International Symposium on Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering
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International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Prof. K.S. Verma Patron ISRTEC-2012 Director
I am very happy to note that Department of Electronics Engineering of the institute is organizing International Symposium on Resent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ISRTEC-2012). The recent researches made by Professors/ Scholars of IIT’s, NIT’s and other state technical universities would be a virtual feast for new thought in the respective domains. It would be our proud privilege, indeed, to share their perspectives for future industrial, social and academic benefits.
It will, hopefully, provide fresh and incisive vision and add a new fillip to the process of production in the country and abroad. New chapter of knowledge would, I believe, set promising trends to the on going researches in the field of academia on such broad canvas and vast scales.
I want to thank the Organizing team for publishing Souvenir on this glorious occasion.
I wish it all success.
Prof. K.S. Verma International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Dr. R. K. Singh Organizing Head,
Message It is a historic day in the history of the institute that the department of Electronics Engineering is going to organize a two day International Symposium on Resent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering.
As knowledge is continuous learning process and Engineering is practical applications of scientific facts in an economical way and also with the proliferation of technology, role of symposium, seminar and workshops have become multifold. I pray to, GOD, to give major success for this conference. I also hope that by such activities we / KNIT will go on the path of glory. Lastly I want to remember few lines of “GITANJALI” by Dr. Rabindra Nath Tagore
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Dr. R.K.Singh International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Prof. S.P. Gangwar , Organizing Secretary
Message On behalf of organizing committee of ISRTEC 2012, it is my great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all of you at KNIT Sultanpur. I would like to express my thanks to all authors for their outstanding contributions and in particular the reviewers for their competent evaluation of the large number of submissions. Likewise I would also like to express my appreciation to the organizing committee, as well as to the invited chairs for their careful preparation of the invited sessions. We have received about 150 research papers in both the stipulated domains for the symposium. Researchers not only from all over the country but also from the abroad have sent in their contributions/significant research papers for presentations. It would be our proud privilege, indeed, to share their experiences and views for future social, industrial and academic benefits.
The successful organization of symposium has required the talents, dedication and time of many volunteers and strong support from faculty members. I want to thank the publication team which is going to publish the souvenir on the glorious occasion.
I wish them all success.
Prof . S.P. Gangwar International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh Convenor ISRTEC-2012 Assistant Professor Electronics Department
Message It gives me great pleasure to launch this Souvenir of the International Symposium on Resent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ISRTEC-2012). This symposium attempts to document and spark a debate on the research focused on recent trends in context of emerging technologies. The key focus would, however, be the emerging sectors and researches which have bearings on application and usability in socio-consumer contexts at individual and industrial level. The selected papers have been very carefully put together covering a wide range of technologies in the domain of, , Digital Electronics, Signal & Image Processing, Embedded System, VLSI Design, Telemetry & Optical Communication, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, Microwave, Radar, Antenna and Information & Network Security etc.
I hope the deliberation would set up many new milestones. We have had an overwhelming response from very eminent academicians and researchers globally for this conference. I am looking forward to making this endeavor quite meaningful and relevant for our times
I would like to thank our Director sir, for giving me this responsibility. My thanks are also due to the editorial team-members, reviewers, core team and student volunteers who have helped me in making the Symposium a reality.
Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” About ISRTEC-2012
International Symposium on “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication (ISRTEC-2012)” will be a major forum for researchers and professionals to present their latest research, results, and new ideas in all areas of not only Electronics & Communication Engineering but also Instrumentation, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. ISRTEC-2012 aims to strengthen relations among the electronics industries, the power industries, the research laboratories, and the technical institutions. Acceptances are based primarily on originality and contribution. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur
Initially established as the Faculty of Technology in Kamla Nehru Institute of Science and Technology, Sultanpur in the year 1976 by Kamla Nehru Memorial Trust, this institute was taken over by the Government of Uttar Pradesh in 1979 with a view to develop a full- fledged engineering institute in the Eastern U.P. region better known as Avadh. Later, in the year 1983 it was registered as a separate society and renamed as Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur.
The Institute is one of the leading technical institutions of the region and is responsible for producing top-grade engineers with skill sets comparable with the best in the world. It also renders the testing and consultancy services to the neighbouring industries and various other agencies. The institute is presently an autonomous institute and it is affiliated to G.B. Technical University (Formerly U.P.T.U.), Lucknow, India.
The institute offers B.Tech. and M.Tech. courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology disciplines in addition to M.C.A. course as well. Moreover, it offers Ph.D. in the aforesaid disciplines and also in Applied Science and Humanities. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” Organizing Committee
Chief Patron
Dr. R.K. Khandal
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, GBTU, Lucknow
Prof. K.S. Verma
Director, KNIT Sultanpur
Organizing Head
Prof. R.K. Singh
Prof. A.K. Singh Prof. Y. K. Mishra
Co Coordinators
Prof. Rakesh.Kr Singh Prof. Ashok Kumar
Organizing Secretary
Prof. S. P. Gangwar
Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” Programme at a Glance
Day-1: 08 November, 2012
09:00-09:30 Registration 09.30-10.30 Inaugural by Chief Guest: Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, G B Technical University, Lucknow 10.30-11.30 High Tea 11.30-12.30 Key note address 12.30-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.15 Session 1 15.15-15.30 Tea 15.30-16.45 Session 2 20.30-21.30 Conference Dinner Day-2: 09 November, 2012
9.30-10.00 Registration 10.00-11.15 Session 3 11.15-11.30 Tea 11.30-12.45 Session 4 12.45-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 Valedictory Session & Certificate Distribution 15.00-15.30 High Tea International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
The Analysis of 8051 Microcontroller Using Tanner Tools(v12.5) Vijay Kumar Ram, Prof. (Dr.) S. Sarkar Asstt. Prof. Mayank Kumar Rai Director of SEE Thaper Univ. Patiala, CCS Uni.Meerut, Shobhit Uni.Meerut
Abstract: - In this paper we have studied the performance and design of 8051 Microcontroller, using Tanner Tools(v12.5),Xilinx(6.1i),Modelsim(SE-5.4a) and Project Navigator. We have simulated the model in VHDL Codel also. We have designed the Schematic and Layout of 8051 microcontroller, using tanner Tools(v12.5) and 0.5 sub micron Technology. We have also done the transient Analysis and DC analysis of above mentioned components using Tanner Tools(v12.5).
Image Segmentation to segment the left ventricle from the Cardiac MRI using seeded region growing algorithm Snehal Veer, VIT College, Pune , India, [email protected]
Abstract:- Image and video segmentation is a fundamental task in many computer vision applications. In this paper, we propose an algorithm, which segment the left ventricle from the Cardiac MRI and extract the clinically relevant parameters capable of determining normal and abnormal heart. The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and the result demonstrates that the algorithm is robust, satisfying and work well for images.
SECURITY SYSTEM THROUGH SENSOR INTEGRATED WITH ANDROID MOBILE DEVICES Richa Singh, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amity University Lucknow, Mrs. Parul Yadav, Faculty of Amity University, Lucknow
Abstract:- In this paper we are going to present how we can improve security levels of our residence by using phone gap technology. The main purpose is to allow only authorized person to enter in our home and if that person is unauthorized then an alarm will be sent to user's device. This is accomplished by using two android phone devices one at home and another one is operated by user. A sensor at home side is also connected through which home device will get the notification to make available camera of that device and all the data is International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
collected on that home device database. For the face recognition we have used the Principal Component Analysis Mathematical tool.
A New Generation Grid Solver Robot System for Object Picking using Shortest Path Abhinav saxena1, Ankita Saxena2 1Department of Electronics and Communication, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, 2Department of Computer Science, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology and Science,
Abstract :-After doing the work for long hours human workers are tired, and have their energy exhausted. Due to this they are not able to give their full output. Some time industries may face a problem of some iterative work and they appoint worker for that work, it increases overall cost of industry product. So it is a big problem at industrial level. This Paper is based on our major project Grid solver and Object picker Robot that is based on 8 bit Microcontroller ATMEGA 32. This Robot follows the black line which is drawn over the white surface. The sensors are used to sense the line. When the light signal falls on the white surface, it gets reflected and if it falls on the black surface, it is not reflected, this principle is used to scan the Lines for the Robot. All the above systems are controlled by the Microcontroller. Our robot traverses entire Grid in a defined manner until it detects any object in its way and if it detects any object, it grabs that object into the grabbers and takes it to the start location via a shortest path from that location. we are calculating the shortest path in terms of number of hops or nodes traverses by the robot for this purpose we are implementing a counter which keeps the track of number of nodes traverses, which in turn helps our robot to take the desired shortest path efficiently.
Shivani Godara, Rajeev Gupta Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- Biometrics is the science of verifying the identity of an individual through physiological measurements or behavioral traits. Since biometric identifiers are associated permanently with the user they are more reliable than token or knowledge based authentication methods. Among all the biometric modalities, iris has emerged as a popular choice due to its variability, stability and security. In this paper, we are presenting the various iris recognition techniques and its learning algorithm with neural network. Implementation of various techniques can be standardized on dedicated architectures and learning algorithm. HSOM, which is based on hamming distance, has improved accuracy over LSOM. SANN model is more suitable in measuring the shape similarity, while cascaded FFBPNN are more reliable and efficient method for iris recognition.
SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ON SPREAD SEPTRUM COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUE VIA NARROWBAND INTERFERENCE Sweta Srivastav, Gaurav Srivastava , Ramesh Mishra ,IET Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad
Abstract:- This paper uses peak to peak average correlation value , probability of bit error and percent jammer removed to examine the performance of a DEF. The peak to average value correlation value provides insight into the success of acquisition process . Jamming scenarios are used using continuous wave pulse wave and broadband noise jammer with DEF excision threshold .the extension of this paper was achieved by providing probability of bit error .The DEF effectively rejected all of the jammers except the broadband noise jammers. In scenarios other than the broadband noise jammer ,the DEF removed over 98% of power .The bit rate error shows the DEF significantly enhanced the performance of the simulated DS BPSK system in extreme jamming environments .
EFFICIENT METHOD FOR DIFFERENT SIZE OF REGION OF INTEREST CODING IN JPEG2000 Radhika Senjaliya, Dharti Domdiya Department of Electronics and Communication R.K. University, Kasturbadham Rajkot, Gujrat,India International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- JPEG2000 is based on wavelet compression and provides the potential for numerous advantages over the existing JPEG standard. Performance gains include improved compression efficiency at low bit rates or for large images. Multiresolution representation, scalability and editing, lossy to lossless progression, region-of-interest (ROI) coding, error resilience, idem potency to multiple compression cycles, and a rich file format. This all are expected results from JPEG 2000. The JPEG2000 standard defines two methods for region of interest (ROI) coding, the maximum shift and the general scaling. In the maximum shift method, an ROI can have any shape that does not need to be transmitted to the decoder, but does not have the flexibility to select an arbitrary scaling value to compromise the ROI quality compared with the background. The general scaling based method supports any scaling value providing the user/application with the ability to control ROI and background qualities, but it limits the choice of the ROI shape and needs ROI shape coding.
Performance Evolution of Optimal PI Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in a DC Electric Drive System 1Deepti Singh, 2Brijesh Singh, 3Surya Prakash and 4S.K. Sinha, 1MNNIT Allahabad, 2IIT BHU Varanasi, 3,4KNIT Sultanpur
Abstract:- This paper presents a framework to carry out a simulation of Simulink model of dc drive system to optimize the controller gains for known inputs. The objective is to find the optimal controller gain (proportional and integral) in a closed loop system. The optimization results have been obtained by three algorithms. These algorithms are gradient descent, pattern search and simplex search based optimization algorithm. The uncertainties of parameters have been also included with the case study. These uncertainties are Monte Carlo (random) and grid type uncertainty. The study has been conducted on a model of three phase converter controlled direct current (DC) drive with current control strategy. The results show a comparison between proposed two algorithms with uncertainty. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF AODV AND ZRP USING OPNET SIMULATOR AND EXATA EMULATOR Virendra Singh Kushwaha, Gaurav Sharma Department of Computer Science Hindustan Institute of Management and GLA University, Mathura, INDIA
Abstract:- Mobile Ad hoc protocols ZRP and AODV are two important protocols. Both have own properties and characteristics. Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network without infrastructure. Self- configurability and easy deployment feature of the MANET resulted in numerous applications in this modern era. Efficient routing protocols will make MANETs reliable. The characteristics of selforganization and wireless medium make Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) easy to set up and thus attractive to users. The open and dynamic operational environment of MANET makes it easy to handle and operate. The purpose of this paper is to introduce basic difference ZRP and AODV under two different simulators.
QUANTUM EFFECTS INVESTIGATION IN 20 NM GATE UNDERLAP SOI MOSFET FOR MILLIMETER WAVE APPLICATIONS 1Indra Vijay Singh, 1M.S. Alam and 2G.A. Armstrong 1Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 2Semiconductor and Nano Center, Queen’s University of Belfast, U.K.
Abstract: This paper presents the investigation of quantum effects of 20nm gate underlap Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) MOSFETs for 60 GHz applications. At optimized spacer s = 0.8×LG with doping gradient d = 5nm/decade, DC and AC performances of the device have been investigated with and without incorporation of quantum effects. After incorporation of quantum effects, at 60 GHz the device current gain, unilateral gain (ULG) and device intrinsic gain are found 50 dB, 70 dB and 36dB, respectively at power consumption 0.6 mW. All these parameters have been extracted using Silvaco (ATLAS) device simulator. The average 75% performance of device has been increased after incorporating quantum effects (density gradient) model. Although simulated result for current gain nearly 25% higher than measured data (gate length LG = 20nm) whereas for transit frequency fT is differ (>13%). However, these comparisons with limited measured data suggest the possibility of use of this device technology in the design of key blocks like low noise amplifier LNA and mixer for millimeter-wave (mm-w) applications (60 GHz). International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Fire Zone control In Waste Incineration Plants Using Fuzzy Logic Application In Industrial Automation Dr.Ramesh Patnaik1, Prof Rajesh kanuganti*2,
1Department of Instrument Technology, Andhra University A.U.C.E, Visakhapatnam, #2 Assistant Professor,Institute of Technology & sciences Khammam, A.P,INDIA
Abstract:- In this paper, we explain recent application using fire zone control in waste incineration plants using fuzzy logic in industrial automation. This application used the so-called "fuzzyPLC", an innovative hardware platform that merges fuzzy logic and traditional automation techniques. Following a quick overview on the fuzzyPLC, we discuss the applications and focus on how fuzzy logic enabled a superior solution compared to conventional techniques. Whenever possible, we quantify the benefit in cost saving or quality improvement. For detailed information on the reviewed applications, the respective papers are referenced.
CYBER SECURITY: A MODEL FOR PROTECTING THE NETWORK Prasanna M. Rathod M.E. (CSE) HVPM’s COET, Amravati SGBAU, Amravati Abstract:-Network security is a complicated subject, historically only tackled by well-trained and experienced experts. However, as more and more people become ``wired'', an increasing number of people need to understand the basics of security in a networked world. Does security provide some very basic protections that we are naive to believe that we don't need. During this time when the Internet provides essential communication between tens of millions of people and is being increasingly used as a tool for commerce, security becomes a tremendously important issue to deal with. There are many aspects to security and many applications, Ranging from secure commerce and payments to private Communications and protecting passwords. Within the context of any application-to-application communication, there are some specific security requirements. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ON SPREAD SEPTRUM COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUE VIA NARROWBAND INTERFERENCE Sweta Srivastav , Gaurav Srivastava , Ramesh Mishra, IET Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad
Abstract:-This paper uses peak to peak average correlation value , probability of bit error and percent jammer removed to examine the performance of a DEF. The peak to average value correlation value provides insight into the success of acquisition process. Jamming scenarios are used using continuous wave pulse wave and broadband noise jammer with DEF excision threshold .the extension of this paper was achieved by providing probability of bit error .The DEF effectively rejected all of the jammers except the broadband noise jammers. In scenarios other than the broadband noise jammer ,the DEF removed over 98% of power .The bit rate error shows the DEF significantly enhanced the performance of the simulated DS BPSK system in extreme jamming environments .The DAE is shown to be a viable ,robust option to remove narrowband interference from the GPS signal .
NEW CONCEPTS FOR DC TO DC CONVERETERS Sweta Srivastav, Department of Electronics And Communication IET Dr R M L Avadh University Faizabad
Abstract:-This paper basically gives the basic features of a dc to dc converter, a brief idea of its designing and characteristics are discussed. The digital and Analog methods both are considered, their merits and demerits and results are discussed in brief. Various passive components are used and practiced to design the circuit .The basic converter topologies are well discussed in a comparison form.
NANO MEDICAN AN APPLICATION OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY Aravind kumar , Sarath sivan,Balasubramanian, Fatima Michael College Of Engineering And Technology Madurai Tamil Nadu International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- The video capsule is specifically designed to view the inner lining of the Esophagus. The capsule is equipped with miniature cameras on both ends and is about the size of a multi-vitamin, which can be swallowed easily. Three sensor arrays are strategically placed on the patient’s chest and connected to a data recorder, worn on a belt around the waist. The patient swallows the capsule lying down, and is then raised in a series of inclinations over a total of 5 minutes. The PillCam ESO travels through the esophagus by normal peristaltic waves, flashing 14 times per second, each time capturing images of the inner lining of the esophagus. As it continues down the esophagus, the images captured may identify potential abnormalities, such as Esophagitis – which is inflammation of the lining of the esophagus often caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. Severity of symptoms is measured by a Grading system, and in severe cases, esophageal ulcers can appear. Images captured by the PillCam ESO may also identify symptoms of Barrett's Esophagus, which occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth in the lower esophagus. Columnar cells, typically found in the lining of the stomach, replace the squamous cells in the lining of the esophagus, which can lead to a cancerous condition. During this five-minute procedure, the PillCam ESO captures images, which are transmitted to the sensor arrays.
Dual Frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Applications Nikhil Kumar Gupta 1 , Vipul chadha 2 1([email protected], Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering 2([email protected], Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering
Abstract:- To establish a direct line of sight high gain data communication, we propose a wideband microstrip patch antenna design. Purpose of this paper is to introduce the techniques to improve the narrow bandwidth limitation of microstrip antenna by dual frequency antenna. We have design a two microstrip antenna operating with dual frequency one with 2.42 GHz and 3.22 GHz so that we can send signal at any of frequency using single antenna and other antenna with 2.4 GHz and at 2.48 GHz sharing common bandwidth. We design using IE3D Simulation software.
Design and implementation of a single Instruction and multiple execution streams using high Performance VLIW International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract: - Modern FPGA chips, with their larger memory capacity and re- configurability potential, are opening new frontiers in rapid prototyping of embedded systems. With the advent of high density FPGAs it is now possible to implement a high performance VLIW processor core in an FPGA. Architecture based on Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are an optimal choice in the attempt to obtain high performance level in embedded system. Very long instruction word or VLIW refers to a processor architecture designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). Whereas conventional processors mostly only allow programs that specify instructions to be executed one after another, a VLIW processor allows programs that can explicitly specify instructions to be executed at the same time (i.e. in parallel). This type of processor architecture is intended to allow higher performance without the Inherent complexity of some other approaches.
Overview of Diversity Combining Techniques & Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Communication
Dharmraj, Scientist ‘E’ , Joint Director, Defence R&D Orgn, CEMILAC, Regional Centre for Military Airworthiness, Lucknow. Dr. Himanshu Katiyar, HOD, Department of Electronincs and Communication Engg, BBD University, Lucknow. Ashutosh Rastogi, Department of Electronincs and Communication Engg, BBD ESGI, Lucknow.
Abstract:- High data rate and large coverage area are the main challenges for future wireless communication systems. Mobile communicators are required to be power efficient and should have proper bandwidth utilization. They should have capability to mitigate macroscopic and microscopic fading. Diversity techniques achieved through multi-antenna systems installed at transmitter/receiver help in combating multipath fading. The multiple copies of signals received through different diversity path are combined by appropriate combining techniques. Recently cooperative communication has become of great interest among researcher because it eliminates multi-antenna systems and International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
uses a technique in which multiple nodes share their antennas and spectrum to combat multi-path fading. In this paper we will study multi-path fading channel parameters, classification of fading channels and various diversity techniques for mitigating the effect of multi-path fading.
Reactive Power Compensation Using Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) with 48 Voltage Source Converter
Neeru Devi*1, Vinesh Agarwal 2,Chandra Prakash Jain3, Shruti jain 4 1,M. Tech Power system, Electrical Engg. Deptt. Institute of technology & Management, Bhilwara 2 Asst. Prof., Electrical Engg Institute of technology & Management, Bhilwara 3 TECHNO INDIA NJR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 4. M. Tech Power system, Electrical Engg. Deptt. Institute of technology & Management, Bhilwara
Abstract— The paper describes the simulation of IPFC( Interline Power Flow Controller) for two transmission lines is also done using MATLAB, Simulink where real power flow between the lines is equalized by transferring power demand from overloaded to under loaded line. It is also used to compensate against resistive line voltage drops and the corresponding reactive power demand..In this paper 48-Pulse GTO Based Voltage-Sourced Converter is used The paper designs and models the complete IPFC is able to carry out an overall active and reactive power compensation of the total transmission system. This ability of IPFC makes it possible to compensate both active and reactive power flow between the lines, transfer power from overloaded line to under-loaded line, transfer the power between lines according to load requirements and to increase the efficiency of the compensating system against dynamic disturbances.
User Cooperation in Downlink of TDMA Cellular System under Interference-Limited AF Relaying Himanshu Katiyar, Akanksha Agarwal and Rajeev Singh Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India-227105. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:-Cooperative diversity is a transmission technique, where multiple terminals, relay the copies of transmitted information to the destination such that each copy experiences different channel fading, hence increasing the diversity of the system. However spectral efficiency of such system suffers due to the half-duplex nature of relay terminals. In this paper we consider the cooperative transmission in downlink of a TDMA cellular system. To improve spectral efficiency, spatially distributed relay terminals, assist the user terminals by reuse of the relay time slot via simultaneous transmissions. Data rate suffers due to interfering power received by each destination terminals, which is adjusted in order to limit the outage probability or maximize the throughput. Performance of cooperative transmission is also compared with non- cooperative transmission.
Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Mesh Networks Rajeev Singh, Himanshu Katiyar and Akanksha Agarwal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India-227105
Abstract: The mesh network is a asymmetrical topology in which the node degree depends on its location. Interprocessor communication performance depends on the location of Source and destination. The channels near the center of the mesh experience higher traffic density than those on the periphery. In this paper, the address of source nodes (xi, yi) and destination nodes (xj, yj) are generated by Residue Method. And for a cell transmission source address is equalized to its destination address. For this two Routing strategies are used at different clock cycles and at different Buffer size. Comparisons are also done considering under different buffer sizes, Network sizes and Arbitration Policies.
Influence of mobility models in performance evaluation of MANET routing protocols Kirti Jain, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari Department of Electronics and Communication, J.K.Institute of applied physics and Technology University of Allahabad, India
Abstract:- A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a selfconfiguring network of mobile nodes connected by wireless links to form an arbitrary topology without the use of existing infrastructure. Battlefields, disaster relief activities, International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
underdeveloped territories, classrooms are a few scenarios where MANET can be used. Ensuring effective routing is one of the major challenges in adhoc networks. To thoroughly and systematically study the Mobile Ad hoc Networks, it is important to study its routing protocol and evaluate its protocol performance. In this paper, we have studied the effects of two totally different mobility models on the performance of three popularly used routing protocols Dynamic Source Routing (DSR-Reactive Protocol) and Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV-Proactive Protocol) and AODV.
Development Of Efficient Image Compression Techniques Using Wavelet Transforms With Predictive Coding Abhishek Kumar, Anurag Kumar Tiwari Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kanpur Institute of Technology Kanpur Abstract:- The future of healthcare delivery systems and tale medical applications will undergo a radical change due to the developments in wearable technologies, medical sensors, mobile computing and communication techniques. E-health was born with the integration of networks and telecommunications when dealing with applications of collecting, sorting and transferring medical data from distant locations for performing remote medical collaborations and diagnosis. Healthcare systems in recent years rely on images acquired in two dimensional (2D) domains in the case of still images, or three dimensional (3D) domains for volumetric images or video sequences. Images are acquired with many modalities including X-ray, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed axial tomography (CAT) and ultrasound.
Anurag Kumar Tiwari Abhishek Kumar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Kanpur Institute of Technology and Management Kanpur (U.P
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the evolution of a new multiple access technique called the Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC- CDMA). In recent years, there is much interesting in orthogonal frequency International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
division multiplexing (OFDM), which can provide the high frequency bandwidth efficiency and combat the inter-symbol interference (ISI). Based on a combination of CDMA and OFDM techniques , multi-carrier code division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) appears to be one of most suitable multiple access techniques for supporting multimedia services in future mobile radio communications. A comparison is presented between the three proposed MC- CDMA technique and DS-CDMA.
Image Compression Based On Wavelets With Fractal Compression Code
Akanksha Srivastava Abhishek Kumar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology Kanpur Institute of Technology
Abstract:- This paper proposes to design a code and encoder that compresses a RGB image using fractal compression algorithm and Haar wavelet transform. This region-based fractal order utilizes the region edge map encoding scheme for resulting partition. In color quantization a true color image is transformed into a color-mapped image consisting of K carefully selected representative colors. The goal of this quantization is to discard information, which is not visually significant.
Chandarani Sutar1, Dr. K. S. Verma2, Dr. Ajay Shekhar Pandey3, and S.P. Singh4 1RRSIMT, Amethi 2,3,4 KNIT Sultanpur
Abstract:—This paper proposes a vision of next-generation monitoring, analysis, and control functions for tomorrow’s smart power system control centers. A smart Grid uses two way digital communications with advanced sensors to collect and analyze data for transforming the existing electric grid into intelligent, dynamic self-healing, self optimizing transmission and distribution grid. Because critical grid events often require real-time recognition International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
and real time response. A smart grid uses IP-based, open standard, intelligent communication to measure real-time events such as congestion, system stability, equipment performance, outages and demand response events. The synchrophasor technology which is accurate, high resolution and real-time monitoring of actual system conditions in wide area. Using PSAT Software the proposed methods has been verified, compared and studied which incorporated elapsed time, speed, observability of buses in whole system for optimal placement.
Designing Of Fractal Shaped End Coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter Ms Gurpreet Kaur Kohli1 & Ms Pravesh Singh 2 , 1Student of M.Tech ECE , KIET , Ghaziabad 2 Department of ECE , KIET
Abstract:- Filters are the key elements of telecommunications and radar systems and are important items in the performance and cost of such system . There are various tpes of Fractal shaped but in this paper the Koch Fractal shaped is used to design a Microstrip End Coupled Half-wavelength Bandpass Filters is simulate. The proposed filter having an center frequency of 2.02 GHz with the Return Loss is 2.434db and Insertion loss is 18.83.The frequency bands development in microwave filter, plays a major role in many RF or microwave applications.
Domestic Power Distribution SystemIssues, Challenges and sustainable solutions Er. Pankaj Sharma, Student, M.Tech. (Power System), Indian Institute of Technology-BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA.
Abstract:— Electric power, being the ultimate need of any working electrical system is required everywhere. But presently domestic power system is facing difficulties. Despite have so much of accurate measuring instruments, we are still lagging in our domestic level as far as metering is concerned. Power theft has been a threat since inception of power sector. This paper focuses on this rarely touched aspect of domestic power system.
Design & Implementation of Systolic Array Architecture Sweta Singh+and N B Singh‡ +Worked for M Tech(VLSI Design) Banasthali Vidyapeeth. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
‡Scientist, MEMS Design, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani
Abstract :-The paper describes the implementation of 2-D systolic array matrix multiplier architecture in RTL using one dimensional array to target the design on a appropriate FPGA/PROM/CPLD devices. It also discusses the digital realisation of a binary multiplier. The system development started with top- down planning approach and the blocks were designed using bottom-up implementation. The programs were written, simulated and synthesized using Mentor Graphics tools, ModelSim and Leonardo Spectrum. Results are presented in the paper. The design presented in the paper is an integral part of the higher level efficient systolic architecture.
Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Indian Competitive Electricity Markets and Future Perspectives N. K. Sharma*#1, P.K. Tiwar*#2, #Research Scholar, Y. R. Sood Professor& Dean (R&C), EED National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (H.P.) - India
Abstract:- Renewable energy development is of great importance from the point of view of long term energy supply security, decentralization of energy supply particularly for the benefit of the rural population, environmental benefits and sustainability in competitive power market also. India is on the path of rapid economic growth along with speedy overall development; simultaneously it has to face the global threat of climate change. India has a vast supply of renewable energy resources, and it has one of the largest programs in the world for deploying renewable energy based products and systems. These technologies have long been recognized as an important part of the solution to address energy security concerns and ensure economic growth in an environment friendly manner. India had cross 25 GW milestone installed grid connected renewable energy capacity. For renewable development in India, the renewable energy program has been in existence for more than three decades, but a market for renewable energy technologies still need to be exists. The country is aiming to achieve up to 20% of additional installed capacity to be set up till 2020 to come from RES. In this paper, efforts have been made to summarize the availability, current status, environmental effects, promotion policies and future potential & strategies of renewable energy options in Indian competitive electricity market. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS OF POWER CONSUMPTION IN OFDM SYSTEMS Krishna Kumar Pandey1, Uma Rathore Bhatt2, Raksha Upadhyay3 Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University, Indore(M.P.) India
Abstract:-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique has received a great attention and has been widely used in the wireless communication systems for its high spectrum efficiency and robustness to the narrowband interference and multipath fading. OFDM can provide enormous data rates with sufficient robustness to radio channel impairments. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is one of the multi-carrier modulation (MCM) techniques that transmit signals through multiple carriers. The energy efficiency of various OFDM systems, such as optical, mobile, Wireless and WiMaX systems, has been analyzed in this paper.
Microstrip Line Inset Fed Rectangular Patch with Notch Loaded Ashish Singh, J. A. Ansari, Kamakshi, Anurag Mishra, Mohd. Anessh Department of Electronics and Communication, University of Allahabad
Abstract:- Antenna is achieved by inset fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna with parasitic Element. It is analyzed by using circuit theory concept in which theoretical result is compared with IE3D simulation. It is found that, the bandwidth of lower and upper resonance frequency of simulated result are 5.01% and 2.46 %, whereas for theoretical result are 7.01 % and 2.68 % respectively. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL IDMA BY USING DIFFERENT TYPES OF PHOTODETECTOR Ankit Kumar Patel, Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. KNIPSS Engineering College Sultanpur, India. Rajeev k. Srivastava, Ajay Kumar Maurya Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Abstract:- This paper is concerned with the comparative performance analysis of optical IDMA system by using Avalanche photodetector. This paper International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
compares the performance to optical IDMA by using PIN photo detector. In this thesis, simulation of optical IDMA is based on B.E.R performance with respect to the number of simulation user, B.E.R performance with variation in data length. In this paper, we compare the performance of IDMA by using avalanche photodetector and IDMA by using PIN photodetector. This basic requirements for future optical 4G systems includes low receiver cost, simple treatment of ISI, cross cell interference mitigation, multimedia service, high user number and high Spectral efficiency.
Structural, Morphological and Electrical properties of e-beam deposited Tantalum Nitride Films: Effect of Nitrogen Flow rate
Abstract:- Owing to their high stability and excellent conductivity, Tantalum nitride has been widely used in many industrial applications, such as the barrier layer between Cu and Si or SiO2 hard coatings and thin film resistor because of such excellent properties as chemical inertness, hard material, corrosion resistance, thermal stability, and high resistivity. Recently, tantalum nitride has been used particularly in fabricating accurate thin film resistors for application in electronic and optical devices. The properties and crystal structures of tantalum nitride films are dependent on the deposition technique, deposition pressure, substrate material, and temperature. In this paper the effects of nitrogen flow rate (10sccm to 18sccm) on the structural, morphological and electrical properties of the tantalum nitride films deposited on Si/SiO2 (100) substrate by e-beam evaporation technique were presented.
Doping dependence structural, optical and magnetic properties of Cr- doped ZnO nanorods prepared by Microwave irradiation method Faheem Ahmed +, Nishat Arshi, M.S.Anwar, Rehan Danish and Bon Heun Koo School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon, Gyeongnam, 641-773, Republic of Korea. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- ZnO is a versatile semiconductor material, which has attracted attention for its wide range of applications, such as solar cells, luminescent, electrical and acoustic devices and chemical sensors. Growth of nanowires, nanorods and nanobelts has demonstrated that the high surface to volume ratio gives these nanostructures enhanced applications. A significant correlation between structural, optical, morphological and magnetic properties of microwave synthesized pure and Cr-doped ZnO nanorods have been investigated. The content of Cr ions was investigated by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and ICP-AES, which demonstrate that the Cr ions are uniformly doped in ZnO.
Room Temperature Oxygen Gas Sensor based on SnO2 Nanorods Rehan Danish*, Faheem Ahmed, Nishat Arshi, M.S.Anwar, and Bon Heun Koo, School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon, Gyeongnam, 641-773, Republic of Korea.
Abstract:- Semiconducting sensors offer an inexpensive and simple method for monitoring gases. Monitoring oxygen gas is an important issue in various fields such as the environment, transportation, medicine and agriculture. Growth of nanowires, nanorods and nanobelts has demonstrated that the high surface to volume ratio gives these nanostructures enhanced sensor qualities. Among wide band gap semiconductors, SnO2 has been predicted as a versatile semiconductor material, which has attracted attention for its wide range of applications, such as solar cells, transparent conducting electrode, flatpanel display, spintronics and chemical sensors. In this investigation we have used resistive sensor measurements regarding the oxygen gas sensitivity of SnO2 nanorods prepared by solution method. XRD results indicated that the SnO2 nanorods have single phase nature with rutile structure. FESEM micrographs suggested that the length and diameter of the rods is about ~300 nm and ~50 nm respectively. Room-temperature Photo-luminescence spectra showed the ultraviolet absorption bands and defect related bands. The gas-sensing properties of the nanorods for oxygen with different concentration were measured at room temperature. The nanorods exhibited high sensitivity and rapid response– recovery characteristics to oxygen gas and can detect low concentration as 1, 3, 5, and 10 ppm. (No. 2011-0030802 and No. 2010-3030080010)
Analysis of Microstrip Line Antenna for 2.4/5.2GHz Dual Band Operation International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
A. Ashish Singh, B. J.A. Asnari, C. Kamakshi, D. Mohd. Anessh, E. Anurag Mishra
Abstract:- In this paper, a dual frequency resonance antenna is achieved by F- shape microstrip line antenna. It is analyzed using circuit theory concept in which theoretical result is compared with IE3D simulation software and experimental result. It is found that, the bandwidth of lower and upper resonance frequency of simulated result are 20.08% and 5.93%, whereas for theoretical result are 17.05 % and 5.78 % respectively.
A Simulation study of the effect of dielectric constant and feed location on the rectangular Microstrip patch antenna parameters Reetika, Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University Faizabad, Rajesh Kr. Vishwakarma Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engg. JP Institute of Technology GUNA. K.K.Verma Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University Faizabad
Abstract:- In this paper, a rectangular micro-strip antenna for centre frequency of 3.0 GHz has been studied by IE3D simulation software in regard to the effect of dielectric constant of substrate material and feed location. The result shows that εr = 2.4-2.5 and feed location (5.3, 0) is the optimized conditions for getting the good micro-strip antenna having designed characteristics.
CURRENT CONTROL MODE OF BOOST CONVERTER Dhiman Banerjee EE.M.Tech from.Jalpaiguri Govt Engg College NIT Sikkim Ravangla,Sikkim, Sriparna Bhattacharya E,M.Tech from Jalpaiguri Govt Engg College Asst.Prof of Surendra Institute Of Engg&Management Siliguri,India
Abstract:- The aspects regarding control strategies for Power Factor Correction (PFC) converters are investigated. The major control technique to absorb sinusoidal input currents in boost PFC's are reviewed and analyzed. This paper focuses’ on modeling of peak current mode control of Boost converter for International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
power factor correction in continuous conduction mode at a constant switching frequency. This technique uses a current loop and a slope varying compensating ramp, with input and output feedback signals to archive unity power factor even at low output voltage and can be implemented with simple circuit solutions . CLEAN ENERGY WITH SMART GRID Anupama Yadav, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
Abstract:-This paper presents to exploit high percentage of clean energy and renewable resources and the implementation of the smart grids to smartly meet the existing and future demand. The system design has considered all possible energy sources, energy conversion efficiency, power demand, as well as environmental concerns.
A Novel Three Element Probe Feed Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Anshul Gupta1, Ravi Kumar Gangwar2, and S.P. Singh3 1,3Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
Abstract:—In this paper, wideband three element triangular dielectric resonator antenna (TDRA) with coaxial probe feed and their input characteristics, far field pattern in C-band of microwave frequencies using Ansoft HFSS simulation software is presented.
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Control: A Comparison with Conventional PI Scheme 1Anudesh Kumar, 2Surya Prakash and 3Brijesh Singh 1Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences- Allahabad 2 KNIT Sultanpur, 3 IIT BHU Varanasi
Abstract:—This paper deals with speed control of 3 phase Induction motor by using conventional PI controller and Intelligent Fuzzy logic controller. There are various speed control techniques for the induction motor like, direct torque International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
control, sensor less vector control and field oriented control. Field oriented control method is most efficient method for controlling the speed and torque of induction motor. Soft computing technique fuzzy logic is applied here for the speed control of 3 phase induction motor to achieve maximum torque with minimum loss. The simulation of induction motor is done with the help of MATLAB/ SIMULINK. Comparison of result of PI controller and fuzzy controller shows the superiority of fuzzy control technique over conventional PI one for complex and dynamic system.
Determination and Compensation of Transmission Bit-rate for Soliton Pulses in Optical Communication Networks
Ajeet Singh Verma1, A.K.Jaiswal2 & Mukesh Kumar3 R.K.Singh4, Santosh Kumar Srivastva5 Dept. of Electrnics & Comm. Engineering Kamla Nehru Institute of Techonology, Sultanpur, (U.P.), India.
Abstract:- We consider that, when a single soliton pulse is propagating over a long transmission distance, the pulse amplitude and timing are maintained since pulse propagation takes place within a bit pattern without any changes in its parameters. Furthermore, a single pulse travels without emitting any energy due to the exact balance between Kerr nonlinearity and the second-order nonlinear dispersion coefficient. In practice, however, certain physical processes (i.e. amplifier noise and chromatic dispersion) can remove this balance resulting in deterioration of the bit pattern when several soliton pulses are propagating closely following each other. In such cases it is important to maintain a safe distance between two consecutive soliton pulses to avoid any destructive interaction which may cause one pulse to shed its energy to another pulse producing destructive interference and the phenomenon known as soliton interaction.
Dispersion Management for a Multiwavelength Optical Fiber Communication Channel in WDM Networks Ajeet Singh Verma1, A.K.Jaiswal2 & Mukesh Kumar3 Dept. of Electrnics & R.K.Singh4, Santosh Kumar Srivastva5 Dept. of Electrnics & Comm. Engineering Kamla Nehru Institute of Techonology, Sultanpur, (U.P.), India. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- We proposed here a method for managing dispersion that combine two or more types of single mode fiber to produce the desired dispersion over the entire link span. The total dispersion can be set at virtually any value as the contributions from different components may have opposite signs (i.e. either positive or negative) and hence they can partially, or completely, cancel each other. Dispersion-compensating fibers can be either placed at one location or distributed along the length of the fiber link. In addition, lumped dispersion compensating devices, such as fiber gratings, can also be incorporated. Typically, dispersion management must consider single-mode fiber chromatic dispersion over a range of wavelengths. In particular, setting the total chromatic dispersion slightly above zero at all wavelengths help to avoid detrimental four- wave-mixing noise.
NEURAL NETWORKS AND IT’S APPLICATION IN MEDICINE Anil Kumar Singh1, Santosh Kr. Shrivastav2, Vinay Kumar Pandey3, SPMIT Allahabad
Abstract:- We consider that Neural Networks are used experimentally to model the human cardiovascular system. Diagnosis can be achieved by building a model of the cardiovascular system of an individual and comparing it with the real time physiological measurements taken from the patient. If this routine is carried out regularly, potential harmful medical conditions can be detected at an early stage and thus make the process of combating the disease much easier. This paper focuses on the Neural Network its implementation in the form of technological innovations for medicine.
Solution-Processed ZnO TFTs: A Comparative Study of Theoretical and Experimental Results Shaivalini Singh1,2 and P. Chakrabarti 1, 3* 1CRME, Dept. of Electronics Engg., IT-BHU,Varanasi-221005, INDIA 2Dept. of Electrcal Engg., IIT-Bombay,Powai, INDIA 1, 3*Director, Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, INDIA International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:- ZnO based bottom-gate thin film transistor (TFT) with SiO2 as insulating layer has been fabricated and characterized. The TFT exhibited a typical saturation current of 1.85×10-7A under a gate bias of 50V. The value of electron mobility and on/off current ratio extracted for the device, measured 2.41×10-4 cm2/V s and ~102 respectively. The value of threshold voltage was found to be 2.7 V. Simulation of this TFT is done by using the commercial software ATLASTM from Silvaco-International. The output and transfer characteristics of TFT were studied by simulation. A comparative study of experimental and theoretical results showed that the results of simulation were in good agreement with the experimentally measured values.
Analysis and Implementation of Image Steganographic Algorithms Radhey Shyam1 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRMGPC, Lucknow, Pooja Srivastava2 Department of Electronics & Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow, India
Abstract:— Steganography is the art of Data hiding information through original files in a manner that the existence of the message is unknown. In this paper, a new image steganographic scheme is proposed which is a kind of Spatial Domain Techniques. In order to hide secret data in cover-image, the last component alteration technique is used. Our interest is to produce an encrypted image with less MSE and high PSNR ratio. Instead of getting high distortion in images due to change in LSB of all components, we try to produce alteration of only one color component resulting in least distortion of encrypted image
A Survey of Wavelet-Domain Watermarking Techniques for Medical Images Mukul Salhotra, Shivam Maurya, Shashvat Jaiswal, Amit Kumar Singh Department of CSE/ICT, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh-India
Abstract:--As networking continues to grow exponentially, the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) can be obtained and reproduced easily. These threats create a high demand for a content protection technique such as digital watermarking; which is one of the most efficient ways International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
to protect the digital properties in recent years. Image watermarking techniques are frequently applied in the transform and spatial domains to achieve desired secure and robust protection. This paper provides an overview of the wavelet- based watermarking techniques available for medical images until now. In this paper the major methods have been analyzed along with their advantages & disadvantages.
Investigation Of Fluid Structure Interaction Of A Head Stack Assembly In A Hard Disk Drive Vipin kumar singh Department of Mechanical Engineering Kamla Nehru Institute Of Technology, Sultanpur U.P.(228118)
Abstract: An analysis of three-dimensional, unsteady flow field is conducted in a 3.5-in, 7200 rpm hard disk drive (HDD) using FLUENT software. The analysis is carried out for the head stack assembly (HSA) positioned at the outer diameter (OD). A finite element model (FEM) of the HSA, built in ANSYS, is used for the forced vibration analysis. The flow field analysis yields the aerodynamic forces and moments which are applied to the HSA FEM. The effects of a damper plate and arm holes introduced to the HSA design are investigated. The analysis shows that a damper plate attenuates the root mean square (RMS) of aerodynamic loads acting on the HSA, resulting in a significant reduction of off-track displacement of the heads.
Gabor Filter Realisation for use in Palmprint Recognition N K Mittal1, Mohd Ahmed2, Farha Naaz3 1Deptt of EC, Oriental Institute of Science &Technology, RGTU, Bhopal 2 Deptt of EC, Oriental Institute of Science &Technology, RGTU, Bhopal 3Deptt of EC, Oriental Institute of Science &Technology, RGTU, Bhopal
Abstract:- Accurate automatic personal identification is critical in a variety of applications in our electronically interconnected society. Biometrics, which refers to identification based on physical or behavioural characteristics, is being increasingly adopted to provide positive identification with a high degree of confidence. Gabor filter banks have been extensively used in biometric Technologies primarily for fingerprint recognition systems. This paper discusses the realisation, application and results of a Palmprint recognition system based on 2-D Gabor filter. International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Switched Capacitor Biquad Filter using CDTA (A Current Mode Implementation) 1Meeti and 2Indu Prabha Singh, 1KNIT Sultanpur and 2SRMCEM, Lucknow
Abstract:— A switched capacitor filters using current differencing trans- conductance amplifier (CDTA) is presented in this paper. The proposed circuit employs only one CDTA, two virtually grounded capacitors and one switched capacitor. It exhibits low-input and high-output impedances, which is suitable for cascading in current-mode operation. Both current as well as voltage mode inputs are possible. Output can also be voltage or current. Owing to its current mode operation it consumes less power. Furthermore, the instability problem found in op-amp based filters due to the presence of a resistor element is absent in the CDTA. PSPICE simulation results are used to verify the theoretical analysis. It also shows a good dynamic range.
WATERMARKING IMAGE AUTHENTICATION Sumeet Kaur BE-Electronics and Communication University Institute of Engineering and technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Abstract:- Watermarking data authentication is the modern approach to authenticate visual data by imperceptibly embedding a digital watermark signal on the data. Digital watermarking is the art and science of embedding copyright information in the original files. The information embedded is called ‘watermarks ‘. Digital watermarks are difficult to remove without noticeably degrading the content and are a covert means in situation where copyright fails to provide robustness. In this paper it is described that how an image can be authenticated, different techniques of authentication including Watermarking techniques, its elements, types, applications and advantages.
Influence of Firing Temperature on the properties of Palladium-doped SnO2 based Thick Film Gas Sensor International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Meenakshi Choudhary, V. N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi Centre for Research in Microelectronics, Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi
Abstract:- In the present work, the response of a set of three Pd-doped (1 wt%) SnO2 thick film sensors fired at different firing temperatures (700, 800 and 900 °C) have been studied. Thick films of Pd-doped SnO2 sensors have been fabricated on a 1˝ × 1˝ alumina substrate by using standard screen printing technique with different firing temperatures. Efforts have been made to study the effect of firing temperature (700, 800 and 900 °C) on Pd-doped SnO2 thick film sensor without and with the gas exposure of LPG, hydrogen and methane at different operating temperatures from 150 to 350 °C. Without the gas exposure, the thick films are showing reducing trend of resistance with increasing the temperature indicates semiconductor behaviour.
De-noising of Images Corrupted with Impulse Noise Using Artificial Neural Network Amar B. Chauhan1, 1 Network Engineer, CRIS (Center For Railway Information Systems) PRS-Building CSTM- Mumbai-01
Abstract:- An image gets corrupted with noise during the processes of acquisition, transmission, storage and retrieval, it becomes necessary to suppress the noise quite effectively without distorting the edges and the fine details in the image so that the filtered image becomes more useful for display and/or further processing. Image de-noising is done with both linear and nonlinear filtering. An artificial neural network is proposed that performs better than some existing methods. In this paper it is clearly indicate that the performance of ANN is quite good for impulse noise reduction at various noise densities. The network has been tested with other images including medical SPECT images. A comparison of this network with the other network shows that it gives a good de-noising result.
An Overview of Anti-windup Technique for Discrete Time Linear Systems with Input Saturation Vipin Chandra Pal EIC Deptt. AIET,City: Lucknow, India Ram Lautan EIC Deptt. AIET, City: Lucknow, India Nitin Kumar Sharma EIC Deptt. AIET, City: Lucknow, India Richa Negi Electrical Deptt. MNNIT, City: Allahabad, India International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:— in this paper we have present saturation non linearity that deteriorates the performance and study of anti-windup technique for discrete time linear systems subjected to input saturation. The anti-windup problem is formulated in discrete-time using a configuration which effectively decouples the nominal linear and nonlinear parts of a closed loop system with constrained plant inputs.
Issues of Security and Reliability in Telemedicine: Watermarking Algorithms for Medical Images Ram Lautan Department of Electronics Instrumentation & Control EngineeringAzad IET, Lucknow, UP,India Vikas Kumar Department of Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering Azad IET, Lucknow, UP,India Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh Department of Electronics Engineering K.N. I. T., Sultanpur,UP,India
Abstract :- Now a days healthcare infrastructure depends on Hospital Information Systems, Radiology Information Systems, Picture Archiving and Communication Systems as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data. Telemedicine is a collaborative paradigm of medical information systems and information technology, which is used to transfer of patient's medical data. This paper discusses the security and reliability in telemedicine and various proposed water marking algorithms of medical image.
Modeling and Design of Moment Method for Plane Circular Disk Praveen Kumar Malik[1] Harish Parthasarthy[2], M P Tripathi[3] [1] Mewar University, Rajasthan, [2] Electronics and Communication department, NSIT, New Delhi [3] Electronics and Communication department, M.A.I.T, Ghaziabad
Abstract:— This paper is presenting a new and efficient method for computing the charge and current distribution on a circular disk type surface. Integral equation is formulated for the circular loop geometry (taking into the account of Moment Method) to cast the equation for charge and current distribution. The International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
technique involves extension of the conventional Pocklington’s integral equation and the uses of antenna’s effective parameters. Paper consist of a transformation into a single integral equation, and then into a linear system of algebraic equation. Plot of the current distribution along the antenna are finally given and compared with conventional thin wire antenna using matrix inversion technique.
Newly Design for the Calculation of Vector Potential and Radiated Fields for Parabolic Reflector Antenna Praveen Kumar Malik[1] Harish Parthasarthy[2], M P Tripathi[3] [1] Mewar University, Rajasthan, [2] Electronics and Communication department, NSIT, New Delhi [3] Electronics and Communication department, M.A.I.T, Ghaziabad
Abstract:— Modern radio, wireless, satellite communication and radar systems often involve electrically large and arbitrarily shaped metallic surfaces, parabolic reflector. In modern era moment method, FDTD, integral equation etc methods are used to calculate the E and H fields for far field calculation. Here, a simple and effective method based on well known properties of infinitesimal area, vector potential and surface current density is derived. Using the conventional Maxwell’s equations further calculation of radiated fields E and H has been done.
Comparative Study of Average Received SNR of Different Combining Schemes Shivani Gupta Student, M.Tech(PT) Babu Banarasi Das University, Himanshu Katiyar HOD EC Babu Banarasi Das University
Abstract:— WIRELESS communication systems are severely affected by the multipath fading, resulting in degradation of their performance. Thus, fading compensation is typically required to mitigate the effects of multipath. To combat the multipath impairments, diversity combining, which combines multiple replicas of the received signal, is an efficient scheme. This paper presents the comparative study of average received SNR of four different combining schemes. A Rayleigh fading channel is assumed. Paper also discusses the effect of change in number of antennas on the average received International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
SNR. With increasing number of antennas the average received SNR increases following different relationships in different combining schemes.
Comparative Study of Selected Mapping and Partial Transmit Sequence for PAPR Reduction
POONAM PATHAK1, DR.R.K.SINGH2 1Asst. Professor and Head, Department of ECE BBDNIIT,Lucknow, 2Head, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.N.I.T. Sultanpur,
Abstract:— Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is an attractive technique for achieving high-bit rate wireless data transmission [1-2]. However, the potentially large peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of a multicarrier signal has limited its application. Selected mapping (SLM) and partial transmit sequence (PTS) are two existing distortion less peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes that have been proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)..
Introduction to Wind Power Farms: A recent key Issues, Challenges and opportunities 1Amrita Singh, 2B. Singh, and 3S. P. Singh 4Rishabh Dev Shukla 1,2,3Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur, 4MNNIT Allahabad
Abstract:--This paper presents a comprehensive literature survey on different issues such a voltage profile, minimize the real power losses, more flexible operation, better control and protections, improve the steady-state stability, improve the transient stability, and reactive power support, in wind power farms with different issues and challenges. It’s also survey on current status for enhancement of performance parameter of wind power farms. Authors strongly believe that this survey article will be very much useful to the researchers, practitioners, and scientific engineers for finding out the relevant references in the field of enhancement of performance parameter of wind power farms. This article is also presents the different control key issues and challenges in International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
regarding with the enhancement of performance parameters of wind power farms.
COMPARISION OF FULLY DEPLETED AND PARTIALLY DEPLETED SOI- MOSFET Ruchi Singh1, Pankaj Verma2 and Dr. R. K. Singh3 1,2, BBDNITM, Lucknow, 3 KNIT, SULTANPUR Abstract:-Investigation of characteristics of fully depleted and partially depleted SOI (silicon-on-insulator) MOSFET devices in order to compare their electrical characteristics was done and presented in this paper. The comparisons were focused on main electrical characteristics that are threshold voltage, Drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), Subthreshold slope, self heating effect, kink effect, floating body effect, short channel effect etc. Results were analyzed and presented to show that the electrical characteristics of fully-depleted SOI devices are better than that of bulk-Si devices. It has also shown that the fully- depleted SOI device is superior in the submicron region.
Ruchi Singh1, Pankaj Verma2 and Dr. R. K. Singh3 1,2, BBDNITM, Lucknow, 3 KNIT, SULTANPUR
Abstract:-In this paper the behavior of threshold voltage in SOI MOSFET is investigated. The major issue is the adjustment of the threshold voltage by varying the silicon film thickness, channel doping concentration, gate-oxide thickness, doping in the source and drain regions, gate and channel length etc. With varying all these parameters of original device we can design a new and improved device with the help of SILVACO TCAD software. This threshold voltage dependence is analyzed in the cases of Fully-depleted (FD) silicon-on- insulator (SOI) MOSFETs. It is noted that from varying above parameters the International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
threshold voltage can be reduced significantly and a new improved device is obtained.
Design Issues and challenges of Nanoscale MOSFETs
Md. Sanawer Alam Department of Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering, AIET, LucknowUP, India Dr. Rabindra Kumar Singh Department of Electronics Engineering, KNIT, Sultanpur, UP, INDIA
Abstract:- Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology scaling has been entered into nanometer regime, CMOS devices are facing many serious problems such as increased leakage currents, difficulty on increase of on-current, large parameter variations, low reliability and yield, increase in manufacturing cost, and etc. To sustain the historical improvements, various innovations in CMOS materials and device structures have been researched and introduced. In this paper, the current researches and challenges on nano-scaled devices are reviewed and critical tasks are summarized.
Design Issues on Error Resilient transmission of images & videos for wireless Sensor Network: MDC
Santosh Kumar Mishra Department of Electronics Engineering, AIET, Lucknow, UP, India Dr. Rabindra Kumar Singh Department of Electronics Engineering, KNIT, Sultanpur, UP, INDIA
Abstract:-Transmission of high definition (HD) images and videos over wireless channel require a error resilient coding which is scalable ,progressive and embedded. Transmission over wireless channels has to cope with the high probability and burstyness of errors introduced by Gaussian noise, linear International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
distortions, and fading. For such environment, Multi description coding (MDC) which incorporates error resilience is an important issue. In the first section the algorithms of Multiple description coding (MDC) based on the lower-tree wavelet (LTW) are studied, suitable for real-time applications of video delivery. These are based on different quantizers to the wavelet coefficients according to the quardtrees & the other is based on the structure unanimity of the two descriptions generated from wavelet coefficients according to the bit plane. In the second section Multiple description coding (MDC) algorithms based on poly-phase Sampling using SPIHT wavelet transform. And in the third section pixel interleaving MD image framework (A so-called Slepian-Wolf set partitioning in hierarchical tree SW-SPIHT).
Application of UPSC in Power System Network using MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment
Bindeshwar Singh, Suchita Mishra & S. P. Singh Department of Electrical Engineering Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
Abstract:-- This paper presents the application of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) in power system networks using MATLAB/SIMULINK environments for power control in power systems. Also this paper presents the current status on power flow control by UPFC in power systems. Authors strongly believe that this article will be very much useful to the researchers for finding out the relevant references in the field of the power flow control by UPFC for power flow control of power system.
Control of Three-Phase To Three-Phase Matrix Converter Using Carrier Based Scheme Mohd. Arif Khan, Akhilesh Kumar, Bindeshwar Singh, and Aanchal Baranwal Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad – 201206, INDIA International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
Abstract:— The matrix converter has several advantages over traditional rectifier-inverter type power frequency converters. It provides sinusoidal input and output waveforms, with minimal higher order harmonics and no sub harmonics; it has inherent bi-directional energy flow capability; the input power factor can be fully controlled. Last but not least, it has minimal energy storage requirements, which allows to get rid of bulky and lifetime limited energy storing capacitors. Various modulation schemes have been proposed for the control of matrix converters. In this paper a simplified carrier based modulation scheme is proposed where the need for sector information and corresponding look-up tables is avoided.
Application of Artificial Intelligence Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Fields: A Survey
Garima Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, B. Singh & S. P. Singh Department of Electrical Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of technology
Abstract:- This paper presents a comprehensive survey on applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computational Techniques for solving the different problems in Mechanical Engineering fields such as thermal engineering, manufacturing process, design of electrical machines, welding engineering etc. Authors strongly believe that this survey article will be very much useful for the researchers, practitioners, and scientific engineers to find out the relevant references in the field of applications of Artificial Intelligence Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering fields such as thermal engineering, manufacturing process, design of electrical machines, welding engineering etc.
Comparison of BER for BPSK & QAM modulation with Alamouti STBC Dr.Ramapati Mishra1, Varun Gangwar2, Sujeet Kumar Yadav 3,Ragib Khan4 1Director, CSMCET,Allahabad,2,3,4 ECE Department, IIMT, Meerut,
Abstract:- Wireless networks are now part of our everyday life, but suffers from limitations of capacity and range due to channel fading. Researchers have come out with the concept of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) concept to combat channel fading. The Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) is a MIMO International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
transmit strategy to exploit transmit diversity for high reliability in data transfers. In this paper, comparison of the error performance of various space- time block codes(STBC) for the quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels and with different modulation techniques such as BPSK, and QAM is done in MATLAB and analysed for performance according to their BER, it is observed that the slope of BER is steepening as Eb/N0 is increased. It is also observed that a higher order diversity is obtained with a larger number of transmit antennas, that is, the slope of BER curve steepens as the number of transmit antenna increases. From this it is confirmed that all space-time block codes achieve the maximum diversity order of NT.
Performance Analysis of Optical IDMA with “M-Ary PSK” as a Modulation Scheme ABHISHEK TRIPATHI Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi, India
Abstract:-A Modulation method can be thought of as a functional operator on the baseband signal. It is one of the most important signal processing operations that takes place in a communication system. In the recent past a number of researchers have shown that the different types of modulation techniques can be used for optimizing the performance of Optical IDMA based communication systems. In this proposed work the role of MPSK modulation scheme and its effect on the performance of Optical IDMA has been carried out. Simulation results shows that the OIDMA System performance can be improved in the extreme positive way by deploying the MPSK modulation scheme in the Optical IDMA.
Nidhi sharma , student of J.S.S Academy of Technology, Noida
Abstract—This paper presents a novel single-patch wide-band microstrip antenna : the E-shaped patch antenna. Two parallel slots are in corporated into the patch of a microstrip antenna to expand it bandwidth .The wide-band mechanism is explored International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
by investigating the behavior of the currents on the patch. The slot length, width , and position are optimized to achieve a wide bandwidth. The validity of the design concept is demonstrated by the examples with 21.2% bandwidth. Finally, a 30.3% E-shaped patch antenna, resonating at wireless communication frequencies of 1.5 Ghz , is designed, fabricated, and measured. The radiation pattern and directivity are also presented.
HVDC Technology and Its Present Aspects in Indian Power System: An Overview Shah Alam Malik*, Vikas Shukla* Ankit Kr. Pandey* A.S. Pandey** S.P.Singh** * M.Tech Student, ** Faculty, Deptt. Of Electrical KNIT Sultanpur
Abstract- These days Indian power system is becoming more complex and dynamic, so in context of reliability and operation it is necessary to employ different reliable tools and techniques regarding efficiency, cost and technical aspects. HVDC technology is such type of technology regarding transmission which was implemented in1989 but there is still much work to be done specially in area of future grid planning. Developments in the power electronics converter technology and control methodologies have been accelerated many folds in recent years and have made possible for the HVDC. This paper presents a broad review of introduction and various control technique analysis of HVDC technology. Also various projects under execution have also presented
Implementation of Artificial Neural Network in Power system and Microgrids: An overview Shah Alam Malik*, Vikas Shukla*, Ankit Kr. Pandey*, Prof. S. K. Sinha** * M.Tech Student, ** Faculty, Deptt. Of Electrical KNIT Sultanpur
Abstract—In the current power and energy scenario, distributed generation (DG) has created a lot of interest across the globe due to the growing concerns about environmental pollution and global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable DGs such as wind generators and solar photovoltaic are well recognized now-a-days as sources of clean energy. Instability in power system has always been International Symposium on “Resent Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering”
a serious problem in electricity networks accounting for the disruption, poor power quality and affecting the cost and productivity of power utilities and the consumers.