Physical Education and Recreation for the Visually Handicapped. Revised
DOCUMENT RESUMg ED 231 7§0 SP 022 483 AUTHOR Buell, Charles E. TITLE Physical Education aird Recreation for the Visually Handicapped. Revised Edition. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, .Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). REPORT NO ISBN-0-88314-139-6 PUB DATE 82 NOTE 91p. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, P. 0. Box 704, Waldorf, MD 20601 ($6.75). PUB TYPE Guides - Non-elassroom Use (055) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. ,PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Adapted Physical Education; Annotated Bibliographies; Athletic EquipMent; Athletics; *Blindness; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Legislation; Mainstreaming; Mobility Aids; *Physical Activities; Physical Fitness; *Recreational Activities; *Visual Impairments; *Visually , Handicapped Mobility ABSTRACT PartI of-this book on physical education forthe visually handicapped deals with hat physical educators and recreation specialists should know about blindness.Examples are Oven of athletic accomplishments ofvisually impaired or sightless afhletes. Prevailing misconceptions and attitudes aboutblindness are discussed, and the importance of positive attitudes onthe part cl the family as_well as of the teacher areethphasized. It is pointed out that the abilities, dot thedisabilities, of blind persone are the bases for building suitable athletic programs.Feder4 mandates on opportunities for thehandicapped Are outlined and clarified. Facts about blindness aie presentedincluding,definitions of blindness, causes of blindness, and Available aids forthe blind and visually impaired. In part II, activities forvisually handica-pped children are discussed. Included in this presentation aresuggestions on evaluation and physicalfitness, special equipment and teaching methods, activity programs, national sportsorganizations for the blind, and recreational opportunitiei for thevisually handicapped. A selected annotated bibliography is included in thethird part.
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