Humanities Master of Arts, External Degree (Hux)
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Required Book List Humanities Master of Arts Fall 2010 California State University, Dominguez Hills
Term Dates: September 7 to December 17, 2010
Title (P=paperback), Author, Publisher/Edition, Year
Required for All Courses! MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (P), Gibaldi, Modern Language Association, 7TH Ed.
HUX 501: DEFINING THE HUMANITIES: HISTORY The Pursuit of History, Tosh, Longman, 5th Ed., 2010 The Historian’s Toolbox, Williams, M.E. Sharpe, 2nd Ed., 2007
HUX 502: DEFINING THE HUMANITIES: LITERATURE Humboldt’s Gift (P), Bellow, Viking Press, 1975 Heart of Darkness & Secret Sharer, Conrad (Schwarz), NAL, 1997 Master Builder & Other Plays (Trans.) (P) Ibsen, Viking Press, 1958 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (P) (Kershner), Joyce, St. Martin Trade, 2nd Ed., 2006 Sula ( Sula (Trade Ed: 452-26349-2) (P), Morrison, NAL, 1973
HUX 503: DEFINING THE HUMANITIES: MUSIC Thinking About Music (P), Rowell, Univ. of Massachusetts, 1983
HUX 504: DEFINING THE HUMANITIES: ART The Methodologies of Art: An Introduction, Adams, West View Press, 2nd Ed., 2009 Art Across Time: The 14 th Century to the Present, Adams, McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed., 2007 Art History’s History, Minor, Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed., 2001
HUX 505: DEFINING THE HUMANITIES: PHILOSOPHY Philosophy & Contemporary Issues (P) , Burr, Prentice Hall, 9th Ed., 2004 What Does It All Mean?, Nagel, Oxford University Press, 1987
HUX 521: HUMANITIES ENCOUNTER: LIVING THEATER Living Theater, Wilson, McGraw Hill, 5th Ed., 2008
HUX 530: WAR AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE War and Human Experience: Additional Readings, Feuer, USC Bookstore custom pub.(USCCP) Vietnam (rev & upd), Karnow, Viking Press, 1997 Face of Battle, Keegan, Viking Press, 1976 History of Warfare, Keegan, Random House, 1993 Things They Carried, O’Brien, Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1990 All Quiet on the Western Front (rack size), Remarque, Ballantine Books, 1958 Henry V (gold/white cover, newly rev, Ed Brown), Shakespeare, NAL Penguin Mass Market, 1998 On Justice, Power and Human Nature (trans Woodruff), Thucydides, Hackett Pub., 1993 Iliad (re-issue ed., tan cover), Homer, Viking Press, 1990 Companion to Iliad, Willcock, UCHIC, 1976
HUX 542: THE PARA-RATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Early Modernism, Butler, Oxford Univ. Press, 1994 Notes From Underground, Dostoyevsky, Bantam Doubleday Dell End of Faith, Harris, WW Norton & Co., 2005 Complete Stories, O’Conner, Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1971 Mrs. Dalloway (trade ed.), Woolf, Harcourt Trade, 1953 HUX 545: THE NON-WESTERN WORLD Narrow Road to Deep North, Etc. (P), Basho, Viking Press, 1966 Zen in the Art of Archery (Trade Ed.) (P), Herrigel, Random House, 1981 Art of Chinese Poetry (P), Liu, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1962 Zen Action/Zen Person, T.P. Kasulis, Univ. of Hawaii, reprint ed., 1985 Principles of Chinese Painting (P), Rowley, Harrison Pub., 1959 Tao: Watercourse Way (P), Watts, Pantheon, 1975
HUX 548: VALUES AND MORALITY IN THE 20TH CENTURY THOUGHT Language, Truth & Logic, Ayer, Dover Public., 1952 Existentialism From Dostoevsky to Sartre, Kaufman, NAL Penguin Mass Market, 1975 Painted Bird, Kosinski, Grove/Atlantic Monthly Press, 1976 Contemporary Moral Issues in Diverse Society, McDonald, Thomson Learning, 1998
HUX 550: KEY INDIVIDUALS, ART: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Penguin Dictionary of Architecture, Fleming, Viking Press, 5th Ed., 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater (rev, intro Kaufmann), Hoffmann, Dover Pub., 2nd Ed., 1993 Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, (P) Levine, Princeton Univ. Press, 1996
HUX 551: KEY INDIVIDUALS, MUSIC: BEETHOVEN Classical Style (expanded), Rosen, WW Norton & Co., 1997 Beethoven (rev), Soloman, Music Sales Corp., 2nd Ed., 1998 Beethoven, Sullivan, Random House also for Dr. Shannon: How to Listen to Music, Copland
HUX 553: KEY INDIVIDUALS, LITERATURE: HEMINGWAY AND FAULKNER Absalom, Absalom (trade ed.), Faulkner, Random House, 1986 As I Lay Dying, (corrected text, trade ed.), Faulkner, Random House, 1985 Go Down, Moses (trade ed.), Faulkner, Random House, 1970 Light in August (trade ed.), Faulkner, Random House, 1985 Sound & the Fury, Faulkner, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1956 Farewell to Arms (trade ed.), Hemingway, Simon & Schuster, 1957 For Whom the Bell Tolls (trade ed.), Hemingway, Simon & Schuster In Our Time, Hemingway, Simon & Schuster, 1930 Old Man & the Sea (trade ed.), Hemingway, Simon & Schuster, 1980 Sun Also Rises (trade ed.), Hemingway, Simon & Schuster, 1954
HUX 557: KEY PERIODS AND MOVEMENTS, PHILOSOPHY: GREEKS: PHILOSOPHY, TRAGEDY AND THE POLIS Philosophic Classics (V1: Ancient), Baird, Pearson (Prentice Hall), 6th ed., 2010 Three Theban Plays (ed. Fagles), Sophocles, Viking Press, 1982 Greeks, Vernant, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995 Origins of Greek Thought, Vernant, Cornell, 1982
HUX 574: KEY PERIODS AND MOVEMENTS, HISTORY: THE AGE OF REVOLUTION French Revolution & Napoleonic Era, Connelly, Thomson Learning, 3rd Ed., 2000 Coming of French Revolution, Lefebvre, Princeton Univ. Press, 2005 Napoleon Bonaparte & Legacy of French Revolution, Lyons, St. Martin Trade (vhps), 1994
HUX 578: KEY PERIODS & MOVEMENTS, LITERATURE: THE FEMALE COMING OF AGE IN WORLD LITERATURE Lover (Intro Kingston), Duras, Pantheon, 1997 HUX 578 continued Burger’s Daughter, Gordimer, Viking Press, 1979 Paradise of the Blind, Huong, Harper Collins Trade, 2002 Zami, New Spelling of My Name, Lorde, Crossing Press, 1982 Bluest Eye (Trade Ed. # 27305-6), Morrison, NAL Penguin Mass Market, 1993 Voyage Out (Ed Wheare), Woolf, Viking Press, 1992
HUX 580: HISTORY, THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST Readings in Ancient Near-Eastern History, Churchman, CSU Dominguez Hills, 2002 Early Mesopotamia, Postgate, Routledge, 1994 Culture of Ancient Egypt, Wilson, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1951
HUX 594: INDEPENDENT STUDIES Writer’s Guide (History), Steffens, Houghton Mifflin, 1987
HUX 598/599: FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL AND THESIS OR CREATIVE PROJECT Thesis and Project Guide, CSUDH Graduate Studies Department, available only at our campus book store. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (P), Gibaldi, Modern Language Association, 6TH Ed., 2003 Bond paper (Fine Business paper), white, 25% cotton content, for thesis/project final drafts
• Prices are available at the CSUDH Online bookstore, located through:
• All books required unless otherwise stated.
• For resources for research beyond the required texts above, you should check out:
1) The CSUDH Distance Learning website:
2) The Humanities Resources page at: