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Cities of Fadwer

Information from Felwithe North Felwithe 1 Paladin Guild, Various Weapons, Priest of Discord, Secret Tunnels to Ramparts 2 Tovanik's Venom - Merchant selling Alcohol, Brew Barrel 3 Traveller's Home - Inn 4 Shop of All Holos - Cloth Armor and Boots, Gems, Mithril Ore and Chainmail Patterns 5 Beyond Faydark - Merchant selling Food and other Goods 6 Cleric Guild, Merchants selling Blunt Weapons 7 Faydark's Bane - Merchants selling Fletching and Sewing Kits, Fletching Supplies, Leather Armor and Patterns, Pottery Wheel and Kiln outside 8 Emerald Armor - Chain and Plate Armor, Blunt and Sharp Weapons, and Shields of all types, Weapon Molds, Shield Molds, Plate Molds, Koada'Dal Forge inside 9 Felwithe Keeper - Bank 10 Bait and Tackle - Fishing Supplies 11 Felwithe Fish House - Fishing Supplies, Oven and Merchant who sells Jewelry Metals and some Gems outside

South Felwithe

1 Gate Room to Guild Halls 2 Wizard Guild 3 Magician Guild 4 Enchanter Guild 5 Cloth Armor and Sewing Kits, Jewelry Supplies (Common Gems), Common Spells Felwithe

Location: In one of the grandest cities on all of Norrath in sure beauty, the high elves have created a city of pure alabaster beauty rising from the mist of Greater Faydark

Races: High Elf, Half Elf

Guilds: Clerics, Enchanters, Magicians, Paladins, Wizards

Religious Facilities: Tunare

Artisan Facilities: Brew Barrel, Kiln, Pottery Wheel, Forge Description

Felwithe is the legendary city of the high elves, which rises out of the fog of Greater Faydark as one of the most wonderful cities in all of Norrath. Its golden walls give off a faint glow all their own, and the peaceful city attracts many visitors from abroad. Surrounding Areas

Greater Faydark is the forest that Felwithe lies within. From there, high elves may access Butcherblock Mountains and the lands beyond, Lesser Faydark, or the orc lair of Crushbone. Travelling To and From Felwithe

Felwithe's entrance lies due east of the pass from the Butcherblock Mountains, along a path that winds its way around the periphery of Greater Faydark. Lesser Faydark is through a pass halfway between Butcherblock and Felwithe, and there are a set of transportation towers along that path.

To the northwest of Felwithe lies the wood elf home of Kelethin, and north of that lies the lair of the Crushbone Orcs. Local Color


The town is dominated by guild halls to the various followings. One of the wonders of architecture lies in the far end of Felwithe, the tower of the mages, suspended unbelievably over a pool below. There is also an extensive river running through the city, and fishing is a very common pastime here.


The high elves are a reserved, contemplative people, much like the Erudites in that regard. As such, there are no open markets or the associated "undesirables" within its walls. Quiet thought is the norm in Felwithe, and its inhabitants reflect that. Kaladim North Kaladim 1 Merchant selling Gems 2 Cleric Guild - sells Blunt Weapons, Food and Goods Merchant outside 3 Pottery Wheel and Kiln 4 Watsbone Treasure and Assay Office - Bank, Merchants who sell Throwing Weapons, Mining Supplies, Rogue Guild Members outside 5 Empty Hut 6 Empty Hut 7 Everhot Forge - Blunt and Sharp Weapons, Small Chain and Plate Armor, Small Plate Molds, Weapon Molds, Jewelry Metal and Rare Gems, Forge Outside 8 Greybloom Farms - Merchants selling Grapes, Brew Barrel inside, Oven outside 9 Paladin Guild Note that there is a Merchant who sells Ore located at approximately 750, 200 on the above map.

South Kaladim 1 Tanned Assets - sells Small Leather Armor 2 Irontoe's Eats - home of Tumpy Irontoe, sells Alcohol 3 Staff and Spear - sells Swords and Fletching Supplies 4 Redfist's Metal - sells Small Shields and Weapons of all types, Stormguard Forge outside 5 The Arena (not PvP) 6 Pub Kal - sells Alcohol, Brew Barrel, Bard outside 7 Warrior's Guild 8 Priest of Discord 9 Sells Potions 10 Sells Bags 11 Gurtha's Ware - sells Shoes, Small Cloth Armor, Pottery Supplies 12 Castle - home of the King Kaladim

Location: In an active mine within the Butcherblock Mountains, can't miss it due to its obvious entrance...

Races: Dwarf

Guilds: Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Warriors

Religious Facilities: Brell Serillis

Artisan Facilities: Brew Barrel, Kiln, Pottery Wheel, Oven, Forge Description

Kaladim is the underground city of the Dwarves of Norrath. A huge carved statue of a dwarf marks the entrance of their city onto the rugged Butcherblock Mountains. Surrounding Areas

Butcherblock Mountains is a vast expanse of rough terrain on the north end of which lies Kaladim. The dwarves have guard stations scattered throughout the mountains, but they have been unable to claim the region for their own, and many dangerous monsters still wander around freely. Travelling To and From Kaladim

Kaladim's entrance is along the northern border of the Butcherblock Mountains. To the west of this entrance lies the port where the dock from the continent of Antonica arrives, taking travelers to and from Freeport. Far in the other direction, through the mountain passes, lies the entrance to the forest of the elves, Greater Faydark. To the south lies the narrow pass to Dagnor's Cauldron. Local Color


This town is completely carved out of the mountains, and winds its way ever deeper. The guilds have each carved out their own niches in different areas of the caverns, forming a network of warrens that all dwarves call home.


The dwarves wander throughout their town, busy on business and protecting their community from the pressures outside. Many of the strongest warriors of the land, as well as its most devout, hail from these halls, and the inhabitants carry themselves with pride because of it. Kelethin

1 Abandoned Platform 2 Lift to ground - "Orc Lift," Merchants selling Food and other Goods and Pottery Sketches, Inn 3 Merchants selling Elven Food Items, Food, and other Goods 4 Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor 5 Merchants selling Racial Alcohol, Common Gems 6 Abandoned Platform 7 Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor 8-Upper (connects to platforms 5, 6, and 7) Sparkling Glass with Merchant selling Metals and Rare Gems, Elven Food, Oven 8-Lower (connects to platforms 3 and 11) Pottery and Fletching Supply Merchants, Warrior Guild 9 Heartwood Tavern selling Alcohol 10 Hut selling Food and other Goods, connected platform has Tavern selling Alcohol 11 "Priest of Discord Lift," Merchants selling Medium Armor Molds, Sheet Metal, Food and other Goods 12 Bank, Merchant selling Potions 13 Abandoned Platform 14-Upper (connects to platform 13) Abandoned Platform 14-Lower (connects to platforms 11 and 15) Packwearers Goods selling Bags and Boxes, Bard Guild across bridge 15 Lift, Merchants selling Food and other Goods, Sewing Kit and Instructions 16 Faydark's Champions - Ranger Guild 17 Inn selling Food and other Goods, Forge, Merchant selling Potions, Weapons 18 Merchant selling Leather Armor 19 Inn selling Food and other Goods 20 Shop selling Blacksmithing Books and Container, Weapon, and File Molds, Merchant selling Cloth Armor, Pottery Wheel and Kiln 21 Druid Guild Hall, Brew Barrel, bridge connects to Bilrio's Smithy selling Sharp and Blunt Weapons, Medicine Bags 22 Merchants selling Chain Mail Armor and Various Boots 23 Rogue Guild, sells Throwing Weapons 24 Trueshot Bows selling Fletching (arrow) Supplies, Merchants selling Fletching (bows) Supplies, Tavern selling Alcohol and Ranger Spells Kelethin

Location: In the trees of the Greater Faydark forest on the northern half of the continent of Faydwer

Races: Wood Elf, Half-Elves

Guilds: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Rogue, Warrior

Religious Facilities: none

Artisan Facilities: Brewery, Forge, Kiln, Oven, Pottery Wheel Description

Kelethin is one of the most amazing cities in all of Norrath, a tree city built peacefully around the trunks of the giant trees of the Greater Faydark. I was seeking Bards in this part of the world, and a fellow traveller who gave me directions told me to not look at my feet, but I had no idea what he meant until I saw the bottoms of dozens of wooden platforms sticking out of the mist. This is the ancestral home of the wood elves, and the center of their society. Elevators can be raised and lowered to the surrounding forest floor from some of the lower platforms, allowing easy access for the wood elves and protection from those they would rather not have visiting. Surrounding Areas

The area surrounding Kelethin is swarming with life. Black wolves, wasp drones, and bats move through the forest, and provide the targets for many a budding archer from the city above. The nearby orc city of Crushbone also sends scouts occasionally as far as Kelethin, but they have never gained a foothold on the city's platforms themselves.

Further from the main city lies the entrance to Crushbone itself. The orcs have made camps ringing the entrance and many heroes (and corpses) have been made by fighting the large orc families that live here. Faeries also move through the woods, but they will leave the average traveller alone unless they are known to hunt faerie-kin. The nearby smaller forest of Lesser Faydark holds the portal to the land of both the gnomes and is inhabited by more ferocious orcs and other, more horrible creatures. The dwarven city of Kaladim lies through the Butcherblock Mountains and their dangers. Travelling To and From Kelethin

Kelethin is one of the four major cities on the continent of Faydwer, the others being the cities of the high elves, the dwarves, and the gnomes. They share Greater Faydark with the high elves, although the high elf city of Felwithea is almost exactly the opposite of Kelethin, being a grand and opulent city on the outside, and simple and beautiful on the inside. The gnome city of Ak'Anon and the dwarven city of Kaladim are both a short distance away, the first through the sparsely populated forest of Lesser Faydark, and the second through the stretches of the Butcherblock Mountains.

As far as travelling abroad, Kelethin is about as far from a port as you can be on this island, and the trip from Kaladim's port to the human city of Freeport is a long and boring one. There is a set of magical gates near the pass to Lesser Faydark that powerful mages are rumored to be able to travel with, but they have been inactive for quite some time. Local Color


The city itself is really the site to see when you are in Kelethin. It is incredible to an outsider (although I'm part elf myself) that these wood elves live and work on platforms with no rails or protection from falls to the ground below. Although personally not afraid of heights, my barbarian friend who made the trip to this city with me refused to ride the elevator to the platforms and curled up in a bush below to await my return. I can't say that I blame him.


The people of Kelethin are a quiet folk. They are sequestered away in Greater Faydark, and since the population reveres nature as a rule, it would be difficult to find any of the poachers or other misusers of the gifts in Kelethin. It pains my human half to say it, but I feel that elves are one of the truly beautiful races in Norrath, and this peaceful city is a faint reflection of an inner peace and harmony that we all could learn from.

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