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Southeastern Louisiana University

SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

ITALIAN 101 Instructor: Elisabetta LeJeune

OBJECTIVES: Italian 101 is the first course in the 12-hour sequence of 101, 102, 201, and 202. It is an elementary level course designed to develop and strengthen oral and written communication, reading and listening. Students will be exposed to the language as a means of communication in order to develop communicative language ability. Therefore, your instructor will speak mainly Italian in class, and English will be kept to a minimum.

TEXTS: Lazzarino et. al., Prego! (rental), 5th. ed., McGraw Hill, 2000. Workbook and Laboratory Manual (resale)

RECOMMENDED: Italian/English Dictionary English Grammar for Students of Italian Student Audio Program (cassettes or CDs)

GRADE: The course grade will be determined as follows:

Class Participation 10% A 100 / 90 Quizzes 20% B 89 / 80 Lesson Tests 20% C 79 / 70 Oral Communication Assessment 10% D 69 / 65 Written Communication Assessment 10% F below 65 Homework/Lab book 10% Final Exam 20%

ATTENDANCE AND CLASS PARTICIPATION Optimum performance in a second language requires constant exposure to the language and practice. It is important that you participate actively in classroom activities every day, keep up with homework assignments, and read/study assigned textbook materials. Your attendance is mandatory.

QUIZZES You will have a variety of quizzes every day during this course. Quizzes will focus on specific points covered in each chapter; format will vary. Duration of each quiz will not exceed 15 minutes.

EXAMS : Exams are cumulative. There will be 2 chapter exams plus the final. Each exam will have sections on listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, reading and culture, and composition. Compositions will emphasize the vocabulary and grammar structures that you have been studying most recently, but will also incorporate everything that you have learned so far.

HOMEWORK: is any activity assigned by the instructor to be prepared outside of class. These may include translations, lab work, presentations, oral interviews, lab/workbooks, handouts, readings, compositions, exercises, etc. Assignments should be completed prior to coming to class. The average student, in order to be successful (i.e., earn a “C” or better), should study at least two hours outside class for every hour he/she is in class.

1 COMPOSITIONS AND ORAL COMUNICATION: will emphasize the vocabulary and grammar structures you have been studying most recently, but will incorporate everything that you have learned so far. They must be ready by the due date on the schedule with no exceptions.

Italian 101- Academic Calendar. This is a tentative academic calendar. The instructor reserves the right to make modifications as the semester progresses. Specific assignments will be distributed accordingly.

2 WEEK 1: May 24-June 1 WEEK 3: June 11-15 EXAM # 2 Introduction, Capitolo preliminare. C. Questo e quello Saluti ed espressioni di cortesia D. Aggettivi possessivi In classe E. Possessivi con termini di parentela

A. Alfabeto e suoni Capitolo 4 Forza Azzurri ! B. Numeri da uno a cento Vocabolario preliminare: I passatempi e il C. Calendario tempo D. Parole simili Grammatica Presente dei verbi in —ere e —ire Capitolo 1 Benvenuti a tutti ! Vocabolario preliminare: Una città italiana. B. Dire, uscire e venire; dovere, Grammatica potere e volere A. Nomi: genere e numero C. Nota Culturale: Il Palio di B. Articolo indeterminativo e buono Siena C. Presente di avere e pronomi soggetto D. Pronomi di oggetto diretto D. Espressioni idiomatiche con avere E. L’ora ______

WEEK 2: June 4-8 WEEK 4: June 18-20 EXAM # 1 REVIEW AND FINAL EXAM Capitolo 2 La classe e i compagni Vocabolario preliminare: Un aggettivo per tutti Grammatica A. Aggettivi B. Presente di essere C. Articolo determinativo e bello D. Ancora i plurali

Capitolo 3 Mia sorella studia all’università Vocabolario preliminare: La famiglia e l’università Grammatica A. Presente dei verbi in —are B. Dare, stare, andare e fare


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