School News Issue10 Friday 18Th November 2016
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COLBY PRIMARY SCHOOL Bridge Road Colby Norwich NR11 7EA Tel: 01263 733381 Fax: 01263 731300 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Headteacher: Mrs Christine Mead School News Issue 10 – Friday 18th November 2016
This week we will be sending out Raffle tickets for the Friends of Colby Christmas draw. We have had some fantastic prizes donated. 1st Prize will be £100 John Lewis vouchers (sponsored by Hall Farm Suffield and GT Rochester Plant Ltd) 2nd prize a luxury Hamper and 3rd prize a meal out for 2 at the Banningham Crown. And loads more great prizes. Please can you try and sell as many as possible, and return monies and any unsold tickets by Wed 30 November in the envelope provided. If you sell out, and require more please go to the school office or see Jo Rochester. The family that sells the most tickets will receive a free pair of tickets to the Dinosaur Park. (For ease of administration we sent out a pack of tickets for every child but understand that families may only want to sell one lot – please send any spare tickets back to the school office. Thank you.) The Week Ahead Friday 18th November: FOCS Quiz and Chips in the school hall. Starting at 7.30pm sharp. £4. There are still places available – turn up on the night if you would like to join in the fun! If you haven’t already booked food, please bring along your own snacks. Monday 21st November: Breakfast Club all week from 8am. £2.50 per session. Keyboard lessons continue. Flu Immunisation for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. NO Dodgeball Club until next week (as stated on Dodgeball booking form). Tuesday 22nd November: Knitting Club with Mrs Wymer at lunchtime. Eco Club led by Lucy (Head of Eco) at lunchtime. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Table Tennis Club £3 per session. 3 – 4.15pm spaces available. Football match away at Salhouse. There will still be a Football Club for children not playing in the match 3 – 4.15pm £3 per session. Wednesday 23rd November: Stay and Play 9 – 10.15am. £1.50. Leadership Club with Mrs Moulton at lunchtime. Year 4, 5 and 6 Girls’ Footie Club continues 3 – 4.30pm. £3 paid in advance. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Digital Leaders with Mrs Towers 3 – 4pm Thursday 24th November: NO swimming this week. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Mr Mead’s Maths Group 3 – 4.15pm. Friday 25th November: Mufti Day for Tombola items for the FOCS Christmas Fair. Dates for your diary Friday 2nd December: Year 6 watch The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at AHS. Friday 2nd December: FOCS Christmas Fair 3 – 4.45pm. Tuesday 6th December: Height and weight measuring for Reception and Year 6. Tuesday 6th December: KS1 Christmas Performance – dress rehearsal. Wednesday 7th December: KS1 Christmas Performance at 1.30pm. Thursday 8th December: KS1 Christmas Performance at 6pm. Tuesday 13th December: KS2 Christmas Performance rehearsal at The Atrium. Wednesday 14th December: KS2 Christmas Performance at The Atrium pm. (Time to be confirmed.) Friday 16th December: School closes for Christmas holiday at 3pm. Thursday 5th January: School reopens for the Spring term. Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th and Friday 30th June 2016: Year 6 Extended Crazy Sleepover. Friday 30th June 2016: The Key Stage 2 Crazy Sleepover!
Headteacher Awards Danny and Alastair (Emerald) for beautiful manners All of Amber Class and Sapphire Class for sitting so beautifully during the KS2 Remembrance Service Joel (Ruby) for beautiful poppy painting Joel (Ruby) for great reading comprehension Bella (Sapphire) for perfect presentation in maths Bonnie, Lily Year 1 and Phoebe (Sapphire) for neat and accurate rocket drawings Alex, Bella, James, Jack, Fred, Phoebe, Charlie and Harry (Sapphire) for brilliant role play Oliver and Florence P (Sapphire) for lovely stories written at home Lily Year 2, Lily Year 1, Henry, Rudi, Charlie, Phoebe, Ivy and Bonnie (Sapphire) for excellent pumpkin soup instructions Honor, James and Charlie (Sapphire) for beautiful handwriting Florence P, Jennifer, Beatrice, Bonnie and Isabel N (Sapphire) for brilliant news-writing Ava (Sapphire) for a fantastic materials project at home Felix, Chloe, Theo and Ben (Emerald) for wonderful reading diaries Florence P (Sapphire) for a super story Ava (Sapphire) for super science Ben (Amethyst) for great reading Abbie (Ruby) for being really polite when bringing messages to the office Harry, Louie and Reuben (Amethyst) for brilliant team work and resilience during a maths challenge Louie (Amethyst) for a brilliant reading diary Freddie P, Oliver, Lily, Ben, Nathaniel, William C, Felix, Jacob E, Chloe, Harvey and Ruby S (Emerald) for brilliant reading records Jessie, Kira, Andre, Freddie P, Joshua and Grace (Emerald) for amazing Remembrance silhouette art Isabelle (Amber) for lots of great letter sounds Sadie (Amber) for super writing independently Oscar and Amélie (Amber) for fantastic reading Isabelle (Ruby) for being a superb mini teacher in Emerald class Imogen H (Ruby) for super spellings Sophie (Ruby) for being Star of the Week Daisy (Ruby) for being a fantastic digital leader
2 More Headteacher Awards Isabel C (Ruby) for a great reading record Abbie, Abigail, Aston, Erin, Evie, Grace, Holly, Imogen H, Isabel C, Isabelle M, Jasmine, Maddy, Maisie, Philomena and Sophie (Ruby) for keeping silent during filming in computing Rhys and Jack C (Amber) for great attitudes to learning Rhys, Jack, Sadie, Darcia, Theo, Caleb, Samuel and Callum (Amber) for great Magic School rules Eva M (Amber) for super tidying Oscar and Lexi (Amber) for being mini phonics teachers Phoebe and Emily (Amber) for being mini phonics teachers Phoebe, Isabelle, Alfie, Shelbi and Freddie (Amber) for great magic potion ideas Shelbi (Amber) for excellent participation in English Emily (Amber) for brilliant independent learning on the playground Oscar (Amber) for recognising a semi-circle has straight and curved sides Felix (Amber) for fantastic leadership during the KS2 Remembrance Service Elise, Jim, Harry C, Rose, Mia and Iggy (Amethyst) for brilliant dancing Harry D and Evan (Amethyst) for marvellous mathematics Rosa (Amethyst) for great writing about sharks Jim (Amethyst) for a great story review Rosa (Amethyst) for marvellous maths x 2 Rosa (Amethyst) for excellent English x 2 Freya (Amethyst) for being an amazing mini teacher during Book Week
Amazing gymnastic success! We are very excited to announce that our very own gymnastic superstar, Isabelle (Ruby), has qualified for the Team GB Squad for 2017. Isabelle was vault champion at the beginning of the year and was recently floor champion. What an absolute super star! Well done, Isabelle.
Unwanted visitors Unwanted visitors have been reported! Please check your child’s hair over the weekend and treat them if needed. Thank you.
Book Week Thank you very much for your support during Book Week: coming to join us for reading in school, donating books for the Book Swap and sending your children in with such amazing costumes today. We have had a great week and enjoyed lots of reading together. Thank you to Mrs Williams for organising Book Week – it’s been brilliant!
3 HOUSE POINTS! Every house is doing really well but the house in the lead isSPHINX ! Congratulations you have obviously been doing really well. It is really close so to everyone else, carry on trying! We will announce the winner just before the Christmas holiday. They will get to come in as mufti while the rest of the school has to come in as normal. They will also get extra break on the field. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Written by Rosa. D, Amethyst
Remembrance Service Last Friday, we were joined by members of the local community, the Royal British Legion and Colby School families for a special Remembrance Service led by Key Stage 2 pupils.
Children performed poems, readings and songs about the Second World War and other conflicts. Thank you to Mrs Towers for playing the Last Post. We finished our Service with Head Boy (Jim), Head Girl (Elen) and John (Table Tennis) giving the Citation. We had a two minute silence to remember the supreme sacrifice made by so many in times of war.
Thank you to all our guests for joining us. It was a lovely turn out. Thank you to all Key Stage 2 staff and children for their hard work in preparing the Service. Well done to all children of Colby School who behaved beautifully throughout. It was a thoughtful and beautiful Service – I was very proud of Colby School children and I am sure anyone who came will agree it was very special.
I’ve included some of the Service readings below:
This two minutes silence is for remembering all the things that soldiers gave us that we take for granted, like fresh food and the fact that we can go to school and learn art, literacy and maths instead of being evacuated and leaving our family behind. Everything that I just mentioned we should be grateful for and not take them for granted. Those are my thoughts about remembrance. Felix (Emerald)
4 We finally arrived. I saw some Germans in a trench but they spotted us. First they started to fire. We ran to the shelter but not all of us made it. As I looked out I saw some of my friend’s bodies lying on the ground outside, I knew it was time to move on. We finally escaped from the Germans. I needed to prepare myself. The Germans were getting closer. Our tanks fired. The Germans fell to the ground and more of our troops came out from hiding but the Germans kept on coming. Eventually the Germans were forced to leave. Brae (Ruby)
Dear mother and father, I’m missing you dearly. Every day before battle I think of you and how much I love you. When it is night every bone in my body is tired and I feel like I could go to bed and not wake up in days but I lie awake scared, wondering of what awaits us, until near dawn I finally drift off. It’s cold and wet. The trenches are muddy and the snow falls thick and fast. It’s tiring ducking and dodging as streaking bullets narrowly miss us. The roads are slippery from ice that had set the night before and the wind blows hard, very hard. It’s like I’m always in a nightmare. I want to go home. But I can’t give up. I won’t give up because we’ve got a war to win! Love you lots and lots and can’t wait to get home to you. Joseph. Sophie (Ruby)
Dear Diary, Today has been the scariest, most frightful and saddest day I have yet experienced. It’s been a stressful day for me because one of my best mates died today. Those horrible Germans! I just want all this to end. I miss my beloved friend so much. I feel so lonely like I’m stuck in this huge shell that no one can ever break. John was the only person who kept me going, the only person I really liked. It’s so hard being in the crazy war. I miss my home and my family and most of all I miss my parents. What with the constant gun shots, screams and cries for help. I still can’t believe it, I never thought I’d do it. I… I… I killed him. There was a gang of Germans approaching our camp and I was on look out. Without thinking I quickly hid behind a nearby tree and started praying that they would give up and go away. But they didn’t. Oh no, I could hear their footsteps getting closer and closer to me. I screamed at him to surrender but he loaded his gun and pointed it at me. I could see it in his eyes that he was struggling to hold the gun in the air. Filled with terror, before he had a chance to shoot me, I shot him first. Then we got back to camp and sat around the fire singing a few miserable songs. It was a terrifying day filled with regret and sorrow, but that’s what the war is like. Maddy (Ruby)
Christmas Fayre – Friday 2nd December The Christmas Fayre is fast approaching. If you are able to help in anyway, please sign up on the sign up sheet outside Amber class. If you are only able to do 1 hour, that hour would be much appreciated.
If you are to able fill a lucky bag or two, please bring them to the office by 25th November.
Any donations of glitter, tea lights, small baby food jars, buttons, ribbon and nail varnish will be gratefully received.
Cake Lotto Please put your cake lotto slips in the box in the office to stand a chance of winning the cake.
Easy fundraising Don’t forget to use easy fundraising for your Christmas internet shopping. You will be earning FOCS a small donation every time you spend. It’s so easy!!
5 Christine Mead