
Energy Types

What is Energy?

Energy makes ______change (solids, liquids, gases) or ______.

______moves cars along the road or boats over the water.

 Energy bakes a cake in the oven and keeps ice frozen in the freezer. It runs radios and I- Pods that play our favorite songs and lights our homes in the dark.

 Energy makes our ______grow and allows our ______to think.

Definition: ______.

What does capacity mean?

What is a system?

What is work? Work is done when a ______moves an ______(force x ______)

 People have learned how to ______energy from one ______to another so that ______can be made ______, and people can live more comfortably.

Forms of Energy

 Energy is found in ______forms such as light, heat, sound, chemical, electrical, and gravitational.

 ______energy is in ______just waiting to be used. Many things start out having potential energy, and then once they begin to move, the energy becomes ______.

 Kinetic energy is being used as an object is in ______.  ______heated from lightning to ______degrees has kinetic energy.

 ______of water moving in a wave have kinetic energy,

PE to KE

A bow in an arrow gains ______when you pull back on the string and ______the bow. When you release the arrow the potential ______to kinetic energy.

When the arrow hits the target, the ______you used to pull the string drives the arrow into the target.

Chemical Energy

• Chemical energy is that part of the energy in a ______that can be released by a chemical ______.

• This is actually the most ______kind of energy and people use it all the time, even if they don't realize it.

• Chemical energy is ______in the ______that make up food, fuel and other ______. The food you eat gives chemical energy which allows you to walk, run and move.


Electrical Energy

 the movement of ______particles, negative (-) and positive (+). It can come from ______or power plants and it can also be found in ______. Power plants use ______to make electricity which is then sent to homes and businesses through ______.

 delivered by tiny charged ______called ______, typically moving through a wire. ______is an example of electrical energy in ______, so powerful that it is not confined to a wire.

Light Energy

Electromagnetic energy that travels in waves.  includes visible light and invisible (to our eyes). Light from any source including the sun are examples of light energy. The sun is the largest source of light energy in our solar system.

Video Notes ______


 The ______energy that comes from the ______and ______of particles.

 Temperature ______the kinetic energy of the ______of a substance.


 Energy from the sun. This energy drives the ______and ______and ______virtually all life on Earth.

 Solar energy can be “stored” in solar ______.

 Solar power is used synonymously with solar energy or more specifically to refer to the ______of sunlight into electricity.

Gravitational Energy

 A form of potential energy of ______or ______.

 Examples: A rock on top of a hill.

 ______, such as water in a ______behind a dam is also an example of gravitational potential energy.

Sound Energy

 The movement of energy through substances in ______waves. Sound is produced when a ______causes an object or ______to ______.

 Energy is transferred through the substance in a ______. A person’s voice is an example of sound energy.

Energy Changes

Transfer: To ______something to a different place. Transformed : ______or ______

Energy is ______from one place to another.

Energy is ______from one form to another.

Law of Conservation of Energy: Energy is not ______nor ______… it is simply ______or transformed to a different ______or ______.

Matter is anything that has ______and takes up ______.

There are 3 types of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Law of conservation of Matter:

Matter is neither ______nor destroyed… matter simply changes it’s ______(phase).