Anna Browne Ribeiro
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Anna T. Browne Ribeiro [email protected]
University of Louisville, Kentucky Department of Anthropology 244 Lutz Hall Louisville, KY 40292 502-852-8303
Education University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA May 2011 Ph.D. in Anthropology; December 2006 M.A. in Anthropology Doctoral Dissertation: Acts, practices, and the creation of place: Geoarchaeology of a Terra Preta de Índio site in the Central Amazon
Committee: Rosemary A. Joyce, Chair Patrick V. Kirch Ronald Amundson
Columbia University, Columbia College, New York, NY May 2003 Bachelor of Arts with a major in Archaeology University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire 2002-2003 Study abroad, Department of Archaeology, (independently developed)
Appointments 2016-present Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 2015-2016 Scholar in Residence, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 2014-2105 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Coordenação de Ciências Humanas, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará 2013-2015 Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2011-2013 Social and Behavioral Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2011 Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Fellowships and Awards 2015-2016 John W. Kluge Fellowship, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 2011-2013 Social and Behavioral Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowship, The Ohio State University 2009-2010 Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley 2005-2009 Cota-Robles Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley 1999-2003 John W. Kluge Scholarship, Columbia University Publications (* peer-reviewed) *Under Review D. Kern, H. P. Lima, H. V. Lima, A. Browne-Ribeiro, J. Costa, B. Moraes, N. Kampf. Amazonian Dark Earths: approaches to formation processes and a new knowledge paradigm. Submitted to Geoarchaeology. 2016 Browne Ribeiro, A., A fine-grained analysis of terra preta formation: understanding causality through microartifactual and chemical indices in the Central Amazon. In: Contreras, D. (ed.), The Archaeology of Human-Environment Interactions. Routledge Press. ISBN: 978-1-315-69769-7. Pp. 165-194. 2016 Browne Ribeiro, A., H. P. Lima, F. L. T. Marques, M.J. Schmidt and K.S. McDaniel. Results from pilot archaeological fieldwork at the Carrazedo site, Lower Xingu River, Amazonia. Latin American Antiquity. 27(3):318-339. 2014 Browne Ribeiro, A. Houses, hearths, and gardens: space and temporality in a pre-Columbian village in the Central Amazon. In: Rostain, S. (ed.) Antes de Orellana. Actas del 3er Encuentro Internacional de Arqueología Amazónica. Quito: IFEA/FLACSO/US Embassy. 181-189. ISBN 978-9942-13-892-7. Pp. 183- 189. *2013 McCoy, M. D., A. Browne Ribeiro, M. W. Graves, O. A. Chadwick, and P. M. Vitousek, Irrigated taro (Colocasia esculenta) farming in ancient Hawaii: sedimentology and soil nutrient analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science 40(3):1528-1538. 2011 Browne Ribeiro, A., Viviendo en el pasado: Elaboración de una biografía multisensorial de la gente y los lugares en Amazonía Central. In (ed.) Miotti, L. and D. Hermo, Biografías de paisajes y seres. Visiones desde la arqueología sudamericana. ISBN: 978-987-1432-73-8. *2009 Browne Ribeiro, A., Text, Narrative, Evidence: Travel Writings and Archaeological Perspectives of Amazonia. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 24(1):171-185. *2007 Browne Ribeiro, A., Response to “Maya Scenarios: Indian Stories In and Out of Contexts.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers: Mayab Bejlae: Yucatan Today - Education, Health, Migration, and Indigeneity. 96:36-38.
Book Reviews 2014 Lima, H. P. and A. Browne Ribeiro, Review of Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre- Columbian Amazonia, by Stéphen Rostain. Journal of Anthropological Research. 70(4).
Technical Reports 2015 Browne Ribeiro, A., Relatório de Atividades, Registro de histórias e práticas de manejo no município de Gurupá. Report submitted to Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) via MPEG, Institutional Capacity-Building (PCI) Fellowship (302658/2014-9, 301147/2015-9). 2014 Browne Ribeiro, A., Relatório de Atividades, Registro de histórias e práticas de manejo no município de Gurupá. Report submitted to Brazilian MCTI via MPEG, PCI Fellowship (314055/2013-4). 2014 Szuter, C. A., A. Browne Ribeiro, M. Conkey, D. Gann, C.Pool, E. Watrall, SAA Digital Products Preservation Task Force Report. Submitted to SAA Executive Board. 2014 Lima, H.P., B. M. Moraes, A. Browne Ribeiro, C.R. Calheiros, Relatório Diagnóstico Interventivo referente ao licenciamento ambiental relativo à implantação do Condomínio Residencial Quintas das Marinas.
2 2014 Lima, H.P., B. M. Moraes, A. Browne Ribeiro, C.R. Calheiros, Relatório Diagnóstico Interventivo referente ao licenciamento ambiental relativo à implantação do Condomínio Residencial Morada dos Pássaros. 2014 Lima, H.P., B. M. Moraes, A. Browne Ribeiro, C.R. Calheiros, Relatório Diagnóstico Interventivo referente ao licenciamento ambiental relativo à implantação do Condomínio Residencial Vivenda das Marinas. 2014 Lima, H.P., B. M. Moraes, A. Browne Ribeiro, C.R. Calheiros, Relatório Diagnóstico Interventivo referente ao licenciamento ambiental relativo à implantação do Condomínio Residencial Altos do Tarumã. 2009 Browne Ribeiro, A., Geoarqueologia Espacial no Sítio Antônio Galo. Report submitted to Claide P. Moraes, field director, Universidade Estadual do Amazonas Field School, Antônio Galo. 2009 Browne Ribeiro, A., Estudos de Solo e Sedimento no Sítio Lages – Manaus - Amazonas. Report submitted to Helena Lima and Bruno Moraes, directors, Lages Salvage Project. 2004 Browne Ribeiro, A., Investigations at Structure 7 in the East Plaza at Holmul in 2004. Report submitted to Francisco Estrada-Belli, director, Holmul Archaeological Project. 2004 Browne Ribeiro, A., Investigations of Structures 146, 148, and 149 at La Sufricaya in 2004. Report submitted to Francisco Estrada-Belli, director, Holmul Archaeological Project.
Research Grants 2016 Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, Amazonian Terra Preta: Soil Technology for the Future. 2014 Institutional Capacity-Building (PCI) Grant (314055/2013-4, 302658/2014-9, 301147/2015-9), MCTI, Brazil. 2014 Council of Research and Expeditions Grant (#9436-14), National Geographic Society, History of a Crossroads: An Amazonian City in Deep Time, (with H. Lima, M. Schmidt, G. Shepard, R. Pace, and J. Toney). 2010 Conference Development Grant, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley, International Research Seminar “The Futures of Amazonian Archaeology/Os Futuros da Arqueologia Amazônica” (A. Browne Ribeiro, organizer and chair). University of California, Berkeley. Apr 11. 2010 Conference Travel Grant, UC Graduate Division, UC Berkeley, II Encontro Internacional de Arqueologia Amazônica. 2008 Conference Travel Grant, UC-DIGSSS, UC Berkeley, UC-DIGSSS NSF Alliance Social Science Symposium. 2008 Graduate Assembly Conference Travel Grant, UC Berkeley, “From Brazil to Macao.” 2008 Stahl Endowment Grant, UC Berkeley, soil and sediment analyses for dissertation research. 2007 Robert H. Lowie Grant, UC Berkeley, excavations with Central Amazon Project (CAP), equipment for ATP project. 2007 Robert H. Lowie Grant, UC Berkeley, IV TAAS/WAC Inter-Congress. 2007 Academic Opportunity Fund, Assoc. Students of University of California, UC Berkeley, IV TAAS/WAC Inter-Congress. 2007 Stahl Endowment Grant, UC Berkeley, dissertation research, excavations with CAP.
3 2006 Tinker Summer Field Research Travel Grant, Center for Latin American Studies, UC Berkeley, dissertation research, excavations with CAP. 2006 Conference Travel Grant, UC-DIGSSS, UC Berkeley, SAA Annual Meeting. 2006 Robert H. Lowie Grant, UC Berkeley, library research at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. 2005 Robert H. Lowie Grant, UC Berkeley, Annual Meeting of the AAA. 2002 Robert Stigler Fund for Archaeological Fieldwork, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, excavations with Silchester Town Life Project, Hampshire, England. 2002 White-Levy Fellowship, Columbia University, ceramic laboratory analysis with Phlamoudhi Archaeological Project.
Research Experience in Amazonia 2017-present Project Director, Amazonian Terra Preta as Indigenous Technology: Integrated Anthropogenic Landscapes. Brazil. 2016-present Project Director, Amazonian Terra Preta as Indigenous Technology: Integrated Anthropogenic Landscapes Amazonian Terra Preta: Soil Technology for the Future. Pará, Brazil (10 weeks, ongoing). 2016-present External Collaborator, OCA (Origens, Cultura e Ambiente). Pará, Brazil: Município de Gurupá (H. Lima, director). (7 weeks, ongoing). 2013-2015 Project Director, OCA-Gurupá. Pará, Brazil: Município de Gurupá (in collaboration with H. Lima, N. Smith, F. Marques, M. Schmidt, G. Shepard, and R. Pace). (8 months). 2014-2015 Principal Investigator, Registro de histórias e práticas de manejo no município de Gurupá, Pará, Brazil. (15 months). 2014-2015 Principal Investigator, Tracing Activities: Microremains in Amazonian Contexts – Antônio Galo-AM-Brazil, Columbus, OH. (9 months). 2014 Field Supervisor, Consultoria In-Situ (B. Moraes and H. Lima, directors), Manaus, AM, Brazil. (4 weeks). 2009-2010 Field/Lab Technician, RAS-Lages (Lages Salvage Archaeology Project, H. Lima and B. Moraes, directors), Manaus, AM, Brazil. (2 months) 2006-2009 Excavation Supervisor, University of São Paulo Central Amazon Project (CAP) (E. Neves, director), Iranduba, AM, Brazil. (10 weeks, summers). 2006 Field Technician, GASCOMA (Coari-Manaus Pipeline Salvage Project, E. Neves, director), AM, Brazil. (4 weeks). 2004 Field Technician, University of São Paulo CAP (E. Neves, director), Iranduba, AM, Brazil. (6 weeks).
Other Research Experience 2011 Field Technician, Kau Po Archaeology Project (A. Baer, director), Maui, HI. (4 weeks) 2008-2012 Lab Technician, geoarchaeologist, Hawai'i Archaeological Research Project, (M. Graves and T. Ladefoged, directors), Kohala, HI and Berkeley, CA. (10 months). 2008 Graduate Student Researcher, (R. Joyce, co-director), Microcosms: Objects of Knowledge, University of California Multi-Campus Research Initiative. (5 months). 2007-2011 Lab Technician, geoarchaeologist, Berkeley Conservatory Archaeological Project, (L. Wilkie, Director), Berkeley, C. (10 months).
4 2007-2008 Field Technician, Archaeology of the Recent Past at Kalawao (J. Flexner, director), Moloka‘i, HI (5 weeks, summers). 2006-2009 Graduate Student Researcher, Hello Brazil: Violence, Change and Wonder in Contemporary Popular Narratives (C. Slater, director) Berkeley, CA. (three years). 2004 Site Supervisor, Field Technician, Vanderbilt University Holmul Archaeological Project (J. Valle and F. Estrada-Belli, directors), Petén, Guatemala. (4 months). 2003 Field Technician, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford, England. (3 months). 2003 Trainee Supervisor, University of Reading Silchester Town Life Project (M. Fulford and A. Clarke, directors), Hampshire, England. (8 weeks). 2002 Field Technician, University of Reading Silchester Town Life Project (M. Fulford and A. Clarke, directors), Hampshire, England. (4 weeks). 2002 Fellow, Columbia University Phlamoudhi Archaeological Project (J. Smith, director), New York, NY, (5 weeks). 2002 Student, Boston University La Milpa Mapping Project (N. Hammond, director), La Milpa, Belize. (4 weeks). 2002 Student, Boston University Cuello Project (N. Hammond, director), Orange Walk, Belize, 2002. (7 weeks).
Conference Participation (* invited participation) 2017* Panelist invited to participate in symposium reporting on the results of the project Origens, Cultura e Ambiente, 4th Encontro Internacional de Arqueologia Amazônica (4EIAA), Trinidad, Bolivia. Sep 1-7. 2017 Emergent Topologies: Deformation, Decoupage, and Relationality in Contemporary Amazonian Landscapes. Paper to be presented at XI Sesquiannual Conference, Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA), Lima, Peru, Jul, 20-23. 2017* Panelist, in forum “Afro-Latin American Archaeology” at 82nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology (SAA), Vancouver, BC, Mar 29-Apr 2. 2017 “Um Lugar dos Antigos:” A Tiered Approach to Community-Driven Survey in Cultural Palimpsests of the Brazilian Amazon. Paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the SAA, Vancouver, BC, Mar 29-Apr 2. 2016* Beyond the Nation-State: Non-Territorial Models for Conceptualizing Space, Movement, Interaction, and Identity. Paper presented in Symposium “Rethinking Discovery and Evidence: New Social Models for Archaeology of the American Tropical Forest”, (R. A. Joyce, organizer), at the 115th Annual Meeting of the AAA, Minneapolis, MN. Nov 16-20. 2016* Remembering places forgotten: material traces, social memory, and senses of place on the Lower Xingu River, Pará, Brazil. Presented in Symposium “Gurupá: Past, Present, and Future”, (M. J. Heckenberger and K. S. McDaniel, organizers). University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Apr. 11. 2016 (A. Browne Ribeiro, H. P. Lima) An Amazonian Crossroads: Results from Pilot Fieldwork on the Xingu- Amazon Confluence, Brazil. Presented at 81st Annual Meeting of the SAA, Orlando, FL, Apr 6-10. 2015 Registro de histórias e práticas de manejo no município de Gurupá. Poster presented at the 6th PCI Seminar, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil. Nov 16-18. 2015 (A. Browne Ribeiro, H. P. Lima) A Tale of Two Cities: Amazonia from the Belle Epoque to Pre-Columbian Metropoleis. Presented at 116th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), New Orleans, LA, Jan 8-11. 2015 (H. P. Lima, A. Browne Ribeiro) Deep Roots: Building a Future from Fragments of the Past. Presented at 116th Annual Meeting of the AIA, New Orleans, LA, Jan 8-11.
5 2014 “História: Escrita por quem, e para quem?” in seminar “Antropologia em Gurupá: o centenário de Charles Wagley.” (W. Leitão, A. Browne Ribeiro, H. P. Lima and P. Cruz organizers). Gurupá, Pará, Brazil. Jun 27-29. 2014 (A. Browne Ribeiro, A. Buffington) Landscapes of Water: Lessons from the Ancient Near East and Contemporary Amazonia. Paper presented at 37th Society for Ethnobiology (SoE) Conference, Cherokee, NC. May 11-14. 2014* Every little bit helps: Micro-analyses as a vector for understanding causation in social-ecological shifts. Paper presented at 79th Annual Meeting, SAA, Austin, Texas. Apr 23-27. 2013* Casas, fogueiras e jardins: Espacialidades e temporalidades de uma aldeia pré-Colombiana na Amazônia Central. Paper presented at the 3EIAA, Quito, Ecuador. Sep 8-14. 2013* From abstract structures to navigable spaces: re-considering the use of Pacific ethnographies in Amazonian archaeology. Paper presented at 78th Annual Meeting, SAA, Honolulu, HI. Apr 3-7. 2013 (E. Machicado and A. Browne Ribeiro) The many faces of Amazonia: re-conceptualizing scale, dimensions, and cultural boundaries. Paper presented in the session “Towards a new synthesis of Amazonian Archaeology” (A. Browne Ribeiro and E. Machicado, chairs), at 78th Annual Meeting, SAA, Honolulu, HI. Apr 3-7. 2013* Panelist, in forum “Open Access - Is It Good for Archaeology?” 78th Annual Meeting, SAA, Honolulu, HI. Apr 3-7. 2011 (A. Browne Ribeiro, M. D. McCoy, M. W. Graves, O. A. Chadwick, and P. M. Vitousek) The Sustainability of Irrigated Taro Farming in Hawai‘i: Sedimentology and soil nutrients analysis of a deeply-stratified pondfield. Paper presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the SAA, Sacramento, CA. Mar 30-Apr 3. 2010* Variabilidade temporal e espacial dentro de uma aldeia circular do ponto de vista de microvestígios na Terra Preta de Índio. Presented at II Encontro Internacional de Arqueologia Amazônica, Manaus, PA, Brasil. Sept 12-18. 2010 Spaces, Places, and Deeds: A Geoarchaeological Study of Sítio Antônio Galo, a Terra Preta site in the Central Amazon. Presented in the session “New Frontiers in Central Amazonian Archaeology” (A. Browne Ribeiro, and B. Moraes, organizers; A. Browne Ribeiro and H. Lima, chairs), at 75th Annual Meeting, SAA, St. Louis, MO. Apr 14-18. 2010 Panelist, in session “Recovery and study of botanical remains, micro-artifacts, and soils/sediments from terra preta sites in the Amazon.” In International Research Seminar “The Futures of Amazonian Archaeology/Os Futuros da Arqueologia Amazônica” (A. Browne Ribeiro, organizer and chair). University of California, Berkeley. Apr 11. 2009 (A. Browne Ribeiro, C. P. Moraes, and E. G. Neves) The Dialectics of Landscape Change: Towards a Historical Ecology of Antônio Galo, a Terra Preta Site in the Central Amazon. Paper presented at 31st Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group, Durham, England. Dec 17-19. 2009* (A. Browne Ribeiro, W. Teixeira, R. Macedo, C. P. Moraes, and E. G. Neves) A penetrometria nos estudos de solos arqueológicos: experimentos, avaliações, e interpretações de resultados nas terras pretas de índio do sítio Antônio Galo – Iranduba – Amazônia Central Brasileira. Poster presented at XVIII congresso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo, San José, Costa Rica. Nov 16-20. 2008* Archaeology of Terra Preta: Human-Land Relationships in the Central Amazon. Presented at the Social Science Symposium, University of California Diversity Initiative for Graduate Study in the Social Sciences (UC-DIGSSS), Marina del Rey, CA. Nov 14-15. 2008 Paradise, Plenitude, Savagery, and Sin: Traveller’s Tales of the Amazon, 16th Century to the Present. Paper presented at international conference “From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces,” University of Lisbon, Portugal. Sept 10-14.
6 2008 (A. Browne Ribeiro and B. Tung) Invisible Archaeologies: Houses, Paths, and Places in the Central Amazon. Paper presented at the World Archaeological Congress (WAC) Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. Jun 29-Jul 4. 2008* Participant in National Association of Student Anthropologists Invited Roundtable “Ethnoarchaeologies: A Discussion of Directions in Ethnoarchaeological Epistemologies” (K. B. Hanrahan and C. Bare, organizers). 107th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Washington D.C. Nov 28-Dec 2. 2007 Living in the past: a multisensorial biography of people and places in the Central Amazon. Paper presented at the IV Reunión de Teoría Arqueológica en America (IV TAAS) del Sur/WAC Inter-Congress on Archaeological Theory in South America, San Jose del Valle, Catamarca, Argentina. Jul 3-7. 2006 Introduction, in the session “Whose ‘indigeneity’? Constructing the ‘indigene’ around the world” (A. Browne Ribeiro, organizer and chair). Paper presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the AAA, San Jose, CA. Nov 15-19. 2006 (C. Bare and A. Browne Ribeiro) Indio, Mestizo, Caboclo: Negotiating Indigenous Identity in Brazil and Peru. Paper presented in the session “Whose ‘indigeneity’? Constructing the ‘indigene’ around the world” (A. Browne Ribeiro, organizer, chair), at the 105th Annual Meeting of the AAA, San Jose, CA. Nov 15-19. 2006 The Meeting of the Waters: Experiments in Adaptive Anthropology. Presented at the Tinker Summer Research Symposium, UC Berkeley. Oct 12-13. 2006* Response to “The Meanings of ‘Maya’ and Questions of Indigeneity.” Paper presented by J. C. Cocom at “Mayab Bejlae/Yucatan Today: Language, Education, Health, Migration and Indigeneity,” UC Berkeley. Apr 21-23.
Invited Lectures 2017 Landscapes, Riverscapes: Movement and Connectivity in Amazonian Contexts. Anthropology Colloquium Series, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Feb 10. 2016 Imagining the Amazon. Diálogos Lecture Series, University of Louisville, KY. September 14. 2016* Reimagining the Amazon: Archaeology of Sedimented Histories. Seminar given in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Mar 5. 2016* Imagining the Amazon: European Colonialism and the Making of Modern-Day Amazonia. Presentation sponsored by the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Jan 14. 2013* Sedimented histories: historiography, soil science, and archaeology in Amazonia. Lecture given in the Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO. Jan 26. 2012* Of legacies great and small: A social-geoarchaelogical approach to envisioning the Amazonian past. Social and Behavioral Sciences Diversity Postdoctoral Fellows Lecture Series, OSU, Columbus, OH. Apr 2.
Teaching Experience 2017 Assistant Professor, Ceramic Analysis, University of Louisville, KY. (Spring semester). 2016 Assistant Professor, Amazonian Archaeology, University of Louisville, KY. (Spring semester). 2016 Assistant Professor, Archaeological Method and Theory, University of Louisville, KY. (Fall semester). 2015 Instructor, Ética em pesquisas com populações humanas: problemáticas e considerações para uma ética de pesquisa emergente, Museu Goeldi, Brazil. (March-April).
7 2015 Instructor, Microvestígios: decifrando a matriz arqueológica, Museu Goeldi, Brazil. (April). 2011 Lecturer, Anthro 132A, Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics, UC Berkeley. (Summer). 2010 Graduate Student Instructor, Anthro 2AC, Introduction to Archaeology (Prof. Kent Lightfoot), UC Berkeley. (Fall semester). 2010 Graduate Student Instructor, Anthro 2AC, Introduction to Archaeology (Lee Panich, Lecturer), UC Berkeley. (Spring semester). 2009 Teaching Assistant, Archaeological Field School, (Claide P. Moraes, instructor of record), Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Amazonas, Brazil. (June-July). 2008 Teaching Assistant, Hawai'i Archaeological Research Project, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (Award # SES-0552977) (Michael Graves, director), Kohala, HI. (Summer). 2007 Graduate Student Instructor, Anthro 132A, Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics (Kira Blaisdell-Sloan, Lecturer), UC Berkeley. (Fall semester). 2004 Instructor, Vanderbilt University Archaeological Field School at Holmul (Francisco Estrada-Belli, director), Petén, Guatemala. (Summer). 2003 Student Instructor, University of Reading Silchester Town Life Project Field School (Michael Fulford and Amanda Clarke, directors), Hampshire, England. (Summer).
Professional Service 2014-present Reviewer, Geoarchaeology. Washington, DC. 2013-2015 Member, Committee on Ethics. Society of American Archaeology. 2012-2014 Chair, SAA Ethics Bowl Organizing Committee. Society of American Archaeology. 2013 Member, Digital Products Preservation Task Force. Society of American Archaeology. 2012-present Reviewer, Archaeology Program, National Science Foundation. Washington, DC. 2012-present Reviewer, Journal of Archaeological Science. Elsevier. 2009-2012 Co-Organizer, Society for American Archaeology Ethics Bowl. 2011-present Reviewer, Latin American Antiquity. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC. 2013 Panelist, Gender in Academia. Mentoring Committee, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. September. 2010-2011 Member, Search committee in Environmental Archaeology. Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley. 2009 Outreach Coordinator, Archaeology Outreach Program. Archaeological Research Facility (ARF), UC Berkeley. January-May. 2007 Graduate Student Panelist, The Graduate School Experience. Anthropology Undergraduate Association, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. September. 2007 Graduate Student Panelist, Diversity Day. UC Berkeley, CA. March. 2006-2007 Co-chair, Anthropology Graduate Organization for Research and Action (AGORA). UC Berkeley.
Outreach 8 2016 Community outreach, presentations, meetings, soil field methods training. Associação dos Remanescentes de Quilombos do Município de Gurupá (ARQMG) schools (Carrazedo, Jocojó and Gurupá-Miri). Gurupá, Pará, Brazil. 2014 Outreach to K-12 students. ARQMG schools, Jocojó and Gurupá-Miri, Gurupá, Pará, Brazil 2013-2015 Community outreach, meetings, and presentations, school visits. ARQMG communities (Carrazedo, Jocojó and Gurupá-Miri). Gurupá, Pará, Brazil. 2014 Outreach to K-12 students. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Pará, Brazil. 2013 Outreach to K-12 students. Indianola K-8 School; The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio 2010-2011 Outreach to K-12 students. Archaeological Research Facility. Berkeley, CA. 2005-2006 Outreach to K-12 students. Archaeological Research Facility. Berkeley, CA. 2010 Outreach to K-12 students and mining industry professionals. Vale. Pará, Brazil. 2009-2010 Outreach to K-12 students and general public. Archaeological Research Facility. Berkeley, CA. 2007-2008 Outreach to K-12 students and general public. Archaeological Research Facility, Asian Art Museum. Berkeley, CA and San Francisco. 2006-2007 Outreach to K-12 students and general public. Archaeological Research Facility. Berkeley, CA. 2005-2006 Outreach to K-12 students and general public. Archaeological Research Facility. Berkeley, CA.
Professional Development
2012 Conference, Racial Democracy, Crime and Justice Network Workshop, OSU, Columbus, Ohio. Jul. 2012 Workshop, Career Planning, Crime and Justice Summer Research Institute, OSU, Columbus, Ohio. Jul. 2012 Conference, Transforming-Race 2012: Visions of Change, Kirwan Institute, Columbus, Ohio. Mar. 2011 Workshop, Work-Life Balance for Faculty: A Working Session. OSU, Columbus, Ohio. Oct. 2009 Faculty Mentored Research Traineeship, University of California, Berkeley. The UC Diversity Initiative for Graduate Study in the Social Sciences. National Science Foundation Award 0451089. Spring semester. 2006 Anthropology 301: Pedagogy in Anthropology (Mariane Ferme). University of California, Berkeley. Fall semester. 2006 Online Course in Ethics and Values in Teaching. University of California, Berkeley. Sept. 2006 Graduate Student Instructor Conference. University of California, Berkeley. Sept.