Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd s1
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MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD. OFFICE of The Superintending Engineer, Nashik (R) Circle Viduyt Bhavan, Nashik Road – 422 101. ------
TENDER NO. SE / NSK / Tech / T-23/ 2007 - 2008
Cost of the Tender form: - Rs. 600/-
M. R. NO.& DATE: ______
Tender form Issued To
M/s. ______
TENDER NO. : T - 23/ 2007-2008
Name of work : Supply of Printed Forms & Books.
Estimated cost : 5.0 LAKHS.
Last date of submission : 27/11/2006 up to 13.00 Hrs.
Date of opening : 27/11/2006 @ 15.00 Hr. (If possible)
Accounts Officer (NSKC-R) Superintending Engineer (NSKC-R)
EMD PAID Rs. ______M.R. No. & Date: - ______
Tender No: TENDER NO. SE / NSK / Tech / T-23/ 2007 - 2008
1.0 Scope of Tender: Supply of Printed Forms & Books.
Sr. No. Tender Particulars Estimated Number Cost (Rs. Lakhs) 1 T-23/ 2007-08 Supply of Printed Forms 5.0 Lakhs & Books.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 2 - TENDER NOTICE
Tender for following activities under Nashik (R) Circle. The reputed Agencies / Suppliers having complete qualifications as per MSEDCL requirement may submit their offer in single envelop before 27.11.07 up to 13.00 hrs. to the Nashik O&M Circle. The same will be opened 27.11.07 at 15.00 hrs if possible.
Sr. Tender No. Particulars Approx Earnest No. estimated money cost Rs. deposit Rs. 1 T-21/2007-08 Supply of Stationary 3.0 Lakh. 3000/- 2. T-22/2007-08 Supply of Stationary 3.0 Lakh. 3000/- 3. T-23/2007-08 Supply of Printed forms / Books 5.0 Lakh. 5000/- 4. T-24/2007-08 Supply of Computer Stationary 5.0 Lakh. 5000/- Note: - Terms & Condition – 1) The EMD 1 % of bid value should be paid in cash or D.D. of any Nationalize Bank or Schedule Bank only or schedule Bank only drawn in favour of the Superintending Engineer, MSEDCL, Nashik (R) circle, Viduyt Bhavan, Nashik. 2) The bidder should keep his offer valid at least 180 days from the date of his offer. 3) The interested eligible bidder may download Tender document from our website of free of cost & at the submission of document Tender fees Rs. 600/- (Inclusive of all taxes) should have to be paid to Superintending Engineer (NSKC-R), M.S.E.D.C.L., Nashik. 4) The postal delay will not be considered and the offer received after due date and time are liable for rejection. 5) The details terms and condition are available in the bid document. 6) The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof.
` Superintending Engineer (Nskc-R) Nashik Road
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 3 - NOTICE TO TENDERS
1. Sealed and superscribed tenders are invited for supply of stationary/printed forms and books/computer stationary for the year 2007-08 from reputed suppliers who have executed such works previously and are capable of supply of the ordered goods as per supply schedule.
2. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed forms only. A copy of the tender document can be download from our website of at free of cost & at the time of submission of Tender document the tender fees Rs. 600/- (Inclusive of all taxes) non refundable should have to be paid in cash or by crossed D.D drawn in the name of Superintending Engineer (NSKC-R), M.S.E.D.C.L., Nashik of any Nationalized or Schedule Bank.
3. Tenders duly filled & sealed shall be received in the office of the Supdtg. Engineer, O & M. Circle, M.S.E.DCL. Viduyt Bhavan, 1 st floor, Nashik Road (422 101) on 27.11.07 upto 13.00 Hrs. and the same will be opened on 27.11.2007 at 15.00 Hrs. if possible. In presence of the tenderers who intend to remain present. The sealed tenders shall be superscribed as Tender for supply of stationary / printed forms and books / computer stationary shall bear the tenders specification No., stamp and Address of the tenderer.
4. The Tenderer shall furnish EMD for the amount of 1% of the estimated Tender / Bid value in the form of Cash / D.D. of any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank drawn in the favour of the Superintending Engineer MSEDCL, (NSKC-R), Nashik Road, before submission of their offer. Offer without EMD will not be considered.
5. The tenderer shall submit a specimen sample along with the tender giving the details of manufacturer, size, type etc. Such sample should be bear the seal of the tenderer and shall be separately and suitably packed. Such sample can be forwarded by hand delivery to the office of Supdtg. Engineer, O & M. Circle, M.S.E.DCL. Viduyt Bhavan, 1 st floor, Nashik Road (422 101).
6. Quantity of supply and rates: - The quantity of PLAIN CONTINUOUS Stationery/printed forms and books/computer stationary required as per specification attached herewith. These shall be packed with plastic papers covering in cartons containing 4000 sheets each. The tenderer should quote his rate in Indian currency in which payments shall be effected. The rates quoted shall be firm during the period of contract.
7. Validity of the offer: - The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be valid upto a period of 180 days from the date of opening of the tender.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 4 - 8. Refund of E.M.D.
(A) In case of successful tenderer, earnest money deposited with company will be released after receipt of requisite Security Deposit @ 10 % of the accepted cost of the tender.
(B) In case of tenderers whose offer is not considered, E.M.D. will be refunded after finalization of the tender and after expiry of validity of offer.
E.M.D. in either case shall be released against production of money receipt and on the request of the tenderer.
9) Forfeiture of E.M.D. The right to forfeit the earnest money in case the tender is withdrawn after the opening date but before expiry or validity period of 180 days.
10) Payment of Security Deposit: - The successful tenderer shall have to deposit an amount equal to 10 % of the accepted tender price as security deposit in this office within 10 days of award of the contract.
11) Authentication: - The tenderer must put their dated initials wherever corrections are made in the tender and at the foot of every page of the tender. 12) Tenders shall be opened at the time specified on the due date shown in tender notice and corrigendum there to, if any, in presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives those who which to remain present.
13) Tenders not fulfilling all or any of the above conditions or complete in any respect are liable for rejection.
14) The tenders are required to give detailed information about themselves as per enclosed proforma.
15) Right to accept any offer other than the lowest one or to reject any or all the tenders is reserved by the company without assigning any reason thereof.
16) This notice to tenderers shall also form a part of the tender document.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 5 - CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT
01. GENERAL The Successful tenderer here in after called the contractors, which expression shall also include his heirs shall, within 10 days of the receipt by him of any intimation in writing that his tender has been accepted in part or whole, deposit with the S.E., O & M Circle, M.S.E.D.C.L. Nashik-Road as security for fulfillment of contract @ 10 % of the price accepted under the contract for the articles agreed to be purchased either in cash or by Bank draft of any Nationalized/Schedule Bank in Nashik in favour of M.S.E.D.C.L.
02. ASSIGNMENT: The supplier shall not without previous consent in writing of the competent authority assign of subject of transfer by way of task of piece work, this contract or any part thereof or any right to payment there or associate any other persons with himself for the performance thereof.
03. SUPPLY: The supplier from the date of acceptance of order shall deliver all materials to the O & M Circle Nashik-Road, as per supply schedule. This would mean that tender price should be inclusive to the O & M Circle Nashik and no additional charges will be paid. The supply will have to be arranged on such dates as may be specified in supply schedule issued to the contractor and the competent authority may reduce or increase the total quantity to be supplied under the contract mentioned in the schedule. If sale tax, Octori and other taxes are chargeable extra, the supplier shall clearly specify the tax payable by the company. If it is not clearly specified it would be presumed that prices are inclusive of all taxes and as per schedule.
04. PENALTY FOR LATE DELIVERY In case the materials are not delivered in time as specified in the supply schedule the supplier shall be liable to pay, at the discretion of the competent authority, penalty upto ½ % per week or part thereof of the price subject to a maximum of 10 % of the contract value.
05. The competent authority shall not be bound to accept any articles supplied in, excess or short delivery of the quantity mentioned in supply schedule or damaged/broken stationery will not be accepted and summarily rejected. In such case if there is any delay in supply of goods penalty as above shall be levied.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 6 - 06. The intending tenders are requested to carefully go through the specifications given against each item and submit the tender exactly according to the prescribed specification and F.O.R. at O & M Circle, Viduyt Bhavan, Nashik-Road. If there is any variation from the specifications, it should be specifically brought to the notice of the competent authority and approval of the competent authority for accepting the variation must be obtained in writing. If this is not done and the variation must be obtained in writing. If this is not done and the material are supplied by the supplier and if these are found to be not strictly according to be prescribed specification as regards name of manufacturer, size, etc. Such Material shall be rejected.
07. The supplier whose tenders for plain continuous stationery/printed forms and books/computer stationary has been accepted will have to submit samples in duplicate along with the tenders. The materials will be supplied by the supplier according to sample retained by this office. The supply will be verified as per samples submitted by you.
08. The supplier must therefore ensure while submitting the tender that they have got adequate stock of material required. Any excuse on the grounds of non-availability of required material will not be entertained and penalty shall be levied.
09. The supplier shall be bound to remove at his own cost all material rejected under given conditions and to replace them within 7 (Seven) days of the receipt for rejection by him.
10. If the supplier fails, within 7 (Seven) days of the receipt by him of a certificate for rejection, to remove rejected articles the competent authority may return them to him at his last available address at his own cost and risk and deduct the expenses incurred thereby from his security deposit or subsequent running bills. If supplier fails to make supply within time specified as mentioned above and to makeup deficiency of rejected material, the competent authority may at cost and risk of the supplier, purchase the said articles from any other sources. If any extra cost is incurred in making such purchases over and above the contracted prices, the competent authority may in his discretion deem necessary but not more than extra cost so incurred, levy as penalty for the inconvenience suffered by the authority on account of the supplier here under or from his security deposit.
11. The competent authority shall not be responsible for any deficiency or any damage occasioned or occurring to the rejected articles while they remain in or under his possession of control or in transit to the supplier.
12. No separate payment will be made for packing, forwarding, transport etc.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 7 - 13. 100 % payment will be made by this office after receipt of the stationery /printed forms and books / computer stationary in scheduled quantities in good conditions at site and inspection thereof by this office and after certify laid down in the order within a period not exceeding three months from the date of receipt of the materials and availability of funds. The delivery challans duly signed by the competent authority be submitted along with bills in triplicate for payment.
14. Upon the breach of any of the terms and conditions of this contract by the supplier it shall be the discretion of the competent authority to forfeit the security deposit in whole or part to impose such penalty as he any deem fit and recover the same from the security deposit of the contractor.
15. ARBITRATION In case any dispute between the parties in respect of this contract or any of the provision there in, every such dispute shall be referred to the arbitration committee, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. whose decision there on shall be final and binding on both the parties.
16. Rate should be tendered on firm quotation basis and without assigning any conditions thereof.
Superintending Engineer (O & M) Circle, Nashik.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 8 - AGREEMENT
Tender for supply of stationery/printed forms and books/computer stationary to the Supdtg. Engineer, O & M Circle, Nashik for the year 2007-2008
1. I / We hereby offer on the terms and conditions herein above specified articles during the year 2007-2008. The material specified in the schedule appended here to and of the specification there in mentioned of such items thereof as the Supdtg. Engr. O & M Circle, M.S.E.DCL. Nashik may require.
2. I/We hereby agree to abide by and for all terms and conditions of M.S.E.D.C.L., Nashik as earnest money, the full amount of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the said company should We/I fail to complete the tender form or to deposit the full amount of security deposit required under these conditions Date of the Day of
Address of the Tenderer (S)
Signature of the Tenderer (s)
We/I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the communications of my tender as specified in the schedule of which We/I have received a copy signed by competent authority and We/I here by declare that We/I shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the contract here in contained.
Witness: - (Signature of the tenderers)
Signature (1)
Signature (2)
Name in Block capital letters.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 9 - PROFORMA INFORMATION ABOUT TENDERER: -
1. Name of the firm :-
2. Address (Head office) :-
3. Address (Godown) :-
Address (Workshop) :-
4. Where correspondence should be sent in case of emergency
Telephone: Office :
Workshop :
Residence :
5. Telegraphic address of Mofusail: -
6. Are you manufacturer and/or stockiest and/sale agent and if so please give details of stores/manufacture/stocked etc. specifying each item separately?
7. Are you registered dealer authorized to collect sales tax (VAT), if so, please give your registered certificate No. date Bank’s reference, give details of.
Name of the firm:
1. Rates quoted by you are inclusive of all taxes or otherwise. 2. Are you registered dealer, under VAT Act; please quote VAT Registration No. & attached relevant documents. 3. Rates valid for 180 days from the date of opening of tender. 4. Rates quoted are F.O.R. our office at Nashik-Road. 5. If your firm registered under S.S.I. unit, please enclosed valid S.S.I. certificate. 6. Full Name & Address of the owner
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 10 - Note: -
1) Please fill up the above information otherwise we will presume that you agree to accept condition as per prescribed tender. 2. Quantity mentioned in this tender may be increased or decreased at the time of placing order. 3. All the pads, which are mentioned in this tender, should be with gum binding with strawboard of suitable thickness on back and cover on front. 4. Samples should be submitted along with tender. 5. Some items, which are mentioned in this tender, will be deleted if necessary.
Signature & Seal of tenderer.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 11 - TENDER SPECIFICATION
NO.: SE / NSK / Tech / T- 23/2007-2008/ Printed STATIONERY
Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 1. Firm quotation book, size 21x33 800 cms., white creamove paper of 8.1 Books Kg. of Ballarpur paper mill should be used, to be printed on both side, Book should contain 400 forms with Sr. No. 1 to 100 quadruplicate. Open type binding. First 3 copies should be perforated at top side. 2. E.L. pads, size of the form 20 x32 300 cms., to be printed on one side in pads. Marathi language, Yellow colour bond paper of 6.4 kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. Each pad contains 100 forms. 3. Muster roll book for daily 400 attendance for office staff size of Nos. register 32.5x20.5 cms. Inner size of paper 32x20 cms. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill. Each book contain 50 Leaves i.e. 50 folios Serially numbered Name slip of ^^ e-jk-fo-da-e;kZ ¼la o lq½ eaMG] ukf’kd ** should be pasted on register. Half cloth pasted with corner binding. Thick straw board of 3 mm thick should be used for binding 4. Receipt book (Inward register) size 100 of register 32.5x20.5 cms. Size of Nos. Inner sheet 40 x 32 cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used, to be printed on both side. Name slip as per Sr. No. 3 should be pasted on front. Each register contain 150, 300,Half cloth binding
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 12 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) with corner binding. Register should be printed in Marathi language. 5. Outward register, size and other 100 details as per Sr. No. 4 Nos. 6. Stamp A/c register, size of register 15 32.5x20.5 cms. Size of inner sheet Nos. 40x32 cms. White creamove paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side. Name slip as per Sr. No. 3 should be pasted on front; each register should be contained 50 inner sheets with Sr. No. 1 to 100 Half-cloth binding with corner binding as per specimen. 7. Local hand delivery book size of 200 book 20x16 cms., size of paper Nos. 20x16 cms., each book should be contain 100 forms, Sr. No. 1 to 100, other instructions & specifications as per Sr. No. 6 8. Casual leave forms, size of the 220 form 19.5 x20 cms. To be printed pads. on one side in Marathi language. White Creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. Each pad contains 100 forms. 9. New Service connection report 600 forms, size 20x32 cms. White pads creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. Form to be printed on one side. Each pad contains 100 forms.
10. Dis-connection notice form for 7 75 days (L.T), size 16x20 cms. White pads. creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed in 2 colour on one side. Each pad contains 100 Forms. 11. Dis connection notice form for 24 50 hrs. Notice other details as per Sr. Pads No. 10
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 13 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 12. P.D connection notice form size 50 16x20 cms. White creamove paper Pads of 8.1 Kg. Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed in 2 colour on one side. Each pad contains 100 Forms. 13. F-1 register, size of paper of inner 100 30x45 cms., size of register 31x46 Nos. cms. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side. Registered should contain 100 pages Sr. No. 1 to 100, Open type binding with cloth corner, thick card board of 5 mm should be used. Name slip as per Sr. No. 3 should be pasted on front. 14. Sub station log sheet, size 41x33 550 cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 pads Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used, to be printed in two parts as per specimen. Each pad contains 100 forms. 15. Construction ledger, size of 50 register 43x34 cms. Size of inner Nos. forms of 14.1 Kg of Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg of West cost paper Mill should be used. Form to be printed on both side as per specimen. Each register contain 100 folios, Sr. No. 1 to 100 separately Name slip as per sr. No. 3 to be pasted on front. Open type binding 3 mm thick card board should be used for binding with cloth corner. 16. A-1 forms, size 40x32 cms, to be 200 printed on both side in Marathi pads language as per specimen. White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur Paper Mill should be used Each pad contain 100 forms.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 14 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 17. A-1 Forms, size 40 x32 cms. 200 Yellow colour bond paper of 7.4 pads Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side Each pad contain 100 forms. 18. A-1 Forms, Red colour bond paper 200 of 7.4 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill pads should be used, size & other details as per Sr. No. 17.
19. Confidential report forms. For 60 employees in pay Gr. III (Steno Nos. Typist seniority) Proforma C size of the form 21x38 cms. Form to be printed on both side in Marathi & English Language, Sr. No. 1 to 7. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used. 20. Confidential report forms. For 1600 employees in pay Gr. III (Circle Nos. wise seniority) size of the form 21x38 cms. Form to be printed on both side in Marathi & English Language, Sr. No. 1 to 7. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used. 21. Confidential reports forms. For 225 non-tech. Employees in par Gr. IV. Nos. (Proforma D), size of the form 21 x 28 cms. Form to be printed on both side In Marathi & English Language, Sr. No. 1 to 4 Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used. 22. Confidential reports forms 350 (Statewise Seniority) size 21x28 Nos. cms. To be printed on both side in Marathi & English Language. Leger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 15 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 23. C.R. Forms for technical 2500 employees in pay Gr. IV (Proforma Nos. E), size of the form 21x28 cms. To be printed on both side in Marathi & English Language Sr. No. 1 to 5. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of west cot paper Mill should be used. 24. C.P.F. advance application forms, 40 size 34.5x21 cms. White creamove pads paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side in Marathi language. Each pad contains 100 forms. 25. C.P.F. advance (Non-Refundable) 30 application forms, size 34.5x21 pads cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side in Marathi language. Each pad contains 100 forms. 26. C.P.F. nomination forms No. 1, 40 size 32x19 cms. White creamove pads paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on one side in Marathi language. Each pad contains 100 forms. 27. C.P.F. nomination forms No. 2, 40 size 32x19 cms. White creamove pads paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on one side in Marathi language. Each pad contains 100 forms. 28. Docket voucher forms, size 20x34 600 cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 pads Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on one side in English language. Each pad contains 200 forms. 29. Docket Voucher forms for 100 Encashment. Details as per Sr. No. pads 28
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 16 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 30. Docket Voucher forms for 100 supplementary salary other details pads as per Sr. No. 28 31. Suspense register, size of 35 25.7x38.2 cms. Size of the outer Nos. 50x37 and inner form size 35x37 cms. Ledger paper of 14.1 Kg. of West cost paper Mill should be used. Each book contains 100 sheets (200 folios) pages Sr. No. 1 to 100. Form to be printed on both side. Leather binding including corner binding Name slip of as per Sr.No.3 should be pasted on front side. Thick card board of 5 mm thick to be used for binding 32. Form C-1, work order book size 500 33x21 cms. White creamove paper Nos. of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used, to be printed on one side as per specimen. Each book contains 200 forms i.e.100 original 100 duplicate. Original copy should be perforated at left side, cloth binding, gum binding with straw board of suitable thickness on back and cover on front. 33. Daily cash collection reports, size 1000 of the form 24x25 cms. White Nos. creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. Each book contains 150 sheets (300 pages) i.e.50 original. 50 duplicate, & 50 triplicate, First two copies original and duplicate should be perforated at top. Sr. No. 1 to 50 with book number on cover and on page. Printing & rulling on one side. Cloth binding, gum binding with straw board of suitable thickness of back & cover on front.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 17 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 34. C.P.F. final withdrawal application 30 forms No. 11 size of form 21x34 pads cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. To be printed on both side in Marathi language. Each pad contained 100 forms. 35. CPF Final withdraw 90 % 20 application form other details as pads per Sr. No.34 36. C.P.F. Final withdraw application 30 form No.12, size & other details as pads per Sr.No. 34. 37. Permit book, size of the form 250 33x21 cms. White creamove paper Books of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill, to be printed at center of the form. Gum binding with cloth binding. Each book contained 100 forms. 38. Sub. Cash book, size 67x41 cms. 10 Of West paper of 14.1 Kg. of West Books cost paper Mill should be used. Book should contained 400 pages, to be printed on both side, Sr.No. 1 to 200. Leather binding with corner binding. Name slip as per Sr.No.3 should be pasted on front side with thick cardboard of 5 mm thick to be used. 39. T.A. Bill form Size 20x34 cms. 200 White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. pads of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used To be printed on both side in Marathi language. Each pad contains 200 forms. 40. J.V. Forms 31,32) size 34x21 Cms. 75 White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. pads of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used, to be printed on one side. Each pad contains 200 forms. 41. J.V. CUM IBA (33) other 70 specification as per Sr. No. 40 pads above.
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 18 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 42. J.V. CUM Acceptance (34) other 150 specification as per Sr.No. 40 pads above. 43. Imprest cash book, size of book 250 20x32 cms. White creamove paper Books of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur paper Mill should be used. Each register contained 100 forms (50 original and 50 duplicate) Sr. No. 1 to 50 with book no. Original copy should be perforated at left side, half cloth binding with stiching. 44. Increment form size of the form 40 20x32 cms. To be printed on one pads side in Marathi language. White creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of Ballarpur Paper Mill should be used. Each pad contained 100 forms. 45. Y Form, size 20x32 cms. White 50 creamove paper of 8.1 Kg. of pads. Ballarpur paper Mill should be used, to be printed on one side. Each pad contained 100 forms. 46. R Form, size and other details as 50 per Sr.No. 45 pads.
47. L Forms, size and other details as 50 per Sr.No. 45. pads
48. V Form, size and other details as 50 per Sr.No.45. pads
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 19 - Sr. Particulars Qty. Rate in Rate in words No. figures (Rs. Ps.) 49. Stationary Register, size 40x32 10 cms. White creamove paper of 8.1 Nos Kg. of Ballarpur Paper Mill should be used. To printed both side as per specimen. Each book contains 150 sheets (300 pages) cloth binding, gum binding with straw board of suitable thickness on back and cover front.
50. T.A. Bill register size of paper of 50 inner 18x37 cms. Size of register Nos. 49x38 cms. Each Register should contain 300 pages both side as per specimen other details as per No. 13. 51. Cash Books, size of registrar 15 68x42 cms size 67x41 cms Ledger Nos. paper of 14.1 Kg of west cost paper mill should be used. Book should contained 200 pages, to be printed on both side as per specimen. Sr.No. 1 to 200, Leather binding with corner binding, Name slip as per Sr.No. 3 should be pasted on front side with thick cardboard of 5 mm thick to be used. 52 Agreement forms size of the form 400 42 ½” X 34 ½” cms. Ledger paper Nos of 10.4 Kg of Ballarpur paper mill should be used to be print on both side in Marathi language as per specimen (page no. 1 to 4) each bundle contains 1000 forms. Total: -
Seal & Signature of the Tenderer - 20 -