Notes of the Mid and West Wales Ppi Network
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Present: Anna Tee (Chair) Hywel Dda NHS Trust Alison Johnstone NHS Direct Wales/WAST Delyth Evans Ceredigion LHB Leanda Wynn Carmarthenshire CHC Marcia Buchanan Bridgend LHB Norma Owen Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust Paul Jones Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust Jackie Wilding Powys LHB Helen Nicholls Hywel Dda Trust Andrew Cooper 1000 Lives Campaign Team Carol Clarke Patient Experience Team, WAG Steve Gregory Patient Experience Team, WAG
Apologies: Gwyneth Ayres Carmarthenshire L A Jackie Williams Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Kevin Duff Neath Port Talbot LHB Leanne Hawker NHS Direct Wales Lynne McTighe Ceredigion LHB Natalie Harris Mid Wales Regional Office, WAG Nicola O’Sullivan Hywel Dda NHS Trust Tracey Roberts-Jones Neath Port Talbot CVS
Notes of the Last Meeting The notes of the last meeting were agreed.
Anna Tee welcomed Andrew Cooper from the 1000 Lives Campaign.
Matters Arising:
(1) WAST Evaluation Toolkit Anna Tee asked if any of the Network members had used the evaluation toolkit which had been put together by WAST. No one present had. Alison Johnson said that the toolkit was on the WAST website but it had been renamed the planning toolkit. Alison also said that she is happy to receive feedback about the toolkit. Anna suggested that the toolkit be included on the next agenda as a practical session using an actual project. Carol Clarke will e mail members for an appropriate project to be used
(2) Reward and Recognition Protocol Anna Tee said she had received a number of comments on the draft protocol but the main concern had been about the suggested £5.00 reimbursement for chid care/other care costs. This was considered unreasonable. It was agreed that the wording should be amended to ‘reasonable costs’ rather than a figure quoted. Paul Jones commented that care was needed in using the correct language in the protocol. Anna will amend the draft on the basis of the comments she has received and forward onto Carol Clarke who will ensure Dr Chris Riley is made aware of the protocol. It was also suggested that the protocol be shared with the other two PPI Networks with a view to it becoming an All-Wales protocol.
Patient Information Leaflets Anna was concerned that no clear guidelines had yet been issued as to whether all advertising on the leaflets were to be stopped or just those advertising injury lawyers. She asked that this was also included on the agenda for the next meeting.
Action Carol Clarke to e mail members for a project to use in a practical session using the WAST Evaluation Toolkit. Carol Clarke to forward final version of the protocol to Dr Chris Riley for information. Carol Clarke to include patient information leaflets on agenda for next meeting.
1000 Lives Campaign Andrew Cooper from 1000 Lives Campaign Team gave a presentation about the campaign and how it aims to save 1000 lives over the next 2 years. The campaign will run from 2008-2010. Andrew also explained that the Campaign is advocating the use of Patients Stories to raise awareness. Anna Tee will be seconded on a one day basis to the 1000 Lives Campaign Team to work on Patient Stories.
Andrew asked for the contact details of Network members so that he can forward them the Campaign’s monthly bulletin.
Action ● Steve Gregory to forward email addresses to Andrew Cooper
NHS Wales Volunteering Network Paul Jones explained that at the request of the Minister for Health and Social Services and after discussions between the Welsh Assembly and the WCVA, the NHS Volunteering Network had been set up. Paul is the Chair of the Network. The Network has launched a toolkit for volunteering in the health sector which is available on the recently launched website. Paul will email the toolkit to Carol/Steve for distribution. The website address is CMSPageID=405 . Paul will also circulate the Network meeting dates. The venue for the meetings is expected to be in Mid Wales.
Terms of Reference There was a general discussion about the Terms of Reference and whether these were still fit for purpose. Some concern was shown about voluntary organisation representation and whether a specific organisation should be named in the membership details. The present membership lists specifically a Cancer Network representative. The Group agreed that this should be amended to read ‘Interface with appropriate Networks including the Cancer Network.’ It was also noted that CHC representation was not listed in the membership details and that this needed to be added.
It was also agreed that meetings should be quarterly rather than stating specific months, that the Chair should be elected for a period of two years, and that under reporting arrangements it should also state that the Network will link up with the other two PPI Networks.
Action ● Carol Clarke to amend Terms of Reference and to circulate to Network members.
General Update Leanda Wynn had met with the editor of the Star and had secured a monthly half page slot in the paper to inform the public on specific topics, and to provide patient information. Leanda will update the Network at the next meeting.
Carol Clarke explained that Steve Davies was now working full time on the CHC work stream as part of the reorganisation of the NHS and therefore will not be attending any meetings. Steve Gregory will now accompany Carol.
Alison Johnstone reported that work was ongoing with Partners in Network and further work had been undertaken on patient stories (including digital stories). The NHS Direct Wales website had launched ‘The Room’ a forum for young people. Alison had also been involved in working with the hard of hearing and ethnic groups on access to ambulance services.
Jackie Wilding explained her new role as the PPI Lead and is working on patient stories and observations of care.
Delyth Evans had attended an NLIHA Public Engagement Conference.
Anna Tee reported that the Trust’s second stage application for lottery funding for the Volunteering for Health project had now been sent. The Dignity and Respect Campaign e learning tool is being developed by the Trust and will be lunched in April.
Marcia Buchanan had been involved in a survey with GP practices on access to the service for the deaf and hard of hearing. Training for front line staff is also being developed in this respect. The outcome of the survey and training will be shared with other primary care practitioners.
Norma Owen reported that the Dignity and Respect Campaign road show had delivered over 30 sessions. Norma and Paul Jones had been piloting ward visits to look specifically at Clinical Pathways of patients. The pilot is shortly coming to an end and will be evaluated. The outcome of the Dignity and Respect Campaign evaluation will be included on the agenda at the next meeting of the Network.
Paul Jones said that the Fundamentals of Care Working Group had been developing a questionnaire for service users. Paul would welcome comments form Network members on the questionnaire once developed.
Any Other Business Steve Gregory reported that the PPI web pages on HOWIS were being updated and asked for contributions or suggestions to the web pages to make them more user friendly. Steve would update at the next meeting on progress made.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 4 March 2009 in Carmarthen.