only those items listed in the University Catalog are considered in the petition process.
Information and Registration
GWE Preparation Presentations
Issues Arising after Taking the GWE
Counseling with the Director of GWAR
Policies and Procedures
Testing Students with Disabilities and Special Needs
Testing Office, Welch Hall A-210 (310) 243-3635 [email protected]