This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007 s2

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This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007 s2

This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007 Harry Potter (subject packet) Written by: Brittany Clark & Jeremy Eaton (Maryland)


1) They are associated with Agrippa, Ptolemy, Morgana, Circe and Paracelcus and at one point they are an important plot device, linking an unknown person to the study of alchemy. According to the author, when Ron was featured on these along with his friends, he called it his "finest hour". With their first appearance made in book one on the Hogwarts Express, FTP, identify this cocoa confection packaged with collectible cards which notably feature Nicolas Flamel and Dumbledore. ANSWER: Chocolate Frog cards

2) According to J. K. Rowling, Professor Flitwick’s short stature may have risen from distant ancestry with one of these people. Though they are now defined as “beings”, according to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them their classification has sparked much controversy in the past. Experienced metalworkers, these speakers of Gobblegook believe that the true owner of an object should be its creator and have historically crafted the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Commonly found working in Gringotts Bank, FTP, identify this race of small long- fingered peoples which includes Ragnok, Bogrod and Griphook. ANSWER: Goblins

3) One of this person’s odd physical characteristics includes a scar above the knee that resembles a perfect map of the London Underground. He was one of the few people to befriend Elphias Doge, who had a notorious case of the dragon pox and later planned to travel the world with him. Among this man’s accomplishments are discovering twelve uses of dragon blood, declining the position of Minister of Magic (several times), becoming the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and defeating his former friend and Dark Wizard, Gellert Grindelwald in 1945. Recently revealed by J.K. Rowling to be gay, FTP, name this friend to Harry and Headmaster to Hogwarts. ANSWER: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

4) A blackened kettle is used as one of these objects in the 5th book and the Weasleys plus Harry and Hermione use one of these in the 4th book on the way to the Quidditch World Cup. One of the more famous ones was used simultaneously by two people although it was intended for only one of them. Their creation may be restricted and Dumbledore's unauthorized use of a statue as one of these to send Harry back to school in the fifth book is treated as a serious infraction. Involving a tugging sensation behind the navel, FTP, identify these objects created using the Portus spell, which, when touched, instantly take the user to the set destination. ANSWER: Portkeys 5) One person of this surname is Bilius who lends his name to the middle name of another character in the series. Another person of this surname worked in Egypt as a Curse-Breaker from Gringotts and is described in Book 4 as a handsome young man with a ponytail and a fang earring. There are ones named Rose and Hugo and another married a Prewett and holds a fascination for Muggle-made objects. One member of this family went on to marry Fleur Delacour while another went on to marry none other than Harry Potter himself. All possessing red hair and freckles, FTP, identify this Wizarding family that includes Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ginny and Ron. ANSWER: Weasley

6) For a long period of time, one of these was hidden in Albania and made its way to the Room of Requirement, where it eventually was engulfed in Fiendfyre produced by Crabbe. Another one of these was protected by a river of living corpses and a potion which produces excruciating pain upon drinking. They can appear in the form of any object, including living things as evidenced by the serpent Nagini. No one had created more than one of these objects before Voldemort , who created seven based on the fact that it is the most magically powerful number. Created by the malicious murder of someone, FTP, identify this type of dark magical object in which a wizard stores fragments of their soul. ANSWER: Horcrux es

7) These creatures are said to grow like fungi in the darkest, deepest regions of the world and can grow to towering heights of 10 feet tall. Harry was once spared from one of these in Little Whinging by a Squib, and Draco and his goons once masqueraded as them to sabotage a Quidditch match. Though invisible to Muggles, these beings can reduce non-magical peoples into a Persistent Vegetative State, while minor contact with them can be treated with chocolate. Only deterred by using the Expecto Patronum spell, FTP, identify these cloaked shadowy creatures that guard Azkaban and are equipped with a namesake soul-sucking kiss. ANSWER: Dementors

8) One of these objects is found inside of an object that Harry almost swallowed during his first Quidditch game, while * another was taken from Dumbledore's grave by Voldemort; but to his dismay would not work for him. Xenophilius Lovegood is scolded for wearing their symbol at Bill and Fleur's wedding due to the symbol's affiliation with the Dark Wizard Grindelwald. They historically may have belonged to the brothers Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell but are best known from a wizarding fairy tale by Beedle the Bard. Allowing one to become a "Master of Death", FTP, identify these three items; a stone, a wand and an invisibility cloak, that lend their collective name to the final book's title. ANSWER: The Deathly Hallows (prompt on "Resurrection Stone until *)

9) After Harry and Draco's dispute at their first meeting, Mrs. Malfoy mentions that they will instead be going to another place in this location. It is also the home of a publishing company, Whizz Hard Books, and several book stores, including Obscurus Books. It contains a competitor to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop as well as Eeylops Owl Emporium, where Harry got his owl. A mispronunciation of its name by Harry results in him appearing in Borgin and Burkes in nearby Knockturn Alley. Accessed by tapping a pattern on a brick wall, FTP, identify this wizarding shopping location, which contains Gringott's, The Leaky Cauldron and Ollivander's. ANSWER: Diagon Alley

10) The male of this species is distinguished by a scarlet plume and they were first bred by Herpo the Foul. Although their skin deflects spells, this creature is weakened by the smell of a weasel and the crowing of a rooster. Ghosts are susceptible to them, spiders are afraid of them, and glasses afford no means of protection, unlike camera lenses or mirrors. Unlike its real world mythological counterpart, this creature is magically bred by placing a toad on a chicken egg. Hermione used the still potent fangs of a dead one of these to destroy the Horcrux of Hufflepuff's Cup, and its fangs were also used to destroy Tom Riddle's Diary. Only controllable by a parselmouth, FTP, identify this giant serpent, one of which resided in the Chamber of Secrets. ANSWER: Basilisk

11) Although it dates back to 1294, this practice was temporarily discontinued due to an increasingly high death toll. According to Hogwarts, A History, the 1792 event by this name involved a rampaging cockatrice that injured three spectators. In one part of the most recent event by this name, participants had to rescue something taken from them which they did by using such tools as a Bubble-head Charm and Transfiguring oneself into a shark. Other tasks involved the stealing of a golden egg from a dragon and navigating a maze full of traps and dangerous creatures. A disguised Barty Crouch was able to make Harry the fourth participant of, FTP, what wizarding competition designed for three wizards. ANSWER: Triwizard Tournament

12) It appeared to disband in 1996, but was revived the next year in the face of a new threat and engaged in a style of guerrilla warfare. Although not initially affected by Educational Decree #24, the mark revealing its betrayer, a rash reading SNEAK, remained on Henrietta’s face until the following fall. For communication, members of this group were given enchanted Galleons which would turn warm when alerting the time and date of the next meeting. Originally called the Defense Association, it was created to teach students how to perform magic when Umbridge insisted only magical theory be learned. Assisting in the Battles of the Astronomy Tower and Hogwarts, and secretly meeting in the Room of Requirement, FTP, identify this militant sounding student group named after a headmaster of Hogwarts. ANSWER: Dumbledore's Army 13) According to Luna Lovegood and The Quibbler, this place is where Cornelius Fudge develops poisons and secretly feeds them to any who disagree with him. One door in this place is securely locked and even manages to instantly melt Harry's magical lock-picking penknife. Another room in this place has reduced gravity and several floating miniature planets while yet another contains shelves upon shelves of glowing orbs each containing a prophecy. At the end of the fifth book, a massive battle took place here, ultimately resulting in the death of Sirius Black as he fell through a shimmering veil. Located in the deepest basements of the Ministry of Magic, FTP, name this department devoted to the most perplexing objects in the magical world. ANSWER: Department of Mysteries (prompt on Ministry of Magic before mentioned)

14) Aurors were permitted to use them in the First War, while the ministry has overlooked other isolated instances of them. One is described as worse than "one thousand red hot nails, boring into the skin", and prolonged exposure can result in insanity. Another is used to gain entrance intro Gringotts and Harry can successfully resist it. The most deadly has a characteristic green light and has failed on only one person. True for all of these is that the caster has to really mean it or else they will be ineffective. Effecting total control, horrific pain and instant death, FTP, identify this category of curses, consisting of the Imperius Curse, Cruciatus and Avada Kedavra. ANSWER: Unforgivable Curses (or) Unforgivables (accept names of all three curses before mentioned, prompt on a partial list before "one is described")

15) The author says hers would be a coffin closing around her and corpses are involved with those of Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, and Molly Weasley. A demonstration with one involves a banshee losing her voice, a moving severed hand caught in a mousetrap, a mummy tripping over its bandages, and a full moon turning into a balloon. Harry has to conjure a happy memory to combat his, while Neville adds his grandmother’s clothes to his. Hiding in dark enclosed places like cupboards and weakened by laughter, FTP, identify this shape-shifting creature harmed by the Riddikulus charm and which takes the shape of its victim’s worst fear. ANSWER: Boggarts

16) One unfortunate circumstance involving this character happens when he is struck with an obscure and dangerous spell causing Moaning Myrtle to scream "Murder in the bathroom!". Among his accomplishments are escorting Pansy Parkinson to the Yule Ball and becoming the temporary owner of the Elder Wand. In the third book, this character exaggerates being attacked by Buckbeak, resulting in the delay of a Quidditch game and Hagrid almost being fired. At the end of the fifth book, several of Harry's friends transform this person into a giant slug along with his two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. The pure-blood son of Narcissa and Lucius, FTP, identify this blonde haired Slytherin boy; Harry's greatest rival. ANSWER: Draco Malfoy (prompt on “Malfoy”) 17) In the summer of 1994, this person called Albus Dumbledore "an obsolete dingbat"; likewise, Dumbledore referred to this person as "enchantingly nasty". This person works with a paunchy man named Bozo and at the end of Book 4, Hermione trapped this person inside of a jar until she decided to meet with her demands. At Dumbledore's funeral, she is seen clutching a notebook and one of her Quick Quote Quills; possibly to begin her new book, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. An unregistered Animagus in the form of a beetle, FTP, identify this pestering reporter with a penchant for gravely distorting the truth. ANSWER: Rita Skeeter (accept either name)

18) During a lull in the Battle of Hogwarts, this person along with Neville Longbottom carries the corpses of Colin Creevey and others into the Great Hall. In the first book, Fred and George jokingly claim to know this person's motivational speech by heart due to their being affiliated with him the previous year. After his graduation from Hogwarts, he goes on to become a reserve player for the British Quidditch team, Puddlemere United. This person privately taught Harry them game of Quidditch and was over-delighted when Harry caught the Snitch flawlessly in his first two games. In his fifth year when Harry first arrived at Hogwarts, FTP, identify this captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team that finally won the Championship Cup in his final year. ANSWER: Oliver Wood (accept either)

19) A newly activated one of these fades to the appearance of an inactive one after a few hours and only appears faintly. In addition to an activated one becoming blacker, it also burns, which serves as a summons. When projected as the signature of a group’s work it is green and created using the spell Morsmordre. One of these was seen at the Astronomy Tower, and another one was created using Harry’s wand and its image may have been inspired by the hiding place of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. Often projected over a victim’s house, FTP, identify this magical brand located on the inner left forearm of a Death Eater, depicting a snake emerging from the mouth of a skull. ANSWER: Dark Mark (prompt on “Morsmordre” before mentioning)

20) Due to the fact that one gets the best results with their own wand, this person’s performance improves when he uses his own made of cherry wood and unicorn hair instead of his father’s wand. In addition to his often missing familiar, he also treasures a gift from his great-uncle Algie, a Mimbulus mimbletonia. As his birthday is one day before Harry’s, he is a tantalizing might-have-been for the Chosen One of the prophecy. Cooperating with Ron to take downFenrir, he also is responsible for beheading Nagini at a crucial moment. Spending much of his seventh year as a resistance leader in the Room of Requirement, FTP, identify this Hogwarts student who is super bad at Potions but smashing atHerbology. ANSWER: Neville Longbottom

21) Among its songs include the lyrics, "Oh, I know the perils, read the signs, the warning history shows/for our Hogwarts is in danger from external deadly foes" and "Oh, you many not think me pretty/But don't judge what you see/I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter [one] than me". A relic of Godric Gryffindor, Neville was able to draw Godric's sword from this object in the seventh book while it was brought to Harry at the end of Chamber of Secrets containing the same sword. Originally predicting great fame and grandeur for Harry in Slytherin, FTP, this is what magical headgear that places first year students in their Houses at Hogwarts. ANSWER: Sorting Hat

22) A talented duelist, this person was the creator of such combative spells as the non- verbal Levicorpus. In the series’ epilogue, Harry claims that this person “is the bravest man he ever knew” and therefore named his middle child after him. In the sixth book, Harry unknowingly is given this man’s old textbook in which he claims himself to be the “Half-Blood Prince”. A former Death Eater and known for killing Dumbledore atop the Astronomy tower, FTP, name this professor of Potions at Hogwarts. ANSWER: Severus Snape (Prompt on Half-Blood Prince before mentioned)


1) Show off your knowledge of a Hogwarts clique of old, the Marauders, FTSNOP: [5/5] The Marauders made a map that’s super useful for sneaking around, but it’s tricky to manage. F5PE, give the exact phrases used to begin using the map and to finish using it. ANSWER: “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” and “Mischief managed” [5/5/5/5] All the Marauders had secret nicknames. FFPE, Give the nicknames of Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter. ANSWER: Moony , Padfoot , Wormtail , and Prongs

2) The scions of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black have had star-related names for at least the past three generations. Name a few of the more recent, FTPE. [10] With important and notable initials, this brother of Sirius, with the middle name Arcturus, was a Death Eater who eventually changed his mind. He is named for the brightest star in the constellation Leo. ANSWER: Regulus Arcturus Black [10] This Death Eater married her husband Rodolphus because it was expected of her, although she truly loves Voldemort. Meaning "female warrior" she is named for the third brightest star in Orion. ANSWER: Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black) [10] Burned off the family tapestry because she married the Muggle-born Ted, she is sister to Bellatrix and Narcissa and mother to Nymphadora. ANSWER: Andromeda “Dromeda” Tonks (nee Black) (either first name is acceptable)

3) Have you been paying attention in class? Let’s see if you can identify some of the less prominent teachers of Hogwarts FTPE. [10] Described as having short grey hair and yellow hawk-like eyes, this woman taught broomstick flying to first year students and shares her surname with a slang term for ‘moonshine’. ANSWER: Madame Rolanda Hooch [10] One of Hermione’s favorite teachers, this professor of Arithmancy is notorious for giving her students loads of homework. ANSWER: Septima Vector [10] This terribly boring History of Magic teacher is said to have died in his sleep and then unknowingly taught his class the next day as a ghost. ANSWER: Cuthbert Binns

4) What would the Harry Potter universe be like without magic? Boring, that’s what! Identify the following spells FTPE. [10] This two-word spell was taught to first year students by having them attempt to make feathers levitate into the air. ANSWER: Wingardium Leviosa [10] Coming from the Latin for “I open”, this useful spell can be used to break even the most intricate of locks or open the tightest of doors. ANSWER: Alohamora [10] Amplifying the caster’s voice like a megaphone, this incantation was used by Dumbledore to alert students of danger and by the announcer at the Quidditch World Cup. ANSWER: Sonorus

5) Wizards know how to get around! Identify some of the magical means of transportation that wizards use in their everyday lives, FTPE. [10] Driven by Ernie Prang and conducted by Stan Shunpike, this magical triple-decker vehicle is open to any wizard or witch in the British Isles that needs to go somewhere…and fast! ANSWER: The Knight Bus [10] Utilizing a system of chimneys, the wizard who wishes to travel by this method must throw some of this substance into a fire place, clearly shout their destination, and step into the fireplace. ANSWER: Floo Powder or Floo Network [10] These black skeletal winged horses are used by Hagrid to pull the carriages from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts and can only be seen by someone who has witnessed death. ANSWER: Thestrals

6) With their own brand of magic, house-elfs can apparate where humans cannot but also must obey their masters, FTPE. [10] This former Malfoy house-elf gets Harry in trouble on several occasions, especially when warning him in book 2, but after he was accidentally freed he becomes Harry’s loyal helper and began working at Hogwarts. ANSWER: Dobby [10] Accused of misdeeds at the Quidditch World Cup and freed despite her wishes by Crouch Sr, this house-elf takes to drinking heavily. ANSWER: Winky [10] Created by the only active member, Hermione, this organization, poorly thought of by students and house-elves alike, tries to secure wages and other rights for house-elves. ANSWER: Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare

7) It's a magical menagerie! Identify the following mystical critters that prowl the countryside conveniently hidden outside of Muggle view, FTPE. [10] Consisting of the back flanks of a horse and the front legs, head ,and wings of a griffin, this type of creature was first introduced in Book 3 with the appearance of Hagrid's dear pet Buckbeak. ANSWER: Hippogriffs [10] Listed as extremely dangerous in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them , this race of giant intelligent and carnivorous spiders include the mighty Aragog who settled in the Forbidden Forest after escaping from Hagrid. ANSWER: Acromantulas [10] When Hagrid became the Care for Magical Creatures teacher, he introduced the students to these large scorpion-like creatures created from the crossbreeding of the Fire Crab and the Manticore. A full grown one was spotted by Harry in the hedge maze during the TriWizard Tournament. ANSWER: Blast-Ended Skrewts 8) They fly around and deliver mail and swords and stuff. Identify the following bird characters that flutter about the Harry Potter Universe, FTPE. [10] Harry's beloved snowy owl, this bird sadly flew its last flight in Book 7 when Harry attempted to escape from the Dursleys'. She was hit by a stray killing curse that probably missed Harry by an "angry inch". ANSWER: Hedwig [10] The singer of a lament at Dumbledore's funeral, this phoenix companion of Dumbledore helped defeat the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets by delivering Harry a sword and neutralizing the poison of the serpent monster. ANSWER: Fawkes [10] A tiny little Scops owl given to Ron by Sirius after Scabbers was found to be a dark wizard in disguise, this easily excitable bird was named by Ginny. ANSWER: Pigwidgeon

9) The curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts has given the school many teachers in the past several years. It's also given us beautiful bonus material, FTPE. [10] The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry's first year at Hogwarts, this turbaned, stuttering man with a penchant for summoning trolls housed Voldemort's fledgling body on the back of his head. ANSWER: Quirinus Quirrel [10] This toad-shaped woman has a high, girly voice often described as 'poisoned honey'. ANSWER: Dolores Jane Umbridge [10] This dark wizard, the brother of Electo, becomes Hogwarts' "Defense" Against the Dark Arts teacher in the seventh book. ANSWER: Amycus Carrow (prompt on "Carrow")

10) Nom nom nom. Who doesn't love sweets? Identify some sugary substances, FTPE. [10]Including flavors like Grass and Sand in addition to Cinnamon and Chocolate, these wizarding jelly beans are a risk with every mouthful. ANSWER: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans [10] One of the confectionery passwords to Dumbledore's office, this candy causes one to levitate for a while. ANSWER: Fizzing Whizbees [10] Including Fainting Fancies and Nosebleed Nougat, these Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products contain a range of sweets designed to allow a student to skip class by appearing ill. ANSWER Skiving Snackbox

11) Oh, the things those wizards say! Identify the following characters given a quote that the character has said, FFPE. [5] "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" ANSWER: Mrs. Weasley (or) Molly Weasley [5] "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." ANSWER: Severus Snape [5] "I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" ANSWER: Albus Dumbledore [5]"Oh, Harry? If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet." ANSWER: Moaning Myrtle [5] "Shouldn't have told you that. Should not have told you that." ANSWER: Rubeus Hagrid [5] "Kill the spare". ANSWER: Voldemort

12) Wow! It's a Patronus bonus! Identify the following animals used as various characters' Expecto Patronum spells, FTPE. [10] Based on his father's Animagus form, Harry Potter's Patronus first appears in book three as this large male antlered beast. ANSWER: stag (prompt on "deer") [10] J.K. Rowling said that this aquatic mustelid would be her Patronus, similar to the one Hermione has. ANSWER: otter [10] Luna Lovegood has a Patronus that assumes the form of this animal, which had its most recent years of the Chinese Zodiac in 1987 and 1999. ANSWER: hare (or) rabbit (or) bunny

13) Hogwarts is full exciting and dangerous locales. Name some of the more interesting ones FTPE. [10] First planted when Remus Lupin arrived at Hogwarts, this irritable tree guards the Shrieking Shack and will attempt to attack anything that gets within range of its many branches. ANSWER: Whomping Willow [10] Located opposite a tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet, this room was the location where Draco built the Vanishing Cabinet and is opened by thinking of something that is needed and pacing in front of it three times. ANSWER: Room of Requirement (or) The Come-and-Go Room [10] Located above the castle's West Tower is this equivalent to a post office. ANSWER: The Owlery

14) The rules for it were established by the Department of Magical Games and Sports in 1750. FTPE. [10] First, identify this magical game involving four different balls and six goal posts. ANSWER: Quidditch [10] In quidditch, when a seeker catches the Golden Snitch, his or her team is awarded with this many bonus points. ANSWER: 150 [10] Ron Weasley's favorite team, after nearly a half century of losses it changed its motto from "We will conquer" to "Let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best". ANSWER: Chudley Cannons

15) There's nothing more magical than having a few drinks! Answer the following about gettin' drunk in the wizard world FTPE. [10] The only all-wizarding town in Britain, this holiday vacation spot for the students of Hogwarts contains such taverns as the Hog's Head and the Three Broomsticks. ANSWER: Hogsmeade [10] Though house-elves can get drunk off of this butterscotch flavored drink that can be served hot or cold, it seems to have very little effect on humans. ANSWER: Butterbeer [10] This orange drink made from a large gourd is served iced at both the Hogwarts Express and the Hogwarts Great Hall. ANSWER: Pumpkin Juice

16) Answer some questions about the various love interests of Harry Potter FTPE. [10] Harry's future wife, this sister of Ron makes her crush on Harry apparent in the second book when she is also used as a puppet by Tom Riddle to open the Chamber of Secrets. ANSWER: Ginevra "Ginny" Molly Weasley [10] A year older than Harry, this Asian Ravenclaw was Harry's first kiss and love interest -- though they go on a date to Madam Puttifoot's on Valentine's day her infatuation with the recently deceased Cedric Diggory gets in the way. ANSWER: Cho Chang (accept either) [10] Of Indian descent, Harry took this girl to the Yule Ball and ignored her when Cho appeared with Cedric. Ron took her sister Padma to the same dance. ANSWER: Parvati Patil (prompt on "Patil")

17) Identify some of the animals that have played important roles in the adventures of Harry Potter, FTPE. [10] Encountered on Harry's cousin's eleventh birthday, this type of snake was magically freed from a zoo and was Harry's first experience as a Parselmouth. ANSWER: boa constrictor (prompt on just 'boa') [10] Sold to Hagrid in a pub by a Greek fellow, this giant three-headed dog guards the door where the Sorceror's Stone was hidden and can be put to sleep by playing peaceful music. ANSWER: Fluffy [10] Half-kneazle, this oddly intelligent cat of Hermione's was responsible for revealing Ron's rat Scabbers as the Dark Wizard Peter Pettigrew, and gives looks of disdain to cheating students. ANSWER: Crookshanks

18) Answer some questions about those "awful Muggles", the Dursleys, FTPE. [10]A bully and a brat for most of the series, this overweight first cousin of Harry eventually reconciles with him before the Dursleys go into hiding. ANSWER: Dudley Dursley (prompt on Dudders or Big D) [10] Lacking magical abilities and jealous of her sister, this mother to Dudley had actually written letters begging Dumbledore to accept her to Hogwarts in her childhood. ANSWER: Petunia Dursley (accept "Petunia Evans") [10]Vernon Dursley’s sister, she breeds bulldogs and in The Prisoner of Azkaban she inflates like a balloon after she insults Harry's parents. ANSWER: Marjorie “Marge” Dursley (accept either first name)

19) Hogwarts isn't the only Wizarding School out there! Answer the following about this Northern European counterpart FTPE. [10] Once the alma mater of Gellert Grindelwald, this school that takes its name from a late 1700's German literary movement and is known for is association with the Dark Arts. ANSWER: Durmstrang Institute [10] This famous student of Durmstrang plays Seeker on the Bulgarian national Quidditch team and had a romantic infatuation with Hermione in which he never really pronounced her name correctly. ANSWER: Victor Krum (accept either) [10] Headmaster to Durmstrang and former Death Eater, this man revealed the names of fellow Death Eaters to the Wizengamot in 1994 in exchange for removing his life sentence at Azkaban. ANSWER: Igor Karkaroff

20) Identify these potions ingredients, FTPE: [10]Although it sounds made up this ingredient used in Polyjuice Potion is the outer covering of a real-world venomous snake from sub-Saharan Africa. ANSWER: Boomslang skin [10] When eaten this magical plant causes the consumer to grow gills and webbing between their fingers and toes. ANSWER: Gillyweed [10] A key ingredient in the Draught of Living Death, this plant may be better known as an ingredient in absinthe. ANSWER: Wormwood

21) Position yourself! Identify the following positions one might play during the game of Quidditch, FTPE. [10] The defender of the three goalposts present on the Quidditch field; this position shares its name with the player of the analogous position in soccer. ANSWER: Keeper [10] Not meant to score goals and armed with bats, players with this position hit the heavy Bludgers away from their teammates and toward their opponents. ANSWER: Beater [10] Originally known as Catchers, notable players of this goal-scoring position include James Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Alicia Spinnet. ANSWER: Chaser

22) Given a couple of students that belong to a certain Hogwarts house, identify the house FTPE. [10] Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, the entire Black family (except Sirius) ANSWER: Slytherin [10] Ernie MacMillan, Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones ANSWER: Hufflepuff [10] Moaning Myrtle, Penelope Clearwater, Rodger Davies ANSWER: Ravenclaw

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