CURRICULUM VITAE Name (Family name, Christian names) VIERROS, Marja Kaisa Date and place of birth January 20th, 1974 Vantaa, Finland

Education Master of Arts, Institutum Classicum, University of Helsinki, December 19, 2000.

Posts and positions Lecturer, Languages and Culture of Antiquity, Aug 1, 2003–Jul 31, 2005 Department of History, University of Oulu

Researcher, project ‘Ancient and Medieval Greek Documents, Archives, Jan 1, 2001–Jul 31, 2002 and Libraries’ (Center of Excellence of the Academy of Finland) dir. Prof. Jaakko Frösén

Research Assistant in the above-mentioned project Jan 1–Dec 31, 2000

Research Assistant, project ‘Contacts and Identity in the Balkans’ Aug 1–Dec 31, 1999 dir. Prof. Jouko Lindstedt.

Research Assistant, Papyrus Project, dir. Prof. Jaakko Frösén Jun 1, 1998–Jan 31, 1999 Dec 1, 1997– Mar 31,1998 October 1996

Grants Graduate School post in Center of Excellence ‘Ancient Greek Written Sources’ Aug 1, 2006–Jul 31, 2009 Emil Aaltonen Foundation, research grant (for doctor’s dissertation) Aug 1, 2005–Jul 31, 2006 Aug 1, 2002–Jul 31, 2003

PUBLICATIONS ’31. Donation’ in J. Frösén – A. Arjava – M. Buchholz – T. Gagos (eds.), The Petra Papyri III. (forthcoming) ‘ Greek or Egyptian? The language choice in Ptolemaic documents from Pathyris’ Actes de Colloque international “Thèbes et sa région aux époques hellénistique, romaine et byzantine”, Bruxelles. Papyrologica Bruxellensia. (forthcoming) ’The Language of Hermias, an Egyptian Notary from Pathyris (c. 100 B.C.)’ in Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Wien, 22.-28. Juli 2001. Hg. von Bernhard Palme. Papyrologica Vindobonensia 1. Wien, 2007. ’Everything is Relative. The Relative Clause Constructions of an Egyptian Scribe Writing Greek’ In L. Pietilä- Castrén & M. Vesterinen (eds.), Grapta Poikila I. Papers and monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens vol. VIII, 13–23. Helsinki 2003. Rankinen, T. & Vierros, M. ’3–5. Introduction: Requests for transfer of taxation’ In The Petra Papyri I. Edited by J. Frösén, A. Arjava and M. Lehtinen, with contributions by Z. T. Fiema, C. A. Kuehn, T. Purola, T. Rankinen, M. Vesterinen and M. Vierros. American Center of Oriental Research, Amman 2002. P. 73–81. ’3. Request for transfer of taxation’ In The Petra Papyri I (see above), 83–86. ’5. Request for transfer of taxation’ In The Petra Papyri I (see above), 91–93.