Broadways Terminales – page 148 - Worksheet on ‘A new member in the family’

Type of document: ______

Source: ______

Date (in full) : ______

Writer: ______Gender: ______

The New York Times is printed every day in ______and it is ______by 1.2 m people.

Complete the following summary with the words below.

This article is about a new ______on the use of the Internet in ______.

The study only mentions the ______side effects of the Internet on people.

The ______, Janna Malamud Smith, ______of the idea that the Web makes people more antisocial. She doesn’t ______that this technology is harmful, addictive or ______.

She wants to ______the positive aspects of having direct Internet access at home.

According to her, it ______numerous advantages...

author / believe / dangerous / disapproves / negative / offers / stress / study / the USA

Pick out information

How long the average American spends online very week:

The Internet is presented as being as dangerous as :

According to the study, the main danger of this technology is :

Thanks to the Internet, the author can:

- ______online instead of wasting time in shopping-malls.

- ______with her friends from foreign countries.

- ______her holidays in Spain.

- ______old books she can’t find in bookshops.

- ______exercices to keep fit.

Thanks to the Internet, her son is able to:

- ______with his schoolmates.

- ______music, movies and games.

According to the writer, the main problem is in fact people’s ______due to urbanization, the

suburbs, the long commutes to the work place.

She denounces society’s failure to make everyone feel ______. Vocabulary – Match the two colums

§1 (l. 2) the monthly bill culpabiliser (l. 5) average de la viande rouge (l. 6) I relish du lait entier (l. 8) feel bad about it je savoure (l. 8) Bourbon la facture mensuelle (l. 8) red meat moyen, typique, lambda (l. 9) whole milk whisky américain

§2 (l. 11) lonelier agravée (l. 12) already amorphe (l. 15) worsening déjà (l. 16) deadened plus solitaire

§3 (l. 18) miss à se traîner (l. 18) fighting avoir grand besoin (l. 19) shopping-mall centre commercial (l. 19) crowds hausser les épaules (l. 22) trudging les foules (l. 22) clerks marmonner (l. 22) shrug their shoulders se battre (l. 23) mutter trouver à manquer (l. 24) crave vendeurs, employés

§3 (l. 24) keep in touch à l’autre bout de la planète (l. 25) halfway around the world acquis (l. 25) tracked d’occasion (l. 27) purchased épuisé (l. 27) out of print garder le contact (l. 27) secondhand honteusement (l. 28) a knee j’ai relevé (l. 29) outings sorties (l. 24) shamefully un genou

§4 (l. 30) ecstatic en extase (l. 32) block pâté de maison (l. 32) hang out traîner, sortir

§5 (l. 35) surveyed dans les deux sens (l. 36) worse pire (l. 37) two-way questionnés, interrogés, sondés

§6 (l. 38) concerns donner une tape (l. 40) nag harceler, asticoter (l. 41) pat inquiétudes, soucis (l. 42) powerful tool puissant outil §7 (l. 43) suburbs déplacements (l. 44) commutes éloignés (l. 45) far apart la banlieue

§8 (l. 49) valued appréciés (l. 49) failure citoyens (l. 49) citizens échec (l. 49) predated était antérieur à

§9 (l. 52) harm dégâts (l. 52) addressing mal, tort, dommage (l. 52) drive us apart nous séparent (l. 53) damage s’attaquer à

In my opinion

The advantages of the Internet (or Information Technology in general):

I can ______

I am able to ______

It allows me to ______

It permits me to ______

It enables me to ______

Thanks to the Internet, I ______

Through the Internet, I ______

With the Internet, I ______

The drawbacks and the dangers:






