Local Education Agency Strategic Long Range Technology Plan

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Local Education Agency Strategic Long Range Technology Plan

PLAN TERM: Begins: 7/01/2009 Ends: 06/30/2012

The Applicant Agency* Tuba City Unified School District

The applying agency (check all that apply)

xx is compliant with the provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

will be CIPA compliant by this date.

has applied for E-Rate Funding for FY 2004.

The LEA’s comprehensive technology plan must be approved by the local governing board(s). (The plan must be approved by the local governing board before funds will be released.)

Date the plan was approved: OR Date the plan is to be submitted for board approval: Certified by: ______Signature of Authorized School System Agent (signed in blue ink) Date of Signature

Printed Name and Title

LEA Profile

This information should provide a “snapshot” of your district and help planners and reviewers to understand areas of need.


District Technology Coordinator/Contact

Name: Michael Nelson Telephone #: 928-283-1102

School District: Tuba City Unified School District Fax #: 928-283-1207

Address: PO Box 67 E-mail: [email protected] Tuba City, AZ 86045

VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS Vision Statement Each Student will become a respectful, responsible and productive representative of their culturally and technologically rich community.

Mission Statement Each Student will be provided learning opportunities to become a contributing member of a diverse society. The technology plan will enable the district to provide: • A safe, secure, and equitable environment both physically and electronically • Equal and stable access for the leaning environment • Achievement of curricular, educational, workplace and creative goals • Creation and promotion of a safe, culturally diverse learning community • Provide continuous learning for staff to help foster project and team based curricula


We believe that each student is guided by time-tested cultural values and can succeed, nurtured by compassion, kindness and respect.

We believe the technology infrastructure of the Tuba City Public Schools should provide equal and stable access for the learning community. By providing equitability and stability, our network: • Establishes basic technological networking capabilities provided at all sites. • Provides for minimum standards of hardware and software for all students, staff, and sites. • Assures that all students, staff and sites will be provided with and have equal access to minimum standards of hardware and software. • Implements grade level curricular goals identified to ensure equity of delivery to all students. • Expands and enhances data, voice, and other communications to provide parents/community and school staff greater access to district and building information. • Via telecommunications, enables 24-7 access to school learning resources: classroom lessons and assignments, school information, distance learning opportunities, and online learning avenues. • Provides the learning community with greater opportunity for interaction, collaboration and information exchange. The school will become a vital meeting place for a host of community services. • Promotes equitable access to learning technology as a community investment and encourages an active partnership among schools, business partners, homes and the community. By providing safe, stable, and equitable access to technology, we hope to help with the achievement of curricular, educational, workplace and creative goals. We hope to: • Integrate technology into the classroom as an outgrowth of the curriculum • Provide access for further professional growth, extended education, distance education, or post-secondary advancement • Expand classroom tools for teaching and learning. • Provide for the integration of multiple resources for existing and emerging curriculum. • Enable the learning community to communicate more effectively, access and process information, and work productively. • Link the classroom with educational resources within the building, community and worldwide. • Create a collaborative environment for project-oriented activities. • Increase the productivity of students as they work toward attaining learning outcomes. • Encourage the use of multimedia tools, enabling students to become creative, active and experiential learners • Enable learning to involve partnerships within the school, among schools, and with other organizations. We also hope to build a culture of continuous learning for staff and the community. This will provide an atmosphere that: • Provides introduction to networked systems. • Supports using basic network software. • Develops school-based technology planning and learning. • Builds online learning opportunities. • Incorporates learning new curriculum (math, writing, etc.) with technology applications. With support for instructional change that: • Facilitates access to collegial support and best practice information from a wide variety of resources. • Expands the variety of teaching tools and strategies to support diverse learning styles. • Supports productive and efficient management of student assessment and portfolio data. • Increases support for emerging instructional strategies: inter-disciplinary, collaborative, and active learning options. • Enables curriculum, instruction and assessment to be developed and aligned with each other. • Provides a system that helps students, parents and teachers work together to support educational outcomes. • Pilots new teaching strategies, technologies, and instructional resources. • Investigates emerging possibilities for electronic learning resources such as e-books and enhanced personal digital assistants (PDAs) for each student. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE

LEA Technology Committee Title Name Technology Director Mike Nelson Help Desk/ Data Analyst Sara Adson Technology Teacher--JH Marty Borhauer Technology Teacher-Primary Richard Dany Technology Teacher--HS Richard Garcia Technology Teacher-ENIS Natalie Tsinijinnie Technology Teacher-Gap Norman Jensen Technology Teacher-Cameron Randy Thompson Technology Instructor-JH Debbie Brodie

Long-term role of the Committee: The technology Committee met through email to devise the vision mission and goals. We found email to be a good way to work through a topic, give input and suggestions, then compile an outcome.

Future plans for the role of the technology committee is to maintain the email list, and note completion of each task. Future meeting times will be arranged as needed if the email format does not meet the immediate needs. Committee members were selected based on their prior utilization and involvement in technology, and their desire to contribute to the overall plan. Site plans will evolve from the district plan, guided by the committee members who contributed to the district plan.

NEEDS ASSESSMENT a. A. Student learning

Current Reality: 1. Reading--Currently, the district is strong in the areas of Reading with many programs targeted at reading level improvement. The Accelerated Reader. Students have access to these programs from all workstations and many are participating. 2. Navajo Language—A comprehensive approach to Navajo language instruction is currently being explored. Currently all students at all levels receive Navajo Language instruction from native speakers using a variety of methods both traditional and technological. Internet research is the primary technology component with students preparing research papers using the Navajo Font installed on the local workstations.

3. Other Subject Areas—The A+ online academy program is being used for credit recovery and assistance with Curricular goals in Math, Science, Social Studies, and many more areas at the High School and Alternative School.

4. Computer/Keyboarding skills—Students are currently not receiving instruction in Computer/Keyboarding skills at the kindergarten through 6th grade levels due primarily to budget reductions and the elimination of technology teachers at these levels.. A variety of teaching methods have been employed to convey these skills and students appear to be enjoying the experience.

5. Virtual Schools/Alternative School—Currently the District has adopted A+ as one of its ADE approved Supplemental Educational Systems. The High School and Junior High have incorporated elements of A+ into their curricula for AIMS test preparation, Credit Recovery and Drill and Practice. The Alternative School uses the A+ suite from American learning systems.

6. Benchmarking/Data Warehouse—Galileo has been implemented at the K-6 level to provide quarterly assessments and AIMS/Terranova test data. This program has been embraced by the Junior High and is rolling out to the other schools slowly. 7. Online Lesson Plans—OnCourse Lesson Plan Management has been adopted district-wide as the approved method of designing standards-based lesson plans into the curriculum. This system has demanded teachers to adopt a rigorous, standards-based approach to their classroom instruction and provided district administrators Performance Objective data for ADE requirements. 8. All classrooms have at least one computer for student use. Some classrooms have the ability to use projectors with connection to that educational computer. We have A+ for credit recovery. We do have an assortment of software programs available to students. There are computer labs at all schools with printers for Language Arts, Math, and Exceptional Student Services (ESS), along with CTE Business, Drafting, and Photo labs with color printers. The students have Library computers that are available before and during school. Students are assigned private individual logins and numbers so they can save important files of information for their different class needs. Smart Boards are in use along with the document cameras. The schools have mobile labs with twenty laptop computers each. Security cameras are in place inside (hallways) and outside for safety. The phone system is text ready, and connected to the Voicemail on the classroom computer which helps students communicate with their teachers. A Rapid Alert Emergency button is located throughout the new buildings which signals the front office callboard. All new textbooks are ordered with the reading program so students with low level functional reading or Individual Educational Plan (IEP’s) can have the computer read the text to them which saves hours on one-on-one help along with the student’s ability to see text and access the dictionary on real time.

Needs: 1. Team Based/Project-Based/Differentiated instructional activities--Currently, the team-based model is under-explored throughout the district. Occasionally, a teacher will approach a lesson from a team or small group based approach but the primary teaching method is based on individual achievement. Further exposure to one-computer based classrooms utilizing children working in small groups could be a subject for improvement committees. 2. All classrooms should have ceiling mounted projectors which will cut down on paper, toner, and writing on white boards. These projectors are to be connected to a separate computer from the teacher computer. The students are then able to create, set-up, and project to team based or individual projects, assignments, and other planned needs, as per stated objectives. Student based learning takes place in the classroom, instead of teacher based delivery everyday. Math Face Book delivery system so students who are falling behind can tutor on-line after school. High School needs a “Computerium” a lab to be used before school, during lunch, and after school. Students need to be offered the chance to help staff with ‘simple’ computer problems. .5 credits to be dependable Computer Tech’s Jrs. Ability to create “school web site. Students at the High School need to use Telecommunication(PVBX) from the lecture hall with the Jr. High and Alternative High School, as well as the elementary students to mentor real time math, science labs, and reading to the smallest students of our district. We need to build our community and all our students should be the presenters to each other with the use of technology. B. Leadership Current Reality and needs A: SAIS reporting. Currently the district uses the Powerschool Student Information System. Extensive Training is needed for clerical, registrars, counselors, and teachers on this integrated system

B: Financial System/Human Resources: Currently, the district is using Infinite Visions Enterprise. More training is also needed for users on this platform

D: Grade-book: Currently, a variety of different gradebook platforms exist within the district. A standard District wide license should be examined for effectiveness based on clarity, function, communication with parents and students, and ease of use for teachers. Compatibility with the current student reporting system is a vital component to this examination.

C. Preparation and Development of Educators a. a. Current Reality:

Ed-Tech Discretionary: Selected teachers have been trained in the use of Technology Enhanced Learning using an Interactive Whiteboard, Digital Projector, Laptop, Wireless Access Points, Flash/USB drives, Digital Camera and Camcorder. These teachers have received one-on-one training in the classroom in the use of this equipment. Currently, the district has two part-time teachers shared with Flagstaff Unified School District providing services. Ed-Tech Formula: This funding source has provided technology equipment for the classroom similar to the discretionary area listed above. The one need not addressed in the formula section is training, as teachers with Ed-Tech Formula equipment do not have the same one-on-one training as the discretionary teachers. Training for Formula awardees is addressed in periodic workshops held by the district. Basic Computer Training: Teachers receive basic training in the Student Information System, Microsoft Outlook, and Internet Research. These in- services are on an as-needed basis given by other teachers and members of the technology team. Asset-Online: provides teachers much needed technology integration strategies, SEI coursework, and more. Many teachers have participated in one or more classes through Asset.

a. b. Needs:

There is no systematic process in place to evaluate the technological knowledge of teachers or other staff. A ‘Computer Drivers’ License’ could be devised to help evaluate/test/and provide measured feedback regarding technological progress of staff. Classes could be offered in many areas of technology to help with curriculum inclusion. Currently, the technology department has very little for professional growth and improvement. In order to maintain the State of the Art network, technicians will need to have access to training in the areas of need.

a. D Infrastructure b. a. Current:

Technology is a readily available product in the Tuba City Unified School District. E-Rate has helped us to achieve the installation of a 1000 Mb backbone network with 100mb to each station, adopted the seven drops per classroom guideline per state regulations, and have a fast, reliable, state of the art network infrastructure. All Teachers at all schools have a high-end computer in their classroom for themselves, and many have a second computer for student use. The HS, JH, ENIS, and Primary School all have at least one laptop cart for classroom use.

The 50 MB internet link at the Eagles Nest provides Internet service for six schools and the district office

a. b. Needs:

While the district has a 1000GB backbone within and between sites, the High School is connected via a 100mb wireless bridge, and Cameron and Gap Schools are connected through a 1.4 CIR circuit that is not reliable and has frequent outages. Fiber connectivity between the Tech Center and the High School and a higher bandwidth circuit from the District to Cameron and Gap would ensure a high availability network end-to-end for all schools.

A: Telecommunications: In order to maintain our current standards of growth, access to the Internet and outside phone lines is vital. DSL, Satellite Internet, Frame Relay, T1, Local and Long Distance are services currently being utilized by this LEA. As the district continues to grow, so will our telecommunications needs.

B: Infrastructure Needs: As our schools are renovated and rebuilt, temporary and permanent solutions will need to be examined. Timelines must be strictly adhered to in order to provide critical functions to the district when needed.

C: Data-Center, built to recommended technological guidelines is in the long-term goals of this LEA. Additions to the Infrastructure are based on renovations, construction and improvement as the district evolves. E-Rate has been instrumental to our success in implementing this State of the Art network, providing fiber connectivity within the core centers of the net.

D: The current distribution switches have been replaced through the last internal connections allotment with e-rate, but the core switches are due for refreshment/replacement with current high-end core fiber switches in each of the schools. E: A private video branch exchange is needed for teachers to be able to receive and transmit video data from and to other schools, universities, and districts.

F: Security: In our evolving district, security of our students has become a critical concern. Vandalism and violence towards students, Faculty, and District staff have elevated our concern to the point we feel an integrated security system will be a necessary component of our short term goals. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION

LEA Technology Goals and Strategies

The goals listed below are the State Goals as identified in the State Technology Plan. The LEA technology plan should be aligned to the State Plan. The LEA may include any additional goals that apply to their technology plan.

1. Goal: Improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools with a target of fully integrating technology into the academic curriculum by December 2006.

District Objectives for Goal 1:

TCUSD will assess current district-wide academic and administrative software programs for validity, alignment with Technology and other content area standards, and create a district wide curriculum strand for technology education.


• Scheduled meetings with district technology teachers on curriculum possibilities. • Visits with other schools and districts to observe successful practices. • Web based research on best practices and standards.

Accountability Measure

• Standard surveys and evaluations both web and paper. • Overview of entire software programs: Fast ForWord, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts, Scholastic Reading Program, Star Reader, EPGY and other current district adopted programs. • Adoption of pre and post assessments for each district adopted content software platform.


Fall 2009

• Visits to other schools for observations • Develop Surveys for Current programs. • Distribute and collect data from Surveys.

Spring 2010

• Pre and post assessment evaluations prior to program implementation • Examination of Pre and post evaluations for evidence of achievement. • Trial runs of new programs adopted throughout the district

Fall 2011-Spring 2012

• Continue Pre and Post assessments, examine trends, adjust delivery • Discard Unsuccessful Programs • Adopt best practices for new platforms utilizing pre and post assessments on each. A. I. TCUSD will develop a district World Wide Website that includes content from every building and department. Teachers will be encouraged to integrate their web-presence with content and classroom goals derived from the web.


• Each site/School will create a Web-teams made of staff/students. • Each team will receive training in best practices for web development. • Each Teacher/Staff/Team will have devoted space for content. Content will consist of links, schedules, teacher plans, demographic data, student & staff areas, curriculum links, class assignments etc. • Webmaster will coordinate building teams, schedule times for training, and oversee the content placed on the website for integrity, veracity, and accuracy.

Accountability Measure

• AZ & Tribal education strands and standards. • verification by hits, update frequency, web forms, site surveys or any of the above.


Fall 2009

• Redesign Website in new location, collect content place on Web. • Establish teacher webspace, begin basic Training in HTML

Spring 2010

• Continue training for staff, Style Sheets, XML, Shockwave, other internet technologies. • Create webspace for student information reporting system. • Assign logins for parents and community for school reporting system

Fall 2010

• Full integration into the curriculum • Communications with parents and community through online webforms

Spring 2010-Spring 2012

• Address and adjust needs of webspace for curriculum integration • Communications with parents and community through online webforms

A. II. TCUSD will create technologically enabled classrooms by providing equipment, wireless access and infrastructure that supports an integrated curriculum.


• In order for teachers to incorporate technology into their curriculum, their classroom environment must support their needs. We will devise an implementation schedule by school and grade level so all teachers have technologically enabled classrooms by Jan 2006. Devices needed to accomplish this in all or part: o smartboards o digital projectors o wireless mice /Keyboards o computer to TV adapters (Averkey) o stools / podiums o PDAs o multimedia (digital camcorder, mic, editing software and hardware) o Computers withw/ DVDRw - CDRw drives for student projects o flash drives to all staff for storage of large files.

• Software -- all software to support above hardware including math, science, history, and technical

• Technical Support for staff/hardware by vendor or Tech Team

Accountability measure

• Survey Forms both electronic and paper to cover the effectiveness and usefulness of equipment. • lesson plans that show implementation of equipment and software within team based lessons • Network logs showing time of use, username, protocols, applications etc.


Spring 2009-Fall 2012

• One additional technologically enhanced classroom per school per semester(as funded) • Training in one-on-one model for technology integration.

A. III. TCUSD will develop Distance Learning opportunities utilizing video conferencing, streaming video, content engines & other technologies from other learning institutions around the world. We will also transmit classes in Navajo Language and other content areas to other locations.


• Distance learning opportunities exist at nearly every major learning institution in the world. Computer Based Training modules, online lessons, online classrooms, streaming video, video conferencing and other opportunities will be explored. Curriculum areas with limited offerings could be handled through a distance learning lab environment. • The creation of a distance learning environment in each school with the following equipment: o Large Television monitor o Audio components such as a microphone and sound board/mixer o Video Components such as Video Cameras and Recording Devices o Tables/Chairs/Desks for students o Media Content from online providers can be stored in Content Engines already installed in the district. o Content can be accessed through local URLS when needed. • Partnerships with Educational Institutions and Content Providers should be explored and tailored to meet current educational standards with minimal representation inside our schools. Creative Arts, Scientific Opportunities, technical programs, Math-based learning, Reading, Language, Foreign language, and other curricular areas could be crought to Tuba City through this interface. • Professional Development courses for staff will be offered through the distance learning opportunity. Dialup access will be granted to those with a Professional Development desire through our network. • Infrastructure concerns will need to be addressed through allocation of resources and exploration of funding opportunities.

Accountability Measure

• Alignment with state and tribal standards through a careful study of scope and sequence of CBT programs or Media Delivery platforms. • Pre and Post assessments of all students and staff will be performed prior and after modules. • Statistics showing incline or decline of overall achievement will be developed to reflect impact of distance learning.


Fall 2009

• Initiate exploration of media resources and Computer Based Training Programs, content providers, Application Service Providers • Creation of a Distance learning area in each of the schools with equipment listed above. • Initiation of Professional development for teachers and other staff

Spring 2010

• Partnerships with content providers and learning institutions to bring at least one class into each school • Computer Based Learning opportunities for delivery of streaming media. At least one opportunity per semester • Continuation and refinement of Professional development opportunities • GED and other Adult education classes for Community could be initiated

Fall 2010

• Increase number of partnerships/learning opportunities. More than one class per location. • Community uses Distance Learning Lab frequently for distance opportunities

Spring 2011

• Maintain and increase partnerships/e-learning opportunities. • Review and evaluate program each semester for Standards accountability Fall 2011

• Maintain and increase partnerships/e-learning opportunities. • Review and evaluate program each semester for Standards accountability Spring 2012

• Maintain and increase partnerships/e-learning opportunities. • Review and evaluate program each semester for Standards accountability

2. Goal: Ensure that quality teachers, staff, and administrators are involved in Arizona educational institutions and that they are proficient in the use and integration of technology through professional development activities.

District Objectives for Goal 2:

TCUSD will devise a 'Technology Drivers License' course for teachers and staff. This course, taught through media, instructor, and/or distance learning lab will give basic instruction on appropriate use, network resources, usernames, email, restrictions, filtering, firewall, and other district information. Once a staff member has completed the licensing program, he/she will have access to the network resources.


• Staff will attend in-service training on basic computer operation, basic application procedure, best practices for saving, backup and other topics during staff orientation and/or special classes offered periodically through the year. • Content media will be delivered as needed on basic applications: MSO, Student Information Reporting etc. Staff will need additional time to complete these modules. • Once completed, each staff will receive a certificate of completion as well as a user name, email box, web space, network application storage space, and other resources as needed.

Accountability Measure

• Pre and Post assessments of each staff utilizing 'My Compass,' an online assessment tool to determine technology level of competence. • Brief pre-test to determine competency level. • Post test will determine pass/fail and achievement of 'license.'


Fall 2009 • Devise program • assign staff, develop curriculum materials, gain media content to store in content engines for future push from server • Inform staff of License program, teach 'trial run' with a small group • refine methodology after trial to ensure best practices • examine other district's licensing program for more ideas

Spring 2009-Spring 2012

• Run program during Fall Orientation. Classes at each of the schools. Online CBT will assist with timelines and access. • Refine approach, examine outcomes, revise content as needed • Offer special classes for new staff during each school year TCUSD will promote further learning by offering Distance, web based, streaming and other types of learning for professional development in all areas including technology to staff, students, and the community


• Current, Research-based professional development opportunities will be provided to all staff in the following areas: ♣ Students working together in teams toward a common project-based learning goal ♣ Technology assisted curriculum as specified through Arizona Reads, Arizona Learns, and the State Technology Plan ♣ Content area advancement specifically Math, Science, History, Languages ♣ Specific Areas of technology including Internet/Web based learning, Multi-Media as a learning tool, local intranet file sharing, project management, and more. ♣ Technical Courses for technology department in the following areas for students and tech staff • Cisco Systems • Microsoft Windows based Servers and Systems • Macintosh Platforms • Telecommunications • Assistive Technology • Media Content and Delivery systems

Accountability Measure

• Pre and Post assessment for each module. • Certificates of completion, Certification in specialized areas, Continuing Education Credits, salary advancement for staff as a component of a professional development program


• Fall 2009 o Develop professional development partnerships, o Seek instructors, o Develop curriculum o Pilot initial programs • Spring 2010 o Begin Professional Development program o Content Delivery, Distance Learning opportunities for staff and community • Fall 2010-Spring 2012 o Analyze, Revisit, Revise program, make adjustments as needed o Add modules, stop areas due to lack of interest or participation o Evaluate partnerships 3. Goal: Ensure that all K-12 educational institutions have the capacity, infrastructure, staffing, and equipment to meet academic and business needs for effective and efficient operations.

TCUSD will provide a safe and stable atmosphere both physically and electronically to all users within the district. All buildings will have security measures in place to promote a safe physical environment. The local area network, servers, and workstations will be behind a firewall to prevent outside attacks and all internet traffic will be monitored and filtered to ensure appropriate content.


• TCUSD will install security cameras utilizing our state of the art infrastructure to ensure physical stability and safety. • TCUSD will provide electronic locking mechanisms for doors using proximity cards to control access to different buildings and different areas within buildings to authorized individuals. • TCUSD will continue to improve firewall settings and Websense filtering to ensure adequate and appropriate access, and prevent attacks from outside the domain.

Accountability Measure:

• A decrease in the number of break-ins and vandalism incidents as evidenced through security and police logs. • A decrease in the amount of hacker and spammer attacks as evidenced through server logs and event viewers • A decrease in the amount of unauthorized physical entries as evidenced through security logs


Fall 2009

• Visit with vendors for security options. • Security Camera Trial installations in Primary School and/or other locations • Evaluate options, then decide on a vendor • First installation, pilot proximity card door locks

Spring 2010

• Security Camera installation district wide • Train staff, monitor usage logs, prioritize and adjust camera placement • Pilot Door Lock installation in HS and/or other areas

Fall 2010

• Door Lock installation District Wide • Train staff, monitor usage logs, prioritize and adjust proximity card access

Spring 2010-Spring 2012 • Door Lock installation as buildings are completed • Train staff, monitor usage logs, prioritize and adjust proximity card access.

TCUSD will provide infrastructure equal to or in advance of current standards throughout new buildings to be constructed. Wireless access points and fiber runs between and within temporary and permanent buildings will provide fast, efficient, and stable local area and internet access to all users.


• New High School Construction ♣Phase 3 New Building

• Construct Wireless Access Points and wire infrastructure for seven drops per standard classroom. Also provide drops for new computer labs to replace demolished computer labs with either Wireless Technology or standard Ethernet drops equal to or exceeding the number of drops in the current labs. • All standard classrooms in new sections will be technologically enabled with platforms for digital projectors, smartboard screens as requested, TV monitors with coax and Ethernet data ports, ip paging, and other district standards for technology ♣ Renovation of Existing Buildings • Ensure district infrastructure standard--7drops, technologically enhanced classrooms • Construction may include distance learning lab for integrated distance curriculum. Accountability Measure

• Adherence to District and State recommended Infrastructure standards • Ensure "improvement" of opportunities, not scale back • Standard Visio drawings, network topology maps, Ciscoworks verification of network layout

TCUSD will provide staffing to ensure safe, effective and stable operation of network and technology resources.

Strategy • Technology Department will conduct accountability measures and research standard staffing requirements by other districts of comparable size o Work Order system will provide a tracking mechanism to measure number of tech calls and burden per staff member. o Study of relational Districts will help with comparability • Specific Staff requirements: o Director of Technology--Certified individual with classroom experience dedicated to improving educational technology resources in the district and the infrastructure to support them o Webmaster--Staff member with World Wide Web training who can set up, monitor, and oversee the District website to ensure accurate and timely content. o Management and Information Systems Specialist--Staff member will oversee Student Information System for the district, ensure the validity of the district demographic database, SAIS reporting compliance for all schools, and validity of student information databases for each school. o Help Desk Specialist—Tech support staff to assist by phone and through remote access users for basic maintenance and troubleshooting. Many work orders can be completed through the help desk o Field Tech support staff--Sufficient to support number of computers at each site. Ideally, formula should be 1 tech support for every 100 computers.

Accountability Measure • Alignment with State minimum requirements for staffing Timeline • Fall 2009 o Self Study of technology department for demands and accountability measures o Assess critical areas of need and create job descriptions, duties and assignments, evaluation methods, and accountability measures. o Visit other technology departments in districts of comparable size, ethnicity, and infrastructure to devise 'best practices.' • Spring 2010 o Hire new staff. o Follow evaluation procedure, adapt to situations as needed. o Provide certification training, professional development. o Asses areas of needs and reallocate resources as desired. • Fall 2010-Sring 2012 o Asses areas of need and reallocate resources as desired o Continue training and professional development opportunities

4. Goal: Ensure that all K-12 institutions will be positively involved in collaboration and partnerships that are supportive of technology use and curricular integration. (LEAs will be required to publish report cards that provide school performance information to parents. Children in failing or unsafe schools will have the opportunity to attend better public schools.)

TCUSD will provide community access to information technology through computer labs at different sites. (see goal 2, Objective 2)

TCUSD will use technology to communicate Student Information such as grades, attendance, progress, and class assignments. (see goal 1, objective 1 and Goal 1, objective 2)

TCUSD will foster partnerships with vendors and higher learning institutions to provide distance learning, standardized infrastructure, and development. (see Goal 1, objective 4)

Goal: Ensure that all K-12 resources are available for all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, income, geographical location, or disability, so they can become technologically literate by the end of eighth grade and achieve their academic potential. TCUSD will continue to use assistive technology for students with special needs, and improve resources offered for physically, or physiologically challenged students.


• TCUSD will make a careful examination of current assistive technology practices, examine industry trends, and evaluate methodology for incorporation into current district Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs). • TCUSD will look to foster current, research-based, proven technology to help physically challenged students.

Accountability Measure

• Alignment with state recommended practices. • Improvement in Student evaluative data IEP achievement of goals.


• Fall 2009 o Self-Examination of Assistive Technology o Visits with other schools and district for technology trends and accommodations o Vendor invitations to display possibilities and program components. • Spring 2010 o Adoption of new assistive technology devices and programs o Continued evaluation of current practices o Measurement of IEP goals and success • Fall 2010-Spring 2012 o Continue evaluation of assistive technology program o Addition of Assistive Technology staff member(s) as needed

TCUSD will adopt technology curriculum in line with state and tribal standards. (see goal one, objective one)

a. 1. TCUSD will ensure equal access to all students, teachers, staff, and administrators. (See goal 3 objective 1)

5. Goal: Develop a continuous process of evaluation and accountability for the use of educational technology as: a teaching/ and learning tool, a measurement and analysis tool for student achievement, and a fiscal management tool. (Information technology initiatives will dramatically reduce the data collection burden on state and local officials by seamlessly collecting and disseminating performance information. Increased flexibility will be a core principle incorporated in all legislative proposals.)

TCUSD will evaluate and assess all technology components on a routine basis for validity, compliance with tech and other content strands, reliability, and applicability. (see Goal 1 Objective 1)

TCUSD will utilize Galileo where students can take on-line tests to facilitate their involvement and compilation of results. (See Goal 1 objective 2)


In this section, provide information as to how the LEA will fund the goals, objectives, and strategies detailed in the previous sections in the first table. In the second table, provide information of when the supporting resources will be acquired.

Tuba City Public Schools provides staff to support all the school and administrative sites. The $119,800 salary comes from the district M and O fund. Other funds used to provide equipment and resources are from a variety of sources including: E-Rate, Voc Ed grants, Ed Tech Grants, Title I, II, and V grants. The E-Rate funds are used to offset excess utilities costs. E-Rate has also enabled us to upgrade our network to its current infrastructure: 1GB core and 100 KB end to end, along with our telephone network. One resource that could be examined is the now defunct School Facilities Board network upgrade to see if any solutions still exist.

The Tuba City Public Schools need to examine its Technology Support Staffing structure, as currently there are only three individuals to meet the needs of over 2700 users and 1000 pieces of computer equipment currently in use. The Educational Technology Consortium offers a variety of services to rural schools to help them maintain their network infrastructure, and our budget is structured to support these costs.

The Tuba City Public Schools is developing structures that review curriculum needs and implementation strategies. A yearly survey could be conducted every year to determine the needs and accessibility to technology and to develop training and support necessary to improve student and teacher use of technology. The district technology committee should meet on a regular basis to help promote and train teachers in the use of technology in the curriculum and ensure that schools are meeting the goals as defined in the District and school technology plans. Our District has invested an enormous amount of capital in technology, now it's time to examine how best to use it to help raise student achievement. Technology Funding Sources and Costs 1. IV. ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Year 2009-2010 1

Acquired Ed Tech Ed Tech M&O Bon Capital E-Rate N Other Technologies And Competiti Formula d/ C (Specif Professional ve / Over L y) Development Title II-D ride B Technology Staff $119,800 Telecommunications/ $318,830 Utilities Ed-Tech Capital $43,400 $50,801 Ed-Tech professional $66,922 $47,238 Development Technology Hardware $120,000 Technology Software $70,000 Professional $50,000 Development Materials/Supplies $500.00 E-Rate Capital Upgrade District Capital Upgrade

*Major Projects for this funding year include Major Converged Voice/Data Infrastructure Upgrade. TOTAL

1. (1)

1. (2) 2. (3) Technology Funding Sources and Costs 3. V. ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Year 20010-20011

Acquired Ed Tech Ed Tech M&O Bon Capital E-Rate NCL Other Technologies And Competiti Formula d/ B (Specif Professional ve / Over y) Development Title II-D ride Technology Staff $119,800 Telecommunications/ $318,830 Utilities Ed-Tech Capital $43,400 $50,801 Ed-Tech professional $66,922 $47,238 Development Technology Hardware $120,000 Technology Software $70,000 Professional $50,000 Development Materials/Supplies $500.00 E-Rate Capital Upgrade District Capital $500,000 Upgrade

*Major Projects for this funding year include security camera infrastructure installation, New High School infrastructure, and Ed-Tech Competitive Technology Integration Project. TOTAL

1. (1) Technology Funding Sources and Costs 2. (2) 3. VI. ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Year 2011-2012

Acquired Ed Tech Ed Tech M&O Bon Capital E-Rate NCL Other Technologies And Competiti Formula d/ B (Specif Professional ve / Over y) Development Title II-D ride Technology Staff $210,000 Telecommunications/ $318,830 Utilities Ed-Tech Capital $50,801 Ed-Tech professional $47,238 Development Technology Hardware $120,000 Technology Software $70,000 Professional $50,000 Development Materials/Supplies $500.00 E-Rate Capital Upgrade District Capital $500,000 Upgrade


List the people and activities developed to monitor progress and accountability in implementing the technology plan.

The Tuba City Unified School District is committed to making the Technology Plan a continuous improvement plan and uses data gathered to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and then modifies the plan as needed. A variety of surveys, classroom observations, analysis of student scores, and other data will be used as a part of the assessment process. The data will be evaluated to determine the quality, reach, and impact of the plan. The Director of Technology, Mike Nelson will be in charge of assigning tasks, creating timelines, budget analysis, grant acquisition, and plan maintenance for the overall district plan. Each school is encouraged to develop a technology plan on their own taking into consideration site specific goals and objectives.

Position: Person Responsible: Activity: Due Date: Technology Director Mike Nelson Yearly 2 year tech plans December 2006 analyzed Help Desk/ Data Analyst Sara Adson Distribution, Collection of December 2006 Surveys and report results Technology Teacher--JH Marty Borhauer Development of plan for March2007 JH Technology Teacher- Richard Dany Development of plan for March 2007 Primary Primary Technology Teacher--HS Richard Garcia Development of Plan for March 2007 HS Technology Teacher-ENIS Natalie Tsinijinnie Development of plan for March 2007 Intermediate school Technology Teacher-Gap Norman Jensen Development of plan for March 2007 Gap School Technology Teacher- Randy Thompson Development of plan for March 2007 Cameron Cameron/Gap


Currently, for Technology Improvement, Tuba City Unified Schools coordinate funds through the Ed- Tech discretionary partnership grant with Flagstaff Unified School District. This partnership allows two technology integration coaches to visit TCUSD and work one-on-one with teachers to integrate the Technology Enhanced Classroom equipment into the curriculum. This is a vital resource that will has a dramatic impact on the success of our integration projects.

TCUSD has no other source of local funds to be utilized for Technology Purposes

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