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New York Physical Therapy

New York Physical Therapy Association

Research Committee Procedure Manual

Approved 1/93 Amended 5/95 Amended 10/99 Amended 1/01 Amended 4/03 Amended 10/06 Amended 4/11 Amended 2012 Amended 2/13 Edited 3/13 Amended 1/18



I. RESEARCH COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION Page A. Creation 3 B. Purposes 3 C. Accountability 3 D. Constituency 3

II. RESEARCH COMMITTEE OPERATIONS A. Committee Records 3 B. Committee Meetings 4 C. Duties of the Committee 1. NYPTA Chapter Conference Policy 5 2. Robert S. Salant Research Awards Policy 6 3. Arthur J Nelson Research Designated Fund Policy 6 4. Research Consultation Policy 8

III. APPENDIX A. Job Descriptions 1. Committee Chairperson 9 2. Committee Member 10 3. Research Liaison 11 B. Committee Timeline 12 C. NYPTA Conference Materials Call for Abstracts 14 Conference Abstract Evaluation Forms 15 Platform/Poster Presentation Acceptance E-Mail 17 Platform/Poster Presentation Not Accepted E-Mail 18 Presenter Conference Registration Form 19 Platform Presentation Guidelines 20 Poster Presentation Guidelines 21 Robert S. Salant Research Award Rating Form 22 Robert S. Salant Research Award Letter to Awardees 23 D. Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials Call for Applications for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF 24 Application Instructions for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF 25 Biographical Information Form for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF 28 Tax Information Form for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF 29 Arthur J. Nelson RDF Evaluation Form 30 Arthur J. Nelson RDF Acceptance Letter 32 Arthur J. Nelson RDF Not Accepted Letter 33

PART II A. Voting Power 34 B. Appointments 34 C. Vacancies 34 D. Meeting Attendance 35 E. Minutes 35 F. Reports / Newsletter Articles 35 G. Reimbursement 36 H. Procedure Manuals 36 I. Orientation of New Committee Members 36

2 I. RESEARCH COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION A. Creation: Formed in November of 1978 by the Board of Directors by vote (BOD 11-78-45) to facilitate clinical research activities by the Chapter membership through resource material, grant availability, and dissemination of research information.

B. Purposes: 1. Select a speaker for the research programming at the NYPTA Conference. 2. Collection, evaluation and selection of abstracts for platform or poster presentations at the NYPTA Chapter Conference. 3. Selection of the Robert S. Salant Research Awards for the best research and special interest presentations. 4. Evaluation of applications/proposals for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund and recommend to the Board of Directors, a recipient of the award. 5. Provide consultation to Chapter members in the clinical or academic communities who request assistance or advisement with research activities. 6. Facilitate clinical research in Physical Therapy throughout the state.

C. Accountability: This committee is accountable to Board of Directors.

D. Constituency 1. The Research Committee consists of four members (BOD 01-01-02). These members are on the committee for four year with the last two years as co-chair. The Vice-President is an ex-officio member. The Executive Committee appoints the Research Committee Chairperson (or Co-Chairpersons). The previous year’s chairperson is an ex officio member for 1 year after their term ends.

2. When there is a vacancy on the Research Committee, a call for committee member nominations will be posted online and in the NYPTA newsletter. A Curriculum Vita will accompany each member nomination. The Research Committee will evaluate all nominations and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee to appoint a new member.

3. The following qualifications are required for membership on the committee: a. Member in good standing with the New York Physical Therapy Association. b. Willingness to devote time to the facilitation of Physical Therapy Research in New York State. c. A documented background in research (especially clinically applicable research) including presentation and publication. d. Doctorally prepared candidates to the research committee should be given priority when possible.

II. RESEARCH COMMITTEE OPERATIONS A. Committee Records: 1. Committee Member Record Policy: Each committee member will maintain a current committee file. Upon assuming committee membership, the new member shall receive from Chapter Office, a current committee file. Upon receipt of the file, the committee member will review the materials and file them appropriately. Files may be maintained electronically and made available to members using a file sharing service such as Dropbox. The file should contain the following: 1. Committee directory 2. Committee Procedure Manual 3. Minutes of the Committee Meetings for the previous two years 4. Reports to the Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly for the previous two years 5. Pertinent correspondence

2. Chapter Office Records Policy: Chapter Office will maintain a current committee file. a. Research Committee File: The office will keep a current file, which should contain the following: 1. Committee directory 2. Committee Procedure Manual 3. Minutes of the Committee Meetings 4. Reports to the Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly 5. Pertinent correspondence 3 b. Conference Poster and Platform presentations: Chapter Office will keep: 1. Conference Abstract evaluation rubrics for 1 year. 2. Selected abstracts for 5 years after the Chapter Conference. 3. Permanent list of presenters to be filed in the “Past-Presenter” file. 4. Other submitted abstracts until after the Conference; then discard all. 5. Correspondence, misc. memos, etc. for 1 year.

c. Robert S. Salant Research Awards: Chapter Office will keep: 1. Permanent list of the winners and the topic of their presentations. 2. Correspondence, misc. memos, etc. for 1 year.

d. Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund: Chapter Office will keep: 1. For submitted applications that were not funded: a. Copies of submitted application forms for 1 year. b. Copies of Arthur J. Nelson RDF Evaluation Rubric for one year, and then discard. c. A list of unfunded applications with authors, titles and research questions included. 2. For applications that were funded, maintain the following in a permanent file: a. The entire submitted application. b. Copies of Arthur J. Nelson RDF Evaluation Rubric. c. Progress reports, final reports, and abstracts or articles resulting from the awarded grants. 3. Correspondence, misc. memos, etc. for 1 year (Note: letters of thank you etc. can be discarded after being sent to the President).

e. Research Consultation: Chapter Office will keep: 1. A file containing a log of inquiries regarding research. 2. Directory of Physical Therapy Researchers: a list of those individuals willing to share their research knowledge as compiled by the committee. The list will be kept on file and a member of the Research Committee will provide contact information to those requesting assistance. 3. An updated list of names of district Research Liaisons.

B. Committee Meetings: Meetings (at least two per year) shall be in accordance with the budgetary allocation to the committee to complete its activities. The Research Committee will meet twice a year if possible. The Chairperson in consultation with members of the Committee determines dates for meetings.

1. Notice: The Chairperson will notify the Vice President, Chapter Directors, and Communication Director of all committee meetings in advance. Notice to committee members is the responsibility of the Chairperson. 2. Location: Meetings will be held at a site recommended by the Chairperson in consultation with the Committee members. Locations of meetings cannot be in contradiction to the budget and program established by the Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Meetings may be conducted either in- person or via telephone conference call. 3. Agenda: The agenda for the Committee meeting is the responsibility of the Chairperson and should be distributed to the members at least 10 days prior to the meeting. Routine items for the agenda should include: a. Report on status of current charges, objectives, and ongoing activities. b. Review of Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly actions for new policies, duties, or charges for the committee. c. Develop procedures by which policies, duties and charges of the Board or Assembly can be fulfilled. d. Preparation of committee minutes and Chairman's report to the Board of Directors (or Assembly). e. Preparation of motions for Board or Assembly action. f. Make recommendations to Board or appropriate body.

Annually, the following are to be included on the agenda: 1. Determine budgetary needs for Finance Committee consideration prior to the Fall Board of Directors meeting. 2. Review and update Procedure manual for Winter Board of Directors’ Meeting. 3. Determine possible meeting dates for the following year.

4 4. As necessary, consider recommendations for new committee members. C. Duties of the Research Committee: 1. Chapter Conference Policy: Description: The Research Committee will be responsible for conducting a program for platform and/or poster presentations at the Chapter Conference. The committee members will serve as moderators.

Procedure: a. "Call for Abstracts": A call for abstracts is placed in the Chapter Newsletter at least two times during the late Fall and Winter during the conference year. The announcement specifies the length and format of the abstract, the content that is expected for research versus special interest abstracts, information requested about the author(s) and the deadline of June 1 for submission to the Research Committee. (See appendix for an example.) The abstracts are sent directly to the Chapter Office and de-identified at Chapter Office for Committee review.

b. Abstract Review: The abstracts are distributed to and evaluated by all committee members according to the Conference Abstract Evaluation Rubric (see Appendix). Committee members who submit an abstract must recuse themselves from evaluating his or her own abstract. Members of the committee review all abstracts without knowledge of authorship or affiliation, and a decision is reached before this information is shared. The consensus of the committee determines the acceptance or rejection of an abstract based upon organization and clarity, relevance to the knowledge base and practice of physical therapy and, in the case of research abstracts, research design and scientific merit. This process is completed within approximately one month following the deadline for abstract submission.

c. Notification of Acceptance: A letter of acceptance is sent via email to the individual listed as the corresponding author on a given abstract. Included with the letter is information on the day and time of the presentation, instructions for either platform or poster presentation, audiovisual aids that will be provided, and availability of committee members on the day of presentation. At their discretion, the committee also may request that the presenter use an alternate format for the presentation (i.e. platform instead of poster). Letters are also sent via email to those individuals whose abstracts were not accepted, including feedback on the abstract from the committee members (see Appendix).

d. Presentation Schedule: A schedule of the platform presentations and a list of the poster presentations are composed. Platform presentations on related topics are grouped together whenever possible.

e. Room and Equipment Needs: Copies of the schedule for the platform presentations and the list of poster presentations are sent to the Executive Director as soon as possible so the preparations for the room and equipment can be completed.

f. Presentations: On the day of the presentations, the committee members ensure that the room is prepared, both the platform and poster presenters' needs are met, the platform sessions run smoothly with strict adherence to the schedule, and that discussion questions are generated after each platform presentation. It is expected that all committee members be present for the entire day.

g. Conference Proceedings: The Chairperson of the Research Committee will compile abstracts for platform and poster presentations at conference in the form of Conference Proceedings and send them to Chapter Office to be posted on the Research Committee website.

2. Robert S. Salant Research Award Policy: Description: a. The New York Chapter has long recognized the importance of research for the profession. In 1979 the Chapter renamed its research award as the Robert S. Salant Research Award in memory of Mr. Salant who along with his wife, Marilyn Moffat Salant, was a staunch supporter of physical therapy. b. Each year, the Robert S. Salant Research Awards will be granted for the outstanding research and special interest presentations, which may be in platform or poster format. Each award includes $100 to be shared by the authors. The criteria by which the award is judged include content, applicability to physical therapy, originality and independence of the work, style and clarity of the presentation and applicability to the physical therapy practice.

5 Procedure: a. During platform and poster presentations, Research Committee members (and the invited Keynote Speaker, when possible) evaluate presentations using the “Robert S. Salant Research Award Rating Form” (see Appendix). b. After the last platform session and viewing of the poster presentations, the committee Chairperson tabulates scores from the rating forms, and the full Committee meets to determine recipients of three Robert S. Salant awards. c. After determining the winners, the Chairperson notifies the Chapter Office so that letters of recognition and checks can be sent to the winners (see Appendix). d. The Chairperson provides Chapter Office with information about recipients of the awards, and the abstracts for the presentations to be published in the Chapter Newsletter.

3. Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund: (BOD 04-11-11, BOD 5-12-08) Description: Up to $15,000 shall be budgeted annually for Research grants. The money is given to the principal investigator in the NYPTA fiscal year that the Award is identified. The principal investigator must be a member of the APTA, be licensed to practice physical therapy in the state of New York, and maintain an active New York State Education Department registration. Pre-professional (entry-level) students are ineligible to apply. Any unused balance of the Research Fund will not be carried over to the next year. Monies donated to such a fund shall be distributed upon the recommendation of the Research Committee and on approval of the Board of Directors.

Procedure: a. Call for Applications: Twice each winter, an announcement of the availability of research funding is placed in the Chapter Newsletter (see Appendix). A similar notice is sent directly to the academic programs and District Chairpersons. This announcement specifies eligibility, purpose and amount of the fund, and the deadline for applications. The name and contact information for the committee Chairperson is included in case questions arise regarding the application procedure. Applicants are directed to the Research Committee website to download application materials and to return the completed application to Chapter Office.

b. Application Materials: The application form requests biographical information about the principal investigator and any co-investigators, including curriculum vitae. The proposal must include the objectives, background, research problems or hypotheses, rationale of the investigative approach, significance to physical therapy, and methodology, including procedures, instrumentation, facilities, treatment of data, calendar of events, consent procedures, and a detailed budget. The Application Instructions and related forms provide additional guidance for the applicant (see Appendix).

c. Review of Applications: 1. The applications received by the Chapter Office are posted online and access is granted to only Research Committee members for review purposes. The applications will not be de- identified in order to allow Committee Members to assess the investigator's readiness and likelihood of successful completion of the project based on prior work. 2. The committee members evaluate the proposals for scientific merit, appropriateness of design and methodology, significance to the field, how well the project aligns with the APTA's clinical research agenda, clarity and organization of all content, and the investigator's readiness and likelihood of successful completion of the project within the calendar, resources and budget presented. i. Using the Arthur J. Nelson RDF Evaluation Rubric, the various categories are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 by each committee member who also documents specific comments to support each rating. Each category is weighted to produce a total score (see Appendix). ii. The Committee Chairperson tabulates a total score for each application, disseminates the scores to committee members, and the Research Committee meets to discuss the proposals and decide on the proposal(s) to recommend for funding and the amount of the award(s). Recommendation for funding is only made if projects are found to be worthy of funding. iii. The Research Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. 6 d. Award Notification: 1. Upon Board of Directors approval, the recipient(s) are sent letters via regular mail from the committee indicating that they have received funding for the award and the amount of the award, identifying the budget items in the proposal for which the money is intended (see Appendix). 2. Chapter Office will arrange for disbursement of the funds. The Committee remains available to offer assistance. 3. Applicants whose proposals are not funded are sent notification letters from the Committee via regular mail. In addition, the committee provides written feedback to the applicants on the evaluation of the proposals in order to identify areas where the proposals could be strengthened. 4. The Committee Chairperson and Communication Manager will prepare an announcement of the awarding of funds including the areas of study, recipients, amounts, and the number of proposals reviewed for the Chapter Newsletter.

e. Award Documentation: 1. Upon notification of receipt of the award, the investigator will be asked to submit a document which stipulates submission of the following to the Committee Chairperson: 1) a 6-month progress report with finance statements (to date) relating to the project; and, 2) a final report, including any published abstracts or articles, and all outstanding finances for the project. The investigator will be required to share the results of the investigation at a research session of the next Chapter Conference. The investigator also will be required to acknowledge the support of the New York Physical Therapy Association in any written or oral reports of the research. 2. Upon receipt of the final report, the Committee will review the submitted material, write a critique of the work, and submit all reports, financial statements, and the critique to the Chapter Office.

4. Research Consultation Policy: Description: The committee will serve as consultants to Chapter members for research activities.

Procedure: a. Inquiries received by the Chapter Office regarding the development or dissemination of research are recorded and then relayed to the Chairperson for a response by the committee. b. The committee will annually review, update, and distribute a Directory of Physical Therapy Researchers. c. The Directory of Physical Therapy Researchers will be available upon request from Chapter Office and/or Research Committee members.


1. Committee Chairperson:

a. General Description: Directs the members and activities of the committee to ensure that it meets the goals, objectives, and charges as directed by the Delegate Assembly, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee. Represents the committee at select Board of Directors meetings.

b. Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority: 1. General Operations: — Assists in developing the committee objectives. — Informs committee members of the objectives and their expected individual contributions and responsibilities. — Makes recommendations to the Executive Committee for new member appointments. — Prepares meeting agendas and distributes relevant information to all members prior to the meeting. — Presides at committee meetings. — Insures that a recorder is appointed to record minutes. — Approves final draft of minutes. — Prepares required written reports to be submitted in timely manner for inclusion in the Board of Directors packet. — Prepares motions to Board of Directors (BOD) based on report. — Submits a minimum of one article per year for Chapter newsletter. — Prepares required annual report to be submitted in timely manner for inclusion in the Delegate Assembly packet. — Prepares motions to Delegate Assembly. — Attends select Chapter BOD meetings or appoints a designee to attend in his/her absence. — In consultation with the committee members, prepares an annual budget and submits it in a timely fashion as requested by the treasurer. — Oversees the budget of the committee. — Follows Policies & Procedures of the NYPTA. — Orients the new Chairperson upon vacating the role of Chairperson — Serves as a consultant for research activities.

2. Chapter Conference: — Notifies the Chapter Office regarding a "Call for Abstracts" for the Chapter conference Research Session (see corresponding section of procedure manual). — Coordinates distribution and rating of Chapter Conference Abstracts within one month of the abstract submission deadline. — Prepares letter of notification of acceptance, and letter of rejection for submitted abstracts; sends information to Chapter office for e-mail notification. — Prepares the schedule of the platform presentations and a list of the poster presentations for Chapter Conference and sends to Chapter Office. — Prepares equipment and room needs for presentations for Chapter Conference and sends this to Chapter Office. — Serves as moderator at the Research presentations at Chapter Conference. — Coordinates evaluation of presentations and discussions to decide on Robert S. Salant Research Awards. Provides Chapter Office with awardees’ information and abstracts for publication. — Assembles abstracts from conference platform and poster presentations into Conference Proceedings to be posted on the Research Committee website by Chapter Office.


3. Research Funding: — Prepares a “Call for Applications” for research funding to be placed in the Chapter Newsletter twice each winter. — Evaluates the proposals for research funding. — Notifies the Chapter Office of the proposal reviews, and makes recommendation for funding to BOD. — After BOD approval of funding recipient, writes a letter of acceptance to the investigator. — Writes a letter of non-acceptance to applicants who did not receive funding for their proposals. Provides written feedback to the applicants on the evaluation of the proposals in order to identify areas where the proposals could be strengthened. — In conjunction with the Chapter Office, prepares an announcement of the awarding of research funds. — At the mid-year point in the use of the funds, contacts the principal investigators to inquire about the progress of the project and invites them to present at the annual conference. — Upon completion of the project, contacts the principal investigators to inquire about the progress of the project and request a final report. — Reviews principal investigator’s final report from investigator related to research funds and writes a critique to be filed in the Chapter Office. — Sends out form about research fund outcome to investigator.

c. Relationships: Maintains close contact with the Vice-President and Chapter Office personnel associated with the Committee activities. When appropriate, establishes contact with corresponding department or committee at national APTA.

2. Committee Member:

a. General Description: Attends all meetings of the committee, prepares committee assignments and works toward the fulfillment of committee objectives.

b. Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority 1. General Operations: — Attends all meetings of the committee. — Carries out individual assignments that are made by the Committee Chairperson. — Reviews all relevant material prior to the committee meetings. Prepares to make contributions and voice objective opinions concerning the committee issues. — Is aware of the specific responsibilities of the committee. — Knows and follows the association's practices, policies, and procedures as it pertains to the committee’s goals and objectives. — Orients replacement on committee. — Serves as a consultant for research activities. — Assists in annual updating of Research Directory.

2. Chapter Conference: — Rates submitted abstracts within one month of submission deadline. — Attends Research presentations at Chapter Conference and serves as a moderator. — Ensures that the room is prepared for research presentations. — Assists in determination of Robert S. Salant Research Awards.

3. Research Funding: — Evaluates the proposals for research fund.


— Provides written feedback for the applicants on the evaluation of the proposals in order to identify areas where the proposals could be strengthened. — Upon completion of the project, reviews principal investigator report and writes a critique to be filed in the Chapter Office.

c. Relationships: Maintains contact on status of assigned tasks with the Committee Chairperson.

3. Research Liaison (BOD 01-03-15)

a. General Description: The District Research Liaison serves as an extension/arm of the Research Committee in each district, helping the committee improve communication among members and local faculty of educational institutions. He/she would also facilitate the necessary coordination of activities to create the local networks, disseminate information to the district members, and solicit input from district members while working toward the fulfillment of Committee objectives.

b. Duties, Responsibilities and Authority: — Keeps abreast of the research related activities, interests and/or concerns of his/her district and communicates them to the Committee Chair. — Facilitates research-related activities between educational and clinical institutions. — Suggests ideas for events at the district level to foster research-related activities. — Provides ongoing information regarding grants received, current research projects, and planned research activities at the educational and clinical institutions within the district. — Prepares to make contributions and voice objective opinions concerning research issues. — Carries out individual assignments that are made by the committee chair. — Knows and follows the Association's practices, policies and procedures as they pertain to the committee's goals and objectives. — Orients replacement liaison. — Attends planning meetings or conference calls of the Committee as requested.

c. Relationships: Communicates status of above-mentioned duties with the committee chairperson. Communicates with district chairperson, designated "research" faculty at academic institutions and district members regarding research issues.

d. Financial Impact: During the first year, the Research Committee will communicate with Research Liaisons through email and written communication. If necessary, selected liaisons may be invited to participate in a conference call of the committee. Those Research Liaisons who attend Chapter Conference will be invited to meet with Committee members during the Committee’s regular meeting.

10 APPENDIX B: Committee Calendar

Deadline Description Research Committee Responsibility 1st week in Jan Research Committee Meeting – Discuss updates to Procedure Manual and items to (full committee) include in BOD report – Discuss names for research keynote for subsequent year conference 2nd week in Jan Research Committee Co-Chairs – Co-chairs submit BOD report & updates to procedure manual 4th week in Jan BOD Meeting – No co-chair attendance needed

1st week in Feb March/April Newsletter information due Nothing required from Research Committee February 1st Research Designated Fund Applications due 2nd week in Feb Chapter Office Post complete RDF applications to the website.

March 1st Research Committee Members – Reviews of Conference Abstract & RDF submissions DUE to Research Co-Chair who is coordinating.

2nd week in March Research Committee Co-chairs – Summary scores for abstracts and RDFs sent to committee members for review and discussion.

3rd week in March Research Committee Meeting – Select poster and platform presenters for Fall (full committee) conference. – Discuss and make recommendation for RDF recipient. 4th week in March Research Committee Co-chairs – Draft of Annual Report (DA) & Quarterly Report (BOD) sent to committee members for review and discussion. – Draft of Schedule for NYPTA Conference sent to committee members for review and discussion. 1st week in April Research Committee Meeting – Discuss Annual Report for Delegate Assembly & (full Committee) Quarterly Report for BOD – Discuss NYPTA conference schedule 1st week in April May/June Newsletter Information due – Research Schedule of events for Fall conference due to Chapter Office – Bio & Picture of Research Speaker (program committee is responsible). – Solicitation for nominations for new Research Committee membership (+ email) – begin 2012 2nd week in April Research Committee Co-chairs – Co-chairs submit quarterly BOD report, Annual Report for DA, & recommendation for RDF 4th week in April BOD Meeting – Review and award RDF – One co-chair attends (Hilary 2011)

APPENDIX B: Committee Calendar (cont’d) 11 4th week in April Delegate Assembly – One co-chair attends 1st week in May Research Committee Co-chairs – Send proposed budget to committee members for review and email feedback (within 1 week) Mid-May Research Committee Co-chairs – Submit Research Committee Budget for next fiscal year

June 1st Conference Abstract submissions DUE 1st week in July Research Committee Co-chairs Send recommendations (& CVs) for new committee members to current committee for discussion. 2nd week in July Research Committee Meeting To review and discuss recommendations for new (full committee) committee members. 2nd week in July Research Committee Co-chairs Send recommendation for new committee member to BOD. 4th week of July Executive Committee Meeting Appoints new Research Committee members (as needed) August 1st September/October Newsletter Information Nothing required from Research Committee due

2nd week of Sept Research Committee Meeting – Items to include in BOD report (full committee) – Assign responsibilities to committee members for year – Review call for RDF and Abstracts for changes – Discuss objectives for upcoming year.

3rd week of Sept Research Committee Co-chairs – Submit BOD report – Submit updated Calls for Newsletter & Website October 1st Nov/Dec Newsletter information due – Call for RDF Applications & Conference Abstracts in newsletter

3rd week of Oct BOD Meeting – BOD Report & final budget discussed – One co-chair attends (Sara 2011)

3rd week of Oct Research Committee Meeting Select Salant Award recipients. NYPTA Conference

1st week Nov Co-Chairs Research Committee Submit Salant Award winners & abstracts to Chapter Office. Conference Proceedings are compiled, formatted, and submitted for posting as a pdf document. 1st week in Dec Jan/Feb Newsletter Information Due Call for RDF Applications & Conference Abstracts (repeat) 3rd week in Dec Research Committee Chairs – Send draft of BOD report & current Procedure Manual to Research Committee members for discussion at January meeting

12 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

The Research Committee of the New York Physical Therapy Association issues a CALL FOR POSTER AND PLATFORM ABSTRACTS FOR THE 2017 NYPTA CONFERENCE IN TROY, NY October 20 - 21, 2017


Submission Procedure: Each abstract should be submitted as an email attachment to [email protected]. The attached abstract should be a Microsoft Word document. The title of the file should include the last name of the primary author, preferred presentation format, and the conference year (i.e. Smith_Poster_2017.doc). Late submissions will not be accepted.

Submission Content: At the beginning of the abstract document, please include the following information: Presenter Contact Information: name, email address, phone number TITLE: AUTHORS, and AFFILIATIONS CATEGORY OF ABSTRACT: Clinical Research, Basic Science Research, Case Report PRESENTATION PREFERENCE (Poster or Platform), and whether or not you would be willing to present in an alternate format (i.e. Poster if your preference was Platform).

For Clinical Research or Basic Science Research, the body of the abstract should include each of the following sections: BACKGROUND & PURPOSE, RESEARCH DESIGN, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and CLINICAL RELEVANCE TO PHYSICAL THERAPY


The number of characters in the body of each abstract should not exceed 3,125 including spaces (Title, Author, and Affiliations, Category, and Presentation Preference are NOT included in the character count).

Review Process: Abstracts will be reviewed by the Research Committee without knowledge of authorship or affiliations. Members of the committee will evaluate all abstracts on the basis of scientific and clinical merit. The Presenter for the abstract submission will be notified about the status of their abstract at the Presenter Contact email address provided.

To obtain additional information about abstract submission, or to request guidance to develop an abstract for submission please contact a chairperson of the Research Committee (Eric M. Lamberg, PT, EdD, CPed: [email protected] or Laura Z. Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS: [email protected])

13 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

Conference Clinical/Basic Science Abstract Evaluation Rubric

Abstract #: Short Title: Reviewer:

NYPTA Research Committee Chapter Conference Abstract Rating Form Clinical / Basic Science

Abstract is complete (Background & Purpose, Research Design, Research Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Relevance to Physical Therapy). Abstract does not exceed character limit (abstract should not exceed 3,125 including spaces; Title, Author, and Affiliations, Category, and Presentation Preference are NOT included in the character count). E R R G O O I A O R P R E E P V

Please grade each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, according to the following: U A S

1 2 3 4 5 Background & Purpose (clear purpose statement)

Research Design (appropriate based on purpose)

Research Methods (subjects, methodology, data analysis)

Results (statistical values included)

Conclusion (summary, interpretation, limitations)

Relevance to Physical Therapy (impact on PT research, practice, and/or education) TOTAL SCORE Comments:

Overall Recommendations: Acceptance Format Accept Poster Do Not Accept Platform

14 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

Conference Case Report Abstract Evaluation Rubric

Abstract #: Short Title: Reviewer:

NYPTA Research Committee Chapter Conference Abstract Rating Form Case Report

Abstract is complete (Background & Purpose, Case Description, Examination & Diagnosis, Intervention, Outcomes, Discussion, and Relevance to Physical Therapy). Abstract does not exceed character limit (abstract should not exceed 3,125 including spaces; Title, Author, and Affiliations, Category, and Presentation Preference are NOT included in the character count). E R R G O O I A O R P R E E P V

Please grade each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, according to the following: U A S

1 2 3 4 5 Background & Purpose (importance of case and pertinent literature) Case Description (history and unique characteristics) Examination & Diagnosis (tests & measures; standardized outcome measures) Intervention (including type & dosage)

Outcomes (summary, interpretation, limitations)

Discussion (in broader context of clinical care) Relevance to Physical Therapy (clear clinical implications) TOTAL SCORE Comments:

Overall Recommendations: Acceptance Format Accept Poster Do Not Accept Platform

15 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials June 30, 2017

Dear [Author]:

Thank you for submitting your abstract to the NYPTA Research Committee for presentation at the 2017 NYPTA Conference. We are pleased to inform you that your submission entitled “ “ has been accepted for Platform Presentation on Friday October 20, 2017 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy, NY. As corresponding author, you are responsible for notifying the co-authors of this acceptance and any future communications related to the presentation.

We ask that you please send an e-mail confirmation by July 31, 2017 to the Research Committee ([email protected]). The email confirmation should include:  That you have received this acceptance and agree to present your research at the 2017 NYPTA Conference in the designated format (platform). We recognize that the designated format may be different from the format you selected on the submission.  Please specify the 2 presenting authors and confirm that your e-mail address is current and appropriate for communications related to the presentation and conference.  Please include all of the authors’ first and last names and credentials in the email

We have attached instructions for Platform presenters. If you have any questions regarding instructions, please contact one of the Research Committee co-chairs.

As a presenter, we are pleased to offer you and one other co-author a complimentary one-day registration for research programming starting at 8:30am on the day of your presentation. Please submit the attached Presenter Registration Form for 2 complimentary registrations to be completed and sent to [email protected] by July 31, 2017. If you would like to attend the conference on Saturday October 21, please register for the conference online page=2017Conference.

Congratulations on behalf of the Research Committee and we look forward to your presentation.


Laura Gras, PT,DPT,DSc,GCS Michael Ross, PT,PhD [email protected] [email protected] NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair

16 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials


A. Audio/Visual Equipment: The following audio/visual equipment will be available for your presentation: – Laptop computer (PC compatible) – LCD projector – Screen – Podium If you need any additional audio/visual equipment, please send an email to [email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

B. Presentation 1. It is preferable that all presentations are downloaded to the conference laptop to avoid any issues of incompatibility and to facilitate timely presentations. You must bring your presentation to the conference on a USB drive. Please arrive at the Research Presentation room at 1:00pm, Friday October 20, 2017, to download your presentation, become familiar with the audio/visual equipment, and meet the moderators.

2. If you are incorporating video into your presentation, be sure to place any video files in the same folder as your presentation so the clips run properly. Otherwise, the PowerPoint presentation will have difficulty locating the video file.

3. The assigned time for each platform presentation is 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Please be certain that the length of your presentation stays within the allotted time. The session chair will ask for questions from the audience at the conclusion of your presentation.

4. Please be aware that there will not be a speaker ready room available.

5. Please adhere to the traditional order of presentation of a study. This includes a brief background/introduction, statement of the research question, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and relevance.

6. Because the platform was accepted based on the submitted abstract, the contents of the platform must parallel the research presented in the abstract.

Tentative order of presentations:

17 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

June 30, 2017

Dear [Author]:

Thank you for submitting your abstract to the NYPTA Research Committee for presentation at the 2017 NYPTA Conference. We are pleased to inform you that your submission entitled has been accepted for Poster Presentation on Friday October 20, 2017 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy, NY. As corresponding author, you are responsible for notifying the co-authors of this acceptance and any future communications related to the presentation.

We ask that you please send an e-mail confirmation by July 31, 2017 to the Research Committee ([email protected]). The email confirmation should include that you have received this acceptance and agree to present your research at the 2017 NYPTA Conference in the designated format (poster). We recognize that the designated format may be different from the format you selected on the submission. Please specify the presenting author, if different from the corresponding author on the abstract, and confirm that your e-mail address is current and appropriate for communications related to the presentation and conference.

We have attached instructions for Poster presenters. If you have any questions regarding instructions, please contact one of the Research Committee co-chairs.

Please register for the conference online at Congratulations on behalf of the Research Committee, and we look forward to your presentation.


Laura Gras, PT,DPT,DSc,GCS Michael Ross, PT,DHSc,OCS [email protected] [email protected] NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair


A. Presentation Date/Times

1. Your poster should be mounted on the poster board by 8:00am on Friday October 20, 2017. Representatives from NYPTA can direct you to your poster board when you register at the conference. 2. The presenting author must be at the poster during the designated breaks for the Research Programming on Friday, October 20, 2017 (10:00–10:30 am, 2:15– 3:30pm). 3. At the latest, please remove your poster by the end of Friday programming (5:00 pm). Posters remaining after this time will be discarded.

B. Poster Formatting Information

1. Poster size should be a maximum of 36”x48”. 2. No material should protrude beyond the dimensions of the poster board (4’ x 8’). 3. In an effort to be green, please do not provide handout materials. If imperative, the only handouts permitted are EXACT copies of the poster. 4. Push pins work best in mounting your poster and will be provided on-site. 5. No advertisement of service or product is allowed.

C. Suggested Guidelines (Adopted from APTA)

1. Print size should allow poster to be read from a distance of 6 feet. 2. Prepare a banner for the top of the poster indicating the abstract title, author(s), and affiliation(s). 3. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear, visible graphics and large type.

19 4. Each figure or table should have a title and legend so that the figure or table is able to “stand alone” from the text. 5. Numbered or bulleted lists are effective ways to convey a series of points. Do not set entire paragraphs in all capitals or boldface type. 6. An introduction should be placed at the upper left and a conclusion at the lower right, both in large type. 7. The contents of the poster must parallel the research presented in the abstract.

20 Platform/Poster Presentation Not Accepted E-Mail

June 30, 2017

Dear We regret to inform you that your abstract submission entitled “ ” for the NYPTA Conference in Troy, NY on October 20-21, 2017, has been reviewed by the NYPTA Research Committee and has not been accepted for presentation at the conference.

The Research Committee evaluated each abstract. Abstracts with higher scores were selected for poster and platform presentations. Abstracts that were not accepted had lower scores relative to competing abstracts.

We sincerely hope that you will still consider attending the 2017 NYPTA Conference. The Registration Form can be completed on-line (

On behalf of the Research Committee, we would like to thank you for your interest in presenting at the NYPTA Conference and look forward to future submissions. If you have any questions, please contact one of the Research Committee Co-chairs.


Laura Gras, PT,DPT,DSc,GCS Michael Ross, PT,PhD [email protected] [email protected] NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair NYPTA Research Committee Co-chair

21 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

NYPTA Conference – Research Programming Presenter Registration Form

You have been selected by the NYPTA Research Committee to present your research for the Research Programming at the 2017 NYPTA Conference in Albany, NY. We are pleased to offer you and one co-author a complimentary one-day registration for the Research Programming on Friday, October 20, 2017.

Please complete the form below and return it by email ([email protected]), by July 31, 2017 to receive your 2 complimentary pre-registrations for the Research Programming.

If you also would like to attend conference programming on Saturday, October 21, 2017, the day after your presentation, you will be responsible for payment for the one-day registration and can register at Please consider that for some programming, space is limited, and registrations are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.








22 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

Robert S. Salant Research Award Rating Form

Robert S. Salant Research Award Rating Form Platform and Poster Presentations Research Committee Programming at the NYPTA Chapter Conference

Title: Presenter: Presentation Type: Platform Poster

Please rate the presentation in each category based on the scale below from 1 to 5, and provide comments to support your score.



A. Presentation: design, organization, delivery, clarity Comments:

B. Research Design / Study: parsimony, execution, validity Comments:

C. Creativity / Innovation: methods, design, research question Comments:

D. Applicability to Physical Therapy research, practice or education Comments:

E. Overall Impression / Quality Score: Comments:


23 APPENDIX C: NYPTA Conference Materials

Robert S. Salant Research Award Letter to Awardees




Thank you very much for your participation in the NYPTA Research Program on [date]. On behalf of the NYPTA Research Committee, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a recipient of a [year] Robert S. Salant Research Award for your [poster/platform] presentation entitled [title].

The New York Chapter has long recognized the importance of research for the profession. In 1979 the Chapter renamed its research award as the Robert S. Salant Research Award in memory of Mr. Salant who along with his wife, Marilyn Moffat Salant, was a staunch supporter of physical therapy. Each year, three Robert S. Salant Research Awards are granted for outstanding research and special interest presentations, which may be in platform or poster format. Each award includes $100 to be shared by the authors. The criterion by which the award is judged include content, applicability to physical therapy, originality and independence of the work, style and clarity of the presentation and applicability to the physical therapy practice.

The Research Committee was impressed with the high quality of your research and presentation and would like to formally congratulate you on your award. Please accept our best wishes for continued success in your research endeavors.


Sara P. Gombatto, PT, PhD and Hilary B. Greenberger PT, PhD, OCS Co-Chairs, NYPTA Research Committee

Encl. Check $100

24 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

New York Physical Therapy Association Call for Applications Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) The New York Physical Therapy Association invites applications for the 2018 Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund. The chapter will fund up to $12,500 for projects designed to facilitate clinical research in physical therapy. The fund is intended to provide a mechanism for investigators to collect pilot data to support the development of larger, more comprehensive research proposals.

Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund Details The NYPTA Research Committee will review all applications based on the following guidelines: 1. relevance of the study to physical therapy practice, research or education 2. clear identification of how the pilot data will be used in a larger grant proposal 3. research design and methodology 4. organization and clarity of the application 5. investigator’s readiness and likelihood of completing the project 6. appropriateness of the budget request

The committee will recommend recipients for the awards to the Board of Directors.

Eligibility The principal investigator must be a member of the APTA, be licensed to practice physical therapy in the state of New York, and maintain an active New York State Education Department registration. Pre-professional (entry-level) students are ineligible to apply.

Application Deadline Applications for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund can be obtained from the Research Committee webpage on the NYPTA website ( and must be returned electronically to the Chapter office by February 1, 2018 at midnight. There will be no exceptions to this deadline.

To obtain further information about the application procedure, please go to or contact a co-chair of the Research Committee (Laura Gras, [email protected] or Michael Ross, [email protected]).

25 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

NEW YORK PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund

Applications are currently being accepted for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund.


This document provides detailed instructions to complete the application. All applicants are required to follow these instructions and use the provided templates when submitting an application.

When complete you will be required to send a single email to [email protected] . The subject line should read “RDF Application_(your name)”.

The email should contain (5) attachments. All documents should be completed on the provided template forms and saved as individual PDF documents before submitting to NYPTA. The 5 attachments include:

1. Biographical Information Form with all required signatures (template provided online) 2. Tax Liability Form (template provided online) 3. Research Plan (template provided online) 4. Curriculum Vitae for each investigator (or NIH formatted Biosketch) (single pdf document) **Each CV or biosketch must be limited to 3 pages** 5. Protection of Human Subjects/Animals documents (review board approval and documentation of training) (single pdf document)

You will receive a message from NYPTA confirming receipt of your application. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours, please contact the NYPTA office. There will be no exceptions to the posted deadline. The Research Committee will only review applications that are complete and follow the research plan format.


If awarded, the principal investigator agrees to provide a Progress Report to the Chapter ([email protected]) at 6 months, and upon completion of the project at 12 months. If the project is not completed within12 months, the PI must request, in writing, an extension of the project or return the unused funds.

Additionally, if awarded, the principle investigator agrees to present a platform presentation at the annual NYPTA conference following the end of the funding cycle and provide an abstract of the work to be published in the conference proceedings.

26 1

Research Plan Format: Applications should include the following components in the Research Plan. The Research Committee strongly urges the principle investigator to seek peer review of the application prior to submission.

1. Title Page: The following items should be included on the title page. a. Principal investigator name b. Title of the project c. Proposed start date d. Proposed completion date e. Total amount of funding requested

2. Abstract: A brief description of the project (not to exceed 250 words).

3. Specific Aims: Concisely state the objectives and hypotheses of the project.

4. Background: Review the relevant literature pertaining to the proposed project. Clearly identify how the proposed study will advance what is currently known about the topic. If appropriate, make it clear how the current project fits into any existing or ongoing studies being conducted by the applicant (not to exceed 1 page).

5. Significance: Describe the theoretical and clinical rationale for the proposed project and its significance to physical therapy practice, research, or education (not to exceed 1 page).

6. Methodology: Include the following components in this section (not to exceed 2 pages). a. Venue: where the research will take place b. Subjects: selection criteria, sample size, method of recruitment, procedures for assignment to groups c. Instrumentation: specific measurement tools, examination tests and measures, and outcome measures that will be used d. Procedures: briefly describe the protocols and procedures that will be used e. Data Analysis: describe the data reduction and planned statistical analyses

7. Use of the Data Collected: Please indicate how the pilot data collected will contribute to the development of a larger grant application. Indicate the agency to which you will be applying, the targeted deadline, and the approximate amount of the funding request.

8. Clinical Research Agenda: Identify the item(s) in the APTA Clinical Research Agenda that the proposal addresses.

9. Timeline for Completion: including, at minimum, the following dates a. Start date (release of funds will be no earlier than July 1st 2018) b. Completion date (not to exceed one year from the start date) c. Period of data collection d. Period of data analysis

27 e. Presentation of results 2

28 10. Budget: Provide a detailed budget and the justification for the items and amounts requested. Please consider all costs associated with the proposed project to ensure success.

a. Detailed budget: i. Equipment (generally non-consumable) ii. Supplies (generally consumable) iii. Contractual Services (i.e. expert consultation, mailing, copying) iv. Salary Support (indicating % time allocated to the outlined research) v. Conference Expenses (conference registration, travel, etc. for training or to disseminate research) vi. Miscellaneous (i.e. subject honorarium, animal costs) vii. Total Amount Requested

NOTE: As a not-for profit association the NYPTA does not allow indirects to be budgeted into the RDF award. Salary and fringe may be included along with equipment, supplies, patient compensation, etc but no indirects for the institution on any of these line items. This is consistent with the national Foundation for Physical Therapy awards and other foundations with similar missions.

b. Budget justification: Provide a justification for each line item in the budget. Indicate the institutional resources and any personnel that are available to the investigator for use in this project. If this proposal is co-funded from other sources, including internal support, indicate the expenditures of each funding source and how the RDF Award will contribute to the proposed project.

c. Tax Liability: If the principle investigator accepts tax liability for the funds (Tax Liability Form), he or she may include the appropriate taxes on the award as a line item in the budget.

11. References: Provide citations for references included in the proposal.

Protection of Human Subjects/Animals: Please include the following documentation (single pdf document):

1. Human Subjects: a. Approval from the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects. If approval from you institutional review board is pending, indicate when approval can be expected. b. Principal investigator certificate of completion of Human Participant Protections Education. If you have not completed training otherwise, training modules are available at .

2. Animal: a. Approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Us Committee

29 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

Biographical Information Form for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF

Primary Investigator Information: Name Mailing Address

Phone Email Address Professional Title Institutional Affiliation or Place of Employment APTA Membership Number New York State PT License Number

Co-Investigator Information Co-Investigator #1 - Name Title Institution Co-Investigator #2 - Name Title Institution Co-Investigator #3 - Name Title Institution (Add additional investigators as needed)

30 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

Tax Information Form for the Arthur J. Nelson RDF

Award Distribution

If the award is distributed directly to the principal investigator of the application, then a 1099 tax form will be issued. If the award is distributed directly to the investigator’s institution, an authorized signature from the institution is required.

In the event that you receive an award, to whom should the award check be written? Check only one of the following:

Principal Investigator

Name: Social Security #:

Institution - Authorized Representative of Institution Accepting Tax Liability for the Award***

Name of Institution: Tax ID # Name of Authorized Representative: Title of Authorized Representative:

31 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

NEW YORK PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund

Applications are currently being accepted for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund.


This document provides detailed instructions to complete the application. All applicants are required to follow these instructions and use the provided templates when submitting an application.

When complete you will be required to send a single email to [email protected] . The subject line should read “RDF Application_(your name)”.

The email should contain (5) attachments. All documents should be completed on the provided template forms and saved as individual PDF documents before submitting to NYPTA. The 5 attachments include:

6. Biographical Information Form with all required signatures (template provided online) 7. Tax Liability Form (template provided online) 8. Research Plan (template provided online) 9. Curriculum Vitae for each investigator (or NIH formatted Biosketch) (single pdf document) **Each CV or biosketch must be limited to 3 pages** 10. Protection of Human Subjects/Animals documents (review board approval and documentation of training) (single pdf document)

You will receive a message from NYPTA confirming receipt of your application. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours, please contact the NYPTA office. There will be no exceptions to the posted deadline. The Research Committee will only review applications that are complete and follow the research plan format.


If awarded, the principal investigator agrees to provide a Progress Report to the Chapter ([email protected]) at 6 months, and upon completion of the project at 12 months. If the project is not completed within12 months, the PI must request, in writing, an extension of the project or return the unused funds.

Additionally, if awarded, the principle investigator agrees to present a platform presentation at the annual NYPTA conference following the end of the funding cycle and provide an abstract of the work to be published in the conference proceedings.


32 Research Plan Format: Applications should include the following components in the Research Plan. The Research Committee strongly urges the principle investigator to seek peer review of the application prior to submission.

11. Title Page: The following items should be included on the title page. a. Principal investigator name b. Title of the project c. Proposed start date d. Proposed completion date e. Total amount of funding requested

12. Abstract: A brief description of the project (not to exceed 250 words).

13. Specific Aims: Concisely state the objectives and hypotheses of the project.

14. Background: Review the relevant literature pertaining to the proposed project. Clearly identify how the proposed study will advance what is currently known about the topic. If appropriate, make it clear how the current project fits into any existing or ongoing studies being conducted by the applicant (not to exceed 1 page).

15. Significance: Describe the theoretical and clinical rationale for the proposed project and its significance to physical therapy practice, research, or education (not to exceed 1 page).

16. Methodology: Include the following components in this section (not to exceed 2 pages). a. Venue: where the research will take place b. Subjects: selection criteria, sample size, method of recruitment, procedures for assignment to groups c. Instrumentation: specific measurement tools, examination tests and measures, and outcome measures that will be used d. Procedures: briefly describe the protocols and procedures that will be used e. Data Analysis: describe the data reduction and planned statistical analyses

17. Use of the Data Collected: Please indicate how the pilot data collected will contribute to the development of a larger grant application. Indicate the agency to which you will be applying, the targeted deadline, and the approximate amount of the funding request.

18. Clinical Research Agenda: Identify the item(s) in the APTA Clinical Research Agenda that the proposal addresses.

19. Timeline for Completion: including, at minimum, the following dates a. Start date (release of funds will be no earlier than July 1st 2018) b. Completion date (not to exceed one year from the start date) c. Period of data collection d. Period of data analysis e. Presentation of results

2 33 20. Budget: Provide a detailed budget and the justification for the items and amounts requested. Please consider all costs associated with the proposed project to ensure success.

a. Detailed budget: i. Equipment (generally non-consumable) ii. Supplies (generally consumable) iii. Contractual Services (i.e. expert consultation, mailing, copying) iv. Salary Support (indicating % time allocated to the outlined research) v. Conference Expenses (conference registration, travel, etc. for training or to disseminate research) vi. Miscellaneous (i.e. subject honorarium, animal costs) vii. Total Amount Requested

NOTE: As a not-for profit association the NYPTA does not allow indirects to be budgeted into the RDF award. Salary and fringe may be included along with equipment, supplies, patient compensation, etc but no indirects for the institution on any of these line items. This is consistent with the national Foundation for Physical Therapy awards and other foundations with similar missions.

b. Budget justification: Provide a justification for each line item in the budget. Indicate the institutional resources and any personnel that are available to the investigator for use in this project. If this proposal is co- funded from other sources, including internal support, indicate the expenditures of each funding source and how the RDF Award will contribute to the proposed project.

c. Tax Liability: If the principle investigator accepts tax liability for the funds (Tax Liability Form), he or she may include the appropriate taxes on the award as a line item in the budget.

11. References: Provide citations for references included in the proposal.

Protection of Human Subjects/Animals: Please include the following documentation (single pdf document):

3. Human Subjects: a. Approval from the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects. If approval from you institutional review board is pending, indicate when approval can be expected. b. Principal investigator certificate of completion of Human Participant Protections Education. If you have not completed training otherwise, training modules are available at .

4. Animal: a. Approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Us Committee

35 NEW YORK PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION Research Designated Fund Application Review Form

Title of Proposal Principle Investigator Reviewer Date of Review

Please rate the application on each of the following criteria using a 0-5 scale (0=not acceptable; 5=excellent). Please provide comments to support your ratings.

1. Specific Aims, Background, Significance (20%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Abstract is well written and describes the proposed study (≤250 words) Specific aims and hypotheses clearly stated and testable Background review of the literature is adequate and supports the proposed study Study will have a significant impact on physical therapy practice, research, or education Comments:

2. Research Design and Methodology (25%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Resources are appropriate and accessible for project (venue, instrumentation, etc.) Subjects are appropriate (adequate number for pilot study, inclusion/exclusion criteria provided) and accessible to answer research question Tests and measures are adequately described and appropriate to answer research question Procedures are described in detail and are appropriate Statistical analyses are proposed and are appropriate for study design Comments:

3. Use of Data Collected for a Larger Grant Application (10%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Application identifies how the data collected with the RDF will contribute to the development of a larger proposal. Application includes the agency, timeline, and amount to be requested in the larger proposal. 36 Comments:

4. Relevance to physical therapy practice, research, or education (10%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Population of interest is relevant to physical therapy practice, research, or education Topic addresses items on the National Clinical Research Agenda Comments:

5. Investigator’s Readiness and Likelihood of Completing the Project (15%) (CV or Biosketch may be used for reference) Criteria Rating (0-5) Timeline is realistic for completion of project, permission obtained or pending from IRB. If permission is not obtained, investigators have a plan for revising or submitting an IRB. Investigator has experience and level of expertise in area of research and scholarly work Institution or business supports investigator with the time necessary to complete the project Comments:

6. Appropriateness of the Budget Request (10%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Appropriate use of materials and personnel available to the investigator at the institution All budget items are well-justified Comments:

7. Organization and Clarity of the Application (10%) Criteria Rating (0-5) Link between background, significance and methodology clearly established Overall organization and clarity of the proposal Comments:

37 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

Arthur J. Nelson RDF Acceptance Letter

May 10, 2011

Dear [Investigator Name],

Congratulations! The New York State Physical Therapy Association Research Committee has selected your project, “[Title of Proposal]” for funding in the amount of $5,000 through the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund award.

To acknowledge your acceptance of the award and your agreement to the terms and conditions of the award, we ask that you send a letter to the committee indicating that you agree to the following:

1. To submit a progress report to the Chairperson of the Research Committee ([email protected]) 6 months after funding is received. At that time, any receipts for equipment or services you have purchased should be submitted.

2. To submit a final report at the end of the funding cycle (12 months), to report on the results of the study and any published abstracts or articles. At that time, you will submit outstanding receipts for equipment or services you purchased using the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund. The Research Committee will review these materials and submit a report to the Chapter Office as a record of productivity from the Research Designated Fund.

3. To provide a written abstract and platform presentation for Research Programming at the New York Physical Therapy Association conference in the Fall following the end of the funding year (Fall 2012).

4. To acknowledge the support of the New York Physical Therapy Association in any written or oral reports of the research.

5. The principle investigator will be responsible for any tax obligations and will be issued a 1099 tax form for any money awarded, unless the award check is written to the institution that will accept tax liability for the award.

When the Research Committee receives your letter of agreement, a check for the entire award amount will be mailed to you. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Research Committee ([email protected]).

Once again, congratulations! We look forward to funding this exciting project!


Sara Gombatto, PT, PhD Hilary Greenberger, PT, PhD, OCS Co-Chairs, Research Committee Cc: Executive Director Finance Manager Research Committee

38 APPENDIX D: Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) Materials

Arthur J. Nelson RDF Not Accepted Letter

May 10, 2011

Dear [Investigator Name],

The Research Committee of the New York Physical Therapy Association was pleased to receive your application for the 2011-2012 Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF). Your proposal entitled, “[Title of Proposal]” was carefully reviewed by the Research Committee. We received several excellent proposals this year and, unfortunately, we are unable to fund your submission.

The Research Committee is committed to improving the quality of research by NYPTA members. Therefore, to assist investigators in their research proposal development, the Research Committee has provided you with feedback from the reviewers. We are hopeful that the comments from the reviewers will be helpful as you continue to develop your project for future funding applications.

Reviewers’ Comments: [insert bullets with specific reviewer comments]

Once again, thank you for submitting an application to the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund. Best wishes for success in your research endeavors.

Best regards,

Sara Gombatto, PT, PhD Hilary Greenberger, PT, PhD, OCS Co-Chairs, Research Committee

Cc: Executive Director Finance Manager Research Committee


A. Voting Power: Each member shall have one vote.

B. Appointments: Terms of Appointment are FOUR years (BOD 02-13-03) with expiration in alternate years to facilitate continuity within the committee structure (appointments may be longer or shorter to initiate or enforce this policy). There is an additional 1 year ex officio after the term ends for consulting purposes. Appointments by the Executive Committee will be made annually, July 1, to allow for vacancies to be filled on the committee in a timely manner (BOD 10-90-12). The procedure for appointments to committees is found in the Executive Committee Procedure Manual.

C. Vacancies 1. Vacancy Policy: If a vacancy occurs on the committee, due to death, incapacitation, resignation or dismissal, the Executive Committee will appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the term. The procedure for filling vacancies is found in the Executive Committee Procedure Manual.

2. Resignation Procedure: a. All resignations shall be sent by the individual, in writing, to the Chapter President. b. In the case of committee members, copies of the resignation are to be sent to the Committee Chairperson and the Executive Director. c. In the case of the Committee Chairperson, copies should be sent to the Executive Director and committee members. d. Notifications should be sent as soon as possible, and preferably 90 days prior to the effective date. e. The President will initiate the procedure to fill the vacancy.

3. Dismissal: a. Policy: Grounds for dismissal are: 1. Noncompliance with Chapter policies and procedures. 2. Failure to perform assigned tasks and fulfill required responsibilities. 3. Failure to attend required meetings, workshops, etc.

b. Procedure for Dismissal: When a committee member or any Chapter member has reason(s) to call for the dismissal of an appointee: 1. A written request shall be submitted to the President. 2. A copy shall be sent to the Secretary. 3. The President shall initiate a review and the Executive Committee shall make final determination of appropriate action. 4. Should dismissal be recommended, the committee member will be notified in writing of the decision and grounds for dismissal.

4. Appeal of Dismissal: a. Policy: An appointee who has been dismissed by the Executive Committee has the right to appeal the decision within two weeks.

b. Procedure: 1. The appeal of dismissal must be submitted in writing to the President. 2. A copy should be sent to the Secretary and Executive Director. 3. The President will initiate a review by the Executive Committee. 4. If the Executive Committee reverses its decision, the member will be reinstated for the remainder of his/her term. 5. If the Executive Committee upholds its decision, it will make a recommendation to the Board; with the Board of Directors making the final determination. To insure timely resolution, vote may be by mail, phone, or at a Board meeting.

40 D. Meeting Attendance 1. Committee Members: a. Policy: It is the expectation that committee members attend all meetings of the committee. The committee member is required to notify the Committee Chairperson if attendance is impossible. Failure of a member to attend three successive committee meetings may be considered cause for dismissal. b. Procedure: 1. If a member is unable to attend, he/she should notify the Committee Chairperson. 2. The member should be prepared to provide any requested input prior to the meeting. 3. If a member has not notified the Chairperson, the Chairperson should contact the member and remind them that attendance is expected and notification must be given if they cannot attend.

2. Guests: a. Policy: Chapter members are encouraged to attend the meetings of the Committee; however, all guests attending committee meetings shall each be responsible for his/her own expenses. b. Procedure: 1. Members who are not committee members or consultants, but are interested in attending the committee meeting, should request permission from the Chairperson. 2. The Chairperson, with consideration given to space limitations, may grant permission to attend the meeting. 3. Generally, written materials prepared for the Committee meeting will not be distributed to guests at these meetings. 4. The Committee may limit attendance during discussion of confidential matters.

E. Minutes 1. Policy: Minutes are to be recorded and kept for each committee meeting and distributed within thirty days of the meeting. 2. Procedure: 1. A recorder is appointed by the Chairperson. 2. Time is allotted at each meeting for preparation and review of a rough draft of the minutes. 3. Minutes should include the date, time of meeting, location of meeting, attendance, absences, and summary of business. 4. The recorder finalizes the minutes. 5. The final draft of the minutes is mailed to the Chairperson for approval. 6. The Chairperson forwards the minutes to the Chapter office for filing and distribution to Committee members and other appropriate individuals.

F. Reports/Newsletter Articles 1. Policy: All Committees shall be required to present a. A written report to be included in the packet for each Board of Directors meeting (BOD 10-77-29). b. An Annual Report to the Chapter Office for inclusion in the Delegate Assembly Handbook. c. A minimum of one article annually to the newsletter, which shall be submitted for the membership recruitment issue of the Empire State Newsletter. In an attempt to educate physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of APTA membership services, the article should address the function and activities of their committee (BOD 01-95-25). 2. Procedure for Reports: a. Chapter Office will notify Committee Chairperson of the deadline for submitting reports. b. Reports should be written following the format outlined in Tab 4 of the Chapter Operations Manual.

41 c. If the committee is recommending Board/Assembly action, motions should be written on Motion Forms following the guidelines for making motions, and submitted in time for inclusion in the packet. Questions on writing motions should be addressed to the Chairperson or members of the Judicial Committee. d. Reports and motions are submitted to Chapter office by the deadline. e. When received by the deadline, Chapter office will include them in the packet. f. When the deadline has not been met, it is the responsibility of the Chairperson to provide sufficient copies of reports and motions for the Board or Delegate Assembly.

3. Procedure for Newsletter Articles: a. Purpose of articles is to help educate colleagues of the functions and accomplishments of the Committee, and to keep members well informed of pertinent issues. b. Committees are to work with the Chapter Office to have articles published.

G. Reimbursement: Committee members are expected to follow Chapter Financial policies for reimbursement of expenses incurred as related to the Committee. Expense vouchers with receipts are to be submitted to the Chapter Office within 30 days of the close of the meeting.

H. Procedure Manuals 1. Policy: The Procedure Manuals shall be updated and reviewed by the Board of Directors at least once a year (BOD 10-77-13).

2. Procedure: a. Chapter office will send a reminder to the Committee Chairperson of the need to review the Procedure manuals. b. Any changes to be made should be in the form of a motion to amend the procedures, using the appropriate motion format. c. These motions should be sent to Chapter office in time for inclusion in the Board packet for the winter board meeting.

I. Orientation of New Members 1. Policy: New committee Chairpersons and members will receive an orientation (BOD 04-77-15)

2. Procedure: a. The Executive Committee will send to the member or Chairperson whose term of service is completed, the name and address of the individual who is to replace him/her on the committee. b. The outgoing member or committee Chairperson will contact the person replacing him/her and review the policies and procedures of the committee and answer questions. c. The Chapter office will send to the new member all appropriate records and files (see Committee Records section in Part 1).


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