PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman) D E Atterbury N B Bedder J Brown S R Brown S Coombe W B Coupe R Davies I A Hayes D Knaggs J Knaggs K Knaggs D Maguire B J Seaton C A Wooding

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk 3 Members of the Public 2 Members of the Police

APOLOGIES: P S Harley, D J Hill, A Patel, CPSO Harkerat Sanghera ********************************************************************************* 1. Election of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office

It was proposed and seconded that Councillor M D Lowe is Chairman of the Parish Council. Resolved: Councillor Lowe is elected Chairman of Thurmaston Parish Council.

2. To receive Apologies for Absence:

Councillor D J Hill, Councillor P S Harley, A Patel

Councillor Lowe reported that Councillor Aminesh Patel has not signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office which must be signed before the start of the first meeting in order to take up his position. It was proposed and seconded that the Council grants and extension to Councillor Patel and he is permitted to sign his Declaration before the next meeting of the Council on 9th June.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

3. Declaration of Interest (Personal and Prejudicial) in respect of items on this agenda None.

4. Election of Vice Chairman

1 It was proposed and seconded that Councillor D J Hill is Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Resolved: Councillor Hill is elected Vice Chairman of Thurmaston Parish

5. Election of Committees

The Clerk explained that copies of the Committee specifications were issued with agendas.

Resolved: Councillors selected their choice of committees

6. Election of Representatives on the following:

Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish Councils: Resolved: Chairman – Councillor Lowe and Councillor Hill.

Playing Fields Association (1): Resolved: The Chairman of the Parks Committee.

CPRE(1): Resolved: Chairman of the Environmental Committee.

7. Adoption of Standing Orders

With reference to Agenda Items 7, 8, 9, 10, the Clerk explained that links all documents were provided prior to the meeting for consideration. Hard copies of the documents are available at the meeting and in the Parish Office.

It was proposed and seconded that the Standing Orders are adopted. Resolved: the motion was carried.

8. Adoption of Financial Regulations

It was proposed and seconded that the Financial Regulations are adopted. Resolved: the motion was carried.

9. Adoption of The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Section 27(3) of the Localism Act provides for parish and town councils to adopt their District/Borough Council's code as their own as a means of satisfying the requirement that their Code complies with the requirements in the order)

It was proposed and seconded that the Local Authorities Code of Conduct is adopted. Resolved: the motion was carried.

10. Adoption of the following Council Policies and Documents:

2  Health and Safety Policy  Press Policy  Equal Opportunities Policy  Green Housekeeping Policy  Statement of Internal Controls  Risk Management Policy  Committee Remit’s and Delegated Powers  Supervision Policy  Community Engagement Strategy  No Smoking Policy  Staffing Polices including Discipline and Grievance, Wage Review, Pension Policy, Interview Policy and Recruitment Policy and Procedure, Employee Handbook and internet User Policy.

It was proposed and seconded that policies listed above are adopted. Resolved: the motion was carried.

11. Requests for Dispensations Requests received in respect of the setting the councils precept (where without the dispensation the number of persons prohibited from participating would be so great a proportion of the Council as to impede the transaction of the business).

It was proposed and seconded that he Council grants dispensations to the following Councillors in respect of discussing the Parish Precept during the current term of Council.

D Atterbury, J Brown, S R Brown, S A Coombe, N Bedder, D J Hill, K Knaggs, M D Lowe, D Maguire, W B Coupe, I Hayes, C Wooding, B J Seaton.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

12. Authorised signatures on cheques: (minimum of 2 Councillors + Clerk/Deputy Clerk)

It was proposed and seconded that the signatories continue as previously arrangements.

Resolved: Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council, P S Harley, S R Brown the Clerk or Deputy Clerk.

The Chairman thanked all present for attending and closed the meeting.

3 Confirmed and signed this day of 2015



PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman) D E Atterbury N B Bedder J Brown S R Brown S Coombe W B Coupe R Davies I A Hayes D Knaggs J Knaggs K Knaggs D Maguire B J Seaton C A Wooding

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk 3 Members of the Public 2 Members of the Police

APOLOGIES: P S Harley, D J Hill, A Patel, CPSO Harkerat ***************************************************************************************** Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all to the May meeting of the Council.

1. To Receive Apologies for Absence:

Councillors: D J Hill, P S Harley, A Patel Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the Council.

2. Disclosures of Interest (in respect of items on this Agenda):

Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor D Atterbury declared an interest concerning the British Legion.

Councillor S Coombe declared an interest concerning Thurmaston Events Team.

Councillor B J Seaton declared an interest in any business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor K Knaggs declared an interest in any business concerning Leicestershire County Council.

3. To receive Reports from the Police

Copies of the Police Report were issued to all Councillors.

4. Co-option of Councillor

5 The Clerk explained that there is currently one vacancy on the North Ward, and in accordance with s21 Representation of the People Act 1985, there is no statutory requirement to give public notice of vacancies which remain unfilled after an ordinary election. The Council has received an application from Mr M Brookes, who has recently been successfully elected as a Borough Councillor for Thurmaston. Letter as follows:

Dear Thurmaston Parish Council I would like to apply to fill the vacant seat on the parish council following the recent election. I am a local resident of Thurmaston actively involved in local groups and just been lucky enough to be elected on to Charnwood Borough Council. To represent the local residents I feel I will be an asset to the parish council. Best regards Matthew Brooke's.

Councillor Coombe supported Mr. Brooke’s application, explaining that he has been very actively involved with the Thurmaston Events Team working for the benefit of the community.

Councillor Kate Knaggs supported Mr. Brooke’s application, explaining that it was Important that Borough Councillors should also be members of the Parish Council.

It was proposed and seconded that Mr Brookes is co-opted to fill the vacant position of Councillor on the North Ward. Resolved: the motion was carried.

5. Questions from Councillors: in accordance with standing order number 27, A Councillor may seek to answer a question concerning any business of the Council provided (7) clear days’ notice of the question has been given to the Proper Officer. None.

6. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Full Parish Council Pages 197 – 203 Tuesday 14th April 2015. (make corrections amendments) to be signed by the Chairman enc).

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

7. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

6 Held on Tuesday 14th April 2015.

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

8. Approval of Accounts (monthly expenditure list)

Expenditure: The Deputy Clerk presented cheque no’s 110665 - 10688 for invoices and petty cash and direct debits totalling £65,782.99.

Income: The Deputy Clerk presented income reports for April.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the accounts. Resolved: The motion was carried

9. To confirm and sign the minutes of the following Committee Meetings

Pages 204 – 208 minutes of the meeting of the H&S and HR Committee 21.04.15 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Page 209 - 212 minutes of the meeting of Env. Committee 28.04.15 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

10. Public Participation - Maximum of 15 Minutes (Meeting adjourned)

Mr. M. Westwood – Thurmaston Times Explained that Councillors Photographs and contact details will appear in the next edition of the Thurmaston Times and asked Councillors to contact him in the event of any amendments.

11. Completion and Submission of Register of Interest and Councillor details forms

The Clerk asked Councillors to complete their Councillor Detail forms and Register of Members Interest. Names addresses will be displayed on the Council website and contact details will be published in Thurmaston Times.

12. Correspondence

7 Letter from Leicester City Council Submission of the Leicester Community Infrastructure Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate for examination Under the requirements of regulation 19 paragraph 3( c ) of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations (as amended) you are being notified of the following. On the 8th May 2015, Leicester City Council formally submitted the draft charging schedule along all associated evidence to the Planning Inspectorate in preparation for examination by an independent inspector. All submission documentation can be viewed at all customer service centres and libraries within Leicester and on the internet at http://www.leicester.gov.uk/your-council/policies-plans-and- srategies/planning-and-development/community-infrastructure-levy If you have any further questions or enquiries you can contact planning policy using the above contact information.

Letter from Roundhill Academy The Annual Presentation Evening at The Roundhill Academy The Roundhill Academy believes that young people achieve, perform and behave so much better when rewards and praise are used. To this end the school holds an annual presentation evening where the achievements of our students are celebrated. This has become a highlight of our school year. The event has grown to include a musical performance. Every year we have been honoured by the presence of the Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Charnwood who join parents of the prize winners, governors and staff, both teaching and non-teaching. This year’s event takes place on Thursday 25th June 2015.

I would like to thank you for your kind sponsorship last year and I am writing to ask you if you would like to again join the group of locally based businesses who annually sponsor the children and this event. Last year your generous donation sponsored our Citizenship Award. All sponsors are listed in the Presentation Evening programme which is given to parents, governors and staff. They also receive a message of thanks on our website and in our school newsletter, which goes to every child in the school and those in our local primary schools. Publicity of the event in the press also includes the names of our sponsors. Representatives from the sponsoring companies are invited to the evening and pre-programme refreshments with the local dignitaries. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council donates £100 to Sponsor the Citizenship Award. Resolved: the motion was carried.

8 Letter from Special Needs Children – Families and Carers Group Dear Thurmaston Parish Council We would like to say thank you for the donation of £80 towards our fundraising for our Children with Special Needs Parents and Carers Group. Your kindness is much appreciated. Yours sincerely Sandra Coombe and Amy Dye

13. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors (for information only)

The Clerk The Clerk reported that Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils will be running various Councillor Training Sessions during June at various locations. The Clerk issued copies of the training sessions asked Councillors to let her know if they would like to attend as soon as possible in order to secure a place as there is a high demand for the courses. Additionally there is Chairman’s Training Course on 3rd June.

The Deputy Clerk Reported that she will forward copies of the Annual Year End accounts to all members shortly and asked Councillors to contact her with any questions or queries.

Councillor D Knaggs Noted information recently received from LCC concerning the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s Electoral review of Leicestershire County Council. Councillors Knaggs reminded Councillors that Thurmaston is still the smallest ward with approx. 7,500 electorate, and suggested that consideration may be given to moving the electoral ward boundaries to create more equally sized wards and that careful consideration should be given to the pending significant increase of new homes.

Councillor B J Seaton Re-iterated that careful consideration should be given to the proposals within the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s Electoral review of Leicestershire County Council.

Councillor Seaton also stated that Council receipts associated to the pending new homes may not be paid to the Borough Council as the new area could be managed by a Trust.

12. To receive Reports from Borough Councillors and the County Councillor (for information only)

Councillor Kate Knaggs gave a report on matters relating to Leicestershire County Council.

9 Councillor Seaton gave a report on matters relating to Charnwood Borough Council.

Chairman Councillor Lowe thanked all present for attending the meeting.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2015



PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman) D Maguire S Coombe J Knaggs

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk PC Ian Munday, PCSO Joe Freeman

1. Election of Temporary Chairman It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Lowe chairs the meeting. Resolved: the motion was carried.

2. Election of Committee Chairman

It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Seaton is re-elected as Chair of the Environmental Committee. Resolved: the motion was carried.

3. To receive and accept apologies for absence Councillors: D Atterbury, I Hayes, K Knaggs, D J Hill, B J Seaton Resolved: the reason given for apologies were approved.

4. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures and nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda. Councillor Lowe declared an interest in Planning Applications being a member of CBC Plans Committee.

5. Car Cruising Meetings – Thurmaston Shopping Centre - PC Ian Mundy

At the last meeting of the committee, Councillor Lowe expressed concern about organised car cruising who regularly congregate in the car park of McDonalds on Tuesday evenings. Councillors have received complaints about cars speeding in and around the shopping centre and on the Highway, and witnessed cars racing on the A607. Additionally, complaints have been received about noise nuisance from loud exhausts and loud music. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Police.

Reply from PC Ian Mundy as follows: Email 1: We are aware of the issues and are attempting to deal with them but with little help or support from the managing agent of the retail park, I have spoken with them on a number of occasions suggesting ideas of ways that we can block off large sections of the retail park when the shops are closed which in turn will stop the car cruisers. I have suggested that barriers be put in place during closing hours, humps be placed in the road which in turn will stop them attending as people who attend the car cruise generally lower their cars so

11 would not want to go over the humps just in case it causes damage to the vehicle. I am aware that we have a small car cruise on a Tuesday evening but we are also getting a larger number of car cruisers turning up adhoc Saturdays, these are a group called Underground Cars and can be followed on Facebook. We have liaised with the people who run this but they generally tell us the day of the event so am unable to put things in place to stop it, also I have spoken with McDonalds who have told me that when Saturdays car cruise is taking place they are informed 1 month before the event takes place but again will not assist police by letting me know dates etc. I am trying my best to sort this issue but as you can appreciate that we are attending and when in attendance people are generally well behaved but I believe the issues are when we have to leave that complaints come in. I would support any assistance the council can give me to try and put some pressure on the owners of the retail park to assist me in sorting this so the retail park can be used by the residents of Thurmaston. I am planning to drop in and speak with the owner again to see if we can come to some sort of agreement and I will of course let you know when this has happened and what the outcome is.

Email 2: from PC Ian Mundy Just to make you aware that I have been and spoken with Hughie Murphy and made him aware of the issues in relation to the car cruise, he has stated that he is willing to look at bollards on the retail park to stop the people meeting on the car parks of an evening. I have made him aware that you will be writing him a letter in relation to this issue and he is willing to support us in this issue.

Reply: from: Mr H Murphy Further to our meeting earlier, there are 4 bollards in the roadway to the M&S etc. car park. APB (James Phillips copied) will arrange for these to be served, and we can allow the police to operate these after store closing on days when there is a rally to block this area off. Unfortunately we can’t realistically do anything about the rest of the car park, and the McDonalds section and Dunelm area next to it are let to those tenants respectively and so are not in our control. Once all cars had left after a rally the bollards should be dropped so that occupiers and customers are not inconvenienced. We will have to strictly enforce this and remove the ability bollards if this happens. James will be in touch to discuss the finer details. PC Ian Munday explained that there are currently two groups meeting at the Shopping centre in Mc Donald’s /Dunelm car park. There is a smaller group who meet every Tuesday evening and a large group called Underground cars who meet at various locations for planned events. According the groups Facebook site, there is a large meeting, with over 2000 invited, planned for 31st May. The venue for the meeting could be Thurmaston shopping Centre, however, the Police do not have confirmation. PC Mundy explained that the Police are on standby and the Road Policing Unit. Additionally, |Mr H Murphy has agreed to block off the road from the zebra crossing, additionally, ASDA have agreed to close their carpark. With the proposed measures in place, it is likely that the event would have to cancel.

It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk writes to Mr. Murphy, Dunelm and

12 explaining that the Parish Council has received complaints from residents about the regular meetings of car cruisers at the shopping centre. We have received complaints about noise from exhausts and load music and cars speeding on the carriageways. We would like to request your support for the Police and the Parish Council in in our efforts to deter the meetings. We would appreciate your co-operation with the Police initiatives and investigation of ideas of ways of blocking sections of the retail park when the shops are closed which in turn will stop the car cruisers. We are aware that Police have suggested that barriers be put in place during closing hours, humps be placed in the road which in turn will stop them attending. Your Co-operation and assistance would d be much appreciated. Resolved: the motion was carried.

6. Street Lighting - Cllr S Coombe

Councillor Sandra Coombe reported as follows: Street Lighting. - Harkett came to see me this week and we were talking about Street lighting he says he has a report which he has passed on to Kate as he has patrolled the areas and recommended certain areas which have no lighting at all and definitely need some lights switching back on and found other areas where all the lights are on, some of these could be switched off. Burglaries are on the increase but this cannot be proven to coincide with the light switch off. I did suggest maybe Mick could do an article in Thurmaston times asking people to report attempted burglaries even if the person has been disturbed. Lady who had her car petrol tank tampered with in Clayton Drive said she knows other people have had problems but because culprits get away they do not report the incidents. My daughters neighbour had an attempted burglary where culprit was hiding behind her shed which she did not know about, my daughter said she would ring the police neighbour said no as no one around, suddenly burglar came from behind the shed pushed the elderly neighbour to one side, my daughter chased him at the same time as ringing the police. People need to know it is worth ringing to get correct statistics which may help some areas have odd lights switched on again, as these incidents happening during the times when the lights are switched off. Cllr Coombe expressed particular concerns about Maple Road, Manor Road and Nursery Close, where there are a number of elderly residents.

Councillor Janet Knaggs explained that Councillor Kate Knaggs CC, has specifically reported the areas listed. Additionally, the lighting scheme will be reviewed and consideration will be given to providing LCD lighting.

7. The Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of Leicestershire

The Clerk explained that the Electoral Review of Leicestershire County Council will draw new county division boundaries across Leicestershire.

13 The Commission has announced that 55 County Councillors should be elected to the council in future: the same as the current arrangements. The consultation is asking for evidence about your local area to help decide a new pattern of electoral divisions for Leicestershire County Council. The consultation will end on 21 July 2015.

Councillors discussed the proposals and were in support of the current arrangement with Thurmaston retaining a County Councillor. In view of the impending sustainable urban extension up to 4,500 new homes, the provision of County Councillor support required for Thurmaston will potentially increase significantly. It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk submits the above response to the consultation. Resolved: the motion was carried.

8. Planning Applications

P/15/0615/2 67 Lonsdale Road, Thurmaston, Two storey side extension to dwelling; Councillors considered the application and noted objections submitted from neighbours that the proposed extension would be over dominant and result in the loss of daylight for neighbouring properties. It was proposed and seconded that the Council objects to tis applicant in support of residents’ concerns. Resolved: the motion was carried.

9. Highway Maintenance Issues

The following issues have been reported and acknowledged following the last meeting of the committee:  The hedge bordering Barkby Thorpe Lane from Inglenook mobile Home Park to the railway bridge is overgrown and the ditch is littered with fast food cartons and general litter.  Following the recent pruning of the hedge on the corner of Wayside Drive, tree cuttings have been left on the verge. Additionally, a tree stump has been lifted leaving a hole in the verge.  Highway Road – There is a crack in the road, near to the bus stop.

With reference to the above issues, reply received on 8th May as follows: The above matters have been passed to the Highway inspector who will visit the respective sites within the next 14 days.

New Issues: Councillor reported the following matters:

14  Overgrown hedges Barkby Thorpe Lane near Bishop Ellis School  Overgrown hedges Wayside Drive  Recent repair to a crack in the surface on Lonsdale Road has been completed with tarmac and Council feel that the repair is insufficiently robust for the heavy traffic buses and HGV s using Lonsdale Road.

10. Correspondence

CPRE Monday 22nd June - Notice of AGM CPRE – Branch News Spring 2015

11. Health & Safety no issues raised.

12. Reports and Requests for Agenda Items - None

13. Date of next meeting

Confirmed and signed this day of 2015



Present: Councillors: D J Hill (Chairman) S Coombe B J Seaton C A WoodingJ Knaggs M D Lowe K Knaggs

Also Present: The Clerk, Deputy Clerk, 3 members of the public

1. Election of Chairman

It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Hill is chairman of the Leisure Centre and Parks Committee. Resolved: the motion was carried.

2. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence

15 Cllrs. D J Knaggs Resolved: reasons submitted for apologies were approved by the Committee.

3. Disclosures of Interest – To receive disclosures and the nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Wooding expressed an interest any business concerning Silverdale Park.

4. Updates – The Clerk

106 Funding Bid Proposal: At the last meeting of the committee, the Clerk reported that there is 90K from various developments in the Parish, predominantly in the Dales area and Councillors agreed to include the following projects within the bid for 106 funding;

Proposed funding bid inclusions to date: Silverdale Park:  P J Brooks New entrance: £ 6,420.00  MUGA – Streetscape/P J Brooks £33,814.00  Picnic Benches x 2 Play Leisure £ 996.00  Fence to border access footpath £ 1,812.00 Total: £43,042.00

The Clerk reported that she has received a reply from the Borough Council confirming that the projects meet the criteria for the funding in principle, and questioning whether the parish council would be making a contribution. The Clerk replied that he Parish Council does not have any additional funding towards the proposed projects.

Solar Panels – Absolute Project complete – 22 panels installed.

Groundsman’s Office/ New Store The new store is complete.

5. Electrical Completion Certificate and Gromit - Thurmaston Bowls Club - Councillor D J Hill

Councillor Hill noted that the Bowls Club has not provided an Electrical Safety Completion Certificate for the work carried out on the Bowls Pavilion. Also a Gromit for the distribution board is missing. Attention to these matters is required urgently.

It was proposed and seconded that he Clerk writes to the Bowls requesting urgent attention to these matters. Resolved: the motion was carried

16 6. Playground Inspections – Checkland Road Estate - Councillor Seaton

Councillor Seaton had suggested that the Council’s Grounds Staff take over responsibility of inspecting the play equipment on the play area in the Checkland Road estate which belongs to Metropolitan Homes. The Clerk reported that the Groundsman visited the Playground to assess the area and has reported that the playground is in a very poor state of repair. The fencing is broken, gate hanging, grass overgrown and the area is covered in broken glass. All parish parks are litter picked daily and the Groundsman estimated this would take approximately 20 mins per day including inspection once a week. The Parish Council staff are insured to work on Council property only. Councillor Seaton clarified that the Play equipment would be replaced with new equipment pending availability of grant funding. A funding bid for £70K grant funding has been submitted.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council staff do not take on responsibility for this play area. Resolved: the motion was carried.

7. Park Issues

8. Correspondence None.

Thurmaston Magpies Letter requesting a reduction in pitch hire fees for the next twelve months. Also suggesting that a Saturday Team may wish to commence next year after the under 18s team finish.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council does not offer a discount this year. The Council has suffered funding cuts and there is not sufficient provision within the Council’s budget to support discounts this year. However, there is small pot of grant funding available and they are welcome to submit an application for a grant of up to £50. With reference to the proposed Saturday Team, Councillors agreed to this request however, consideration needs to be given to availability of facilities within the Centre during weddings and large functions. We could not guarantee sufficient parking provision or availability of the bar facility. The changing rooms will be available, however access may be restricted to the back doors during functions. Resolved: the motion was carried.

9. Health and Safety - no issues raised.

10. Reports and requests for Agenda Items - none

17 11. Date of Next Meeting – 30th June 2015

Confirmed and signed this day of 2015
