Commission Implementing Decision

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Commission Implementing Decision


Brussels, XXX […](2011) XXX draft


of XXX

on the granting of financial aid to 3 research projects and 2 pilot projects concerning coal and 36 research projects, 2 pilot projects and 2 accompanying measures concerning steel and the rejection of 94 unsuccessful proposals, in accordance with Council Decision 2008/376/EC of 29 April 2008 on the adoption of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and on the multiannual technical guidelines for this programme; on the adoption of the Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel as referred to in Article 38 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC and on the modification of the cut-off dates of the continuously open call for proposals of the Programme as referred to in Article 25 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC for the years 2012 and 2013


of XXX

on the granting of financial aid to 3 research projects and 2 pilot projects concerning coal and 36 research projects, 2 pilot projects and 2 accompanying measures concerning steel and the rejection of 94 unsuccessful proposals, in accordance with Council Decision 2008/376/EC of 29 April 2008 on the adoption of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and on the multiannual technical guidelines for this programme; on the adoption of the Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel as referred to in Article 38 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC and on the modification of the cut-off dates of the continuously open call for proposals of the Programme as referred to in Article 25 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC for the years 2012 and 2013


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to the Protocol, annexed to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, on the financial consequences of the ECSC Treaty and on the Research Fund for Coal and Steel,

Having regard to Council Decision 2003/76/EC of 1 February 2003 establishing the measures necessary for the implementation of the Protocol, annexed to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, on the financial consequences of the expiry of the ECSC Treaty and on the Research Fund for Coal and Steel1,

Having regard to Council Decision No 2008/376/EC of 29 April 2008 on the adoption of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and on the multiannual technical guidelines for this programme2,

Having regard to Commission Decision C(2010)3652 of 11 June 2010 on the adoption of the financial report of the ECSC in liquidation at 31 December 2009,


(1) An open and continuous call for proposals was launched by Council Decision 2008/376/EC, with 15 September of each year being the cut-off date for the submission of proposals for evaluation.

(2) On the basis of the criteria laid down, the proposals received on 15 September 2010 were evaluated by the Commission with the assistance of independent experts and the Advisory Groups concerned referred to in Articles 20 to 23 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC.

1 OJ L 29, 5.2.2003, p. 22. 2 OJ L 130, 20.5.2008, p. 7.

EN 2 EN (3) The Commission has drawn up a list of the proposals adopted and has ranked them in order of merit.

(4) The Commission has drawn up Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel as referred to in Article 38 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC with the assistance of highly qualified experts appointed by the Commission as referred to in Articles 38 and 39 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC and the Advisory Groups concerned referred to in Articles 20 to 23 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC.

(5) The Commission has proposed to modify the cut-off dates of the continuously open call for proposals of the Programme as referred to in Article 25 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC for the years 2012 and 2013 due to the fact that the 15 September falls on a week-end for both years.

(6) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Coal and Steel Committee (COSCO), as foreseen in Article 41 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC. At a meeting held on 5 May 2011, the Committee gave a favourable opinion on the proposals submitted to it by the Commission.

(7) A provision setting aside EUR 60 929 750 to finance the Research Fund for Coal and Steel was entered in the balance sheet of the ECSC in liquidation at 31 December 2009. The amount of that provision corresponds to the revenue entered in item 6113 of the revenue statement and gives rise to the opening of additional credit lines divided into 27.2% for coal and 72.8% for steel. As a result, the commitment appropriations for 2011 on budget line 08.2302 for the research programme for coal and those on line 08.2301 for the research programme for steel amount to EUR 16 572 892 and EUR 44 356 858 respectively, to which should be added the unused remainder of the 2010 budget which was automatically carried over to 2011, as provided for by the legal basis of the Fund, namely EUR 661 980.44 and EUR 1 378 954.30 respectively.

(8) The sum of EUR 750 000 must be set aside as provision for financing the support and preparatory actions appropriate to the sound and effective management of the Programme and which will be undertaken in 2011, in particular those relating to the evaluation of the proposals received in 2010, the promotion of the Programme and the publication of reports in accordance with Article 18 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC, monitoring and assessment activities in accordance with articles 38 and 39 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC, other dissemination activities and any interest likely to be due in 2011 within the meaning of Article 106 of Commission Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities3.

(9) The total funds available are therefore EUR 17 030 872.44 for coal and EUR 45 189 812.30 for steel.

(10) The financial resources available in 2011 serve to finance the projects listed in Annex A1 and the projects listed in Annex B1.

3 OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p. 1.

EN 3 EN (11) The unused remainder of the 2011 budget will be automatically carried over to 2012, as provided for by the legal basis of the Fund.

(12) This Decision constitutes a financing decision within the meaning of Article 75 of Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities4, Article 90 of Commission Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 2342/2002 and Article 15 of the Internal Rules5.


Article 1

1. The sum of EUR 15 929 914 shall be granted as maximum financial aid to the projects concerning coal listed in Annex A1.

2. The sum of EUR 44 489 723 shall be granted as maximum financial aid to the projects concerning steel listed in Annex B1.

Article 2

Annexes A2 and B2 concerning coal and steel respectively are reserve lists. The projects appearing therein shall be eligible for funding up to a maximum amount in the order of priority stated in that list, in so far as reallocated appropriations become available during the current year. If no such appropriations become available, the proposals in these lists shall not receive funding.

Article 3

The projects appearing in Annexes A3 and B3, concerning coal and steel respectively, shall not receive funding.

Article 4

The sum of EUR 750 000 shall be set aside to finance the support and preparatory actions appropriate to the sound and effective management of the Programme and which will be begun in 2011, in particular those relating to the evaluation of the proposals received in 2011, the promotion of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and the publication of reports, the monitoring and assessment activities, other dissemination activities and any interest likely to be due in 2011 within the meaning of Article 106 of Commission Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 2342/2002. For actions not yet terminated in 2011, budgets may be awarded in 2012 from the amount of EUR 750 000 EUR set aside under this Article.

4 OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. 5 Internal rules on the implementation of the general budget of the European Union (Commission Section) for 2010 (C(2010)1858 final), adopted on 8 April 2010.

EN 4 EN Article 5

The Commission shall adopt Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel as referred to in Article 38 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC given in Annex C.

Article 6

The cut-off dates of the continuously open calls for proposals as referred to in Article 25 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC shall be modified for the years 2012 and 2013 to 18 September and 17 September respectively. The information shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels,

For the Commission Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN Member of the Commission


RFCS Coal Programme 2011 (Annex A1 - Final list of projects retained for funding)

Max EU Budget Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title Funding (€) (€)

1 RFC-PR-10010 TGC2 Hydrogen oriented underground coal 2.074.641 1.244.785 gasification for Europe - Environmental and Safety Aspects

2 RFC-PR-10016 TGC3 Development of scale-up methodology nd 2.690.872 1.614.524 simulation tools for the demonstration of PC-FLOX burner technology in full-scale utility boilers

3 RFC-PP-10015 TGC3 European network for component 23.893.488 9.557.396 integration and optimisation

4 RFC-PR-10007 TGC3 Efficient conversion of coal to electricity - 2.030.301 1.218.181 direct coal fuel cells

5 RFC-PP-10018 TGC1 Demonstration of process optimization for 4.590.053 2.295.028 increasing the efficiency and safety by integrating leading edge electronic information and communication technologies (ICT) in coal mines

Totals after negotiations 35.279.355 15.929.914

EN 6 EN RFCS Coal Programme 2011 (Annex A2 - Reserve list) Max EU Budget Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title Funding (€) (€) 6 RFC-PR-10008 TGC1 Stress measurement and analysis 4.204.021 2.522.412 investigation 7 RFC-PR-10004 TGC1 Enhanced effectiveness and safety of 2.755.114 1.653.069 rescuers involved in high risk activities by designing innovative rescue equipment systems 8 RFC-PR-10005 TGC1 Optimisation of underground mining 3.848.147 2.308.889 processes by using open ICT Totals 10.807.282 6.484.370

EN 7 EN RFCS Coal Programme 2011 (Annex A3 - Proposals not retained for funding) Budget Requested Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title (€) Funding (€) Below the threshold 9 RFC-PR-10017 TGC1 Advancing mining support 3.659.934 2.195.960 systems to enhance the control of highly stressed ground 10 RFC-PR-10009 TGC2 Adv CO2 capture techniques and 3.491.855 2.095.113 contaminants predictive control systems in carbonaceous materials gasification for an eco- friendly and highly efficient generation of electric energy 11 RFC-PR-10022 TGC1 Preliminary investigations for 3.130.325 1.820.421 pilot projects of in-situ coal conversion and subsequent CO2 storage in converted coal seams 12 RFC-PR-10019 TGC2 Methane oriented underground 5.030.057 2.957.150 gasification of coal combined with geological sequestration of carbon dioxide for Europe 13 RFC-PR-10003 TGC1 Electromagnetic coal face 3.754.235 2.252.541 environmental observation and recognition for feats in process optimization and occupational health and safety 14 RFC-PR-10013 TGC3 Future pollution control with wet 2.315.531 1.389.318 flue gas desulphurisation systems 15 RFC-PR-10020 TGC1 Perspectives for follow-up use in 3.688.718 2.213.231 mining areas 16 RFC-PR-10006 TGC2 Advanced hydrogen - carbon 2.454.336 1.472.601 dioxide technologies in coal upgrading processes 17 RFC-PR-10001 TGC3 Advanced CO2 Compression, 2.816.972 1.690.183 conditioning and transport technologies & system optimization software for coal- based CCS and EOR application 18 RFC-PR-10021 TGC3 Emission treatment and 3.955.040 2.160.967 component development of an integrated oxy boiler plant 19 RFC-PR-10014 TGC1 European brown coal quality 2.420.913 1.452.547 rating for product oriented utilisation 20 RFC-PR-10002 TGC1 Advancing Geotechnical 2.805.812 1.683.488 Instrumental and Monitoring for Stress Analysis and Rockburst Control

EN 8 EN 21 RFC-PR-10012 TGC3 Fate of trace elements in oxy- 3.509.945 2.105.966 combustion of coal (and other alternative fuels) 22 RFC-PR-10011 TGC1 The rules of the mining in the 2.954.160 1.772.496 vicinity of a fault zones

EN 9 EN RFCS Steel Programme 2011 (Annex B1 - Final list of projects retained for funding) Max EU Budget Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title Funding (€) (€) 1 RFS-PR-10046 TGS1 Hisarna experimental campaigns B and 11.212.004 6.727.202 C 2 RFS-P2-10077 TGS8 Prefabricated enduring composite 413.783 248.271 beams based on innovative shear transmission 3 RFS-PP-10115 TGS4 Intensive cooling in cold rolling 1.249.595 624.797 4 RFS-PR-10035 TGS8 Ultra low cycle fatigue of steel under 2.277.632 1.366.580 cyclic high-strain loading conditions 5 RFS-PR-10108 TGS9 Recovery of nickel from waste in 1.843.952 1.106.372 stainless steel industry 6 RFS-P2-10064 TGS8 Membrane action in fire design of 1.018.709 611.226 composite slab with solid and cellular steel beams - valorisation 7 RFS-PR-10014 TGS7 Combined corrosion and fatigue 1.768.888 1.061.333 strength of joined materials for body- in-white and structural automotive applications design 8 RFS-PR-10063 TGS9 Multichannel spectroscopy d 1.428.502 857.101 hyperspectral imaging for improved steel surface monitoring and cost savings 9 RFS-PR-10049 TGS1 Improved sinter mix preparation while 2.494.056 1.496.434 using challenging raw materials 10 RFS-PR-10098 TGS7 Steel design and high speed machining 1.915.161 1.149.096 aspects in the transition from case hardening to induction hardening of automotive transmissions 11 RFS-PR-10099 TGS9 Cost effective, reliable and safe acid 1.316.464 789.878 management at European pickling plants 12 RFS-PR-10030 TGS7 Steel sheet surfaces with enhanced 1.508.345 905.006 tactile feel 13 RFS-PR-10079 TGS8 Zero energy solutions for 928.652 557.191 multifunctional steel intensive commercial buildings 14 RFS-PR-10093 TGS4 Optimal control of shape and materials 2.052.732 1.231.640 properties 15 RFS-PR-10111 TGS5 Intelligent self-learning control of 2.113.670 1.268.203 levelling processes by use of soft sensor techniques to predict residual stress and flatness 16 RFS-PR-10028 TGS2 Intelligent cleanness controls in 1.407.643 844.586 secondary steelmaking by advanced off- and online process models 17 RFS-PR-10092 TGS8 Requirements for safe and reliable CO² 1.774.879 1.064.928 transportation pipeline

EN 10 EN 18 RFS-PR-10103 TGS4 Substitution of chrome plating for the 2.249.683 1.349.810 rolls of skin-pass mill 19 RFS-PR-10090 TGS9 Impact of long-term application of blast 1.904.134 1.142.480 furnace and steel slags as liming materials on soil fertility, crop yields and plant health 20 RFS-PR-10121 TGS8 Optimization of frames for effective 1.557.277 934.367 assembling 21 RFS-PR-10045 TGS3 Innovative process technology for ingot 2.049.802 1.229.880 casting by application of simulation and measuring techniques 22 RFS-PR-10118 TGS9 Technology-based assistance system 1.572.839 943.704 for production planning in stainless mills 23 RFS-PR-10025 TGS4 Tailoring and testing of novel work roll 2.441.125 1.464.675 developments for the early finishing stands of hot strip mills 24 RFS-PR-10008 TGS7 Durability of adhesively bonded 1.359.119 815.472 surfaces finished galvanised steels in corrosive environments 25 RFS-PR-10047 TGS3 Control of steel oxidation in reheating 1.195.272 717.163 operations carried out with alternative fuels and new combustion technologies 26 RFS-PR-10048 TGS3 kinetics of precipitation during 928.289 556.973 cotinuous casting of plate steels 27 RFS-PR-10033 TGS6 New advanced high strength steels by 2.168.534 1.301.120 the quencing and partitioning (Q&P) process 28 RFS-PR-10032 TGS7 Wear measurement methodology and 1.911.593 1.146.956 test facility to increase the efficiency of hot stamping for high performance component production 29 RFS-PR-10011 TGS7 Enhanced formability assessment of 1.831.925 1.099.155 AHSS sheets 30 RFS-PR-10020 TGS1 Investigations of measures for 1.354.331 812.599 extension of BF tuyere life time 31 RFS-PR-10071 TGS8 Seismic behaviour of steel storage 1.442.116 865.269 pallet racking systems 32 RFS-PR-10005 TGS3 Development of a toolbox for direct 2.481.352 1.488.811 defect prediction and reduction through the characterisation of the meniscus- slag bed behaviour and initial shell solidification in CC 33 RFS-PR-10002 TGS8 Safety of buried steel pipelines under 1.821.289 1.092.774 ground-induced deformations 34 RFS-PR-10024 TGS5 Property oriented design of hard 1.567.758 940.655 constituent hardness and morphology in continuously annealed/galvanised DP sheets 35 RFS-PR-10107 TGS5 Modelling of atmospheric corrosion of 1.327.462 796.477 steel protected by aluminium based alloys, applied by hot dip processing 36 RFS-PR-10102 TGS8 Bending resistance of steel tubes in 1.413.246 847.948 combiwalls

EN 11 EN 37 RFS-PR-10059 TGS6 Advanced high strength cold rolled 1.460.104 876.062 sheet steels (AHSS) with optimised profiling properties produced through different lines 38 RFS-PR-10037 TGS8 Fire design of steel members with 1.349.851 809.910 welded ot hot-rolled class 4 cross- section 39 RFS-PR-10029 TGS8 Thermal bridging atlas of steel 955.122 573.074 construction for improved energy efficiency of buildings 40 RFS-PP-10113 TGS5 On-line industrial waviness 1.549.090 774.545 measurement Totals after negotiations 74.615.980 44.489.723

EN 12 EN RFCS Steel Programme 2011 (Annex B2 - Reserve list) Max EU Budget Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title Funding (€) (€) 41 RFS-PR-10075 TGS4 Control of thermal distortions, using 1.351.259 810.755 advanced straightening techniques and damage avoidance in long products 42 RFS-PR-10003 TGS8 Risk assessment and mitigation of 1.940.879 1.164.527 brittle failure of connections in steel structures undergoing cyclic post- elastic deformations 43 RFS-PR-10019 TGS1 Chemical looping embedded as 1.504.321 767.969 natural ore reduction entity Totals 4.796.459 2.743.251

EN 13 EN RFCS Steel Programme 2011 (Annex B3 - Proposals not retained for funding) Requested Budget Ranking Proposal Nr TG Title Funding (€) (€) Above the threshold 44 RFS-PR-10066 TGS8 Concrete structures reinforced by 1.395.087 837.052 steel profiles 45 RFS-PR-10022 TGS2 Improving steelmaking processes 1.270.722 762.434 by enhancing thermal state ladle management 46 RFS-PR-10080 TGS4 Production of high surface-quality 1.980.507 1.188.304 hot strips using high-performance ceramic rolls and components 47 RFS-PR-10010 TGS2 Best cleanness of steel by reducing 1.742.361 1.045.417 the refractory corrosion/wear 48 RFS-PR-10109 TGS9 Intelligent control station for 1.225.813 735.488 improved quality management in flat steel production by a next generation decision support system 49 RFS-PR-10068 TGS4 Strip surface quality control at the 1.818.125 1.090.875 tandem mill with the roll mark system 50 RFS-PR-10117 TGS8 Robust impact design of steel and 1.470.437 882.262 composite structures 51 RFS-PR-10018 TGS3 Advanced measurements and 2.063.843 1.238.305 dynamic modelling for improved furnace operation and control 52 RFS-PR-10123 TGS8 Life cycle optimisation of flooring 1.156.146 693.688 systems with steel 53 RFS-PR-10009 TGS6 Precipitations in multiphase steels 1.331.735 799.041 54 RFS-PR-10083 TGS7 Steel tailor tubes 1.711.474 1.026.884 55 RFS-PR-10027 TGS6 Optimization of the in-use 1.785.968 1.071.581 properties of third generation of advanced high strength (AHSS): new processes and microstructures design concepts 56 RFS-PR-10042 TGS3 High efficiency low Nox BFG 2.017.883 1.210.730 based combustion systems in steel reheating furnaces 57 RFS-PR-10106 TGS4 Thermal stress optimised roll 1.234.898 740.938 material and intelligent cooling for wear reduction in long product rolling 58 RFS-PR-10040 TGS3 Advanced predictive control for 1.830.878 1.098.526 reheating furnaces 59 RFS-PR-10081 TGS6 Efficient small-scale steel 2.131.046 1.278.628 engineering cycle 60 RFS-PR-10089 TGS6 A fracture criterion for sheet metals 2.472.723 1.274.070 independent of deformation path 61 RFS-PR-10067 TGS9 Social value of steel 1.327.253 796.352

EN 14 EN 62 RFS-PR-10052 TGS8 Condition assessment and control 1.202.999 721.800 of industrial steel structures 63 RFS-PR-10016 TGS3 Enhanced product quality via 1.525.183 915.110 oxides containment in steel during tundish-casting by multi-physics modelling 64 RFS-PR-10012 TGS8 European pre-qualified steel joints 1.802.979 1.081.787 65 RFS-PR-10070 TGS4 Adaptive system for vibration 1.717.498 1.030.499 reduction in cold rolling mills 66 RFS-PR-10094 TGS9 Video mining fo European Steel 2.306.752 1.384.052 Industry 67 RFS-PR-10054 TGS8 innovative steel glass composite 1.520.416 912.250 structures for smart skins 68 RFS-PR-10050 TGS1 Optimisation of permeability bars 2.162.725 1.297.635 to customize sinter plants on changing demands 69 RFS-PR-10104 TGS5 Advanced combined technique for 1.131.051 678.631 the cooling and the stabilising of a freshly galvanised steel strip 70 RFS-PR-10039 TGS8 Fire walls in single-storey 1.344.289 806.573 commercial and industrial buildings in steel structures 71 RFS-PR-10105 TGS8 Advanced storage rack technology 1.649.478 989.687 72 RFS-PR-10088 TGS6 Properties and processing of 1.997.644 1.198.586 medium manganese multiphase steels 73 RFS-PR-10036 TGS5 High resolution investigations of 1.465.192 879.115 coatings 74 RFS-PR-10062 TGS9 Advanced surface and subsurface 1.150.238 690.143 analysis of organic nano-layers Below the threshold 75 RFS-PR-10053 TGS8 Intelligent and environmentally safe 1.156.358 693.815 steel pipelines 76 RFS-PR-10004 TGS8 Integrated "green" technologies in 1.206.101 723.661 industrial steel systems 77 RFS-PR-10114 TGS4 Mastering the scale behaviour of 1.673.534 1.004.121 new generation AHSS and HSLA steels in the finishing mill 78 RFS-PR-10058 TGS8 Low energy application of steel 1.881.477 1.128.887 technologies in buildings 79 RFS-PR-10100 TGS5 Optimal application conditions of 2.341.353 1.404.811 modern zinc-based coatings for automotive and building industry 80 RFS-PR-10021 TGS2 Dynamic stirring for further 1.105.254 663.152 enhancement of steel cleanness 81 RFS-PR-10119 TGS8 Advanced steels for sustainable 1.737.849 949.296 secondary roads safety barriers 82 RFS-PR-10101 TGS9 Improved metallurgical screening 2.401.826 1.441.095 of inclusions in process analysis by advanced OES/PDA techniques 83 RFS-PR-10069 TGS9 Efficient use of resources in steel 1.548.646 929.188 plants through process integration

EN 15 EN 84 RFS-PR-10095 TGS9 Qulaity and process monitoring 2.652.714 1.591.628 system for wire by surface and internal defect, and by prediction of final mechanical properties 85 RFS-PR-10034 TGS4 Improved monitoring and quality 1.164.216 698.529 control of heavy plate production by application of an integrated quality supervisory system 86 RFS-PP-10006 TGS2 Real time slag managing and 1.213.009 606.504 control in flat bath EAF operations 87 RFS-PR-10041 TGS1 Improved control of hearth 2.849.820 1.709.891 drainage: towards higher blast furnace process efficiency and hearth refractory lifetime 88 RFS-PR-10051 TGS8 Development of high strength C- 1.774.299 1.064.579 Mn steels and pipes for safe transport of gaseous hydrogen 89 RFS-PR-10096 TGS6 Electrical steel for highly efficient 1.435.308 861.185 electrical cars 90 RFS-PR-10044 TGS9 Landfill and stockpile assessment 2.645.665 1.587.399 and recovery 91 RFS-PR-10110 TGS9 Application of a factory wide and 1.326.971 796.181 product related energy database for energy reduction 92 RFS-PR-10026 TGS4 New generation of highly resistant 1.985.539 1.191.323 wear and thermal fatigue ceramic work and roller guide rolls for rod mill application 93 RFS-PR-10116 TGS5 Advanced cleaning before hot dip 1.130.987 678.592 galvanizing 94 RFS-PR-10007 TGS8 Performance-based earthquake 1.105.963 559.697 engineering analysis of short- medium span steel-concrete composite bridges 95 RFS-PR-10043 TGS9 Green plant-based corrosion 1.712.558 1.027.535 inhibitors for cooling water systems in steelmaking facilities 96 RFS-PR-10078 TGS8 Energy efficient envelope solutions 1.321.702 793.022 for single-storey commercial buildings in steel 97 RFS-PR-10076 TGS8 Technologies to extend duration of 1.341.586 804.951 bridge life cycles 98 RFS-PR-10061 TGS8 Industry adapted design solutions 1.326.977 796.186 for complex steel joints 99 RFS-PR-10001 TGS8 A performance-based engineering 1.615.232 969.140 approach for the seismic and fire resistance of light gauge steel frame houses 100 RFS-PR-10038 TGS9 setting of guidelines for 1.056.923 634.154 environmental friendly reuse or recycling of EAF and LF slags

EN 16 EN 101 RFS-PR-10122 TGS8 Dynamic behaviour and economic, 1.582.179 949.307 durable design of composite framebridges with integral abutments in high speed railway lines 102 RFS-PR-10112 TGS8 Design of steel and composite 1.335.339 801.203 structures with limited ductility requirements for optimized performances in moderate earthquake areas 103 RFS-PR-10087 TGS6 Computer-aided process and 1.959.612 1.175.767 property design for high strength steel profiles 104 RFS-PP-10074 TGS9 Virtual training for steel industry 1.508.655 754.327 conditions 105 RFS-PR-10082 TGS5 Development of superior Zn-Al- 2.045.254 1.065.891 Mg-alloy based coatings for hot-dip galvanizing of steel with flux technology 106 RFS-PR-10091 TGS7 Improved efficiency and 1.771.136 1.062.683 effectiveness of hot forming process for the production of ultra high strength steel (UHSS) components 107 RFS-PR-10023 TGS8 Optimized production and control 989.990 593.994 of formed and shaped steel reinforcement for safe and economic structure 108 RFS-PR-10086 TGS7 New methods for high-quality 1.353.496 812.098 resistance spot welded joints by process integrated thermo mechanical microstructure treatment 109 RFS-PR-10055 TGS6 New flexible cooling strategies 1.248.694 749.217 addressed to optimization of microstructures for improving mechanical features in high carbon wire rod 110 RFS-PP-10015 TGS2 Lance with advanced nozzle 757.832 378.917 concept enhancement 111 RFS-PR-10031 TGS6 New developments and 1.494.436 896.662 optimisation of high strength boron treated steels through the application of advanced boron monitoring techniques 112 RFS-PR-10060 TGS2 Recovery energy and produce 453.729 229.934 power in electric arc furnace 113 RFS-P2-10120 TGS8 Dissemination of INNOGLAST 238.226 142.935 114 RFS-PR-10072 TGS2 Innovative tools for advanced EAF 1.241.888 745.133 management 115 RFS-PR-10084 TGS7 Fatigue life improvement of 1.584.281 950.568 automotive components through the application of deep cryogenic treatments

EN 17 EN 116 RFS-PR-10056 TGS6 Amorphous steel sheets 1.915.874 1.149.524 117 RFS-PR-10097 TGS8 Innovative and cost effective 2.182.654 1.309.593 solutions for deepwater offshore wind farms 118 RFS-PR-10057 TGS6 Nanoparticle addition into molten 1.672.378 1.003.426 steel 119 RFS-PR-10065 TGS8 Improvement of properties by 2.166.283 1.299.769 thermal-mechanical processing technology of P92 pipes and welded joints 120 RFS-PR-10073 TGS8 Improvement of procedures and 1.808.323 1.084.994 methods for adhesive pipe bonding for use in pipelines and civil engineering Proposals not eligible 121 RFS-PP-10013 TGS3 Vacuum or inert atmopshere ingot 1.809.329 904.666 casting 122 RFS-PR-10017 TGS3 Influence of composition and 1.494.007 896.405 continuous casting parameters on the precipitation of microalloyed particles of B microalloyed and mn alloyed steel grades 123 RFS-PR-10085 TGS8 Behaviour of steel structures in fire 1.611.985 967.192 after earthquake

EN 18 EN ANNEX C: Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel

Terms of Reference for the Monitoring of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel


The legal basis of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) is outlined in the Council Decision n° 2008/376/EC of 29 April 2008, published in the Official Journal of 20 May 2008 ref. OJ L 130/7, laying down the multi-annual technical guidelines for this programme.

As foreseen in article 38 of this decision the Research Programme shall be subject to a monitoring exercise, including an assessment of the expected benefits. A report on that exercise shall be issued by the end of 2013, and thereafter every seven years. These reports shall be made public on the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) or a corresponding website.

The findings will provide an input to a review of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and a possible revision of the multi-annual technical guidelines.

This monitoring is carried out in parallel with an assessment exercise of the Research Programme. Reports on both exercises shall be issued by the end of 2013.


The scope of this exercise is to monitor the Research Programme since 2003. The monitoring shall encompass all aspects of the operation of the Research Programme as such including the obtaining of the programme objectives and to draw, if needed, any recommendation for improvement.

However, the assessment of the individual projects is covered by the assessment exercise of the Research Programme which is running in parallel. The result of the monitoring will feed into the assessment exercise.


The main objectives of the monitoring exercise are:  to analyse the functioning of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel  in light of the above-mentioned analysis, to draw any recommendations of relevance for the improvement of the operation of the programme and its effectiveness, thus paving the way to a possible revision of the multi-annual technical guidelines of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel  to assess the expected benefits of the Research Programme

EN 19 EN The monitoring is meant to encompass all aspects of the operation of the research programme. Special attention shall be paid to the following:  Programme objectives: o Meeting the research objectives for coal and steel sector o Positioning, complementarities and synergy of the programme objectives with the research framework programme(s) and relevant Technology Platforms, e.g. the Steel Technology Platform or the Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant

 Main framework: o Allowable actions, i.e. research, pilot and demonstration projects, accompanying measures, support and preparatory actions o Participation, notably as regards the number of participants, the different undertakings, research institutes or natural persons from the EU member states, candidate and third countries o Eligible costs, calculation methods o Submission date for proposals (annual timetable) o Use of instruments available enabling to focus on specific areas and actions o Size of projects (budget) o Coverage of programme objectives by projects o Composition and role of the coal and steel advisory and technical groups o Relation and mutual communication between the Commissions Services, the Coal and Steel Committee (COSCO), the Coal and Steel Advisory Groups (CAG, SAG) and the Technical Groups

 Implementation of the programme: o Information to proposers o Proposal preparation and submission duties including the required documents o Proposals evaluation process o Selection of proposals o Negotiation of proposals o Grant Agreement and contracting approach o Time to contract o Alterations in projects o Monitoring of projects o Technical and financial reporting o Dissemination of results (Publications, workshops etc)

Special attention shall be paid to any possible simplification of the current procedures and to any possible reduction of administrative work for the Commission and the beneficiaries.


The monitoring shall be carried out by data analysis, evaluation of reports, consultation of the concerned Technical Groups (TGs), site visits and interviews with selected beneficiaries and

EN 20 EN other stakeholders according to a common methodology, which should be simple and comprehensive. The methodology will comprise:  Key items for the short questionnaire to be used for interviews with the Technical Groups  Questionnaire to be used for interviews with selected beneficiaries and other stakeholders  Statistical analysis of data and evaluation of reports provided by the Commission


A common Expert Committee (ExCo) for both the assessment and the monitoring exercise will be established by the Commission composed of appointed experts nominated by the Advisory Groups. The ExCo will appoint a Chairman who will prepare and follow the planning, control the progress against the key milestones and ensure the preparation of the reports to the Commission. The Commission will provide the secretariat for the ExCo meetings. Representatives of the Commission may attend the ExCo meetings as observers. The Expert Committee will be responsible for the execution of the exercises. For this purpose it will:  Prepare the Terms of Reference (ToR) which shall be approved by the Commission  Divide the work according to the Technical Groups, if appropriate  Recommend the nomination of additional specific Technical Experts (not being member of the ExCo) to assist in specified tasks, if necessary  Approve Rapporteurs for all major tasks who may be assisted by members of the ExCo or by Technical Experts as necessary. The Rapporteurs shall draw up working plans for the implementation of their tasks which shall be approved by the ExCo.  Appoint a Rapporteur to develop a common methodology for the exercise. After approval of the proposed methodology by the ExCo it will form the basis of the exercise.  Approve a Rapporteur for the intermediate reports and the Final Report. He is responsible for all these reports. He will propose the structures of these reports to the Expert Committee for approval and finalise the reports.  Approve a Main Rapporteur for the common Final Report comprising the monitoring and the assessment exercise, if any  Review, comment on and approve the working plans of the Rapporteurs  Review, comment on and accept the draft Final Report  Approve the Final Report and submit it to the Commission  Ensure the mutual communication between the Rapporteurs  Deal with and make decisions around any issues that might arise

Each Rapporteur will decide how to collect the information in compliance with the methodology approved by the ExCo. He will organize the work, report to the ExCo and compile the report on his specific task as contribution to the Final Report.

The Commission will provide the appointment letters for the members of the ExCo and the Technical Experts. The Commission will also provide a mechanism for the prior approval of the necessary meetings and visits of the experts.


EN 21 EN The Rapporteurs and the Technical Experts shall be independent, have a recognised experience in the coal and steel sector and the Research Programme and come from EU member states. They must act impartially in an independent and confidential manner in their personal capacity and apply to the best of their ability their professional skills, knowledge and ethics.


The major outputs of the monitoring exercise to be submitted to the Commission are:  An intermediate report to be presented to the Commission before October 2011  A Final Report to be submitted to the Commission before 2013.

The Final Report shall include an analysis of findings and a set of conclusions and recommendations reflecting the objectives of the monitoring on the basis of evidence. The main section of the Final Report should be prefaced by a largely self-contained executive summary not exceeding 5 pages. The Final Report shall be written in English and be provided to the Commission electronically. No confidential information may be included as it will be published. The Final Report shall be prepared in two iterations:  A draft version which shall be discussed with the Commission and the Expert Committee in order to discuss and validate the preliminary results obtained, to benefit from the feedback, comments and suggestions and to ensure the full relevance and usefulness.  A final version which shall take into account the remarks made.

A combined Final Report comprising both the results of the monitoring and the assessment exercises may be produced on request of the Commission by a Main Rapporteur.

The Expert Committee will recommend the Final Report signed off by each member to the Commission Services.


As foreseen in article 38 of the multi-annual technical guidelines the Final Report shall be published. The Commission will arrange for this publication and any further forwarding, distribution, exploitation or follow up.


The Commission Services shall provide all necessary information and material to enable the expert to carry out a qualified monitoring, i.e. give access to documentation available on the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel including inter alia:

Legal basis background information, information package (latest and previous editions), manual of evaluation procedures, consensus reports, minutes of meetings of COSCO, CAG, SAG and Technical Groups, Technical Group chairmen’s annual reports, annual review(s)

EN 22 EN already carried out since the start of the Research Programme, Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Perspectives of European Coal and Steel Research.


10/03/2011 Start monitoring exercise

25/03/2011 Delivery draft Terms of Reference (ToR) to the Commission for consultation with CAG and SAG

15/04/2011 Delivery of revised Draft ToR to the Commission for consultation with COSCO

20/04/2011 Working group ToR meeting; to review the first draft common methodology

15/06/2011 Circulation of the draft common methodology to ExCo

30/06/2011 ExCo meeting to review the draft common methodology

September 2011 Delivery of an intermediate report to the Commission for review

December 2011/January 2012 Information to CAG and SAG

Q3 / 2012 Delivery of draft Final Report

Q1 /2013 Delivery of draft combined Final Report, if any

Mid 2013 Delivery of Final Report to the Commission

End of 2013 The Commission publishes Final Report

EN 23 EN Terms of Reference for the Assessment of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel


The legal basis of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) is outlined in the Council Decision n° 2008/376/EC of 29 April 2008, published in the Official Journal of 20 May 2008 ref. OJ L 130/7, laying down the multi-annual technical guidelines for this programme.

As foreseen in article 38 of this decision the Research Programme shall be subject to an assessment exercise on completion of the projects financed during every period of seven years. The benefits of the RTD to society and to the relevant sectors shall also be assessed. The assessment report shall be published.

The findings will provide an input to a review of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and a possible revision of the multi-annual technical guidelines.

This assessment is carried out in parallel with a monitoring exercise of the Research Programme. Reports on the exercises shall be issued by the end of 2013.


The scope of this exercise is to assess the projects of the Research Programme which were completed between 2003 and 2010 and for which the Final Publishable Report has been accepted by the Commission Services. The assessment shall encompass all aspects of the operation and results of the individual projects.

However, the functioning of the Research Programme as such including the obtaining of the programme objectives is covered by the monitoring exercise running in parallel. The result of the monitoring will feed into this assessment exercise.


The assessment should address the following questions:  To what extend do the projects meet the programme research objectives?  How far did the projects achieve their individual objectives (scientific, technical and economical success)  Did the project provide benefit to the relevant sector or society?  Is it possible to quantify the benefit and if so, what is it?  To what extend and how have the project results been exploited?  Did administrative hurdles (e.g. management of extensions) exist and, if so, how did they influence the project implementation, management and success?  Which percentage of projects was stopped prematurely and for which reasons?  Can common reasons be identified for the success or failure of projects?

EN 24 EN  Have the research results been adequately disseminated?  Which recommendations can be drawn from these findings for the improvement of the Research Programme?


The assessment shall be carried out by consulting the concerned Technical Groups (TGs) and by the evaluation of reports, site visits and interviews with selected beneficiaries and other stakeholders according to a methodology which should be simple, comprehensive and applicable to all projects to be assessed. The methodology will comprise:  A short questionnaire to be used for interviews with the TGs covering also monitoring aspects  The selection criteria for projects to be assessed in more detail  A full questionnaire to be used for interviews with selected beneficiaries and other stakeholders  Metrics to be used in order to produce comparable results (if possible).

The methodology shall be based on the following principles:  Screening of all completed projects (executive summary of the Final Publishable Report)  Identification and description of benefits to the sector and society.  Deeper assessment of representative samples of projects selected, e.g. by coverage of Technical Groups, budget, kind of activity, consortium size and composition (as regards the different undertakings, research institutes or natural persons from the EU member states, candidate and third countries), and stoppage or extension.


A common Expert Committee (ExCo) for both the assessment and the monitoring exercise will be established by the Commission composed of appointed experts nominated by the Advisory Groups. The ExCo will appoint a Chairman who will prepare and follow the planning, control the progress against the key milestones and ensure the preparation of the reports to the Commission. The Commission will provide the secretariat for the ExCo meetings. Representatives of the Commission may attend the ExCo meetings as observers. The Expert Committee will be responsible for the execution of the exercises. For this purpose it will:  Prepare the Terms of Reference (ToR) which shall be approved by the Commission  Divide the work according to the Technical Groups, if appropriate  Recommend the nomination of additional specific Technical Experts (not being member of the ExCo) to assist in specified tasks, if necessary  Approve Rapporteurs for all major tasks who may be assisted by members of the ExCo or by Technical Experts as necessary. The Rapporteurs shall draw up working plans for the implementation of their tasks which shall be approved by the ExCo.  Appoint a Rapporteur to develop a common methodology for the exercise. After approval of the proposed methodology by the ExCo it will form the basis of the exercise.  Approve a Rapporteur for the intermediate reports and the Final Report. He is responsible for all these reports. He will propose the structures of these reports to the Expert Committee for approval and finalise the reports.

EN 25 EN  Approve a Main Rapporteur for the common Final Report comprising the monitoring and the assessment exercise, if any  Review, comment on and approve the working plans of the Rapporteurs  Review, comment on and accept the draft Final Report  Approve the Final Report and submit it to the Commission  Ensure the mutual communication between the Rapporteurs  Deal with and make decisions around any issues that might arise

Each Rapporteur will decide how to collect the information in compliance with the methodology approved by the ExCo. He will organize the work, report to the ExCo and compile the report on his specific task as contribution to the Final Report.

The Commission will provide the appointment letters for the members of the ExCo and the Technical Experts. The Commission will also provide a mechanism for the prior approval of the necessary meetings and visits of the experts.


The Rapporteurs and the Technical Experts shall be independent, have a recognised experience in the coal and steel sector and the Research Programme and come from EU member states. They must act impartially in an independent and confidential manner in their personal capacity and apply to the best of their ability their professional skills, knowledge and ethics.


The major outputs of the assessment exercise to be submitted to the Commission are:  A first intermediate report and a review to be presented to the Commission  A second intermediate report for review and consultation in TGs, CAG and SAG  A Final Report

The Final Report shall include an analysis of findings and a set of conclusions and recommendations reflecting the objectives of the assessment on the basis of evidence. The main section of the Final Report should be prefaced by a largely self-contained executive summary not exceeding 5 pages. The Final Report shall be written in English and be provided to the Commission electronically. No confidential information may be included as it will be published. The Final Report shall be prepared in two iterations:  A draft version which shall be discussed with the Commission and the Expert Committee in order to discuss and validate the preliminary results obtained, to benefit from the feedback, comments and suggestions and to ensure the full relevance and usefulness.  A final version which shall take into account the remarks made.

A combined Final Report comprising both the results of the assessment and the monitoring exercises may be produced on request of the Commission by a Main Rapporteur.

EN 26 EN The Expert Committee will recommend the Final Report signed off by each member to the Commission Services.


As foreseen in article 38 of the multi-annual technical guidelines the Final Report shall be published. The Commission will arrange for this publication and any further forwarding, distribution, exploitation or follow up.


The Commission Services shall provide all necessary information and material to enable the experts to carry out a qualified assessment, i.e. give access to documentation available on the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel including inter alia:

Legal basis background information, information package (latest and previous editions), manual of evaluation procedures, consensus reports, minutes of meetings of COSCO, CAG, SAG and Technical Groups, Technical Group chairmen’s annual reports, annual review(s) already carried out since the start of the Research Programme, Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Perspectives of European Coal and Steel Research.


10/03/2011 Start assessment exercise

25/03/2011 Delivery draft Terms of Reference (ToR) to the Commission for consultation with CAG and SAG

25/03/2011 Circulation of draft short questionnaire to be used with TGs to ExCo

08/04/2011 Comments of ExCo to draft short questionnaire

15/04/2011 Delivery of revised Draft ToR to the Commission for consultation with COSCO

20/04/2011 Approval of final short questionnaire for distribution to TGs in due time before the TG meetings

20/04/2011 Working group ToR meeting; to review the first draft common methodology

May/June 2011 Consultation of TGs

15/06/2011 Circulation of the draft common methodology and full questionnaire to ExCo

30/06/2011 ExCo meeting to review the draft common methodology and full questionnaire

End of November 2011 Delivery of a first intermediate report to the Commission for review

EN 27 EN December 2011/January 2012Information to CAG, SAG

March/April 2012 Review of assessment progress

Mid 2012 Second intermediate report for review and consultation in TGs, CAG, SAG

Q3 2012 Delivery of draft Final Report

Q1 2013 Delivery of draft combined Final Report to the Commission, if any

Mid 2013 Delivery of Final Report to the Commission

End of 2013 The Commission publishes Final Report

EN 28 EN

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