O Providing CUSU Training for New Faculty Reps

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O Providing CUSU Training for New Faculty Reps

Student Empowerment

Widening participation, supporting students to make change in faculties and enabling them to shape their own educational experience

My priorities will be:  Better use of faculty reps o Providing CUSU training for new faculty reps o Creating a more effective faculty reps network  Effective ways to gather student opinion o Single issue faculty focused polls to give those fighting for change the specific data they need  Decolonizing curricula and modes of learning o Coordinating the efforts of students and receptive faculty members to expand course content

Examining intersections

Campaigning for all students means recognising that everyone’s experience of education is different and fighting for the specific needs of all groups and individuals.

My priorities will be:  Disabled students o Disabled students experience lower levels of satisfaction with their educational experience o I will work with the D.S.O to ensure reasonable adjustments are provided, monitored and communicated  BME/ women's attainment gap o Large attainment gaps still exist for firsts for both women and many BME groups o Research must be done into why these persist  Hosting and promoting the work of academics excluded from the curricula  Campaigning to diversify alumni representation o Both within colleges and through student led events and campaigns

National Politics

Now it is more important than ever to be engaged with government Higher Education policies

My priorities will be:  Fighting the Teaching Excellence Framework, which will o Raise fees o Turn students into consumers by marketising the education system o Damage social mobility and access work  Campaigning against the government’s Prevent Strategy, which o Stifles campus activism o Restricts academic freedom o Specifically targets Muslim and BME students and encourages Islamophobia  Raising awareness among students of the dangers of these two government initiatives is key to resisting them

Keep the pressure on

CUSU only works when issues are fought for year on year, because the people who make decisions about us think in decades not terms.

I will continue the great work already being done on:  Implementation and improvement of university wide supervisor training  Making sure the university honours student opinion on easy opt- out systems for class-lists  Decolonising curricula  Improving the provision of exams and coursework feedback

Why me?

I am experienced in student activism and understand how to bring about change within CUSU and the University. Education is a welfare issue and thinking about the needs of all students is the only way to improve the system we study within.

My previous experience:  President of Robinson JCR 15/16  LGBT+ Officer on Women’s Campaign 16/17  Women’s Officer of Robinson JCR 14/15

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