ELYRIA PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Monday, February 9, 2015 Central Branch, Scheide Room –6:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Crum, President; Rhonda Smith, Vice-President; Sam Battle, Trustee; Susanne Dotson, Trustee; Debbie Kroupa, Trustee; Ray Armstrong, Jr., Trustee Absent: Ann Schloss, Secretary; Marilyn Tipple, Trustee

Staff: Lyn Crouse, Director; Carol Campana, Fiscal Officer; Ralph McGinnis, Deputy Director; Debra Pillivant, Public Relations Manager; Frank Szuch, IT/Facilities Manager; Kathy Runser, Youth Services System Coordinator; Terri Miller, Circulation Manager; Debby Krejsa, Adult Services System Coordinator; LaKesha Gage, Executive Administrative Assistant

1. Call to Order: Mr. Gerald Crum called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2. Welcome of Attendees: Mr. Gerald Crum welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. Public Hearing of Visitors: Mr. Crum asked if anyone would like to address the board. None.

4. Consent Agenda Items: a) Approval of January 2015 Minutes b) Personnel Actions Appointments: Angela Maziarz, Assistant Librarian Amanda Sabo, Tech II Resignations: Aimee Lupinski, Librarian

c) Donations for January 2015 none

d) Memorials for January 2015 (See attached list) Susanne, Sam all in favor

5. Fiscal Officer’s Report: Ms. Campana Treasurers report passed out because of computer issues Interest steady. Certificate of Estimated resources for 2015 is attached. Background of what happened is attached. Losing 86000 for 2015. Budgeted 32000 more,.so it is safe. Allowing for the worst case scenario. PLF gained 67000 taking us 38000 above what was used. May lose 35-38000 dollars this fiscal year.

Any questions. None. State Auditor completely revised format for annual report. Keystone report. Final keystone report with expiration of levy. Medical has begun.. Terri Miller is assisting. Meetings with medical broker. There are increases. Smith, Dotson. All in favor

6. Director’s Report: Ms. Crouse BmB purchase update-issue with smaller van. Needed to carry 5 passengers for conferences and carry book trucks, and large cargo to move furniture. Abraham says passenger van lower gbw or a cargo van. if doing both the law requires a bulk head to be built in between. May have to look at a different type of van. Discussed with county purchasing office about purchasing the bmb at state minimum pricing. County commissioners can lease properties to free public library. Plates on the bmb say city and are municipal plates. Would like to do the same thing. Library south of Columbus with a similar vehicle in Mt. Sterling to look at the size. Kathy R. and G. Crum

Request from Grace shaw, made the library a beneficiary. To the Washington avenue branch donation.

South painting project done and staff and patron are happy. Desk next month.

Amherst library. State Rep. Dan Ramos. Meet with public officials to restore the PLF. Gov. budget Is a small figure. Invited board members to come to Fri. Feb 20th Rep Terri Boose at Wellington library at 9:00 am Fri. Feb 27th Gayle Manning and Nathan Manning at N. Ridgeville library at 5:30 pm Tues. April 28th Legislative Day-All day trip-briefing from Ohio library council, appt. with legislators, bus trip. Restore the PLF Ohio Library Trustee Dinner Wed. April 29th Dinner and a Speaker OLC Trustee workshop Sat. Mar. 14th Westerville

Posted the RFQ on the website last week. Possible renovations for central, West River and Keystone

7. President’s Report: Mr. Crum had nothing to report.

8. Committee Reports: Friends of the Elyria Public Library- Ms. Crouse reported that the Elyria Friends will host the Lorain County Friends Exchange. Saturday, May 2nd Doug Evans OLC at WR.

Friends of the Keystone LaGrange Ms. Crouse announced that the Library Author’s brunch Sat. April 25th at the Lions Club. Tickets will be available next week.

Elyria Public Library Foundation Ms. Smith reported that the Foundation board met two weeks ago. The Smith Trust is at $356,000 and the Foundation is at 2.3 million. The election of officers took place. Janet Stoffer new board member. Dr. McFadden President, Ms. Rhonda Smith Vice President. A fundraiser plans for Spring or Fall.

9. Old Business: Discuss & Consider: Strategic Plan (Tabled) Manager’s retreat, board retreat, staff input, Sept 13 board input, social media, letters and inquires, levy focus group, love your library week, community input, letters to the editor, previous plan are all used to create the new plan.

Motion to approve Strategic Plan Susanne, Sam One opposed. Motion passed. With four in favor.

10. New Business:

11. Executive Session: All in favor. 6:30 pm Roll call vote. No action. 12. Adjournment: Next meeting: Monday, March 9, 2014