Define the Problem What is the problem? Specific details of the problem? Statistics at Baldwin.

Why is it a real problem? Why is this an issue that Baldwin has that others may not have. How does this issue harm teachers or students? How does it affect how the school runs?

Why hasn’t Baldwin solved this issue yet? Why is this a rule at Baldwin? What do you think Baldwin gains by allowing this issue to continue as is? Show that you understand the issue.

Baldwin without this issue? If this problem didn’t exist here, how would Baldwin be better?

Rules/Laws Is having this issue at Baldwin breaking any laws? Think about Moral Laws…does the issue go against morality?

Solutions What are some real solutions that can solve this problem? Go into detail about your solution! Do other places have this issue? How do they deal with it?

Problems with your solutions? What might other people think could be a problem with your idea? How can you fight those thoughts?

Other places (Schools/communities) Do other schools have this issue? Do they have rules that stop the issue? Do they have a better approach? Why is their way better? Why might we be the only place that has this issue?

Call to action What are the next steps to solving this problem? Give your audience a real plan that they could follow! Remind them of how and why your issue is so important.