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The Rotary Club of Nunawading Inc s1

The Rotary Club of Nunawading Inc. Reg. Inc No. A0016092S

Club Bulletin The benefits of being a Rotarian include serving the community, networking and friendship, and promoting ethics and leadership skills

February is World Understanding Month 20th February 2008

Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] RAWCS - Rotary Australia World Community Service Dates to Celebrate – February DistrictForProgram the9810 past is actively three Rotary involved years, in RAWCS District programs. 9810 has Forbeen further information about RAWCS, please contact Chairman Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) was veryApologies: active developing To be given a databaseto Colin Taylor of volunteers, before Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries Mick Willis. Email:Induction [email protected] Dates established as an important entity of Rotary service in Australia preparing10.00am information on the day of forthe clubsmeeting.: and donating funds for tond encourage Rotarians, Rotary Clubs,th Rotary Districts and others purchaseTel Work: of mosquito 9305 3415 nets Home:and other9804 anti-malarial 3554 2managedBev byHoskins, in support9 of Rotary’sJohn & Ann top Lynch goal to Safe Water Saves10/02/1988 Lives (SWSL)Graeme Moorfoot (20 years) to participate in meaningful World Community Service projects. measuresMobile in PNG, 0418 East 322 Timor 575 and The Solomons. eradicaterd polio worldwide. Rotary thwill raise funds to match 3 Bruce Fullard 12 Roger & Roslyn Wilson The SaveEmail Water work:16/02/2000 Save [email protected] Lives (SWSL)Bruce Fullard committee has the Google Foundation grant dollar-for-dollar over one year. traditionallyA major focusorganised, has been arranged the "Adopt funding, a Village" planned program and for This3rd bodyRussell was Warmington incorporated in 1987 as a public company limited Email home:21/02/2001 [email protected] Warmington by guarantee, bound by its own constitution and Articles of constructedthe Gulf waterProvince systems of PNG including where manypumps, clubs pipelines and other and Theth grant and matching funds will directly support polio Association,8 Lyndy Davisauthorised by Rotary International as a multi-districttanks organisations in Pacific25/02/1998 Island have and contributed SEBob Asian Davis countriessufficent fundsincluding to provide Papua immunization activities carried out by the Global Polio mosquito netting in many villages to reduce the incidence function.22nd Sandra Symons New Guinea,20th Feb Fiji,Kenya Nepal, Talk Kiribati and others. The aim of the Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a partnership spearheaded by programof malaria. is to provide Well overclean 100 water villages for drinking have been and provided other theth World Health Organization, Rotary International, The29 companyElisa Narayan coordinates the activities of Project Volunteers, purposeswith26 thbedin Feb rural nets Combinedvillages so far and meeting the program with MASH is continuing & this UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Project Funding, Donations in Kind and Rotarians Against Malaria. year.(Tues) GSE Team. Venue Box Hill Prevention. Programs of the Activities are FAIM Australia, International Donations in Kind (DIK) Donations5th Mar In KindItalian (DIK) Nightis the (Partners program Night) whereby Rotarians and Projects“Following Advisory the Bill Committee & Melinda (IPAC), Gates Foundation’sSafe Water Saves $100 Lives (SWSL), Donations in Kind (DIK) and Rotarians Against Malaria Rotary Clubs source surplus goods and products within million grant to Rotary in November, represents th Australia12 that Mar haveGavin no furtherWaring –use Founder here. of These “Your goods (RAM).another The response East Timor to the Roofing call for Training support Cooperative by Rotary and is a its specific Business Angels” however, are valuable to those in needy countries. A central RAWCSpartners project to finish and polio,” this has says lead Dr. to Robert many otherS. Scott, health, trustee co-ordination9th Apr committeeBehind the stores, scenes packs tour of and the dispatchesArts the humanitarianchair of The Rotaryand educational Foundation. projects “Both bychallenge District grants9810 clubs and goods to needy countries.Centre There are are currently four DIK Rotarians.reflect strong confidence in Rotary’s leadership role in storage depots in the the Melbourne area located at Essendon working relentlessly to help achieve this vital public health Airport, Maribyrnong, Coburg and Altona as well as regional goal for the world’s children.” stores at Pakenham and Geelong. Not all second-hand or Eradicating polio has been Rotary’s number-one priority surplus goods are suitable for use overseas and there are since 1985. To date, Rotary has helped immunize nearly two strict procedures and significant procedures to ship goods billion children and contributed $650 million to the GPEI, a overseas. figure that will rise to more than $850 million by the time RAWCS - Project Volunteers the world is certified polio-free. Volunteers are the lifeblood of RAWCS Projects. Being a Globally, the number of polio cases has fallen from 350,000 RAWCS Volunteer can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life; you can make new friends in other annually in the mid-1980s to approximately 2,000 cases in countries and you will form very close bonds with your team 2006. The GPEI has succeeded in slashing the number of members. cases by 99 percent and decreased the number of polio- endemic countries from 125 to just 4: Afghanistan, India, Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) Nigeria, and Pakistan. Rotarians and Rotary Clubs have been involved in numerous The Half-Wit “This grant comes at a crucial time for the initiative, as worldwide Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) projects since more funds are needed to reach children in the most 1990.A manA decade owned later, a small malaria farm continues in Wisconsin. to be The a significant Wisconsin challenging regions of the world,” says RI President Wilfrid healthState problem Wage in& Hourmany Department areas of the claimed world. he was not J. Wilkinson. “We have the technical tools to beat polio, and The payingSolomon proper Islands wages has beento his a help focal and point sent for an Australian agent out to we’re almost there. All we need is for the rest of the world efforts.interview The Choisel him. "I and need Western a list of Provinces your employees in the Solomon and how to follow the Google Foundation’s lead in supporting the Islandsmuch have you been pay chosenthem," asdemanded the site forthe aagent. National RAM effort to eradicate this vaccine-preventable disease once Malaria Control Program. Workers in this project are and for all.” confident"Well," that replied over the the farmer, next three "there's years, my they farm will hand be who'sable to reducebeen the with incidence me for of3 years. Malaria I inpay these him Provinces$200 a week from plus more free room and board. The cook has been here for 18 Menopause Jewellery than 300 cases per thousand each year to less than 80 cases per thousandmonths, and per I her This $150 will per be weekan achievement plus free room of and My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought internationalboard. Then significance. there's the half-wit who works about 18 me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to hours every day and does about 90% of all the work The World Health Organisation recently invited RAM to monitor my moods. around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own participateroom and in board,their Global and I Partnershipbuy him a bottle to "Roll of bourbonBack Malaria", every We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns recognisingSaturday that night. Rotary He hasalso a sleeps significant with mypart wife to play in the green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big f*%$£”£' red controloccasionally." and eventual eradication of this disease. The Rotary mark on his forehead. Foundation of Rotary International has also "That'sprovided the major guy I assistancewant to talk and to funding--- the half-wit,"to assist RAM says in the Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond. theiragent. fight against Malaria in the Solomon Islands.

This"That is only would one aspectbe me," of replied the overall the farmer. RAM program and many otherGoogle projects gives of a Rotarymore general US$3.5 nature million are beingto help pursued. end The most important of these is research into new drugs, Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] vaccines and new methods of mosquito control. RAM has madeRotary available International many thousands has received of dollars a US$3.5 in Research million Grants into challengethe 'Treatment grant fromand Prevention the Google of Foundation, Malaria". a nonprofit W H Y D O K A M I K A Z E P I L O T S W E A R H E L M E T S ?

H O W I S I T T H A T W E P U T M A N O N T H E M O O N B E F O R E W E F I G U R E D O U T I T W O U L D B E A G O O D I D E A T O P U T W H E E L S O N L U G G A G E ?


If you have any problems with your attendance it would be really good if you could arrange someone to replace you.

February 19th Monash Computer Cabling 6.15pm to 6.30pm Colin Read

February 20th Host Mike Prior Cashier Colin Read Recorder Jim Robson

February 27th Host Peter Schoner Cashier Andre Scibor-Kaminski Recorder Bruce Simcox Rotaract Bruce Fullard / Peter Schoner

MARCH March 5th Host Ian Symons Cashier James Tan Recorder Colin Taylor

March 9th Farmers Market Time Administration Photo Tent BBQ 6.30- 9.00 Richard Tregear Neil Ibbott Andrew Narayan Robert Mcquade Roger Wilson

9.00- 11.15 Richard Tregear Neil Ibbott

Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] Andrew Narayan Kevin Thomas Max Drayton

11.00 - 1.30 Richard Tregear John Munro Andrew Narayan Sue Cross Mike Prior

March 12th Host Kevin Thomas Cashier Dick Tregear Recorder John Vickers Rotaract Mark Harrington / Jim Robson

March 19TH Host Sue Warmington Cashier Wayne Willoughby Recorder Roger Wilson

March 26TH Host Max Wittick Cashier Bruce Argyle Recorder Ian Armstrong Rotaract Bob Hoskins / Colin Read

Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected]

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