Safety Net Committee Minutes
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Safety Net Committee Minutes March 4th, 2010 St. George Attendees Pam Webster Gordon Gunn Samantha, TLC Theresa Banks, DSW Julie Nelson Terri Justeson Lawrence Barlow Priscilla Hammon Ann Wright Madonna Melton
Salt Lake Attendees Colby Sanders Hannah Harting Lloyd Pendleton Iris Gomez Aaron Bronson Anne Wilde Paul Murphy Scott Munden Gary Batchelor Leslie Wayman Heidi Foster Carlene Cannon Chelsea Gambles Mary Batchelor Pat Merkley AJ Hunt
Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting Some clarification was sought regarding the community updates from last meeting. Pamela Webster clarified that Lawrence Barlow brought up the discussion about the correlation between the community and other things had happen to the community. He did not say the SN “facilitated” the raid but rather pointed out there is a correlation. Lawrence further clarified that he did not bring up the issue but responded to Pat’s inquiry about community updated. The discussion then ensued when he brought up the letter issued by The Utah Attorney General to the FLDS regarding UEP dealings. It was asked that direct quotes be stated in the minutes. The committee decided that February’s minutes need to be updated and send around to committee members.
The committee decided on a protocol for future minute taking: 1 Once minutes are recorded, they are to be sent around to Safety Net members one week after the general Safety Net meeting to receive feedback. All feedback should be sent in Pat and Chelsea one week before the following Safety Net meeting. It will then be organized and presented for approval and that Safety Net meeting. Only those who attended the meeting in question will be allowed to approve the given minutes. MOTION MADE: Heidi Foster SECONDED: Iris Gomez MOTION PASSED
Lloyd Pendleton also suggested that all meetings be audio recorded as a backup. Paul noted that usually we do have all SN meetings recorded.
Community and Agency Updates -Paul Murphy informed the committee that last month’s meeting was not recorded on the AG website due to a glitch in the system.
-Pat passed out some information from Candace Babb regarding Arizona community outreach or Americorps. More info will be sent out via email.
-Any committee members interested in speaking with Pat and Chelsea at the NASW Spring Series should contact Pat.
-Pat and Chelsea are also doing a cultural competence training in Juab Training County, April 22nd. This training was requested by the AUB.
-There will be CEUS offered at the 2nd Annual Clinical Conference, June 17th
-If you see a conference asking for speakers, please let Pat and Chelsea know as they are always interested in speaking.
-Within this vein, Lloyd Pendleton suggested that the SN develop a “speaker’s bureau” of individuals willing to speak in given venues and on given topics. Here individuals can stipulate topics and venues they are willing to participate in. The bureau would hold these speaker’s resumes. This will make speaking engagements more efficient. Pat and Chelsea will serve as coordinators. Historically, Principle Voices has filled this need. Pat stated that we do not want to duplicate these services, but Lloyd and others felt that because the SN is broader and subscribes to many different groups, it is warranted that the SN fulfill this need. Lloyd clarified that the SN would institutionalize the speaking process and expedite it. Potential speaking categories could include: social workers, youth, women, general information, and religious beliefs.
-Chelsea spoke about her desire to standardize materials for speaking engagements. This would include documents such as a timeline, CEUs applications, and content related material (which would include The Primer).
2 -Gary Batchelor stated that some individuals want some language updated in The Primer. This led to a discussion about the best way to implement feedback. A decision on updates and feedback for The Primer was decided upon: at least once a year, an opportunity to submit desired changes and feedback will be provided. This will take place the month of January. A reminder will be sent out. An appointed person will collect these changes and present them at the February SN. At this point an appointed committee will decide whether or not to 1) change the document entirely or 2) try to incorporate changes small changes 3) do nothing. It was decided that the Coordinating Committee will fine tune this protocol. MOTION: Gary Batchelor SECONDED: Lloyd Pendleton MOTION PASSED
-Grammatical changes have not been applied to the Youth Protocol due to efforts being focused on the clinical conference. This will be presented at the following month.
Youth Conference Update -The Coordinating Committee has spent a great deal of time planning the conference and have elicited feedback from various sources.
-On June 16th at 6 pm, there will be a Roundtable discussion. We are still looking at trimming this down and refining.
-Paul Murphy stated there is concern about AG Terri Goddard flying out for only 15 minutes. He would like to see that his visit is better utilized. It was stated that this visit might be a good opportunity to individuals to ask him questions.
-The idea was introduced that we hold a town hall meeting following the conference in an effort to utilize the AG’s time.
-Mary Batchelor gave background information on the roundtable and how it evolved. Many have attended different types of roundtables for DV, etc. It is a safe place for people to speak about biases, fears, and thoughts. Many have found it to be profound. She stated that maybe the roundtable is something that should be provided for the community separate from the conference. Mary stated the difference between a roundtable and a town hall is that in a town hall many are just the audience. At roundtables, all are players.
-Pat asked for input on how to incorporate AG, Terry Goddard. Lawrence Barlow restated a question he has made in the past, has the AGs made the effort to make contact with the communities elected officials? Have they done the groundwork? Paul stated that they have met with the majority of community officials in their own community. Lloyd Pendleton-if the two AGs are attending the conference, they need more of an involvement. Pat-perhaps AGs should go to Colorado City quietly and separately, and meet with community members. Chelsea stated her knowledge about historical issues relating to town hall meetings; that there have been negative experience with them in the past. Ann Wright-town hall meetings has had a negative connotation due to political events and they have not been productive for Fundamentalists.
3 Pat asked the committee how to make them productive? It was suggested that town hall meetings need to be in the community to avoid media. The problem however, is that there are not generally facilities in the community large enough to facilitate these meetings.
-The coordinating committee will consider the above feedback and answer two questions: 1) should we continue with the format of a roundtable and 2) how can we maximize the efforts of the AGs?
-Lawrence Barlow asked what the purpose is of having the AGs at the conference. Pat stated that last year it was helpful for professionals to hear that UT will not prosecute for bigamy. Chelsea felt that it was also helpful for providers to hear that the AGs endorse equal service provision for Fundamentalists.
-Mary Batchelor stated that if you want the community involved in the roundtable, we need to come to their community and the focus should be about service provision. She expressed her strong desire to go in to communities.
-Pat stated that the main focus of the round table is to talk about homeless. Lloyd Pendleton- political leaders need to have a buy in. He reflected on his past attempts to get community officials and leaders to address the homelessness issues. He has not found much success. Many roundtables are two pronged: 1) education 2) service provision. The SN round table needs to be mainly educational; highlighting the homelessness issue. AJ Hunt asked Lloyd about the specific number of homeless youth as having data is a good way to educate about the problem. Lloyd stated that we do not have the numbers on disaffiliated youth because they do not fit “homeless” criteria for state and national homelessness recording. This is because they are “couch surfing” and not on the street or in a shelter. Pat believes Shannon Price has the numbers. Lloyd and many others stated that it is important to count the numbers to have an accurate conceptualization of the problem; there needs to be a cost associated with the problem. Leslie Wayman asked that we clarify the term “homeless youth” as the term youth and homeless seem to be used liberally. Lloyd stated that youth applied to those ages 16-22. “Homeless” means on the street or shelter. The term, “doubling up” means living somewhere without a parent in a stressful situation.
-It was further expressed that the SN needs to collect data on homeless youth to understand the problem. It is important that the SN not proceed without a need. Lloyd stated that the homeless numbers have doubled in SLC in the last year-likely due to economic hardship and because SLC has an abnormally high gay and lesbian homeless population (compared nationally).
-Pat stated that perhaps the community should put together a plan for the roundtable that would highlight what they would like to see in the round table. Lawrence Barlow stated that he would not do this as he does not represent or speak on behalf of the FLDS. CPAC & Lawrence Barlow were asked if there be community members that would come and participate in the roundtable. Lawrence stated that he could entice a group of parents to come and discuss issues relating to losing their homes and rights.
4 -An idea was expressed that the roundtable should focus on educating community members about what the SN does; in an effort to bridge the gap.
-It was asked if other religious groups are subject to having to meet to talk about their members that are homeless. Paul stated that there are a lot of focuses on certain groups who have homelessness including the gay and lesbian population and certain religions groups, including his own church. He stated that we are not picking on fundamentalists. We’re trying to resolve a problem.
-A motion was made to table the discussion on the round table and pass on to Lawrence and CPAC to present to SN what they would like to have MOTION: Mary Batchelor SECONDED: Lloyd Pendleton Lawrence Barlow objected to this motion as he does not represent the FLDS and does not want to be the de facto representative. Mary withdrew Lawrence’s involvement and asked the communities to make a plan. Mary stated that she will work on eliciting support.
-Pat suggested that we table the round table discussion until community support is elicited. Paul stated that in some cases the SN committee has to lead out. Lloyd reiterated the statement “nothing with them, without them” but stated that he senses a willingness from our side to collaborate and address issues, but an unwillingness from the Fundamentalist side to “to dance the dance”. Lawrence responded by stated that the Fundamentalists are in a torrent and are focusing on survival. The SN agenda is not always the highest priority.
Review of Conference Agenda -CPAC has decided that they will leave most time to Voice Box group to present but that CPAC members will be available for Q&A. -The deadline for Voice Box presentation is March 18th. -It was recommended that we shift some speakers as many last year wished they had speaers like Priscilla Hammon be earlier in the day. Maybe the AG’s should be moved to the night and a cultural talk should go first. -Pricilla stated that she could educate and tell stories the night before and the roundtable. -Perhaps voice box should be moved to the beginning of the day. - Ann Wright recommended that we have the AGs speak in afternoon and shift everything up .5 hours
Disaffiliated Youth Event -There was discussion around endorsed the movie: “Sons of Perdition” and showing this movie and the youth event. It was asked that we consider the potential cost of screening movie as it may impact trust with the community. Many have concerns due to past movies that have been inflammatory. The very title is offensive. -Pat and Chelsea stated that they have not seen the movie and are only considering showing it after they have screened it, along with others including CPAC members. Their interest in showing it is to entice youth to attend a youth event. Many youth are in the film and with therefore be interested in watching it. -A motion was made to table the discussion about showing the film until it has been screened. 5 MOTION: Chelsea Gambles SECONDED: Mary Batchelor MOTION PASSED
-Pat informed the committee that the task force designated to determine the scope and direction of the SN has been put on hold because the necessary bi-laws have not been determined. Craig Bunnell suggested we have bi-laws but FSC cannot support these bi-laws. Task force will meet this month. Mary asked why the SN doesn’t fall under the FSC bi-laws? Pat confirmed that the SN does fall under their bi-laws.
-Ann Wright reminded the committee that it is legislative seasons and asked how the SN funding is looking? Paul stated that we have heard nothing negative which is a good sign although most programs are getting cut in some areas. Pat stated that we will continue to carry on as is.