Public Funding Options For Positioning And Mobility Devices
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PUBLIC FUNDING OPTIONS FOR POSITIONING AND MOBILITY DEVICES Karen Haas, MPH, PT, March 2004 Definitions: Adaptive Equipment: standing and walking aids, special chairs and seating devices, floor mobility aids, positioning aids, therapeutic aids (bolsters, wedges, balls), aids for daily living/self-care (feeding, bathing, hygiene), car seats, van ramps and tie-downs.
Wheeled Mobility Systems: wheelchairs, strollers and transport chairs and their seating and positioning components.
Power Mobility Systems: battery-powered wheelchairs and scooters driven with joystick or specialty controls.
Home Ramps: ramps to home entrances. The program pays for aluminum or aluminum-wood ramps, not constructed.
CSHS: Children's Special Health Services. List of CSHS Rostered Physicians available at
A.T. Funds: NC Infant-Toddler Program Assistive Technology Funds.
CAP: Community Alternatives Program (Medicaid Waiver Program). CAP-MR/DD is for Persons with Mental Retardation or Developmental Disabilities; based at area mental health centers. CAP-C is for medically fragile children; based at various agencies.
DHHS 3056: Authorization Request Form. Obtain from Purchase of Medical Care Services (POMCS), 1904 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1904; phone 919-855-3701; fax 919-715-3848 or on-line at This office processes requests for CSHS and AT Programs and for mobility devices for all four programs listed. NOTE: This form must be completed by the requesting medical professional or agency, NOT by the DME supplier.
Major Replacements and Repairs: Those that occur when there is a change in the child's size, posture and function, or structural changes in the wheelchair that would prevent it from appropriately accommodating the child.
Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD When To Use This Source Child has Medicaid. Child has Medicaid but not Child has no other source Child is enrolled in CAP- of Payment enrolled in a CAP program. of payment or source does MR/DD program. Item has a code on the not cover total cost of item. Medicaid DME fee Item does not have a code ______CAP-C______schedule. on the Medicaid DME fee Child is enrolled in Infant- Child is enrolled in schedule. Toddler Program (B to 3) CAP-C Program.
Need for device must be on the child's IFSP. 1 Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD Adaptive Equipment Item must have a Medicaid Pays for some items not In addition to the adaptive Contact child's CAP Case HCPCS code. Helmets are covered by Medicaid, e.g., equipment listed under the Manager about including on the Orthotics/Prosthetics *some bathing items definitions on the first page, cost of device in child's See full written CSHS fee schedule. Other devices *toileting items AT funds can also be used CAP care plan and budget. guidelines or Appendix A are on DME fee schedule. *feeding equipment to pay for cognitive, for specific justification DME providers and O&P’s *reachers & transfer boards literacy and learning aids, *For items on Medicaid requirements for certain can bill for any code on *pediatric walkers/crutches and a broad variety of other DME list, process request devices. either list. *splints; e.g., Benik assistive technology through Medicaid. *car seats & EZ-On vests devices. Please refer to the * helmets (see separate guidelines) Assistive Technology *For items on CAP waiver *patient lifts (e.g., Hoyer) *specialized pediatric beds Section of the NC Infant- list, process request through *Rifton bath chairs (see separate guidelines) Toddler Manual the CAP Case Manager. *Columbia bath chairs *standers (TA Bulletin #30.) (small & medium) *positioning chair (only if *CSHS funds may purchase *Columbia bath support no positioning components Submit to POMCS: medically necessary items *crutch tips on mobility system) that are on neither the *hospital beds *van ramps & tie-downs *DHHS 3056 completed by Medicaid nor CAP waiver *orthotics, except if *prosthetics; neck collars requesting agency or Child lists. To request CSHS provider is a therapy *orthotics fabricated by Service Coordinator and funds, submit: agency or Cascade Cascade or therapist signed by prescribing MD, *prosthetics PT, or OT. Designate AT *DHHS 3056, signed by Submit to POMCS: as the program. CSHS rostered MD. Submit to EDS: *Itemized price quote with *Name, address & *DHHS 3056 completed by Medicaid codes or "no signature of CAP case Medicaid CMN/PA form requesting agency and code" statement for each manager in block #24. with itemized Medicaid signed by CSHS rostered item. *Mail to CAP Branch for codes. Prescribing physician. *Statement of medical review and forwarding to physician completes middle *Itemized price quote, necessity required for car CSHS Medical Consultant. section and signs. manufacturer price seats and recommended for ______information and Medicaid other items. ______CAP-C______code or statement "No *Denial from insurance *Contact child's CAP Case Medicaid Code" for each company, if applicable. Manager to include cost in item. AT and insurance funds child's care plan/budget. *Statement of medical may be pursued necessity needed for items simultaneously. *Process request through in italics. See guidelines. CSHS (see guidelines.) 2 Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD Manual Wheeled Mobility DME list includes all Same forms and procedures Same forms and procedures Contact child's CAP Case Systems Purchase systems and almost all as for Medicaid. as for Medicaid and CSHS, Manager about including components. except that Medicaid cost of device in child's “No Code” Items: CMN/PA form is not CAP budget. Submit to POMCS: Systems or components not required. on the Medicaid DME list Same forms and procedures *DHHS 3056 (requesting may be submitted to CSHS On the DHHS 3056 Form, as for Medicaid and CSHS. agency completes and any for special consideration; designate AT as the On the DHHS 3056, prescribing MD may sign). e.g., vent trays, Versa Form Program. designate CSHS as the *CMN/PA form (does NOT or molded seats/backs, Program (Box 11). require MD signature). Whitmyer pads. There must be *Itemized price quote with documentation that the Box #24 must contain the Medicaid codes Submit to POMCS: child is eligible for the NC name, address and signature *Manufacturer price *same Form 3056 as for Infant-Toddler Program and of the CAP Case Manager. verification. coded components; that need for device is *Letter of Medical however, form must be included in the IFSP. ______CAP-C______Necessity (with child signed by a CSHS-rostered Please refer to the Assistive Contact child's CAP Case assessment, justification of physician. Technology Section of the Manager about including components, and names of *itemized price quote and NC Infant-Toddler Manual cost of device in child's team members, including manufacturer information (TA Bulletin #30.) CAP budget. parents and Carolina for coded and no-code Access primary care items. Same forms and procedures physician or CSHS rostered *letter of medical necessity as for Medicaid and CSHS. physician.) with clinical reasons why On the DHHS 3056, the no-code item is designate CSHS as the Note: Request must be medically necessary to Program (Box 11). separate from requests for meet client needs rather any other items. See than one available on the CAP-C case manager does written guidelines for Medicaid fee schedule. NOT need to sign 3056. pediatric mobility systems with appendices for “no code” items, adaptive strollers/transporter systems and for secondary systems to power chairs.
3 Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD Manual Wheeled Mobility Submit to POMCS: Same forms and procedures Same forms and procedures Case manager must include Systems Repairs or as for Medicaid. as for Medicaid except cost in child's CAP budget. Modifications *Same as purchase, except CMN/PA form not the clinical team required. On the DHHS Same as for Medicaid. assessment and letter of 3056 Form, designate AT On DHHS 3056, designate medical necessity are as the Program. CSHS as the Program. recommended but not required for minor repairs. Document that the child is Box #24 must contain the *Brief statement eligible for the NC Infant- name, address and signature recommended for most Toddler Program and need of the CAP Case Manager. other repairs/modifications. is included in the IFSP. ______CAP-C______*If request before Medicaid Please refer to the Assistive Same as CAP-MR/DD life expectancy is met, need Technology Section of the except case manager does special justification and NC Infant-Toddler Manual NOT need to sign. request for override. (TA Bulletin #30.) Manual Wheeled Mobility Submit to POMCS: Same forms and procedures Same forms and procedures Case manager must include Systems Rental as for Medicaid. as for Medicaid except cost in child's CAP budget. (6 months) *DHHS 3056 (requesting CMN/PA form not agency completes; any required. Same as for Medicaid. prescribing MD may sign.) On DHHS 3056, designate *Medicaid codes (put on On the DHHS 3056 Form, CSHS as the Program. DHHS 3056 or CMN/PA.) designate AT as the Program. Box #24 must contain the *Letter of medical name, address and signature necessity is strongly Document that the child is of the CAP case manager. recommended for children eligible for the NC Infant- with chronic conditions. It Toddler Program and that is not required for children need for the device is ______CAP-C______with acute conditions. included in the IFSP. Please refer to the Assistive Same as CAP-MR/DD *Requests for extension Technology Section of the except case manager does beyond 6 months must NC Infant-Toddler Manual NOT need to sign. include a new DHHS 3056, (TA Bulletin #30.) new CMN/PA and written justification from the prescribing physician. 4 Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD Power Mobility Systems DME list includes most Same forms and procedures Same forms and procedures Contact child's CAP Case systems and components. as for Medicaid. as for Medicaid and CSHS, Manager about including except that Medicaid cost of device in child's Submit to Regional PT “No-Code” Items: CMN/PA form is not CAP budget. Consultant: See Manual Wheeled required. On the DHHS *Same as for manual Mobility Systems Purchase. 3056 Form, designate AT Same forms and procedures systems, plus: DHHS 3056 must be signed as the Program. as for Medicaid. On the *Letter of medical by CSHS rostered DHHS 3056, designate necessity must include: physician. There must be CSHS as the Program. -child's physical function, documentation that the including why not able to child is eligible for the NC Box #24 must contain the use manual wheelchair; Infant-Toddler Program and name, address, and -child's abilities on the that need for power signature of the CAP Case CSHS Performance mobility is included in the manager. Criteria for Power Mobility IFSP. Please refer to the -family needs and interests; Assistive Technology ______CAP-C______-extent of anticipated use; Section of the NC Infant- -environments in which Toddler Manual Same as CAP-MR/DD chair will be used (home, (TA Bulletin #30.) except case manager does school, yard, neighborhood, NOT need to sign. community) and accessibility of each; -back-up mobility plan or chair; -transportation plan (by family, school, etc.); -compatibility with other devices if applicable; -training plan for use; -agreement among all current and transition team members (list);
Note: Must be submitted on separate form from other equipment requests. 5 Medicaid CSHS A.T. Funds CAP-MR/DD Home Ramps Not included on DME list. First step: contact Regional Same forms and procedures Contact child's CAP Case Medicaid will not pay. PT Consultant for procedure. as for CSHS. On the Manager about including DHHS 3056 Form, cost of device in child's Documentation to submit to designate AT as the CAP care plan and budget. Regional PT Consultant: Program. Form may be signed by a prescribing Process request through *DHHS 3056 signed by CSHS rostered physician. physician, physical child's CAP Case Manager. *Itemized price quote with therapist or occupational CSHS does not supplement sketch, manufacturer price therapist. CAP payment for ramps. information and statement "No Medicaid Codes." There must be ______CAP-C______*Letter of medical necessity: documentation that the -justification for ramp length, child is eligible for the NC Process request through platform and special features. Infant-Toddler Program and child's CAP Case Manager. -type of mobility device to be that need for the ramp is used with ramp. included in the IFSP. -method of wheelchair Please refer to the Assistive propulsion. -reason ramp needed; places Technology Section of the client will travel from home. NC Infant-Toddler Manual -type of home. (TA Bulletin #30.) -type of driveway, carport or garage. How will ramp connect to these or wherever family vehicles or school bus park? -family members involved. -modifications for which family will be responsible (e.g., move shrubs, add walkway). -home rented or owned; if rented, landlord permission to install and to remove when family leaves.
Requests for the following items must include a letter of medical necessity (LMN) with specific justification as outlined below.
1. Standers, toilet systems, treatment, positioning and ADL devices:
The medical/clinical reason explaining the client’s need of the item. The willingness and ability of the client, family and other caregivers to accommodate and use the item in their home, preferably demonstrated through trial period with the device. This particularly applies to standers. Toilet systems: Documentation of the child’s ability to participate appropriately in a toileting program, either through a timed schedule or communication to caregivers. Any additional information pertinent to support the need for the equipment at home. The child is eligible for the NC Infant-Toddler Program and the need for the item is documented in the IFSP when Assistive Technology Funds are requested.
2. Child Passenger Safety Restraints:
The child has outgrown the infant and child sizes of standard child car safety seats and reasons the child can not be safely transported in a car seat belt. The child weighs at least 27 lbs. or has a seat to crown height that is longer than the back height of the largest child car safety seat. The child is eligible for the NC Infant-Toddler Program and the need for the item is documented in the IFSP when Assistive Technology Funds are requested.
3. Specialized Pediatric Beds:
The medical/clinical reason explaining the client’s need for the specialized bed. Requests for safety or behavioral management for the client will not be funded. An explanation of why the following will not adequately address the clinical problems: a regular bed a hospital bed on the Medicaid fee schedule with full-length rails modifications to the child’s bedroom environment A statement that the child is eligible for the NC Infant-Toddler Program and the need for the item is documented in the IFSP when Assistive Technology Funds are requested.
Medicaid (can download requests for DME fee schedules from web site: Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) - Financial Operations 2509 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2509 Phone: 919-857-4015 FAX: 919-715-0896
EDS (Certificate of Medical Necessity/Prior Approval Forms; DME Fee Schedules; Claims Processing) P. O. Box 31188 Raleigh, NC 27622 Provider Relations: 800-688-6696 or 919-851-8888
Children's Special Health Services (CSHS) (Policies and Procedures; CSHS-Rostered Physicians)
Children and Youth Branch Women's and Children's Health Section NC Division of Public Health, DHHS 1928 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1928 Phone: 919-707-5600 or 800-737-3028
Central Office CSHS Contacts:
CSHS Help Line 800-737-3028 Monie Plueger, State PT Consultant 919-707-5679 List of CSHS Rostered Physicians: 919-707- 5611 or
Regional Physical Therapy Consultants: (Policies and Procedures, Checklists, Samples, Clinical Consultation, Technical Assistance, Training)
Fayetteville Liz Reeser 910-486-1616 FAX 910-486-1477 Mooresville Debbie Wolfe 704-543-7288 FAX 704-543-7716 Greenville Karen Haas 252-355-1025 FAX 252-355-1981 Wilmington Libby Rogers 910-251-5817 FAX 910-251-2652
Purchase of Medical Care Services (Authorization Request 3056 Forms and Processing; Claims) 1904 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1904 Phone: 919-855-3700 FAX: 919-715-3848 Web Site: (Can download Form 3056) 8 Assistive Technology Funds
General guidelines are printed in Section 30 of the NC Infant-Toddler Program Manual, available through Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSAs) and local health departments; or contact:
Early Intervention Branch Women’s and Children’s Health Section NC Division of Public Health, DHHS 2302 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2302 Phone: 919-855-4450 FAX: 919
For assistance in interpreting the guidelines, contact the Division of Public Health Regional Physical Therapy, Speech-Language or Audiology Consultants or the Infant-Toddler Assistive Technology Resource Centers (ATRCs).
CAP-MR/DD Program (Program Guidelines; CAP Waiver list for DME)
NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services 3006 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3006 Regulatory Office: 919-420-7934; Advocacy Office: 919-715-3197
Eastern Regional Office: Steve Cherry 252-439-0113
Local Offices: Contact your area mental health program .
CAP-C Program
Community Care Section Division of Medical Assistance 2502 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2502 Phone: 919-857-4021
NC Assistive Technology Project
Annette Lauber, Funding Specialist Phone: 919-850-2787 FAX: 919-850-2792
Private Sources
Durham CP Foundation, c/o Triangle Community Foundation 919-474-8370 Roberts-Miller Fund, c/o Community Foundation of Gaston County 704-864-0927 Local clubs (Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary), churches and civic groups 9