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Heartland Workforce Solutions, Inc s1

Heartland Workforce Solutions - (HWS) Board Meeting Minutes September 26, 2012; 7:30am Heartland Workforce Solutions 5752 Ames Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104 MINUTES Meeting Called to Order Tom Whalen, HWS Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:36 a.m. on September 26, 2012.

Roll Call Roll was called by Amy Christensen and a quorum was established.

Members Present: Rod Anderson Jason Esser Ron Joyce Mike Price Wendy Boyer Nancy Flearl Mark McColley Chris Rodgers Bobby Brumfield Rev Dwight Ford Jessica McCormick Jim Walsh Mary Pat Champion Janice Garnett Frank McGree Thomas Warren Amy Christensen Becky Golden Terry McMullen Tom Whalen Liz Cook Allen Hale Seraphim Mullins Deb Dinsmoor Jim Hanson, Jr. Suzanne Nocita Mike Eastman Sue Hartwell Bill Owen

Members Absent: Mitch Arnold Deb Dixon Denny Knittle Armando Salgado Susan Billups Connie Eichhorn Renee Lillard Patrick Stoysich Brad Crosby Stacy Henry Rev. Dr. Cedric Perkins Maria Valentin Cuba Dabney Larry Johnson Laurie Sokolik Jim Winner

Staff & Guests Present: Linda Kizzier, Justin Dougherty, and Randy Parks– Goodwill Industries Karen Goehring and Shauna Dahlgren- Easter Seals Karen Bricklemyer- United Way of the Midlands Fay Clark-Vocational Rehab Jan Kauk, Shirley Carlson, Michael Phillips, Jamie Anders-Kemp and Donna Knerr—HWS, Inc.

Notice of Publication Adequate legal notice of this meeting was posted in the Omaha World Herald, the Bellevue Leader and the Enterprise Publishing Company. Let the record reflect that the notice was published in accordance with the open meeting law requirements and published in the Greater Omaha area. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act is available at this meeting and can also be obtained from the Board staff. No one indicated a conflict of interest pertaining to the items on the agenda. A request for public comment cards was made. No public comment cards were submitted.

Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda consisted of the following: 1. Minutes of the August 16, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting 2. Financial Report for July/August 2012 3. Transfer of funds to Adult from DLW funds 4. IWCC Contract- PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA 5. Update Check Signing Policy (no checks made to cash/add Board Treasurer) Motion was made by Jim Hanson, Jr. and seconded by Frank McGree to approve the Consent Agenda. There were no questions or comments. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried with no abstentions and no dissension. Members For: Rod Anderson Jason Esser Ron Joyce Mike Price Wendy Boyer Nancy Flearl Mark McColley Chris Rodgers Bobby Brumfield Rev Dwight Ford Jessica McCorrmick Jim Walsh Mary Pat Champion Janice Garnett Frank McGree Thomas Warren Amy Christensen Becky Golden Terry McMullen Tom Whalen Liz Cook Alan Hale Seraphim Mullins Deb Dinsmoor Jim Hanson, Jr. Suzanne Nocita Mike Eastman Sue Hartwell Bill Owen

Chairman’s Report Tom Whalen introduced, and welcomed Karen Bricklemyer- United Way of the Midlands, Nancy Flearl- Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Fay Clark- Vocational Rehabilitation, Shauna Dahlgren-Easter Seals, and Karen Goehring-Easter Seals as our guest speakers.

Guest Speaker – Karen Bricklemyer – United Way of the Midlands Karen presented a slide presentation on Poverty that can be viewed by clicking here website: For more information or how you can help: [email protected]

Guest Speaker – Nancy Flearl – Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired The Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI) works to help blind and visually impaired Nebraskans achieve full and rewarding lives through independent living skills and assists them with finding employment in Nebraska and across the country.

NCBVI provides the training, counseling, and resources needed for a positive understanding of blindness and visual impairment. Their high expectations include employment and fulfillment in all aspects of life. Their Mission:

 Empowering Blind Individuals,  Promoting Opportunities, and  Building Belief in the Blind.

For more information or how you can help: [email protected]

Guest Speaker – Fay Clark – Vocational Rehabilitation Since 1921, the Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation program has helped people with disabilities join the workforce. Their team of experts provides direct services for employers and people with disabilities that lead to employment. Vocational Rehabilitation provides services to U.S. citizens, lawful permanent resi- dents, and refugees/asylees who have legal employment authorization documents.

For more information or how you can help: [email protected]

2 Guest Speakers – Shauna Dahlgren and Karen Goehring – Easter Seals Mission Easter Seals Nebraska's mission is to create solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs, and their families. Each person touched by Easter Seals Nebraska-- whether a client, family member, volunteer, employee, donor or other supporter--becomes a force of change to assure all people enjoy independence, have access to participate in community activities and explore opportunities for social and economic growth.

For more information or how you can help: [email protected]

Committee Reports Finance Committee Rod Anderson announced that the Finance Committee was actively recruiting for members to join their team. An inquiry was made about our financial well-being, and Rod reported that we are doing okay.

Performance Committee Janice Garnett reported that the Performance Committee met on September 13th. The Adult program is exceeding goals set for enrollments, while the DLW program is off to a slow start. There has been an overall decrease in the number of individuals seeking services. This is a trend that is being observed nationally, statewide and locally in this area. Therefore, this is a good news story. With this trend, there is a need to transfer funds from the DLW program to the Adult program to meet the demands for additional enrollments. Mike Eastman provided updates on Synergy which is enrolling individuals in short term training. Funds must be spent/obligated by the end of December.

Youth Council Suzanne Nocita reported that the Youth Council met on September 25, 2012. They meet six times a year and then the other six months, the Employment Outreach Taskforce meets. The Youth Council is partnering with HRAM regarding workforce readiness for youth. October 8th, Justin Dougherty, Director of Workforce Services, will talk at the HRAM meeting about the partnership between the WIA Youth, the Youth Council, and HRAM members. The Youth Council put out a call to action to Board members to commit to working with the youth program at least once this program year. Examples of assistance include having staff serve as a mentor to a youth, speak at a workshop or job club, be a host for a work experience, hire someone through on-the-job training, etc. To let us know how you will help, please contact Shirley Carlson, 402-250-4616 or [email protected]

TDL Jim Walsh invited everyone to an Open House at the South Campus of MCC on October 26, 2012. Bill Owen announced that MCC has been awarded the contract for hosting the Skills USA Student Competition for 2014, 2015, and 2016!

Healthcare Partnership HWS, in partnership with area health care employers, received a grant to develop the Heartland Workforce Solutions Basic Supervisory Certification Program. Current employees of area health care employers, who are aspiring to be in leadership roles, submitted applications for the upcoming Basic Supervisory Certification Program. Seventeen employees were selected for the program that will start October 16th. IWCC has been selected to facilitate the training.

3 Marketing and Social Committees: Jami reported that she has been working on getting ready for the Grand Opening of the Heartland Workforce Solutions Center. A huge thank you goes out to the Omaha Chamber of Commerce for all their help.

Executive Directors Report Jan reported progress on the capital and operational campaign. The total capital request is $1.2M. To date we have approximately half of the goal pledged. Private foundations and corporate funders have been solicited and many have toured the new building. Most have been unfamiliar with workforce development efforts in Omaha and have been interested how it might impact talent development and persistent poverty in our community. Board members were asked to participate in the campaign as outside funders look to leadership’s engagement as a predictor of organizational and fundraising success. Jan also gave kudos to the staff and partners who supported the move. Things went very well and staff and customers are adapting well to the new environment. We have had one media event since the move.

Administrative Report: September 26th, the State is scheduled to negotiate with Region V on the WIA performance standards for PY12. Proposed standards for the negotiations are in the State’s 5 Year Plan which is posted at www.dol.nebraska.gov. If the proposal is accepted, it is expected to have a positive impact for our local area. We expect to know what final performance standards are after September 29th. It was announced at the state level that any changes to the funding allocation formula would not take effect until PY13. The formula for PY12 cannot be changed. The EO review by the State Monitor was completed and we are awaiting the report. The Corrective Action Plan for the Adult & DLW programs was accepted by the State Monitor and no further action is required. Fiscal, ARRA, and the State’s Single Audit have been completed and we are waiting for those reports. Shirley announced that each local area is required to have a certified comprehensive center and asked for volunteers to do a walk-through of the new location at Ames Plaza to help make a recommendation to the board. In addition, the State has shared that they responded to the Federal Comprehensive Review and Region V has 60 days to respond.

Public Comment: Next Board and Executive Committee Meetings HWS Board- Executive Committee Meeting HWS Full Board Meeting Thursday, November 15, 2012 – 7:30a.m. Thursday, December 20, 2012 - 7:30a.m. Heartland Workforce Solutions Center Heartland Workforce Solutions Center 5752 Ames Ave, Omaha, NE 68104 5752 Ames Ave., Omaha, NE 68104

Adjournment: Tom Whalen adjourned the meeting at 8:51 a.m.


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