DRAFT Note of Decisions Taken and Actions Required
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Coastal Issues Special Interest Group 15 March 2013
Item 2b
Minutes from SIG Meeting, 6 December 2012
Title: LGA Coastal Special Interest Group
Date and time: Thursday 6 December 2012, 11.00am
Venue: The Westminster Suite, Local Government House, Local Government Association
Item Decisions and actions
1 Where we are and where we are going Lord Chris Smith, Chairman, Environment Agency
The Chairman, Cllr Roger Thomas, welcomed Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment Agency and invited members to introduce themselves.
Lord Smith began by referring to recent events with the impact of fluvial flooding in several areas providing more evidence of climate change and its effect on coastal areas. He summarised the Environment Agency’s position in coping with rising challenges with less resources and significant reduction to its budget, and the importance, therefore of working in partnership, particularly with local authorities.
The Group was reminded of the announcement in the Autumn statement that an extra £120million over two years for flood defence would be made available. However, this would not include any funding for maintenance. Lord Smith acknowledged the challenges, particularly the vital importance of repairing coastal defences and - understanding the constraints in place - he summarised details of partnership funding which would at least enable some resources towards these.
Lord Smith praised the quality of the Group’s membership and acknowledged the range of professions and very good partnerships between officers and members of the SIG.
Members raised the following issues:
Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC)
There was some concern that the process for appointing the Chairman to the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) did not allow for election by its members. Further to discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Thomas would write to the Secretary asking for a change to this to be considered. Community Pathfinder Schemes
There were many concerns surrounding the formula used in allocating funding from Community Pathfinder schemes in order to benefit local economies. Lord Smith and members advocated the need for Defra and Ministers to address these but appreciated the difficulties because of financial restraints.
Partnership Funding
Members discussed examples of successful partnerships within their own areas and asked whether specific streams could be allocated to councils. Although Lord Smith felt this was unlikely, he reiterated the EA’s commitment to protect partnership funding schemes and provision of advice and assistance to local authorities.
Extremes in weather patterns
Members agreed the need to build in extra factors to allow for extremes of flooding and drought, particularly an issue for farming and agriculture. They felt that climate change projections in planning defences for the future were vital. Lord Smith assured the Group that the EA remains a statutory consultee for planning and will continue to advice against planning in locations where there are risks of flooding.
The group went on to discuss other current issues, questioning overruns in funding and referring to a recent major shipping incident on the Dutch Coast. They agreed that sea defence maintenance was critically important and must be considered in terms of vital funding. It was agreed that the EA would provide detailed figures of future anticipated funding for coastal defence schemes.
Members reiterated points of concern for local authorities regarding the impact of maintenance deficiencies and confusion regarding liability on public right of way on coastlines and highway authority responsibilities. They agreed that these should be pursued at every opportunity with Government Treasury, Defra and other key departments directly. Members felt that statutory flood risk management strategies were costly and agreed that the burden of administration should be minimised in order to maximise value.
Lord Smith noted the range of diversity in the SIG’s involvement with various groups and committees and advised that comments be taken forward within each of these in order to raise profiles of key issues in order to maximise impact.
Cllr Thomas thanked Lord Smith for attending and responding to the SIG’s concerns.
Apologies and declarations of interest 2 The Chairman moved onto other items on the agenda, welcoming new members and officers to the Group.
The list of those present at this meeting is attached at Annex A. Members noted several apologies due to travel problems because of recent local flooding issues. There were no declarations of interest.
Chairman’s report, Minutes from SIG meeting, 13 September 2012 and 3a – c Minutes of SIGSOG meeting, 1 November 2012
The Group noted the Chairman’s report, including summary of recent meetings attended on behalf of the SIG. Cllr Thomas praised officers of the Group and thanked the Vice-Chairman for standing in for him at various meetings.
Members and Officers noted the date of the SIG AGM (4-6 June 2013) although it was appreciated that confirmation of bookings might be delayed due to the timing for county council elections taking place in May.
The Group received the minutes from the previous SIG meeting and the SIGSOG meeting – both were accepted, subject to confirmation of attendance. Members also requested that a list of champions be provided in the minutes (see Annex B) for the benefit of new members / officers. Members noted that representation was still required for the position statement on beach management and inshore bylaws, welcoming Chichester Councillor, Martyn Bell who volunteered to act as Champion.
Decision Members received the report.
Action: Include list of Champions with minutes. Fatima de Abreu
Vice Chairman’s Report 4 The Group received a report from Cllr Andy Smith, Vice-Chairman (Suffolk Coastal DC) which reiterated the importance of collective opinion in order to raise issues affecting the coasts and enlisting community engagement.
Members agreed that the Vice Chairman should continue working on behalf of the group to take forward issues on the red-tape challenge and partnership funding and agreed to forward any contributions to include.
Decision Members received the report.
Report of the Treasurer to the Group
5 Members noted the report and the Chairman expressed the gratitude of the Group to Kent County Council for taking on the role of treasurer. Cllr Mike Harrison said that it was going well and agreed to pass the Chairman’s comments onto Jonathan Castle.
Update: Coastal SIG AGM 2013 (Cllr Julian German) 6 The Group had received apologies from Cornwall Council who were unable to attend due to the recent adverse weather. The report would follow at the next meeting in March. Shipping Incidents update: Cross Channel Declaration (Aidan Winder) 7 Aidan Winder provided an update on the Cross Channel Declaration and reported the news of the incident that morning which had taken place on the Dutch coast. This highlighted the importance of addressing these issues, including those regarding pollution. Mr Winder asked members to approval the final version of the declaration. It was agreed that a letter would be sent in Cllr Thomas’ name to all but minor local authorities on the South Coast of England for their support and relevant colleagues would be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss mutual issues of concern.
Decision Members received the report and approved the declaration. Cllr Thomas asked for a representative from PREMIAM to be invited to a future meeting to provide professional view and guidance
Action: Draft a letter in Cllr Thomas’ name to relevant Chief Executives Aidan Winder
Matters arising / Any other business 8 Members received a report from Cllr Godfrey Allanson (Scarborough Borough Council) on opportunities for promoting engineering as an attractive profession via engagement with schools. Members referred to successes within their own local areas and agreed to endorse publicity and promote the skills necessary.
Members requested a future item to look at pollution problems and impact on the coastal environment.
Emma Thompson (Environment Agency) asked members to note that the EA were keen to obtain input from Local Authorities in order to take forward ideas for future key issues and invited their comments.
Action: Any comments for the Environment Agency to be sent to Tom Schindl
Date of next meeting: Friday 15 March 2013, LG House, London Coastal Issues Special Interest Group 15 March 2013
Item 2b
Annex A Members’ and Officers’ Attendance - 6 December, 2012
Name Organisation Mr Oliver Sykes Brighton and Hove Cllr Martyn Bell Chichester District Council Cllr John Connor Chichester District Council Mr David Lowsley Chichester District Council Mr Aidan Winder Devon County Council Mr Rupert Clubb East Sussex County Council Dr Kate Cole East Sussex County Council Mr Tom Schindl East Sussex County Council Cllr Roger Thomas East Sussex County Council Miss Nicky Spurr Essex County Council Cllr Tim Knight Fareham Borough Council Cllr Raymond Ellis Hampshire County Council Mr James Addicott Havant Borough Council Cllr Mike Harrison Kent County Council Mr Peter Jermany King's Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council Mr John Riby Technical Advisers Group Cllr Malcolm Wilkinson North Devon Council Cllr Mrs Angie Fitch-Tillett North Norfolk District Council Mr Rob Goodliffe North Norfolk District Council Cllr Ian Jenkins Rother District Council Cllr Godfrey Allanson Scarborough Borough Council Mr David Archer Scarborough Borough Council Mr Graham Harris Shepway District Council Cllr Ernest Gibson South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council Mr Tony Hanson South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council Mr Bill Parker Suffolk Coastal District Council Cllr Andy Smith Suffolk Coastal District Council Ms Jane Burch Suffolk County Council Cllr David Ritchie Waveney District Council Cllr Mark Roberts West Dorset District Council Ms Clare Chester West Sussex County Council Mr Bryan Curtis Worthing Borough Council Cllr Bryan Turner Worthing Borough Council
Also attending: Lord Chris Smith and Emma Thomson, EA; Lyn Newton SBC; Jo Allchurch and Fatima de Abreu, LGA Annex B Thematic champions for the Coastal SIG
• Energy – Cllr Miriam Lewis • Coast Protection and Adaptation – Cllr Angie Fitch-Tillett • Fisheries Management – Cllr John Lamb • Coastal Regeneration and Economic Prosperity – Cllr Godfrey Allanson • Marine Planning – Cllr Mark Roberts • Marine Protected Areas – Cllr Mark Roberts • Marine Pollution: Shipping Incidents – Cllr Stuart Hughes • Ports and Harbours – Cllr Neil Baker • Minerals & Dredging – Cllr Raymond J Ellis • Waste Management – Cllr Raymond J Ellis • Coastal Access – Cllr Tony Goldson • Tourism and Recreation – Cllr Raymond J Ellis • Beach Management and Inshore Bylaws – Cllr Martyn Bell