First Event of the New Season
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Fall Issue September 2003
It's a first in another way: Silent movie shorts extending from 1894 to 1927, featuring stars of the silent screen and something for everyone: animation, comedy, drama, Western. For further information, visit Click on Events and then on Details. Watch what happens when you place an arrow over a picture of a silent movie star.
Welcome back! I hope that your summer was restful and rewarding. The club has some exciting events in store this coming season. On September 27, Dorothy Bromage has put together what promises to be a fun-filled evening of silent film. Features from two minutes in length to 28 minutes will be shown for your enjoyment. Juan Cardona, Jr. will accompany them with his usual flair. November 9 finds our Wurlitzer presented in concert with the Wellesley Symphony. David Peckham will be at the console. Imagine the thrill of hearing Albinoni's Adagio, the finale from Saint Saens' Organ Symphony, a silent film, and solo presentations by David on our beloved Wurlitzer. There's something for everyone in this presentation. It's a first for us and should be exciting. On January 3, Ron Reseigh, a brilliant young organist will hold forth at Babson. David Wickerham will be back at Babson and the Shanklin Conference Center February 28-29. Finally, Simon Gledhill performs at Babson and the Shanklin Conference Center on May 1-2, 2004. We've got quite a concert season for you. See you all there On another note, at the November 2 meeting, a proposal to change a section of the bylaws will be voted upon. Details of the change appear in this issue of Eastern Pipes. I hope to see you all at the concerts and socials. Best wishes, Bob Evans
The addition of two more alternate board members to our Board of Directors is proposed. Currently, the bylaws call for a maximum of two alternate board members. The amendment would allow for a maximum of four alternate board members. The reason for this change is to allow members with experience and expertise to serve on the board. As an organization, we should take advantage of the wisdom, experience, and expertise of our members.
PROPOSED BYLAWS AMENDMENT To be voted on at the November 2 meeting
Article IV Section B. Establishment ... There shall also be elected each year, for a one year term, four Alternate Directors who will have voting privileges, in order of their election, if one or more regular Directors are absent....
ORGANIST EJECTED FROM BALL GAME Wilbur Snapp, a minor league baseball organist, drew national attention after an umpire ejected him for playing "Three Blind Mice." He played the tune during a game in 1985 after what he thought was a bad call against the Clearwater Phillies at Jack Russell Stadium. Not amused, the ump pointed up at the organist, then thumbed him out of the game. Snapp's ejection brought phone calls from around the country. Fans sought his autograph, and he signed it "Wilbur Snapp, Three Blind Mice organist." The Associated Press has reported the death of Wilbur Snapp in Florida at the age of 83 on September 6, 2003. (contributed by Charlie Briggs)
Starting with the Jan/Feb 2004 issue of the ATOS Journal, I will be responsible for three regular feature articles in the Journal. (1) The Bill Irwin Pop Organ Workshop (organ music, analysis, education etc.; (2) The Experts Panel (outstanding ATOS personalities answering questions about theatre pipe organ performance, registration, etc., but no repair nor maintenance questions); (3) Profiles of outstanding ATOS personalities. These feature articles are intended to add to the education and enjoyment of listening and learning and the music of the mighty theatre pipe organs. I need input from members in the form of (1) Comments, suggestions, ideas, etc. about what type of music and educational articles they would like to see in my articles; (2) What musical questions do they have pertaining to performing at the theatre pipe organ; (3) what personalities would members like to see profiled in the ATOS Journal. To contact Bill, write to his email address: [email protected]. For regular mail, the address is Bill Irwin, 7864 East Natal Ave, Mesa, AZ 85208-6161. He asks that you sign your name and indicate your home state.
Alex "Sandy" Murdoch, of Broadalbin, NY, writes that he rescued a late model Robert Morton 2/4 from a local Elks Club and started converting it to a 2/6. He has a file of information and pictures if anyone is interested in buying this organ for a home project. His email address is: [email protected].
The Chevalier Theatre in Medford, MA has a 2/8 Wurlitzer originally in the B.F. Keith theatre, Dayton, OH. At the moment, it is stored in the nether regions of the Chevalier theatre, dreaming of the day when it is restored and installed and playing. If you would like to help make this dream come true, you are invited to sign up as a volunteer. The Chairman of the Work Committee is Richard Nickerson. You may call him, giving your name and phone number, and he will get in touch with you when the next work party is scheduled. Phone: 781-662-8421 Donations to the Society are tax deductible, in case you wish to contribute to the project but cannot volunteer to work at this time. Dorothy Bromage has donation and membership forms.
Please send contributions for the newsletter to Dorothy Bromage, Editor – Eastern Pipes, 8 Skyline Drive, Billerica, MA 01821-1117. Email: [email protected] 978-670-1269 (voice or fax) Deadline for Winter Issue: December 1, 2003 THE TICKET WINDOW
PIPE ORGAN POPS 978-670-1269 (voice or fax) email: [email protected]
>>> September 27 - advance sale $8 Send check (payable to Pipe Organ Pops) to 8 Skyline Drive, Billerica, MA 01821 At the Door Adult $12 Senior/Student $10 Under 16, free with adult
>>> November 9 - Adult $15 Senior/Student $12 Under 12 $ 5 Tickets may be purchased ahead of time, but at no advance sale discount. Send check (payable to Pipe Organ Pops) to 8 Skyline Drive, Billerica, MA 01821
SHANKLIN CONFERENCE CENTER 978-448-8800 October 18 and 19 Tickets are $20 and sold in advance only. Call for information. Benefit for First Parish Capital Campaign
Max Hobart is the Musical Director of the THEATRE PIPE ORGAN RECORDINGS, Wellesley Symphony Orchestra. David Peckham is MUSIC, AND LITERATURE The EMCATOS a theatre organist. Together, orchestra and thrift shop needs your surplus theatre pipe organ organist will appear at Knight Auditorium and memorabilia. Please donate any items that you no perform music especially for organ and orchestra at longer need, as we can sell them at Babson concerts. 3:00 PM on Sunday, November 9. A silent movie is We especially need single LP recordings of both included on the program. If you do not attend, you pipe and electronic organ music. Also albums, will not experience the spine-tingling finale of the sheet music, and other literature pertaining to evening . organs. We use the proceeds to help defray the cost of maintaining our Wurlitzer. What is the saying? "One person's trash is another person's treasure!" To arrange for a donation (and pickup if needed), call Lawrie Rhoads at 508-359-2077.
EMCATOS Web Site Webmaster: Len Beyersdorfer COMING EVENTS
Sat, Sep 27 7:30 pm Juan Cardona, Jr Knight Aud., Babson College “Festival of Shorts”
Sun, Oct 5 2:00 pm Social Knight Aud., Babson College Linda and Jim Duncan
Sat, Oct 18 7:30 pm Ron Rhode Shanklin Conference Center First Parish Church benefit
Sun, Oct 19 2:30 pm Ron Rhode Shanklin Conference Center First Parish Church benefit
Sun, Nov 2 2:00 pm Social-BobHupka Knight Aud, Babson College
Sun, Nov 9 3:00 pm David Peckham and Knight Aud, Babson College Wellesley Symphony
Sun, Dec 7 2:00 pm Holiday Party Knight Aud, Babson College
Sat, Jan 3, 2004 7:30 pm Ron Reseigh Knight Aud, Babson College
Sat, Feb 28 7:30 pm Dave Wickerham Knight Aud, Babson College
Sun, Feb 29 2:30 pm Dave Wickerham Shanklin Conference Center
EASTERN PIPES 8 Skyline Drive Billerica, MA 01821-1117