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The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation District Grant Application District9350

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Explanation: District Grants support humanitarian service and educational projects of Rotary clubs and districts. In this section, describe in detail the need your project will address, the intent of the project, how the project will be implemented, and how Rotarians will be directly involved in the project.

Please provide the name of the project site, the city or village, province, and country. List multiple locations, if applicable. Project site City/Village Province Country

Describe the project and the problem or need it will address, including the intended beneficiaries and how the project will benefit the community in need. Provide the estimated length of time needed to complete the project.

Describe how the benefiting community will maintain this project after grant funding has been fully expended.

Describe specific activities of your club and any partner clubs or organisations in implementing the project. What additional activities will be undertaken to ensure that the project remains viable after the funds have been expended

9350 District Grant – Page 1 February 2017 HOST Club Explanation: The host club is the club in District 9350. A committee of three Rotarians must be established to oversee the project. All three committee members must belong to the host club. The committee members must be committed for the duration of the grant process. Please provide contact details below for all committee members.

Club Club ID number

Project Leader:

Name Member ID Rotary position

E-mail Home phone Cell phone

Project member #2:

Name Member ID Rotary position E-mail Cell phone

Project member #3:

Name Member ID Rotary position E-mail Cell phone

PROJECT BUDGET Explanation: For detailed information on what Foundation District Grants funds may be used for, please see Eligibility Criteria in the notes below.

Budget item Name of supplier Amount in Rand


9350 District Grant – Page 2 February 2017 PROJECT FINANCING Explanation: Clearly list all financing. NOTE: No funds should be spent prior to official approval of the District’s block grant as the Foundation will not refund funds already spent or for a project already completed.

Host Rotary club contribution to the project A Rand

Partner Rotary clubs inside and clubs & districts outside District 9350 B Rand

Sub total B

TOTAL co-sponsor contributions A+B

Total funds requested from District (must be at least R5 000)

Additional outside funding Please specify the source of this funding.

Total project financing (must equal budget on page 2)


Explanation: The host club is responsible for submitting progress and/or final reports to District. “By signing below, our club accepts reporting responsibility.” Print name (Project Leader) Signature

DISTRICT GRANTS SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR CERTIFICATION Explanation: The District requires that the district grants subcommittee chair (DGSC) certifies the application as complete. If the application is not complete or eligible, it will not be processed and the host club will be notified accordingly. If the application is acceptable the DGSC will sign below indicating that this project has been included on the District Spending Plan to apply for the block grant. “On behalf of the committee, I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this grant application is complete, meets all TRF guidelines, and is eligible for funding.” Print name of DGSC Peter Hugo Signature Date

The Rotary Foundation District Grant Memorandum of Understanding District9350 9350 District Grant – Page 3 February 2017 This document is the official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provided by Rotary International District 9350 to clubs within the District participating in the District Grant programme. A MOU is to be signed for each project and is valid for the duration of that project only.

Responsibilities and undertakings of the Club leadership. The club officers hold primary responsibility for the proper implementation of TRF grants . Club officer responsibilities include: A. Ensuring that all The Rotary Foundation (TRF) grants adhere to stewardship measures and proper grant management practices B Ensuring that all individuals involved in a grant conduct their activities in a way that avoids any actual or perceived conflict of interest C Limiting and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest. (An undisclosed conflict of interest impedes transparency.)

Financial Management A. Maintaining a standard set of accounts, this includes a complete record of all receipts and disbursements of grant funds. B. Disbursing grant funds, as appropriate

Bank Account Requirements A The club bank account must be a low- or non interest-bearing account B Any interest earned must be documented and used for eligible, approved grant activities, or returned to District. C Grant funds may not be deposited in investment accounts including, but not limited to, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, bonds, and stocks. D. Bank statements must be available to support receipt and use of TRF grant funds. E The club must maintain a written plan for transferring custody of the bank accounts in the event of a change in signatories.

Report on use of Grant funds A The club must adhere to all TRF reporting requirements. Grant reporting is a key aspect of grant management and stewardship, as it informs TRF of the grant’s progress and how funds are spent. B Club records must be accessible and available to Rotarians in the club and at the request of the district. C The club must report any potential and real misuse or mismanagement of grant funds to the district. This reporting fosters an environment in the club that does not tolerate the misuse of grant funds.

Signed on behalf of the Rotary Club of ______Date______

Club President Project Leader

Please print: ______Please print: ______

Signature: ______Signature: ______

9350 District Grant – Page 4 February 2017 The Rotary Foundation District Grant Application Instructions District 9350

What is a District Grant? District grants fund short-term projects and activities, either local or international that support the Foundation’s mission. Clubs submit their funding requests to the district, which administers and distributes the funds Who can apply? .All Rotary clubs in District 9350. What are the requirements for a District Grant? District Grants must involve a Rotary club in implementing a humanitarian or educational project. Clubs are expected to:  Maintain involvement in the project for the life of the project  Establish a committee of at least three Rotarians to oversee the project  Manage grant funds with due diligence  Maintain clear and accurate accounting  Visit the project site on an as-needed basis  Purchase, transport, or distribute items purchased  Publicise the project to local media and the district What projects are eligible/ineligible for a District Grant? District Grants fund humanitarian and educational projects that benefit a community in need. Many projects fall within this broad scope; however, certain items and activities are not funded through the program. In addition to the general criteria for District Grants, specific allowable activities have been identified that District Grants can fund 1. Construction of infrastructure including but not limited to toilet blocks and sanitation systems, access roads, dams, bridges, storage units, fences and security systems, water/irrigation systems, and greenhouses 2. Renovation, repair, and refurbishment of structures that are currently occupied or operational in which individuals live, work, or spend a significant amount of time, which may include the provision of new services or upgrade of utilities (i.e., electrical, plumbing, and heating), repair of roofs, elevators, and renovation of bathrooms 3. Purchase and distribution of contraceptives for use in disease prevention and maternal health projects 4. International travel for tertiary students, vocational training teams, and project beneficiaries 5. Domestic travel for tertiary students, vocational training teams, project beneficiaries, and those professionals (Rotarian and non-Rotarian) needed to implement the project 6. Direct costs, fees, contracted labour costs, stipends, or honorariums related to project implementation 7. Activities involving vaccines and immunizations that are consistent with the best practices described by the World Health Organization 8. Medical camps and lifesaving surgeries, providing that if they are funded by global grants, there must be appropriate follow up. 9 Youth programmes including Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract or Interact, scholar orientation seminars, grant management seminars and activities primarily implemented by an organisation other than Rotary. Grants cannot be used to unfairly discriminate against any group, promote a particular political or religious viewpoint, support purely religious functions at churches and other places of worship, support activities that involve abortion or that are undertaken solely for sex determination, fund the purchase of arms or ammunition, support the following programs: Rotary Friendship Exchange, or as a new contribution to the Foundation or another Rotary Foundation grant. In addition, grants cannot fund 1. Continuous or excessive support of any one beneficiary, entity, or community

9350 District Grant – Page 5 February 2017 2. Establishment of a foundation, permanent trust, or long-term interest-bearing account. Grant funds can be used to establish a micro credit or revolving loan fund if the sponsors comply with the revolving loan requirements of The Rotary Foundation. 3. Purchase of land or buildings 4. New construction of any structure in which individuals live, work, or engage in any gainful activity, such as buildings (schools, homes/low-cost shelters, and hospitals), containers, and mobile homes, or structures in which individuals carry out any type of activity including manufacturing or processing 5. Fundraising activities What are the funding requirements? District Grants are fully funded by The Rotary Foundation through the District Designated Fund (DDF) system. All funds remain trust funds of The Rotary Foundation and must be managed and accounted for appropriately District Grants are single, annual block grants made to districts to fund multiple club and district projects, which may be local or international. Districts may submit one application per Rotary year. The district grants committee submits an application to Foundation requesting the block grant. Funds are issued once the application is approved and all prepayment requirements (such as overdue reports, closure of previous district grants, etc.) have been met. Districts receive one block payment for the approved amount of the district grant. District pays funds to its clubs for their approved projects. How and when to apply For the 2017-2018 Rotary year Clubs are required to submit fully completed application forms for project funding by 31 May 2017 for our block grant application. If our application is approved then we should receive funding within two months. Applications that have to be referred back to Clubs for clarification will not be considered if such queries are not resolved by 30 June 2017 For ensuing years the cut-off date for Clubs to submit their project applications for funding to the District will be the 31st of May each year. What are the funding limits? Clubs may join with other clubs, overseas clubs and outside organisations in funding local projects. Clubs in other Districts can request District Grant funds from their District Committees to assist in funding District 9350 club projects. District 9350 will provide seed money for projects from the District Grant DDF by matching Rand for Rand the funds contributed to the project by the applying club in District 9350 (only own funds contributed by the Club, not funds by overseas partners or other clubs or organisations, will be matched) . The minimum amount that will be contributed by the District is R5 000 per project subject to DDF being available with a maximum of R25 000 per project. Clubs combining to undertake a joint project e.g. importation of a container of wheelchairs, will not have their individual contributions to the project matched up to R25 000 each but the contribution to the project from the District DDF will be limited to R25 000. Clubs submitting applications for funding for more than one project per year are required to prioritise their projects indicating the order of priority of their projects for funding. The District Grants Committee will initially consider all first priority projects for funding and if a surplus of DDF remains thereafter then consideration will be given to lower priority projects. District DDF funds allocated to Clubs that are not taken up within four weeks of notification by District to the Project Leader and members of the Club project committee will be forfeited. In allocating the District Grant funds, preference will be given to those clubs that have supported the Foundation annual giving over the past three years and who continue to support the Foundation annual giving fund. What are the reporting requirements? Within two months of the completion of the project submit a Final Report form (prescribed) together with copies of invoices and proof of payment for goods and services (preferably scanned) to the District Grants Sub-committee Chair. Copies of invoices etc must be retained for five years. Should the project be incomplete by 15 May in the Rotary year the grant funds were received the club must submit a Progress Report (prescribed) to the District Grants Sub-committee Chair. Projects must be completed during the second year and if outstanding at the end of the second year the District will not be able to apply for a block District Grant in the following year. All grant projects and activities funded by district grants must be completed within 24 months of disbursement by the Foundation or the local district to the club. 9350 District Grant – Page 6 February 2017 . For further information contact

PP Carl-Heinz Duisberg PDG Peter Hugo District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) District Grants Sub-committee Chair (DGSC) Cell: 072 723 6295 Cell: 082 704 1568 E-mail [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Updated by District Rotary Foundation Committee 18 March 2017

9350 District Grant – Page 7 February 2017

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