Name: ______Cell uperhero Assignment You will decide on an organelle to create an organelle super hero. You will be creating a poster size title page or cartoon strip to show your organelle and explain its super powers. Your organelle will need a super hero name, example: Mighty Mitochondria. In your cartoon poster title page/cartoon you will name your super hero, describe the job of the organelle as if it were a super power, and create a story around your super hero and its power. Be creative!

1. Cell Organelle

2. Location

3. Description

4. Function

5. Cell Superhero Name

6. Superhero Powers

7. What activities can your superhero be found doing? Who or what are they defending and how?

8. Where might you find your superhero hanging out?

9. Who might your superhero be hanging out with?

10.What does your superhero do for fun? Name: ______11. In the box below, draw a sketch of your cell superhero. Label key components and materials you will use to construct your cell.

Superhero: ______

HOW THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE GRADED Points Points Possible Earned Questions 1-10: The answers to each question reflect an 10 understanding of the true cell organelle functions. The cell superhero is sketched out clearly and in detail. Key 10 elements/symbols have been added and described to reflect the structure and function of the organelle. The cell superhero poster or cartoon is constructed with color, 15 neatness, and creativity. It demonstrates the power and function of the organelle. Name: ______Student introduces superhero to the class, describes its superpowers, 15 and shares its action packed adventure story. TOTAL 50