A Commentary on Catullus by Robinson Ellis. Oxford, 1876. 400P

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A Commentary on Catullus by Robinson Ellis. Oxford, 1876. 400P

A COMMENTARY ON CATULLUS by Robinson Ellis. Oxford, 1876. 400 p. A Commentary on Horace. Odes, Book I – II. by R. G. M. Nisbet and M. Hubbard. Oxford, 1991. 428 p., 348 p. A COMMENTARY ON THE SATIRES OF JUVENAL by E. Courtney. London, 1980. 650 p. A History of Greek Philosophy by W. K. C. GUTHRIE. Vol. 1: The Earlier Presocratics and the Pythagoreans. Cambridge, 1962. 540 p. A History of Greek Philosophy by W. K. C. GUTHRIE. Vol. 2: The Presocratic Tradition from Parmenides to Democritus. Cambridge, 1965. 556 p. A PATRISTIC GREEK LEXICON. Ed. G. W. H. Lampe. Oxford, 1961. 1570 p. ACTA MARTYRUM. Ed. Ryszard Ganszyniec. Lwów. 50 p. ADCOCK F. E. The Legal Term of Caesar's Governorship in Gaul // CQ. 1932. P. 26–1. ADCOCK F. E. ‘Delenda Est Carthago’ // Cambridge Historical Journal. 1946. Vol. 8. № 3. P. 117–128. ADCOCK F. E. Women in Roman Life and Letters // GR. 1945. Vol. 14. № 40. P. 1–11. AFRICA T. W. The Mask of an Assassin: A Psychohistorical Study of M. Junius Brutus //Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 1978. Vol. 8. № 4. P. 599–626. ALFÖLDI A. Die trojanischen Urahnen der Römer. Basel, 1957. 56 S. [43,6 Mb] ALLAN J. A Tabula Iliaca from Gandhara // JHS. 1946. Vol. 66. P. 21–23. ALLEN W. S. Accent and Rhythm. Prosodic features of Latin and Greek: a Study in Theory and Reconstruction. Cambridge, 1973. 394 p. AMBROSII THEODOSII MACROBII Commentarii in somnium Scipionis. Ed. Jacobus Willis. Leipzig, 1970. 254 p. AMMERMAN A. J. On the Origins of the Forum Romanum // AJA. 1990. Vol. 94. № 4. P. 627–645. AMMERMAN A. J. The Comitium in Rome from the Beginning // AJA. 1996. Vol. 100. № 1. P. 121–136. ANDERSON J. G. C. Pompey's Campaign against Mithradates // JRS. 1922. ANDERSON M. The Imagery of 'The Persians' // GR. 1972. Vol. 19. № 2. ANDREWS P. B. S. The Falls of Troy in Greek Tradition // GR. 1965. Vol. 12. № 1. ANDREWS P. B. S. The Myth of Europa and Minos // GR. 1969. Vol. 16. № 1. Apulei Opera quae supersunt. Vol. I. Metamorphoseon Libri XI. Recensuit Rudolfus Helm. Lipsiae, 1907. [ APULEJUS OF MADAUROS. The Isis-book (Metamorthoses, Book XI). Ed. by J. Gwyn Griffiths. Leiden, 1975. 440 p. ARGYLE S. A New Greek Grammarian // CQ. 1989. Vol. 39. № 2. P. 524–535. ASTIN A. E. Scipio Aemilianus. Oxford, 1967. 376 p. ASTIN A. E. Diodorus and the Date of the Embassy to the East of Scipio Aemilianus // CPh. 1959. Vol. 54. № 4. P. 221–227. Ausführliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache von R. KÜHNER. Zweiter Band: Satzlehre. Hannover, 1914. 740 S. BABCOCK C. L. The Early Career of Fulvia // AJPh. 1965. Vol. 86. № 1. BADIAN E. M. Porcius Cato and the Annexation and Early Administration of Cyprus // JRS. 1965. BADIAN E. Marius' Villas. The Testimony of the Slave and the Knave // JRS. 1973. BADIAN E. Rec. on Taylor L. R. The Voting Districts of the Roman Republic // JRS. 1962. BADIAN E. The Administration of the Empire // GR. 1965. Vol. 12. № 2. BADIAN E. The Family and Early Career of T. Quinctius Flamininus // JRS. 1971. BADIAN E. The Prefect at Gades // CPh. 1954. Vol. 49. № 4 BADIAN E. Waiting for Sulla // JRS. 1962. BADIAN E. Kaeso and the Carthaginian // CR. 1964. Vol. 14. № 2. P. 139–140. BADIAN E. The Treaty between Rome and the Achaean League // JRS. 1952. Vol. 42. Parts 1 and 2. P. 76–80. BALDSON J. P. V. D. Dionysius on Romulus: A Political Pamphlet? // JRS. 1971. Vol. 61. P. 18–27. BALSDON J. P. V. D. Auctoritas, Dignitas, Otium // CQ. 1960. Vol. 10.№ 1. BALSDON J. P. V. D. Rec. on J. van Ooteghem Pompee le Grand, Batisseur d'Empire // JRS. 1955. BALSDON J. P. V. D. Roman History, 65-50 B.C. Five Problems // JRS. 1962. BALSDON J. P. V. D. Sulla Felix // JRS. 1951. BALSDON J. P. V. D. The Successors of Augustus // GR. 1933. Vol. 2. № 6. BALSDON J. P. V. D. The Veracity of Caesar // GR. 1957. Vol. 4. № 1. BALSDON J. P. V. D. Some Questions about Historical Writing in the Second Century B. C. // CQ. 1953. Vol. 3. № ¾. P. 158–164. BARNES T. D. Statistics and the Conversion of the Roman Aristocracy // JRS. 1995. 1 BARNES T. D. The Victories of Augustus // JRS. 1974. BARONOWSKI D. W. Polybius on the Causes of the Third Punic War // CPh. 1995. Vol. 90. № 1. P. 16–31. BARONOWSKI D. W. Roman Treaties with Communities of Citizens // CQ. 1988. Vol. 38. № 1. P. 172–178. BARROW R. H. Some Latin Inscriptions. I // GR. 1934. Vol. 3. № 8. BARROW R. H. Some Latin Inscriptions. II // GR. 1934. Vol. 3. № 9. BARROW R. H. Some Latin Inscriptions. III // GR. 1934. Vol. 4. № 10. BARROW R. H. Some Latin Inscriptions. IV // GR. 1935. Vol. 4. № 11. BARTON J. E. New Valuations in Greek Art // GR. 1931. Vol. 1. № 1. BASSETT E. L. Scipio and the Ghost of Appius // CPh. 1963. Vol. 58. № 2. P. 73–92. BATES W. N. The Date of Lycophron // HSCPh. 1895. Vol. 6. P. 75–82. BEALL S. M. Translation in Aulus Gellius // CQ. 1997. Vol. 47. № 1. P. 215 – 226. BEAUMONT R. L. Greek Influence in the Adriatic Sea before the Fourth Century B. C. // JHS. 1936. Vol. 56. Part 2. P. 159–204. BEAUMONT R. L. The Date of the First Treaty between Rome and Carthage // JRS. 1939. Vol. 29. Part 1. P. 74– 86. BELL A. J. E. Rec. // JRS. 2000. BERNAYS J. Joseph Justus Scaliger. Berlin, 1855. 320 p. BERNSTEIN A. H. Prosopography and the Career of Publius Mucius Scaevola // CPh. 1972. Vol. 67. № 1. BICKERMAN E. J. An Oath of Hannibal // TAPA. Vol. 75. 1944. P. 87–102. BICKERMAN E. J. Origines Gentium // CPh. 1952. Vol. 47. № 2. P. 65–81. BIEBER M. The Portraits of Alexander // GR. 1965. Vol. 12. № 2. BIEBER M. The History of the Greek and Roman Theater. Princeton, 1939. PP. 1–398. BIEBER M. The History of the Greek and Roman Theater. Princeton, 1939. PP. 399–466. BLAISE A. Dictionnaire Latin – Français des auteurs du moyen-age. Brepols, 1994. 970 p. BÖMER F. Rom und Troia. Baden-Baden, 1951. 128 S. BOND R. W. Lucan's 'Pharsalia' // GR. 1932. Vol. 1. № 3. BOND S. M. The Coinage of the Early Roman Empire // GR. 1957. Vol. 4. № 2. BOWERSOCK G. W. Momigliano's Quest for the Person // HT. 1991. Beiheft 30: The Presence of the Historian: Essays in Memory of Arnaldo Momigliano. Vol. 30. № 4. P. 27–36. BOYCE A. A. The Development of the Decemviri Sacris Faciundis // TPAPA. 1938. Vol. 69. P. 161–187. BRAIN P., SCINNER D. D. Odysseus and the Axes. Homeric Ballistics Reconstructed // GR. 1978. Vol. 25. № 1. BRAUND D. The Luxuries of Athenian Democracy // GR. 1994. Vol. 41. № 1. BRIDENTHAL R. Was There a Roman Homer? Niebuhr’s Thesis ant its Critics // HT. 1972. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 193– 213. BRINK C. O. Rec. on Lepore E. Il Princeps Ciceroniano e gli Ideali Politici della Tarda Reppublica // JRS. 1955. BRINK C. O.; WALBANK F. W. The Constructions of the Sixth Book of Polybius // CQ. 1954. Vol. 4. № ¾. P. 97–122. BRISCOE J. Rec. on Broughton T. R. S. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. III. Supplement // JRS. 1988. BRISCOE J. Rec. on Keaveney A. Sulla, the Last Republican // JRS. 1986. BRISCOE J. Supporters and Opponents of Tiberius Gracchus // JRS. 1974. BROUGHTON T. R. S. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. Vol. I. 509 B. C. – 100 B. C. Atlanta, Georgia. 1986. 578 P. BROWN R. Livy's Sabine Women and the Ideal of Concordia // TAPA. 1995. Vol. 125. P. 291–319. BRUERE R. T. Lucan and Petrarch’s Africa // CPh. 1961. Vol. 56. № 2. P. 83–99. BRUNT P. A. A Marxist View of Roman History // JRS .1982. BRUNT P. A. Cicero's Officium in the Civil War // JRS. 1986. BRUNT P. A. Italian Aims at the Time of the Social War // JRS. 1965. BRUNT P. A. Nobilitas and Novitas // JRS. 1982. BRUNT P. A. Princeps and Equites // JRS. 1983. BRUNT P. A. The Administrators of Roman Egypt // JRS. 1975. BRUNT P. A. The Aims of Alexander // GR. 1965. Vol. 12. № 2. BRUNT P. A. The Army and the Land in the Roman Revolution // JRS. 1962. BRYCE V. Religion as a Factor in the History of Empires // JRS. 1915. BUFFIERE F. Les Mythes d’Homère et la pensée grecque. Paris, 1956. 678 p. BURASELIS C. Rec. on Lintott A. Imperium Romanum. Politics and Administration // JRS. 1995. 2 BURN A. R. The Generalship of Alexander // GR. 1965. Vol. 12. № 2. BURNELL P. J. Aeneas' Reaction to the Defeat of Troy // GR. 1982. Vol. 29. № 1. BUTRICA J. L. Clodius the Pulcher in Catullus and Cicero // CQ. 2002. Vol. 52. № 2. C. LUCILII CARMINUM RELIQUAE. Ed. Fredericus Marx. Vol. I. Lipsiae, 1904. 438 p. CADOUX T. J. Marcus Crassus. A Revaluation // GR. 1955. Vol. 3. № 2. CADOUX T. J. Rec. on Rossi R. F., Buchheim H. // JRS. 1963. CARETTONI G. Excavations and Discoveries in the Forum Romanum and on the Palatine during the Last Fifty Years // JRS. 1960. Vol. 50. Part 1 and 2. P. 192–203. CAREY C. Legal Space in Classical Athens // GR. 1994. Vol. 41. № 2. CARNEY T. F. Notes on Plutarch's Life of Marius // CQ. 1955. Vol. 5. № 3–4. CARNEY T. F. The Flight and Exile of Marius // GR. 1961. Vol. 8. № 2. CARPENTER C. The Greek Alphabet Again // AJA. 1938. Vol. 42. № 1. P. 58–69. CARPENTER R. Phoenicians in the West // AJA. 1958. Vol. 62. № 1. P. 35–53. CARSON R. A. G. Caesar and the Monarchy // GR. 1957. Vol. 4. № 1. CARTER J. Rec. on Gesche H. Caesar, etc. // JRS. 1979. CARTER J. Rec. on Raaflaub K. A., Toher M. Between Republic and Empire. Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate // JRS. 1991. CARY M. A Forgotten Treaty between Rome and Carthage // JRS. 1919. CHADWICK J. 'Prehistoric Crete'. A Warning // GR. 1963. Vol. 10. № 1. CHAMPION C. Romans as : Three Polybian Speeches and the Politics of Cultural Indeterminacy // CPh. 2000. Vol. 95. № 4. P. 425–444. CHANTRAINE P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots. I – II. Paris, 1968. 1368 p. CHASSIGNET M. L'annalistique romaine. Les Annales des Pontifes. L'Annalistique ancienne (fragments). Paris, 1996. Tome I. 112 p. CHILVER G. E. F. The Aftermath of Caesar // GR. 1957. Vol. 4. № 1. CICERONIS TUSCULANARUM DISPUTATIONUM. Libri V. Ed. Max Pohlenz. Vol. I – II. 1965. CLARK G. Roman Women // GR. 1981. Vol. 28. № 2. CLARKE M. L. Poets and Patrons at Rome // GR. 1975. Vol. 25. № 1. COHEN D. Seclusion, Separation, and the Status of Women in Classical Athens // GR. 1989. Vol. 36. № 1. COLLINS H. P. Decline and Fall of Pompey the Great // GR. 1953. Vol. 22. № 66. COLVILE K. N. The Tale of Troy // GR. 1940. Vol. 10. № 28. P. 1–11. CORNELL T. J. Rome and Latium Vetus. 1974 – 1979 // Archaeological Reports. 1979 – 80. № 26. P. 71–89. CORNELL T. J. Rome and Latium Vetus. 1980 – 85 // Archaeological Reports. 1985 – 86. № 32. P. 123–133. CORNELL T. J.; SKUTCH O. Book VI of Ennius' Annals // CQ. 1987. Vol. 37. № 2. P. 512–516. Corrections to Ramsay W.M.'s Notes and Inscriptions from Asia Minor // AJAH. 1885. CRAKE J. E. A. The Annals of the Pontifex Maximus // CPh. 1940. Vol. 35. № 4. P. 375–386. CRAM R. V. The Roman Censors // HSCPh. 1940. Vol. 51. In Honor of William Scott Ferguson. P. 71–110. CRAWFORD M. H. Rec. on Gruen E. S. The Last Generation of the Roman Republic // JRS. 1976. CRAWFORD M. H. War and Finance // JRS. 1964. CROOK J. Rec. on Dobesch G. Caesars Apotheose zu Lebzeiten und Sein Ringen um den Konigstitel; Untersuchungen Uber Caesars Alleinherrschaft // JRS. 1967. CRUSIUS F. Römische Metrik. München, 1950. 148 p. CUFF P. J. Caesar the Soldier // GR. 195.7 Vol. 4. № 1. CUFFS P.J. Rec. on Carney T. F. // JRS. 1964. CUMONT F. After Life in Roman Paganisme. New York, 1959. 226 p. CUMONT F. Recherches sur le symbolisme funéraire des romains. Paris, 1942. 544 p. DALZIEL D. G. Alexander the Greater // GR. 1936. Vol. 5. № 14. Davidis Ruhnkenii Oratio. De Doctore Umbratico. Edidit HELGUS NIKITINSKI. Neapoli in aedibus vivarii. MMI. 92 p. DAVIS A. T. 'Cleopatra Rediviva' // GR. 1969. Vol. 16. № 1. DAVIS S. Cretan Hieroglyphs. New Light on the Trojans // GR. 1966. Vol. 13. № 2. DELLA CORTE F. La Lex Lindsay e i frammenti citati da Nonio; W. M. LINDSAY. De citationibus apud Nonium Marcellum; G. BARABI№ I tentativi metrici di Gottlieb Roeper [Varronis Saturae]; G. RANUCCI. Il libro XX delle Res Humanae di Varrone; F. DELLA CORTE. I Modelli di Nonio; A.M. MESTURINI. Ventus e la sua Proprietas in Nonio; E. SALVADORI. Il de genere navigiorum di Nonio (Lib XIII); D. CHURCHILL 3 WHITE. The Method of composition and sources of Nonius; FR. DELLA CORTE. Le due sorgenti cui attinge Nonio. Studi Noniani 6. P. 63-82; FERRUCCIO BERTINI. Nonio e Priscia№ Studi Noniani 3. P. 57–96. DELLA CORTE F. La Lex Lindsay e i frammenti citati da Nonio. W. M. LINDSAY. De citationibus apud Nonium Marcellum. G. RANUCCI. Il libro XX delle Res Humanae di Varrone. G. BARABI№ I tentativi metrici di Gottlieb Roeper [Varronis Saturae]. F. DELLA CORTE. I Modelli di Nonio. A. M. MESTURINI. ventus e la sua proprietas in Nonio. E. SALVADORI. Il de genere navigiorum di Nonio (Lib XIII). M. SCARSI. Naev. BP Fr.23 Mo ... LUGLI, UBALDO. "Portentum" in Nonio. M. F. BUFFA GIOLITO. Varrone e la vocis bonitas. DEN BOER W. Theseus. The Growth of a Myth in History // GR. 1969. Vol. 16. № 1. DEWITT N. J. Massilia and Rome // TPAPA. 1940. Vol. 71. P. 605–615. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker von F. JACOBY. Erster Teil. Genealogie und Mythographie. Leiden – New York – Köln. 1995. 314 p. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker von F. JACOBY. Zweiter Teil. Zeitgeschichte. Leiden – New York – Köln. 1986. 508 p. DIE FRAGMENTE DER VORSOKTRATIKER von H. Diels und W. Kranz. I – II. 1960. DILKE O. A. W. The Literary Output of the Roman Emperors // GR. 1957. Vol. 4. № 1. DIXON S. Polybius on Roman Women and Property // AJP. 1985. Vol. 106. № 2. P. 147–170. Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane per cura di Adriano Cappelli. Milano, 1998. 532 p. DODDS E. R. On Misunderstanding the 'Oedipus Rex' // GR. 1966. Vol. 13. № 1. DOLIN E. Thucydides on the Trojan War: A Critique of the Text of 1.11.1 // HSCPh. 1983. Vol. 87. P. 119–149. DOREY T. A. 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FREUND'S LATIN DICTIONARY revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. Oxford, 1958. 2020 p. FRIER B. W. Sulla's Propaganda. The Collapse of the Cinnan Republic // AJPh. 1971. Vol. 92. № 4. FRIER B. W. Licinius Macer and the Consules Suffecti of 444 B. C. // TAPA. 1975. Vol. 105. P. 79–97. FRIER B. W. Libri Annales Pontificum Maximorum: The Origins of the Annalistic Tradition. Rome, 1979. 346 p. FRY E. The Field of Cannae // EHR. 1897. Vol. 12. № 48. P. 748–752. GABBA E. True History and False History in Classical Antiquity // JRS. 1981. GABBA E. True History and False History in Classical Antiquity // JRS, Vol. 71, 1981. P. 50–62. GALINSKY G. K. Scipionic Themes in Plautus’ Amphitruo // TPAPA. 1966. Vol. 97. P. 203–235. GALINSKY G. K. The Anger of Aeneas // AJPh. 1988. Vol. 109. № 3. P. 321–348. GALINSKY G. K. Venus, Polysemy, and the Ara Pacis Augustae // AJA. 1992. Vol. 96. № 3. P. 457–475. GALINSKY G. K. Aeneas, Sicily and Rome. 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