Chronological Documentation from Beginning Through 1842
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BLIO, Cadet Papers of Patrick Craigie 1799 28 April Patrick Craigie born at Montrose, Scotland
Glanmire Parish Register, Church of Ireland HQ 2 Jan 1805 Charles Silver Oliver married at Glanmire
BLIO Cadet Papers of Thomas James 23 January 1807 Thomas James born at Carlow, Ireland (BLIO cadet records)
The Story of Kilmallock by Mainchin Seoighe Kilmallock Historical Society, Cill Mocheallog, Co. Luimnigh, 1987 p155 In their day the word of the Olivers was law; and it would be no exaggeration to say that the Olivers were harsh and despotic in wielding the power at their disposal. Capt. Charles Silver Oliver is remembered as the man responsible for the hanging of the highly respected "Staker" (Patrick) Wallis in 1798. (Quoting Fr. John Fleming's book Ardpatrick p59:) "The last quarter of the 18th century saw the power of the Olivers reach its height. They dominated the military and parliamentary scenes in southeast Limerick completely. By that time they were regarded as the owners of two seats in parliament, and made vast profits from these. They also had command of the Volunteer and Yeomanry forces, and so to a very large extent, had control of law and order in the area
Thorne, R.G.: The House of Commons, 1790-1820; London, History of Parliament Trust, 1986; Vol. VI, page 690 CHARLES SILVER OLIVER: Born c.1763, son of Silver Oliver of Castle Oliver by Isabella Sarah, daughter and coheiress of Richard Newman of Newbury, Co. Cork (married 1759) educated Eton 1778- 1780, married January 1805 Maria Elisabeth, daughter of Abraham Morris of Dunkettle, Co. Cork, 3 sons 4 daughters MP in Ireland 1798-1800, MP in Westminster for Co. Limerick 1802-1806 Cornet 4 Horse 1786; lt 7 Drag 1788-90 Sheriff Co Limerick 1791-92 Commandant Kilfinane yeomanry 1796-1807 In the last Irish parliament for the family borough of Kilmallock. His father, who died in 1799, had represented Limerick in two parliaments, and in 1802 he got the seat by beating his brother-in-law John Waller (reportedly due to interest of Lord Clare). Did not seek reelection in 1806. Died 10 Oct 1817.
Will of Charles Silver Oliver Irish Land Commission, Box 3643; Sch A, No.2; Rec. No. EC 4332 Original Will of Charles Silver Oliver, dated and signed in Old Brompton Country of Middlesex, 3 May 1815 [Manuscript note on back of will indicates it was introduced as evidence in the case of Oliver v. Oliver, Chancery, 1819 20 Nov, 23 Nov 1819, before extraordinary commissioner in Chancery of Ireland for the London District; witnesses to the will were all called to testify. All records of this apparent will dispute seem to have been destoyed during the storming of the Four Courts Building in Dublin in 1920 during the Irish Civil War.]
"....I give and bequeath to my reputed son John Oliver now an apprentice to a Grocer at Cork the sum of Five hundred pounds to my reputed son Thomas Oliver bound to a Grocer at Limerick the sum of Five hundred pounds to my reputed Daughter Mary Oliver bound to Mrs. Hall a Milliner and Dress Maker at CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 2
Cork the sum of Five hundred pounds and to my reputed Daughter Elizabeth Oliver bound also to Mrs. Hall all children of Mary Green deceased the sum of Five hundred pounds to be paid to my said reputed Children at their respective Ages of twenty-one years or sooner if my said trustees shall think fit with Interest in the mean time at the Rate of Six pounds per cent per annum. And I direct that during the minority of each of my reputed children or until his legacy is payable the interest thereof only shall be raised from time to time...."
Notes on Higgens, Records of the King's Own Borderers p 283 August 1815 25th Foot Regiment in Guadaloupe p 284 Dec 1816 change to felt top caps for infantry with white band and two peaks 2nd Battalion disbanded at Cork on the 24th of Feb 1816 and the effective men sent to Hilsea Barracks, to await the arrival of the 1st Battalion from the West Indies p 285 Regt arrives from Caribbean at Depford on 27 July and 1 August 1817; marches to Northhamtonshire where it is joined by the remains of the late 2nd Battalion, dibanded 24 Feb 1816, of 20 sergeants, 11 drummers, 335 rank and file. p 286 Regt to Chatham in Jan 1818, on to Portsmouth late May 1818 17 Dec 1818 embark on the Borodino and Wyton for Cove of Cork, arrive 24 December, disembark, march to Fermoy, arriving on Xmas, marched on to new barracks at Cork, arriving 28 Dec p 287 Dec 1819 help put out the Wise's Distillery fire 28 Feb 1820 Regt HQ marched to Templemore, arrives 5 March. One company left at Cashel and parties detached to New Inn, Thurles, Barrisoleigh, Nenagh, Cappaghwhite, Dundrum, Clonoulty, Tipperary Hospital, Little Bannaghan, Frankford, and Cameron Fort, in consequence of the disturbed state of the country p 288 HQ marched from Templemore on 16 March 1820 for Birr, left for Loughrea on 4 April 1820, and occupied Ordanance Barracks sending detachments to Thomas's Mills, Kilrickle, Mt Shannon, Kiltormer, Tubbon Regt reviewed at Loughrea on 11 May 1820 27 May 1820 on to Boyle, Co of Roscommon (2 Boyle parishes) Three companies to Sligo; detachments to Cootehall (Ardcarn or Tumna Parish), Grange 9 mi N of Sligo Ahamlish Parish), Farnvey, baronetcy in Monaghan, Co Roscommon; Elphin (co Roscommon 5 mi NW of Strokestown -- Shankhill or Clooncraft Parish); Ballaghdreen, Co Mayo, 14 Miles west of Boyle (Castlemore or Kilcommon Parish); Castlereagh, 17 mi NW of Roscommon (Kilkeevan Parish); Tubbercarry; Ballinamore, Co Leitrim (Oughteragh, no records); Ballyfarnan, 15 mi No of Roscommon (destroyed); Ballytogether, 6 mi SE of Sligo (Ballysadre Parish?); Ballymote 12 mi S of Sligo; and four unnamed etachments 5 Jan 1821 detachment to Roscommon until 13 June 27 April 21 Ballymote detachment withdrawn 7 May 21 Cootehill June 1821 Farnevy-Carney (6 mi N of Sligo) to Sligo 25 Aug 21 Regt reduced from 8 to 10 companies 20 Sept 21 Detachment back to Roscommon 15 April 22 HQ to Belfastbut company and a half goes to Carrickfergus; Sligo companies march for Downpatrick and send detatchments to Maghera and Castledawson (Magherfelt)
Notes made at visit to 25th Regt HQ Museum, Berwick An officer of the 25th Foot in 1815 wore a red coatee (jacket), white Sam Brown Belt, one (right) epaulette, single left lapel folded back, red sash belt, black shako with white regimental with red base; Belgie shako; blue facings; shako has badge, crossbelt has a plate; King's Own Borderers
PRO WO25/351 Description and Succession Book, 25th Regt, 1810-18 No record of Edward Gilbert as NCO. He was not raised from the ranks.
PRO ZJ1/263 London Gazette 19 July 1817 p1594.1 Edward Gilbert, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Pigott, deceased. Dated 3 July
PRO WO 25/65 Commissioning Book Edward Gilbert is on page 384; commissioned as Ensign 3 July 1817; Pay(?) 3s8d CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 3
PRO WO12/4174 Musterlist of 25th Foot to 1818 and PRO WO12/4175 Musterlist of the 25th Foot 1818-22 25th Regt returned to England late in July 1817 from the Caribbean to Deptford; Gilbert was not among them; his signature first appears in the regimental records signing the muster account on 29 June 1818 at Hilsea Barracks, Company 4. From 31 December 1817 to 8 Jan 1818 he marched with the regiment 102 miles in 8 days from Weedon to Chatham. From 19 May to 26 May he marched with the regiment from Chatham to Hilsea. Shows E Gilbert sailed on the Borodino from Portsmouth to Coves on 25 December 1818 and joined the Battalion during that reporting period. Regt marched from Coves to Fermoy on 24-25 December 1818.
National Archives of Ireland, Dublin Microfilm of Registers of Christ Church (Holy Trinity), Cork is reel MFCI 21
Parish Register of Holy Trinity Church (Christ Church), Cork Vol. 11, Marriages, p 119 This is to certify that Edward Gilbert, Ensign in his Majesty's 20th [sic] Regt of Foot and Eliza Oliver were married on the 29th day of April 1820 twenty, By License Alexr. Kennedy
Geary's Almanac for 1820 Rev Alexander Kennedy lived in George St and was one of two curates at Christ Church; he was also chaplain for the county jail April 29 1820 sunrise at 4:42, set at 7:18 full moon Easter was on April 2
Ennis Chronicle and Clare Advertiser 6 May 1820 page 3col1 Married in Cork, Edward Gilbert, Esq, 25th Regiment to Eliza, daughter of late Charles Silver Oliver, Esq, of Castle Oliver, MP.
PRO WO12/4175 25th Foot Musterlist 1818-1822 July 21, 1820 Gilbert with 1st Company at Boyle. Jan 21, 1821 ditto Apr 21, 1821 Strokestown July 21, 1821 Sligo Oct 21, 1821 " Jan 22, 1822 "
PRO WO 42/18/81 Baptismal certificate for Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert, daughter of Edward Gilbert, Gentleman, and Eliza, baptised on February 16, 1823, at St. Peter’s, Liverpool. On the back is an anonymous note stating “Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert born at Grange in the County of Sligo Ireland on the 17th day of February 1821.” I have seen the microfilm of this document at the PRO. Mr. Nicholas Shreeve found it there and a photocopy made by him can be found in this volume at Tab B.
PRO WO 12/4176 Musterlist for 25th Foot Shows Edward Gilbert in Ballintoghea, 9 April 1822 in First Company.
PRO WO25/3503 Embarcation/Disembarkation Returns page 82 of 1819-1822; Ensign Gilbert embarked on the Bridget from Gravesend on 14 March 1823. [This is clearly the departure of Gilbert, his wife, and daughter for India, but the Bridget was not bound for India and there is no indication where or how they changed ships and finally arrived in India. A very thorough search of all the existing passenger lists in the BLIO and in the Calcutta newspapers for 1823 shows no evidence of the arrival of Gilbert and his family. How and exactly when he arrived CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 4 in India remains a mystery, but it must have been around July, 1823, and he must have left Calcutta almost immediately to join the 44th Foot in Dinapore, where he died on 22 September 1823, possibly on the very day he arrived there.]
Bengal Hukaru (Calcutta) 28 February 1823 page 458col2 7 Feb 23 Lt Patrick Craigie, of the 19th Regiment Native Infantry, to the Command of the Guard with the Political Agent at Jyepoor.
Notes on Cadet's Guide to India by a Lieutenant of the Bengal Establishment; London, Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, 1820 Passage to India 110 pounds sterling with small cabin; no washing at sea, wash at ports of call; East India Company's ships commonly have excellent band for dancing; Ships arrive at Diamond Harbour 90 miles from Calcutta; must hire ship to go to Ft William, 12 to 18 hours; bring letters of introduction3-4 weeks before reporting get uniform etc; journey up river 2 to 6 months; singing of rowers, shooting, author saved 120 pounds sterling in India in one year as ensign; East India Co pays fare home for sick leave but the party must pay return fare rupee = 2/6 Pay of servants: Table attendant 8 rupees/mo; clothes man 6 Rs; cook 6 rs; punkha puller 4 rs; link boy 3; sweeper 3; in field tent pitchers; horse 16 rs per mo for groom and grass cutter Ensign can live on 100 rs/mo; pay and allowances are 200 Rs/mo Interest in England is 5%, in India it is 12%
Bengal Hukaru (Calcutta) 25 April 1823 page 413col1 Order of 15 April 1823: Gentleman Cadet George J. Smart, from the Royal Military College, to be ensign without purchase, 5th September 1822.
Government Gazette (Calcutta) 1 May 1823 Order of 22 April 1823: Gilbert granted leave from 10 Oct 1822 to 24 February 1823.
Government Gazette (Calcutta) 22 May 1823 page 7col1 General Order 2933 of 20 May 1823; 44th Foot: Ensign Edward Gilbert from the 25th Foot to be Ensign vice Smart who exchanges 10 October 1822
PRO WO 12/5653 Musterbook of 44th Foot Regiment In muster for March-April Ensign Smart, JG is listed for the only time as staff officer. Ensign Edward Gilbert's name first appears, as staff officer, on accounting of period 25 April to 24 May showing him as being "without leave" but "effective and belonging to corps" [!]. In musters from 24 May through 24 August he is not present. In the muster from 25 August to 24 September he appears assigned to the 4th company and a note indicates he died on 22 September. Regiment is just under 1000 men.
BLIO Eur.Ms. B242 Journal of travel on Ganges from Aug 1853 no travel at night; insects are numerous near the banks; from Borkampur to Calcutta the Kurukpur mountains are on one side of the boat; boys with umbrella hats of bamboo strips and dried leaves; tiffin, dinner; pilots along the river
BLIO Eur.Ms. B208 Journal of Capt. Christopher D. Aplin of the 33rd NI Sandy shoals, ducks, misquitos; left on 1 Dec 1829; cobra killed; no European station after Kishanaghur (5 Dec) for 15-16 days. Jungle grass, waste lands, no hamlets, sand shoals; indigo factory, walk along as the boats travel; flowering mustard; natives fear and distrust whites; 10 Dec: small villages, farms; average speed 1 1/4 mph; silk farm with 10000 worms in a house and 20 houses CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 5
13 Dec: entered main branch of the Ganges, about three miles across; slow progress against the current but grand sights 14 Dec: navigation is difficult with sand shoals; boatmen wade waistdeep for more than an hour tugging the boat; anchored three miles below Bauleah 15 Dec: no meat since a kid on the 6th; bread is eight days old 16 Dec: Bogwaugola market, bought radishes; made 14 1/2 miles 17 Dec: poling boats; rupee equals two shillings; bought goats to milk 20 Dec: used a sail; squall 24 Dec: hills along the boundary of Bengal; muslim tombs 27 Dec: Puttuguttah; rocks in river; land is a garden, finest trees; apes in trees are slate colored with black faces, three or four feet tall with screeching howl 28 Dec: mid-day sun too hot to leave boats 29 Dec: Palmira trees near Boglipore; first military post; very fertile luxuriant forest; 374 miles from Calcutta 30 Dec: made 8 miles 31 Dec: cultivated fields of pulse, wheat, barley; we boil most of the water from wells 3 Jan: Mongher, an invalid station 6 Jan: took three days to go 17 miles; autumnal storms 8 Jan: rich vegetation, mango trees 9 Jan: enter a super swift channel 11 Jan: 24 miles from Patna; beggars from 3 years old to old age, very persistant 13 Jan: made 3/4 mile; sand bar formed by Patna; big market, many wealthy individuals; grain, cotton, wax candles and potatoes from here are famous; bought 80 pounds of candles for 60 rupees, 100 pounds of potatoes for a rupee 14 Jan: noise of washerwomen, watercarriers, bathers, all kinds of people is scarcely bearable; sand too deep and loose for easy walking; screaming and moaning as bodies are dumped in the river 17 Jan: Dinapore - Bungalows around a square; military music, turfed parade ground, cheerful and imposing; 526 miles from Calcutta. Note of visit to Bareilly in 1831 remarks on availability of Rice, fish, beef, ham, milk, rolls, jelly, Devonshire cream, tea, coffee; visits received and returned
PRO WO25/1789 Casualty list of 44th Foot Indicates Edward Gilbert died at Dinapore, 22 September 1823. Married. 60 pounds,4 shillings,1 1/2 pence paid to widow at the regiment. Letter bound in declares widow was present and given pay and property. AUCTION OF EFFECTS OF ENSIGN EDWARD GILBERT, Dinapore, 27 Oct 1823 1 Regimental Coat 5 ditto 8/13 1 Epaulette 20 ditto 22 1 Regt. Sword 37 1 Breast Plate 8/8 1 Shoulaer(?) 1/1 1 Regt Sword Nat.(?) 10 ditto 20 1 Regt. Cap 15/8 1 Undress Jacket 1/4 6 Pairs trousers etc. 8 White cotton jackets 26 " " shirts 8 Waistcoats 18 pairs socks 1 Camlet jacket, waistcoat & trousers 3 pairs boots 1 pair black cloth garters 1 case of colours, pencils, drawing cards CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 6
1 concert flute w/ silver keys and case 40 1 pack patented playing cards 1 set shoe buckles 1 rifle piece w/ bayonet 1 powder horn & shot pouch 8 bags shot one gorget 1 Regt. feather 10 volumes "New British Theatre" 3 volumes of Pope's works 1 volume Army regs 1822 1 volume French grammar 1 volume Essays on Physigonomy 1 book Rhyme and Reason 21 false collars 7 pairs gloves 1 forage cap 1 dog 1 punker 1 Three Cafe Green Screen 4 checks 2 perks 1 large box Total receipts 460/2
PRO WO 23/105 Pension listing p35 indicates widow's pension granted to Eliza Gilbert with note that she remarried, name Craigie
Notes on visit to Dinapore, India St.Luke's church, commenced 1827, completed 1850. Sunbaked beige of the north Indian plain. Racous, disputatious ravens. Mud and thatch villages. Farmers casually squatting to relieve themselves. Dust devils. Dung piled to dry.
Government of Bihar: List of Pre-Mutiny Inscriptions in Christian Burial Grounds in the Patna District; no place, no date [1938]. Page 48, Inscription 158, in Cemetery No.2, Dinapore
Sacred To the Memory of Ensign EDWARD GILBERT H.M. 44th Regt., who departed this life The 22nd of September, 1823, Aged 26 Years This Monument is erected by a Friend Dinapore
BLIO N/1/vol 12/p617 Dinapore burial records Edward Gilbert buried on 23 September 1823. Records show that infant son of a private in the 44th buried on Aug. 20. Gilbert was the 12th soldier or dependant of the 44th to die in Dinapore. Drummajor lost both his wife, 20 years old, on 27th and his daughter on the 30th. Thirty-five more died before the end of 1824
BLIO Cadet papers: Patrick Craigie nominated by David Scott (same as name of ship) at the recommendation of James Farquahar; educated at Montrose Academy in Classical and Commercial; born 28 Apr 1799
Montrose Parish registers on microfilm in Montrose Library CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 7
Mary Hill and Patrick Craigie married 9 Mar 1794 1)George baptised 28 Jan 1795 2)Catherine baptised 29 Jan 1797 [step-aunt who as Mrs. Rae later took care of Lola] 3)Patrick baptised 28 Apr 1799 [Lola's stepfather] 4)Mary baptised 4 July 1801 died 2 Sept 1820 5)Thomas baptised 13 Jan 1804 Doctor in Perth(?) and Leith 6)John baptised Mar 1808 7)David baptised 21 Apr 1810 8)Margaret baptised 14 May 1812 9)William baptised 28 Nov 1814 buried 26 July 38 Doctor in Montrose?
BLIO N/1/vol 13/p189 Parish register of Dacca August 16, 1824 Patrick Craigie, a Lieutenant in the 38th Regiment, N.I., a Bachelor and Eliza Gilbert, a widow, were married by license this 16th day of August by me, William Parish, Chaplain of Dacca and Chittagong
Bengal Hurkaru (Calcutta), 24 August 1824, page 2col3 At Dacca on the 16th August, by the Revd. W. Parrish, Lieut. P. Craigie, of the 38th Regiment to Mrs. Gilbert, second daughter of the late Silva [sic] Oliver, Esq. of Castle Oliver, County Limerick.
Service records in BLIO: Patrick Craigie L/mil/10/24/ff33 Lt. Col. Innes was Craigie's brigadier; Craigie was quartermaster of the 19th NI 23 Jan 22; Guard of the Political Agent at Jyepore 22 Feb 23; Ordered back to the 19th NI on 23 Oct of 1823; to the 38th NI 17 June 24; in letter of 4 June 24 Innes asks to retain him at the Sylhet Frontier; acting adjutant to the 39th NI on 23 July 24; baggage master to Schulham's Division 24 Jan 25; joined the corps at Agra on 19 Nov 25; Duty at the seige of Bhutapore; 8 Feb 26 to the 1st European Regt.; 18 March 26 assigned to the Presidency at Calcutta; member of the Arsenal committee on 27 July 26; Dept. Asst. Adj.Gen. on 16 Oct 26, posted to Meerut; reports states that he rides well, has good appearance, punctual, cheerful, prompt, moderates Sir Jasper's severeness; 18 Dec 38 became Dept. Adj. Gen.; shared in the Ghanzee prize money; allowed to accept an honorary order from the King of Afghanistan; failed to make LtCol in 41; from 3 March 41, acting Adj.Gen; ordered to Allahabad for HQ on 9 Sept 43, to be established in early October
Bengal Hukaru(Calcutta) 25 December 1826 page 2col1 Departures per Ship Malcolm: For Madras, Ensign John Ogily, HM Royals; For London: LtCol Wm. Innes, Mrs. Eliza Innes, Lt Col George Sargeant, Miss Sophia Innes, Miss Eliza Renton, Miss Eliza Gilbert, Matthew Can, servant to Col Innes, and Suckeena, servant to Mrs Innes.
BLIO L/Mar/B/70B Log of the Malcolm Page 73 18 Dec 1826 Daylight: weighed anchor and dropped down to Coolie Bazar, downriver 26 Dec passengers come on at Diamond Harbor, including Eliza Gilbert, Daughter of Mrs Craigie 28 Dec Captain and Purser come on board 2 Jan Pilot dropped 3 Jan Thunderstorm 5 Jan Ingeram - cargo loaded in bales 12 Jan leave Ingeram 16 Jan CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 8
arrive Madras 27 Jan leave Madras five pints of water per day, six pints on pea soup days 2 Feb squalls and rain 3 Feb fresh monsoon 20 Feb private in the 89th going home dies at 1:30 a.m.; buried 8 a.m. 26 Feb storm, lightning 4 Mar too stormy for divine service 9 Mar another private dies, buried at noon 10 Mar Cape Angullas sighted 12 Mar saw English Bark and exchanged salutes 21 Mar sighted St Helena at daylight; landed later in day 25 Mar invalided private taken off for court-martial; depart; too busy for divine service 29 Mar Ascension Island sighted 30 Mar wet bales discovered in hold 31 Mar Captain decides to alter trim by hoisting water butts and moving them to top deck 5 Apr six pints water and pea soup 6 Apr US ship sighted; seaman dies and is buried 7 Apr sailor gets no grog and tea for a week for absenting himself from work for 24 hours without being sick 8 Apr heavy rain; no divine service 14 Apr English brig sighted 18 Apr 3rd Officer Bretts dies at 1130 pm 14 May Lands End sighted 17 May Dover pilot comes on board 19 May Blackwell 22 May Baggage off; heavy rain
Madras Almanac for 1828; Madras, Asylum Press Page 330 Malcolm departed Madras Jan.27, 1827, under Capt James Eyles for London. Passengers from Madras: Mrs. Goldingham, Misses Jane Anne Goldingham, Maria Bird, Jane Bird, Lucretia Gordon, Catherine Mary Gordon; Aitchins, Esq, J.Goldingham, Esq; J.Cotton, Esq.;Captain CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 9
Fletcher (in charge of invalids), Lt Campbell; Masters Herbert John Oldingham, Alexander Tweadie, and Ann Tweedie; Ann Glassford, servant to Mrs. Goldingham, and Jane Squibb, servant in the care of the Misses Gordon. From Calcutta: Miss Eliza Renter, dau of Dr. Renter, Miss Eliza Gilbert, Lt.Col.W. Innes, CB, Lt.Col.Sargeant, Lt Ogilvey to Madras, Mr.Carew and 4 Servants Arrived London 18 May 1827, 600 Tons
Unidentified newspaper clipping in collection of Harry Ransom Center, U of Texas, Austin, claims LM was "adopted" by William Willis, MP of Redleaf, near Tunbridge Wells [this appears to be nonsense.]
Montrose Parish Register Katherine Craigie married Wm Rae in Montrose on 7 Sept 1828
Craigie family tombstone in Montrose churchyard as recorded [Stone very weathered and nearly illegible] Patk Craigie (Provost) here d 18(11?) (died 1844 age 67?) Mary Hill d here 5.18(45?61?) chn major Patk....near Dinapore Oct 18(43) officers; Dr. Thomas Craigie, physician in ..... d Feb 18??Dr Wm Craigie, physician (26 July 38?) here d.. May (1818?), John d.....(b 1808), Mary (born 1801, d1820) James (?)
Montrose town records Patrick Craigie [Senior] was Provost of Montrose in 1808, 1809, 1812, 1813; last term on town council was in 1816 [town clerk told me this was unusual because former provosts generally remained on the town council essentially for life]
Notes on visit to Montrose, Scotland: 174 High Street is Holly Close (Carnegie Close) almost directly across the High street from the red sandstone church; most of the town is red sandstone. The tidal basin came right up to the rear of the house. By the time of the census of 1841, no member of Patrick Craigie's immediate family was still living in Montrose. In 1821 the population was 9,208, 4000 men and 5000 women.
Sunderland Herald 31 August 1849, page 5, columns 1-2 Sir - In reply to yours upon the subject of Lola Montez, I beg to state my perfect recollection of that celebrated lady during the years 1831-32, as the neice (by marriage) of Mr and Mrs Rae, a gentleman and lady of great aimability and intelligence, to whom I had the pleasure of personal introduction on their arrival from Scotland for the purpose of establishing a boarding school in Monkwearmouth. To their guardianship the future heroine of Bavaria had been committed by her step-father (Mrs Rae's brother), Major Craigie, then in India; and from the East (I forget which part) to North Britain, and thence southward to our good town, formed, I believe, the extent of her travels up to that period. She became my pupil in drawing, and I had thus constant opportunities of remarking her temper and disposition when under the restraints of employment and a teacher, besides the more genial and social ones afforded me by the frequent hospitality of her excellent relatives. Eliza Gilbert (of the intermediate name "Rosanna" I knew, or at least remember, nothing) was at that time a very elegant and beautiful child of about ten or (perhaps) eleven; of stature rather promising to be tall than actually such for her age, but symmetricaly formed, with a flowing graceful carriage, the charm of which was only lessened by an air of confident self-complacency - I might almost say of haughty ease - in full accordance with the habitual expression of her else beautiful countenance, namely, that of indomitable self-will - a quality which I believe had manifested itself from early infancy. Her features were regular, but capable of great and rapid changes of expression. Her complexion was orientally dark, but transparently clear; her eyes were of deep blue, and, as I distinctly remember, of excessive beauty, although bright with less indication of the gentle and tender affections of her sex than of more stormy and passionate excitements. The mouth, too, had a singularly set character, far more allied to the determined than the voluptuous, and, altogether it was impossible to look at her for many minutes CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 10 without feeling convinced that she was made up of very wayward and troublesome elements. The violence and obstinacy, indeed, of her temper gave too frequent cause of painful anxiety to her good kind aunt; and I remember, upon one occasion it was necessary, before Eliza could receive her lesson, to release her from solitary durance, in which she had been kept all the previous part of the day for some rebellious outbreak of passion. The door was opened, and out came the incipient Lola Montes, looking like a little tigress just escaped from one den to another! I think, however, that, although one of the class of horrid teachers - (those ogres in the romance of youthful life!) - I was rather a favourite with our little friend, for, to me, individually, she never bore herself in ungracious or unamiable manner. Naturally fond of children, - especially, to speak the truth, of beautiful ones, - accustomed to joke and laugh and romp with her at other times, in non-professional hours, and my professional duties themselves not being of a rigid or distasteful kind, even to the very young, I had, perhaps, a fairer position with the little lady than some other friends and instructors of more grave and stenuous waywardness and violence, - I do not say that it was not affectionate, - but I have no assurance from memory that it was such. Her animal spirits were naturally very great; she romped as assiduously as any girl of her age; danced gracefully, talked with great animation in her merry moods, and seemed altogether what is called a "clever child;" although I confess that my remembrance of her general intellect is not sufficiently distinct to enable me to speak beyond that....J.G.Grant
Bath and Bristol with the Counties of Somerset and Glouscester displayed in a series of Views from the original drawings of Thom. H. Shepherd; London, Jones & Co, 1829. Lansdown Crescent [sic; it should be labeled Camden Place], Bath - Opposite page 30 Page 31: At the top of Lansdown-street on the elevated acclivity of Beacon-hill, is place this most superb elliptical range of buildings, overlooking all the eastern part of the city, on the one hand; on the other commanding an extended prospect of the beautiful valley, with the winding stream of the Avon, its green meadows, and the handsome villages scattered along its borders. The London Road approaching Bath, passes through a pleasant avenue formed by mountainous elevations on either side, and immediately below is the village of Welcot, consisting formerly of a few scattered rural inhabitations, but now making part of Bath;..... At a distance, to the south-east, the prospect is diversified by the appearance of Prior Park, with numerous interesting objects, and nearer, in the same direction, are Sydney Gardens, and the splendid architectural embellishments of Bathwick.
BLIO: MSS.EUR. F175 J.Nicoll's Journals [JNJ] Periods covered by Item Nos. 36/ Sept 1827 to Dec 1829 Vizagapatar, Calcutta, Meerut 37/ Dec 1829 to Aug 1831 Meerut, Calcutta, London (arrived London on 11 July 31) 38/ Sept 1831 to May 1833 London (LM arrives Sept 32) 39/ Sept 1833 to Dec 35 London 40/ Dec 35 to Apr 38 England, Indexed (LM elopes July 37) 41/ April 38 to May 41 CinC Madras, CinC India 42/ May 41-June 43 Afghan War, army affairs 43/ June 43 to June 44 Resignation as CinC; Europe 44/ June 44 to May 46 Retirement to England; indexed 45/ May 46 to Dec 48 Retirement in England 46/ Dec 48 to April 49 Retirement in England CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 11
56/ Family correspondence
Nicoll's wife's name is Anne; Son Frank born 7 Dec 1820, Daughter Fanny, Octavia the youngest born 21 Oct 23
JNJ Item 37 JN returns to England on 11 July 1831
JNJ Item 38 Pages 82-83 14 Sept 1832 Today arrived from Durham Capt Craigie's sister, with Mrs. C's daughter whom they request us to put to school for them. I shall have a fine number of children to look after if they increase in this manner.
Bath Directory, Bath, H. Silverstone, 1837 p 192 under Academics: Aldrige, Misses, 20 Camden Place
Chairmen's fares: 1s/6d from town to Camden Place Bath Population around 50,000
Bristol by the Upper Road about 11 1/2 miles
Coaches every day at 8,9,11,&2 from the Angel in Westgate St Every hour from the Castle, Greyhound, White Hart, & White Horse Inns Bristol and Clifton Mail 5, 6, 3, 4:30 from White Lion Coach to Reading from White Lion via Devizes, Marlborough, Newbury
Pigot and Co's National Commercial Directory, London, J.Pigot & Co, 1830 p 682 Eliza and Catherine Aldridge's Ladies Boarding Academy (also in 1829 Kane's Bath Directory) School seems to have existed about 1829 to 1846
P.Egan: Walks Through Bath; Bath, Meyler and Son, 1819 p 77-78 Pryor Park at a distance on the right, a pleasing view of Sydney Gardens, and the New Church at Bathwide, the houses beneath, with Walcott Church and Chapel....The winding of the Avon and the venerable Abbey in perspective, tend to increase the beauty of the scene.
Notes on visit to Camden Crescent, Bath: Corinthian pilasters on the building, honey-colored limestone--Bath stone; a better view from here than from either of the big crescents; Camden Crescent was originally called Camden Place; designed to be a real Crescent by John Eveleigh, late 18th century, but land slippage prevented completion of the plan, so the central portion, with the arms of Lord Camden is not in the center. LM's school was the next to the north end. Each door has an elephant above it, part of Lord Camden's hearaldry? Very small back yards, steep slope in back and in front; in the 1841 census of Bath, everyone on Camden Place was of Independent means
Good print of Camden Place in Lees-Milne, James & Ford, David Images of Bath, Richmond upon Thames, St.Helena Press, 1982 Gallery #569 Print of Camden Crescent, wrongly identified as Lansdown Crescent Jones & Co, Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square, London, 3 June 1829, Steel Engraving, 93x145 ; in Britton, Bath and Bristol, 1829, Bath Reference Library, Queen St.
In 1841 school was still Misses Aldrigde's School was Miss Aldridge's in 1846, not listed in 1848 Census of 1841 shows Jane Aldridge >75 CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 12
Eliza >35 Caroline 30 cf name with catherine above 16 pupils from age ten to >15<20, six female servants
BLIO: JNJ Item 39 Page 30 14 Feb 1834 At last we have heard from Mrs. Craigie - who was I supposed constrained to answer our numerous letters tho' she heard from us 6 times before this effect was produced - I felt greatly surprised - not a little vexed - and in some degree repented of having so easily undertaken an unpleasant and apparently thankless task. I likened her to a tortoise who buries her eggs lightly in the sand, and leaves them to the sun, and to chance.
Bengal Hukaru(Calcutta) 2 November 1836 page 2col4 Departures: Orient for London and Cape, including passengers Mrs. Craigie and Lieut. James of the 21st NI
BLIO EUR MSS F175, JNJ Item 40 Page ? 18 Apr 37 A load has been lifted from us by the arrival of Mrs. Craigie - she had a very tedious voyage of 5 months and 11 days, as bad as our own. The NE winds have kept all shipping from entering the Channel & the Orient anchored at Penzance.
26 Apr 37 Early in the morning I called on Mrs. Craigie, whom I found looking very well.
29 Apr 37 Returned home, accompanied by Mrs. Craigie.
BLIO JNJ Item 40 Page 129 31 July 37 (in margin "Wretch Gilbert") I am not a bad prophet as to the figure which young people will make in life - I always predicted the "vanity and lies" of EG would bring her to shame -- She has started very badly, if not worse, for, leaving school in June, she married a Company Officer without a penny, in 2 or 3 weeks -- Her mother I fear cannot be blameless - at all events the 1800 or 2000 £ expended on her education & her mother's voyages, is lost.
BLIO JNJ Item 40 Page 132 12 August 37 We have now heard of EGilbert from 3 quarters - all very, very, unsatisfactory both regarding herself and her husband - however Mrs. Craigie introduced the Gentl, and must bear the results as well as she can - She asked Lady N's advice thro' Mrs. Rae, and we have told her to let her daughter write, but not to return her to confidence imm' - nor to see her - They are full of contrition already - but I fear that they want to draw on Craigie's funds by that means, which we have warned her against.
BLIO JNJ Item 40 Page 151 15 Nov 37 Mrs Craigie having lost all her spirits comfort by the frauds of her silly child, & encouraged by Craigie, means to return to Calcutta in a few days. Hers has been a lot such to be pitied - a kind step-father has lavished L1000 on her child's education & and the dirty ungracious whelp has thrown it all away on the first man she met - The day of punishment surely awaits from some source - her husband's fraud & falsehood, and her own--
Bengal Almanac James Rutherford Lumley was the sixth highest ranking officer in Bengal in 1837
Hodson: List of the Officers of the Bengal Army James Rutherford Lumley was Adjutant General from 28 Nov 1833 until the day before his death in 1846. His eldest son, also named James Rutherford Lumley, was born at Calcutta 27 Oct 1810, was Lt in CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 13
9th NI in 1836. He was assistant in the Thugi Dept from 16 Dec 1835 to 5 June 38. On 24 Apr 38 (39?) he married his cousin at the Tower of London. Second son was William Brownrigg Lumley, born Calcutta 3 Sept 1812, was ensign with the 57th NI in 1837. He married after his retirement in 1847.
Records in Dublin indicate Thomas James of Ballycristal [Lola's father-in-law] married Miss Wallace, North Cumberland Street, in March, 1792
BLIO Cadet papers Thomas James: affidavit from his father that he was 20 years old on 23 January 1827; privately baptised, no parish entry, born at Carlow; nominated by John Thornhill, Esq. signed by Charlotte James
BLIO Service records Thomas James arrived in India on 18 Mar 26; 3 months sick leave to Calcutta in 29 extended to 6 months; July 33 on way home; Oct 33-Mar 34 leave on personal business to Dacca; May to Nov 34 leave on personal business to Dacca; sick leave granted from July of 36 to 20 Jan 37; goes on furlough on 19 July 36; departs for England 4 Nov 36; reports arrival in England on 3 May 37; permitted to return on 22 Aug 38; arrives at Ft William 26 Jan 39; on leave to visit the Presidency in Calcutta 5 Aug to 5 Nov 40; on sick leave 2 Aug 41 to 10 Nov 41 to north of Depah; assigned to the Kotah contingent on 27 Oct 41; made commander of the contingent on 19 Oct 42; resumed charge of the Kotah Detachment on 31 Jan 54; left Kotah on 16 Jan 56
British Statutes: Marriage Act, 1823, 4 George 4, c76 and Marriage Act, 1836, 6&7 William 4 c85, require that persons under 21 have consent of father if living or, if dead, guardian, or if no guardian, the mother if she has not remarried.
Notes on visit to ruins of Rathbeggan Church Church about 17 paces long. Square West tower about 40 feet high
The National Gazeeter: A Topographical Dictionary of the British Isles London, Virtue & Co, 1868 Vol 3, p 286 Rathbeggan, a parish in the baronacy of Ratoach, co. Meath, prov of Leinster, Ireland, 3 mi SE of Dunsgaughlin Clonee, its post town. It is traversed by the road from Dublin to Enniskillen. The living is vicarage in the diocese of Meath, value L122. The Church was erected by the late Board of First Fruits. The parish is united to Ratoach in the Roman Catholic arrangement. Rathbeggan House is the neighboring seat. Building stone is quarried.
Records of the Church of Ireland HQ, Dublin John James [Lola's brother-in-law, who performed wedding] son of Thomas James of Ballycristal, Co. Wexford, gent, born in Dublin, educated by Mr. Fallon, entered Trinity College, Dublin as FC, June 7, 1813, age 18, BA 1817, MA 1832, ordained Deacon 1818, C. Killanne(Ferns) 1818, C.Ardcolm (dw) 1826, V. Rathbeggan 1832-62, married at Rathaspeck Ch, Co Wexford, Dec 11, 1824, Annette, eldest daughter of Lt.Gen Hatton (D.E.M.) died Oct 8, 1862. His widow died at Monkstown, Sept 5, 1868 (BNL)
Notes on visit to ruins of Ballycrystal House The house appears on Wexford Sheet 14 of Ordnance Survey Maps of 1833-34;by the survey of 1898 it was already listed as being in ruins; the site today is a farmhouse and yard, nd the foundations of the house are visible but partially covered by a barn; the site lies beneath the dark form of Mt. Leinster, the rolling countryside, patchwork of fields stitched together by the ancient, impenetrable hedges.
Madras Almanac for 1839; Madras, Asylum Press page 413 CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 14
Passengers on the David Scott, R. Spence, Capt, London 25 Nov, Cape 22 Feb; For Madras: Dr. & Mrs. Murray & Miss Murray, Lt. Ogilvie, engigns Pratt and Madigan, Messers Tulloch, Hare, & Austin, 2 soldiers and 2 servants; For Calcutta: Mrs. Craigie, Capt. Compton, Mr & Mrs Taylor, Ensign Shaw and Postlethwaite, Mr. Hopkinson, Mr. Oakes, Mr. Jays, Mr. Wale, Mr. Palmer, 1 soldier, 3 servants, & Mrs. Whitmore.
Mrs. Craigie left London on the David Scott commanded by R.Spence on 25 Nov 1837, arrived at the Cape 22 Feb, Madras, 14 April, Calcutta 30 April.
Bengal Hukaru(Calcutta) 26 February 1839 page 3col1 Arrived on 25th, English Ship Bland, T. Callan, from Liverpool 18th September and St. Jago, 12th October. Per Bland from Liverpool Mrs. Eaton; Mrs James, and Mrs Robinson; Misses Kibly and Rynald; Major Stale BNI; Lieut. James; M. Syers, D. Dearie, M. Black, and J.Briddon, Esqrs., Merchants; Mrs. Gattible, Mrs Woods, Mr J. Crosbie, and Mr. J. Snow, Steerage Passengers. The Bland on 18th Oct in Lat 9.16 N 8.00 W spoke the Mary Ann Peters from Liverpool to Calcutta, on the 28th December in Lat 8.6 S, 83(5?).5 E spoke the Shaw, American from Boston with cargo of ice, half of which on the above date was supposed lost. On 1st of January in 4.52S 86.00E spoke the Adams from Cadalon for Mauritius with coolies on board, a number sickly. On the 4th of January in 2.28S 87.40E spoke the Ino from Calcutta for Mauritius, all well. On the 22nd January exchanged colors with a French ship, supposed to be the Irma, about 60 miles SE of light ship. Experienced on same day a violent Northwester which continued for three hours. 72 degrees, Sunrise 6:45, set 5:43; high water 2 pm, Moon 12 days old; Haydn's Creation being performed at the Town Hall
BLIO Service records W.H.Lomer: absent from troop since June 45
Biographical card file in BLIO John Bensley Thornhill Sr in 1840 was Collector of Stamps at Calcutta and head assistant to the board of customs, salt and opium. John Bensley Thornhill, Civil Service, born 27 May 1808, son of John & Henrietta Sarah Thornhill; died 15 Apr 44; married Charlotte; son John born at Macao in 1832, son Edmund born at Macao 1834 (died of wounds at Lucknow, 12 Oct 57) [Thornhill's wife Charlotte was a sister of Thomas James, Lola's husband.]
James Rutherford Lumley was Adjutant General of the army from 28 November 1833, and he had been a widower since 28 Nov 1820
Thomas Palmer, later to be captured and tortured at Ghanzee and subsequently court-martialed, was Lt.Col. of the 21 NI in 1836.
Owen Lomer is the only Lomer with the 21st in 1836. Lt. William Lomer joined 21st on 19 Mar 1833. Capt Lomer from 18 June 1834. Owen Lomer had five children with his wife Eliza, born between 1829 and 1838; in 1840 three were alive, ages 10, 8, and 2. [Lola claimed in her autobiographical lectures that Lt. James ran off with the wife of a fellow officer, Capt. Lomer. There were two brothers named Lomer serving as officers in the 21 Native Infantry, but only Owen was a captain at that time. The fact that Capt. Lomer's wife had three small children at the time makes it seem unlikely she would abandon them to run off with Lt. James. In addition, Lola in her lecture claimed they rode off together to the Neilghery Hills, which were more than a thousand miles distant in Madras. The records in the divorce action indicate that at the time Lola's marriage to Lt. James collapsed, he was serving as adjutant to the recruiting depot in Bareilly, and the other officers of the regiment were serving at Moradabad. James's service records in the BLIO indicate he took personal leave of three months on 5 August 1839, and the testimony in the divorce CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 15 action from the captain of the Larkins indicates he accompanied Lola on board the Larkins at Calcutta and was very concerned for her comfort on the journey. The whole Lomer story appears to be a typical Lola Montez fabrication.]
South Park Burial Ground, Calcutta -- Inscription In Memory of Maria E.K.Howard Daughter of Robert and Maria Howard, who died 17th May 1840, aged 24 years. And of her nephew James Perkins Sturgis, son of Henry P. and Mary G. Sturgis, who died 8th Sept 1840, aged 11 months. In years they differed, in purity and innocence they were alike. "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." [This Henry and Mary Sturgis may be the American couple on the Larkins who were friends of Thornhill and were asked by him to look out for Mrs. James on the trip back to England.]
Notes from a trip to India: The Agra convent was founded in November 1842. Lola claimed in her memoirs of 1851 to have visited this convent in Agra and spoken to a French Mother Superior there in 1840, but the convent most definitely did not exist in any form at that time. The foothills of the Himalayas can be seen from Karnal. Lots of the trees on the way to Simla are rhotedendrons. There are monkeys all over Simla, climbing in pine trees. The jungle used to come down to Karnal. Lord Auckland's place was on the the ridge north of the Mall and perpendicular to it with Himalayan views. The Hindu temples all have long poles with little pennants. Terraced hillsides on the way to Simla with candelabra-like cactus. Precipitous, wooded hillsides around Simla. From Simla you can see a sea a ridges of the foothills fading away and finally disappearing into the haze of heat over the plains. Karnal is greener than most of the surrounding area and had malarial swamps. Dung is stored in conical piles. Beautiful bright green birds. Some roofs are flat as opposed to thatch. Groups of vultures squatting together. En route to Simla there are curious pine trees with a long, erect trunk and a round, full crown.
BLIO Cadet papers George Lennox: son of Lord George Lennox; nominated by J.G.Ravenshaw; born 5 Jan 1821; May of 1836 Lord George Lennox writes from 41 Wilton Crescent, Belgrave Sq.; 3 Nov 36 Lord George writes from Boulogne sur Mer; 5 Jan 37 exchanges into the cavalry from the infantry with Sir John Hobhouse. George Lennox was ensign of rank 6 July 37 in 4th Madras Cavalry, Lt from 14 May 39, Aide de Camp to Governor General Lord Elphinstone, who arrived 4 Mar 37.
Madras Almanac for 1841; Madras, Asylum Press, 1841 Page 644 Oct 24 (1840) Larkins departs Madras for London Passengers from Calcutta: Mesdames Sturges and 2 children, Bayne and child, James, Stevens, & Ingram; Messers Sturges & Steer, CS (civil service), Rev messers Ruspini and Bayne, Mr. Tucker, civil service, Captain Dorhill, Lieutenant Robertson, Mr. Murray, 6 steerage passengers, 2 servants Passengers from Madras: Mrs. Col Drever and child, G. Lennox, 4th light cavalry, F.Trower, 45 NI, and Frend, and Captain Arckoll of the Belle Alliance
Bengal Hurkaru (Calcutta), 1 October 1840, page 2col3 Larkins departed for London via Madras on 29 September. CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 16
Gentlemen's Magazine weather for London on 21 February 1841, the day Lola arrived in London with Lt. Lennox: 6 a.m. 45 degrees, noon 50 degrees, 11 p.m. 38 degrees; rain, cloudy.
Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle 1 March 1841 page 4col4 Lt George Lennox, 4th Madras Cavalry, son of Lord George Lennox, landed here on the 20th instant, after an absence in India of nearly five years, and proceeded to Bognor.
1841 CENSUS PRO [Chancery Lane, not Kew] HO107/734/4/f9
8 Half Moon Street
Eva James older than 20, younger than 25 Independent Foreign born Mary Plowright >20<25 Female Servant Born outside county Sarah Wigham >25<30 Independent Born outside of county Bridget Holmes >25<30 Independent Born outside of county Margaret Holmes 7 Born in county Thomas Holmes 5 Born in county Mary Mansfield >20<25 Female Servant Born outside of county Thomas Kirney 15 Male Servant Born in Ireland William Harley 15 Male Servant Born in county 6 June 1841 [In the 1841 census, the first English census, persons were not asked their exact age but were merely asked to place themselves within five-year ranges. Lola, who according to the testimony of her maid in the divorce action was at this time living at 8 Half Moon Street, appears here in the census as "Eva James." Whether Eva was a name she had adopted or the censustaker simply got it wrong cannot be known. Eva would certainly seem more romantic a name than Eliza. The note at Harvard which appears to date from this period is signed simply with an E. In any case, Lola gave her age as over 20 but less than 25, which would be true if she had indeed been born early in 1820, as I surmise. She listed herself as "Foreign born," although that was not true. She should have given herself as "Born outside of county" or "Born in Ireland," but she may have not realized that being born in Ireland was not considered foreign-born, or she may have been claiming India as the land of her birth at this point. And, of course, there is always the chance the censustaker got all this information from a third person and Lola had nothing to do with it.]
Times of London 5 April 42 page 5 col3 Representation of the Montrose Burghs: Mr David Wemyss Jobson, a dentist, has also announced himself as a candidate. His principles, as announced, soar to the very highest flight of liberalism.
Times of London 19 April 42 page 5 col.4 Jobson gets no votes
PRO [Chancery Lane, not Kew] IND1-9710, Trinity term, page 42 Record of filing of case of James v. Lennox in Queen's Bench, Middlesex by A. Watson on 7 June 1842. Apparently no other records of the case have survived.
Morning Herald (London) 7 December 1842 page 7 cols 3&4 of 6th Dec Before Lord Denham James v. Lennox The Solicitor General and Mr J.W. Smith appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Thesiger and Mr Ball for the defendant. Mr J.W.Smith opened the pleadings. This was an action in the plaintiff complained that the defendant had criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. The first plea denied the charge; the other denied the marriage. CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 17
The Solicitor-General said that he had the honour to appear before the court as counsel for the plaintiff, who was an officer in the East India Company's service. He had been compelled to bring this action to recover damages for the loss of the affection and society of his wife. The marriage between the plaintiff and his wife took place in 1837. She was the daughter of a general officer, and was a lady of great personal attractions. The marriage took place in Ireland, and after some time she went with her husband to India, whither he proceeded to join his regiment, which was stationed there. She remained about two years in India, but about the close of 1840, in consequence of ill-health, and partly too in consequence of an injury she had received from a fall from a horse, it was found necessary that she should come to Europe. Her step-father and mother, who were at the time in India, arranged the passage. She was to come over in a ship commanded by Captain Ingram, whose wife was also coming in the same vessel. There was likewise as passengers, Mr & Mrs Curtis, acquaintances of the lady, and to their care she was specially confided. Unfortunately, the vessel touched at Madras, and ther the defendant, who was an officer in the East India Company's service, came on board, and an intimacy commenced which unhappily ended in this action for adultery. He did not open this case as of aggravated circumstances; for undoubtedly there had been no violated friendship and hospitality to add to the injury inflicted on the plaintiff. Neither friendship nor hospitality had existed between the plaintiff and the defendant, for they were strangers to each other; but they were brother officers. The defendant had been introduced to the plaintiff's wife as to the wife of a brother officer; and, as he had been guilty of this act of adultery with her, he must take the responsibility of his criminal conduct. Mr. Thesinger here interposed, and after a brief conversation with the Solicitor-General, said that he had had some communication with his learned friend, and he was induced to interpose at this stage of the inquiry, for the sake of saving the time of the court. He appeared for the defendant. Inquiries of this description were generally of a disagreeable and sometimes very painful kind, and he was desirous, so far as he was able, to do justice, and yet to prevent an investigation, which, though it must be painful to all, must otherwise take place. He felt that he could offer no valid defense to this action. The plaintiff was clearly entitled to recover, and he felt that it was not inconsistent with his duty to consent to the plaintiff taking a verdict for a certain amount. He had proposed an amount to his learned friend which he believe was satisfactory to him, and if that was so, this painful case might terminate without further delay. He had proposed the sum of L100, which his learned friend thought to be fair and just between these parties. The Solicitor-General did not object to his learned friend's proposition. A verdict for the plaintiff, damages 100L, was accordingly taken.
The Times (London) 16 Dec 1842 page 6col3 James V. James This was a suit for divorce, by reason of adultery, by Captain T. James against Rosanna, his wife. No appearance was given by the wife, against whom the proceedings were in parman. The libel pleaded that Captain James and his wife shortly after their marriage proceeded to India; that Mrs James, on account of her health, returned to England in the early part of this year; that on her passage in the Larkins she became acquainted with a Mr. Lennox, with whom she cohabited at the Imperial Hotel, Covent Garden, and in lodgings at St. James. After hearing Dr. Addams for the husband, Dr Lushington said he was quite satisfied with the proof, and pronounced the divorce.
FILE OF JAMES V. JAMES, an action in the Consistory Court [Following the penciled item numbering on documents] in the Greater London Record Office, Accession 73.77 [this accession number includes a great many documents, and one must ask for this specific file. Eventually the archivist hopes to individually catalog all items under this accession number.]
Item 1 Cover sheet, 4º, folded lenghtwise, stating Consistory (then in red) 14-13 James against James Divorce Adultery Citation returned 25 April 1842 Sentence signed 15th December 1842 Box 13 No.3 CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 18
Item 2 Sentence One fold sheet in clerk's hand and lawyer's language refers to Mrs James as "Eliza Rose Anne (otherwise Eliza Rosanna otherwise Eliza)" indicates Mrs James failed to appear grants divorce or separation from Bed Board and mutual Cohabitation indicates bond given on James' behalf that he will not remarry in lifetime of Mrs James "that neither of them in the life time of the other shall in any way attempt or presume to contract another marriage" signed "S. (Stephen) Lushington J. Addams (?) J. Haggard note indicating given Thursday, 15 Dec 42, Byeday after Michaelmas Term in Common Hall of the Doctors Commons, situate in the Parish of St. Benedict near Paul's Wharf, London, signed Jnd Shepard
Item 3 Libel 1st Sess Trin. Term 31 May 1842 contains as Exhibit 1 the followingCopy from Registry of the Parishof Rathbeggan Diocese of Meath Marriages
On the 23rd of July 1837 seven Thos. James Lieut. in the 21st Regt. of the Honl. East India Company's service to Eliza Rosana Gilbert Spinster by John James Vicar Witnesses present T.James Lt James J. Young 21st Regt. BNI A. James E.R.Gilbert
I certify that the above is a true copy from the Registry Book of the Parish of Rathbeggan. John James Vicar of Rathbeggan (all in hand of John James) [This transcription of the parish register entry of Lola's first marriage is particularly valuable because the original register appears to have been destroyed in the storming of the Four Courts Building in Dublin in 1920.]
PLEADING [I have summarized most of the pleading of the complaint.] On the first Session of Trinity Term to wit Tuesday the thirty-first day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty two.
In the name of God Amen
First (alleges marriage in Rathbeggan)
Second (alleges true copy of the register)
Third (alleges consumation and living together until Oct 1840; alleges cohabitation in Rathbeggan, in Wexford (omitting father's first name and name of place) and at the houses of father and brother of Craigie at Edinburgh and other places in Scotland and England until autumn of 1838 when they went to India, alleging holding out as man and wife and regarded as such)
Fourth (arrived at Calcutta towards the end of 1838 and early in 1839 removed to Bareilly, about 150 miles from Calcutta where TJ was adjutant of the recruit depot there. They lived primarily there until Oct 1840 when partly from "the state of health at the time requiring a change of climate and partly from unhappy differences having then arisen between her and her said husband that the aforesaid CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 19 arrangement (that Mrs James should return to England) was sanctioned and approved by Major Craigie and his wife (name blank) Craigie...who were then in Calcutta. TJ made suitable provisions for the separate maintenance of Mrs James before she left and it was arranged that immediately on arrival in England Mrs James would place herself under the protection of Craigie's family in Scotland and that friends of the family in England were written to receive her and undertake arrangements to get her to Scotland there to take up residence.
Fifth (Mrs James left Calcutta in ship Larkins on 3 Oct 40. TJ went along half way down the Ganges and then finally left and returned to Bareilly where he remains. Mrs James committed to protections of Mrs Larkins (Ingram), Capt Larkins (Ingram), and of Mr & Mrs Sturgis of the United States, friends of TJ's sister, Mrs. Thornhill of Calcutta.
Sixth (at Madras, on came George Lennox of the 4th Regt of Madras Lt Cavalry; they soon became improperly intimate and after no long time formed a criminal and adulterous connexion with each other... "from very shortly after the departure of the said Ship from Madras...GL was known to be shut up alone with Mrs James in her Cabin in which was the Couch that she slept upon at Night tho' used as a Sofa in the Day where (as also elsewhere in the said Ship) great and indecent familiarities passed and in many instances were seen to pass between them. Mrs James went not infrequently to GL's cabin after breakfast and remained there alone with him, sometimes until nearly dinner time. They were seen kissing. GL was seen lacing Mrs James's stays. Mrs James was seen putting on her stockings with GL present in her cabin. Ingrams and Sturgises remonstrated; she replied "cooly" that she was her own mistress and not accountable to them; Mrs. I and Mrs. S stopped associating with her; alleges adultery on the ship "had the use and knowledge of each others Bodies on board said Ship Larkins...."
Seventh (landed 20 Feb 1841. Mrs James and GL took rooms at the Star and Garter in Portsmouth with common sitting room; bill was made out to and paid by GL.
Eighth (Sunday, 21 Feb 41. They went to London, arrived in evening and took a sitting room with a single bedroom and single bed at Imperial Hotel, Covent Garden. They spent the evening in the sitting room and then "retired on the night of said twenty-first of February to the said Bedroom in the same and there lay naked and alone in one and the same bed there being but one bed in the said Bed Room and there had the Carnal use and knowledge of each others Bodies and committed Adultery together."
Ninth (GL left hotel the next day for Chicester. Mrs James told the mistress of the hotel he would be back on the following Thursday, but the Master and Mistress of the Hotel, for several reasons, among them the different names on the luggage, told her she must leave and moved to a lodging in Great Rider Street, St James, in the evening of Tuesday, 23 Feb. At that lodging she told the Master and Mistress her name was James and her husband was in India.
Tenth (Mrs James stayed in Great Rider Street several weeks. After the first day or two she was visited almost daily by GL who paid the rent and expenses. Mrs. Col Watson, TJ's sister, and several friends all urged her to go to Mrs. Rae in Scotland.
Eleventh (Mrs James was the one who slept with Lennox)Twelfth (It wasn't TJ who slept with Mrs James)
Thirteenth (ditto for hotels)Fourteenth (pleads jurisdiction of court)Fifteenth (pleads proper service)
Sixteenth (pleads public and notorious and for relief)signed J. Addams
J. Haggard
Item 4 Proxy Philip Champion Toker Notary Public one of the Procurators of the Arches Court of Canterbury ("insert date" written in pencil at end) dated 13 Sept 41 but no place indicated Witnesses T.James Lut CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 20
J.Rosehoup 21st Regt NI (Seal) Hugh Boyd, Captain
Item 5 Bond John James and Sarah Watson of No. 4 Saint Germain Place, Blackheath, Kent, widow, pledge to pay L100 to Lushington 14 Dec 42 That Thomas James "shall not at any time thereafter (after decree) intermarry with any other Person during the life of said wife.
Item 6 Proof of Service (returned 25 April 42) dated writ (with episcopal seal) 14 March 42 (went to Almond Cottage, Hornsey Road, St. Mary Islington; talked to Thomas Shaw, who said he was taking care of house; said Mrs James had left some time before, for London, he thought, and he'd helped taking out the servants' boxes. Left copy with Shaw and told him to get it to her. Later told him to post it to her c/o Mrs. Rae at 15 Nelson Street, Edinburgh, North Britain, and he said he would. 16 March 42 /s/ Richard Gardner, 10 Crown Court, Bow Street, Covent Garden Thomas Innes certifies that he displayed the original with seal and left copy with Mrs James at house of Mrs. William Rae, 15 Nelson Street on 18 March 42.
Item 17 Letter from Willet Poynter & Dagneler(?) to Jno. Shephard, Esq, Deputy Registrar of the Consistory Court Doctors Commons 31 July 1849
Dear Sir: We are instructed by Mess. (John) Coverdale & Co (Lee & Purvis) of Bedford Row (Bloomsbury) to apply to you for an immediate inspection and copy of certain proceedings related to the Divorce pronounced in 1842 between Thomas James, Esq. and Eliza Rose Anna James, his Wife, formerly Gilbert Spinster. The object required by ourselves is to proceed against Mrs. James for Bigamy for which purpose the instructions must be had to day, as the party to be proceeded against will leave England tomorrow Wednesday, and consequently there is no time to be lost in perrusing(?) the evidence and papers in the cause, which is the only means our clients have in order to put themselves in possession of the circumstances of the case. We shall feel obliged therefore by your furnishing us with a copy of the libel and depositions, and in order to save time, direct that we and our Clients may have an immediate inspection of the originals. Should there be any difficulty in the matters, the Case is so urgent and of such a public character, that our clients inform us, that they will be compelled however unwillingly to make an immediate application to the parties who have power to grant what they require.-- We beg to inform you that the Cause as against Mrs. James was in (?) and Mr. Toker the Proctor acting on behalf of Mr. James is now absent, consequently his consent to the request of our clients cannot be obtained. Our clients assure us that time is exceedingly pressing, and that the least delay will prevent the due course of justice. We remain Dear Sir Your obediant servants (On back) The copies within applied for were supplied to Messers Willett and Co the Proctors on 31 July 1849 by direction of the Dty Registrar on his perusing of this letter. WLH (William L. Harvey, Record Keeper)
Item 8 Deposition of John James John James says his brother left England about September 1838 and is still there and a few days ago he got a note from him from Nusserbad dated 22 Oct. CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 21
14 Decemeber (no year)
Item 9 Affidavit of Charlotte Hadden (She is currently a cook, spinster, working at 71 Great Litchfield St, St. Marylebone for Dr. Devonald, Surgeon. On 16 June 1841 she became Lady's Maid to Mrs James at #8 Half Moon Street, Piccadily; 5 weeks later Mrs James went to #13 Duke Street, Manchester Square; a week later to Chapel Place, Vere Street; about a week later to #13 Great Castle Street, Oxford Market; a month or five weeks after (about 23 Aug 41) to Almond Cottage, Hornsey Road. There until the end of Oct when she went first to Leeds, then to Edinburgh; CH stayed at Cottage until the end of Nov 41 when Mrs James's notice to quit expired; CH got two letters from Mrs James while she was at the cottage and another in Feb 42 from Edinburgh signed "ERA James;" CH says Mrs James told her often she was the wife of "Capt" James and in the East India Company's service. 10 May 42
Item 10 (Note) 9 July 42 Richard Walters & Eliz Walters Man and wife as witnesses
Item 11 (Note) Michaelmas Term 4th Session Mrs James three times called, not appearing Judge assigned cause for information and sentence Toker
Item 12/1
(Note) 29 Nov 42 cause to be concluded next Court
Item 12/2 Eliza Rose Anna James (wife of Thomas James, Esq.) (done in ornamental hand as for a label or placecard)
Item 12/3 (Note) 12 oclock Dr. (John) Nicholls in Court Mr. Nicholson for Js Robert McMullin Esq produced as witness
Item 13 (Note) Judge assigned all facts to be propounded next court 2 Sept 17 Nov 42
Item 14 (Note) Michaelmas term 1st Session Nov 10, 1842 three times not appearing judge directs publication
Item 15 (Note) Witnesses produced CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 22
Charles Ingram, Esq. Ann Eastmond Ingram, wife of said Ingram and Caroline Marden, Spinster
Item 16 April 22, 1842 Toker exhibited Proxy and the Hand and Seal of his Party and returned citation
Item 17 (slip) Consistory of London Bye Day 15 Dec 1842 James agt James Toker ERAJ lush D
Item 18 Depostions [all of these depositions are not actual signed depostions, but appear to be detailed but unsigned summaries of the testimony given by the witnesses in open court.] Item 18/1 John James 21 Oct 42 age 48; ten years at Rathbeggan; Eliza Rosanna ; 23 July 37 married them; had known Mrs James only a few days previously there was a report they had been clandestinely married before, but he has no knowledge by license from the Consistory Court of Meath his wife and nephew Mr. Young were witnesses Book of Common Prayer Service as well as he can recollect, immediately after the marriage, the couple went ten Irish miles to Dublin. In the following year he frequently visited them in lodgings in Westmoreland Street and dined with them there, as well as previously at my father's house at Ballycrystal in Wexford, as well as at the house of mutual friends in Wexford and in Dublin; they left for India in the fall of 1838; they were residing just prior to their departure in Westmoreland Street. He has received a letter from his brother dated about three months ago. 24 Oct 42
Item 18/2 Browne Roberts of 23 Dorset Square, St. Marylebone, 59 years old BR was in service of the East India Co, stayed on after retirement. Maybe 13 or 14 years ago Col Watson introduced him to Thomas James. BR returned from India in 1835. Two or three years later he accidentlys met James in Dublin with a lady he introduced as his wife. He said he was recently married, was most happy to have met BR as he stood in need of a means to enable him to proceed with his wife to India and enlisted BR's assistance. This occured in August 1838. I took them into a shop where I purchased some fruit for them. In a few days after I called on them in Westmoreland Street and lent him money on my opinion of him and of members of his family. Thomas James told me Mrs James was Craigie's step-daughter and he hoped Craigie could help him get a good appointment so he could repay the loan. During the following three or four months I corresponded with James [but TJ departed Liverpool 18 Sept] and letter came from Scotland and England, a tour, and then they left for India. In February 1841 on the evening of the 22nd, Major McMullin called on me at my home in Dorsett Square. McMullin was an old friend of Craigie's. He was expecting Mrs James and he and his wife were going to offer her hospitality, but Mrs James had written a note saying she would take lodgings for herself. Various reports about Mrs James had reached McMullin, and he had found she was at the Imperial Hotel in Covent Garden. He had called but was unable to see her. He asked me to call on her. I went to the Imperial Hotel and talked to the landlady, Mrs. Elizabeth Walters. She said Mrs James would not see me. I told her to take my card up to her and to say I insisted. After some little delay I was shown upstairs and found Mrs James at breakfast alone. I told Mrs James of reports I had heard and entreated her to put herself under protection of friends of her step-father or CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 23 husband. She refused. She said that her mind was made up. I never saw her again. That was on 28 Feb 41 [23?]. I saw no man at the hotel 22 Oct 42
Item 18/3 Deposition of Elizabeth Walters, wife of Richard Walters of the Imperial Hotel, (1 Tavistock Row) Covent Garden, age 36 I and my husband have had the hotel upwards of five years. I have referred to the hotel books for my testimony. Sunday, February 21, 1841, a Gentleman and a Lady arrived in the evening in a hackney coach with a good deal of luggage. Some portmanteaux said "Mr. G. Lennox" and others said "Mrs.James." I asked the lady if one or two bedrooms were required and the man replied "We want only one bedroom." I gave them a sitting room with a single adjoining bedroom. They dined in the sitting room. I believe they spent the night in the only bed in the room. I did not see them undressed or in bed. They breakfasted in the sitting room and were charged for one bed only. On Monday, February 22, the gentleman left after breakfast and told the porter to bring his luggage to the Golden Cross. Mrs James went out for a walk, and Major McMullin called and left an invitation for Mrs James to dine with them at their house. I gave Mrs James the message and she said she wouldn't go. Mrs James said, "Mr.Lennox is gone to see his parents at Bogner," and said that they had just come from India on the Larkins. Wh;en I gave Mrs James the message from Mr. McMullin, she said, "He's a friend of my husband." Before I gave her Mr.McMullin's message, I asked her if her name was James; she hesitated, then said yes. When I pointed out that the other luggage said Lennox, she said she was going to marry him.
On Tuesday, February 23, Mr. Browne Roberts called. Mrs James told me I ought to have "denied her to him" and refused to see him. But when I said I had told him she was in, she let him come up, and he stayed a considerable time. On the same afternoon Mrs James left the hotel and told the driver to take her to Great Rider Street. A few days later Mrs. Col. Watson called trying to find Mrs James. I had heard her say #7 Great Rider Street to the porter. I told Mrs. Col. Watson that. She asked me to go to make sure of the address but not to tell Mrs James that she would call. I went, was shown up to a drawing room on the first floor where Mrs James sat alone. The door to the adjoining bedroom was open, and she said she expected Lennox any minute.
Item 18/4 Deposition of Richard Walters, Vintner, age 32 Both the man and woman said they needed only one bedroom. They had tea and cutlets in the sitting room and breakfasted together there the following morning. The gentleman paid the full bill up to his departure. On Monday I noticed the remaining baggage said "Mrs.James." Mrs James said she was going out to look for lodgings and took a cab. As Mr. McMullin was asking after her, she came up in a cab, and I pointed her out to him. Mr. McMullin went up to the cab and called her Mrs. James. She afterwards told me and my wife that she was Mrs. James but would soon marry Lennox. Mr. McMullin called again once or twice without seeing Mrs James and made many inquiries. Mrs James said she had come with Lennox on the Larkins and was about to divorce her husband in India. Two or three days later I took a note from Mr. McMullin or from Mr Browne Roberts to Great Rider Street and was shown into a drawing room where Mrs James was with Lennox. She was dressed to go out and said they were going to the theater. It was evening.
Item 18/5 Deposition of Anne Martin, wife of Joseph Vincent Martin 19 Bentinck St, Manchester Square age 29
Six years prior to last January, my husband and I let furnished rooms at 7 Great Rider Street. Mrs James hired a first floor drawing room with connecting bedroom together with a bedroom for a page or footboy. That was round the first of March 1841, and she stayed about a month. The day after she moved in, she told the maid not to admit anyone but Captain Lennox. Next day Lennox CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 24 caled and then came daily for about a week. He frequently came as early as nine and stayed to dine but did not remain after midnight. Lennox was gone for a few days, out of town, and then he renewed his visits until Mrs James moved out. Lennox paid the rent at the end of the first week; at the end of the second week Mrs James paid with a check signed by Lennox. It was signed George William Lennox, I think, and drawn on the East India Agency Office. Mrs James paid the remaining rent in cash. Mr. Walter came around the day after Mrs James moved in. He was told she had gone to the theater and asked if anyone had gone with her. Walter returned the next morning, as early as nine, and personally gave Mrs James a note. About an hour later Mrs. Walter came around, then around noon Mrs. Col. Watson arrived. Mrs James had gone out alone, but Mrs. Col. Watson assured us she was the sister of Mrs James's husband and that she must see her. We allowed her to wait in Mrs James's drawing room. Mrs James returned about 1 p.m. Mrs. Col. Watson later returned with Mrs. Rae and saw Mrs James. Mrs Rae remained about two days in Mrs James's lodging and on one occasion Lennox called during Mrs. Rae's visit.
Item 18/6 Deposition of Sarah Watson, No 4 St. Germain Terrace, Blackheath, Kent Widow, age 44
I am the widow of Col. Watson of the 53rd Native Infantry. I came back from India in 1834. I saw my brother at Ballycrystal before I heard of his marriage, and in the autumn of 1837 I met Mrs James at Ballycrystal. They stayed there several weeks, and I was there most of the time. Our brother John was there, too. It was a large family party. Thomas called her Eliza. About two or three months prior to February 1841 I received a letter from my brother in Calcutta saying Mrs James had fallen from a horse, and her health generally necessitated her return to Europe. He said he had written to Mrs. Rae to come to London to take charge of Mrs James on her arrival, and he asked me to show her every attention. Mrs. Rae came and stayed with me awaiting Mrs James's arrival I had commissioned the East India Agency House to inform me of the arrival of the Larkins. I received notice in late February of its arrival and also a note from Mr. Browne Roberts, an old brother officer of my late husband, saying that Mrs James was at the Imperial Hotel and had fallen into bad hands. I came to town, talked to Browne Roberts about his interview with Mrs James and also talked to Capt. Ingram and his wife. I wanted to dissuade Mrs James from the connection she had found. I went to the Imperial Hotel and asked Mrs. Walter to make sure that Lennox was not at Great Rider Street because I didn't want to meet him. When Mrs. Walter told me Mrs James was alone, I went to the boarding house. I was allowed to wait in the drawing room. Mrs James was surprised to see me. I told her what I knew of the night at the Imperial Hotel with George Lennox and of what I knew of what had passed on the ship. I pointed out to her the inevitable ruin that awaited her persisting in such a course, and I told her to put herself under Mrs. Rae's protection. My entreaties were ineffectual, for she most positively declared, affirming with an oath, she never would go to any friend of Major Craigie. I went back a few days later with Mrs. Rae. I said I would receive Mrs James until she was ready to proceed to Scotland with Mrs. Rae. Mrs. Rae remained with Mrs James to attempt to work on her feelings.
Item 18/7 25 Oct 42 Deposition of Anne Eastmond Ingram Blackheath, Kent age 36
Craigie and James both brought Mrs James to the ship. James had been aboard several times to make arrangements for his wife's passage. James remained until the ship was down the Ganges a ways, then went to shore. At first it was proposed Mrs James should be under the joint protection of Mr Ingram and me, but later when it was discovered the Sturgises, who were connected by marriage to James's family (Mrs. Thornhill of Calcutta), they were put in charge. Thomas James expressed to me and to my husband a hope we would show Mrs James such attention as might be in our power. He appeared to be particularly concerned his wife should receive every protection and attention. Within a few days of Lennox' arrival I observed Mrs James's conduct towards him ws unguarded and flighty. Her general CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 25 behavior was that which is commonly called flirting. The intimacy between them soon allowed him to visit her in her cabin. I saw her go into his cabin, and vice versa. It was improper, but she wasn't under our care. The cabin of George Lennox had a window facing the deck from which I have repeatedly seen him and Mrs James sitting on the sofa, his arm being around her waist. I knew my husband more than once remonstrated with Mrs James on the subject of her having visitors at late hours in her cabin with many lights there; and I have heard her reply that she was her own mistress; my husband's remonstrances had more immediate reference to the danger to be apprehended from carelessness of the lights in the Cabin. I found it necessary in consequence of what I considered misconduct in Mrs James to discontinue associating with her and to exclude her from invitations in my cabin.
27 Oct 42
Item 18/8 Deposition of Charles Ingram, No. 4 Blackheath Terrace, Kent Master Mariner age 42 Mr. Thornhill, Thomas James' brother-in-law living in Calcutta, knew the Sturgises well, so they took over the assignment of looking after Mrs James. James came together with Mr. Thornhill to the boat to see Mrs James's cabin. On the day of the sailing Mrs James was there with Craigie and Thomas James arranging her cabin. Mr. James went down with the ship as far as Ft. Gloucester(?), where he left, having, as I understood, to attend the Governor General. Mr. James was indefatigable in his endeavors to provide for the comfort of his wife during the voyage and so expressed himself. I soon noticed the intimacy between between Mrs James and Lennox. She was in the habit of remaining on the poop after the hour of the ladies' retiring below to their cabins; she used to address Lennox as "dear Lennox." She received him alone in her cabin. There was a sofa there, and she used to receive him at unreasonable hours. They were there alone together while the rest of the passengers were on deck attending divine service. She often went to his cabin, excusing herself by saying it was cooler than her own. I have seen him with his arm around her waist while they were sitting far aft on the poop late at night. I have more than once spoken to her about visitors (meaning George Lennox) and lights after lights ought to be out. She answered in a very cool manner that she should do as she liked and would not be under the control of anybody. She wasn't under my care, but if I had seen any flagrant act which required my interference I should have prevented its recurrence. I saw no more than violent flirting with Lennox, which in a married woman I consider very improper conduct. Mrs James was excluded very nearly if not quite the last three months from our cabin. I saw Mrs James speaking violently to Mrs. Sturgis as if impatient with remonstrances. In my many years of service with the East India Company I have never seen more improper conduct in a married woman. At landing, I saw Mrs James and George Lennox walking arm in arm to the baggage warehouse in Portsmouth. 27 Oct 42
Item 18/9 Depostion of Caroline Marden, Servant to Ingram, spinster, age 21 Intimacy developed fast. Lennox went to Mrs James mostly when she was alone. I could see into Mrs James's cabin when the door was open. It had no window, the only outside light came from a scuttle on the side of the ship. But rolling of the ship sometimes opened the door, and I have seen them together with Mrs James only in her stays and petticoats. More than once I have seen Lennox lacing up Mrs James's stays. I have also seen Mrs James putting on her stockings before Lennox alone in her cabin. They often sat close together on the sofa and I have seen him kiss her. I told Mrs. Ingram that George Lennox was in the habit of going to Mrs James's cabin shortly after breakfast and staying until tiffin time. When the venetian blind in Lennox's cabin was open, you could see what went on there. There was a general feeling on the ship that they were too familiar.
Item 18/10 Deposition of Robert McMullin 12 Dorset Square, St. Marylebone Major in the East India Co., age 51 CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 26
Craigie is now a Lt.Col. in India [sic]. In December 1840 I received a letter from Patrick Craigie of 12 October telling me Mrs James was on the Larkins. He had written me by the Larkins to make arrangements to retain Mrs James until her baggage came and she could be booked on a Leith steamer to his brother, Dr. Thomas Craigie, at Leith. On Sunday, 21 February 1841 the porter of the Oriental Club, Hanover Square, handed me a letter by private hand, singed by Henry Sturgis, dated on the ship Larkins off Plymouth, February 19, 1841, enclosing a letter from Craigie. On Monday, February 22, I ascertained from a shipping agent in the City that Mrs James had landed at Portsmouth and come to London to the Imperial Hotel. I called on Mrs James the same day to offer my house and every service prior to her proceeding to Scotland. She was out. I left a note saying I would be happy to have her at my house until her departure for Scotland. I meant to go back, but I had an engagement and my wife went instead, but Mrs James was not there. My wife left a note. The same evening a note addressed to her from Mrs James arrived by post signed E.James. Mrs James excused herself from accepting my invitation, saying she had taken lodgings. On the 23rd of February I called again and waited until she came up in a carriage. I tried to talk her into coming to stay, but she wouldn't. I went with Mrs. Rae to see Mrs James some time in March in Great Rider Street, but Mrs James refused to come. I went again with Mrs. Rae, but Mrs James again refused Mrs. Rae's appeal to go to Scotland. Exhibit A to 18/10 Postal stamps: Calcutta, Steam Letter, 40 Oct 13, paid 14 & Ex 13 Dec 13 40 Address: By Steam via ??????, Major Robert McMullin, Col of the Bengal Army, at the Oriental Club House, Hanover Square, London in corner PatCraigie on back Upon Havisides & Co. and the ship agents in whose hands the Larkins is usually placed Calcutta 12 October 1840 My dear McMullin I write to you a few lines by the ship Larkins on which Mrs. Craigie's daughter Mrs. James is a passenger entreating you if in town to make arrangements for taking her out of the ship, for entertaining her with you for a few days till her baggage is landed & for clearing her safely on board a Leith steamer: She is consequence (?) to my Brother Dr. Thomas Craigie of Leith - by kindly taking this trouble for us you will lay both Mrs. Craigie & myself under the deepest obligation to you -- I will ascertain the name of the Agents of the "Larkins" in London & will insert it in this letter in order that you may have the earliest notification of the ship's arrival on the Coast. Mrs. James has been for some time poorly & she has never recovered the effects of an injury in the back which she met with by a fall from her horse at Meerut -- a short residence in Scotland with the sea voyage will not, I doubt not, fail to perk (?) her up -- I have been making inquiries after your boy Robert from his Commaning Officer & the following is an extract of the last letter I have seen about him. It is dated the 27 Sept -- "Of McMullin I am happy to be able to give you a very favorable report, he is a smart & attentive officer and will get on well in his profession I have no doubt: he is at present down at Chau...(?) where he likes to remain on duty as they have quarters free there, he does not go out in society being if anything too fond of staying at home." This is all very favorable & it will afford me very great pleasure to have it in my power to give him a lift for I cannot express to you how thankful I feel to Mrs. McMulli;n and yourself for your great kindness to my poor wife when she was in England -- Robert is now Senior Ensign in his Regiment & I have no doubt he will soon find himself a full Lieutenant -- The newspapers will have informed you that nothing is now talked of in India but War: however I see little probability of our being able to get up a fight in any direction - you will have observed that Deunie(?) of the 13 L.I. with 250 of the 35 Reg & as many of the Shady Goorkhas thrashed Dort Mohammed with 5,000 bosbigs(?) at his back. This is very well for Black Troops unaided by a single European soldier.- -Pray present our kindest regards to Mrs. McMullin & believe me Most sinyyours, PatCraigie Old Lindor(?) tells me that he expects soon to hear of your son Alexander having obtained an appointment. My wife bids me say pray consign him to our care & she will see him comfortably established. CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 27
Exhibit B to 18/10 Addressed: Major Robert McMullin, of the Bengal Army, Oriental Club, Hanover Square, London PatCraigie sealed with red wax and seal with arabic characters 28 Sep 1840 My dear McMullin I have requested the Captian of the Larkins to send this letter to you by the first communication which the ship may have with the shore after making England in order that you may have it in your power to comply with the solicitaion about to be conveyed to you by the next overland packet to receive Mrs. Craigie's daughter, Mrs James, on her arrival in London to take passage for her to Leith on one of the first steamers, to see her yourself on board and to write thru beams(?) to my brother, Dr. Thomas Craigie of Leith intimating the period of her probable arrival at that place in order that he may make arrangements for her reception. -- Of course, I have only solicited you to take the trouble under the impression that you are residing with your family in Town. Should this not be the case, I trust to the chaplain of the ship to do the needful. We are very anxious that Mrs James should not be delivered for any time in London but that she should proceed at once to Scotland. My agents "Messrs Scott Bell & Co" Aldersmans Walk, Broad Street Building will get her heavy Baggage passed thro the Custom house & forward it to my Brothers care at Leith. I will not add more to this letter as it is my intention to address you by the first overland which you will receive long ere the Larkins reaches her destination but I will pray you to believe me with our ....(?) kindest regards to both Mrs McMullin & yourself Most sincerely(?) yours, PatCraigie [The reference to Craigie's London agents as Messrs. Scott Bell & Co is critical in authenticating the letter from Eliza Craigie, Lola's mother, to Dr. Cooper, Lola's doctor in her last illness, which is transcribed in the very strange pamphlet "A Hundred Years of Rip and Roarin' Rough and Ready" by Andy Rogers, see Volume 37, Tab-G. This pamphlet, which appears to be written by someone who is barely literate and certainly without any common sense in questions of history, contains on page 78 the transcription of a letter Rogers says he obtained from the son of Dr. Cooper. An entry in the visitors' book for the Lola Montez House in Grass Valley, now in the Bancroft collections, indicates that a son of Dr. Cooper did visit Grass Valley in the late 1940's, and it was probably then Rogers met him and subsequently got a photocopy of this letter from Mrs. Craigie to Dr. Cooper. Given the dubious nature of most of what is included in Rogers's pamphlet, the letter might also be open to question. As Rogers transcribed it, Mrs. Criagie wrote, "My direction is Mrs. Craigie, care of Mrs. Scott Bell, London, England," which, if correct, would seem to indicate the letter is a fraud, since in 1860 a letter could hardly be addressed simply care of an individual in London, a city of a million. But Rogers transcribed the letter wrong. What Mrs. Craigie must have written was "care of Messrs. Scott Bell & Co, London, England." She was still using her dead husband's forwarding company to receive her mail, and the post office, although it would not be likely to recognize the name of a single individual in the metropolis, could certainly deliver mail to a well-known forwarding company without the street address. Rogers and his wife were both killed in a car accident in the early 1960's, and there is no trace of his copy of the letter.]
Note from other sources: Consistory Court sits at 10 precisely; has no fixed days; five days each term, except for four at the Easter term and additional between term days
Edinburgh Evening Courant Page 3 col.5
20 August 1849: ...There is no doubt, that, although not a Scot by birth, she was educated at Montrose; but we must leave it to others to determine both how far the rose in the fourth quarter (of her arms) is intended to commemerate her early connection with that thriving seaport of Angus (which has for its armorial ensign three roses, with the legend "Mare ditat, rosa decorat")...... (is the lion for Scotland??) She was born in India of Irish parents, Captain Gilbert in the Company's service....Miss Gilbert was sent to Scotland to be educated under the eye of some of her step-father's relatives in CHRONOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION THROUGH 1842 ** PAGE 28
Montrose. Here she showed an uncontrollable love of fun and mischief; and one of her girlish exploits in sticking flowers into the wig of an old gentleman who sat before her in church, is still freshly remembered. From Montrose she was sent to a boarding school in England. Meanwhile her mother returned from India, having for her fellow passengeer a young countryman, Lt James, with whom she proposed to visit Ireland. Miss Gilbert was summoned to Liverpool to meet her mother, whom it was intended she should accompany on the Irish tour; but when the party was on the eve of departure, one morning Lt James and Miss Gilbert were missing, and soon afterwards they presented themselves to Mrs. Craigie as having been clandestinely married. The nuptuals were subsequently formally celebrated in Ireland, and the pair proceeded to India...... It is less genereally known that after the affair with Captain Lennox, Mrs James came down to Edinburgh, where she resided for some time with a relative of her step-father in Nelson Street. During her sojourn here, she was an unsuccessful petitioner to Mr. Murray for leave to try her fortune as a performer on the boards of the Edinburgh theatre.....