Ecological Footprint

Go to Global Footprint Network to complete the following:

Overview 1. What does the ecological footprint measure?

World Footprint

2. How long does it take the Earth to regenerate what the current human population uses in a year?

3. According to UN scenarios, in what year will we need two Earth’s to support the current population and consumption?

Carbon Footprint 4. Define the term “carbon footprint.”

5. What does the carbon component of the Ecological Footprint determine and what does this tell us?

6. Explain what you believe this statement to mean for you: “As human pressure on resources escalates, those cities, states and countries with the least carbon-intensive, most resource-efficient economies will flourish, while those requiring cheap and plentiful access to ecological services will become extremely vulnerable and will lose out. It therefore in the interest of any city, state or country that wishes to continue to be competitive and provide for the well-being of its population to act first and act boldly.” Personal Footprint Enter your information and complete the following information:

7. If everyone lived like me, we would need ______planet Earth’s to provide enough resources.

8. Ecological footprint breakdown:

Services ______% Food ______% Shelter______% Mobility ______% Goods______% Create pie chart to demonstrate percentages →

9. To support my lifestyle, it takes ______global acres of the Earth’s productive area and generates ______tons of carbon dioxide.

Clear your information and re-enter the information as if you were a “caveman.” You live in a small home, eat only local food you find or catch, you use no electricity or powered mode of transportation. And complete the following information:

10. If everyone lived like me, we would need ______planet Earth’s to provide enough resources.

11. Ecological footprint breakdown:

Services ______% Food ______% Shelter______% Mobility ______% Goods______% Create pie chart to demonstrate percentages →

12. To support my lifestyle, it takes ______global acres of the Earth’s productive area and generates ______tons of carbon dioxide.

Create a “FOOT” to display your actual and “caveman” ecological footprints. Your footprint must include:  Your pie chart and the number of Earth’s you require.  Your caveman’s pie chart and the number of Earth’s he/she requires.  At least one thing you can do to reduce your footprint. Ecological Footprint Answers Overview 1. how fast we consume resources and generate waste compared to how fast nature can absorb our waste and generate new resources. 2. one year and four months 3. 2030 4. the amount of carbon (usually in tonnes) being emitted by an activity or organization. 5. translates the amount of carbon dioxide into the amount of productive land and sea area required to sequester carbon dioxide emissions. This tells us the demand on the planet that results from burning fossil fuels.