Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter A
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Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter A
Acanthus BEAR'S BREECHES Statuesque plants with large handsome leaves, growing upright but arching with soft thorny points. The spiny erect flower spikes are impressive. They need good drainage and some protection to become established in zone 6. Colonizing roots.
Acanthus spinosus 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. soft mauve l. spring Su-pSh spreader Acanthus spinosus 'Spinosissimus' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. mauve-pink l. spring Su-pSh spreader
Achillea YARROW The flat flowerheads are borne on sturdy stems and are excellent for cutting and drying. Cut when pollen shows for fresh flowers. Achilleas last a long time in flower. They thrive in ordinary soil, and are best suited to soils that retain moisture but absolutely require good drainage. Leaves are gray green to dark green and present textures that include a feathery or finely toothed appearance.
Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. rose pink l.spr.- e.sum. Su spreader Achillea 'Anthea' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. pastel yellow l.spr.- e.sum. Su clump Achillea 'Coronation Gold' 3 ft. 21 in. yellow l.spr.- e.sum. Su clump Achillea 'Moonshine' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. sulphur l.spr.- e.sum. Su clump Achillea millefolium 'Ortel's Rose' 12 - 15 in. 2 ft. pink & white l.spr. - fall Su spreader
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' MONKSHOOD Closely allied to Delphinium their rich green leaves are divided but their hooded flowers easily distinguish them. They respond to good treatment by flowering more freely where not starved in rich, moist soil. All aconitums have poisonous leaves, roots and stems. Important late bloomer with a generous bloom period. If you can not wait until the fall, the large, loose and widely branched flowers of A. h. 'Spark's Variety' will give your summer garden the tall blues. Leaves are more dissected than A. carmichaelii. May need staking if in too much shade.
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' 4 ft. 12 in. amethyst blue e. autumn Su-pSh clump Aconitum henryi 'Spark's Variety' 4 ft. 12 in. dark violet blue summer Su-pSh clump
Acorus gramineus 'Argenteostriatus' ('Variegatus') JAPANESE SWEET FLAG Thrives in moist to wet soil. Highly ornamental narrow, dark green, grassy leaves are brightly striped with cream. Useful waterside or border plant for contrasting foliage. Leaves fan out from the base in a circular fashion. A. calamus 'Variegatus' has erect iris-like foliage that has a tangerine scent when bruised. Other cultivars include gold foliage and dwarf kinds. All will grow in regular garden soil with adequate moisture.
Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' 3 - 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. fol. cream, green spring Su clump Acorus gramineus 'Argenteostriatus' 8 - 12 in. 12 in. fol. green.,cream summer Su-pSh clump Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' 3 in. 6 in. fol. gold spring Su-pSh clump Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' 10 in. 12 - 18 in. fol. gold spring Su-pSh clump Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' 8 - 10 in. 12 in. fol. chartreuse & spring Su-pSh clump 2
Adenophora liliifolia LADY BELLS Leaves are serrated and lance shaped, growing directly outward from upright stems. Lower leaves are serrated and heart shaped with a short leaf stem. Blue cupflowers appear on tall branching spires in summer. Group several together for best show in moist, deep soil.
Adenophora liliifolia 2 - 3 ft. 12 - 18 in. bluish purple l. spring Su-pSh clump Adenophora 'Amethyst' 30 - 36 in. 20 in. amethyst blue l.spr-e.fall Su - pSh clump
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' BISHOP'S WEED Extremely rapidly spreading ground cover, used to cover moderate to large areas, but must be restrained. Dead-head to stop spreading by seed. Adaptable plant used for infertile soils and/or soils on the dry side where its growth is slowed. Leaves are light green with silvery white margins.
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. white l. spring pSh spreader
Agastache ANISE HYSSOP Bushy foliage is sturdy and has a minty-anise fragrance like licorice. Profuse flower spikes are durable and provide a steady attraction to butterflies and hummingbirds. Suited best for fertile soil with excellent drainage amidst average to dry conditions, which produces an impressive performance.
Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. apricot sum. - e. fall Su clump Agastache 'Black Adder' 2 - 3 ft 2 ft. purple e. sum. - fall. Su-pSh clump Agastache 'Blue Fortune' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. deep blue sum. - fall. Su clump Agastache barberi 'Tuitti Fruitti' 4 - 6 ft. 2 ft pink lavander e. sum - fall Su-pSh clump Agastache rupestris 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. rosy orange sum. - fall. Su clump
Ajania pacifica (Chrysanthemum pacificum) GOLD AND SILVER MUM The distinctive leaves are green, edged in silvery white, and are durable and pest resistant. A handsome, vigorous grower forming a dense, weedproof colony of fine foliage. Blooms exceptionally late in the season. Flourishes in free draining soil.
Ajania pacifica 'Gold & Silver' 12 in. 2 - 3 ft. yellow autumn Su spreader
Ajuga BUGLEWEED Ground cover for small to moderate size areas. Best in sandy loam, moist rather than dry. A. pyramidalis has slightly toothed leaves and does not spread as rapidly as the A. reptans cultivars, which produce rounded and smoother leaves. Both express a color range including burgundy, pink, cream and/or shades of green. Colors are more pronounced in brighter light.
Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' 2 - 4 in. 6 - 10 in. violet blue l. spring Su-pSh carpet Ajuga pyramidalis 'Royalty' 6 in. 10 - 12 in. blue spring Su-pSh clump Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' 6 in. 12 in. blue l. spring Su-pSh carpet Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' 6 in. 12 in. purple l. spring Su-pSh carpet Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' 8 in. 12 in. purple l. spring Su-pSh carpet Ajuga reptans 'Jungle Beauty' 8 in. 12 in. purple l. spring Su-pSh carpet
Akebia quinata CHOCOLATE VINE A vigorous twining climber with clusters of five rounded leaflets and fragrant flowers. Semi-evergreen foliage holds up for much of the winter. Cut back in late winter to retain control. 3
Akebia quinata 30 ft. 2 ft. purple e. summer Su-pSh vine
Alcea rosea HOLLYHOCK Plant in an open position in reasonably fertile soil that is neither too dry nor too wet. Dead heading will prolong life and the flowering of this long blooming, biennial to perennial plant. Leaves are large, green, rounded and veined, forming a mounded rosette. A colorful show of 3 - 5 in. blooms stem from towering flower stalks.
Alcea rosea 'Indian Spring' 6 ft. 2 - 2.5 ft. wht., pk., rose summer Su clump Alcea rosea 'Nigra' 5 - 6 ft. 2 - 2.5 ft. dark maroon summer Su clump
Alchemilla mollis LADY'S MANTLE Thrive on any evenly moist, humus rich loam soil yet grows well in any soil except bog. Good alone or used as a ground cover. Under favorable conditions these plants will seed themselves. An added attraction is the sparkling water droplets from dew or rain captured by the green, velvety, rounded leaves. Flowers last long or can be cut for fresh or dry arrangements.
Alchemilla mollis 18 in. 2 ft. greenish yellow e. summer Su-Sh clump
Allium gigateum GIANT ONION Largest of the Alliums and a stately garden plant for its habit, foliage, and flower. Grayish green foliage makes an appearance very early, presenting 6 to 9 lance like or strappy leaves which become 2 in. in width, narrowing to a pointed tip, totaling 18 in. long. Stems rise with strength, and bear neat fist-sized spheres (diam. 4in.) containing a dense amount of tiny flowers (over 100) with little protruding stamens. Needs light loam soil. Planting in groups of at least three will produce a great performance, but place in the back of the border, for the leaves are gone soon after the flowers. An important plant for its unique beauty. Allium christophii Spectacular 8 in. spheres are composed of pale bluish violet star shaped florets with a metallic sheen. Prized fresh cut flower or for drying lasting for 2 - 3 years. A. senescens 'Glaucum' has handsome blue green twisted foliage and mid summer bloom. Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' extends the allium season with autumn bloom and foliage that turns a brilliant pumpkin orange with the onset of cold weather.
Allium christophii (albopilosum) 6 - 16 in. 1 - 2 ft. bluish violet spring Su clump Allium giganteum 3 - 5 ft. 12 - 18 in. lilac pink l. spr. - e. Su clump sum. Allium senescens 'Glaucum' 6 - 12 in. 6 in. rose pink summer Su clump Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' 6 - 8 in. 12 in. purple autumn Su clump
Alstroemeria PERUVIAN LILY Developed through the breeding program at Uconn. Long blooming and an excellent cut flower. Seems to perform well in a pot or container. Hardiness Zone: 5b - 8.
Alstroemeria 'Freedom' 24 - 30 in. 12 in. pink summer Su-pSh clump Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura' 30 in. 12 in. yellow summer Su-pSh clump
Alyssum montanum 'Mountain Gold' MADWORT A more compact form than the straight spceies. This semi- shrubby plant requires a lean and extremely well drained site. Forming loose rosettes, the grey green leaves are pseudo evergreen and should not be cut back for the winter. Shearing the plants back by one third to one half after flowering will encourage a new flush of leaves, prevent self-sowing and to maitain good health and shape. The flowers occur in fragrant masses. Perfect in walls and rock gardens, also useful for edges of the border. Similar in effect, garden culture and function to the more widely known and grown Aurinia saxatilis (Alyssum saxatile) BASKET OF GOLD. 4
Alyssum montanum 'Mountain Gold' 6 - 8 in. 12 in. golden yellow e.spring Su carpet
Amsonia tabernaemontana BLUE STAR, BLUE DOGBANE Needs moist soil. Cut back flower stems after bloom to induce thicker plant growth. Spear-shaped leaves grow alternately and directly from each stem. Foliage has shrublike durability and turns bright yellow in autumn. The feathery needle-like foliage of A. hubrichtii remains ornamental throughout the season, turning a striking golden yellow in the fall.
Amsonia 'Blue Ice' 12 - 15 in. 21 in. dark blue l. spring Su-pSh clump Amsonia hubrichtii 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. pale blue l. spring Su-pSh clump Amsonia tabernaemontana 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. steel blue e. summer Su-pSh clump
Anaphalis triplenervis PEARL EVERLASTING A dome of abundant gray woolly foliage covered with starry everlasting flowers. Good contrast to green foliage plants. Needs consistent moisture and unlike many gray foliage plants, will not tolerate drought
Anaphalis triplenervis 15 in. 2 ft. white l. summer Su clump
Anemone hybrida (x) JAPANESE ANEMONE Sound perennials with colonizing roots that grow best in an open position in deeply dug, heavy, moist and fertile loam soil. They provide a durable display of both flower and foliage. Long and free blooming with leaves that are dark green, lobed, pointed and vinelike. Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' flowers earlier than the other Japanese Anemones. It is an extremely vigorous grower and useful where such a plant is desirable. Its leaves are gray green beneath. A. sylvestris prefers a more humusy soil, colonizing in open woodlands. Anemone canadensis has clear white single flowers held high above the foliage, and is a very strong growing plant that needs room to move.
Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' 2.5 - 3 ft. 2 ft. pink autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Andrea Atkinson' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. white autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Bressingham Glow' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. rich pink autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Honorine Jobert' 4 - 5 ft. 2 ft. white autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Pamina' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. deep pink autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Queen Charlotte' 24 - 36 in. 2 ft. silvery pink autumn. Su-pSh spreader Anemone hybrida (x) 'Whirlwind' 3 ft. 2 ft. semi dbl. white autumn Su-pSh spreader Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' 4 ft. 2 ft. pink l. summer Su-pSh spreader Anemone sylvestris 1 - 1.5 ft. 12 in. white spring pSh spreader Anemone canadensis 1 - 2 ft. 18 - 21 in. white spring pSh spreader
Angelica gigas GIANT WILD PARSNIP Large plant with huge leaves that have a tropical appearance. Striking flower clusters resembling giant alliums are produced. A short-lived perennial or hardy biennial (3 - 4 yr.), but produces ample seed. Likes deep fertile soil that is moist, not very dry or wet. Useful for architectural variation, a lush impression in the garden, and also for a daring central subject for bouquets. Towering in full bloom, the gardener stands eye to eye with Angelica. Angelica pachycarpa Extremely glossy green leaves command attention. Prefers moist but well drained soil.
Angelica gigas 4 - 6 ft. 3 ft. deep purple red mid -l. sum. Su-pSh clump Angelica pachycarpa 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white l. spring pSh clump 5
Anthemis tinctoria ‘Charme’ GOLDEN MARGUERITE This perennial chamomile is handsome in both foliage and flower. Light green foliage arises from basal rosettes being finely cut and taking on the appearance of Achillea. Numerous golden daisy-like flowers are held above the foliage in summer. Autumn color is of the familiar shades orange to brown. Plants perform best in full sun, well-drained sites with moderate to poor soils, plants become lanky if soil is to rich. Cut plants back after flowering to encourage basal growth and rebloom.
Anthemis tinctoria 'Charme' 12 - 16 in. 18 - 21 in. rich yellow may/oct Su clump
Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’ A chocolate leaved biennial chervil. Clusters of tiny white flowers sparkle against the dark foliage in early summer. Perhaps better suited to a meadow than a tailored perennial border since plants do self-sow. Reseeding can be tamed by deadheading before seed dispersal. Not entirely picky when it comes to cultural requirements often found inhabiting wasteland, site plants in sun to part shade with well-drained soil.
Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' 30 - 36 in. 21 in. white april-july Su clump, self sows
Aquilega COLUMBINE Thrive in any normal garden soil that is preferably moist but not wet, and moderately sunny. Vigorous plants with elegant divided glaucous green foliage, and distinctively shaped flowers on wiry branching stems. Self sows. If grown in shade, bright shade produces better blooming. Mixed color cultivars contain a same color on a given plant. Hummingbirds are attracted to the nectar of the spurs. A. 'Biedermeier' NOSEGAY COLUMBINE Foliage distinctively more neatly compact. Overtopping the foliage are 1 1/2 in. flower clusters in a profuse "honeycomb" of upward facing, short-spurred blooms, more tightly distributed than the A. 'Blue Shades' and A. Mckana's larger, more gracefully nodding flowers. A. canadensis WILD COLUMBINE A graceful native with its own unique elegance. Its 1 1/2 in. long nodding flowers may be smaller than most cultivars and not for those who want "big". Yet some hold this one their favorite, considering the native columbine species more stately than the cultivars, with dark green foliage, and in this case less prone to leaf minor, as well as its tolerance of more moderate amounts of moisture and preference to a bit more shade. Though A. McKana Hybrids are quite popular, A. 'Music Mix' is similar, yet shorter. A. caerulea 'Rocky Mountain' bears large, long spurred, upright flowers.
Aquilegia 'Biedermeier' 12 in. 12 in. mix l. spring Su-pSh clump Aquilegia 'Blue Shades' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. blue l. spring Su-pSh clump Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Mix' 14 - 18 in. 18 in. mix l.spring e.sum Su-pSh clump Aquilegia caerulea 'Rocky Mountain' 3 - 3.5 ft. 18 in. violet purple spring pSh-Sh clump Aquilegia canadensis 1 - 3 ft. 18 in. red/yellow spring pSh-Sh D¤p Aquilegia canadensis 'Canyon Vista' 12 - 18 in. 18 in. red/yellow spring pSh-Sh clump Aquilegia canadensis 'Corbett' 1 - 2 ft. 18 in. butter yellow spring pSh-Sh clump Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns' 18 in. 18 in. red w/yel. spring Su-pSh clump Aquilegia Mckana Hybrids 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. mix l. spring Su-pSh clump Aquilegia 'Music Mix' 12 - 16 in 18 in. mix l. spring Su-pSh clump
Arabis ROCKCRESS Luxurious foliage effect and early flowers, well suited for rock gardens, terraces, slopes and borders. Grows well in any good garden soil, not clay or bog, preferring a rough limy soil. The grayish green leaves are loose rosettes. Pseudo-evergreen.
Arabis arendsii ( x ) 'Compinkie' 6 - 9 in. 12 in. pink spring Su carpet Arabis caucasica 'Snowcap' 6 - 9 in. 12 in. white spring Su carpet 6
Arisaema triphyllum JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT In woodland haunts of childhood, this flower and even its common name seem to stop time to allow quiet moments to look, almost without fail. Has two 3 - lobed leaves with a blue green underside and 1 ft. stems which grow taller after flowering. An often brightly colored leafy structure partly surrounds the spike and bends over it. Its inside is purple or bronze purple with lighter stripes. The inside fleshy spike is purple or greenish brown, or occasionally green. Red to orange red berries (if pollinated) are a food source for wildlife. Needs moisture retentive, fertile soil with plenty of humus in part shade to shade. Native woodland plant.
Arisaema triphyllum 12 in. 12 in. purple spring pSh-Sh clump
Armeria maritima THRIFT, SEAPINK Used to cover small areas or interplanted with other ground covers that won't overrun them. Best planted in light, sandy loam. In spring, flower stems emerge with carmine pink flowers drawing unfailing admiration. Good drainage is important. Resistant to short periods of drought. The tightly growing grasslike foliage is evergreen.
Armeria maritima 'Splendens' 10 in. 12 in. carmine pink spring Su carpet Armeria maritima 'Bloodstone' 6 - 8 in. 12 in. dark rose red spring Su carpet
Artemisia WORMWOOD Tolerant to poor, infertile, dry soils. Reasonably drought tolerant once established. Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' stands erect with excellent, wide deep silver foliage and can be invasive where it is happy. A. l. 'Valerie Finnis', a more restrained grower, has wide leaves with an eye catching glow to them. The shrub-like Artemisia 'Powis Castle' is one of the finest cultivars and combines well when paired with many other plants. Prune in spring or summer but not any later. In mid summer trim Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana' ('Silver Mound') to promote fresh growth and shapely plants. Aromatic fine textured foliage is silvery green to gray white, forming a soft, tight mound that invites touch.
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' 2.5 - 4 ft. 2 ft. fol. silvery summer Su spreader Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis' 2 - 3.5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. gray summer Su spreader Artemisia 'Powis Castle' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. gray occasional Su clump Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana' 12 in. 18 in. fol. silvery summer Su carpet
Aruncus dioicus GOAT'S BEARD Grand enough to stand on its own. Flowers with the main flush of shrub roses and makes a fine companion for them. Best in fertile, moist soil but will grow in any soil, dry or moist. Leaves are a rich green and divided. Large plumes are filled with tiny star shaped flowers. Resembles a huge Astilbe.
Aruncus aethusifolius 10 - 12 in. 12 in. creamy white l. spring pSh clump Aruncus dioicus (sylvester) 6 - 7 ft. 4 ft. creamy white l. spring pSh clump
Asarum WILD GINGER This woodland ground cover spreads its heart shaped leaves easily, although at times slowly, in moist, slightly acidic, fertile soil with good drainage. A. canadense CANADIAN WILD GINGER produces 6 in. matte green, deciduous leaves covered with fine hairs. A. europaeum EUROPEAN WILD GINGER has 3 in., leathery, shiny, dark green leaves that persist in winter. The unusual flowers are hidden by the foliage. Asarum maxima PANDA ASARUM Suggested Zone 6 with protection. Just completing its’ third New York winter (2006), in a foundation planting here at the nursery. Leaves dark green, glossy with silvery grey mottling. A true garden gem, the contrast of pure white and velvet black flowers are stunning.
Asarum europaeum 5 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. grn. purp., mid-l.spring Sh spreader brwn. Asarum canadense 6 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. purplish mid-l.spring Sh spreader 7
Asarum maximum 5 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. blake & white mid.-l.spring Sh slow spreader Asarum splendens 'Quick Silver' 6 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. dark purple spring Sh spreader Asarum splendens 5 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. dark puple spring pSh-Sh spreader
Asclepias tuberosa BUTTERFLY FLOWER Slow to emerge in the spring. Tolerant of infertile soil, it likes sandy, humus loam soil. Drought tolerant, classic American native. Bright blooms are followed by attractive seed pods. Leaves are narrow and green. Attracts butterflies.
Asclepias tuberosa 1.5 - 2.5 ft. 1.5-2.5 ft. orange e. summer Su clump
Aster ASTER Valuable plants that are lavish bloomers for summer and fall gardens. Grow well in reasonably moist, fertile soil. Wet soil in winter can be detrimental. Leaves are undivided, narrow, linear and sometimes toothed. Plant kinds range from under 12 in. to well over 4 ft. tall. Whacking tall types in early summer will produce a more compact plant, although flowering will be delayed a bit.
Aster 'Purple Dome' 18 in. 18 in. purple autumn Su clump Aster 'Wood's Purple' 12 in. 18 in. purple lt.sum. - aut. Su clump Aster 'Wood's Pink' 16 in. 18 in. pink w/yel cntr l.summer Su clump Aster cordifolius 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. light blue autumn pSh clump Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star' 18 - 24 in. 2 ft. white l.summer pSh-Sh spreader Aster frikartii (x) 'Flora's Delight' 20 in. 18 in. lilac blue summer Su clump Aster frikartii (x) 'Monch' 3 ft. 18 in. lavender blue summer Su clump Aster laevis 'Bluebird' 4 ft. 18 in. violet blue lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump Aster lateriflorus 'Coombe Fishacre' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. pink lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' 3 - 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. white w/ rasp. lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump Aster lateriflorus 'Prince' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. white / rasp. lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump Aster novae angliae 'Alma Potschke' 3 ft. 2 ft. rose pink lt. sum. - aut. Su clump Aster novae angliae 'Hella Lacy' 40 in. 2 - 3 ft. purple autumn Su clump Aster oblongifolius 'October Skies' 18 in. 2 ft. blue autumn Su clump Aster oblongifolius 'Raydon's Favorite' 3 ft. 21 in. med blue autumn Su clump Aster tataricus 'Jindai' 3 - 5 ft. 3 ft. sky blue autumn Su spreader
Asteromoea mongolica [Kalimeris pinnatifida 'Hortensis'] ORPHANAGE PLANT, JAPANESE ASTER Strong stems are upright with an open branch habit forming an almost spherically shaped plant. Resists pests and disease. Long bloomer, at least 12 weeks, with numerous little semi-double daisylike flowers that fade to light pink in early autumn. Does well in bright shade of open woodlands, and even better in full sun. Thrives in average fertility and moisture, but tolerates damp soil quite well.
Asteromoea mongolica 2 - 3 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. white mid summer Su-pSh clump
Astilbe PLUME FLOWER These are long blooming, very useful, durable plants. Excellent display in rich, moist, acid soil. After the flowers fade, the rich brown plumes may be left to decorate the winter landscape. Shades of green, to greens with bronze, red or purplish red tones highlight the sight of elegant, lacy shapes of the astilbe leaf.
Astilbe 'Amethyst' 39 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. violet mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Aphrodite' 16 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. carmine mid - late pSh-Su clump 8
Astilbe 'August Light' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Bonn' 22 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Bridal Veil' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Bressingham Beauty' 36 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. clear salmon early - mid pSh-Su clump pink Astilbe 'Bumalda' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Cattleya' 40 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Cotton Candy' 16 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. deep pink mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Deutschland' 30 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. creamy white early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Dunkellachs' 16 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. bright salmon mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Ellie' 34 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pure white mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Erika' 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Etna' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. dark red mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Fanal' 22 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. crimson red early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Feuer' 22 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. coral red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Gladstone' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Gloria Purpurea' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft dark rose purple mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Gloria' 26 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. light rose purple mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Glut' 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft bright red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Granat' 24 - 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. carmin red early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Grete Pungel' 39 in. 1.5 - 3 ft pink fades white early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Helsingborg' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft dark red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Hennie Graafland' 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft clear pink mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Ishriach Pink' 12 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. light pink mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Irrliecht' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Koblenz' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Koln' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. crimson-pink early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Kvele' 34 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. violet pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Maggie Daley' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. purple red mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Montgomery' 2 ft. 1.5 - 3 ft. dark red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Paecox Alba' 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Peach Blossom' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. peachy salmon early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Perkeo' 10 in. 12 in. rose pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Queen of Holland' 16 in. 1.5 ft. white pink tinge early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Red Light' 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. fire red mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Red Sentinel' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. dark rose red mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Rheinland' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pink early pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Sister Theresa' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. salmon pink mid-late sum. pSh-Sh clump Astilbe 'Snowdrift' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white early - mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Spartan' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. dark rose red mid - late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Sprite' 15 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pale pink late pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'Straussenfeder' (Ostrich Plume) 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. salmon pink mid pSh-Su clump Astilbe 'White Gloria' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. greenish white mid pSh-Su clump 9
Astilbe 'William Buchanan' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. frothy white late pSh-Su clump Astilbe chinensis 'Finale' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. mauve pink late pSh-Su clump Astilbe chinensis 'Christian' 10 in. 12 - 18 in. lilac rose late pSh-Su spreader Astilbe chinensis 'Intermezzo' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. salmon pink late pSh-Su clump Astilbe chinensis 'Korean Splendor' 54 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose purple very late pSh-Su sprd. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' 12 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lavender pink very late pSh-Su sprdg. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Purple Candles' 42 in 1.5 - 3 ft. purple red very late pSh-Su sprd. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Superba' 42 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. light lilac late pSh-Su sprdg. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Swiss Glow' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. raspberry lilac late pSh-Su sprdg. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Veronica Klose' 16 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. purplish rose late pSh-Su clump Astilbe chinensis 'Visions' 15 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. raspberry red mid - late pSh-Su sprdg. clump Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Red' 15 - 18 in. 1.5 ft. deep red mid - late pSh-Su spreader
Astrantia MASTERWORT These plants have unique and beautifully shaped flowers that mimic pincushions with a collar of bracts giving a star like appearance. The papery blooms are held on branched wiry stems and the divided leaves form a dense clump. Excellent cut or dried flower. Astrantia major (the species) has greenish white flowers while other cultivars or species may bloom white, pink, purple or red. Astrantias grow best in cool climates and they dislike hot humid weather.
Astrantia 'Abby Road' 24 in. 18 - 21 in. maroon/white e- lt. summer Su-pSh spreader base Astrantia major 'Magnum Blush' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 21 in. pink to ivory summer Su-pSh spreader Astrantia major 'Rubra' 2 - 3 ft. 18 purplish-red late spring Su-pSh spreader
Aubretia ROCKCRESS Excellent long blooming foreground plant that is useful between rocks and trailing over walls and edges. Grows well in light loam, preferring rough limy soil. The small leaves are a gray green, soft, profuse and evergreen. Leaves are smaller and more compact than the related Arabis.
Aubrieta 'Purple Gem' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. purple spring Su - pSh carpet Aubrieta 'Whitewell Gem' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. deep purple spring Su - pSh carpet
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter B
Baptisia australis BLUE FALSE INDIGO Long-lived and deeply rooted perennial with flowers that resemble lupines. Once established, the plants should be left undisturbed. Serves as an excellent foliage plant alone with the additional bonus of good flowers. Leaves are gray green, smooth and cloverlike. May be trimmed after flowering to promote fresh foliage and shape. Thrives in average to infertile soils.
Baptisia alba (lactea) 3 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white l. spring Su clump Baptisia australis 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. blue indigo l. spring Su clump 10
Baptisia lactea 3 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white spring Su clump Baptisia 'Carolina Moonlight' 53 in. 2 - 3 ft. creamy yellow l.spring Su clump Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. smokey violet l. spring Su clump Baptisia sphaerocarpa 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow l. spring Su clump Baptisia x variicolor 'Twilight Prairie Blues' 32 in. 2 -3 ft. dp violet-lemon lt. spring Su clump
Begonia grandis HARDY BEGONIA Leaves are coppery green with red veins above and ruby red underneath. Reddish buds open into long blooming flowers which are held loosely above the leaves. Developing seeds are ornamental till October. Spreads and remains perennially around by virtue of the bulbils formed in the leaf axils that drop to the ground and grow into plants. Also self sows. Slow to emerge in the spring. Can take any size plant before frost indoors as a houseplant. How nice to have a vigorous perennial begonia that can also be a houseplant. Best in humus rich, moist soil in bright shade.
Begonia grandis 12 - 24 in. 18 in. pale pink l. sum - aut. pSh-Su spreader Begonia grandis 'Alba' 12 - 24 in. 18 in. white l. sum - aut. pSh-Su spreader
Bellis perennis 'Pomponette' ENGLISH DAISY Forms a small tight clump of broad leaves that are rounded at the tip and grow from the base of the plant. Flowers are semi-double up to1 1/2 in. across. A true 'spring fever" flower, these long-blooming plants may be used as a colorful underplanting for spring bulbs, for edging and smaller grouping. It makes a cheerful flower for planters in any part shade situation. Good cut flower for small bouquets. Requires moist, fertile soil.
Bellis perennis 'Pomponette' 6 in. 8 - 10 in. pink,red,white mid spring pSh clump
Bergenia HEART LEAVED BERGENIA These plants colonize without being invasive and provide an ideal ground cover for small to moderate sized areas. They will grow in any soil that is not wet, but luxuriate in medium heavy soils. Thick leaves are dark green, large and rounded. B. 'Winterglut' turns redder in the winter and foliage holds up well. The newer cultivars: Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby' and B. (x) 'Britten' both seem to maintain cleaner foliage and vigorous growth.
Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby' 24 in. 12 - 18 in. dark red pink spring Su-pSh clump Bergenia (x) 'Britten' 12 - 15 in. 12 in. white to pink spring Su-pSh clump Bergenia 'Rotblum' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. red pink spring Su-pSh clump Bergenia 'Winterglut' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. red pink spring Su-pSh clump
Boltonia asteroides THOUSAND FLOWERED ASTER These are large plants that have a loose airy feel with tall, erect stems and an abundant show of small daisylike flowers with yellow centers. The narrow 3 - 5 in. blue green leaf is linear to lance shaped with a broadening of leaf just above its center. Plant in groups. Prefer deep, organic soils and although tolerant of drought, likes average moisture.
Boltonia asteroides 'Pink Beauty' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pale pink l. summer Su clump Boltonia asteroides 'Snow Bank' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white l. summer Su clump Boltonia asteroides latisquama 'Nana' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. pinkish lilac l. summer Su clump
Brunnera macrophylla SIBERIAN FORGET-ME-NOT These plants need constant soil moisture particularly when grown in brighter positions. Great when used as a woodland plant in a naturalized setting among trees or spring bulbs. Prefers humus loam garden soils. Leaves are dark green, large and rounded, increasing in size as the season progresses. The foliage is neat, clean, and pleasing to the eye, not to forget the accent of familiar tiny blue flowers 11 centered with bright yellow eyes. Brunnera m. 'Jack Frost' is a beautiful sport of Brunnera 'Langtrees' and was introduced by Walter's Gardens. The striking leaves have a pronounced frosty silver overlay with light green veination.
Brunnera macrophylla 18 in. 2 ft. blue spring pSh-Sh clump Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' 12 - 15 in. 18 in. blue spring pSh-Sh clump Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass' 12 - 15 in. 18 in. blue spring pSh-Sh clump
Buddleia BUTTERFLY BUSH A fine addition to a shrub or perennial border. Prefers fertile soil. Attracts butterflies, and makes a fine cut flower. Cut back to 6 -10 in. before spring growth or at least back to live buds. Cutting back in spring will keep plant size controlled over years if desired. This large, arching shrub presents gray green to blue green leaves. Flowers are reminiscent of lilac shaped flowers, but more slender and pointed, with a gentler fragrance. Dead- heading induces continued blooming.
Buddleia 'Black Knight' 5 - 10 ft. 5 ft. dark blue summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Harlequin' 4 - 5 ft. 4 - 5 ft. purple red summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Nanho Blue' 3 - 4 ft. 4 ft. blue summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Nanho Purple' 3 - 4 ft. 4 ft. purple summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Pink Delight' 6 - 7 ft. 4 - 5 ft. pink summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Potter's Purple' 6 - 7 ft. 5 ft. deep violet summer Su shrub Buddleia 'Royal Red' 6 - 7 ft. 5 ft. red purple summer Su shrub
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter C
Calamintha CALAMINT Aromatic herb that prefers a warm spot in fertile soil. On erect stems, C. nepeta nepeta has 3/4 in. leaves that are rounded, ovate and toothed. Flowers are tiny but profuse. Lightly brush the foliage of the Calaminthas for their refreshing scent. Very long blooming and relished by bees.
Calamintha nepeta nepeta 12 - 18 in. 1 ft. lilac summer Su clump Calamintha nepeta 'White Cloud' 1 - 2 ft. 12 - 18 in. bright white summer Su clump
Callicarpa BEAUTYBERRY Prefer rich well drained soils. Prune back in spring to 4 - 6 inches from the ground since flowering occurs on new wood. Callicarpa d. 'Issai' is a choice dwarf form with pinkish-lavender flowers in e. summer and highly ornamental purple berries on arching branches in the fall. Plant where this gem can be admired up close.
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai' 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. lilac violet e.summer Su shrub
Campanula BELLFLOWER Thrive in any moist fertile soil. Very useful in the garden and essential to garden designers because of their blue color. Kinds range in height from stately border plants to rock garden specimens. They prefer cool soil for their roots.
Campanula 'Cherry Bells' 24 in. 12 - 18 in. red l.spr. - e.sum Su-pSh spreader Campanula 'Kent Belle' 24 in. 18 - 24 in. violet blue summer Su-pSh spreader 12
Campanula 'Sarastro' 18 in. 12 in. icy grape summer re Su spreader Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips' 12 in. 12 in. blue summer Su-pSh clump Campanula carpatica 'White Clips' 12 in. 12 in. white summer Su-pSh clump Campanula divaricata 12 in. 12 - 18 in. pale blue summer pSh-Sh clump Campanula glomerata 'Joan Elliot' 15 - 18 in. 15 - 18 in. deep violet summer Su-pSh clump Campanula glomerata 'Superba' 1 - 3 ft. 2 ft. violet purple summer Su spreader Campanula persicifolia 'Chettle Charm' 30 in. 12 - 18 in. crm.white to summer Su-pSh clump lav. Campanula persicifolia 'Grandiflora' 30 in. 12 - 18 in. light blue e. summer Su-pSh clump Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' 30 - 36in. 12 - 18 in. light blue summer Su-pSh clump Campanula portenshlagiana 8 in. 12 in. lilac blue mid summer Su-pSh spreader Campanula portenshlagiana 'Birch Hybrid' 4 in. 12 in. mauve blue summer- Su-pSh spreader e.fall Campanula poscharskyana 8 in. 12 in. lilac blue l. spring Su-pSh spreader Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall' 8 - 10 in. 2 ft. deep blue l. spring Su-pSh spreader
Caryopteris BLUE MIST FLOWER These woody plants will prosper for years in loose soil. Each year they grow up from the base to form mounded shrubs with pleasantly scented leaves, stems and flowers. Long lasting flowers that almost encircle the stems are borne from the axils of the silvery leaves. Plants should be cut back in late winter.
Caryopteris 'Dark Knight' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. dark blue l. summer Su shrub Caryopteris 'First Choice' 30 - 36 in. 2 - 3 ft. deep inky blue summer Su shrub Caryopteris 'Petit Bleu' 2.5 ft. 2 ft. deep blue l. summer Su clump Caryopteris 'Sunshine Blue' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. amethyst blue l.sum-autumn Su clump Caryopteris divaricata 'Snow Fairy' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. blue l.summer Su clump
Catananche caerulea CUPID'S DART Narrow 12 in. long silvery green basal leaves are entire or sparsly toothed. Drought resistant, will not tolerate wet feet. 2 in. flower heads form on long slender stems held above the foliage. Short lived, and marginally hardy through severe winters, they benefit from frequent division. Excellent cut flower.
Catananche caerulea 15 - 18 in. 12 - 18 in. blue summer Su clump
Ceanothus americanus NEW JERSEY TEA Small durable native shrub with luxuriant deep green leaves and flowers in clusters. Plants develop a tremendous taproot. Flowers attract hummingbirds. Dry to medium moisture, sandy to loam soils, well drained.
Caenothus americanus 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white summer Su-pSh shrub Caenothus x. pallidus 'Marie Simon' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. soft pink l. spring Su-pSh shrub
Centaurea montana MOUNTAIN BLUET Silvery white foliage when young. Solitary blue flower heads are highlighted by bracts with black fringed margins. Repeat bloom is achieved by dead heading to lateral buds. After flowering is finished, cut the spent flowering stalks to the ground for a likely rebloom in late summer. Since only a few flowers open at any one time, use mass plantings for the best floral effect. Prefers poor soil and a high PH. Spreading roots can become invasive in cooler northern gardens.
Centaurea montana 32 in. 2 ft. violet blue l. spring Su spreader 13
Centranthus ruber JUPITER'S BEARD Thrives in a well-drained site, with relatively dry, gravelly soil preferring lime, otherwise not particular. Effective in large rock gardens, stone walls, terraces and borders. Leaves are glaucous blue green and smooth. Blooms well and dead-heading will further extend flowering.
Centranthus ruber 'Coccineus' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. pink summer Su clump
Cerastium tomentosum columnae SNOW-IN-SUMMER A relatively fast spreader and makes a good ground cover for small to large areas. Used on sunny banks or between stepping stones. Prefers sandy loam with low moisture and low fertility. Grows admirably in rough conditions. The leaves spread an area with silvery gray, dense mats, and flowers bloom in abundance across the foliage.
Cerastium tomentosum columnae 6 - 8 in. 12 in. white mid spring Su spreader
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides PLUMBAGO Forms attractive mats with long lasting deep blue flowers. Has bronze to scarlet foliage in the autumn. Ground cover used to edge borders and walks or planted underneath shrubs. Leaves are dark green, smooth and rounded. Adaptable to most soils provided drainage is good.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 1 ft. 18 in. indigo blue l. summer Su-pSh spreader
Chelone TURTLEHEAD Coloring semi-shade gardens in early fall, this plant brings clear pink flowers with hints of deep pink highlights. Attractive dark green and shiny leaves are ovate and coarsely toothed. Loves to perform along side ponds, streams and bog, but can be added to your border where the soil is moist to wet and rich, with good air circulation. Low maintenance given their preferences.
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. rose pink l sum. - e.aut. Su-pSh clump
Chrysanthemum superbum, C. maximum SHASTA DAISY: See Leucanthemum
Chrysogonum virginianum GOLDENSTAR Sturdy, soft green foliage bears 1 in. single starry flowers. Even longer blooming where summers are cool, admirable peak bloom occurs in spring here in zone 6. Likes average moisture with moderate fertility and good drainage. If planted in full sun, consistent moisture assures performance. If moisture cannot be steady, light to part shade helps in the heat of summer. Useful for edging. Many respected gardeners hold this an indispensable wildflower.
Chrysogonum virginianum 4 - 8 in. 12 in. yellow spring - sum. Su-pSh carpet Chrysogonum virginianum 'Pierre' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow spring Su-pSh spreader
Cimicifuga BUGBANE The ferny leaves are arranged in sprays of threes, in groups that branch in threes. The foliage sends tall, wiry stems with bottlebrush flowers of white or cream. Grows in a moist, rich, acid soil. Cultivars range in height from 3 - 8 ft.. Three pure white bloomers are: C. racemosa, an early summer bloomer, while C. simplex 'White Pearl' and C. ramosa 'Atropurpurea' are both sought after as autumn bloomers. C. simplex 'White Pearl' flowers on arching stalks, whereas C. racemosa stands erect with reddish stems. The towering C. ramosa 'Atropurpurea' is purplish tinted in both foliage and buds, but flowers open white with a gentle, sweet fragrance. The newer cultivars: Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette' and 'Hillside Black Beauty', have very dark purplish foliage that is more pronounced in more light. All are fragrant to varying degrees.
Cimicifuga racemosa 6 ft. 2 ft. white summer pSh clump Cimicifuga ramosa 'Atropurpurea' 7 ft. 4 ft. white autumn Su-pSh clump Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette' 7 ft. 4 ft. white l.sum-fall pSh clump 14
Cimicifuga ramosa 'Hillside Black 7 ft. 4 ft. white l.sum-fall pSh clump Beauty' Cimicifuga simplex 'White Pearl' 4 ft. 2 ft. white autumn Su-pSh clump
Clematis CLEMATIS Thrive in cool, moist, fertile soil well enriched with leaf mold, peat or compost where it won't be waterlogged. May prefer limy soil but flourish under neutral or slightly acid conditions. Can be grown on trellises, fences and walls or allowed to scramble through loose shrubs and small trees. Keep roots cool and shaded where foliage will thrive in the sun. Can mulch plants or over plant by adding a shallow rooted ground cover.
Clematis 'Blue Ravin' 6 - 10 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 8 in.lilac blue w/ l. Su-pSh vine pink mauve summer Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 7 in. / pink e. summer Su vine Clematis 'Etoille Violette' 12 - 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 4 in ./deep purple l. summer Su vine Clematis 'Gillian Blades' 6 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in. /white late spring Su vine Clematis 'H. F. Young' 6 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in./ lt. blue late spring Su vine Clematis 'Henryi' 10 - 12 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in. / white late spring Su vine Clematis 'Jackmanii' 10 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 5 - 6 in. / purple e. summer Su vine Clematis 'Jackmani Superba' 12 - 15 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 2-3 purple summer Su vine Clematis 'Nelly Moser' 6 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in. / pink late spring Su vine Clematis 'Perle d'Azure' 16 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 4 - 6 in./sky blue e.sum - aut. Su vine Clematis 'Poulala' [Alabast] 8 - 10 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 in.cream w/yellow l. spring - l. Su-pSh vine summer Clematis 'Ramona' 10 - 12 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8in. / lav. summer Su vine Clematis 'Silver Moon' 8 - 10 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in pale silver summer Su-pSh vine lilac Clematis 'Will Goodwin' 10 - 12 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 6 - 8 in. / blue e. summer Su vine Clematis lanuginosa 'Candida' 8 - 15 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 7 - 9 in. / white e. summer Su vine Clematis maximowicziana (C. pan.) 30 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 1/4-1/2 in. / white l. summer Su vine Clematis montana 'Rubens' 15 - 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 4 in. / pink e. summer Su vine Clematis texensis 'Etoile Rose' 10 - 13 ft. 2 - 3 ft. cherry purp.w/silver july - august Su vine Convallaria majalis LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY Tolerant of most soil conditions; however, will benefit from periodic additions of organic matter. Fragrant flowers. Good ground cover under shade trees needing room to spread. Will over run other plants if used in a mixed perennial garden. Use instead as an under planting in association with shade loving woody plants and shrubs. Convallaria majalis 6 - 12 in. 12 in. white mid spring pSh spreader
Coreopsis TICKSEED Tolerant of various soils with good drainage. Relatively drought tolerant, they are easy to grow. When dead-heading the grandiflora kinds, cut spent flowers and flower stalks to improve appearance. All are long blooming. C. rosea likes steady moisture. C. rosea and C. verticillata have thread-leafed green foliage. C. grandiflora 'Sunray' displays a wider green leaf that is lobed near the top and undivided near its bottom end. The much-in-demand C. verticilata 'Moonbeam', a PPA plant of the year, is simply one of the finest and longest blooming perennials, with pale yellow flowers on wiry herbaceous bushes. Plants can be cut or sheared back by 1/4 to 1/3 or more in midsummer to promote more bloom (massive dead-heading in effect). Coreopsis 'Sweet Dreams' has white flower petals with a raspberry base. Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' (not hardy in zone 6) has ruby red flowers. Both are new introductions with 1 1/2 inch flowers, a long bloom season, and represent a significant color break for Coreopsis. Both should be pinched or trimmed back to promote a more compact habit. 15
Coreopsis 'Creme Brulee' 18 - 24 in. 2 ft. yellow summer Su clump Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' 20 in. 21 in. golden yellow e.sum.- ext. Su clump Coreopsis 'Sweet Dreams' 12 in. 18 - 24 in. white, dp pink summer Su clump Coreopsis grandiflora 'Flying Saucers' 15 in. 12 - 15 in. yellow e. sum. - aut. Su clump Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray' 18 - 24 in. 12 - 15 in. yellow e. summer Su clump Coreopsis lanceolata 'Walter' 18 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow w/red summer Su clump Coreopsis pubescens 'Sunshine Superman' 12 - 18 in. 21 in. gold/ornge cntr june - sept. Su-pSh spreader Coreopsis rosea 'American Dream' 12 - 18 in. 1 ft. rose pink summer Su clump Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' 2 ft. 2 ft. light yellow l. spr. - aut. Su clump Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' 12 - 18 in. 18 in. yellow e. summer Su clump Coreopsis x 'Limerock Ruby' 18 - 22 in. 21 in. redm yel cntr summer-frost Su clump
Cornus sericea 'Silver & Gold' VARIEGATED GOLDSTEM DOGWOOD Variegated cornus is an old standard in botanical gardens and now this cultivar has caught their eye. Loose habit and wider than it is high, it grows gracefully rounded, multistemmed with nearly horizontal branches at the base. Does well in the full sun in hot summers and is vigorous. Can be shaped or controlled easily in height or width by simple pruning without affecting its beauty, or can be left to grow its own way. Stems are golden yellow and the brilliant leaves are light green with wide creamy white margins. Useful as a backdrop or for architectural framework and is also excellent for massing large areas. Holds soil well on slopes where its golden stems are even more striking in winter scenes.
Cornus sericea 'Silver & Gold' 6 - 10 ft. 5 - 8 ft. white summer Su-pSh shrub
Corydalis lutea YELLOW BLEEDING HEART is best when grown in a moist, slightly alkaline soil. The foliage is lacy and delicate, yet forms in clumps with tiny cool green leaves that scatter densely about. Blooms throughout the season, but profusely in spring, with another surge when temperatures cool off later in the season. Self sows freely.
Corydalis lutea 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow spring - aut. pSh clump Corydalis elata 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. cobalt blue spring - sum. Su-pSh clump Corydalis 'Balckberry Wine' 10 in. 18 in. purple spring-sum. pSh clump
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ CROCOSMIA With scarlet red flowers flaming above iridaceae like foliage, Crocosmia’s beckon hummingbirds to the garden. Plants can be short lived north of zone 6 and hardiness is relative to plant and corm size. In the northeast they are well worth their short stay, adding a sharp architectural form to the full sun perennial border.
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' 4 ft. 1 ft. scarlet-red l.summer Su-pSh clump,spreader
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter D
Dalea purpurea PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER This important prairie legume adds nitrogen naturally to the soil. Grows on most well drained soils preferring dry to medium moisture, in sand, loam or clay. Fine textured leaves and masses of tiny flowers that are dark purple (occasionally crimson or pink)
Dalea purpurea 1 - 3 ft. 12 in. purple summer Su spreader 16
Darmera peltata (Peltiphyllum peltatum) UMBRELLA PLANT Early spring flowers appear before the foliage, but their attractiveness lasts well after foliage begins to leaf out. Leafless hairy flower stalks of a healthy reddish color arise to 3ft. or more supporting a dome shaped flowerhead. These contain little flower stems with side shoots, all bearing a 1/2 in. white starlike flower quickly shading to pink with age resulting in a dense dome of pink. Later the foliage becomes impressively larger and taller. Dark green leaves 1 or 2 ft. in diameter have 6 to 10 or more sharply cut lobes. Water gathers in little ponds inside the leaf cup and leaves become a bright copper color in autumn. Clumps may reach 4 - 6 ft. wide. Grows best along shady streams, ponds or marshes where soil is cool, moist and fertile. A useful ground cover that holds soil from erosion. Steady moisture is required with increased sun.
Darmera peltata 2 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white into pink e. spring pSh clump
Delphinium LARKSPUR These plants need rich, evenly moist, loamy humus, alkaline to slightly acid and respond to additional feeding during the growing season. Planting areas should have sharp drainage and protection from wind. Tall types need to be staked. Leaves are green, palmately lobed and large. Traditionally in great demand in perennial gardens for colorful and profusely blooming spikes and considered worth special care.
Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Dark Blue' 30 in. 15 - 21 in. dark blue e. summer Su clump Delphinium 'Blue Bird' 3 - 6 ft. 18 - 24 in. slear blue e. summer Su clump Delphinium elatum 'Royal Aspirations' 6 - 7 ft 3 ft. blues/purples summer Su clump
Dianthus PINKS Charming garden plants for edging borders and walks, or a ground cover for small areas. Adaptive to a wide range of soils as long as it drains well, preferring gritty, limy soils in the pH range of 7.0 - 8.0. Leaves are small or grassy, numerous and vary according to kind in shades of greens, silver and gray. Often fragrant, many cultivars are in circulation. D. 'Frosty Fire' has blue gray foliage in a tuft, hovered-over by double flowers. D. 'Little Bobby' has compact bluish green foliage that holds up well and bicolor single flowers. D. g. 'Bath's Pink' forms a solid carpet of foliage rather quickly that remains in good condition all season. A brilliant flower show covers the foliage. Dead-head spent flowers after blooming, cutting into the foliage a bit. D. g. 'Spotti' has flowers with intricate bicolor designs that just look more and more beautiful the closer you look. D. 'Tiny Rubies' has 1/2 in. double flowers over a short mound of gray green evergreen foliage. D. g. 'Pixie' is a vigorously growing new bicolor with flowers like D. g. 'Spotti' but with an added long bloom season. D. g. 'Sarah' another new one, has carnation type double bicolor flowers over neat mounds of grey green foliage, and a long bloom season. D. g. 'Bewitched' also long blooming, has light pink fragrant flowers with a magenta ring over silvery green foliage. A selected sport of Dianthus 'Firewitch'.
Dianthus 'Pixie Star' 8 in. 12 in. bright pink april-oct Su clump Dianthus allwoodii (x) 'Doris' 10 - 18 in. 12 - 15 in. salmon / red l. spring Su carpet eye Dianthus allwoodii (x) 'Frosty Fire' 6 in. 12 in. red l. spring Su carpet Dianthus allwoodii (x) 'Helen' 12 in. 12 in. deep salmon l. spring Su carpet Dianthus allwoodii (x) 'Little Bobby' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. / dk. l. spring Su carpet eye Dianthus deltoides 'Zing Rose' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. br. rose red l. spr. - sum. Su carpet Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink' 6 - 8 in. 12 in. soft pink l. spring Su carpet Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bewitched' 8 - 12 in. 12 in. pink/ magenta l.spring Su carpet Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch' Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Pixie' 7 in. 12 in. pink w/drk pink l.spr. - fall Su carpet 17
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Sarah' 6 in. 12 in. lt. pink ruby red l.spr. - sum Su carpet Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Spotti' 12 in. 12 in. rose red l. spring Su carpet Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Tiny Rubies' 4 in. 12 in. deep pink l. spring Su carpet
Dicentra spectabilis BLEEDING HEART Grow well in fertile, light but moist woodland soil, in the cooler side of the garden. Excellent companions for ferns and other woodland ornamentals. D. eximia and hybrids EVERBLOOMING BLEEDING HEARTS produce shades of green or blue green leaves, which have a deeply cut, ferny or divided form. D. formosa 'Luxuriant' has a bluish green color for its fernlike foliage, is everblooming, with dark pink, almost cherry red flowers, where D. formosa 'Bacchanal' is even redder. D. 'Aurora' has rather bluish green leaves. D. 'Zestful' seems to be one of the most adaptable and best growers of the everblooming types.
Dicentra eximia 12 - 15 in. 18 in. pink spr. - l. sum. pSh spreader Dicentra eximia 'Alba' 9 - 18 in. 18 in. milky white spr. - l. sum. pSh spreader Dicentra eximia 'Snowflakes' 12 - 15 in. 18 in. white l.spring Su-pSh spreader Dicentra formosa 'Aurora' 12 in. 18 in. white spr. - autumn pSh-Su spreader Dicentra formosa 'Bacchanal' 12 - 15 in. 18 in. brick red spr. - autumn pSh-Su spreader Dicentra formosa 'Luxuriant' 15 in. 18 in. deep pink spr. - autumn pSh-Su spreader Dicentra 'King of Hearts' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. rosy pink spr. - sum pSh spreader Dicentra spectabilis 24 - 30 in. 2 - 3 ft. pink spring pSh clump Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' 24 in. 2 - 3 ft. white spring pSh clump Dicentra 'Zestful' 12 - 18 in. 21 in. pink spr. - autumn pSh-Su spreader
Dictamnus albus GAS PLANT Very long lived plant once established, preferring fertile well drained soil and climates with cool nights to perform well. Two-year-old plants that are planted will need another few years to reach their peak. The finely serrated and slightly glossy leaves have 9 – 11 leaflets and the self- supporting stems have a woody base. Bloom season is short but attractive seed pods follow. Dictamnus is slow and difficult to propagate and the growing plant resents disturbance. The leaves, seed pods and blooms exude an aromatic lemon scent that can be an irritant to some people. These lemon scented volatile oils can be ignited with a match at a particular point in the bloom cycle earning Dictamnus the common name Gas Plant.
Dictamnus albus 3 ft. 2 ft. white e.summer Su clump Dictamnus albus 'Purpereus' 3 ft. 2 ft. mauve/purple e.summer Su clump
Digitalis FOXGLOVE Will grow well in any fertile soil that is not too wet or dry, and appreciate some humus added. D. purpurea and D. p. 'Alba' are biennial, where D. 'Mertonensis' is fairly perennial, and D. grandiflora (D. ambigua) is a sound perennial. The leaf on D. grandiflora is green, large, oval and lance shaped. Others are green, long stalked, large and somewhat downy. All are noted for an incredible display along tall spikes filled with a crowd of flowers.
Digitalis grandiflora (D. ambigua) 2 - 2.5 ft. 12 - 18 in. creamy yellow l. spr. - sum. Su-pSh clump Digitalis 'Mertonensis' 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. coppery rose l. spr. - sum. pSh-Su clump Digitalis purpurea 'Alba' 4 - 5 ft. 18 in. white l. spring pSh clump Digitalis purpurea 'Excelsior' 4 - 5 ft. 18 in. mixed l. spring pSh clump Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' 30 in. 18 in. mix/speckled e. summer Su-pSh clump Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice' 3 - 4 ft. 21 in. white/maroon speck. e. summer Su clump 18
Disporopsis pernyi ‘Bill Baker Form’ EVERGREEN SOLOMON'S SEAL A genus closely allied to Polygonatum, D. pernyi is a slow spreading evergreen perennial with rich, glossy green, lance shaped leaves. Hanging white bell shaped flowers are borne in spring. Disporopsis is a great perennial for the discerning woodland gardener. Indigenous to moist well drained, humus-rich soils in the upland forests of S.E. China.
Disporopsis pernyi 'Bill Baker Form' 12 in. 12 in. white e. spring psh-Sh slow sprd.
Disporum sessile ‘Variegatum’ FAIRY BELLS An eloquent easy to grow perennial well suited to the woodland garden. Leaves are green and white striped similar in appearance to Polygonatum f. ‘Variegatum’. Pendant creamy white flowers are borne in spring giving rise to berries in summer. Plants are slow to spread but once established can pop up several feet from the original clump. Native to cool, moist wooded areas of Japan.
Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' 18 in. 12 in. white w/green l.spring -sum pSh spreader
Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' LEOPARD'S BANE Thrives in any fertile soil. Mulch to keep their shallow roots cool and moist. Leaves are green, hairy and oval elliptic. Magnificent flower, abundant and long lasting, and already in bloom while other perennials are still emerging in the spring.
Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' 2 ft. 12 - 18 in. yellow e. spring Su-pSh clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter E
Echinacea purpurea PURPLE CONEFLOWER Likes rich well drained soil with compost added and drying out before watering. Drought tolerant and a butterfly magnet. Exceptionally handsome wide rayed daisy flowers with dark green, coarse and broadly lance shaped leaf character. Fine for border and for naturalized areas. Excellent for cutting, flowers are unique among others, having petals that gracefully droop. Echinacea purpurea Bravado' has perhaps more saturated flower color. Echinacea p. 'Magnus' has horizontal flower petals. E. p. 'Rubinstern' horizontal and exceptionaly large flowers with deep color. E. p. 'White Swan' white blooming form of E. purpurea.
Echinacea 'Art's Pride' Orange Meadowbrite 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. orange summer Su clump Echinacea 'Harvest Moon' 24 - 30 in. 18 - 24 in. earthy gold summer Su clump Echinacea 'Kim's Knee High' 24 - 30 in. 12 in. clear pink l.june/aug. Su clump Echinacea 'Mango Meadowbrite' 30 in. 18 - 24 in. mango/fragrant summer Su clump Echinacea 'Sundown' 32 - 36 in. 18 - 24 in. orange summer Su clump Echinacea 'Sunrise' 30 - 36 in. 18 - 24 in. citron yellow summer Su clump Echinacea 'Sunset' 24 - 30 in. 18 - 24 in. orange summer Su clump Echinacea (x) 'Twilight' 24 - 30 in. 18 in rose/red cntr summer Su clump Echinacea paradoxa 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. yellow summer Su clump Echinacea purpurea 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. purplish summer Su clump Echinacea purpurea 'Bravado' 28 in. 18 - 24 in. rosy red summer Su clump Echinacea purpurea 'Fragrant Angel' 30 - 40 in. 2 ft. white/fragrant mid sum - fall Su clump Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. rose pink summer Su clump Echinacea p. 'Rubinstern' (Ruby Star) 2 - 3 ft 18 - 24 in. dp purple pink summer Su clump Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Giant' 35 in. 18 - 24 in. deep purplish summer Su clump 19
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' 3 ft. 18 in. white summer Su clump Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. pastel pink sum - e.fall Su-pSh clump
Echinops ritro GLOBE THISTLE Will thrive in poor as well as good soils with average moisture, tolerating dry soil. Easy, undemanding plants. Flowers provide good color and interest long before they open, extending the season. Shows off green, jagged, felty leaves that are thistle-like with spiny tips and gray underneath. E. b. 'Blue Glow' has deeper blue flowers than the species. E. bannaticus leaves are more deeply divided and hairier. E. b.'Veitch's Blue' has darker steel blue flowers than E. b. 'Taplow Blue'.
Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. intense steel bl. l. summer Su clump Echinops bannaticus 'Taplow Blue' 4 - 5 ft. 3 ft. steel blue summer Su clump Echinops ritro 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. steel blue l. summer Su clump Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue' 30 - 36 in. 3 ft. dark steel blue summer Su clump
Epimedium BARRENWORT Flowers are like small columbines in airy sprays. Makes a good ground cover once established. They have very attractive and persistent foliage. Cut old foliage by early spring before the early blooms and new growth appears. Rather woody perennials with pleasingly heart shaped leaves that nod laterally in the wind. Prefers rich, moist soil but compete well with roots in dry, shaded conditions. Hints of red accent the leaves of E. versicolor (x) 'Sulphureum' in early spring, whereas plants of E. rubrum (x) hold this red outline somewhat longer. Choice ground cover plants.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee' 15 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender violet spring pSh-Sh spreader Epimedium rubrum (x) 15 in. 12 - 18 in. crimson spring pSh-Sh spreader Epimedium versicolor (x) 'Sulphureum' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. pale yellow spring pSh-Sh spreader Epimedium youngianum (x) 'Niveum' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. white spring pSh-Sh spreader Epimedium youngianum (x) 'Merlin' 10 in. 16 in. violet w/white spring pSh-Sh spreader Epimedium youngianum (x) 'Roseum' 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. lilac rose spring pSh-Sh spreader
Equisetum hyemale SCOURING RUSH, HORSETAIL An ancient plant, once used as a scouring material and to polish tin and wood. The erect hollow evergreen stems are conspicuously jointed, with leaves reduced to scales at the nodes. The flowering structure is the sporophyll at the stem tip. Be forewarned that the vigorous spreading rhizomes can colonize quickly. This unique curiosity needs to be confined. Moist to wet soil. Great for pond edges and water gardens and also makes a fine container plant.
Equisetum hyemale 3 - 5 ft. 21 in. fol. green spring Su spreader Equisetum hyemale robustum 3 - 6 ft. 21 in. fol. green spring Su spreader
Eryngium SEA HOLLY Sea Hollies are mostly native to costal areas although E. yuccifolium, Rattlesnake Master, is a native prairie plant. They are tolerant of hot dry sites and poor as well as salty soils. Steely blue tinged teasel-like flowerheads provide a distinctive accent in the garden. Long lasting cut or dried flower.
Eryngium planum'Blaukappe' 28 in. 2 - 3 ft. steel blue summer Su clump Eryngium planum 'Sapphire Blue' 24 - 30 in. 2 - 3 ft. blue summer Su clump Eryngium yuccifolium 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. bluish silver june-sept. Su clump
Eupatorium maculatum 'Gateway' JOE PYE WEED The straight species E. maculatum one finds growing in the wild and along roadways in wet soils. The selection Eupatorium m. 'Gateway' is shorter than the wild one. The very 20 large flowerheads are really groups of flowerheads that can contain 9 to 30 very small purplish flowers each. It is easy to grow in moist or wet, moderately fertile soil. A garden worthy choice, providing late summer bloom and structural value for beauty in design. Attracts butterflies too! Eupatorium colestinum 'Cory' HARDY AGERATUM Erect, branching red brown stems that are slightly hairy. Light green leaves are triangularly oval, wide at the base and have coarsely toothed edges. The flowers are a glowing blue to violet, turning purplish, blooming in dense clusters late in the year. Similar in flower to the annual Ageratum, but a taller plant. A must for end-of-the year fresh cut flowers.
Eupatorium colestinum 2 - 3 ft. 18 in. blue autumn Su-pSh spreader Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe' 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. mauve l. summer Su-pSh clump Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum' 6 ft. 2 - 3 ft. lavender purple l. summer Su-pSh clump Eupatorium maculatum 'Gateway' 5 - 6 ft. 2 - 3 ft. purplish l. summer Su-pSh clump Eupatorium maculatum 'Purple Bush' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. purple l. summer Su-pSh clump Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white l. summer Sh-Su clump
Euphorbia SPURGE Happy in any reasonably drained, poor to moderate soil. Narrow leaves crowd the stems where the flowers begin. Stems contain a milky sap that may cause a skin irritation. Long-lived plants, have persistent foliage and the green yellow colored bracts are long lasting. Clump forming E. polychroma produces a rounded dome of stems with dark green leaves that turn red in the fall. E. myrsinites produces glaucous gray leaves on trailing stems. These flowering stems should be cut after they fade to encourage a handsome new crop of stems and leaves. Evergreen especially when grown in a protected spot. E. a. 'Purpurea' is noted for marroon red leaves and deep red to purple stems in winter that remains and constrasts well with the greenish yellow bracts of spring.
Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae 18 in 2 ft. greenish yellow spring Su-pSh spreader Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' 10 - 12 in. 2 ft. bright yellow l.spr. - e.sum Su clump Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' 12 in. 18 in. burnt orange spring Su clump Euphorbia polychroma 18 in. 18 in. yellow spring - l.spr. Su clump Euphorbia myrsinites 6 - 12 in. 12 in. yellow spr. - e. sum. Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter F
Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' VARIEGATED FALLOPIA This plant (formerly Polygonum cuspidatum or Reynoutria japonica) does not run rampant. Foliage is artistically splotched with striking patches of white across the leaves on pink and green stems, with light pink new growth. The feathery flowers are good for bouquets.
Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' 4 - 5 ft. 2 ft. white l. summer Su-pSh clump Fallopia japonica 'Crimson Beauty' 8 - 12 ft. 2 ft. crimson l. summer Su-pSh clump
Fargesia rufa HARDY CLUMPING BAMBOO Clump forming bamboo up to 10 ft. in width or more in time. The plants have long narrow deep green waxy leaves with accenting pink to reddish leaf sheaths and branchlets. Plant in organic enriched well drained soil. Winter green.
Fargesia rufa 'Green Panda' 7-8 ft. 10 ft. fol. deep green evergreen Sh-pSh clump
Filipendula MEADOWSWEET Require moisture retentive soil, preferably alkaline, and loves its "feet" moist and foliage dry. Both fragrant, F. purpurea 'Elegans' reaches 4 ft. and F. rubra 'Venusta' up to 6 feet. Most often do not 21 requiring staking, even in windy conditions. F. rubra 'Venusta' QUEEN-OF-THE-PRAIRIE, has flat flowerheads up to one foot in size, and at a distance look like pinkish cotton candy. A towering accent or specimen plant, spreading into large clumps.
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' 6 ft. 4 ft. pink summer Su-pSh clump Filipendula 'Kakome' 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. pink summer Su-pSh clump
Fragaria 'Frel' ('Pink Panda') ORNAMENTAL STRAWBERRY Loose ground cover for sunny areas, but will tolerate part shade. Popular for its profuse, radiant pink spring blooms that continue blooming on and off throughout the season; rather than for the edible fruit it occasionally produces. Requires moist, rich soil. Cutting trailing stems and dead-heading increases flowering and keeps foliage dense.
Fragaria 'Frel' ('Pink Panda') 6 in. 12 - 18 in. pink spring - aut. Su-pSh carpet root. Fragaria 'Lipstick' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. red spring - aut. Su-pSh carpet root.
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter G
Gaillardia BLANKET FLOWER Flamboyant garden flower, blooming tirelessly. Longest-lived in sharply drained soil. Foliage is lightly aromatic. The leaf is gray green and coarsely toothed. Dead-heading ensures constant bloom.
Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' 12 - 15 in. 12 in. red orange yel june-sept. Su clump Gaillardia 'Baby Cole' 7 - 8 in. 8 - 12 in. red w/yel.mar. summer- fall Su clump Gaillardia 'Kobold' ('Goblin') 12 in. 12 in. dk. red and yel. summer Su clump
Galium odoratum SWEET WOODRUFF The leaf is characterized with rich green whorls that provide good foliage all season. The plant should be grown in a cool, moist soil. Ground cover for edging borders and paths, or used as an underplanting for naturalized and woodland settings. It's gentle sweet fragrance and snow-topped appearance when in bloom would shurely be missed in any shady garden without it.
Galium odoratum 9 in. 1 - 3 ft. white mid spring pSh-Sh spreader
Gaura lindheimeri WHITE GAURA Long blooming and adaptable to hot summers. Best grown in sandy loam for good drainage, or a raised bed. Deeply tap rooted. Leaves are gray green and willow like, further graced by flowers that don't open all at once. Very long blooming. Cut back to 8 in. mid season of the second year for bushier growth.
Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterfly' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white l. spring - Su clump aut. Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' 30 in. 18 - 24 in. pink sum. - Su clump autumn
Geranium HARDY GERANIUM Easy and extremely valuable plants for borders and as ground covers, producing beautiful flowers. Most species thrive in ordinary well drained soil in sun, while some are more luxuriant and bloom longer in cool, moist, fertile soil in bright partial shade.
Geranium 'Brookside' 12 - 18 in. 18 in. clear blue summer Su clump 22
Geranium cantabrigiense (x) 'Biokova' 6 - 12 in. 12 in. white e. summer Su clump Geranium cantabrigiense (x) 'Karmina' 6 - 12 in. 12 in. rose pink e. summer Su clump Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' 4 - 6 in. 12 in. rosy lilac summer Su clump Geranium 'Dilys' 6 in. 18 in. reddish purple summer - fall Su carpet Geranium endressii 'Wargrave Pink' 18 - 24 in. 3 ft. salmon pink e. summer Su-pSh clump Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' 12 in. 2 ft. violet blue e. summer Su clump Geranium maculatum 'Espresso' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. pale pink l. spring pSh clump Geranium macr. 'Ingwersen's Variety' 12 in. 2 ft. pale pink l. spring Su-Sh carpet root. Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart' 12 in. 2 ft. delicate pink l. spring pSh-Sh carpet root Geranium macrorrhizum 12 in. 2 ft. dark pink l. spring pSh-Sh carpet root. Geranium magnificum (x) 18 - 24 in. 2 ft. violet blue e. summer Su-pSh clump Geranium oxonianum (x) 'Claridge 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. magenta pink summer Su clump Druce' Geranium 'Orion' 18 - 24 in. 2 - 3 ft. bright blue summer Su-pSh clump Geranium phaeum 24 - 30 in. 18 - 24 in. dark maroon l. spring pSh-Sh clump Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' 12 - 18 in. 12 in. purple l. spring Su-pSh clump Geranium psilostemon 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. crimson w/dk e.summer Su-pSh clump eye Geranium 'Rozanne' 20 in. 2 ft. deep blue summer/ext. Su clump Geranium sanguineum 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. magenta crims. summer Su-pSh spreader Geranium sanguineum 'Album' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. white e. summer Su-Sh clump Geranium sanguineum 'Alpenglow' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. rose red l.spr. - sum Su clump Geranium sanguineum 'John Elsley' 4 - 6 in. 12 in. carmine w/dk e.-mid sum Su spreader eye Geranium sang. 'New Hampshire Purple' 12 - 18 in. 12 - 15 in. dp reddish purp spring/ext. Su-pSh carpet Geranium sanguineum striatum 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. pink summer Su spreader Geranium 'Spinners' 36 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender blue summer Su clump Geranium 'Tiny Monster' 16 - 18 in. 21 in. purple violet e.-l. summer Su groundcover Geranium wlassovianum 15 in. 2 ft. dk. violet blue summer - fall Su-pSh carpet
Geum coccineum 'Borisii' AVENS Useful as a ground cover as well as separately. Thick, bright green foliage with hairy, wedge shaped, toothed leaves. Ample flowers are a warm, attractive reddish orange. Requires moist and fertile soil. Its glistening greenery and outstanding flowers cheer the mood. Geum triflorum PRAIRIE SMOKE This distinctive native is commonly found on American prairies. Appearing in spring the purplish red flowers nod in an attractive cup shape. The unique feature occurs next when the feathery silver pink seed heads arise. Abundant deeply cut foliage remains in good condition all season. Very cold hardy and grows well in rich well drained soil as well as poor dry soil.
Geum coccineum 'Borisii' 8 in. 12 - 15 in. orange l. spring Su clump Geum triflorum 12 in. 21 in. pink spring Su groundcover
Gypsophila BABY'S BREATH Require especially well drained, limy soil and average to dry moisture with preferably deep, light, porous soil for their questing roots. Clouds of tiny flowers provide an airy contrast to more substantial border plants. The leaf is gray green, narrow and slight. G. repens CREEPING BABY'S BREATH is a low growing perennial in comparison to G. paniculata. Both have small white or pink flowers. 23
Gypsophila paniculata 'Fairy Perfect' 3 - 4 ft. 4 ft. white summer Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter H
Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ VARIEGATED PERSIAN IVY Large leaf ivy with thick curled heart shaped leaves. A bright yellow center and veining accent the light and dark green leaf colors. Clings to any rough textured surface as long as the aerial roots can get a grip. Long lasting as a variegated cut green in flower arrangements. Hedera helix IVY Use as a ground cover where it will stabilize the soil, or as a climbing vine. Vigorous in the shade and the best growth occurs in moist soils but this ivy is tough and adaptable. Will climb almost any vertical surface. Many cultivars are available and the variegated forms tend to be less cold hardy. Severe winters and exposed sites can cause the foliage to burn and the leaves to drop. Prune or trim to control growth at any time of the year.
Hedera colchica 'Sulfur Heart' 20 - 30 ft. 3 - 5 ft. fol. evergreen year round pSh-Su vine/spreader Hedera helix 50 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. evergreen year round pSh-Su vine/spreader
Helenium SNEEZEWEED Long blooming native plants that have been extensively hybridized in Europe. Falsely accused of making one sneeze, common ragweed is the real culprit having a similar bloom time. Appreciates moist soil and will tolerate poorly drained soils. Good cut flowers are also attractive to butterflies. Shorter cultivars reduce the need for staking. Basically pest free.
Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. brownish red late summer Su clump
Helianthemum SUN ROSE Evergreen subshrubs with grey green leaves require full sun, good drainage and neutral to alkaline soil conditions. Shear back by one third after flowering to refresh shape.
Helianthemum 'Wisley Pink' 8 - 12 in. 2 ft. soft pink l. spr.- e. sum. Su hummock Helianthemum 'Wisley Primrose' 8 - 12 in. 2 ft. soft yellow l. spr.- e. sum. Su hummock
Helianthus salicifolius WILLOWLEAF SUNFLOWER This perennial sunflower provides a stunning mass of color for fall gardens, at a manageable height. Leaves are narrow and willowlike, plants are upright and self supporting. Prefers average well drained soils. These yellow flowers with dark brown eyes make a nice cut flower. Birds enjoy the seeds.
Helianthus salicifolius 'First Light' 44 in. 2 - 3 ft. yellow autumn Su clump Helianthius salicifolius 'Low Down' 12 in. 21 in. yellow autumn Su clump
Heliopsis helianthoides FALSE SUNFLOWER Cultivate in any fertile garden soil. Keep moist. Excellent border plants providing very persistent bloom with leaves that are oval lance shaped. Long lasting as cut flowers. Fertilize sparingly only.
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Prairie Sunset' 36 - 48 in. 2 ft. yel. w/wine eye summer Su clump Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Sun' 4 ft. 2 ft. yellow all summer Su clump Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. yel.w/mahongany summer Su clump Nights' center 24
Helleborus HELLEBORE Large, hand like leaves break foliage patterns beautifully under deciduous trees, shrubs and shady spots, providing handsome foliage for most of the year. Their nodding cup shaped blooms signify the start of the long awaited growing season and are very durable, yet delicate in appearance. Prefer moist, fertile garden soil that is not too wet. H. foetidus STINKING HELLEBORE produces evergreen leaves in a fanlike arrangement with 7- 10 toothed leaflets. The word "foetidus" meaning bad smelling, refers to the foliage when bruised or broken only. This star of my winter garden will start to bloom in late autumn and then hold midstream unaffected by the winter, only to continue the bloom cycle in the spring, an amazing thing to witness every year! H. orientalis LENTEN ROSE grows abundant glossy green basal leaves, with a finely toothed outline in a 7-9 leaflet span. H. argutifolius CORSICAN HELLEBORE With thick foliage and sturdy stems this hellebore offers a generous display of green flowers that, over time, open completely flat. Young foliage is green, maturing to a blue grey and complemented with silvery veination. Each leaf is comprised of 3 leaflets displaying widely spaced, finely toothed edges.
Helleborus argutifolius 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. green/yellow spring pSh-Sh clump Helleborus foetidus 18 - 24 in. 18 in. light green l.aut.- e. spr. Su-pSh clump Helleborus niger 12 in. 18 in. white winter/spring pSh-Sh clump Helleborus orientalis 18 in. 2 ft. mixed e. spring pSh-Sh clump Helleborus orientalis 'Royal Heritage' 18 in. 2 ft. mixed e. spring pSh-Sh clump Hellebours orientalis Sunshine Strain 12 - 24 in. 2 ft. mixed winter/spring pSh-Sh clump Helleborus x hybridus 'Brandywine' 12 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. mixed e. spring pSh-Sh clump Helleborus x hybridus 'Pine Knot Select' 18 in. 18 - 24 in. mixed e. spring pSh-Sh clump
Hemerocallis DAYLILY Thrive in a wide range of soils as long as drainage is adequate, but are at their best in deep, moist, fertile loam. Practically indestructible plants used in borders, as a ground cover, edging and specimen plants. Arching leaves are bright green and grassy. Highly useful plants for exciting shows in successive blooming design.
Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon' 22 in 1.5 - 3 ft. mauve/plum eye E-re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Autumn Prince' 42 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. light yellow late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Bama Music' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pale pink mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Baltimore Oriole' 26 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. velvet red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Barbara Mitchell' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pink lavender mid re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Becky Lynn' 25 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose w/ white early re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Bertie Ferris' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. orange early - mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Better Believe It' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. pink / rose red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Bountiful Valley' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lemon mid - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Carolyn Criswell' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. canary yellow early Su clump Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbury' 30 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lt. orchid lav. mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Cherry Cheeks' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink mid - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' 27 in. 1.5 -3 ft. bright scarlet red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Daring Deception' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lav.w/dk.purp. early - mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Fairy Tale Pink' 24 in 1.5 - 3 ft. pink mid Su clump Hemerocallis fulva 48 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. orange buff early - late Su spreader Hemerocallis 'Gordon Biggs' 25 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. raspberry red early Su clump Hemerocallis 'Green Flutter' 20 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. canary late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. clr. lemon yel. early - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' 40 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lemon mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Ice Carrnival' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. near white mid Su clump 25
Hemerocallis 'Janice Brown' 21 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. br. pink rose early - mid Su clump re Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white mid re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Juanita Hammonds' 36 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. bright purple red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Lime Frost' 24 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white w/green throat mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Luxury Lace' 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lavender mid re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Mary Todd' 26 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. light yellow early Su clump Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' 20 in. 12 - 18 in. creamy white, ruby mid Su-pSh clump eye Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. cranberry red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Patricia Fay' 36 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Pink Embers' 19 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. salmon pink early - mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Prairie Blue Eyes' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. lavender / blue mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Red Volunteer' 30 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. red mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' 14 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. rose pink early - late Su clump re Hemerocallis 'Ruffled Ruby' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. deep red fr. early - mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Ruby Throat' 21 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. velvety red mid - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'September Gold' 32 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. deep gold late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Siloam Merle Kent' 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. orchid / purple mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Siloam Shocker' 28 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. crm. w/red & grn mid Su clump Hemerocallis 'Starstruck' 26 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. yellow early - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' 12 - 18 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. yellow early - late Su clump Hemerocallis 'South Seas' 30 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. coral-orange mid re Su clump Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves' 27 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. white/fragrant early - late Su clump Hemerocalls 'Woodside Ruby' 34 in. 1.5 - 3 ft. ruby w/lime throat mid Su clump
Hepatica acutiloba LIVERLEAF Ushering in spring with bouquets of blue, violet and pink flowers, this charming little native is a great addition to the sunnier woodland garden. Due to its small stature plants show best when planted in mass or among the rock garden. Hepaticas native habitat consists of rich wooded soils often around limestone.
Hepatica acutiloba 3 - 9 in. 6 - 12 in. lavender e.spring-spring pSh clump
Heptacodium miconioides SEVEN-SON FLOWER Originally collected by Ernest Wilson in 1907 from the mountains of southern China, it was somewhat forgotten until a recent expedition back into that area in the 1980’s. Seed’s of this small tree were collected and it is now becoming readily available in cultivation. Offering multiple seasons of interest. In late summer, fragrant, white, jasmine like flowers branch in terminal clusters of seven. After a stunning floral display berries are formed surrounded by cherry red petallike leaves (calyces). In winter, exfoliating bark reveals a light nutmeg brown inner bark. Heptacodium has been called “The Crepe Myrtle of the North”.
Heptacodium miconioides 20 - 22 ft.. 6 - 8 ft. white fragrant e.october Su-pSh lg shrub
Heuchera ALUM ROOT These plants have woody roots that slowly spread to form dense clumps of rounded leaves. Useful in the border or woodland garden and as an edging or ground cover. Numerous wiry stems arise holding tiny bell shaped flowers. Various kinds are particularly enjoyed as cut flowers. Many forms are available having evergreen 26 leaves that may be silver mottled, marbled or beautifully tinted gray silver or bronze purple. Thrive in moist fertile soil. H. 'Palace Purple' has deep purple foliage in spring and fall, fading in hot summers to bronze green.
Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain' 30 in. 21 in. greenish white e.summer Su-pSh clump Heuchera 'Cherries Jubilee' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. cherry red summer pSh clump Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. white summer pSh clump Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' 12 - 18 in. 21 in. pink summer pSh-Su clump Heuchera 'Mt. St. Helens' 14 in. 18 in. cardinal red summer Su clump Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. greenish white summer pSh clump Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' 8 - 26 in. 24 - 30 in. greenish whte l.spr. - e. sum pSh clump Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls' 24 in. 12 - 15 in. white l.spr.- pSh - Su clump summer Heuchera villosa 'Autumn Bride' 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white autumn pSh - Sh clump Heuchera villosa 'Purpurea' 18 in. 18 in. white lt. summer pSh - Sh clump Heuchera 'Velvet Night' 7 - 26 in. 18 - 24 in. greenish white l.spr. - e.sum pSh clump
Heucherella (x) FOAMY BELLS A rare hybrid between the two genera, Heuchera and Tiarella. Long and profusely blooming plants that often re-bloom in autumn. Site in average to rich soils that do not dry out in summer. Attractive heuchera-like rich green mottled leaves have reddish bronze veins. Can be slow to establish; however, it is worth the wait.
Heucherella 'Bridget Bloom' 18 in. 18 in. shell pink spr. - sum. pSh clump Heucherella 'Rosalie' 18 in. 18 in. pink spr. - sum. pSh clump Heucherella 'Stoplight' 16 in. 18 - 21 in. white spring Su-pSh clump Heucherella 'Viking Ship' 15 - 18 in. 12 in. pink spring pSh clump
Hibiscus cocccineus SCARLET ROSE MALLOW Handsome native wetland plant with leaves 5 to 6 in. wide having 3, 5 or 7 jagged narrow lobes deeply cut and slightly toothed. Red, funnel shaped flowers are 5 to 6 in. wide. Hibiscus (x) (Hybrids) ROSE MALLOW These large perennial flowers are as strong as they are tall and they support with ease their impressive flowers of pink shades, red and white. The native H. moscheutos (palustris) MARSH MALLOW is common in NJ wetlands, with large 6 in. flowers mixing the three colors on plants that grow in clumps. These Hibiscus all prefer wet sites and rich soil, but will thrive in average moist gardens as well.
Hibiscus coccineus 6 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. red mid - l. sum. Su clump Hibiscus 'Disco Bell Pink' 1.5 - 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink e. summer Su clump Hibiscus 'Fantasia' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. lav. ruffled l. summer Su clump Hibiscus 'Kopper King' 3.5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white, red eye sum. - frost Su-pSh clump Hibiscus 'Lady Baltimore' (x) 4 - 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. pink / red thr. mid - l. sum. Su clump Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore' (x) 4 - 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. red mid - l. sum. Su clump Hibiscus moscheutos (palustris) 3 - 7 ft. 2 - 3 ft. rose, pk., or wht. summer - Su-pSh clump aut. Hibiscus 'Old Yella' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. creamy white w/red july/frost Su-pSh clump eye 27
Hibiscus 'Plum Crazy' 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. 10 in.plum with l.summer Su clump purple
Hosta PLANTAIN LILY Extremely useful and long-lived plants, growing best in deep, moisture retentive soil containing humus. Foliage of diverse color and character is generally larger when grown in denser shade. When grown in a brighter position, plants tend to be a bit more compact and flower freely, but require more moisture. Semi- shade to full bright shade is preferred, and siting as such will help preserve the color of blue leafed hostas. The blue coloring comes from a waxy coating that fades away over the season with exposure to rain, heat and sun. A wide range of heights, color, variegations, leaf shape and texture are available to accent that specific area, including flower color and sometimes fragrance.
Hosta 'Abby' fol. 8 in. 21 in. lavender e.summer pSh clump Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' fol. 18 in. 16 in. white summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'August Moon' fol. 20 in. 2 ft. white summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Blue Angel' fol. 36 in. 5 - 6 ft. white lt. spring pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Big Daddy' fol. 36 in. 3 - 5 ft. whte e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Earth Angel' fol. 30 in. 3.5 - 4 ft. pale lavender mid summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Cascades' fol. 15 in. 2 - 3 ft. white july pSh clump Hosta 'Crested Surf' fol.16 in. 23 - 30 in. purple august pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Dancing in the Rain' fol. 32 in. 3.5 - 4 ft. pale lavender mid summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta fortunei (x) 'Aureomarginata' fol. 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. lilac summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta fortunei (x) 'Francee' fol. 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta fortunei (x) 'Gold Standard' fol. 22 in. 2 - 3 ft. pale lavender summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta fortunei (x) 'Patriot' fol. 18 in. 2 ft. pale lavender e. summer pSh clump Hosta 'Fragrant Blue' fol. 20 in. 3 ft. lavender august pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Golden Tiara' fol. 14 in. 18 - 24 in. purple summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Grand Tiara' fol. 16 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender summer pSh clump Hosta 'Green Cadet' fol. 6 in. 18 - 24 in. lavender summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Guacamole' fol. 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. near white l. summer pSh clump Hosta 'Hadspen Blue' fol. 10 in. 18 - 24 in lt. lavender mid summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'June' fol. 15 in. 18 - 24 in. violet e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta lancifolia fol. 12 in. 12 - 18 in. lilac l. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Loyalist' fol. 22 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender summer pSh clump Hosta 'Minute Man' fol. 23 in. 3 - 4 ft. lavender july pSh-Sh clump Hosta montana 'Aureomarginata' fol. 24 in. 3.5 - 4 ft. lavender e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta nigrescens 'Krossa Regal' fol. 30 in. 3 ft. lilac summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Night Before Christmas' fol. 30-36 “ 3ft. pale lavender e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Pacific Blue Edger' fol. 8 in. 2 ft. lavender e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Paul's Glory' fol. 16 in. 2 - 3 ft. white summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta plantaginea fol. 24 in. 3 ft. white l. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Queen Josephine' fol 17 in. 36 in. palel purple l.july-m.sug pSh-Sh clump Hosta rectifolia (Nakai) fol. 14 in. 2 - 3 ft. purple summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Regal Splendor' fol. 36 in. 2 1/2-3 ft. lavender spring-sum. pSh clump Hosta 'Remember Me' fol 15 in. 2 ft. viiolet july pSh-Sh clump Hosta Royal Standard fol. 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. white summer pSh-Sh clump 28
Hosta Sagae' (fluctuans Variegated) fol. 24 in. 3 - 4 ft. pale lavender summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Sea Octopus' fol. 8 in. 12 - 18 in. purp striped summer pSh clump Hosta 'Shade Fanfare' fol.15-22in. 1.5 - 2 ft. lavender mid summer Sh-Su clump Hosta sieboldiana 'Bressingham Blue' fol. 20 in. 3 - 4 ft. pearly white e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' fol. 28 in. 3 - 4 ft. white e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' fol. 25 in. 3 - 4 ft. pale lilac l. spring pSh-Sh clump Hosta sieboldiana 'Great Expectations' fol. 22 in. 2 - 4 ft. near white e. summer pSh clump Hosta sieboldii 'Ginko Craig' fol. 10 in. 18 in. mauve summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta sieboldii 'Kabitan' fol. 10 in. 18 in. lavender mid summer pSh clump Hosta 'So Sweet' fol. 14 in. 18 - 24 in. white l. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Striptease' fol. 20 in. 3 - 4 ft. violet summer pSh clump Hosta 'Sum and Substance' fol. 36 in. 5 ft. white -light lav. l. summer pSh clump Hosta 'Sun Power' 30 in. 3 ft. orchid e.summer Su-pSh clump Hosta 'Torchlight' 22 in. 40 in. lavender july-e.aug pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Twilight' 20 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta tardiana (x) 'Halcyon' fol. 16 in. 18 - 24 in. violet summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta tokudama 'Aureonebulosa' fol. 14 in. 2 - 3 ft. near white e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta tokudama 'Flavocircinalis' fol. 15 in. 2 - 3 ft. near white e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta undulata (x) 'Albomarginata' fol. 18 in. 18 in. lilac e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta undulata (x) 'Undulata' fol. 18 in. 18 - 24 in. pale purple e. summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Wide Brim' fol. 22 in. 2 - 3 ft. white summer pSh-Sh clump Hosta 'Whirlwind' 19 in. 36 in. lavender l.july-aug. pSh-Sh clump
Houstonia caerulea BLUETS Versatile native meadow plant forming a spreading mat of tiny glossy leaves. Thrives in acid soil where drainage is good. Wonderful used in containers or planted between stepping stones.
Houstonia caerulea 2 in. 12 - 18 in. sky blue spring Su-pSh carpet root
Houttuynia cordata CHAMELEON PLANT This excellent ground cover captures the eye with multicolored leaves of greens, white, pinks and red. Use in moist to wet, even bog, areas in rich or moderately fertile soil. In deep shade it stays greener. Noted for its spicy citrus scent, this plant is a vigorous spreader and must be restrained where necessary. Useful as a container plant or when confined by a walkway.
Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' 6 - 8 in. 18 in. white summer Su-pSh spreader
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ SMOOTH HYDRANGEA Flowers on the new growth of current season. Native hardy to zone 3. If previous season stems are cut to the ground, the new shoots produce larger flowers up to 10 or 12 inches in diameter. Hydrangea macrophylla BIG LEAF HYDRANGEA Blue or pink colors depend on the amount of available aluminum in the soil or media. High acidity (low ph) solubilizes aluminum result in blue flowers low acidity (high ph) or alkaline conditions tie up aluminum in insoluble forms resulting in pink flowers. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’ PANICLE HYDRANGEA Easy to grow. Flowers on the current seasons growth. (with the exception of the cultivar ‘Praecox’) Best pruned in late winter but before leaf emergence to remove old flowers and to improve and open the plant structure. Quite adaptable to most soil conditions as long as drainage is good. Hydrangea quercifolia OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA A beautiful native shrub offering handsome leaves and flowers, good fall color and exfoliating bark. 29
Hydrangea aborescens 'Annabelle' 3 - 4 ft 4 - 5 ft. white / green summer Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer 3 ft. 3 - 4 ft. blue RE summer Su-pSh shrub Beauty' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Enziandom' 4 ft. 4 - 5 ft. dark blue mid sum/fall Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macrophylla 'Fasan' 4 ft. 4 - 5 ft. red lace cap summer Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macr. 'Mariesii Variegata' 4 - 6 ft. 4 - 5 ft. blue lace cap summer Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macrophylla 'Niko Blue' 5 ft. 4 - 5 ft. steel blue summer Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac' 5 ft. 4 - 5 ft. blue lt.spr.-sum Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tovelit' 2 - 3 ft. 3 - 4 ft. mauve - pink e.summer Su-pSh shrub Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' 6 - 8 ft. 5 ft. lime green july/aug. Su shrub
Hypericum calycinum ST. JOHN'S WORT A semi-evergreen sub shrub. Somewhat slow to establish but in time makes a very solid, woody cover. Adaptable to various fertile to infertile soils, but best in fertile loam soil with average moisture conditions. H. calycinum is a fine ground cover with light green smooth leaves above, and glaucous beneath. Especially useful to break foliage patterns and bright flowers bring an extra surprise, decorating an already beautiful cover. Hypericum a. 'Albury Purple' has larger green leaves with burgundy purple leaf tips that compliment the yellow flowers. As the season progresses, the attractive ripening fruit extends the interest considerably. Should be cut back hard in spring.
Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow summer pSh-Su spreader Hypericum calycinum 12 in. 18 in. yellow summer pSh-Su spreader Hypericum calycinum 'Brigadoon' 15 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. gold l.spr-e.sum Su-pSh spreader Hypericum 'Gemo' 2 - 3 ft. 3 - 4 ft. yellow july/sept. Su shrub
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter I
Iberis sempervirens CANDYTUFT A fine groundcover for small areas. Good plant for the front of the border or when used in raised beds and rock gardens. Performs well on slopes or leaning over rocks. Successfully grown in various soils as long as drainage is good. Evergreen, shrubby. Leaves are dark green, small and narrow.
Iberis sempervirens 'Alexander's White' 10 in. 18 in. white spring Su carpet
Iris ensata JAPANESE IRIS Prefer a moist to a very moist spot in fertile soil. They have large flowers and make fine, leafy clumps. One of the few U.S. native Iris, Iris cristata DWARF CRESTED IRIS, native to Eastern U.S., is an extremely desirable iris for its shade tolerance. Likes neutral humus rich soil, moist and well drained. Better on a slope than in flat or poorly drained areas. Splendid ground cover in shade, good in rock gardens, edging and borders. Iris germanica BEARDED IRIS, need free draining soil, particularly in the winter. Grows well in fertile loam with average moisture. Beautiful, intricate and complex flowers in a rainbow of colors with green sword shaped leaves. Should be planted with 1/3 to 1/2 of the horizontal rhizomes exposed. Iris pseudacorus YELLOW FLAG grow well in shallow water or water's edge, but will also grow well in the border in moist fertile soil. Leaves are green, coarse, luxuriant, and sword shaped. Iris sibirica SIBERIAN IRIS will grow best in soils that retain moisture, but tolerant of a wide range of soils. Leaves are light green, grassy and sword shaped. I. ensata and I. pseudacorus are best with 30 constant moisture and are at home in or near water, but this is not necessary. Iris versicolor BLUE FLAG Native to Eastern U.S. wetland, this plant is suited to boggy areas and does well in borders with good amounts of humus and moisture. Vigorous with 1/2 to 1 in. wide gray green leaves growing upwards with an arch. Flower stalks reach above foliage and branch, each branch with two or three flowers, yellow blotched and purple veined, paler on top. Good cut flower. Best in sun, tolerating shade.
Iris cristata 6 - 12 in. 12 in. blue violet spring Su-pSh clump Iris ensata 3 ft. 18 in. various e. summer Su clump Iris ensata 'Variegata' 36 in. 18 in. blue l.spring Su clump Iris germanica (colors / cultivars) 12 - 24 in. 12 in. various l. spring Su clump Iris pseudacorus 4 ft. 12 - 18 in. yellow e. summer Su clump Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' 3 - 4 ft. 18 in. purple l. spring Su clump Iris sibirica 'White Swirl' 30 in. 18 in. white l. spring Su clump Iris sibirica 'Ruffled Velvet' 28 in. 18 in. velvet purple l. spring Su clump Iris tectorum 12 in. 18 in. lilac e. summer Su clump Iris versicolor 3 ft. 12 in. blue mid - l. Su-pSh clump spring
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter K
Kalimeris integrifolia JAPANESE ASTER is a vigorous grower with larger single flower heads and a nice long bloom period. Easy and adaptable plant tolerant of heat and humidity as well as drought. [Kalimeris pinnatifida 'Hortensis' see Asteromoea mongolica].
Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star' 12 - 18 n. 18 - 24 in. pale blue summer Su-pSh clump Kalimeris integrifolia 3 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. white summer Su clump Kalimeris 'Shogun' 16 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. lavender early fall Su spreader
Kirengeshoma YELLOW WAXBELLS An unusual plant of great beauty, with excellent foliage all season and a late bloom season. Thrives in a deep moist soil with plenty of humus added. Nodding flowers are produced in branched clusters at stem tips. An integral character belonging to the shade garden. Native to our region's kind of cooler woodlands. Sheltering a bit from winds helps.
Kirengeshoma palmata 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. cool yellow l. summer pSh-Sh clump Kirengeshoma koreana 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. cool yellow l. summer pSh-Sh clump
Knautia macedonia KNAUTIA Closely resembling Scabiosa and being of the same family, crimson, pin cushion like flowers are held well above clumping rosettes. Native from the Balkans into Romania, inhabiting grassland meadows and scrub, often around limestone. Prefers well-drained slightly alkaline soils of average fertility.
Knautia macedonica 2 ft. 2 ft. crimson summer Su clump 31
Kniphofia RED HOT POKER Prefers deep, rich, soils with average moisture where drainage is good especially through the winter. "Torches" composed of drooping florets are massed at the top 6-10 in. of the scape. Basal leaves are long and grass like. Flowers and foliage bring distinctive variation along the garden view.
Kniphofia 'Border Ballet' 24 in. 12 - 18 in. mix summer Su clump Kniphofia 'Pfitzeri' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. red orange, yel. summer-aut. Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter L
Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride' FALSE LAMIUM Tolerant of most soils, but fastest growth occurs in rich moisture retentive fertile loam. A rugged but uninvasive ground cover with variegated foliage that persists into winter. Leaves are dark green, metallic silver and speckled, and leaps into view from dark areas with a healthy, sturdy appearance in neat mounds or as a ground cover. L. g. 'Variegatum' YELLOW ARCHANGEL is an extremely fast spreading plant with silver variegated leaves. Tolerant of some drought and dry shade it is best used where it can spread freely, and fills in even heavy partial shade where other plants will not.
Lamiastrum g. 'Herman's Pride' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow spring pSh carpet root. Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. white l. spring pSh-Sh carpet rooter
Lamium maculatum SPOTTED DEAD NETTLE Grows well in most fertile soils, best in rich loam. Prefers consistent moisture and a cool position. Pleasing, glowing ground cover with beautifully variegated foliage for contrast or brightening up a shady position. Flowers nestle in the silver lined green leaves.
Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. pink l. spring pSh-Sh carpet root. Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost' 4 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. orhcid pink l.spring pSh-Sh carpet root Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' 4 - 8 in. 12 - 18 in. deep purple spring pSh-Sh carpet root Lamium maculatum 'Shell Pink' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. pink l. spring pSh-Sh carpet root. Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. white l. spring pSh-Sh carpet root.
Laurentia fluviatilis BLUE STAR CREEPER (Isotoma fluviatilis) Popular small-leaved groundcover forming low mats of round green leaves and tiny blue flowers. Useful for walkways and in between stepping stones, the woodland and rock garden. Prefers a slightly moist site, well drained and fertile soil. Fast growth rate.
Laurentia fluviatilis 'Solenopsis' 1 - 2 in. 12 in. light blue spr.-sum Su-pSh spreader
Lavandula angustifolia LAVENDER Valuable herb used as edging or foreground border plant, growing best in light loamy soil with excellent drainage. Demands average moisture. Pleasantly fragrant foliage, whitish gray-green and semi-evergreen, creates a fine foil for other flowers. Clip back this woody plant in spring to maintain a rounded form. Leaves are oblong and linear. The flowers are used in potpourri.
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Cushion' 16 in. 18 - 24 in. blue summer Su hummock Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' 12 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. purple summer Su hummock Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' 12 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. lavender summer Su hummock Lavandula 'England' 1 - 2 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. violet summer Su hummock 32
Lavandula intermedia (x) 'Grosso' 24 in. 2 - 3 ft. violet summer Su hummock Lavandula intermedia (x) 'Provence' 30 in. 1.5 - 2.5 lavendar blue summer Su hummock
Leptinella squalida BRASS BUTTONS Form attractive mats of deeply cut fern-like foliage. Easy in any soil that does not dry out. Excellent evergreen groundcover for use along pathway edges and in between stones. Fast growth rate. Keep away from slow growing alpine plants that may be over run.
Leptinella squalida 1 - 2 in. 6 - 12 in. green e.summer Su-pSh spreader Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' 1 - 2 in. 6 - 12 in. green e.summer Su spreader
Leptodermis oblonga LETPTODERMIS First collected in 1905 by Ernest Wilson, this compact member of the Rubiaceae (Coffea arabica) family has only recently been gaining popularity in cultivation. Although slow to break winter dormancy, once this little shrub starts flowering in late spring it doesn’t stop until frost, offering a full season of bloom. Their sweetly fragrant, tubular, lavender flowers seem to be a favorite of the hummingbird moth. I have witnesses up to four at a time hovering over one plant, vying for the nectar filled flowers. Leptodermis is dense and compact in habit making it suitable for the sunny perennial border. Found in Northern China and the Himalayans. Tolerant of most substrates but resents heavy or wet soil.
Leptodermis oblonga 12 - 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. violet purple l. spring re Su shrub
Lespedeza thunbergii BUSH CLOVER Spectacular when in bloom, this semi-shrubby plant with pea-like foliage, developes into an arching mass of wiry stems in summer. Great when grown on a bank or wall allowing the heavily laden flowering stems to wave out and become more visible. Flowers occur on new wood. Cut back to the ground in early spring prior to new growth. Can reseed, and sometimes root at stem nodes which lie on the ground. Average soil, good drainage.
Lespedeza bicolor 'Yakushima' 12 - 18 in. 2 - 3 ft. pink l.summer Su shrub Lespedeza thunbergii 'Albiflora' 5 ft. 5 - 6 ft. white e. fall Su shrub Lespedeza thunbergii 'Gibraltar' 5 ft. 5 - 6 ft. crimson purple e. fall Su shrub Lespedeza thunbergii 'Pink Fountain' 4 - 6 ft. 5 - 6 ft clear pink e. fall Su bush
Leucanthemum [Superbum Group] (Chrysanthemum superbum, C. maximum) SHASTA DAISY is a sound perennial in most moist soils, but prefers rich moist soils. Vigorous, bushy clumps of sturdy stems carry dark green, smooth, toothed and lance shaped leaves, and produce a long display of showy blooms. Dead-head to extend blooming season. Leucanthemum vulgare (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) OXEYE DAISY also grows well in rich, moist soil. Flowers one month earlier than shasta daisies. Spreads rapidly by the root and self-sown seed. Leaves are deep green, spoon shaped and toothed. These bright daisies are excellent for daisy pickers.
Leucanthemum 'Alaska' 2 ft. 12 - 18 in. white e. summer Su clump Leucanthemum 'Becky' 3 ft. 18 in. white e. summer Su clump Leucanthemum 'Snowcap' 14 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. white e. summer Su clump Leucanthemum 'Snow Lady' 1 ft. 12 - 18 in. white e. summer Su clump Leucanthemum 'Switzerland' 30 in. 18 in. white e. summer Su clump Leucanthemum vulgare 'May Queen' 2 ft. 12 - 15 in. white spring Su-pSh spreader 33
Lewisia BITTERROOT These plants form tight symmetrical rosettes with thick fleshy leaves. Although they are cold hardy, they need impeccable drainage in order to survive. Crown rot will be a problem if moisture accumulates around the plant. They will grow well in gravel and in stone walls.
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Plum' 6 in. 10 in. purple pink spring re Su clump
Liatris spicata BLAZING STAR Grows in any garden soil demanding average moisture only, avoiding excessive winter wetness. The spiked inflorescences flower from top to bottom, and make good cut flowers. Leaves are green, grassy tufts. Radiant flowers that are showy when used in small groups are even more so in a large drift.
Liatris spicata 2 - 3 ft. 1 ft. mauve pink summer Su clump Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violet' 2 - 3 ft. 1 ft. violet summer Su clump Liatris spicata 'Kobold' 12 - 15 in. 1 ft. lavander summer Su clump
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' LEOPARD PLANT A large plant with showy flowers soaring above the foliage. Used as a border specimen or planted in groups, they prefer a cool and very moist to wet site, even bog gardens. Finely toothed, leathery, heart shaped leaves. Loves deep, rich, moist, soil but will settle in ordinary garden soil when kept moist. If hot, better be in partial shade. L. dentata 'Othello', BIGLEAF LIGULARIA has 12 in. kidney shaped leaves with purple in them, with a fleshier texture in contrast to the finer, toothed texture and shape of L.'The Rocket' and L. przewalskii. L. przewalskii has more triangular shaped leaves than 'The Rocket'. All three prefer conditions described above.
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow summer pSh-Su clump Ligularia dentata 'Othello' 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. orange late summer pSh-Su clump Ligularia przewalskii 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow summer pSh-Su clump Ligularia tussilaginea 'Aureomaculata' 1 - 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow autumn pSh-Su clump
Lilium HYBRID LILY Well known and irresistible are lilies for gardens and bouquets. Require very well drained moist and fertile soil, deep and well mixed with humus and a fertilizer rich in potash and phosphate (low nitrogen). Lilies provide a floriferous spectrum of color within and above green, narrow and lance shaped foliage. Most important is the good drainage, especially for winter, and steady moisture for summer.
Lilium 'Casablanca' [ Oriental ] 30 in. 18 in. white summer Su-pSh erect clump Lilium 'Mona Lisa' [Oriental ] 26 in. 18 in. dark pink summer Su-pSh erect clump Lilium 'Stargazer' [Oriental ] 3 ft. 18 in. crimson summer Su-pSh erect clump Lilium formosanum 6 - 7 ft. 18 in. white w/ purple lt. summer Su-pSh erect clump Lilium longiflorum (x) asiatic [LA 36 - 40 in. 18 in. various summer Su-pSh erect clump Hybrids]
Liriope LILY TURF Ideal general ground cover, or edging plant, adaptable to any well drained soil, though moist and fertile is better. Prefers a light and porous soil. The evergreen foliage is sensitive to sunscald in winter and summer sunburn, so it is best to plant in partial shade. These grass like plants introduce dark greens, green to yellow green, and variegations of foliage to your garden. Cut back a bit in early spring before new growth. Liriopes actually clean the air of pollutants. Little flower clusters on stalks later bear black ornamental berries. L. muscari is valuable as a slow grower or in clumps, L. spicata as a more rapid colonizer with thinner blades.
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' 15 - 18 in. 12 - 18 in. violet l. summer pSh-Su clump Liriope muscari 'Majestic' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. deep lilac l. summer pSh-Su clump 34
Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. deep purple l. summer pSh-Su clump Liriope muscari 'Variegata' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. violet l. summer pSh-Su clump Liriope spicata 12 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. pale lavender l. summer Sh-Su spreader
Lobelia siphilitica GREAT BLUE LOBELIA Will prosper and self-sow in moderately fertile moist garden soil with organic matter added. Treasured late season for its long lasting display. The green leaf is narrow at both ends and attached to the flower stem. L. cardinalis CARDINAL FLOWER has brilliant red spikes in summer. Best in moist, shady locations that retain moisture during dry periods. Hummingbirds seem drawn particularly to that red color of L. cardinalis. For lobelias, the brighter the light of the planting site, the more moisture will be required to obtain optimum results.
Lobelia cardinalis 3 - 4 ft. 1 ft. red summer pSh-Su clump Lobelia 'Grape Knee-High' 22 in. 18 - 24 in. deep purple m.sum - pSh-Su clump m.fall Lobelia 'Ruby Slippers' 3 ft. 1 ft. ruby red l. summer pSh-Su clump Lobelia siphilitica 3 ft. 1 ft. blue l. summer pSh-Su clump
Lonicera sempervirens CORAL HONEYSUCKLE, RED WOODBINE Hardy, deciduous, climbing honeysuckle having narrow bluish green leaves with an abundance of large and brilliant flowers. All honeysuckle flowers change to a darker tint with age after pollination. Very attractive to hummingbirds. They give the best and most profuse flowering when pruned back in spring. A fragrant type of honeysuckle, L. s. 'Blanche Sandman' is a vigorous grower and more resistant to aphids than others. Continues to bloom on and off till frost. Forms brilliant berries.
Lonicera 'Harlequin' 8 - 10 ft. 2 - 3 ft. rose-purple may/july Su vine Lonicera 'Mandarin' 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. dk red orange l.spring -sum. Su vine Lonicera sempervirens 'Alabama Crimson' 10 - 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. red spring re Su-pSh vine Lonicera sempervirens 'Blanche Sandman' 10 - 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. orange red spring - fall. Su-pSh vine Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton' 10 - 20 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pale yellow summer - fall Su-pSh vine
Lupinus Russel Hybrids LUPINE These need deep lime-free soil. Stately plants with showy erect flower spikes and handsome, green, palmately compound leaves. They are outstanding among flowers, but at times tend to be short- lived and need to be replaced. A good stand of them close up or far away is absolutely spectacular!
Lupinus Russel Hybrids 3 - 3.5 ft. 18 - 24 in. mix l. spring Su clump
Lychnis coronaria MULLEIN PINK Will grow in any fertile soil but prefers light soils. Good border plant for its gray, wooly foliage that creats a handsome foil for the brilliant flowers. Short-lived, but self-sown plants grow quickly.
Lychnis coronaria 3 ft. 18 in. red purple summer Su clump Lychnis coronaria 'Angel Blush' 30 in. 18 in. soft pink summer Su clump Lychnis coronaria 'Gardener's World' 24 - 26 in. 18 in. magenta red summer Su clump
Lysimachia clethroides GOOSENECK LOOSESTRIFE Long, lance like leaves climb stems reaching 2 to 3 ft. Arching spikes are filled with many tiny flowers that give a gentle impression of a goose's neck (which way do the geese face ?). A good stand reminds one of a whole flock. This is a running plant for moist, rich soil, although not too picky! L. nummularia 'Aurea' CREEPING JENNY is a low, golden leafed, rooting carpeter, with little yellow cup flowers, which are fragrant. Vigorous in wet, though less invasive than the straight species. Becomes less yellow in 35 too much shade. The flower color is better contrasted against the green leaves of the straight species, though the bright foliage of L. n. 'Aurea' always stands out. L. punctata 'Alexander' has cream edged leaves that create lasting garden value and provide an excellent foil for the golden flowers. Happiest in a moist location, it is more restrained in growth than the species.
Lysimachia clethroides 3 ft. 2 ft. white l. summer pSh-Su spreader Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' 4 - 8 in. 24 in. bright yellow summer Su-pSh carpet root Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' 24 in. 18 - 24 in. yellow mid summer Su-pSh spreader
Lythrum LOOSESTRIFE While these plants prefer damp to wet and moderately fertile soil, they will grow well in any reasonably moist border location. They flower profusely for many weeks. The 6 - 12 in. spikes are filled with bright flower clusters. Green lance shaped leaves on tall stems add shape to the garden. These cultivars are not uncontrollably invasive like the straight species.
Lythrum salicaria 'Morden Pink' 3.5 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink summer Su clump Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' 2.5 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. bright fuschia summer Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter M
Macleaya cordata PLUME POPPY Dignified giant standing erect with 8 to 12 in. tropical looking leaves, light green on top with silvery fine hairs underneath. Foot long feathery plumes have clusters of innumerable petaless flowers, each with 24 to 30 showy stamens. Likes moist soil with moderate fertility. Excellent for screening, as a backdrop or central framework, or as a lone specimen to show off its pleasing foliage. Though less invasive than the similar Macleaya microcarpa, it warrants awareness as an aggressive colonizer in ground and by seed, especially in high fertility with shade or in sand. Can reduce size of patch every 3 or 4 years. Does not need staking. Authoritative authors/gardeners hold it quite garden worthy, but not for small or low maintenance gardens. Good cut flower or for dry bouquets.
Macleaya cordata 7 ft. 2 - 3 ft. flesh summer Su spreader Macleaya m. 'Kelway's Coral Plume' 7 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pale coral summer Su spreader
Malva alcea 'Fastigiata' Happy and long blooming in deep soil and full sun. Upright plants have fingered leaves and well branched stems that hold a profuse display of 2 in. bowl-shaped flowers. Not notably long lived, but will self sow freely and remain around.
Malva alcea 'Fastigiata' 4 ft. 2 ft. pink summer Su clump
Mazus reptans CREEPING MAZUS A low growing, spreading ground cover. Usefull when planted between stepping stones, or for patio edges and pathways. Consistent moisture is the key to success. Luxuriates in rich loamy soils, but is tolerant of other soils provided that drainage is good. Under used.
Mazus reptans 2 - 4 in. 1 1/2 - 2ft. blue l.spr. - e. sum Su - pSh spreader
Meehania cordata MEEHAN’S MINT Another native Lamiaceae, this low growing mint can be found in Rich Mountain woods throughout Mid-Atlantic North America. Flowers are true in form to the family, being blue with 36 spotted throats. Although a spreader, plants are not invasive and can be sited on the sunnier side of the woodland garden.
Meehania cordata 4 - 8 in. 18 in. lilac pink lav. l.spring pSh-Sh clump
Mertensia virginica VIRGINIA BLUE BELLS Thrives in a moist, woodland type soil. Beautiful naturalized with ferns, bulbs, dicentra and similar woodland ornamentals. Goes dormant during the summer. Grayish green leaves to 6 in. long with a smooth character. Flowers are 1 in. trumpets in arching clusters of 5 to 20, budding pink at first. One of our most beloved natives from NY to TN.
Mertensia virginica 18 in. 9 - 12 in. blue spring Sh clump
Microbiota decussata SIBERIAN CYPRESS This lone species of the genus is a low spreading, evergreen shrub native to open slopes in S.E. Siberia. Although slow to spread, over time can form a sizable shrub demanding a large space. The New York Botanical Gardens has an impressive specimen the size of a small Buick. In full sun, graceful almost fern like foliage is bright green turning a bronzed purple in winter, plants given a touch of shade retain a darker russet color throughout the year.
Microbiota decussata 8 - 12 in. 3 - 4 ft. evergreen Su-pSh conifer; spreading
Monarda BEE BALM Easy to grow in most soils, preferring moderately fertile and consistently moist soils for health. Needs frequent division to control the spreading roots and maintain healthy plants. Excellent for wildflower meadow plantings. Leaves are green, aromatic and toothed. Small or large stands in any garden have the look of upright strength handsomely dressed in pleasing greens, bearing a vibrant show of color in flowers. Increase flowering to 8 weeks or more by dead-heading. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and is good for cut flowers. M. 'Marshall's Delight' is dependably very mildew resistant. M. 'Gardenview Scarlet' is much improved for mildew resistance with larger flowers over preceding red cultivars. M. 'Jacob Kline' is the latest rave for even better mildew resistance, still with large flowers, and with tolerance to average to dry conditions.
Monarda 'Clair Grace' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. lavender summer Su-pSh spreader Monarda 'Coral Reef' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. hot pink summer Su spreader Monarda 'Dark Ponticum' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. violet purple summer Su spreader Monarda fistulosa 3 - 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. purple summer Su spreader Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. scarlet e. summer Su spreader Monarda 'Jacob Cline' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. deep red summer Su-pSh spreader Monarda 'Marshall's Delight' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. clear pink e. summer Su spreader Monarda 'Petite Delight' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender pink summer Su spreader Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. wine red summer Su-pSh spreader Monarda 'Violet Queen' 30 in. 18 - 24 in. lavender blue summer Su-pSh spreader
Myosotis alpestris FORGET-ME-NOT Prefers a moist and moderately fertile soil and a woodland site, but adaptable to many other sites. Grown as a biennial but self-sows prolifically. Leaves are green, oblong, and small. The little flowers are a gorgeous blue color dotted with a yellow eye, and have an unforgotten place in the hearts of old and young. Great underplanting.
Myosotis alpestris 'Blue Ball' 6 in. 9 - 12 in. indigo blue spring pSh clump Myosotis alpestris 'Victoria Rose' 6 in. 9 - 12 in. pink spring pSh clump 37
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter N
Nepeta CATMINT Fine long-blooming, foreground border or edging plant. Be sure drainage is good. Trim clumps back after flowering to encourage repeat bloom and tidy foliage. An aromatic plant with small gray green, wooly leaves. Works well as a foil amidst other plants. Tolerates drought. In flower it produces a color cloud about the foliage.
Nepeta 'Joanna Reed' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. dark violet summer Su clump Nepeta faassenii (mussinii) 1 ft. 12 - 18 in. lavender blue spring-sum. Su clump Nepeta faassenii 'Dropmore' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. deep lavender summer Su clump Nepeta faassenii 'Six Hills Giant' 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. lavender summer Su clump Nepeta faassenii 'Walker's Low' 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. bluish purple spring - aut. Su clump Nepeta sibirica 'Souvenir d'Andre 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. lavender blue summer Su clump Chaudron'
Nipponanthemum nipponicum (Chrysanthemum nipponicum) MONTAUK DAISY A rounded shrubby plant producing somewhat succulent, leathery dark green leaves. A very late blooming daisy tolerant of sea side conditions. Cut back hard in early spring. Pinching too late for bushiness will consequently delay bloom thereby risking damage from an early autumn frost.
Nipponanthemum nipponicum 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white daises e. fall Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter O
Oenothera Undemanding plants, tolerant of poor soil, as long as drainage is good. Average moisture and moderate fertility is best. O. berlanderi 'Siskiyou' SHOWY PRIMROSE, a day blooming primrose, becomes a rampant spreader in rich, fertile soil, staying more compact in average soil. The long blooming. O. fruticosa 'Summer Solistice' SUNDROPS, has 18 in. clumps of dark foliage, with stiff stems supporting wide cup blooms of clear yellow from reddish buds. The genus Oenothera is exclusive to the new world. Species flowering in the daytime are SUNDROPS, or SUNCUPS, those opening late day and closing in the morning are EVENING PRIMROSES.
Oenothera berlanderi 'Siskiyou' (speciosa 10 - 12 in.. 12 - 18 in. pink summer Su spreader Oenothera fruticosa 'Summer Solstice' 18 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow summer Su clump
Ophiopogon japonicus MONDO GRASS Similar to Liriope with thick grasslike leaves forming turflike colonies. Berrylike fruits are iridescent blue. Excellent evergreen edging and ground cover plant. Ophiopogon p. 'Arabicus' BLACK MONDO GRASS Great as a specimen plant, the arching black leaves provide an intense contrast to light colored foliage plants. Black berrylike fruits in the fall. Slow to increase.
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nanus' 4 in. 8 - 12 in. lt. lilac summer pSh spreader Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Arabicus' 6 - 12 in. 1 - 2 ft. lt. pink summer Su-pSh spreader 38
Origanum laevigatum ORNAMENTAL OREGANO Aromatic plants with outstanding bursts of butterfly attracting flowers. Prefers hot bright sun and well drained gravelly soil. Plant habit is upright to sprawling. Drought tolerant. Young leaves are tinted burgundy and the color intensifies in the autumn. Useful in rock gardens or as a small-scale ground cover. They make excellent cut flowers. O. 'Rosenkuppel' was selected as Perennial Plant of the year in Holland '98. Origanum r. 'Kent Beauty' Rounded grey green leaves clasp the wiry stems and form a dense low mound. Unusual pendant hop-like bracts are pale green and turn to a deep rose pink. Good drainage is key. Fine rock garden, container or front of the border plant.
Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' 18 - 30 in. 18 - 24 in. reddish purple lt. sum.- aut Su clump Origanum 'Rosenkuppel' 15 - 18 in. 18 - 24 in. pink lt. sum.- aut Su clump Origanum rotundifolium 'Kent Beauty' 9 in. 18 in. pink summer Su clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter P
Pachysandra procumbens ALLEGHENY SPURGE Form handsome clumps with clearly veined, brownish mottled leaves turning bronze in autumn. An underused plant, great where a small planting is needed. Pachysandra t. 'Green Sheen' JAPANESE SPURGE this useful and rapid growing ground cover has very glossy green leaves, a refreshing variation of the common but effective Pachysandra terminalis.
Pachysandra procumbens 9 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. pinkish white spring pSh-Sh clump Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' 9 - 12 in. 18 in. white lt. Spring pSh-Sh spreader
Paeonia [Lactiflora Group] PEONY Appreciate a rich, well drained moist and fertile soil with bonemeal and humus added. In addition to their large and beautiful flowers, they have superb foliage, often with reddish young growth in spring and luxurious green all season. These are among the longest-lived plants. P. suffruticosa TREE PEONY, has a shrubby habit and woody growth 4 to 5+ ft. tall with gigantic flowers 7 to 10 in. across. It is important to locate this plant away from trees and where they are sheltered from north and east winds. They are best when planted in a friable, moist, fertile "vegetable garden" soil with good drainage, similar to what is needed for herbaceous peonies. Too much water can lead to fungus problems.
Paeonia ( cvs./color) [Lactiflora Group] 1.5 - 3.5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. various l. spring Su clump Paeonia suffruticosa 4 - 5 ft. 3 - 4 ft. various mid - l.spring Su shrub
Papaver orientale ORIENTAL POPPY Hardy, long-lived plants, thriving in deep, well drained average soil. They require average moisture and do not tolerate wet soil conditions in winter. Enormous flowers are brilliantly colored and visually dominant around green, long, hairy and sharply toothed leaves. Plants go dormant during the summer, yet well known as worthy for their part in the drama of the season's succession of growth and bloom. Worth some plans for the dormant gap.
Papaver orientale (labeled cvs. / color) 1 - 3 ft. 2 ft. various l. spring Su clump
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker's Red' BEARDTONGUE Rounded to lance shaped leaves which are elongated, red and slightly greenish. Flowers are carried atop long dark stems and seem to hang in midair. Great clump former for your sun border. Likes drying out before watering again. Selected as the 1996 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Year. 39
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' 30 in. 18 in. white summer Su clump
Perovskia atriplicifolia RUSSIAN SAGE Aromatic subshrub with a long season of beauty for well drained, ordinary soil of dry conditions. Cut back to the ground in spring to promote good growth and flowers. Requires full sun. The masses of blue flowers against the gray foliage are impressive. Leaves are lance shaped and coarsely toothed. P. 'Longin' has more compact foliage and less serrated leaves than the species. The leaves are larger than those of P. 'Filigran', which has bushier foliage with a very fine textured appearance.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. blue sum. - l. sum. Su clump Perovskia 'Little Spire' 25 in. 2 - 3 ft. lavender blue sum - l. sum. Su clump Perovskia 'Longin' 3 - 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. lavender sum. - l. sum. Su clump Perovskia 'Filigran' 42 in. 18 - 24 in. blue sum. - l. sum. Su clump
Persicaria (Polygonum) KNOTWEED While this genus contains some dangerously invasive species, some of the more garden worthy kinds are grown extensively in Europe. Persicaria a. 'Speciosa' will form large dense colonies in time, growing best in good light with consistent moisture. Persicaria polymorphathis bold clump former is very tolerant of heat, humidity and drought. A fine specimen plant similar to Aruncus dioicus in garden effect. Wolfgang Oehme celebrates this useful and adaptable plant in mass plantings. Does not run. This Knotweed is not a weed. Persicaria 'Red Dragon' offers vibrant tricolor foliage with burgundy, mint green and silver chevron patterns. Emerges late but soon grows to form lush foliage clumps. Then as the season progresses, the arching stems give the plant a loose vase shaped character. More so in shadier conditions the long branches grow out horizontaly and weave at mid height among neighboring plants or garden ornaments. Tiny white flowers bloom mid to late season.
Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Speciosa' 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. crimson scarlet summer Su-pSh spreader (Firetail) Persicaria polymorpha 4 - 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. creamy white e.sum.- aut. Su-pSh clump Persicaria 'Red Dragon' 24 - 36 in. 1 - 2 ft. creamy white mid sum.-fall Su-pSh clump
Phlox divaricata WILD BLUE PHLOX Semi-evergreen woodlander with fragrant flowers. Forms loose sprawling and slowly spreading mats. Cut back after flowering to encourage additional growth. Mulch to protect the shallow root system from summer heat and winter frost heaving. Fine edging plant for moist well drained and partially shaded areas.
Phlox divaricata 'London Grove Blue' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. lt. blue fragrant spring pSh-Su spreader Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. lt. blue spring pSh-Sh spreader
Phlox glaberrima SMOOTH PHLOX An attractive E. USA native forming upright bushy mounds of smooth green glossy leaves. In late spring to early summer plants are topped with clusters of fragrant flowers. Thrives in heat and humidity. For average soils and acid to neutral PH. Cut back after blooming to encourage fresh new foliage.
Phlox glaberrima 'Morris Berd' 10 - 12 in. 12 - 21 in. rose pink l. spr.-e.sum Su-pSh spreader
Phlox [Paniculata Group] BORDER PHLOX, SUMMER PHLOX Plant in deep, rich, porous, moist and fertile soil, well enriched with organic matter. Roots need abundant water especially prior to flowering and especially in drought. Remove the main flower cluster when it fades to encourage flowering of side shoots. Leaves are green and willowy, handsome and sturdy. Air circulation is important. Cut to 4 to 6 strong stems in spring. While fragrant Phlox 'David', 'Shortwood' and 'Franz Schubert' seem to exhibit only a tolerable level of mildew problems, Phlox 'Robert Poore' a Niche Gardens introduction, appears to be the most mildew resistant Phlox paniculata yet. 40
Phlox 'Blue Paradise' 30 in. 24 in. violet blue summer Su clump Phlox 'Bright Eyes' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. pink/red eye summer Su clump Phlox 'David' 4 - 5 ft. 2 ft. white summer Su clump Phlox 'David's Lavender' 36 - 48 in. 24 - 36 in. lavender pink summer Su clump Phlox 'Franz Schubert' 3.5 ft. 2 ft. cool lilac summer Su clump Phlox 'Juliet' 2 ft. 2 ft. pale pink summer Su clump Phlox 'Little Boy' 30 in. 12 - 18 in. mauve-blue summer Su clump Phlox 'Little Princess' 20 - 24 in. 12 - 18 in. pink w/ white sum.-e.fall Su clump Phlox 'Nicky' 36 - 48 in. 2 ft. magenta summer Su clump Phlox 'Robert Poore' 4 - 5 ft 2 - 3 ft. pink summer Su clump Phlox 'Shortwood' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. vivid pink summer Su clump Phlox 'Starfire' 3 ft. 2 ft. red pink summer Su clump Phlox 'Tracy's Treasure' 4 ft. 18 - 24 in. soft pink summer Su clump
Phlox stolonifera CREEPING PHLOX A colorful addition to shady areas. Low evergreen mats with smooth 3/4 in. to 1 1/2 in.ovate leaves. Erect stems arise above foliage and loosely bloom, making a dense and attractive cover.
Phlox stolonifera 'Blue Ridge' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender blue l. spring pSh - Sh carpet root. Phlox stolonifera 'Bruce's White' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. white l. spring pSh - Sh carpet root. 'Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fires' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. pink l. spring pSh - Sh carpet root. Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. blue purple l. spring pSh - Sh carpet root.
Phlox subulata MOUNTAIN PINKS, MOSS PINK Well known by the general public and can be seen all over in American gardens. Easily grown in well drained moderately fertile soil with average moisture and full sun. Narrow leaves 1/2 in. long grow close together with a stiffness like pine needles. Flowers open and profusely cover the entire carpeting foliage in blue, white, purple or most commonly pink with a darker eye, with varied striped forms in each color.
Phlox subulata (cvs./colors) 4 in. 2 ft. various spring Su carpet
Physocarpus ‘Summer Wine’ NINEBARK A dark foliaged, handsome compact form of the native P. opulifolius. Leaves are deeply incised creating an overall soft texture. Pink buds give way to blush-white flowers, which contrast prominently with the dark foliage. Bark exfoliates with age revealing a rich brown inner bark. Plant in full sun for best floral display and to retain the rich crimson foliage.
Physocarpus 'Summer Wine' 5 - 6 ft. 6 ft. pinkish white mid summer Su shrub
Physostegia virginiana 'Vivid' FALSE DRAGONHEAD, OBEDIENT PLANT A very prolific and undemanding plant for any average garden soil with average moisture. Every couple of years, dig up and replant a healthy chunk to restrain growth, particularly when sited in moist, light soils. Leaves are green, sharp toothed and lance shaped. This cultivar is the most compact and stiffly upright. A long blooming attention getter. Physostegia v. 'Ms. Manners' is a recent introduction and offers a more restrained clump forming habit and white flowers over dark green glossy foliage.
Physostegia virginiana 'Ms. Manners' 18 - 24 in. 2 ft. white sum.-e.fall Sp-Sh clump Physostegia virginiana 'Rosea' 3 ft. 2 - 2.5 ft. pink summer Su spreader 41
Physostegia virginiana 'Vivid' 24 - 30 in. 2 ft. orchid pink l. summer Su spreader
Platycodon grandiflorus BALLOON FLOWER Balloon buds open to wide cup flowers over handsome blue green leaves closely arranged up the stems. Requires fertile soil. This hardy and long-lived plant is slow to emerge in the spring. The tap roots look like white carrots and care should be taken to keep them intact when transplanting or dividing a clump which is rarely necessary. Long bloomer and excellent cut flower if seared. Stirs the child in everyone when flower buds "balloon -up", and then open from the top rather than the side or base.
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' 20 in. 12 - 18 in. blue summer Su clump Platycodon grandiflorus 'Mariesii' 2 ft. 12 - 18 in. blue summer Su clump Platycodon grandiflorus 'Sentimental 6 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. blue summer Su clump Blue'
Pleioblastus variegatus Intense white and green variegation give this running bamboo a great look. Foliage is persistent here in zone 6 usually at least into or through December. It is an extremely vigorous spreader and should be strongly confined where ever it is planted. Keep this plant away from a mixed planting where it can take over in time and be very difficult to eradicate. Pleioblastus pygmaeus This running bamboo has green willow-shaped leaves. It is considered invasive. Can be used in a container, or a difficult site where it will seem to thrive on neglect. Just keep it confined.
Pleioblastus pygmaeus 1 - 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. medium green fol.spr.-fall pSh-Sh spreader Pleioblastus variegatus 18 - 24 in. 2 - 3 ft. fol. green & fol. spr.-l.fall pSh spreader cream
Podophyllum peltatum MAY APPLE This handsome ground cover produces two different types of leaves to 12 in. wide, both deeply lobed and toothed. In the spring the white cup shaped flower is almost hidden by the foliage in the fork between the two branches. It is followed by an edible yellow 2 in. fruit. Likes humus rich moist soil of open woodlands. Shallow rhizomes spread freely.
Podophyllum peltatum 18 in. 12 in. white flower spring pSh spreader
Polemonium caeruleum JACOB'S LADDER Plants for well drained, humus rich, moist soil. Leaflets are arranged like a ladder along the upright stems. Suitable for the border, foliage is fragile but abundant. Columns of blue flowers appear in spring. Grown since Roman times and was made to stand for the ladder in Jacob's dream, which we all climbed.
Polemonium caeruleum 2 ft. 2 ft. blue e.summer pSh-Su clump Polemonium cae. 'Bressingham Purple' 15 in. 21 in. dp. lav. blue e.summer Su-pSh clump Polemonium caeruleum 'Brise d'Anjou' 18 - 24 in. 18 - 21 in. violet blue e.summer Su-pSh clump Polemonium reptans 'Blue Pearl' 10 - 12-in. 18 - 24 in. light blue spring pSh-Sh clump Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven' 12 in. 12 - 15 in. blue may/june Su-Sh clump
Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' SOLOMON'S SEAL For cool positions in moist, humus rich soil. Woodland plant with arching stems of thick oval shaped, green leaves beautifully variegated with a cream edge. Excellent companion for ferns and hostas. The flowers are fragrant, 1 in. long, hanging in twos or alone from leaf axils. Always in demand Solomon's Seal is a bit slow to become established but in a little time will form solid colonizing groups and become quite vigorous. 42
Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' 3 ft. 1 ft. white l. spring pSh-Sh spreader Polygonatum falcatum 'Variegatum' 3 ft. 1 ft. white l. spring pSh-Sh spreader Polygonatum humile 6 in. 18 - 24 in. greenish cream spring pSh-Sh spreader Polygonatum hybridum (x) 'Striatum' 15 in. 18 - 24 in. white l. spring pSh-Sh spreader
Polygonum aubertii SILVER LACE VINE Vigorously growing, twining, woody climber, with narrow and pointed heart shaped leaves. Near autumn, clouds of tiny white flowers open, lasting into autumn and sending a sweet fragrance far across the area. Growing up to 20 ft. in a season, it is well suited for covering unsightly structures or trees, but not for house walls. Adapts to a variety of soils, fertility, and moisture conditions, and has no serious disease or insect problems.
Polygonum aubertii 20 - 30 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white sum. - e. aut. Su-pSh vine
Primula PRIMROSE A huge genus containing over four hundred species, many of which are more suitably grown in England and the Pacific Northwest. Primula japonica will grow successfully in semi-shaded sites and mulched humus rich soils to maintain even moisture. Will self seed freely in moist to wet sites, producing colonies of plants with variable flower colors.
Primula denticulata 'Blue' 6 - 12 in. 12 in. blue april / may pSh clump Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson' 1 - 2 ft. 18 in. bright red l. spring pSh clump Primula veris 'Katy McSparron' 12 in. 18 - 24 in. yellow dbl march/april pSh-Sh clump
Pulmonaria longifolia LUNGWORT Grows well in any soil that remains cool and moist during summer, doing best in moist, rich soil. Valued both for attractive foliage and for flowers. Fine for edging and ground cover especially under deciduous trees. Leaves are dark green, long, and blotched with white. Leaf shapes range from narrow to broadly lance shaped.
Pulmonaria ' Little Star' 6 in. 18 in. cobalt blue spring pSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria 'Majeste' 6 - 8 in. 18 - 24 in. blue pink spring pSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria 'Opal' 14 in. 18 - 24 in. light blue spring PSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria 'Polar Splash' 9 in. 18 - 24 in. blue to pink spring pSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain' 11 in. 1.5 - 2 ft. cobalt blue spring pSh clump Pulmonaria longifolia 'E.B. Anderson' 8 in. 18 - 24 in. cobalt blue spring pSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria officinalis 'White Wings' 7 in. 18 - 24 in. pure white spring pSh-Sh clump Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon' 1 ft. 18 - 24 in. pinkish then spring pSh-Sh clump blue
Pulsatilla vulgaris PASQUE FLOWER Needs well drained sites and prefers a neutral to alkaline soil. The silky hairy leaves emerging in the spring are extremely ornamental and create a wonderful silvery foil for the luxuriant purple flowers. Feathery seed heads after flowering.
Pulsatilla vulgaris (Anemone pulsatilla) 9 - 12 in. 12 in. purple e. spring Su clump Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Blaue Glocke' 12 in. 18 in. purple mid -l. spring Su-pSh clump
Pycnanthemum muticum MOUNTAIN MINT This aromatic minty herb is native to eastern U.S. Plants have attractive silver grey foliage and showy silvery bracts with pinkish flowers. Prefers fertile well-drained soils and even 43 moisture. Loved by bees and butterflies. Self sows and has a rhizomatous root. Usefull plant for woods edge and naturalized areas.
Pycanthemum muticum 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. lilac pink summer - aut. Su spreader
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter R
Rodgersia RODGER'S FLOWER Grow best in rich permanently moist soils in partial shade. The large leaves can scorch if the plant is allowed to dry out. Flowers are borne on large stems similar to Astilbe. Will spread to form a nice clump where happy. A handsome plant especially when naturalized by a stream or pond.
Rodgersia aesculifolia 3 - 6 ft. 2 ft. white late spring pSh clump Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink summer Su-pSh clump Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. rose red late spring pSh clump
Rosa ‘Knock Out’ This low maintenance rose has cherry-red, lightly fragrant flowers and continuous bloom from June into November. Excellent disease resistance, compact habit and self cleaning blooms add to the appeal. Rosa ‘Blushing Knockout’ A sport of Rosa ‘Knockout’ discovered at Yoder. Soft pink blooms continuous, mildly fragrant and self-cleaning. Looked great in our nursery pots in October 2005. Rosa ‘The Fairy’ Arching mound of glossy foliage with masses of small double soft pink blooms in large clusters that fade to white. Flowers from June into November. Good disease resistance.
Rosa 'Blushing Knock Out' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 5 ft. pink june-frose Su shrub Rosa 'Knock Out' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 5 ft. cherry red june-frost Su shrub Rosa 'The Fairy' 2 ft. 3 ft. soft pink june-frost Su shrub
Rubus pentalobus 'Emerald Carpet' (R. calycinoides) ORNAMENTAL RASPBERRY an excellent vigorous ground cover with small dark green leaves that turn a vivid red in the fall. Inconspicuous white flowers appear in late spring followed by reddish orange fruits. Adaptable to most well drained soils.
Rubus pentalobus 'Emerald Carpet' 6 - 10 in. 18 - 30 in. white spring Su-pSh carpet root.
Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' BROWN EYED SUSAN Prefers moist soil but tolerates any moderately fertile soil that is neither too wet nor too dry. A vigorous colonizer for larger areas, or a somewhat confined border position. Leaves are green and coarsely hairy, on erect branching stems which produce a long succession of flowers.
Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida 2 - 2.5 ft. 18 - 24 in. yellow lt. sum. - aut. Su spreader Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. yellow summer - aut. Su spreader Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (newmanii) 3 ft. + 18 - 24 in. yellow summer - aut. Su spreader Rudbeckia maxima 4 ft. 2 ft. yellow summer Su clump Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstonne' (Autumn 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. yellow summer - aut. Su spreader Sun) Rudbeckia speciosa 'Viette's Little Suzy' 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. deep yellow mid sum.- Su spreader 44
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter S
Sagina PEARLWORT A low moss-like ground cover that spreads indefinitly, forming large mats. Good filler for inbetween stepping stones and pavers of a patio or walkway. Prefers loamy acidic to neutral soils, well drained, and moderate fertility. Needs consistant moisture. Will not thrive in the damp shade that true mosses prefer.
Sagina subulata 1 in. 6 - 12 in. white spring Su-pSh dense mat Sagina subulata 'Aurea' 1 in. 6 - 12 in. white spring Su-pSh dense mat
Salvia nemorosa MEADOW SAGE Longest-lived in moderately fertile, sandy soil. Must have soil with average moisture that drains well. Bears an abundance of flowers on many spikes with rough, gray green leaves on many stems. Aromatic foliage is bushy with an excellent flower show, making it a fine border plant.
Salvia argentea fol. 12 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. silver summer Su clump Salvia lyrata 'Purple Knock Out' 18 in. 18 - 24 in. lilac blue summer Su-pSh clump Salvia nemorosa 'Blue Hill' 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. sky blue e.summer Su clump Salvia nemorosa 'Carradonna' 18 in. 18 - 24 in. purple spring - Su clump e.sum Salvia nemorosa 'Eastfriesland' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. violet blue l.spr -e.sum Su clump Salvia nemorosa 'Marcus' 12 in. 18 in. violet purple summer Su clump Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. dk. violet late spring Su clump Salvia nemorosa 'Plumosa' 15 - 18 in. 18 in. dusty rose purp late spring Su clump
Sambucus 'Black Beauty' ELDERBERRY Massive pink flowers in June are broad and somewhat flat topped. They are composed of many tiny florets similar to Myosotis and exude a fragrance of citrus. Foliage is a rich purple-black color providing a nice contrast to the clusters of flowers. Plants can be grown as a small tree or cut back hard in fall and used as a woody perennial. For best overall appearance site plants in full sun with adequate moisture..
Sambucus 'Black Beauty' 8 - 12 ft. 6 - 8 ft. pink june Su-pSh shrub
Sanguisorba tenuifolia purpurea BURNET Abundant foliage clumps of finely cut narrow leaves give a feathery appearance. Purplish red catkins on multi-branched stems rise up in late summer. Prefers moist conditions.
Sanguisorba obtusa 2 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink l. summer Su clump Sanguisorba tenuifolia 'Alba' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. greenish white lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump Sanguisorba tenuifolia purpurea 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. purplish red lt. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump
Santolina chamaecyparissus (incana) LAVANDER COTTON Prefers light well drained soil and a dry site rather than a wet one. Usually trimmed in March to maintain a compact habit, which will prevent flowering, or pruned hard after flowering to tidy up. This woody pseudo-evergreen is primarily grown for the gray foiliage that associates well with other flowers and foliage. The leaves have a wooly, dense, filigree character with a gentle spicey or piney 45 fragrance noticeable especially after rain. In sandy soil and full sun it has a white sheen. No serious disease or insect problems bother it. Does not like excess moisture in winter.
Santolina chamaecyparissus (incana) 18 in. 24 in. yellow summer Su hummock
Saponaria ocymoides ROCK SOAPWORT Quite cold hardy but not tolerant of high summer humidity or wet conditions in winter. Excellent carpeting plant for hanging over rocky slopes and retaining walls.
Saponaria ocymoides 6 - 9 in. 12 in. pink e. summer Su carpet
Sarcococca SWEET BOX Instantly likeable evergreen shrub. The plants form dense upright clumps of shiny lance shaped leaves. The foliage is very durable and the plants look good all year. In early spring, fragrant flowers in small clusters are partially hidden by the foliage, but fill the air with a lingering sweetness. Although rhizomatous, it is extremely slow growing, and this must be the only reason for its relative scarcity. Patience required. Grows well with sufficient organic matter added to retain moisture, and a semi-protected site, but seems to tolerate drier, shaddier conditions once established.
Sarcococca hookeriana humils 1 - 2 ft. 12 - 16 in. white fr e. spring Su spreader
Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' PINCUSHION FLOWER An extravagant performer that attracts butterflies! A good cut flower that blooms from May through frost. Useful toward the front of your sunny garden in moist well drained, fertile soil, preferably alkaline. Dead-head to encourage profuse blooming. The foliage provides special interest, with lance shaped lower leaves, and linear stem leaves deeply incised and arranged in an opposite manner. Delightful, old fashion, and the most popular of the perennial species.
Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. blue spring - frost Su clump Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. pink spring - frost Su clump
Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ JAPANESE HYDRANGEA VINE A Hydrangea like vine with silver gray mottled foliage. Flowers resemble lacecap Hydrangeas being creamy pink with pale yellow bracts. Although tolerant of part shade conditions, foliage mottling and floral display is more prominent on plants sited with a touch of sun. Plants need tying to support until established and can be pruned in spring. Native to Japan and Korea, found growing in humus- rich, well-drained soils.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 20 - 30 ft. 4 - 5 ft. white june/july pSh vine 'Moonlight'
Sedum STONE CROP. Butterflies love them! Thrive in moderately fertile, well drained but moist soil. All have thick, fleshy leaves that are handsome throughout the growing season. Ranges of color, texture and size incorporate different personalities to your garden. S. spurium must have excellent drainage, disliking wet feet.
Sedum acre 2 - 3 in. 18 in. yellow l.spring Su mat Sedum 'Angelina' 6 - 10 in. 18 - 24 in. yellow summer Su spreader Sedum 'Arthur Branch' 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. rose l. summer Su clump Sedum 'Autumn Fire' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. pink-red-russet e. autumn Su clump Sedum 'Autumn Joy' 2 ft. 2 ft. pink-red-russet e. autumn Su clump Sedum 'Bertram Anderson' 12 in. 12 - 15 in. rose pink summer Su clump Sedum 'Black Jack' 24 in. 18 - 21 in. pink sum. - fall Su clump 46
Sedum 'Carl' 18 in. 18 - 21 in. pink l.sum-fall Su clump Sedum cauticola 'Lidakense' 6 in. 12 - 18 in. pink / rose l.sum -e.fall Su mounds Sedum 'Frosty Morn' 18 in. 2 ft. white to pink l. summer Su clump Sedum hispanicum minus purple form 1 in. 12 in. pinkish white stars june Su spreader Sedum 'John Creech' 2 in. 12 - 18 in. pink june Su spreader Sedum 'Matrona' 2.5 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink -indian red l. summer - Su clump aut Sedum 'Neon' 1.5 - 2 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. deep rose pink l. summer - Su clump aut Sedum 'Purple Emperor' 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. dusty red l.summer Su clump Sedum 'Robustum' (Rosy Glow) 10 in. 18 in. ruby red l. sum. - aut. Su clump Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant' 1.5 - 2 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. pink l. summer - Su clump aut Sedum spurium 'Dragons Blood' 4 in. 12 - 18 in. crimson summer Su carpet root. Sedum spurium 'Red Carpet' 4 in. 12 - 18 in. red summer Su carpet root. Sedum spurium 'Tricolor' 4 in. 12 - 18 in. pink summer Su carpet root. Sedum sieboldii 6 in. 12 - 18 in. lt. pink autumn Su clump Sedum 'Vera Jameson' 9 in. 12 in. pink l. summer Su clump Sedum floriferum 'Weihenstephaner 6 - 9 in. 12 in. yellow summer Su clump Gold'
Sempervivum tectorum HENS AND CHICKS These plants have low evergreen foliage that grows thickly in rosettes of succulent leaves. They are often used and are easily grown in free draining infertile soil with average moisture. The Latin "semper" means "always" and "vivo" means "live." The mother plants ("hens") usually die after flowering, and the remaining "chicks" are left to grow next year. Small star shaped flowers may be pink, white, green, yellow or purple. Does well in full sun. Frequently planted in the spaces between the stones in rock walls, or near walks and in planters.
Sempervivum tectorum 12 in. 12 in. pink summer Su clump
Sidalcea PRAIRIE MALLOW OR CHECKER-MALLOW Moist, well drained. Native to North America will rebloom if cut back after flowering. Full sun or light shade, deep loamy, fertle soil. Happiest in climates with cool dry summers, disliking heat and humidity.
Sidalcea 'Little Princess' 15 in. 12 - 18 in. soft pink summer Su clump Sidalcea 'Party Girl' 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. carmine rose summer Su clump
Silphium perfoliatum CUP PLANT This tall growing native sunflower relative is one of our best wildlife plants. Large opposite leaves clasp the stem forming cups that catch and store rain water and these reservoirs are visited by birds and butterflies. A group planting will result in a five to ten foot tall bird haven and in the fall they will come to devour the seeds. Occurs naturally in moist areas but grows well in fertile soils with average moisture. Needs room to move and will self-sow on open soils. Silphium trifoliatum WHORLED ROSIN WEED Growing to 4 ft. this species is shorter and less stately then S. perfoliatum, although still warrants placement in the native, wildlife friendly garden. The flower stems form heavy spikes of yellow radiated flowers, sometimes causing the plant to bend under its own weight. Naturalist William Bartram talks of Silphium as “Possessing a resin of agreeable fragrance and bitterish taste, somewhat like frankincense.” He also notes the resin being used by Native Americans to cleanse the teeth. 47
Silphium perfoliatum 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. yellow summer Su clump Silphium trifoliatum 5 - 7 ft. 3 - 4 ft. yellow summer Su clump
Sisyrinchium BLUE-EYED GRASS Bright blue star shaped flowers with gold centers atop grassy tufts of green iris- like foliage. Very long blooming, it makes an excellent container plant or foreground element in the garden.
Sisyrinchium bermudianum 10 in. 12 in. blue spr.-summer Su clump Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne' 10 in. 12 in. blue spr.-summer Su clump
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece' GOLDENROD The gradual formation of the flowerheads is interesting to watch. Quite hardy, they do well in moderate, humusy soil with a moisture range from wet to dry. Some solidagos grace the formal garden while others accent the wild garden beautifully. Goldenrod is not to be mistaken for the allergy causing ragweed, an undying misconception in America. In Europe they have always been valued in gardens and bouquets.
Solidago 'Fireworks' 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. yellow l. summer Su-Sh clump Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece' 18 in. 18 in. golden yellow l. sum. - aut. Su-pSh clump
Smilacina racemosa FALSE SOLOMONS SEAL Similar in foliage arrangement and stem structure to Polygonatum, often found inhabiting the same soils. The difference in flower and berries can help distinguish these allies of the woodland. Smilacina flowers out from the top of each stem in dense, creamy white, fragrant clusters, followed by red berries in autumn. Where as Polygonatum has pendant flowers along the stem and blue black berries in autumn. Plants thrive in moist, humus rich, lime free soils.
Smilacina racemosa 1 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. cream may-july Sh-pSh spreader
Spigelia marilandica INDIAN PINK, PINKROOT This is one of our most treasured native wild flowers, that thankfully, has been easier to find in recent times. Bushy clumps of unbranched stems with medium green leaves produce upward facing bright red trumpet flowers with a contrasting yellow throat. It is happy at the woodland edge and in moist soils rich in humus.
Spigelia marilandica 12 in. 12 in. bright red l. spring pSh clump
Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet' SPIREA Recent cultivar with striking, gradually changing foliar colors, from young yellow orange shoots and tips that explode while blooming into shades of chartreuse. Does not revert to green, has a compact habit, tolerates heat, and has no foliage diseases. Breathtaking in shade as a ground cover, eye catching in any size group, and singly will brighten any small spot. Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' is a dependable green- leafed dwarf.
Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet' 2 - 3 ft. 3 ft. bright pink summer Su-pSh shrub Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. pink summer Su-pSh shrub Spiraea thunbergii 'Mt.Fuji' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 3.5 ft. white spring Su-pSh shrub
Stachys byzantina LAMB'S EAR Semi-evergreen in our region. Adaptable to most soils with average moisture that drain well. Offers superb gray, wooly foliage for well-defined edging and for the front of the border. Flower spikes are sometimes removed. Foliage height is 4 to 6 in. S. b. 'Silver Carpet' is a non-blooming form and S. 'Helen Von Stein' (syn. 'Big Ears') also non-blooming, has broad leaves twice the size of other Lamb's Ears. Children as well as anyone will love to touch their silky soft felty leaves. Stachys grandiflora 'Rosea' (syn. Stachys macrantha 'Rosea') 48
BETONY forms tight basal tufts of green heart shaped leaves with scaloped edges. Eye-catching whorls of flowers are held on stiff stems above the foliage. Plants spread to form dense clumps.
Stachys byzantina (lanata) 20 in. 18 in. mauve summer Su carpet Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' fol.6 - 10 18 in. fol. silver no flower Su carpet in. Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears' fol.8 - 10 24 in. fol. silver no flower Su carpet in. Stachys grandiflora 'Rosea' 12 - 24 in. 18 in. rose red l. spring Su-pSh clump Stachys monnieri 'Hummelo' 18 - 20 in. 18 - 24 in. rose-lavender summer Su spreader
Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa' CUTLEAF STEPHANANDRA A deciduous shrub with low spreading arched branches. The small leaves are deeply incised and Acer-like, giving the plant a graceful crisscrossed look. Autumn color is orange-red giving way to showy rich brown bark in winter. Greenish white paniculate flowers resembling Spiraea are borne along the branches in early summer. Plants occur at woodland margins throughout East Asia. The occasional trimming of older branches at the base will keep a tidy appearance.
Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa' 1.5 - 3 ft. 3 - 4 ft. white may Su-Sh spreader
Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' STOKES ASTER Plant in well drained soil; does not tolerate wet soil in winter. Long-lived in sandy or light loam that is moderately fertile with average moisture. Fine plant for the front of the border. Dark green rosette of strap-shaped leaves, and large cornflower blooms with wide outer petals.
Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' 1 - 2 ft. 18 in. lavender blue summer Su clump Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' 1 - 2 ft. 18 in. lavender blue summer Su clump Stokesia laevis 'Color Wheel' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. wht. lav. purp. summer Su - pSh clump Stokesia laevis 'Honeysong Purple' 14 in. 18 in. dp. purple red summer Su clump Stokesia laevis 'Omega Skyrocket' 3 - 4 ft. 18 in. lavender blue summer Su clump Stokesia 'Purple Parasole's' 12 - 18 in. 18 in. deep violet summer Su clump
Stylophorum diphyllum CELANDINE POPPY Emerging in the spring, the robust bluish green leaves are 10-15 in. long and deeply cut into 5-7 lobed sections. Effective for sunny spring color, the 1 1/2-2 in. bright yellow flowers have 4 petals and many stamens. Makes a good ground cover in a shaded consistantly moist site where it will spread (mostly by seed) indefinitly. Foliage may disappear in dryer gardens. Native Americans once used the yellow sap contained in the stems as a dye.
Stylophorum diphyllum 12 - 18 in. 12 - 18 in. yellow spring pSh-Sh spreader
Syneilesis aconitifolia SHREDDED UMBRELLA PLANT An interesting collectors plant, grown more for foliage then flower. The leaf emergence in spring is the most dramatic attribute. The new foliage rises out of the soil covered in a white downy pubescence, shriveled, taking on the appearance of a morel mushroom. As the long stalks extend the rich green leaves unfold and are circular with deep segments similar to a Hellebore or Aconitum, giving the plant a shredded umbrella look. Being an asteraceae, flowers are true to the family being small, greenish white, forming about the inflorescence in late summer. Plants are slow spreaders and in time can form a pleasantly sized colony. Good for a sunny woodland garden with humus rich soil and good drainage. Native to temperate areas in China, Japan and Korea.
Syneilesis aconitifolia 18 in. 18 - 24 in. white mid summer pSh-Sh slow 49
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter T
Teucrium chamaedrys WILD GERMANDER Often used for edging and in rock gardens, thriving in sun and drained soil. An easier alternative to boxwood or lavender for knot gardens. A first class example can be seen at the Central Park Conservatory Garden in New Yory City.
Teucrium chamaedrys 9 in. 1 ft. soft pink summer Su clump
Thalictrum delavayi MEADOW RUE Likes ordinary moist fertile soil with organic matter added to retain moisture. Over fertilizing weakens it. Popular as graceful and decorative plants with delicate fern-like foliage for the border or wildflower garden. T. rochebrunianum bears airy, purplish flowers similar to T. delavayi but has glaucous foliage and is an overall larger plant, self-supporting with thicker stems. Both are indispensable to break heavy foliage and flower patterns. Thalictrum flavum glaucum begins blooming earlier than other species , has blue foliage, sturdy but delicate in appearance
Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Thunder Cloud' 24 - 36 in. 24 in. dbl red july-aug. Su-pSh clump Thalictrum delavayi 4 - 5 ft. 18 - 24 in. lilac summer Su-pSh clump Thalictrum flavum glaucum 6 ft. 2 ft. pale yellow l.spr.-e.sum. Su-pSh clump Thalictrum kiusianum 3 - 4 in. 6 - 12 in. lilac summer Su-pSh spreader Thalictrum rochebrunianum 'Lavender Mist' 6 - 8 ft. 18 - 24 in. lavender summer Su-pSh clump
Thermopsis FALSE LUPINE The foliage and flowers of Thermopsis are similar to Baptisias and Lupines. Plants form 1-2ft. wide clumps and will succeed grown in any moderately fertile well drained soil.
Thermopsis caroliniana 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. yellow june Su clump Thermopsis lanceolata 30 in. 18 - 24 in. yellow summer Su-pSh clump
Thymus THYME Prefers light, well drained soil with sunny, average to dry conditions. Enjoyable aromatic herb often used for walkway edges and rock gardens. Shear or trim according to taste, and cut off dead winter wood. T. praecox 'Coccineus' (T. serphyllum 'Coccineus') MOTHER OF THYME is impressive with dark dense foliage shining and glistening, especially covered with blooms. As a general ground cover T. praecox 'Pseudolanuginosus' (T. pseudolanuginosus) WOOLY THYME forms a flat gray mat, and can be used most successfully in walkway or rock cracks. All have aromatic foliage.
Thymus praecox 'Coccineus' 1 in. 12 - 18 in. crimson summer Su carpet root Thymus praecox 'Doretta Klaber' 2 - 3 in. 12 in. dark pink summer Su carpet root Thymus praecox 'Pink Chintz' 1/4 in. 6 - 12 in. pink summer Su carpet root Thymus praecox 'Pseudolanuginosus' 1 in. 18 in. lilac pink summer Su carpet root
Tiarella cordifolia FOAMFLOWER Beautiful foliage forms a low and neatly mounded background that makes the blooms glow. These long lasting spring flowers rise above the foliage, opening from pink tinted buds to pure white or pinkish flowers creating a soft impression to brighten the shade. Numerous tiny flowers stem from the stalk all along a 3 to 4 in. flowerhead in an airy yet upright fashion. During spring and fall the leaves noticeably have more 50 pronounced burgundy variegation in the veins, and usually become bronzed during winter. Needs moist, fertile soil to perform. Flowers have a sweet but gentle fragrance.
Tiarella cordifolia 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. white -pale pink spring pSh-Sh spreader Tiarella 'Brandy Wine' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. light pink spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Dark Star' 13 in. 18 in. pale pink spring pSh-Sh spreader Tiarella 'Dunvegan' 10 in. 12 - 18 in. light pink spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Elizabeth Oliver' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. light pink spring pSh-Sh spreader Tiarella 'Iron Butterfly' 16 in. 18 in. white spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Lace Carpet' 8 - 10 in. 12 - 18 in. white spring pSh-Sh spreader Tiarella 'Martha Oliver' 12 in. 18 in. white spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Mint Chocolate' 15 in. 12 - 18 in. pink tinted spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Oakleaf' 10 in. 18 in. pink spring pSh-Sh clump Tiarella 'Running Tapestry' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. white spring pSh-Sh carpet root. Tiarella 'Slickrock' 6 in. 18 - 24 in. white spring pSh-Sh carpet root Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' 10 in. 18 - 24 in. pink spring pSh-Sh clump
Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' SPIDERWORT Compact spiderwort hybrid with clear bright yellow foliage and beautifully contrasting blue purple flowers. Plants will grow well in part shade but flower more, and have better foliage color in more light. Light greeny yellow in shade, screaming yellow in more sun. For any well drained garden soil.
Tradescantia 'Concord Grape' 15 - 18 in. 3 ft. deep purple l.spr.-fall Su-pSh clump Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' 15 in. 18 in. blue purple e.summr - Su-pSh clump fall
Tricyrtis hirta TOAD LILY An exciting surprise for your shade garden. Toad lilies are on the short list of good late bloomers for the shade. This plant loves deep, slightly acidic, humusy, moist and fertile soil. Get a close look at these whitish to pale purple blooms splashed with darker purple spots and blotches, which portray an orchid-like appearance. Long oval to lance shaped leaves attach directly to the stem, both of which are covered with fine soft hairs. Blooms profusely and upright along arching leaf stems. T. hirta ' Miyazaki' is an improved form of this species. T. formosana, long blooming, is stoloniferous but not invasive. T. 'Sinonome' forms an upright vase shaped clump with noteworthy clean foliage and drought tolerance. Shorter than the above, the flower coloring of T. 'Hatataogisa' gives the impression of watercolors. T. formosana 'Samurai' is stoloniferous, has a compact form and green leaves with cream to gold leaf edges.
Tricyrtis formosana 36 in. 18 in. white / purple autumn pSh spreader Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai' 18 in. 18 - 24 in. purple autumn pSh spreader Tricyrtis hirta 3 ft. 2 ft. white / purple autumn pSh clump Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. white / purple autumn pSh clump Tricyrtis hirta 'Variegata' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. white / purple autumn pSh clump Tricyrtis 'Hatataogisa' 24 in. 18 in. blue,purple,white autumn pSh clump Tricyrtis 'Sinonome' 2.5 ft. 2 ft. white / ruby autumn pSh clump
Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' GLOBEFLOWER Use by water or in bog gardens, but also does very well in gardens with consistently moist fertile soil. Handsome dark green foliage. Eye catching yellow to orange flowers 51 serve great as cut flowers. Leaves have 3 to 5 divisions with toothed edges and fan out in a palm-like manner. T. 'Lemon Queen' has cool lemon yellow flowers.
Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' 24 - 32 in. 1.5 - 2 ft. gold yellow l. spr. - e. sum. Su-pSh clump Trollius 'Lemon Queen' 18 - 24 in. 18 in. lemon yellow l..spring - sum. Su-pSh clump
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter U
Uvularia grandiflora BELLWORT Diminutive in form, this delightful native is easily overlooked in the woodland garden (barring any headlocks from Allan Armitage). Like other woodland Liliaceae, leaves fork out from arching stems forming pendant, fragrant, soft yellow flowers in spring. Berries in late spring sit charmingly on the foliage. Can be used as a ground cover under deciduous trees, fertilizing in spring will help push this slow spreader along. Prefers the moist woodland soils of North American deciduous forests.
Uvularia grandiflora 12 - 18 in. 12 in. yellow spring Sh spreader
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter V
Vernonia IRON WEED These native perennials are popular for late season color. The tall yet sturdy plants make a fine backdrop in a garden. Ironweeds are happy growing in damp soils in nature but adapt well to average garden conditions. Plants may be pruned in spring to produce shorter plants or to stagger bloom time.Vernonia glauca- UPLAND IRONWEED.
Vernonia fasciculata 4 - 6 ft. 2 - 3 ft. red purple summer - fall Su clump Vernonia glauca 3 - 5 ft. 3 ft. deep purple l. sum - fall Su clump Vernonia noveboracensis 4 - 7 ft. 2 - 3 ft. purple l. sum - fall Su clump
Veronica spicata 'Red Fox', V. spicata 'Goodness Grows' SPEEDWELL Both are low, long blooming plants with glossy dark green leaves of medium size. They prefer moderately fertile, well drained soil demanding average moisture only. The taller V. 'Sunny Border Blue' has vivid violet blue flowers, with the same cultivation requirements, but have larger lighter green crumply leaves. Veronica's deserve representation in all borders. They associate well with other plants and are easy to grow, with neat and colorful flower spikes. Veronica p. 'Georgia Blue' and Veronica 'Waterperry' are excellent carpeting plants well used at a garden edge spilling over a walkway or wall. Veronica 'Royal Candles' is a compact plant with clean, lasting foliage and a long bloom season.
Veronica allionii 4 in. 12 - 18 in. deep blue e. summer Su-pSh carpet Veronica 'Blue Indigo' 18 - 22 in. 18 - 24 in. deep blue re spring - sum. Su clump Veronica liwanensis 1 in. 6 - 12 in. light blue summer Su-pSh spreader Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' 6 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. deep blue e. spring Su carpet Veronica 'Royal Candles' 15 - 24 in. 18 in. royal purple summer Su clump Veronica repens 'Sunshine' 1 in. 12 in. near white spring Su-pSh clump Veronica spicata 'Goodness Grows' 15 in. 18 - 24 in. deep blue spr. - sum. Su clump 52
Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' 15 in. 18 in. rose pink e. summer Su clump Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue' 18 - 20 in. 18 in. dk. violet. blue sum. - aut. Su clump Veronica teucrium 'Trehane' 4 - 6 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender blue summer Su clump Veronica 'Tickled Pink' 15 in. 18 - 21 in. clear pink summer Su-pSh clump Veronica 'Waterperry' 4 - 6 in. 12 - 18 in. light blue l. spr.-sum. Su carpet
Veronicastrum virginicum CULVER'S ROOT, BLACKROOT Prefers wet conditions and needs full sun to maintain its tall and sturdy upright habit. Branching stems hold many dark green leaves, which grow out like the spokes of a wheel. In late summer branches end in white flower spikes that are neatly and firmly upright occasionally attaining a pale pink tint. The vertical and horizontal structure and durable heights of this plant make it valuable for design. Native to woodlands and meadows of our Northeast.
Veronicastrum virginicum 4 - 5 ft. 18 in. white l. summer Su clump
Vinca minor PERIWINKLE This trailing evergreen subshrub has dark green glossy leaves. Appearing in spring are blue-violet flowers that are five petaled and rounded. Prefers part shade and moist areas. Longlived and will tolerate less than ideal growing conditions once established. Vinca minor 'Illumination' a stunning new sport of Vinca minor, has brilliant yellow leaves with a dark green edge and is more restrained in growth.
Vinca minor 10 in. 12 - 18 in. light blue spring pSh spreader Vinca minor 'Illumination' 2 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender blue spring pSh slow sprdr. Vinca minor 'Sterling Silver' 6 - 10 in. 18 - 24 in. blue spring pSh spreader
Viola labradorica LABRADOR VIOLET The appealing dark green foliage tinged with purple brings interest all season. Likes a cool open position where drainage is good. Can tolerate more sun with adequate moisture and increased light will deepen the purplish foliage color. After the spring flush, partial flowering continues throughout the growing season. Self sows. Viola 'Purple Showers' SWEET VIOLET This true purple performer comes back for an extended encore. Happy when growing in bright shade and average to rich moist soil. After bloom cut off the spent flowers to encourage rebloom.
Viola labradorica 6 in. 12 - 18 in. lavender blue spring pSh-Su carpet root. Viola 'Mars' 8 in. 6 - 12 in. soft violet spring pSh-Su clump Viola 'Purple Showers' [Cornuta Group] 6 - 8 in. 3 ft. purple spring pSh-Su carpet
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter W
Weigela florida 'Elvera' (Midnight Wine) This dwarf mounding shrub has dark metallic burgundy (near black) leaves. A single plant makes a fine specimen or it can be grouped together as a groundcover. It makes an excellent foil 53 and companion plant in a perennial garden where contrasting foliage is desired. Showy funnel-shaped flowers are an added bonus. Prune only after flowering since it flowers on last year's twigs. Prospers in average garden soil.
Weigela florida 'Elvera' (Midnight Wine) 18 - 24 in. . 3 ft. deep pink l. spring Su shrub
Plant Descriptions: Beginning with Letter Y
Yucca filamentosa NEEDLE PALM A trunkless, rosette forming species hardy to zone 5. Foliage is thick and swordlike, providing a sharp textured foliar contrast and focal point within the garden. Older plants bloom more frequently with panicles rising 5 feet above the plant adorned with numerous bell shaped flowers, similar to Digitalis. Yucca’s have taproots which can hold food and water in reserve, so water sparingly and plant in full sun.
Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. crmy white summer Su clump Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. white summer Su clump
Grasses : Beginning with Letter A
Arundo donax GIANT REED This amazingly tall bamboo-like plant has blue-green corn-like foliage that grows 2 - 3 in. wide and 18-24 in. long. Arching upright canes form large clumps that create a dramatic effect. Useful as a specimen, screen or a windbreak, or when planted with a wall or building as a backdrop. Prefers fertile, moist, well drained soil, but is not picky. Tolerates heat and seaside conditions. Very vigorous, it can colonize quickly, especially in moist areas. Rarely invasive in norhtern climates.
Arundo donax 9 - 20 ft. 3 - 4 ft. white autumn Su spreader
Grasses : Beginning with Letter C
Calamagrostis acutiflora (x) 'Karl Foerster' FEATHER REED GRASS This grass is at home in meadows, open woods or added to give height to your border. Tolerant of partial shade it prefers moist, fertile, even heavy soils. In early summer plumes rise above the foliage with narrow feathery inflorescences up to 15 in. long, and remain in an ornamental condition all season. Leaf blades are a rich green, erect, 1/4 to 5/8 in. wide and finely pointed at the tip with coarsely textured margins. Overall Feather Reed Grass creates a sturdy enduring verticle element. Calamagrostis brachytricha FALL BLOOMING or KOREAN FEATHER REED GRASS The fatter and feathery infloresence opens greenish to tawny pink, fades to a silver grey and matures in fall to a yellowish wheat color. This excellent clump former makes a fine specimen or mass planting subject. Flowers last into winter and are suitable for fresh or dry bouquets. Tolerates partial shade where it will flower and produce a graceful arching form but will grow stronger and more upright in full sun.
Calamagrostis acutiflora (x) 'Karl 5 - 6 ft. 2 - 3 ft. wht. rose buff e. summer Su clump 54
Foerster' Calamagrostis 'Avalanche' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. gold june Su clump Calamagrostis brachytricha 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. tawny pink autumn Su-Sh clump silver
Carex Botanically classified as sedges, these grass like plants are grown for their beautiful and extremely diverse foliage colors. The flowers are usually of minor decorative importance. Carex morowii 'Evergold' JAPANESE SEDGE Brighten up your garden with this graceful fountain-like evergreen. Dense, mound forming foliage; this plant prefers moist fertile soil and sun to bright shade. The dark green leaves, which are margined with creamy yellow, arch and taper to the tip of each blade. Carex elata 'Aurea' ('Bowles Golden') has brilliant golden yellow leaves and thrives in fertile soil in a moist to wet, sunny location. Carex conica 'Snowline' ('Variegata') MINIATURE VARIEGATED SEDGE Thin 1/8 to 3/8 in. blades have an attractive dark green color framed by their bright silvery white margins. The clump mounds 6 in. high. Successful especially where smaller plants are desirable, including between stepping stones, and even massed as a ground cover. Moderate to slow growth makes it valuable. Best in moist, fertile soil in part shade. For above three carex, old foliage with dead tips may be cut back in early spring to 2 to 3 in. above crown. Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' CREEPING VARIEGATED BROAD LEAFED SEDGE Blades 1/2 to 3/4 in. wide and 12 to 18 in. long, this sedge nearly resembles a small Hosta. Green to dark green leaves are streaked in the middle with white and the margins are a creamy white. Stems spread slowly beneath the surface and the overall form of the dense foliage is neat and appealing. Though deciduous, winter leaves are a light brown to brownish orange, and the new spring leaves glow pink! Best in fertile soil with humus, constant moisture, and dappled shade where the highlighted foliage seems to glow. It is a show either alone or in large groups. Cut leaves before spring growth. The recent cultivar Carex s. 'Island Brocade' has light green leaves with creamy yellow leaf edges and leaf streaks. The saturated color and contrast creates a brilliant variegated effect and expands the possibilities for this fine broad-leaved sedge. Carex d. 'Kaga Nishiki' GOLD FOUNTAINS forms a mounded fountain of foliage with narrow leaves that are green in the center and edged in gold. The highly adaptable Carex flacca (glauca) GLAUCOUS SEDGE has blue gray foliage. It is a useful groundcover spreading slow but strongly and producing a dense mass of slender textured foliage. Carex m. 'Goldband' has creamy yellow leaf margins and is very hardy. The enduring foliage forms a strong solid clump. Carex m. 'Ice Dance' This improved form of Carex m.'Variegata' (a heading that refers to a group of plants that have varying degrees of good vaiegation), has cream white leaf margins that are much more pronounced. The semi-evergreen rhizomatous clumps look fresh all season and stand out notably late in the year. Carex m. 'Silver Sceptre' offers arching narrow leaves with white margins and forms thick ivory clumps. Carex musk.'Little Midge' PALM SEDGE is a very compact form of palm sedge that spreads slowly to form a handsome fine foliage ground cover. Carex musk. 'Oehme' PALM SEDGE has yellow- edged leaves that grow out horizontally impersonating a miniature palm tree in effect. The variegation deepens as the season progresses. Prefers part sun to shade and moist soil.
Carex appalachica 1 - 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. fol. fine hair like e.summer Sh-pSh clump Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga Nishiki' 10 - 12 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. gold spring Su-pSh clump Carex conica 'Snowline' ('Variegata') 6 in. 12 - 15 in. dk green & white spr.- e. sum pSh clump Carex caryophyllea 'Beatlemania' 6 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. gold & deep green spring pSh-Sh slow spreader Carex caryophyllea 'The Beatles' 3 - 5 in. 12 - 18 in. fol. green spring Su-Sh spreader Carex elata 'Aurea' ('Bowles' Golden') 2 - 5 ft. 2 ft. fol. brgt. Yellow spring Su clump Carex flacca (glauca) 6 in. 18 in. fol. blue gray summer Su-pSh spreader Carex flaccosperma 6 - 10 in. 24 in. fol. blue green spring pSh-Sh slow spreader Carex grayi 2 - 3 ft. 18 - 24 in. green-yellow fruit lt. spring Su clump Carex hachijoensis 'Evergold' 12 in. 12 - 24 in. fol. yel.& grn. spring Su-pSh clump 55
Carex morrowii 'Goldband' 12 in. 12 - 24 in. fol. grn & yel. spring pSh-Su clump Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' 12 in 18 - 24 in. green & white spring pSh-Su spreader Carex morrowii 'Silver Sceptre' 12 in. 18 - 24 in. green & white spring pSh spreader Carex mor. var. temnolepis 'Silk 12 in. 2.5 - 3 ft. fol. green white & spring Sh-pSh clump Tassel' silver Carex muskingumensis 'Little Midge' 12 - 15 in. 12 - 18 in. light green e. summer pSh spreader Carex muskingumensis 'Oehme' 20 in. 12 - 18 in. green & yellow e. summer pSh slow sprdr. Carex platyphylla 5 in 18 - 24 in. fol. powder blue spring pSh clump Carex plantaginea 8 - 10 in. 18 - 24 in. fol.shiny green e.spring pSh-Sh clump Carex siderosticha 'Island Brocade' 8 in. 24 in. creamy.yellow margins spring pSh spreader Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' 18 in. 18 - 24 in. green , white spring Sh spreader
Chasmanthium latifolium NORTHERN SEA OATS, SPANGLE GRASS Very decorative, and an excellent choice for year round interest. Plant in fertile soil with average moisture. Lined with rough margins, the leaf blades are linear, narrow and lance shaped, reaching a length of 5 to 9 inches. Its inflorescence begins as an olive green and tan to a golden treasure of oat-like jewels on erect stems that gently bends about and atop the foliage. Standing still and attractive it seems unaffected by winter's elements, in that the sleet and snow usually slip right off of its foliage. Especially useful because it grows well in part shade.
Chasmanthium latifolium 3 - 4 ft. 2 ft. grn. - tawny l. summer pSh-Su clump
Grasses : Beginning with Letter D
Deschampsia cespitosa TUFTED HAIR GRASS , FAIRY WAND GRASS Forms a dense tussock of narrow, arching, dark green leaves. Numerous erect stems are adorned by large plumes with clouds of pale green to purplish flowers having a delicate, airy habit, arching 2 to 3 ft. above the foliage. Glimmering plumes keep their silky soft beauty far into summer, turning golden yellow in autumn. Semi-evergreen in our region, and if foliage freezes to dormancy, the soft tuft still looks neat, with foliage tips turning yellowish orange in a hard freeze. Indispensable grass, tolerating shade, associating well with other flowers and foliage. Good as a specimen, or massed as a ground cover especially on moist slopes or along water. Sites well in meadows, wet areas and woods. Gorgeous in angular back light or where plumes are seen from below. One of the earliest grass bloomers. Resents hot and dry conditions, best in moist, fertile soil in light shade. In deep shade they won't bloom well. Add a soft touch with this native of the Norhtern Hemisphere. Deschampsia c. 'Northern Lights' This graceful compact plant adds a novel coloration to the grass pallet. Leaves emerge in spring with golden variegation and pink tips that hold up into summer and then progresses to creamy white. The subtle and beautiful tawny pastel color effect of this plant is a welcomed sight all season.
Deschampsia cespitosa 2 - 3 ft. 24 - 30 in. pale grn. to spring pSh clump purp. Deschampsia cespitosa 'Northern Lights' 10 in. 12 - 18 in. cream pink non observed pSh clump blush
Grasses : Beginning with Letter E 56
Elymus hysterix BOTTLEBRUSH GRASS stands with its bottlebrush plumes 1 to 2 feet above the foliage, adding valuable interest to shade gardens. Olive green leaf blades are less than 1/2 in. wide, and grow in dense clumps. Grows best in a moist and fertile, shaded place but will tolerate shaded sites that are on the dry side. Blooms in early summer remaining ornamental to fall. Once established this U.S. East Coast native self sows rendering it useful when planted in informal settings and at the deciduous woodland edge.
Elymus hysterix (Hystrix patula) 4 - 5 ft. 18 - 24 in. lt. green summer pSh clump
Erianthus ravennae See Saccharum ravennae
Grasses : Beginning with Letter F
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' BLUE FESCUE Bright blue from the time the snows are melting until winter returns, staying a lesser blue all winter. The fine, soft appearance of its blades as well as its blue color work successfully as ground covers, in rock gardens and in the foreground or edges of sunny garden locations. Dry tolerant, needs good drainage, prefering average moisture in moderate soil. It is currently the most popular Fescue.
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' 8 in. 12 - 18 in. foliage blue l. spring Su clump
Grasses : Beginning with Letter H
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' GOLDEN VARIEGATED HAKONECHLOA Requires moist fertile soil with added leaf mold. Although a slow grower, in time it forms a thick graceful clump in the shade. Bright yellow variegated, arching blades become a pink-red in the fall turning tan into winter. All of those who behold its soothing shape want it. Be careful when siting, as it burns in too much sun and loses its yellow appearance in too much shade. Plant so it faces the light because the foliage cascades in that direction. Hakonechloa macra will tolerate more sun (with good moisture), is hardier and faster growing. Loose clumps of arching dark green leaves look like bamboo. In summer the appealing flowers develop in-between the foliage and in the fall the foliage turns a coppery orange color. Use it as an excellent container plant, a non-invasive ground cover or a handsome foliage foil. Hakonechloa macra 'Albo Striata' ('Albovariegata') has dark green leaves with thin white stripes variably along the edges and centers. Larger and more vigorous than H. m. 'Aureola', this white striped hakone grass also tolerates sunnier sites.
Hakonechloa macra 1 - 3 ft. 24 in. fol. glossy l. sum.-aut. pSh-Su slow sprdr green Hakonechloa macra 'Albo Striata' 3 ft. 24 in. fol. grn & whitel. sum - e. fall pSh-Su slow sprdr 57
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' 1 - 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. fol. yellow l. summer pSh slow sprdr Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' 1 - 2 ft. 24 in. fol. br. yel., var. l. sum - e. pSh clump aut.
Helictotrichon sempervirens BLUE OAT GRASS Thin blades are stiff looking, sharp tipped, and slightly yet gracefully arching. The dense clump is a metallic blue color and semi-evergreen. Needs well drained fertile, humusy soil with average moisture and good air circulation (open and airy). Heavy, wet soil may cause rot, and too much summer rain, shade, and still air can cause rust. Plant alone or in masses allowing space to mature to show its best. Meadows and dry slopes are excellent sites. Helictotrichon s.'Sapphire' is very similar in appearance to the straight species, but has improved rust resistance.
Helictotrichon sempervirens 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. fol. blue l. spring Su clump Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Sapphire' 2 ft. 2 ft. fol. blue l. spring Su clump
Hystrix patula BOTTLEBRUSH GRASS see Elymus hysterix
Grasses : Beginning with Letter I
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' JAPANESE BLOOD GRASS makes a walk in the garden a natural light show when morning or evening sunlight angles through these red blades. Although at times finicky in this area, its demand continues surviving well in some places and worth replacing in others. Sprouting bright green blades with red tips becoming redder at its mature height. Plant in moist soil of moderate fertility, especially heavy and wet, in lots of sun. Loses color in light shade. If this cultivar reverts to its green form, remove immediately, for reversions can be very invasive. The aggressive nature of the green reverted form is alledgedly true when grown in the deep southern United States. In my experience up here in zone 6 on the northern border of N.J. and southern N.Y., a good solid stand of Imperata c. 'Red Barron' would be enviable. It is slow growing in the nursery and over time I've only seen a few decent stands that seemed to take half a hold in local gardens. Yet this, to my knowledge slow growing gem (when grown here), is currently under scrutiny as a problem plant. A good substitute grass as far as color is Panicum v. 'Shenandoah'.
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' 1 - 2 ft. 12 - 18 in. fol. red none Su clump produced
Grasses : Beginning with Letter J
BOTANICAL NAME HEIGHT SPACING COLOR SEASON LIGHT HABIT Juncus effusus 'Spiralis' CORK SCREW RUSH Grown for it's foliage, this plant features a tuft of corkscrew-like green stems that spiral up and out in all directions. Provides a unique texture and contrast to other plants. Insignificant flowers appear in summer. Prefers wet soils and will grow in standing water. Juncus effusus 'Spiralis' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. fol. dk green e. summer Su clump Juncus effusus 'Unicorn' 12 - 18 in. 2 ft. fol. dk green fol. spr. - fall Su-pSh clump
Grasses : Beginning with Letter L 58
Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' (Elymus arenarius 'Glaucus') BLUE LYME GRASS Long wide blades extend and bend gracefully creating a brilliant patch of powdery blue. Vigorous growth warrants control, yet well worth it when blended with other blue or gray foliage or vibrant flowers. Dry tolerant and needs good drainage in full sun. Does well with average moisture and moderate fertility.
Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. fol. blue gray e. summer Sun spreader
Grasses : Beginning with Letter M
Milium effusum 'Aureum' GOLDEN WOOD MILLET forms a loose clump of foliage with leaf blades that are 12 in. long and 1/4 to 1/2 in. wide. Stands out among garden plants as it begins with a bright yellow color in spring, becoming yellow green as the season continues and returns to bright yellow in the fall. A graceful accent for the shade garden, valuable to brighten up a dark area, rock garden, fern planting, woodland gardens or any perennial shade garden. Cool, moist, fertile soil in light shade is best. Self sows mildly.
Milium effusum 'Aureum' 12 in. 12 - 18 in. fol. br. yellow spring pSh clump
Miscanthus sinensis Many cultivars with various heights, habits and flowering seasons provide an excellent contrast break against solid, broader leaved specimen plants. This is group of plants is especially noted for the inspiring rosy, tan or silver toned plumes that seem to greet as they wave and ride the wind. Royal, with an ancient presence, they grow upwards with power and strength. Many cultivars, e.g. M. 'Gracillimus', have blades arching near the top. Foliage color ranges from soft and light to dark greens, and some are variegated. Some change color tones in autumn, for example M. 'Adagio' blushes reddish, while others hold or deepen a blue tone, before fading to soft browns.
Miscanthus giganteus [floridulus] 8 - 10 ft. 3 - 4 ft. silvery e. autumn Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' 2 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. pink l.sum. - e. Su clump aut. Miscanthus sinensis 'Allegro' 4 - 5 ft. 3 - 4 ft. silvery purple l.sum - e.aut. Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Andante' 7 - 8 ft. 3 - 5 ft. pink to silver l. summer Su clump Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus 'Cabaret' 4 - 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. copper l. sum - e. Su clump aut. Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus 7 - 9 ft. 3 - 5 ft. coppery red l. sum - Su clump 'Cosmopolitan' e.aut. Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' 5 - 6 ft. 4 ft. brnz. red, autumn Su clump silver Miscanthus sinensis 'Graziella' 4 - 5 ft. 3 - 4 ft. silver white mid summer Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Kirk Alexander' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. reddish l. sum. - fall. Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' 2 ft. 3 - 4 ft. silver l. sum. - fall Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' 2 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. reddish l. sum - fall Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus' 7 ft. 3 - 4 ft. pnk.purp to l. sum - fall Su clump silver Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' 4 - 5 ft. 3 - 4 ft. bronze red autumn Su clump 59
Miscanthus sinensis 'Nippon' 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. reddish bronze autumn Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Puenktchen' 5 - 7 ft. 3 - 4 ft. reddish l. sum - e. Su clump aut. Miscanthus sinensis 'Sarabande' 4 - 6 ft 3 - 4 ft. golden l. sum - e. Su clump aut. Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberpfeil' 4 - 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. red plums autumn Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' 6 - 8 ft. 4 ft. yellow beige autumn Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' 4 - 6 ft. 4 ft. pink beige autumn Su clump Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. reddish autumn Su clump
Molinia arundinacea 'Skyracer' MOOR GRASS Although slow growing and not showy in winter, moor grasses are well worth growing for their rich autumn colors and beautiful flowers. Prefer rich soil and moist conditions and look wonderful along the border's edge, in meadows and by water. When established, they bloom profusely atop tall stems (inflorescence to 8 ft. tall for M.c. 'Skyracer') that gently screen and accent plants behind them. At home in the light shade, full sun, damp or peaty places and acid soil, but tolerant of neutral soil. Clumps form stiffly and spread in an upright manner. Autumn turns leaf blades a clear gold color that captures and reflects warmth from the sun. Molina c. 'Variegata' offers green leaves with creamy yellow-white linear stripes. This slow growing clump former takes a few seasons to establish well. Over time it is much more stable in the border when compared to many other grasses that can grow out of bounds. Arching pale yellow stems with tiny purple flowers appear in summer and are held above the foliage. Grows and flowers best in climates with cool summers but these demands can be approximated in moist conditions and partial shade.
Molinia arundinacea 'Skyracer' fol. 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. brownish summer Su clump Molina caerulea 'Variegata' 12 - 18 in. 12 - 18 in. lvs. lt. yellow summer Su-pSh clump Muhlenbergia capillaris MUHLY GRASS, HAIRYAWN MUHLY This exciting South Eastern U.S. native grass is new on the scene. During the growing season it forms a 2 - 3 ft. clump of slender green foliage. In the autumn, clouds of delicate pink-purple flowers create a glittering haze of color. Prefers sandy or rocky soil and good drainage. Drought tolerant but best with some summer moisture. Muhlenbergia capillaris 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. pink fall Su clump
Grasses : Beginning with Letter P
Panicum virgatum SWITCH GRASS Tight clumps of stiff linear leaf blades give rise to soft looking, reddish pink panicles soaring to a range of heights. Creates a fiery effect that leaves a soft pink sketched outline for winter scape texture, especially effective in drifts. It is a versatile native, adapting to a wide range of soil and climate, dry to bog, sand to clay, wind and salt spray, but not too much shade. Fertile, moist soil is best. Plant alone or in masses. Fresh or dried foliage and flowers are good for bouquets. P. v. 'Heavy Metal' begins with powdery steel blue foliage that turns bright yellow in the fall. Stiff, tight and upright, it is one of the best selections. P. v. 'Dallas Blue' has wide bladed powder blue foliage that turns a brilliant orange yellow in fall with very large flower heads that are long lasting. P. v. 'Cloud Nine' the tallest selection, has glaucous blue green leaves and good fall foliage color as well. P. v. 'Shenandoah' emerges with green foliage that reddens dramatically as the season progresses. Compact and slow growing.
Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. blue fall Su slow sprdr Panicum 'Shenandoah' 3 - 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. green w/ summer Su clump 60
red Panicum virgatum 'Cloud Nine' 8 ft. 3 - 4 ft. fol. blue green summer Su clump Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blue' 6 ft. 3 - 4 ft. fol. powder summer Su clump blue Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' 3 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. steel blue l. summer Su clump
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS Use to obtain variations of height in your border, in edges with dwarf varieties, in meadows, or scatter alongside lakes and ponds. Prosper in airy, light and fertile, moist soils. The pink hues of P. alopecuroides or charcoal purples of P. alopecuroides 'Moudry' in their bottlebrush plumes glow gently as daylight changes, eliciting a deep breath upon sight. P. 'Moudry' has wider blades of deep green where others have leaf blades that are green to yellow green, long and narrow, depicting the rise and fall of fountain water. P. 'Moudry' has been known to self-sow prolifically especially where moist conditions and open soil encourage it. P. alopecuroides 'Hameln' DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS differs from the species with darker green, finer blades. Finer blades also grace P. alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' MINIATURE FOUNTAIN GRASS, the shortest of these grasses. Aside from its short height, and the fact that it does not self-sow, this miniature is like its obvious parent species. It is useful as a ground cover or wherever small plants are needed. P. orientale is one of the longest blooming off all grasses, with a reputation for the prettiest plumes of pink with a clear violet presence, which are more delicate looking, carry a sheen, and arch away from a blue green foliage. Incredible in angular sunlight! Provides a soft, wintry design, and its soft appearance is useful fresh cut or dried. Not an aggressive self-seeder, and so not invasive. Give it a couple years to establish itself and start to show off! Has no known pest or disease problems. Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' PURPLE FOUNTAIN GRASS Though not hardy in our region, it is a most popular ornamental. Shiny burgundy foliage is erect and arching, topped by plumes that play in the wind. Blooming long, they keep their color tones long and by autumn shade to soft brown. You can increase the blooming by dead heading, or enjoy both new and old blooms together. Purple foliage is so useful to blend garden colors that this plant is well worth replanting each year. Dried foliage provides winter interest. Pennisetum macrourum has greenish flowers turning tan that are narrower and much longer than foutain grass. It will spread aggressively by rhizomes to form massive colonies. It can be useful for more difficult sites that include errosion control and poor soils or for mass plantings and contained sites. Pennisetum caudatum WHITE BLOOMING FOUTAIN GRASS starts blooming in august with nearly white blooms. It is a strong growing clump former that is beautiful yet suprisingly underused. P. alopecuroides 'Compressum' grows into a broad arching shape and the late blooming flowers have white tips.
Pennisetum alopecuroides 3 - 4 ft. 4 ft. buff mauve l. summer Su clump Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cassian' 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. buff mauve l. summer Su clump Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Compressum' 2 - 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. white autumn Su clump Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. buff mauve l. summer Su clump Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' 8 - 12 in. 12 - 18 in. buff mauve 1. summer Su clump Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' 3 ft. 3 - 4 ft. black autumn Su clump Pennisetum caudatum 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. white sum. - Su clump autumn Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty' 4 - 5 ft. 2 - 3 ft. deep purple summer Su clump Pennisetum orientale 12 - 18 in. 12 - 18 in. violet pink sum. - Su clump autumn Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' 30 - 40 in. 18 - 24 in. smokey rose l.spr.-autumn Su clump Pennisetum macrourum 4 ft. 2 - 3 ft. light tan sum. - Su spreader autumn Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' 3 - 4 ft. 3 - 4 ft. purple red l. spr. - sum. Su clump 61
Phalaris arundinacea 'Feesey' RIBBON GRASS White and green striped blades up to 1 in. wide and 7 in. long, give an impression of ribbons. New foliage has rosy hue. Cut back older summer foliage in the late summer to allow a fresh, thick clump to show itself off with its bright new foliage by autumn. Survives in infertile soil, that is not boggy, muddy, or too wet in full sun or light shade. Warrants control, yet desirable. Flower stalks blush pink with soft white flowers.
Phalaris arundinacea 'Feesey' 18 - 30 in. 2 - 3 ft. white late spring Su-pSh spreader Phalaris a. 'Strawberries & Cream' 3 ft. 2 - 3 ft. summer Su spreader
Grasses : Beginning with Letter S
Saccharum ravennae (Erianthus ravennae) HARDY PAMPAS GRASS, PLUME GRASS is perfectly hardy in zone 6 where it even seems to enjoy the climate. This majestic grass produces very large plumes on towering 8 to 12 ft. stalks. Silver and purple in appearance, the flowerheads later become fluffy, a cream color, lasting into winter and continuing to stand with strength against snow or dark green backgrounds. Use where a large scale, specimen or special accent is needed, or to reflect its beauty alongside ponds. Loves full sun and fertile, well drained, moist soil, although drought tolerant.
Saccharum ravennae [Erianthus ravennae] 4 - 5 ft. 4 - 5 ft. fol. gray green l. summer Su clump
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' LITTLE BLUESTEM Native to the eastern half of the Unite States and a versatile grass. Use as a large ground cover to blend meadows and open woods, to control erosion, or in perennial borders, as well as in rock gardens. Sturdy, erect and clump forming, with slightly hairy leaf blades 1/4 to 1/2 in. wide and 12 to 16 in. long. Flower height reaches to 3 feet. Foliage is a bright blue color and produces light fluffy plumes, illuminating light in your garden. Its color augments in autumn when the blue becomes radiant and blended with pink to purplish red tones. Holds some color even in the winter. It is at home in hot and humid weather. Grows in most infertile soils but not boggy or wet. Dry tolerant.
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' 3 ft. 2 ft. foliage bluish autumn Su clump
Sorghastrum nutans INDIAN GRASS Although an integral part of the Great Plains prairies, plants have a wide distribution east inhabiting open woods and dry slopes throughout North America. Plants grown in Eastern North America tend to be less glaucous and slightly shorter in height, reaching 5 ft. when in flower. Inflorescences with yellow-colored panicles are stately held above the foliage, creating a soft textured vertical movement within the perennial border. Autumn foliage is yellow to orange with inflorescences turning light brown and persisting through the winter. Plant as a specimen or give a nod to Piet Oudolf and plant in drifts. Plants do self-sow.
Sorghastrum nutans 3 - 8 ft. 2 - 3 ft. bronze yellow l. summer Su clump
Ferns: In Alphabetical Order
Adiantum pedatum MAIDENHAIR FERN Fan shaped fronds rise with light green leaves set off by dark wiry stems that appear to be floating. Although delicate in appearance the growth is solid and will form large clumps 12 to 26 62 inches wide in time. In light shade, with fertile, well drained, moist and humusy soil, it will perform well from early spring to autumn. This polite slow spreader will remain a stable element in mixed plantings. Attractive as a specimen and among other choice plants.
Adiantum pedatum 18 in. 12 - 18 in. fol. finely cut deciduous pSh-Sh clump
Athyrium angustum forma rubellum 'Lady in Red' is a choice red stemmed lady fern.
Athyrium ang. 'Lady in Red' 30 - 36 in. 18 in. red stemmed deciduous pSh-Sh clump
Athyrium filix-femina LADY FERN is useful in woodland gardens as well as among other flowering plants or shrubs. The 18 to 38 in. fronds continue to emerge through late summer. Likes moisture, but does well in drier ground. Provides dense foliage, yet retains a delicate, soft appearance. Looks its freshest in the spring and summer. Self-sows well in moist, peaty soil that is fertile.
Athyrium felix-femina 18 - 38 in. 18 in. fol. feathery deciduous pSh-Sh clump Athyrium felix-femina 'Frizelliae' 18 - 38 in. 18 in. fol. like beads deciduous pSh-Sh clump
Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' PAINTED FERN Best placed at a reasonable distance from others to allow years of display that show the beauty of its arching character, as well as its beautiful colors. Stalk and foliage have a purplish red tint covered with a gray, nearly silver sheen. Glints when wet, very attractive. It is deciduous, but hardy, needing neutral to slightly acidic, moist, fertile soil.
Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' 12 - 18 in. 18 in. fol. gray gr. deciduous pSh-Sh clump purp.
Athyrium The following ferns are newly selected crosses (x) between Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' and Athyrium felix femina showing similar traits to and carrying distinctive spin offs of each cultivar. A. 'Ghost' is attractive to the designer because the silver is more pronounced and its arching clumps are little taller in comparison to the painted fern. A. (x) 'Brandford Rambler' will spread quicker than the lady fern, sporting its delicate trait with the silvery blue hues. A. 'Branford Beauty' combines the form of lady fern and colors of painted fern with bold red stems.
Athyrium (x) 'Branford Beauty' 1 - 2 ft. 2 - 3 ft. fol. grey green deciduous pSh-Sh clump Athyrium (x) 'Ghost' 2 - 3 ft. 12 in. fol. silver/white deciduous Sh-pSh clump Athyrium (x) 'Branford Rambler' 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. fol. silvery blue deciduous Sh-pSh spreader
Dennstaedtia punctilobula HAY-SCENTED FERN Light green fragrant leaves. Will form large patches when left to naturalize. Native fern commonly found in our local woods. Will grow in sun or shade.
Dennstaedtia punctilobula 2 ft. 18 in. fol. fragrant deciduous pSh-Su spreader
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Undulata Robusta' MALE FERN Has lush fronds that reach 3 ft. in an arching manner. Thrives in semi-shade in a rich, neutral to acid, humus soil that is moist. To encourage profuse new growth, cut back in early spring. A good vigorous, semi-evergreen groundcover and also useful in grouped plantings of several clumps, or as individual plants. Dryopteris marginalis MARGINAL SHIELD FERN North American native found in shady woodlands. Strong foliage is semi evergreen even in our cold winters, having a leathery, deeply veined leaf. Colors of growing leaves from spring into summer change from yellow green, to gray green, and finally to blue green. A handsome specimen fern often found alone by a rock in the wild. Also an excellent ground cover, as dead leaves of 63 previous years holds soil on slopes. Easily grown in shady loamy soil, prefers deep, stony, well-aged leaf mold, with consistent moisture especially in summer. Dryopteris (x) australis DIXIE WOOD FERN has a strong upright habit with large dark green semi-evergreen leaves. Dryopteris erythrosora AUTUMN FERN has broad tiangular fronds that emerge bronze colored in spring and mature to shiny deep green. In the fall bright red sori (clusters of spore cases) are produced on the under sides of the fronds.
Dryopteris (x) australis 4 - 5 ft. 3 - 4 ft. fol. glossy semi-evergreen pSh-Sh clump Dryopteris erythrosora 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. dp. shiney evergreen pSh-Sh clump green Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' 18 - 24 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. grn bronze evergreen pSh- slow spreading Sh Dryopteris filix-mas 'Undulata Robusta' 2 - 3 ft. 2 ft. fol. sturdy persistent pSh-Sh clump Dryopteris filix-mas x complexa 24 - 48 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. green persistent pSh-Sh clump Dryopteris marginalis 1 - 2 ft. 1.5 - 2 ft. fol. dark green evergreen pSh-Sh clump Dryopteris pseudo felix mas 30 - 48 in. 24 in. fol. green persistent pSh-Sh clump Dryopteris remota 24 - 36 in. 18 - 24 in.fol. bright greensemi-evergreen pSh-Sh spreader
Matteuccia struthiopteris OSTRICH FERN Large fronds that begin as an emerald green and deepen in color as the season progresses. They extend 2 to 5 ft. from a circular center point and arch outward. Requires acid, fertile, loamy moist soil, with regular watering for best growth. In addition to woodland areas and filtered shade, it serves as an excellent backdrop and foil for shorter plants if semi confined by shrubs or structure. Ostrich fern vigorously spreads forming new clusters of fronds along the way, but is not overly invasive.
Matteuccia struthiopteris 2 - 5 ft. 2 ft. fol. vase shaped deciduous pSh-Sh spreader
Osmunda cinnamomea CINNAMON FERN Fronds reach 2 to 5 ft. in a vase formation presenting bright green arching foliage that deepens as it matures with center leaves of a blue green color, which turn to a cinnamon brown. Vigorous growth occurs in moist or swampy areas. Grows well in damp, open shade with acid, humusy, rich soil. Great long-lived fern and a choice specimen for the back of the shade garden. Osmunda regalis ROYAL FERN has fronds that extend from 3 ft. and up to 6 ft. if soil is consistently wet. Appear green with hints of red in spring, shading to a deep green into summer. Arching in dense clumps, its foliage is rounded, strong and stately, instead of delicate or lacy in comparison to other ferns. Use at waterside areas in moist to wet fertile soil.
Osmunda cinnamomea 2 - 5 ft. 2 ft. brown fert. deciduous pSh-Sh clump frond Osmunda regalis 3 - 6 ft. 3 ft. flw. fert. frond deciduous pSh-Sh clump
Polystichum acrostichoides CHRISTMAS FERN Leathery evergreen fronds extending 12 to 24 in., in spring a light silvery green that deepens to a rich green with summer. Fronds fall over with arrival of new growth. Prefer part shade and moist, fertile woods soil that is not too rich, with stony mulch. Will tolerate sun to part sun areas if kept moist. Use in open shaded areas, or on slopes leaving old fallen foliage to control erosion where desirable.
Polystichum acrostichoides 2 ft. 2 ft. fol. dark green evergreen pSh-Sh clump Polystichum makinoi 20 - 30 in. 18 - 24 in. fol. lustrous evergreen pSh-Sh clump Polystichum polyblepharum 1 - 2 ft. 18 - 24 in. fol. glossy evergreen pSh-Sh clump green
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