Beowulf A new verse translation by Seamus Heaney

Study Guide

PART II: Beowulf and Grendel’s Mother (Abridged)

Lines 1251-2119

 damascened- decorated with wavy patterns of inlay or etching  sept-a division of a tribe  felicity- great happiness, bliss  alacrity-eagerness; speed, quickness  gannet-large sea bird  hanker-crave, have a longing for

Literary Devices:

 kennings  alliteration

Study Questions:

1. Who attacks Heorot? Why? 2. Who is killed during the attack? What position did he hold? 3. What did the attacker steal? 4. Describe the place where Grendel and his mother dwell. 5. What comment does Beowulf make regarding the heroic code? 6. What is special about Beowulf’s armor? 7. What did Unferth allow Beowulf to borrow? What special attribute did it possess? 8. How did Unferth lose his fame and repute? 9. What request does Beowulf make in the event that he does not survive? 10. Describe Beowulf’s confrontation with Grendel’s mother. Be specific. 11. Why does Beowulf behead Grendel’s corpse? 12. Why do Hrothgar and the Shieldings abandon the clifftop? 13. Why did Beowulf take so little of the treasure? 14. How many men did it take to carry Grendel’s head? 15. What does Beowulf present to Hrothgar? 16. What was engraved on the hilt? 17. How is Heremod contrasted with Beowulf? 18. What happens to man when his soul guard slumbers? How does power corrupt?

1 19. What warning does Hrothgar give Beowulf? What happened when Hrothgar became complacent? 20. What foreboding does Hrothgar have? 21. How is Beowulf received when he returns home? 22. What new information regarding the confrontations with Grendel and Grendel’s mother does Beowulf relate? 23. What purpose does the retelling of the stories of Grendel and Grendel’s mother serve for the poet? 24. What does Beowulf do with his treasure? What was your reaction to this? 25. How does the poet believe a kinsman should act? 26. How is Beowulf’s behavior exemplary? 27. Why had Beowulf been poorly regarded for a long time?