Inter-Club Council MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk) 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)

Agenda for Regular Meeting Monday, November 3, 2008

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Inter-Club Council meet, commencing at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, November 3, 2008 in Room 130 MVC, and room, 1111, SJC The starting time listed for the meeting is approximate. Public testimony will be invited in conjunction with discussion on each item.

I. Opening of Meeting A. Call to Order B. Roll Call

President – Sarah Welton Eco Club- Annabel Halford Advisor- Nick Reeves Puente Club- Marisol Riestra Carlos Jimenez Claudia Tamayo Advisor- Miranda Angeles Transfer Club- Anita Botello-Santoyo Swans Club- Terri Ellis AAUW Club- Anita Botello-Santoyo Phi Theta Kappa Club- Deena Ramberg Oswalbo Dias Advisors: ChristinaYamanaka Upward Bound Club-Lisa Chisholm Culture Club- Daysi Torres Ceramics Club- Myrna James Human Resource Club- Amnesty International Club- CDE- Heidy Marlowe Anime Club- Eddi Sheldrake Delta Epsilon Chi- Miguel Sarasa Psychology--

2. Review and Approval of ICC Meeting Agenda m. motion passed

3. Review and Approval of the ICC Minutes from the 27th m. motion passed

2. Reports

A. Executive Reports

B. ASB Advisor Reports

Inter-Club Council MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk) 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)

C. Representatives Reports

3. Information Items a. Meetings for ICC are now on 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. b. Eco Club beach clean-up on November 15th from 12pm to 3pm at 235 S. Tremont St. Oceanside CA 92054. c. The process of depositing money into club accounts presented by Andrew Ames.

4. Public Comment This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Inter-Club Council on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.

5. Discussion Items a. Phi Theta Kappa organizing a food drive in November. b. Action/Discussion Items for next week

7. Action Items

1. SWANS A. November 8th fund raiser Yard-Sale on the MVC campus parking lot to raise funds for Camp Del Corazon.

m. motion passed

8. Adjournment

m. motion passed

The next scheduled meeting will be November 17, 2008. The time will be from 10:00 A.M to 11:00 A.M. Inter-Club Council MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk) 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)